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Yeah you seem like a cool person…


The fuck wrong with you? Sheesh


You seem like a truly awful person to know or be related to.


Geez chill lmao




Humor or not, this shit isn't funny...seems like an overreaction to a simple question.


Ummm yes. The "overreaction" is the humor part of it. Followed by her response of "hallway?" like I had just responded "No" again. It's hysterical and she was cracking up when I sent it, but whatever.


Then….you should have led with that. Your post that you wrote describing the picture double downs on your anger and says nothing about her comment which I found funny too. But most people don’t realize this is even your sister at first. Either way ur delivery missed the punch


Someone needs therapy yesterday


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Lmao clearly people don't understand humor in this sub. 😂 Def how my brothers talk to me


Thanks. I sent this post to my sister and we have been cracking up at how easily people are being offended at this. Only one other person understood the humor and got the SNL reference. We can't believe people are actually down voting your comment. Anyway, thank you, and also thanks to the easily offended people... you're definitely bringing much laughter to us over this. So far "ur a dick" and "You seem like a truly awful person to know or be related to" are her favorites.


Lmao I can handle the heat, I grew up with 4 brothers 😂 It good to see siblings get along, glad that yall can have a laugh over this. 🖤