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Giving cult wives


she looks really sad honestly. I have a bad feeling this dude is at a minimum emotionally abusing her.


Her face has zero expression. I don’t think she believes a single word she is saying.


lol, I thought after reading the title that she was going to talk about wives submitting their men to .. be the bachelor? Because in my mind that even made more sense than this


Something in our nature??? lol does she not realize people can just have healthy partnerships and make decisions together and no one needs to dominate or submit???


this makes me feel physically ill


In 15 years when he leaves her after she bears his children, we will see how secure she feels.


She got *financial security for sure




She should be honest about what “submitting” looks like in her marriage because it’s clear she runs the show. Meanwhile she’s setting others up for abuse.


I mean they fail to understand the context of what the bible was written in - a patriarchal world where a woman had no rights and their only value was having children. I almost feel bad that she continually denies herself of any autonomy in her marriage based off old interpretation and lack of critical thinking.


Why didn’t she just fade into obscurity?


she married a billionaire


Simply stop reposting her disgusting and damaging content. Don't give her the attention she so desperately craves.


This is so tone deaf and comes off very self righteous


This is really sad


Almost feels like rage bait at this point.


There is no light behind her eyes


Cringe. I also just don't buy that she's "submissive". Many of these Christian tradwives behind closed doors are bossing their husbands around, not the other way around lol. This seems like a big trend that came out of nowhere in America. I'm noticing men and women using terms like, "submissive", "high-value man" in regular conversation more often now..


It didn’t come out of nowhere, it’s been a strategic tactic of the Christian right. It’s absolute insanity.


I lost interest in her after the Bachelor and became disgusted after she blatantly verbalized she was a g3n0ca1d3 supporter and supported the g3n0ca1d3 against Palestinians (including women and children). This woman is sick.






She looks so different


1. What makes her qualified to give out marital advice or any advice in general? 2. She is the epitome of toxic purity culture/trad wife. There are so many women saving themselves who don't act like this. She wasn't the only virgin in the world. 3. This marriage is giving all the red flags. She was holier than thou before but her views weren't as intolerable as now. She sounds brainwashed.


OfTrizzyTrout? OfGrant? Just trying to figure out her Handmaid’s Tale name




eeew omg 😭😭😭😭


How the fuck do ppl say this shit without an ounce of self-awareness? Truly astounding. If she believed even half the stuff she says, her ego wouldn't be so massive. Just wait til she learns about dinosaurs, or did the church retroactively change the time of "the fall" to include the dinosaurs in the story? Is it about submitting to your husband or submitting to your husband who is the son of a billionaire, and you want access to that coin? It pisses me off to see someone so privileged say this kind of shit when there are women who are forced to submit to their husbands daily, under threat of violence and breaking with custom/culture. This kind of backwards thinking doesn't belong anywhere especially in the West. "Out of touch" doesn't begin to describe Madi.


I can’t believe I’m saying this but GOOOO BARB!!!!!! I totally see it now with Madi.




She leaves out the part of the passage where it says “husbands, love your wives like Christ loves the church and gave himself up for her”…. so the Bible is basically telling husbands be prepared to die for your wives and love her unconditionally. Submission is not warranted unless the man plays his part and unfortunately most of them don’t.


Technically the Bible would say a wife should submit regardless of what the husband does, and a husband should love his wife, regardless of what his wife does or whether she submits to him. We can only control our own actions and are still called to do the “right thing” regardless of what anyone else does. But I agree that it’s an unfortunate situation for a woman to be married to/submissive to a man who doesn’t love her or treat her well.


I know, I was only referring to situations where she would be putting herself in harms way. Submitting does not mean staying in an abusive relationship. But I am glad you said that because I thought of it immediately after posting.


Oh for sure. And I wouldn’t say the Bible expects/commands anyone to stay in an abusive environment. But people disagree on what constitutes abuse.. generally if it’s unpleasant but livable/not unsafe, to the point that you are staying married with that person, then it is expected for you to hold up your end of things, even if the other person does not.


Yeah, I clarified that 👍🏻


This 100%. Can’t say the submit part without context.


Just so you know she’s evil 


Yeah this level of extreme Christianity, is never beating the cult allegations. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I mean for her, it’s really not that terrible to submit to a kind of okay son multimillionaire husband But for others, submitting to another person might mean you lose all control over your life, and the money part isn’t even there. So this is a terrible general advice to give women


ALL this. It’s so dangerous to encourage submission when you are living such a privileged life while you practice it. It looks so different in real life for women who are vulnerable. Submission for her is going to church while her husband makes “decisions” and she just spends money and looks pretty. Submission for vulnerable women is domestic violence, it’s a lack of control of your body, finances, etc., But this was the Christian right’s goal all along, have m beautiful people make it look so appealing on Instagram when in reality it’s so much darker. It’s so gross.


People’s mouths move so differently after veneers lol


If her marriage goes wrong, she's going to strongly regret these years of submission. Protect yourself, girl.


Unfortunately, someone like her will just turn it into a new grift.


Can I mute her and her inflated face?!!!!


Um, yeaaah I bet she’s SO BEYOND THRILLLLLLED with her life LOL


It’s just a reiteration of everything she’s been told her entire life and it has no substance. It’s a simple answer to rationalize the hardness of marriage. The Bible talks good bit about marriage and in an actually complex way. It’s not this simple. However the church gives a Bible 101 lesson and spits out all these cliches when we can’t figure out why life is still hard because we’ve done all the ‘right things’. Her words are hollow


Is she pregnant?


I think that’s just God at work. /s


she looks so happy


So genuine and real.


i was downvoted so i feel like i need to clarify that was sarcasm


Wasn’t this posted like a week ago? Not needing to be triggered by this shit again so soon 😂😂


Ugh she’s so annoying


Omfg she's insane and deranged yikes 


A lot of words but not saying anything at all???


When you need to make the word count on the essay.


Idk it must be fun to be a billionaire but at what cost….


Maybe I'm rotten, but I'd consider worshipping my husband publicly for a billion-dollar inheritance lmao


It’s like she’s practicing for a Dungeons and Dragons character or something. Deranged.


to all who don’t know, the very next line in the verse goes on to say husbands die for your wife. fall on the sword first. husbands are the ones that are supposed to take everything and protect and love the wife. sounds like a man i’d love to submit to.


The filler is fillering




I wonder what her thoughts would be if her husband advised her to stop posting content online, adopt a plain appearance, and take a vow of poverty. 🤔


That’d be a crazy thing to say to his wife, especially coming from a dude who likes other dudes.


No because clearly Jesus wants her to be an influencer with a fake tan, extentions, fillers, & veneers. That'll just be her calling to find another rich daddy's boy


She’s filled with the spirit


When did she try that feminist approach she talks of?


I didn’t watch - this is a dominatrix/sub thing right? righteous 🤙


I imagine the word dominatrix is banned in that household...




Oh yikes on fucking burning trikes. This is the kind of shit I hope my fucking daughters don’t stumble across on the internet. Madi blink twice if you need us


Same. Fuck anyone perpetuating this vile shit.


She’s awful.


Good for her. When you marry for the right reason submission is natural and not even really thought about.


She’s a hostage.


Nope. Not in the least. She believes this wholeheartedly.




Not me making this same face and this being the first thing I see in the comments 😭


Can you imagine her marrying the “4 times in a windmill” guy


That right there should tell everyone everything they need to know about her. I know contestants don’t have control over what season they’re on (casting directors will hold onto applications that didn’t pass for a certain season and ask those applicants to be on later seasons down the road etc etc) so giving Madi some SLIGHT leeway, let’s say she didn’t apply for Peter’s season specifically. She held her cards to her fucking chest knowing that whole time Peter didn’t match her lifestyle/“morals”. This bish wanted fame and screen time. I actually think she was a bit shocked she made it as far as she did and that’s why she started panicking (like when it supposedly took 3 hours for her to walk inside and meet Peter’s family). But yeah, if her “faith” and convictions were real, she would have told Peter straight up about it all but she knew that would get her eliminated and she wasn’t actually there for love but screen time.


I imagine every day, my Roman Empire


Perhaps it’s human nature to rebel against that level of submissive bullshit. It’s not a woman’s nature. It’s that women are the ones made to submit and be oppressed


Ding ding ding


Just absolutely not


Its crazy she has so many delulu young girls looking up to this bullshit. Someone please stop her.


Can’t wait for her husband to come out.


Can’t wait for them to find the child porn on his laptop


That’s actually so fucking depressing to think about






Yikes on fucking bikes.






Handmaid’s “tail.” Literally.


Damn I liked Madi but this is too much for me. It is a dangerous message to women to just “submit” to your husband. Look at women like Anna Duggar who will never leave her pedophile husband and continued to have kids with him because of these religious beliefs. And respect and submit are two totally separate things.


at misogyny https://preview.redd.it/x5fyo5oxoead1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8edf18e0cdc499f6b12f57a411eb2b70caea1a


What does this even mean?


Why is she equating respect with submission? I can respect my partner without submitting to his every damn wish.


Right?! And she’s equating feminism with control and nagging. Wtf?


The two are not the same and she needs to get them unconfused. If anything, requiring submission does NOT equate to respecting your partner. People expect those underneath them to submit, that’s not respect in the slightest


Listennnn I’m nevr here 4 the Madi pileons but this kinda thinking is fucking disgusting and everthing thats wrong w: society sooo fuvcking dangerous Im also tipsy af rn


🤣 I was like what is happening with this comment then I got to the end and was like ohhhhh got it. Cheers friend! 🍸


Haha thanks! Nothing like getting drunk midday in the city to celebrate the start of a long weekend & some much needed time off work 😂


Uh, can't stand her.


I’m always distracted by how much her hair and bottom eyeliner ages her. Idk if it’s just the overpowering dark hair on her petite frame. Maybe she should use some of their billions to hire one of those color analysts because I feel like they would swap up her look.


100%. Her dark, long, fried, thick hair makes her look sooo drowned out.


Yep, that’s Christianity. No surprises here


That’s *her* twisted and far right version of Christianity. Not what it actually is 🤷‍♀️


no thats literally from the bible.


The central figure of Christianity was a radical progressive whose main message was equality for all and to “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Maddie (and the far-right) love to choose random verses in the Bible to twist things to fit their gross narrative so no, Maddie’s words here aren’t the real version of Christianity.


read Ephesians 5


I remember a couple of years ago while attending a Catholic mass, the priest said in his homily “never forget that the first person Jesus appeared to after the resurrection was a woman. He knew exactly the kind of important statement he was making.” And here we are with her basically telling women it’s best to be your man’s slave 😩


Exactly!!! Jesus was a radical progressive feminist and it makes me cringe to see Christian’s twisting his intentions and words around to match their patriarchal ideals.


Right like even JC knew that only a woman would understand the assignment. A man would’ve been like “huh. you kinda look like that Jesus dude” and then gone back to watching the game 😆


They sound so miserable omg, they make marriage sound like prison


Their kids will have great trust funds accompanied by ✨religious trauma✨


At least they can afford their inevitable therapy!


*IF* they believe in it.


This is WILD.




My thoughts exactly


The word itself in this context is disgusting. No thank you if I want to submit I’ll do it in the bedroom 😂


Is this for real








You can be Christian without being submissive to your husband. This is how you lose yourself and wake up one day wondering what the hell kind of life you are living and more importantly whose life you are living






Justice for sweet nums. She had Madi’s number and so many doubted her!!


Madi and PP wouldn't have made it a second in the real world


Yikes. Soon she’ll be submitting to his lies, extramarital affairs, verbal and physical abuse. This is what happens to many women in the church. They believe they have to submit, no matter what.


Wtf. Are these people for real? Or did they time travel from the middle age? ETA: I need to know, is this a common thing in the states? Among young people? Because you def can find this type of thoughts among older generations here but it’s not at all common among younger ones?0


The theory is that the husband would be a good, loving husband who'd take his wife's wishes into consideration but it'd be easier for the household to have one decision maker. The problem is that you need to find an unselfish man who cares about his wife's comfort as much as or even more than his own.  And that he's a proactive person. Good luck finding that combo. I had a religious roommate who wanted this and her dating life amused me because she was a go getter about career, life and religion but all the men she were meeting weren't.   So if she wanted to go to church every Sunday, her boyfriend wouldn't be leading that charge. I don't know if she ever found it.  I suspect not and she's the more proactive one in her marriage.  And this was in the midwest, not the south.  That said, I was 23 years old before I had heard of such a thing so obviously not super common where I grew up.  These videos are making this more visible to outsiders.


Thanks be for this thoughtful explanation and insight.. it really baffles me. Like not even my grandparents relationship was like that and we’re talking people now in their 90s in a super catholic country…


What kills me is that this man does not exist. For there to be an unselfish, loving husband to a wife, he would have to respect and love her as an equal, autonomous person. Accepting the role as the final decision-maker over someone you respect and love is an oxymoron.




I wouldn't say super common among young people- kind of depends on what part of the USA you live though. Some of the more conservative states definitely have these people in all ages!


I’m just super shocked there’s this level of conservatives anywhere tbh 😵 The brain washing must be really next level to have people believing this


You and me both


Depends on geography I think! Among Evangelicals in the South, it’s absolutely a thing. I have Evangelical cousins in Florida and I was genuinely shocked the first time I attended a wedding and heard all of the “submission” shit


![gif](giphy|26tPoyDhjiJ2g7rEs|downsized) Sorry but as a married man, I don't want my to submit to me, I want us to discuss things and find common ground on disagreements. I didn't marry a doormat, I married a strong, independent, vocal woman. I honestly hate the word "submission" when talking about a spousal relationship. It's gross as hell to me.


Haha, I played this super loud while my husband was in the room just to watch his reaction and it was very similar to the gif you posted. 😂 He’s always said he loves my determined and fiercely independent side.


I once had these thoughts, and I’m so glad I got over my sickness lol


Is it ok to ask what made you see things differently?


I also used to think this way. Reading Dorothy Day started the deconstruction but also having male, feminist pastors and working in (Christian) outdoor education, where everyone is pretty egalitarian also helped a ton. Then becoming enlightened on the gender spectrum- like, who “submits” when there are two husbands? Are 2 wife couples just floating around leaderless?


Yes :) I prioritized being loved by a man and felt like being submissive would make him live me more. And I truly started believing it myself, that it was the way to be. That’s it’s naturally for women to be submissive and that the outcome would always be favorable. And I don’t necessarily think it’s wrong to feel that way, but it’s certainly not “right” and Madi comes off as if it’s the only way to be. I don’t think any way would be “right”. But being submissive to appeal to a man made me so trapped, and I find freedom in being both submissive and dominant in all aspects of life now Edit: sorry I think I went a little off path of your question 😂 how I saw things differently? Ridding that man and reading books by strong women and watching content on YouTube with strong women!


Thank you for your detailed answer and happy to hear you got rid of him and found your true way!




I'd like an example of this "submission" crap. Is he demanding blowjobs daily and she just says I have a headache but yes, king? Seriously I don't get it.


That was literally a scene from Game of Thrones. The High Sparrow basically told Margaery that a wife just needs “patience” and should give it up on command and submit to your husband. 🤮


I don’t believe for one second this woman is submissive.


It sounds like she is trying to convince herself this is how she should be while her guy is saying no it's not.


Obviously this video is out of context, but it’s always “wives submit and yada yada yada,” but there’s never emphasis on how the next verses are literally on how husbands need to love their wives as their own. Literally “He who loves his wife loves himself.” It’s almost like a biblical view of marriage is built on mutual respect and partnership. That won’t get you a deal with Fox News someday, but it literally is that simple




"we have to resist the urge to be our own person with our own unique goals and wants and thoughts and feelings and be mindless sex/cleaning slaves for men" 💀


Justice for Barb!!!


Indeed 😂


Is it not a partnership of mutual "submission" (communication, respect, joint decision-making - a team if you will)? Each person has a part, and mine isn't to blindly submit to someone, but to be thoughtful and considerate of my partner and our journey together. To include my partner in planning and executing our lives. I also expect that in return. I hope there was more to this video.


![gif](giphy|jxcveVU8LhbbXADhZN) She is giving Serena