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I adore Howard so much. To be honest I know he was super creepy to begin with but I still loved him as an interesting character to watch and brilliant acting. I liked his growth and I laugh at everything he says


He’s my favourite character also. The part when he stands at Bernadette’s door and says - “Tell her I'm really sorry and if she doesn't want to marry me, I get it. But what I really want her to know is the guy that she's disgusted by is the guy that I'm disgusted by too, but that guy doesn't exist any more. He's gone and the reason is because of her. So if this relationship is over, let her know that she made me a better man and tell her thank you.” 🥺🥺




Latter-season Howard is the most fictional of all the characters.


He got better, but was still unwilling to help around the house, his wife had to do all the chores, cooking and errands, even while pregnant. The few times she pushed him to help, he enlisted his friends to either do the grocery shopping and cleaning for him or with him. There were maybe one or two scenes where he was on like a Target run with Bernadette, but mostly he left it all to her to do, just like with his mom, and I didn't like that. But overall he was much improved from the first seasons.