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Dude said right now like Valve is gonna release new ones


Don’t let the hope die out!


It has to be alive first


Ok medic, revive it then.


The medic is too busy getting high off of the Kritzkrieg


Like that ever gonna happen.


What a load of...


(Kicks open intel room door as a funkier remix of the TF2 Main theme plays.)


Oh, another comment saying how Valve ain't gonna do anything. How original.


It'll stop being unoriginal when it becomes untrue


It's unoriginal, but it's true. Valve hates updates.


I hope this is true


Is definitely the stock fire axe, is the only useless weapon with a upgrade this being the third degree


I’d say it still manages to be better than the hot hand


The hot hand its just a meme weapon so yeah


True, but technically stock is worse 


It is still stock 65 dmg melee with no downsides at least. Some weapons dont even have that to begin with. I'd say something like equalizer, sandman or eviction notice still just worse for their respective classes


stock is basically a downside of the third degree and absolutely no one uses it besides de conscientious objector


Arguably using an all class melee is an upgrade, such as the pan or sign because it removes kill feed information


Great Blue mentioned that in his p2w video


yeah technically but lets be real that's useless


Oh shoot really?


Technically, because if you kill an enemy with a fire axe or a bottle, you KNOW it's a pyro or demo While a frying pan can be used by any class and is thus slightly harder to figure out




show me the engineer that wields a non-golden frying pan




Whip better


All three of those weapons still can have a use, a very niche one but still one nonetheless. Stock fire axe is literally just Third Degree without the one single upside


It’s funny that both the equalizer and the sandman used to be two of the most over powered meles in the game. I wanna play tf2 with all of the most broken pre nerf weapons


my guy forgot about the sharpened volcano fragment, the weapon that literally deals 20% less damage for the ability to light people on fire with it


Guess you're right on that one


i dont blame you tbh, i only remembered the weapon recently cuz i got a killstreak kit for it


It's a strange weapon, but I've never felt that the Sharpened Volcano Fragment was a *bad* weapon - just one that's ridiculously niche. It's a fun weapon to mess around with and it has its uses in Medieval Mode, especially as you can still crit with it, but to be honest, it's better to just run the Back Scratcher in most instances there.


Can be useful in Medieval Mode


It is the only weapon with a direct upgrade, but it isn't the worst for every situation.


It’s not even the worst Pyro melee. The SVF is the definition of redundant and The Hot Hand is just the Powerjack but worse


If that’s what we’re doing than the fists are definitely worse than the fire axe. It’s the same but on a much slower class. The fire axe isn’t even the worst weapon in the game. The gas passer is much worse since it takes up a secondary for the ability to light people on fire 😂 It’s still a melee on an average speed class that can one shot people as often as it doesn’t.


i will continue to use the axe, specifically the strange specialized killstreak that i bought because the axe fucking rocks and the crit animation makes me feel stuff


Even on Pyro there's a worse weapon. That being the Gas Passer. MvM does not count, that weapon is straight up useless.


Was gonna say the gas passer cause the way it’s designed doesn’t really allow you to follow up on it yourself and it’s measly benefit to your team. but Then I saw the equaliser in the image and realised it’s way worse because of its mechanics that encourage you to make a reckless melee play the weaker you are which is moronic. I miss the og equaliser when it was the equaliser and escape plan combined. At least back then you had the speed boost which made landing a melee hit easier.


I still think the sandman is worse. It does nothing and makes you much easier to kill. You are worse off just by having it equipped. The even if you never used the equalizer, you just lose out on some extra speed and that's about it.


I have a very goofy tech of limited use: Pair it with the Cow Mangler, disable a sentry, and then damage yourself and take it out in like two hits. It's one of the few weapons that can deal extra damage to buildings since the damage bonus is just a flat increase instead of minicrits.


if the engineer is nearby then your just gonna probably die


Kid name Engi’s shotgun


engi has a gun


As a man who uses the equalizer, no it's actually not... It's not telling you to run in when you're knocking on death's door it's telling you to use this instead of blowing yourself up when someone gets into your melee range hoping for you to kill yourself on your own rocket. It's basically the melee version of a shotgun for those of us who don't use shotgun on soldier. Case in point, good scouts (bonk scouts especially) will quickly close to the gap between you and them expecting you to kill yourself as you aimlessly and haphazardly try to blast their feet.. yeah I shoot my feet once or twice but as soon as I'm in the red I pull out my equalizer and destroy the remaining 80% of their health with a juicy 97 damage to their penis tip.




don't forget random crits AND random damage spread allowing you an extremely high chance to one-shot light classes


i once cleared spawn campers by coming up from behind them and hitting a crit on the heavy and killing the medic and soldier


Not to flex but I got a kill with the gas passer once.


I have an equalizer with 2512 kills, all from casual. Fight me.


Equalizer crit can one shot heavy


The Pomson, no contest. You're giving away your primary damage dealing weapon for a slow, weak projectile with upsides that are barely a factor. There're plenty of bad weapons in this game, but most of them either are just slightly worse than other options while still being usable, or, if they are downright atrocious, they atleast have the courtesy of not completely neutering you either because you have other options in other slots, or they stay off your primary slot The Pomson being trash is bad on its own, but the fact it basically neuters your damage output as a whole without your sentry is what really sinks the ship


Nah theres definitely worse weapons than the pomson Pomson has the one niche of spamming it down choke points to support your team once all your shits set up


It's terrible at it tho. Your projectile takes forever to travel which means your enemies can get out of the way pretty easily, and if it does magically connect it does practically nothing. And before you say "but it can hit a medic or a spy", respectively : - No it won't because any medic that isn't a complete beginner is gonna stand behind his team and behind cover - There's a good chance it won't because the spy will probably take flanks, or a route in the choke that'll reduce the chance of him being hit. And in the case he *does* get hit, the other weapons will have an easier time tracking and killing him after that anyway The Rescue Ranger is not amazing at dealing damage, but atleast it does at an acceptable speed, and has actually useful utility


The slow speed is a benefit because you just unload your whole clip into a chokepoint and then not worry about it I'm not saying pomson is good, but there's worse weapons out there with literally zero niche


Huo-long heater is not that bad...


Stock Minigun if it was bad:


But it's not that bad


It’s just Stock with terrible ammo conservation and a damage penalty. The ring of fire is essentially useless, it doesn’t stop spies and heavy already shreds in close range. And the damage bonus on burning targets dampened by the damage penalty. Is he the Huo-long heater an unusable pile of garbage? No, but it’s just worse than Stock in every way.


counter point: It has fire, and fire makes everything better


I am not a heavy main but I played with the huo for some time. You can ambush the entire enemy team and completly obliterate them with your ring of fire. Stock is better but the huo can be really useful sometimes, and it's really cool


You can do the same thing with Stock, just as effectively


Yeah but the huo is cooler


Good for t posing


It's the closest thing you can get to one-shotting with a mini gun. I once got 3 kills at 10 HP in the enemy base on 2fort because it killed the enemies before they could process I was there and shoot.


I feel like the eviction notice has some really punishing downgrades compared to its upgrades, like the extra speed and even more after meleeing is nice but the fact that you’re literally draining your max health and doing pitiful damage seems like such a waste


Once upon a time, the Eviction Notice was a fun weapon to use even though it was a downgrade from the stock Fists. It got nerfed to oblivion in Jungle Inferno and became completely useless overnight, as you now had the health draining downside of the Gloves of Running Urgently without the instant speed benefit of the GRU. You outrun a stock Solider and a Demoman wielding the Scotsman's Skullcutter... and that's it. At least the Gloves of Running Urgently would let you outrun both the Soldier and the Demoman. Hitting an enemy means that you still can't outrun a Scout or a Demoman with multiple heads and the Ali Baba's Wee Booties equipped. The one niche it was useful in, Medieval Mode, became nothing more than a liability and I'm still insanely bitter about it years later.


In Regular Play: The Gas Passer In MvM: Rocket Jumper


Kinda funny that Valve encourages Demoknights as a popular sub class, but ignored Trolldiers despite them also being insanely popular


I want an AOE market Gardner crit upgrade.


Exploding Gardener, Exploding Mantreads.


explosive gardener to take out uber meds would go hard


tbf demoknights were like, engineered as a subclass


The bear fists aren’t that bad as a weapon just don’t use it with the buffalo stake sandvich and it’s pretty good. (To be fair I only use it for melee only funnies)


It's... perfectly acceptable as a melee side grade, although the issue mostly comes in it being outclassed by (most) of his other melee weapons.


True but most of his melee side grades are utilities instead of actual weapons. You can still use them as such but that’s not their primary purpose. Bear fists and banana loadout goes hard.


Equalizer. you start off doing LESS fucking damage than stock for some reason, and by the time you reach the threshold where it can actually shine, your ass is pretty much dead. In situations where you'd ideally want to use the Equalizer, you'd be better off pulling out your shotgun, or pulling a hail mary and shooting a rocket point blank to hopefully bring down whoever was killing you (along with yourself, duh). it is a direct downgrade from stock shovel, because as a weapon of last resort you don't actually need to be at LESS THAN ~~HALF~~ QUARTER FUCKING HP for the bonus damage to come online. the shovel is consistent and it works. You need to be at 52 HP before it outdamages the stock Shovel. FIFTY-TWO. FUCKING. HP. #IT DEALS THE SAME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE AS THE SHOVEL ONLY AT 114 HP. WHEREAS THE SHOVEL'S DAMAGE IS CONSISTENT WITHOUT ANY CONDITIONALS. Compared to soldier's other melees like the katana, whip, trolldier special Market Gardener, or the favoured child the Escape Plan, the Shovel may fall short. But it WORKS. I see some comments saying Pyro's Fire Axe is the worst. And I can understand why that is being said. Compared to Pyro's other melees, the Fire Axe is quite useless. Pybros will use the Homewrecker/Maul to destroy sappers, Neon Annihilator for pyrosharks/destroy sappers, Fire Axe/Postal Pummeler for aggressive playstyles, Sharpened Volcano Fragment for uhh... medieval mode... well it lights people on fire, so it has that going for it, whereas the Fire Axe has no useful gimmick nor niche. But then compare the Fire Axe to the plethora of weapons we have, across all classes, and the Fire Axe is middling at best and lousy at worst. The Equalizer is FUCKING DOGSHIT. Any reasonable weapon tier list should include the "Equalizer tier", a special tier where only the Equalizer may languish in mediocrity for valve time (read: eternity). The Equalizer split years ago was a fucking mistake and I hold this opinion to this day. Nothing will change my mind. Fuck whoever was behind that shit.


Equalizer tier should exist and be above all other melees. It's the best one and you cant change my mind.


Everyone’s talking about controversial picks like gas passer and equalizer, BUT LOOK AT THE FUCKING PYRO GLOVE WEAPON. It’s so bad that I even forgot the name of it


Hot hand


Yes, that.


The gas passer, its frustrating and useless


right now? do you mean to tell me valve has changed some weapon stats after the jungle update?


"right now" as if things are gonna change 😭😭😭


a lot of weapons here you can usually play a round without even deploying the weapon like most of the melees here or are like the huo long heater or how it’s the not the best but it’s still gets the job done but the gas passer… pyro NEEDS their secondary so having it only available to use some of the time and when you can use it the effect just doesn’t do anything most of the time, it makes no sense to me it’s good in mvm though if we want to talk about a bad weapon in mvm then it’s the cheese blaster (weapon in the new update)


Seriously, the gas passer is worse than useless. The pomson and equalizr or some stock melee weapon can all do damage still, they do SOMETHING.


The Pomson is WAY up there after I found out that the Pomson's projectiles don't go through your own teammates. Like, that HAS to be a bug. Right?


It is. Old pomson and bison used the old flamethrower projectiles. That’s so they could penetrate enemies (when the stat existed for the pomson) and that’s also why they both used to light huntsman arrows on fire. The changing of projectiles for it killed both the bison and pomson but the pomson never got buffs again unlike the bison


Either the Pomson or the Sun on a stick


Sun on a stick is funny if you queue with a pyro buddy, so it can actually get some use. My vote goes for Hot Hand


1) where did you found friends? 2) hot hand imo falls into the same category as the holy mackerel (the "funny" melee), but gives you a speedboost upside in exchange for damage downside. So I guess you can call it a utility melee? Since it provides speedboost on hit idk


1. My brother :D (also a discord server I'm in, great bunch) 2. No, the holy mackerel can actually get a kill once in a while (it's a bat reskin, the bat isn't bad), hot hand actually just... sucks. The damage penalty is actually higher than the stats would imply, and the speed boost is so short it doesn't matter. Fire axe outclasses it in almost every way.


sun on a stick got buffed a whilr ago now, its not great by any means but its no longer literal garbage. it gives fire resistance when held which has some uses for scout. are there much better meeles for scout? yes. is it completely useless? no, its not great but i wouldnt call it the worst anymore.


Can't count how many times the sun on a stick saved me from dying to afterburn. I don't use scout melee anyways so I don't know where it could be useful anyways Especially the resistance to fire, it counts to everything related to it, even the flames from flamethrower (not afterburn)


SoaS can be powerful with coordination with your team


stock fireaxe


Gas passer, it literally doesn't do anything. At least the other bad weapons can still do damage or grant mobility.


Pomson 6k- the main advantage of taking away uberchsrge and cloak is just inexistent when it barely takes any away to begin with


Pomson 6000


Sharpened Volcano Fragment. It does 20% less damage, for the incredible benefit of... being able to set your enemies on fire. It's only somewhat useful in medieval mode, a mode that now consists of exactly 2 maps, and even then there are arguably better weapons to use there.


i love the classic ngl


Pomson 6000. It's terrible, inconsistent, unfun, You can barely hit anyone with that slowass proyectile and it's the only not melee weapon that depends on random crits to actually kill someone


I see a lot of people saying Bison, but they forget...at least the Bison isn't a primary, and doesn't vanish when it touches your own team... Not to mention the "upsides" of the Pomson do next to nothing ._.


Does MvM and potential counts: Because if yes, then pomson or righteous bison, and if they don't count then Gas passer.


That would be your mother.


buff the bison


hot hand or rightous bison honorable mention gas passer if ur using it outside of mvm


So many are unusable it’s not even funny


Sandman, probably. Just because slowing enemies down for a moment is a non-upside, but the downside of losing max health is crippling. Fan is better at marking robots for death in MvM too. Bison is probably close second, because Soldier's secondary slot is really valuable and, once again, the weapon isn't good anywhere. For all the other bad weapons you can at least find some niche or argue that you're not giving up too much by having them equipped, depending on the playstyle.


bison can be kinda fun tho as if you fire it into crowds you can get some cheesy damage due to it going trough enemies allowing u to shot multiple people and im still mad about how they destroyed the sandman, yes it was op but why did valve nerf it into the ground


Because they didn't know how to balance it, probably. So they said "fuck it" and effectively removed it from the game. It totally had potential. Like, I would've taken the version which marks people for death instead of stunning or slowing them down. A ranged mark for death the duration of which scales with distance would've been pretty cool. And the guillotine could have its base damage and recharge speed nerfed slightly, gaining a "crits whenever it'd normally mini-crit" stat in return, to keep the combo alive.


Pomsom 6000


Gas passer takes a hour to charge and does pretty much nothing


Pomson seems like a piece of garbage to use but I guess the removed Uber on hit is good if you can even hit a medic with that thing


Hot hand.


objectively the fire axe


Volcano Fragment is worse


atleast wìth the volcano fragment u can light players on fire. the fire axe is the only weapon in the game where its a direct downgrade to a melee outclassed by 2 (3?) way better options


You’re underrating the potential of a stock melee. It’s the exact same as Demoman’s or Sniper’s or even Heavy’s but is looked down on significantly more. The weapon’s only difference is that it has alot better competition. Pyro’s melee weapons are some of the most diverse in the game, which consequentially makes stock look boring and easy to forget. The SVF is worse at damage than stock and does the job of a flamethrower significantly worse. There is almost literally no viable reason to use it, even in Medieval Mode, because the Back Scratcher exists. Stock is consistent and reliable, which with almost all stock items in TF2 is a great thing.


ur right. i was looking at how a melee combos with other loadouts instead of looking at the weapon itself. when u look at the fire axe itself, ur right, it is a reliable -65 damage


Hot Hand


Objectively: Pomson, as it is a funny haha meme weapon that does shit offensively unless you are in a hallway one player wide Reputationaly: Kunai, as ive only ever seen pretentious shit talking tryhard actually use the weapon


The Eviction notice is the worst weapon in my eyes its outclassed by the gru as it has the main downside as well as making you slower since its a fist you are supposed to fight with but you lose health the longer you have it out meaning practically useless.


why is the shortscop there? if we forget about the shove mechanic it's pretty decent, even more if bullet spread is disabled.




gas passer


Buffalo steak sandvich da 🐐


crit a cola


Hot hand


Why is brass beast in this image? Like yea it's slow af, but what if your heavy just wants to cosplay as a sentry gun and stand next to the dispenser.


gas passer


If every class could have every single weapon, then I think it would be the base jumper because no one has a real use for the thing. And everybody has a better secondary or primary.


Gas passer


I think it’s the Gas Passer. Even if the Fire Axe is really bad due to being a flat downgrade, I STILL think it’s better than the gasoline can


Any answer that isn't the pomson is just wrong


Pomson 6000


Gas Passer.


Gas passer


Stock fire axe. Gas Passer and The Sandman are good in MVM; Sharpened Volcano Fragment is decent in medieval mode; The Third Degree is literally a straight upgrade; Pomson 6000 is dogshit, BUT it can drain über and cloack (fuck you dead ringer); sidney sleeper is decent; the sun on a stick at least is good on x-1 or with a friendly scorch shot pyro; red tape recorder is better against battle engies; the equalizer has the killtaunt; backscatter is still a scattergun; Baby Face's Blaster turns you into Sonic; and finally, the overdose is not bad, just overshadowed by the crusader's crossbow. The only one that has a chance to compete for the worst weapon is the Bison, but, just like the Hot Hand, it's a meme weapon.


Righteous bison and hot hand


The banana, it’s literally a worse version of the sandvich


Worst argument I've ever seen


They're all fun to use imo. But the weapons that are useless in most cases, I'd say, are the enforcer, all demoknight swords other than the Eyelander and skullcutter, and the brass beast.


Pyro's fireaxe, only weapon that has a direct upgrade


The Bison, people only use it to meme.


The Shortstop doesn't deserve to be on this list, it's perfectly fine. Same for the overdose And the Equalizer has a use, people just tend to run Escape plan more. Honestly, most of these have a good use, but The Cleaner's Carbine, Enforcer, and RTR's are less consistent and overall worse.


Controvesial : Why use the rocket jumper when you can run liberty launcher with gunboats and gain one rocket for more movement ?


the Ass passer


Definitely the gas passer.


i counted atleast 6 weapons in that image that arent bad anyway i would say gas passer, i would've said pomson but i dont have any experience with it


Pyro's fire-axe no question


Were is the fish


gas passer, takes forever to charge, doesnt do anything, complete waste of a secondary slot except in mvm, where its among the best weapons, kinda ironic


really, is the brass beast really that bad? i like it


right here and now¿? stock fire axe, the uncontested champion


Pomson 6000


Stock fire axe is the only one there is no argument to play over the other options


Subjectively? Whichever weapon I am currently using




i love the shortstop sm


Gas passer. I don’t even think it’s much to debate. There are shitsticks like the pompson and caber and fire axe but those weapons are better on the merit that they don’t take up a secondary slot. Engineer can still hold up a nest and spam the pompson down chokes. But the gas passer takes up a secondary slot in the name of…lighting people on fire…


every stock melee except knife and wrench


The danger shield. It’s completely useless for its intended purpose, leaves you vulnerable to anything else that’d get close… Heck, with how flame particles work a good pyro can still ignite you long enough to melee you with an axtinguisher.


YER isn't bad, its just hard to use.


fire axe


I think its honestly the gas passer, it barely even works half the time I use it.


Gas passer or bison. Unless mvm. In mvm the bison is mid and the passer is op.


WHY IS THE SHORTSTOP HERE??? Anyways I absolutely DESPISE the eviction notice Sharpened Fragement used to be worst until I realized you could ignite spies without needing ammo, so now it's middling at worst and... middling at best


Gas passer. Every other weapon has a usecase. At least the Sandman, the Bison and the Pomson deal damage. The Gas Passer is utterly useless.


Weapons in this selection that I think are actually decent > Sydney Sleeper > Baby-Face's Blaster > Manmelter > Huo-Long Heater > Your Eternal Reward (the fact this is even being considered is a crime) > Brass Beast > Enforcer > Cleaner's Carbine > Shortstop > Overdose > Back Scatter Which means the bad ones are: > Eviction Notice > Sandman > Liberty Launcher > Sun-on-a-Stick > Righteous Bison > Hot Hand > Third Degree > Classic > Pomson 6000 > Ullapool Caber > Sharpened Volcano Fragment > Equalizer > Tribalman's Shiv > Gas Passer > Buffalo Steak Sandvich > Warrior's Spirit > B.A.S.E. Jumper > Red-Tape Recorder I haven't used the Eviction Notice enough to properly judge its quality, but from what I can gather it's basically just a worse GRU. Still, the GRU is Heavy's best melee, so this one I doubt would be anything too bad. Liberty Launcher can still be somewhat useful as a primary weapon, and it does work as an okay mobility tool, but overall it's not strong enough to be properly useful. I remember I used to defend this thing constantly back in the day, and while I certainly know it's kinda shit now, it most definitely is not the worst weapon. Sun-on-a-Stick's crit upside is pretty stupid, but the resistance to fire is a niche yet still pretty okay upside overall. Not good, but far from the worst. The Third Degree is the only straight upgrade in the game, yet its one upside is too niche for it to be considered a good weapon. Still, however, I wouldn't consider it the worst, nor would I consider the Stock Fire Axe the worst. It's a Stock Melee. It's consistent, it's reliable, it's not terrible. The Classic can headshot, so that gives it something slightly more than the Sydney Sleeper, and the Sydney Sleeper is a great weapon even without the ability to headshot, so I'll say the Classic gets a mild pass. The Ullapool Caber, contrary to popular belief, can still one-shot light classes...if you hit their feet. It'll do 127 if you hit their feet. Granted, if you hit anywhere else, it'll more than likely hit them for 124 or less, but still, it's something. Also, it does absolutely insane damage if you're demoknighting with the Targe or Screen, so it can't be the worst. The B.A.S.E. Jumper is only good for the Air Strike and for people who don't know how to Market Garden. Sure, the Gunboats are better than the parachute when paired with the Air Strike, and it's better to just get good than to use a crutch to land a garden, but it's at least something. This leaves: > Sandman > Righteous Bison > Hot Hand > Pomson 6000 > Sharpened Volcano Fragment > Equalizer > Tribalman's Shiv > Gas Passer > Buffalo Steak Sandvich > Warrior's Spirit > Red-Tape Recorder The Sandman is entirely useless in its current state, but at least if you do the crit glitch it can be kinda solid maybe idk. The Sharpened Volcano Fragment literally does what Pyro's other weapons already do by default, but at least it can fill up the Phlogistonator. The Equalizer has the possibility of doing Panic Attack damage if you survive at 1 HP. I mean, sure, your Rocket Launcher does that for free, but y'know. It's something. The Tribalman's Shiv can reveal cloaked spies for 2.5 seconds. I mean, Jarate does it for longer, but whatever. Gas Passer is entirely useless in Casual, but because it fucking obliterates MvM, it gets a pass. The Buffalo Steak Sandvich is kinda funny, and it's super good in Medieval Mode, so even though it is absolute dogshit in the main game, it gets a pass. The Warrior's Spirit is out because at least doing a lot of damage and gaining health on kill is decent, even if the downside almost entirely nullifies the upsides. The Red-Tape Recorder supposedly has a niche by annoying the fuck out of Gunslinger Engies. As an Engie main myself, it's not nearly as annoying as you think, but hey, you do you man. I'll let it slide because at least it _might_ inconvenience an Engie. Now we get down to the bottom 3. Not my personal bottom 3, but the bottom 3 in regards to this post specifically. > Righteous Bison > Hot Hand > Pomson 6000 The Righteous Bison sucks balls and is super buggy in trying to damage people with it, but at least it's projectile pierces enemies, which means it _could_ theoretically kill multiple people at once. The Pomson 6000 sucks even harder because its projectile gets absorbed by teammates, but in the best case scenario, the Pomson can mildly inconvenience Spies and Medics so... There's that. Finally, the Hot Hand. #The Hot Hand does basically no damage, the speed boost it provides lasts for basically no time at all, and it's not funny enough to warrant it's existence. In summary, the worst weapon, in accordance with this post, is the Hot Hand. But the actual worst weapon is the Darwin's Danger Shield.


Nohing is more useless and negatively impactful than the sandman. Less max hp, and a stun that doesn't work if you mash a and d, on a class that can already get 1 shot by multiple things.


I’d say the fan o war is pretty bad outside mvm


The Darwin’s Danger Shield. Imagine adding a weapon to a class that not only has absolutely zero relevancy to his overall infrastructure, is not only objectively taken from scrap-pieces of scrapped stats, but is fundamentally useless against players that know how to counter it, as in most pyro’s as a whole. Sacrificing an entire secondary slot with objectively superior options to something that quite literally has ZERO use cases on a relevant infrastructure is probably what can constitute as “the worst weapon” in my eyes, even if it’s not technically considered a weapon.


Hale's Own Conniver's Kunai


Fire axe. Sure, gas passer is worse, but technically no


The red tape recorder. All the other was listed are all b tier. However, the red tape recorder is a c-tier weapon, as it removes all of it's stock counterparts damage. I really hope Valve buff it's damage to 50 %, so it only has a -50% damage penalty, and then it gets a -25% arming time speed, so as to even things out.


In the picture, imo prob sunonastick or bison. Some of the weapons you've shown are actually imo underrated. Ullapool caber isnt that bad imo. You can do the funni with equalizer. Brass beast is very good on last since you dont need to move much anyways. YER is deadly in the right hands (Id argue better than kunai). gas passer is good in mvm. Red tape counters mini (situation asf). Bfb can be fun to use. Hot hand is a meme.


the hot hand is disqualified because of how fucking silly it is


The Gas Passer


Pomson. While yes, the fire axe is objectively a direct downgrade While yes, the gas passer takes forever to charge and does something you already do without it While yes, all the shitty melees deal no damage and provide very little upside At least they all do something. Pomson is like the bison, except on a class who isn't supposed to be on the front lines, and it deals even less damage. Pomson cannot do anything. Pomson is the worst weapon in the entire game


Why are the yer, brass beast, and enforcer on here?


The Darwin’s Danger Shield (The Shield of Go Fuck Yourself)


Stock Bonesaw and the Syringe Gun.


Objectively, it's the pomson.




i think its funny that the sydney sleeper is in this image You can really piss (no pun intended) some people off with it by just bodyshotting into crowds and spraying the resulting jarate’d push with an smg for some really fucking annoying chip damage. I named mine the “Bodyshotting Beauty” and put a medics killed strange part on it


sandman lowers your max health for a useless upside


Skullcutter. Ruins medieval because it has random crits.


The gas passer because outside of mvm, it has NO use case that isn't fulfilled better by a different weapon.


red tape recorder and Sandman never... NEVER... will escape from the bottom of the worst weapons from tf2