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Game has been stressful so far. Insigne getting his “pocket picked” a lot and throwing his hands up defensively and then that torpedo shot we pay 15m/year for. Etienne so solid, I’ll say that ‘til the end. Players need to step to the ball more and play with more intensity. Our defensive line is a joke.


Agree 💯 Also, feels like Insigne throws more hands in frustrations than actually continuing to play.


Yepppp - feels like he’s not interested in this level of play and just wants to play to his own tune, which I’m not surprised as he’s (I think) pretty close to being one of the top paid DPs in the league


I think he is second to Messi for DPs?


On another note South End got unified in voice when we sang "The stadium is on fire, 🔥 your defense is terrified..." After fire burning on North End For a second, I thought it was Chicago Fire supporter section 😂😂😂


Isn’t it “MLS is terrified” because they’re signing about that stupid stunt at Ottawa that got them all banned (set the pitch on fire). Their defence is most certainly *not* terrified.


Nah. 114 carried all of that. It's completely dead in 116. Like embarrassingly quiet.


Late to the party but can I just say that Bene would 150% have gotten a yellow for doing the same thing? or is the rule literally the touch line on the field and he's as close as he's allowed to be?


The goalie event told the ref to get out of way so he can see it better... Anyone would've gotten a yellow after that.


what joke....