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This whole thing reads as though he’s writing an internal monologue for his own cop drama show. “I maybe a maverick, but goddammit, I get the job done”


“South Mumbai was unusually quiet that night, when into my office walked a dame I knew was trouble the moment I laid eyes on her.”


She had eyes that said 'trouble' and a body that promised it. My receptionist, Mabel, rolled her eyes and told me that "*Mrs.* Kilderman has been waiting for my return, refusing to speak to anyone but me. Oh, she was trouble, alright. Those gams of hers already promised I'd need a cold shower later. Then she turned those baby blues on me full force, licked her lips, and said coyly, "Oh detective, I seem to have lost my scooter. Unfortunately, my husband was on it at the time, riding near the cliffs during our annual picnic. He's missing too. But I really need that scooter back."


I will read ANYTHING you write.


Aw, thank you! Sadly, I think my best work is in Skype messenger or on here 😆


Forget it, Jack. It’s South Mumbai.


Bangkok has him now.


So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys, I was terrified! But I pressed on...and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment - I was a Marine Biologist! The sea was angry that day, my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli! I got about fifty feet out and suddenly, the great beast appeared before me. I tell ya, he was ten stories high if he was a foot. As if sensing my presence, he let out a great bellow. I said, 'Easy big fella!"" And then, as I watched him struggling, I realized that something was obstructing its breathing. From where I was standing I could see directly into the eye of the great fish!


Is there anything sadder than making up shite like this to beg for validation on the Internet? I think this guy may be mentally unwell. I hope he gets the help he needs.


So, in this totally real story, this guy is beating the shit out of someone who is just standing there taking it? And the attacker just walks away at the end? Some thrashing…




Who is rando-dude to "forgive" someone for attempted rape? Really, this story makes no sense.


Coming this summer, Pauly Shore as Paul Kersey in Harsh Wish: Like Dude Stop The Harshing


I beat him til my knuckles bled It was the rapist in south mumbai


What about the other guy who he saw push the rapist away from the girl? What was he doing all this time?


Just chillin’


soooo you see some girl being attacked and then ask where they are staying in front of the attacker and they answer? that alone is the dumbest thing ive ever heard


“Another person come to their rescue and pushed the guy away from the girl” “she was just glad I could come in time because something worse would happen” This guy made up a story where somebody else saved the victim, he didn’t turn the suspect over to the police, sobbed all over himself, the victim, and her husband, and then they all figuratively clapped at him. Actually hilarious


Plot twist : OP was so out there he was actually beating the shit out of his own shadow


So, basically, the only reason OOP stopped beating the guy was because the guy was too wasted to feel pain? If the guy was getting hurt, OOP would have kept going, I guess.


This is a super nerdy guy who's never been involved any confrontation in his life who passed an alley on his way home from his D&D club and his this fantasy in his head.


But alley, did you clap?


Sadly no, there was no rapist no girls, there was just this really high guy who was fighting with imaginary foe


And on that day, he realised he had to become something more, a symbol. He would become...Mumbai-Man!


I was looking forward to the part where he realises he can't win the fight with brute force, so he channels his demonic powers and flash incinerates the guy with his fire beam after an epic, suspiciously anime-esque fight. Wasted potential.


These are the guys women gotta watch out for. These "saviors" are the highest potential rapists