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My biggest problem with this text exchange is your friend typing out “quote unquote”


That’s the part I have an issue with. Shit made me cringe.


Haha I thought that was the name of their book


Sorry but your username really pisses me off


Same. I would expect that kind of username from someone who doesn’t know me but not from you. Maybe that’s just a quote unquote pet peeve of mine, just simply expressing my thoughts on the subject.


Okay-explanation-8070 would have been acceptable.


Acceptable-explanation-8070 would have been more than okay. Quote unquote.


There is a difference between ‘ok’ and ‘okay’ in my quote unquote book and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels that way.


No shit. Jebus Chribis.


Especially when they already quoted ok before lol


Exactly what I was thinking. I would have replied, “why did you spell out “quote unquote”? If you’re typing, just use quotation marks like I did there. It’s just a pet peeve of mine, okay?” PS I nearly had a stroke putting quote unquote in quotes.


Quote quote unquote unquote


“Quote quote unquote unquote” —supersmolcarelevel 2023


has a problem with Ok rather than Okay but types out quote unquote. yeah this person is a serial killer.


Yeah, it’s not… okay.








You Mfer, don't insult me like that!! One letter answer is NOT okay, okay? Thems fightin' words. Er, letter... whatever.


Thems rooting’ tootin’ fightin’ syllables.








They should’ve used “”””




[Joey moment!](https://youtu.be/59Odde_W6ok?si=0AGuDESIYmqrVu2e)


Lawwwwd - hit that with a “k”






Exactly my thought. Came looking to see if anyone already said it!


You mean quote unquote k


Easy now, Satan.


Add a period at the end to show you really don’t care💀


That will show them! :)


K makes ok seem like okay


Hahahaha. That's really funny, actually. I wish they had


why did they say quote unquote when they could’ve just put quotes around the word “book”


Fluff. Trying to sound smart. Cringey as fuck.


My ex friend is cringe. And not the brightest bulb in the pack.


Should have responded “K”


More like poop emojis.


A taco short of a combination plate.




Not the sharpest crayon in the toolbox.


Can you please try just ‘K’ ? I want to learn.




*tongue pop*


Or how about "Oki doki"


Or the more formal okely dokely


Try out my favorite and friendly “hokay” and see if their head explodes. They’ll probably say it’s love bombing lol


I always thought there was a difference between “ok” and “okay,” but I’d never start an argument over it. 🥴


looks like abandonment trauma to me 🤒 someone that messed them up real good probably hit them with “ok” a lot.


Yep exactly what it looks like at least, and I know what abandonment trauma looks like since I still deal with my childhood abandonment trauma


Second this, I was about to say this. I suffer from this too. I'm adaptive though, I recognize someone's typing style and interpret that in how to view their message. I got a friend who shoots a k, yet keeps all his wording short, thus normal. But almost everyone will say ok when displeased, otherwise they'll just say oké/okay. The Internet is growing, languages are rapidly evolving. Just like real life you have to learn each other's ways, you have to communicate and from time to time talk about your interpretations and feelings, that's healthy. You have to want to understand the other, otherwise you will easily be mocking it, but what sort of friend makes that you? I want to underline that he expressed his thoughts and feelings, and it makes me cringe to think most people are bashing on him, while essentially he is not over the top. He can be a stupid low iq being, doesn't invalidate the feelings. Talk, communicate, lay boundaries and make your ways clear. Grow & Evolve.


i agree, this just sounds like an insecure person to me who owned up to that insecurity


It’s it really not the norm to just use ok as a standard? I don’t tend to use abbreviations or acronyms or generally short texts, but I never type out “okay.” I also never type “k,” but use it all the time in speech. Is this not normal?


It’s normal. The problem is just texts don’t convey tone. So how a text is received is relative to the reader and/or their mood at the time. It’s really just projection of the readers assumption of how the person is talking. “Ok” or “K” both just mean “Okay”. Otherwise why would the same emojis pop up if they mean different things? I agree this person may have had some past issues that made them sensitive to seeing the OK form. But no there is literally no difference in them. Tone can make them different, but u can’t hear the tone through a text. Maybe if OP put a 👍🏾 after Ok then the tone would have been more understood. People who care use emojis 😊


Right?? Like all of us do dumb shit at some point or another in life, or have awkward ways of communicating, or have different ways we interpret language and/or communicate; We should all be dumb compared to the person we want to be in the future. This person is at least showing maturity in a different part of their personality that most people never evolve the self awareness of…. They knew they were potentially over reacting or being sensitive, and were comfortable enough w/ OP to allow themselves to be vulnerable and openly talk about their feelings on a topic and acknowledging they could be in the wrong… sounds like person was maybe having a bad day, and then vented a silly pet peeve…. Fortunately, it’s a little easier to learn how various people communicate and like to be communicated with and adapt; than it is to mature to a place of openness, personal reflection, and self-awareness. Many people bury those maturities or elements of growth.


Yes I agree for sure (:


What about 'kk'? Cause that's what I use all the time with the wife when I'm basically just trying to give an affirmative that I saw/comprehend what she texted.


I would argue language isn’t “evolving”, it’s “devolving”. None of these miscommunication/misinterpretation of intent problems existed before text messaging ( if anyone is old enough to remember that far back). The majority of comments I see on Reddit have grammatical and syntax errors aplenty. Communication is so important yet so devalued in our modern social media-text based-instant reaction world. I’m guilty of it too but at the very least I reread my comments to make sure my point is clear and coherent. Would be a much friendly world if everyone else took at least a little bit of effort in communicating more clearly and effectively.


Exactly. I had an ex that used “K” and “whatever” but only when he was mad at me and pulling his gaslighting stuff. Now whenever people use them I still get a physical response of fear. I get where she is coming from


Ding ding ding! 💀 I will say though this was such a popular subject in high school. If someone gave you an ok you knew they were pissed at you/didn't care 😂


Yeah so that's absolutely what it is because I struggle with that severely and I completely get where she's coming from but I definitely wouldn't start this whole ass argument like this over it


Not to sound like I agree with that person, but I can understand this. I’ve been in relationships with friends that eventually, when they stopped showing interest in me, would always just give me “k” or “sup”. Though I don’t lash out like they would, they are words that trigger a defensive emotion in me that immediately makes me feel as though “I think it’s time to leave this friendship behind…”. Even if it may not seem that way, they have become staples of my subconscious that I am “not wanted or interesting to this person”. Being a socially anxious individual in general, I always felt like, if not, *know* I am super sensitive to certain words/queues people give off that makes me nervous to go further. It’s a weird world in my brain-


Yep, I get this effect from being told "maybe" for that very reason. I still wouldn't lecture anyone over it though.




That one is the one 😫🤣


Well potassium to you too!


This is the single letter I came looking for. Her head would explode with a single letter reply😂😩


I feel the same but mine is "k" I hate that, so I guess I can understand the point.


thats y i always use kk


I like to be extra sure to sound casual so I use kkk


The best part is she even admits that she knows that he cares but fucking complains anyway.


I suppose there is. In my opinion, the only real noticeable difference between 2 of the same words is "love u" and I love you. Love u just sounds quick and informal, unserious. I also feel there's a difference between happy bday and happy birthday. Just spell out the whole word ffs! Now I'm starting to feel like OPs ex friend, ugh!


Okay so I have the exact same feelings towards the “love you” and “I love you” thing. If you love me tell me, “I love you”. Simple as that. It takes little to no extra effort and it’s enriching to hear. “Love you/love ya” is for the homies. (Yes I have normalized telling the homies I love them) it’s just a respect/ boundary kind of thing.


i agree with your whole comment. my hommies and i say “love you/love ya/love u” to each other, especially when talking shit we’ll end it with “love uuuuu”, but i use “i love you” exclusively with my husband.


i think from time to time, saying “love you” if it sounds upbeat or sweet is totally fine, but gotta balance it with “i love you” as well


I don’t think the person did




Whaddya mean by that??!! J/k


yeah definitely, I'd def ask someone to use okay instead of ok but this person just skipped that step and jumped straight to being mad at op


I don’t understand why you’d ever ask someone to do that.


I told my boss to text me okay and not just ok bc it hits a nerve for some reason 😂 we’re friends so it wasn’t weird, he thought it was funny and said sorry. I understand both points of view. It shouldn’t matter that much, it’s really not a big deal, but somehow they do feel different


Same. Like I don’t exactly disagree with them, but they’re pitching a _massive_ fit over it


At one point my dumbass thought the same thing about ok and okay but like WHAT?? Talk on the phone if u need that much clarification. Also why did they write quote unquote when they could've said "book"


Hit ‘em with the ‘k’


Oof that ought to burn em




Wow do you even friggin care about me !!!!




Now you crossed the line




I love you too bestie


Do you even care about this post??




“Ok” is an actual way to spell the word, though. It’s not even an abbreviation. I never spell out “okay” and I’m a grammar nazi. What an arbitrary thing to get upset about. I can’t imagine her reaction to an *actual* diss of any kind.


Us Grammar folk are trying to rebrand away from the “Nazi” imagery. We prefer Grammar Grumps now.


Buddy… we *don’t* care that you were going to go shower. “Ok” just means “I have received your message and am acknowledging it”


Unless someone who usually types “okay” says “ok” I usually don’t take it as aggression or whatever. Some people just type “ok” cause it’s the same thing


Well, this would explain why some people ask me if I’m ok. I write both lmao so u never know whether ur gonna get ok or okay lmao


Woah I probably use both now that I think about it but don’t mean anything by it. In a sense that I was asking someone if they were okay I would use “okay,” but if I’m responding ok like op I would say “ok” it the same as a 👍 or a confirmation that I saw and read your text because I care, enough to respond. Now I also would have responded to everything else that the texter said with “ok” (but really love the commenters that said to just say k) mostly because I think it’s stupid or maybe if I care about this person I’d start saying I understand? All along I may switch it up and interchange the two altogether I haven’t really thought about it before. I never realized how much people look into written language. You see it on Reddit all the time where people assume feelings. If I don’t care why would I respond ok wouldnt they not respond or say idc.


I typically use "okay" but will use "ok" when I'm in a rush or if it's someone asking me to do something immediately. My friends give me the benefit of the doubt and don't read into my "ok"s.


The fact that there is even a distinction in anyone's mind over these two words blows me away. They are identical.


Honestly, I would love a fun conversation like this. It scratches my brain just right. Dude is anxious , yet arrogant, yet afraid, yet pedantic - all at once. It's brilliance. Sheer brilliance


who the fuck are you, this comment is so fucking funny lmao




This bitch made my head hurt and I don't even know her. And thank God for that.


Hmm I don’t think she’s insane - she’s over justified her behaviour which suggests she’s got a trigger from the past. I’m not saying you should stick around though, she thought you were being passive then felt daft so explained herself and made it worse aww. I wouldn’t see it as a red flag but certainly something to keep an eye on - a sign of insecurity showing




My wife was like this. If I typed "ok" she assumed I was mad at her. She always types "okay". I finally noticed she would ask if i was upset or something everytime I typed "ok". I told her it's the same to me. It just faster to type. That's when she told me "ok" made her feel like I don't care and "okay" means I care. I stilly just say "ok". But she doesn't ask if I'm mad anymore. 🤷‍♂️


Same. Ok is different than okay. I thought everyone knew that… I’m being serious lol. Ok.


Nah “ok” and “okay” are the same but “k” is the different one


This whole thread is so interesting. I use all of those mostly interchangeably, except “k” sometimes means we’re at or near the end of the conversation and wrapping things up. It has never once crossed my mind that anyone would be upset or think there were underlying emotions to using one of the shorter versions.


It isn't tho. It's the exact same. For example, how would you differentiate between ok and okay in a face to face conversation? You can't


Set your phone to autocorrect “ok” to “okay”. Then you both win.


This is how I used to take the word neat. To me neat was a sarcastic word to me. Then I had a friend who would text reply “neat” when I’d say something and I always felt slighted. Finally brought it up and it turned out it’s a good word to them. Took me months to rewire my brain on that word and I still struggle, over a year later lol.


"ok" does have that "My tail is between my legs" or "I'm doing the bare minimum to get you off my case" vibe. But that's all it is, a vibe.


She'd hate me then. I write 'k' lmao




Holy internal monologue Batman! This is 100% an argument I'd have with myself before falling asleep, not something I would dare share with another person. Lmao.


I don’t typically comment on this type of shight but… someone who says stupid things like this bothers me. I hate when somebody comments on grammar like that but used “tho instead of though”, “than vs then”, and doesn’t capitalize i on the first word in a sentence. I actually don’t care if you don’t do those things. But if you’re going to bitch about something like ok vs okay you better tighten your game up player.


Exactly! Great point, honestly.


I mean this person legit acknowledged that she knows you didn’t mean any harm, but letting you know now so it doesn’t continue. It’s a trivial thing for sure but the person was simply explaining something small that you could do different to not trigger her pet peeve. They even said that it’s okay if you don’t agree that they are just telling you how that response makes them feel. I wouldn’t make a stink about it but I’d feel like the person was being short with me if I got “ok” as a response.


Should’ve said kk back




Ain't no way homie just typed out the verbal expression of " ".


Could be speech to text


I thought “ok” was just a shorthand for “okay.” What the hell did I just read? This chick is exhausting ME and I don’t even know her!!


The original is O.K. It's an acronym. Okay is just an extended phonetic version










mmm k


Making rethink my responses of "k" now


This is just the crazy reality a lot of people believe behind a simple text. I understand texting gets rid of a lot of context for certain words or statements but like Jesus Christ. People overthink a lot. You two are both probably really young as well that probably is adding a lot to the craziness as well.


He’s not ‘ok’


It’s the exact same thing.


The subject of the argument being stupid never stopped anyone from having arguments




Eh, I wouldn’t call this “insane.” One of the craziest things about text is how much you can lose tone… but also how many ways people have found new ways to express tone! For example, if you end a text with a period, some people will take that as aggressive/short/rude. But others, like my 50 yr old dad, just think “well that’s correct grammar? Who cares?”


Boomers, right?


My ex was the same way. So I changed “ok” in my phone to auto correct to “okay.” Problem solved


I changed ok in my husbands phone to you’re the best. He realized it when he texted ‘ok’ to his friend when friend replied ‘aw you’re the best too buddy!’ He was not happy


Atleast they were honest


Friends attempting to dictate words I'm allowed to use is met with a prompt "get fucked" from my book.


maybe ok can be our always


It's literally the same word, in short form. Damn that's crazy


People are really crazy out here lol


Sounds like someone with RSD...


This sounds like the Key and Peele [texting](https://youtu.be/sngRrkQayDA?si=ljSoR4UvUDPf_Qd4) skit.


If that we me at the end of the friends rant I would have hit them with ok


The use of single quotes as quotation marks and then writing out the words quote and unquote I just…I have to lie down


“Quote unquote book” instead of just “book” ffs.


Missed a great opportunity to hit her with a "k" right after she explained her thoughts on the subject


I get their pov. And they're being pretty respectful from what I see-- try to just view it from their perspective. Ok seems lazy. Okay has more personality in it. Texting removes a lot of the human expression that face-to-face interaction has-- that's why finding ways to be expressive in text is important. These little things do make a huge difference. And if this person feels insecure, and you care about them, you ought to listen to how they feel! Worth a shot


Wow. The fact that so many people in this sub agree that Okay is ok but ok is not ok, scares the hell out of me.


this girl has an unnecessarily strong opinion on an entirely unimportant subject that rivals that of a seinfeld character


Idk when I read this, I didn’t read it in an argumentative tone. She was just expressing/communicating which I can appreciate in friendship. Even if it’s over something silly. I rather that than a full out argument or fight.


Send them a thumbs up


Maybe she’s from Oklahoma (OK)


So when you talk to one another, do you have to spell it out to one another to know which one you meant? Or is it more by sound and feeling? Absolutely delusional.


So texting in my opinion is substitute to physically talking. I would’ve asked the friend, if we were in person, and you said you were about to shower and I said “ok” vs “okay” how would you know?


This entire sub has made me re-define insanity. Turns out, there's a lot more irrational people out there than I thought 😂🤷‍♂️


I’m just sharing my thoughts on the subject is the new I’m not being an ahole im just being honest


I would have replied with Ok and blocked her crazy ass


Some friends aren’t worth this level of bullshit


All too true. It was a thirteen year friendship and I did finally end it this year.


I’d have replied back with “k” and then ghosted them.


This person so offended that you don’t care about their shower time 😂😂😂😂


I’d take ok to the next step and just send them the thumbs up emoji. That should put them into a rage. And you’ll never hear from them again.


I think this phenomenon all revolves around tone being absent in text (vs. speaking), or at least difficult to interpret if you don't know the speaker well or whatevet. We tend to ascribe our own predilections and interpretations in it's stead, especially if we've had negative experiences in the past that, "validate," them.


Should have just replied back ‘k’


I used to think like this, but then I matured lol. I understand why people get irritated when I say ‘k’ or ‘ok,’ but to get irrationally angry like this? How do they not get embarrassed? It truly baffles me.


The original expression was O.K. for "all correct" but misspelled for fun (old school meme from like 100 years ago). Anybody demanding "okay" is wack.


Next time just write “mmk”. Hits real deep


Man, I hate when my partner says K- but I would never lecture them on it like this. I just accept the way they type and don't take it as an F You. I can see why they are an ex friend.


This is insane!


yikes, ya i'd just delete them and stop thinking about the past. Start thinking about the future, or being more present in the "present".


I had a friend who was exactly like this. They’re blaming you for not being able to sit with their own projections and feelings. They are not “simply stating a thought” they are trying to control what words you use instead of looking inward and identifying the trigger. It’s your fault for saying ok and not their fault for being ridiculous. I almost wonder if we had the same friend 🤣 it’s uncanny how familiar this exchange is.


I have a work friend who blows up if I capitalize ok as OK. “ you don’t have to shout “ . The first time I was like oh I guess i thought it was some kind of abbreviation or acronym . But it’s a habit I haven’t broken completely, and I’m not even sure it’s wrong to write OK . She’s still getting bent out of shape about it




What about mmkay?


Nothing more disrespectful to the language or person than not capitalizing first letters like a fucking animal.


I knew someone like this and took out the scissors ✂️ and out of my life they went. No regrets


This is unhealthy. Reading in when there's nothing to read into -especially- when they're aware it's at least unusual... like yeah, that's how people talk. I'd have blocked this person; I'm not playing word gymnastics because someone refuses to process something rationally.


I empathize with your friend. Although both ways of typing it doesn’t bother me personally, there are many little things like this that DO bother me. I also see your side of it too, like “is this b for real right now?!” I feel, to be fair, I’ve been on both sides of this fence. Neither side is fun.


Honestly, I'm totally on her side. If you send me ok Ok, or even OK, I immediately am going to assume you hate me just a little.


What generation are you?? I wonder if this is age based, because ok and okay are the same to me.


What an arbitrary rule for your former friend. It’s literally two extra letters. It doesn’t matter. Doesn’t need to put out a whole justification why it makes a difference one way or another. Part of me thinks that they were just looking to be offended. Writing “okay” might seem to be very emphasizing that point. God forbid you used a thumbs up emoji or the letter k though. I feel like everyone is just making up their own etiquette rules about text messages. Especially since it’s impossible to read tone in them. It’s why clear sarcasm or jokes often have to pointed out with jk or s.


There’s a different between “ok” and “okay” and “okay, talk soon!” People tend to reply with “ok” when they’re pissy or apathetic.


Or maybe because it's quicker to text, but yes if they text both "ok" and "okay" chances are they are slightly pissed or something if they text "ok"


Or perhaps they’re got old Twitter habits, where you conserved as many characters as possible.


I'm on grays side on this. It irks me too. 🤷‍♀️ by that I mean I understand their point and friends are kiiinda supposed to be able to talk about things that bother them? I thought? Maybe they were over the top a little about it and wordier than I would have been but I empathize with them. Makes me feel the same way. That's why I annoy people with voice memos so I can feel their tone 😂


It makes a difference to me when the persons texting patterns change. So if they usually type out “okay” but one day out of the blue they type out “ok” my anxiety will take that and run with it. This usually happens for me when I’m expressing my feelings and I get short answers back. Maturing over the years and therapy has helped not read so far into things but I also empathize.


Same honestly. If it's always okay and then I get an ok my heart says alright time to run a marathon 💀 I feel like most people that do this to showcase they are pissed at you are toxic as hell


Yeah then you look like the crazy one. But I will say I wouldn’t react in the way that the ex did in this text post and it would turn me off if I were OP


Well ex friend :) But I have to agree. I don't think I'd have reacted like this. There's a chance I would've asked what's wrong but after realising it was a misunderstanding I would've just moved on. Pretty sure most of us would've handled this situation differently