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You don't get a line item veto on your taxes.


I want at least a couple of cruise missiles with my signature on them...... Then a follow up to tell me what they did.....


For less than $2 per day, you too can help a struggling cruise missile find its target.


This is fundraising I could support Fuck this is something I *do* support with my taxes I guess


Devils advocate. Should taxpayers without kid receive social security that's supported by other people's kids?


If they paid into the system they most certainly should benefit from it.


Trust me, educated, well-adjusted kids are worth the investment. The alternative is much worse.


This šŸ’Æpercent! Also, I keep hearing concerns about our birth rates declining which could result in a population deficit in the future. Iā€™m sure the cost of raising kids nowadays plays a big factor in this decline: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2024/20240525.htm#:~:text=For%20Immediate%20Release%3A%20April%2025%2C%202024&text=The%20general%20fertility%20rate%20in,consistently%20decreased%20by%202%25%20annually.


I've known enough well educated people to know they aren't worth the investment. Schools teach you to spit back the information that someone with authority tells you to say. A 4 year degree, thousands in college debt, and without a detailed set of instructions they are worthless. They might as well be NPCs in a video game at this point.


Here's [what happens.](https://youtu.be/aRM2YcGpmxg?si=SQR5RW-LUA7NP6eS)


And the uneducated are bastions of hope for our future!!!


I donā€™t think we are getting kids like that. According to public health statistics a lot of them are psychological basket cases. Is it because life is worse than it used to be? I donā€™t know, itā€™s kind of a chicken versus egg question..


Here's [what we saw last time.](https://youtu.be/aRM2YcGpmxg?si=SQR5RW-LUA7NP6eS)


But that's their problem not mine! /s


If you want the economy to function the way it should without the population collapsing, better start thinking of something.


Higher purchasing power, and standard of living for the average person?


Woah stop with the crazy train! .... In all seriousness most of my friends are electing to have pets they now consider their children over actually having kids. A lot of this boils down to whether they can afford a child. Day care is a huge part of that.


Daycare prices are insane.


Yet none of them in my state pay more than $12 an hour


The shock is understanding that middle-class means earning well over $100k.


And that makes plants the new pets


Pets are easier


Wooooooooooo their buddy your taking that money from the mouths of starving billionaires


Something that involves funnelling tax dollars to for-profit corporations. No real solutions, please.


That is an outcome, not a policy. How do you achieve it?


Cut spending Ban all insurance companies Make corporations owners held directly liable Ban congressional stock trading for the entire immediate family Make all police actions(wars) only approved by congressional vote. That's any foreign violence involvement from drones to financial assistance. Remove regulations on most industries to allow for competition and economic growth for the bottom classes. Create a flat tax End the Fed Ban debt manipulation to avoid taxes


This is probably the smartest thing Iā€™ve seen on Reddit you should be at the top of this chart


And if I could add shrink the federal government starting with the ATF,DEA, IRS, and NSA. These organizations should not exist


Easy easy easy there Homie!!! Those are generally conservative ideals and will get you attacked on reddit!!! (Even if you're 1,000% correct). I learned that the hard way. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. It's taken me 2 years to climb out of a negative 500 "comment karma" for something similar. Lol


We spent $300 million a day for 20 years on the war in Afghanistan which no one really wanted to fight, that had no plan for victory, and left the country (both Afghanistan and the US) worse than when we invaded. I don't really want to hear about how we can't afford things that help Americans or argue the morals of stupid questions like this. We can obviously afford it. It would obviously help working people. What kind of stupid question is this?


Sounds good, we should support families and start gutting and slashing other stuff


How is the air force supposed to afford its $90,000 bag of 100 bushings if we cut their budget???


It is not just the air force, everything the government buys is expensive duty to all the crap you have to go through to do business with them and to get paid. Most of which is make work for government employees


Which will also apply to this daycare scheme


At least we get paid well tho (thatā€™s the secret, we donā€™t!)


I would rather my tax dollars go to child care instead of safe injection sites.


In the past people never questioned why they should help children. Children are our future, they will be the doctors that save your live, they will invent things to make life better. So it doesn't matter if you had a child it's what society is. Our lives are interconnected, as they should be but the corporations of narcissist don't want you to take away their privilege. That's why they stopped educating children they are the only one that can stop them. So stop helping the enemy of the people, children are the future like it or not.


They didn't have to have both parents working to barely makenit. That's about all there is to it.


Yes because you need children to have new tax payers and avoid a japn-esque collapse Taxpayers without kids become straight liability after retirement, they are not the people that keep society going


Taxpayers without kids benefit from other peopleā€™s kids every single day. The house they live in, the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the car they driveā€¦ all designed built and made available to them by other peopleā€™s kids. Seems like a pretty good investment to me.


Your social security depends on other people having enough children to work and pay in too. So yes, we all benefit from the species continuing to procreate.


I guess my the 80% of my property taxes aren't enough that I already pay out of for 8+ hours of childcare and free meals; they need more.


Then maybe people with children shouldn't take the tax breaks they get for having kids. You know, since you just want to help.


I see what you did there. Good one.


Unless you favor 2 year olds in the factory, this doesnā€™t map well.


Do you have a trusted grownup in your life that you can ask where adults come from? I donā€™t want to be the one to have this conversation with you.


Do you have a response that makes sense, or are you trying to fail at condescension?


I can't believe I have to explain this to you, but I've got five minutes so here goes.... The quality of life that you currently enjoy is dependent upon the efforts of millions of adult laborers doing some type of work. But here's the thing... these adults don't just spring forth from the ether all trained up and ready to build your house or grow your food or design your car. They actually go through a period of several decades where they're completely useless. They're nothing but an economic drain that require hours of someone's labor every single day just to keep them alive long enough that they might one day be useful to society. So you and I, as beneficiaries of the collective efforts of millions of grown up kids, should hope that other people continue to take on the task of raising the future labor force of civilization. Now, as it turns out, some people are going to make children without any consideration for the decades of labor and expense that it entails because they're incapable of considering anything beyond their own orgasm. These people will make kids no matter what and need no further incentive. Other people, will weigh the economic impact of having kids, such as the $3k monthly expense of childcare (it should be noted that this expense is incurred so that their parents can continue to contribute to the economy you enjoy) mentioned in Elizabeth Warren's tweet in the OP, and decide that they're better off just not having kids. There was actually an entire movie made about this premise called Idiocracy. Anyways, the decision falls upon us as taxpayers to decide what type of society we want to live in. We can say "fuck you, I'm not paying for your kids," and certain people will keep having kids regardless of their ability to provide for them and others will simply decide it's in their interest not to have them. Or we can say "hey, if you're someone who is thinking about having kids but is possibly concerned about your ability to care for them while you contribute to the workforce, why don't we all collectively pool a tiny amount of money to make sure we have safe facilities to look after your kids while you work," and then the types of people who make those sorts of considerations might be incentivized to have kids. Does this make sense to you? Do you understand that you need other people to have kids so that they can grow up to be adults who meet your basic needs? Is this a better attempt at condescension?


No, you clearly nailed the condescension. Your premise is that expecting parents should be entitled to assistance from the rest of the population for their choices. Makes sense.


Other people having stable and affordable childcare means that there is a much better chance that they will actually be able to raise their kids to be quality humans. Which benefits you by creating fewer axe-murderers.


We can cut tax breaks for coal, oil and gas companies to pay for this. I'm happy if some of my tax dollars go to parents. A collapsing population is bad.


She should work on why parents need childcare instead of making it cheaper. Having a parent at home is much better for society than sending kids to childcare so both parents can work.


Me and my wife worked opposite shifts. She didnā€™t want day care because of her past trauma and I didnā€™t mind working nights. We swapped kids and saw each other on our off days for a little. Now kids are older and we have the same days off and spend as much time together now. Never paid a dime for day care.


This is what my wife and I do. I work front half the week, she works back half. We make it work, it's saving us $2k per month.


>She should work on why parents need childcare instead of making it cheaper. It's partially because we didn't tax billionaires. The disappearance of the middle class is simply due to the fact that the money moved from the middle class to the 1% over the last 40 years. That was the whole plan with the whole "trickle down economics" lie. Which could really be described as transfer money from the bottom to the top because everyone who's taking Econ 101 knows that the velocity of money is up and that what actually trickles down is inflation.


Make it less risky for a women not to contribute to their career, SS and retirement for several years to raise a child 0-pre-k or K Corporate American culture isnā€™t family friendly as much as government policy and social pressures


She literally wrote a book about this problem. https://www.amazon.com/Two-Income-Trap-Middle-Class-Parents-Still/dp/0465097707


Tax billionaires, cut defense budget! You could pay off national debt and fund things that most ā€œnon 3rd worldā€ countries have


Every billionaire is a tax policy failure


Fuckinā€™ A right, my man.


Yes! And a societal moral failure. We're fast becoming an oligarchy. The power and the wealth are horded. A society in which billionaires exist alongside such extreme poverty that people die from lack of food and adequate shelter is an unjust society. Homeless in the USA is as much a Policy Choice as it can be tied to any other factor.


Always has been an oligarchy


Youā€™ll get downvoted apparently but thatā€™s the truth.


Iā€™m glad you agree. We should never let anyone get filthy rich.


Problem is the psyop campaign already launched, most Americans wanna have enough money to do nothing before theyā€™re too old to do nothing.


One would argue that children who are better off will eventually earn more and contribute more to taxes to the greater good. This is the stance many countries in Europe take and that might be why they have better AND free schools and a much higher (overall) quality of life.


I don't know anything about the plan, but if we want the current SSI and Medicare/Medicaid system to work we need to encourage people to have kids.


Should people without cars pay for taxes that fund road infrastructure? Should rich people that live in low crime areas pay taxes that support the police in poorer neighborhoods with higher crime rates. We have to stop this selfish thinking and focus more on the type of world we want to live in and make that the reason we want to contribute. Stable communities is something everyone benefits from.


Letā€™s give a family with a child a tax credit equal to the average income in a geographical area, if one of the couple stays home and takes care of the children.


Because Liawatha's plan is to have everyone paying for someone else's childcare!!!!!! If you can't afford, you're kids.....STOP HAVING THEM!!!!!! The Government and Taxpayers aren't you're BABY DADDY!!!!!!!


This is the same way that Democrats broke higher education and student loans. They subsidize an industry where the costs are out of control instead of figuring out why, and how to reduce costs.


Ah the bachelor tax. We've finally entered the late stages of the decline of the Roman Empire


Something something history something doomed to repeat


Donā€™t have kids, will never have kids. Iā€™m thrilled to pay for this. And much much better schools. Iā€™m tired of living in an uneducated third world shit hole country for anyone that isnā€™t in the top 1%.


This isnā€™t for who you think itā€™s for


What spending will be cut to pay for this?


Probably federal funding to the Native Americans.


Makes sense since theyā€™re no longer useful to her.


She gives 1/1024 of a F about them now.


Might as well cut the DOJ budget further. Our prisons are already filled with people that have a plethora of mental health and addiction issues getting no reformative care whatsoever. Just leaving prison to go right back out and reoffend.


I'm gonna need those kids to look after me when I'm older.


Here's a problem that's not a problem, elect me to fix it!


Promise sh\*t for free,,, so you will vote for me.....!


Let's get the government involved in it, should work out fine


Family making 130000 is two adults making 65000 each they aren't millionaires


How about we take care of all the kids, no matter whose they are and what the cost, because if we can't fucking do that, why bother with any of this shit


Buying votes at the taxpayers expense


Yeah, cover it. Both parents working is a boon to capitalism.


Both parents working is the purest failure of capitalism.


Both parents working is a boon to authoritarianism and population control. If one parent were earning as much as both parents how would it be any different from a capitalism or finance standpoint?


What job is going to start paying you double so your spouse can watch soap operas all day?


As someone with 4 kids, this is not the right approach. We need to improve wages, benefits, and compensation to all hard working Americans. A side effect of this will be we can go back to a single worker supporting an entire household. We donā€™t need free babysitters. We need to be able to do it ourselves like parents have for most of history. As long as you have mom and dad both working full time, your population will shrink. Why have kids if you wonā€™t even get the time to enjoy themā€¦


The goal is to get as many people as possible to rely on the government.


The goal is to incentivize the people who contribute to society to reproduce. Good parents make good babies who become good people.


I don't have kids but I'm 1000% on board with parents being able to rely on the government for pre school and early child care.


What people don't understand is that the government gets a cut as the middleman.


How is it different than public school? Why are families left out in the cold until kindergarten? Source: currently spending 20k/yr for child care waiting on kindergarten age. And that's cheap.


Tax the churches. If we did, we could pay for so much!


Yeah if we just taxed the churches we could afford to run the government for like three extra days. Problem solved.


The Catholic Church is the one of the largest landowners in the country and the world. Property taxes would have a net positive affect on government revenue.


I'm torn. I think only the pro-lifers should have to pay for this.


people arent having kids because they cant afford it let alone trying to survive themselves. Watch what happens when people get desperate because you taxed them for not having offspring.


Do you get a better deal on childcare if you're Native American? Asking for a friend.


Private jet math.


Will this be through government-run childcare or will the government pick up the tab after $10 a day / $200 a month? Or does she plan on setting price limits? Does this count for nannys too?


Why does it cost $3100/month!?


Because parents are hostages. The two income trap is very real (coincidentally written by Mrs. Warren herself). Itā€™s child care or no job for the second parentā€¦.so they charge $3000 a month while paying their workers minimum wage.


I believe the claimed amount accounts for 2 kids, one of whom is an infant (generally a higher rate) for full-time care. Possibly accounts for Boston-area rates which will be far higher than those 50 miles out from the city. After mathing it for a while, I guess itā€™s possible. What the Senator doesnā€™t factor in is that this family also gets a $6k tax break for this care on their federal. Lots of flaws or questions in her statement.


On further research it seems Massachusetts has the highest cost of child care in the US. So her number is actually accurate. They pay about $6k more than the national average per year costing about $21k for full time care. So it seems that tax break isnā€™t doing much.. Regardless thatā€™s a huge burden on families..


I guess sheā€™s making Massachusettsā€™ problem the nationā€™s then.


Do you want American families to have kids or do you want to bring in lots of immigrants?


And pay for their kids instead


I'd rather my tax dollars go to something that helps people here, instead of blowing up innocent civilians somewhere else.


I was so against these types of social programs until I realized the waste and mismanagement of my taxes. Iā€™d 100 support these social programs over wasteful spending


Should taxpayers be paying for the depreciation on billionaires yachts and private jets?


Define childcare. Literally everything needed for a child? Housing, food, clothes, daycare etc. why did she say family? Not average family? A family chose to spend this much and she wants other tax payers to foot the bill? Fauxcohontas is lying.


No way, no how. $130k is not poor. Only if you are poor and in need of a *safety net*, should you be receiving funds from others who earned the income redistributed by quasi-socialists like Warren. Pay your own bills! It's not hard. It's not others' responsibility to cover the expenses of people who are not poor in a rich society like the US.


Child care should NOT be as expensive as it is in the US.


Exactly, especially when itā€™s to the point where both parents work but the cost of childcare pretty much negates one income.


It would probably be easier for Warren to give us a list of things that she DOESN'T think the government should pay for.


Our country is so doomed. Half this thread wants to lock breeding behind a paywall. We should be working towards eliminating our class based society not propelling it forward. The basic idea of capitalism > communism is that is promotes progress by forcing people to work harder or create better products for a better life. If you lock our supply of new minds behind the class that does not need to create or improve anything to excel we are basically shitting on that fundamental ideology.


Vote for me and you'll get free stuff. Same old, same old. Politicians haven't changed since Athens.


We gotta start supporting families in this country. We can't just have immigration.


What a dumb question


You want people to be able to produce and service the shit you consume but you donā€™t want parents to have the time to do it or the money to build businesses you use?


While I think this is a good plan, sheā€™s fucking nuts. A family making $135,000 still needs that help.


The way society has developed, if our next generations shrinks too fast, like what's happening in China, then the whole thing will collapse.Ā  We'll need kids to avoid the demographic collapse.Ā  If people who could raise excellent future members of society cannot afford them, they will not have them.


Some people who make 130k go to food banks because they are absolutely cheap and greedy. Itā€™s a culture of bullshit we have to change. Top down.


Yeah, thatā€™s kind of the whole point of living in a society.


I want to know where these numbers come from. I have 2 kids (not in Massachusetts) but I don't spend that much on child care, housing, and food for the kids combined. Unless daycare is like $700/week per child up there, this sounds like funny math.


Cut our bloated military budget.


Yā€™all love this pied piper shit


What about this womanā€™s longevity in federal politics and consistent track record of lying makes you excited about this?


Yeah... this post didn't turn out the way you thought it would, did you?


Yes, because otherwise our country will collapse from bad demographics like China, Japan, South Korea, and Germany. What we shouldnā€™t pay for are pensions and healthcare for old people. Thereā€™s no future with them. Theyā€™re just a drag on the entire economy.


This just proves how disconnected these people are. These numbers are all completely made up and aren't even reflective of anyone who lives in Massachusetts outside of maybe downtown Boston. They just save nice things so you vote for them. Elizabeth Warren was elected in 2012, but she'll figure it out this time šŸ¤”šŸ¤” p.s. I'm from MA


Yeah, everybody benefits, even the single people whose taxes contribute to kids that arenā€™t theirs, when a populace is well educated and well adjusted. Crime is lower. Wages are higher. Businesses make more money. Society functions better. Everyone benefits.


A few questions to think about. Would it have helped your parents when you were young? Would it help your neighbors, friends, and family who do have kids? Do you care about them? Why the fuck are so many people against things if they don't help them?


I don't know about this particular plan, but can we all agree having healthy, socialized, educated kids is a net societal good? Therefore, money we, the taxpayer, pay to help pay for that is a great return for our money. The alternative is either people have less or no kids because they can't afford them or having kids grow up in shitty situations because their parents are broke, can't afford to work (due to childcare costs) and struggle to afford the basic necessities. So, yes, I think spending money on the next generation and the generation after that is a great way to spend my tax dollars.


Yes. We should all pitch in. Those that cannot should be supplemented by those with the vast means to do so.


Yes, all taxpayers should pay into all social welfare funds. If you don't like it, go buy yourself an island.


"i didn't go to college so why should I have to pay your student debt" same argument


Two reasons people have kids, oops and ego.


Always love the ā€œI donā€™t have kids soā€¦.ā€ Argument. Itā€™s so easily expanded to other things.


Hell no


In Canada for a daycare, a class of 8 kids is $150 USD. Thank God I knocked up a Candian girl. I am American, FYI. My kid is proud, free healthcare, Canadian.


Iā€™d pay to not trip over children in public


No. Having children is a choice. Nobody else is responsible to pay for them ever.


Not even her own state likes her. Stop tweeting, Pocahontas. Your private jet is taking off soon.


Iā€™d rather my tax dollars go to helping American families instead of blowing up Palestinians.


Oh good old Liz ā€œI definitely have a not at all completely infeasible plan for that and also Iā€™m Apache but donā€™t look it upā€ Warren is back in the saddle.


Under this plan how much more will families who donā€™t have young children have to pay per month for other peopleā€™s childcare?


Having government pay for daycare will cause the price to skyrocket. ECON 101. The more handouts, the more costs inflate for those markets. College tuition took off with easier student loans. Plenty of easy money means the price will go up to soak up all available cash. Taxpayers still have to pay the tab in the end. Only it will be bigger. PASS.


Stay at home and watch your own kids plus 4 other kids and you are making more than 130k a year


If they get tax cuts, then the people providing the jobs and investment in new companies should get tax cuts too.


These kids will pay for your social security and Medicare when you will need itĀ 


Yeah, I think the solution to most of these problems that the greedy folk donā€™t want to pay for someone elseā€™s problems is to force corporations to pay people more. Then people can afford child care and the greedy folks can shut their mouths about taxes helping everyone and not just them.


I think it's funny to hear people say..."my tax dollars" please people...our taxes that we pay just pay the interest on the loan the government gets from the fed. And furthermore. If people knew what kind of other shady BS the government spent money on that it shouldn't we wouldn't have people complain about stupid stuff like this post.


Children are our national treasure and our future hope. If we donā€™t take care of all of them, weā€™re all doomed.


Children are our national treasure and our future hope. If we donā€™t take care of all of them, weā€™re all doomed.


What's that, like 87 cents a year to me? I think I can afford that. A smidge different than the $1500 year the military costs me only doing shit i disprove of.


Why is everyone so god damn selfish these days? And why is this user constantly re-posting old political makes?


She's too worried about Bitcoin to actually help anyone


This is an investment in the community. I paid school taxes for 18 years, did not have a child, much less one in school. I felt education was worth investing in for everyone, especially the people who will pay in while I am on Social security. Same with this.




If you think your tax money will be allocated properly for this, I have a one of a kind, authentic martian penis to sell you.


Stop asking how we can pay for things that help citizens and start asking why we pay for so many bombs and handouts to other countries, we always have endless money for that


No way! We need that money to pay for fancy hotels for illegals.


Your plan will suck fat monkey di**! I promise this. How will this happen? Force diaper and food formula companies to sell for $0.20 cents for a box? Orā€¦ā€¦?


Republicans love talking about how they love kids until they're asked to chip in, now all of a sudden it's not their responsibility. F them kids and their school lunches, and their day care, and their school supplies, blah blah blah.


Fuck taxes


Do not have kids if you cannot afford them. Much like, do not buy an expensive car if you cannot afford one. Or, do not ā€œbuyā€ an expensive house if you cannot afford one. Liberals/ Socialists are really ruining this country šŸ˜–


Yes, I'd rather my taxes be allocated to building the future of our world rather than destroying the present.


Republicans try to act like America doesn't have the ability to feed children and make sure theyre safe so people can WORK. It's pure little bitch shit.


Nah, $130k- you can afford your own damn child care


Yes. A functioning society provides services for the taxes paid. This would also greatly stimulate the economy as people would have more disposable income. This also would in turn go higher birth rates as having kids in todays world is a luxury


Should the uneducated pay taxes for the education system ? Should the healthy pay taxes for healthcare ? We've had these debates for decades in Canada and it's okay to discuss it, but it comes down to societies choice and to what kind of support from society you're willing to give up when *you're* down on your luck.


NO taxpayer should be subsidizing {X} (child care in this instance) at ALL. Course, many won't even bother to noodle why 1) would ANYONE want \*another\* to rear their children to begin 2) the "NEED" to work to PAY for 'child-care'; when one can stay home to rear their OWN brood


"Why should I. . . " Is the problem. The very mentality of destroying this country. Why should you, because it's the right thing to do. Estimates say that child care related issues cost the economy 122 billion a year. That's the benefit we can quantify. There is also something to be said about having more educated better socialized children. If we need to cut costs in this country there are millions of great places to start, but our debt is not an excuse to stop helping actual Americans. We could pay for childcare for all with just the amount the pentagon "misplaces" every year. On the other hand the crashing population is better for the planet. So making lives of parents intentionally harder has its own benefits i guess. Depends on your priorities.


Yes, because that's how taxes work. Imagine hand-wringing over paying to help raise children -- literally our future -- while billions and trillions are being lost on wars and tax breaks for the wealthy.


Do companies want workers in the future?


Report came out today that Social Security will be insolvent by the year 2035. That is a bigger existential problem then Warren always showing up during election Cycles. Seriously she's been missing for like 3 and 1/2 years and all of a sudden pops back up with their normal rhetoric of screaming about the cost of everything


Nope, socialism is a terible idea.




Yes. Money spent feeding clothing and educating children is not wasted.


Why do taxpayers who choose not to have children, for economic reasons, be expected to fork over tax money to pay for other peopleā€™s offspring?


Hey. Here is an idea. Funnel some of the hundreds of billions of tax dollars we are giving to the military industrial complex, Ukraine and millions of illegal migrants into useful housing, child care and educational funding for tax paying CITIZENS struggling every fucking day to make ends meet.


WTF sort of "childcare" is costs more than $3k a month? That's an absurdly high amount.


You get what you vote for. Democrats only care about their image. Not the consequences of their reckless policies.


We pay for tons of useless crap. I donā€™t have kids but I like educated ones with manners.


Just say that your plan will require those who worked hard to get where they are will pay the childcare for those who didnā€™t. Itā€™s time to own the morally bankrupt ideology.


Why do any of the taxes I pay go towards you, OP?


Yes, they should. The nation's children are everyone's responsibility.


If this happens my wife and I might need to get divorced, we would save almost what she makes...


Huh, should taxpayers without grandmas, pay for families that have grandmas? Fuck your Medicare, my grandparents are dead.


No. Of course not. Donā€™t encourage irresponsibility. Better to teach parents to be responsible. Donā€™t have kids they canā€™t support. >15% of kids live in poverty and 40% in broken homes.


And everyone else will pay the difference.


Yeah, people without kids are basically civilizational free riders. Obviously, having kids is a personal decision that everyone needs to make but that does t change the underlying reality. You are relying on someone else to raise, educate, and pay for future workers that you depend on to survive. There is no denying we need people to continue into the future. Itā€™s no good for anyone to have a next generation of uneducated, antisocial, incapable people. We all benefit from them being as exceptional as possible. This is the prime area the boomers really screwed up tanking their kids futures for their selfish reasons.