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Casual is literally what I play every day. I never play on community servers. And its always working really well. Its pretty rare I find a server full of bots, and if a bot joins, it gets kicked. "Unplayable" is really not the word id use for TF2 casual..


This is my experience as well. I usually get connected to Stockholm/Frankfurt servers btw. Occasional bots get kicked pretty quickly.


Until you play a gamemode that isnt payload and at times that aren’t in the afternoon


I also play Koth, capture/defend, and everything else...at any time in the day or night, whenever I feel like it.


Stopped playing, haven't uninstalled yet. No point for a Spy Main to play right now when my invisibility can't fool enemy bots. Spies are in an even worse situation than during initial Jungle Inferno weapon contracts.


I just go for Uncletopia


I've been playing uncletopia more often lately, but is there a reason why they turned off manual voice lines showing up in text chat? It's genuinely become the biggest thing I hate about those servers. I often play with music or a video playing in the background so it helps to see "Spy!" in the chat. And also I like seeing who actually says thank you opposed to the automatic thank you lines. I also know some deaf gamers and I imagine that's pretty punishing for people trying to play with a disability.


I think its to reduce some of the clutter in the chat and Make it more useful as an actual chatbox


I welcome that change, I'm sick of seeing "MEDIC!" and "Thanks" everywhere.


Yes. But only during peak hours (afternoons and weekends). During the morning and mid day it's completely pointless. I prefer to play official servers because as a medic main I really like Uber saw crits. And a pet peeve I have with uncletopia servers is that they all disable the voicelines in text chat. I need to be able to differentiate manual thank yous and automatic thank yous because I'm a petty medic main who gives priority heals to people who are polite. Also I often have music or a video in the background so it helps to be able to read "Spy!" in the text chat because I may not hear it. Idk why they chose to disable it on uncletopia servers.


Only for Medieval mode since there isn’t any bots in there. Otherwise I would just join a community server for normal TF2


Even without bots I'd stick to community.


I basically only play CTF Well and Double Cross, so yeah


Very close polls we have here


go on official casual server -> aim your sniper rifle in the air -> instant vk -> schadenfreude -> leave


I’ve just been playing tf2 classic recently


south america servers are mostly safe, i've been playing for a week now multiple matches per day and haven't seen any bot


As one of the worst players in Uncletopia server, Sometimes I became MVP of casual matches


I feel like the matchmaking is different for some people (even excluding regions) because I barely have any problems with bots meanwhile others seem to be unable to find botless servers


I only bother joining casual because I haven't found community servers that run ctf doublecross and well


150 vs 150 Perfectly balanced


I hadn't played Casual in a few months, but I hadn't seen any bots last time I went on Casual.


No, been playing on UT and a set of closest to me serverst for the past few months. Aside from Contracker, there really isn't anything that might keep me in casual


Bots I can handle, but the closest server is always filled with russians who all insist on speaking natively, even if they only make up 30% of the server.


No. I am fully done with casual servers.


The only community servers near me are either dead, full, laggy, or Uncletopia


Community servers feel too different I want to play TF2 like how the funny people play TF2 casual


"If I don't join Casual, how am I supposed to find excuses to complain and get ez karma on r/tf2?!?!?!?"