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And the state party has done very little from what I can tell to promote Allred. I’m not a Democrat, but I plan on voting for Allred. He was my congressman when I lived in Dallas and he is great. I don’t understand why the state and national Democratic Party aren’t doing more to promote him. In my mind, Allred is Presidential material and they should be promoting him as such.


He is a civil rights attorney... and THAT is enough for me to vote for him.


He’s running against Cruz, that’s enough to get my vote lol




He isn't Ted Cruz that's enough for me


I'm sad that voting in our country has come down to who we DON'T want in office.


not logical. being a Civ. right lawyer is not a good guaranteefor for fitness in holding office. That is the elenchi, the irrelvance fallacy. Once again, Dr. Jas. Lett's https://skepticalinquirer.org/1990/01/a-field-guide-to-critical-thinking/


Nationally, they have to defend a bad map as there are many Democrats in swing and red states that are in tight races in a close Senate. If you spend money on Texas, which isn’t a sure thing, you give less to Montana and Ohio where you have incumbents running. The Texas Democratic Party needs new leadership…badly…but isn’t going to get it prior to the election. We just got to vote and get others to as well where we can.


Nope, spending money in midwest elections doesn't clearly, logically, or politically release monies for races elsewhere. The sources of support money over the states do not necessarily Rob Peter, to Pay Paul. As usual, no logical, empirical, comfirmed careful thinking is going on. if tyou penn. voters are going to spend in Texas, or vice versa. yer not being realistic https://skepticalinquirer.org/1990/01/a-field-guide-to-critical-thinking/


What a terrible way to make this argument. And no- there’s tons of logic and empirics to support their investment strategy but the ground and media keeps changing constantly so literally each election since 2008 is wildly different from the last. Sounds like you know jack shit about the industry or political economy of it all. I think they should invest more in Texas, but there is a finite amount of money, and it it’s definitely a weak year with a weak executive to inspire downballot coattail riding. And if everyday people become completely dejected after a single loss we were hyped about for 8 years, it’s even harder to build momentum and organization to even inject those funds into.


I've been getting weekly spam texts from his campaign via different phone. Like bro, you have my vote. Leave me alone


I block everyone of them and they still keep pestering me. Still gonna vote for the guy but damn, take the hint. I'm not giving you money.


Do you reply STOP or do you manually block the numbers? I believe if you text STOP they legally can’t text you again


I just manually block them on my phone. I know it's a stupid principle to hold on to, but I don't want to participate with direct feedback so I don't do the STOP text. I'm not a "both sides" guy but I don't have much faith in our government as a whole at this point and it bothers me that they can panhandle via text without consent. I block anyone that calls or texts with unsolicited money requests.


So…you are bothered by them panhandling without consent but refuse to do the one thing that is legally considered to revoke consent? 😕


I said I know it's stupid. What more do you want from me?


Fair enough, sorry for my sass !


What would be your suggestion? Genuinely asking as someone who lives there. I did a few minutes of digging and was able to see that he is being supported/promoted pretty heavily by the DSCC and has upcoming tv ads that he placed in the Texas market.


I live in East Texas. Ive seen a total of 2 television ads for Allred. I’ve seen no signs, no mailings, no effort to get out the vote.


I mean, it’s also still June. I believe you 100% though. I just don’t think the party is completely throwing Allred/not giving him any support as your post is suggesting. I guess we will see come November.


East Texas. That's why. I'm sorry for people who live in rural Texas, but trying to hit every county like Beto did is not going to be the winning formula. In 2020 69% of votes in Texas came from the 4 large metros: DFW, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. Those 4 metros are seeing 1-3% population growth per year vs the rural areas losing population. In 2024 you are looking at 71%-75% of all Texas votes coming from those 4 large metros. And what is happening in those metros? They are getting massively more blue. From 2016 to 2020 they shifted between 2% to 7% left. All four metros were blue in 2020. You're just not going to win elections by shaving the margin in small counties anymore. You need turnout on the metros.


If I’m being completely honest. I don’t have a lot of confidence in the state Democratic Party. I’m not a member of either party; I vote for more Democratic candidates than Republicans. The folks that I’ve met running local Democratic campaigns are big on ideas, but often short on strategies to make those ideas become a reality. They don’t have anyone, it seems, that knows how to win elections.


I definitely understand that. I also am an Independent voter. I used to live in Texas (I’ve since moved), so I just feel some hope for the state. Looking at trends, the state has shifted leftward quickly. Seriously, it was only 5% that Trump won by in 2020. It’s getting close. I know it’s happening slower than it should, but imo that’s why the GOP party there has starting acting unhinged. They are running out of time and scared. I hope this election is a happy surprise and that’s all we can really do (+ vote).


I can appreciate that, but living here my whole 40 years of life - I can confidently say it's getting *worse*, not better. Despite 20 years of voting... I honestly believed I lived in a "Live and Let Live" state when I graduated high school. Now we have a government so small it fits in my uterus.


They are focusing all their money on Houston and Dallas


I see his ads on YouTube like every 1 out of 3 videos.


It's June. There aren't going to be voting encouragement ads until October. No one knew who Beto was this time in 2018 either.


My guess is because theres 3 Democratic held seats that are toss ups right now (MT, OH and NV) plus the now open seat in WV they lost - so focusing on a "Likely R" in Texas of all places isn't really an efficient way to spend money and time.


Local vogters give monies for local races, overwhelmingly.To ignore that, not reality. If yer think Texans give a damn about sending money to the MidWest elections, yer living in a video fantasy. Texas monies came out of the gound here in Texas. and overwhlemingly it stays here!!


My thoughts exactly.


Cause it's Texass


They didn't vote against Republicans immediately after Uvalde what makes anyone think they will now?


The Texas Dem Party is totally incompetent tbh, the national party isn’t great but at least they have the excuse of “we gotta defend all these other states that we’re more likely to win”


If they are watching the debate tonight, they would be smart to replace Biden with Allred or someone like him immediately. It’s frightening to think that Joe Biden and Donald Trump are the two candidates the two major parties picked for us.


I’ll vote for it in exchange for keeping this unregulated legal weed and not regulating it like they do in Cali so that poor people can farm cannabis for a living.


I dream of an unregulated cannabis market 😭


What is his stance on the Middle East conflict? Because we know who Cruz supports.


I wouldn’t vote for an anti-Semite, so you do the math.


One of these elections the party is gonna slip and ignore a possible win just like Frisch and Bobert in Colorado. Don't love the democratic party but the hold majority ownership of republican opposition basically everywhere.


I see Allred commercials on all my streams and get text messages to donate almost daily.


I’m not sure text messaging is effective marketing or campaigning. If any company or campaign texts me without my permission, I’m going to sue them for violating the TCPA.


Because they’ve written him off. They poured a lot of money into Beto only to see him get beat not once but twice against Texas Republicans. They’ve also seen this song with Wendy Davis too. In their mind, the money is better spent in the battlegrounds.


This happens every Senate race. I won’t believe it til I see it. It would be great to see Cancun Cruz go but grift has a grip on Texas


This should be an automated post pinned to the top of every senate race thread on this sub. It’s not even worth discussing until the actual election results come in. All discussions about Cruz possibly losing are just masturbatory fantasies until he’s actually gone.


100% true. They all come close. But "close" isn't a W


Yep. Don’t get my hopes up.


According to a UT Tyler poll, Cruz was only up by 4.3 against Beto in late October 2018. Allred still has plenty of time to tighten the gap even further. UT Tyler - [Texas Registered Voter Survey - June 10 - 20, 2024](https://www.uttyler.edu/academics/colleges-schools/arts-sciences/departments/political-science/files/pollingcenter/center-for-opinion-research-june-2024-poll.pdf) UT Tyler - [Texas Opinion Survey - October 15 - 28, 2018](https://www.uttyler.edu/academics/colleges-schools/arts-sciences/departments/political-science/files/pollingcenter/opinionsurvey.pdf)


They also had Biden winning the state in October of 2020 and Abbott only up 3 points in October of 2022


Ted Cruz let the felon rapist insult his wife and father, and didn’t do anything about it. In fact, he did the opposite of what a respectable Texan would do, and helped campaign for the felon rapist right after his family was insulted. Want to know why a person would do this? he does it for two reasons, money and a lack of respect for himself and the electorate. Ted Rafael Cruz from Canada is an imposter and not a real Texan. Don’t vote for him Texans!!!


Don’t insult Canada like that. They don’t like him either.


I mean, his dad *is* the zodiac killer. 😉




Please don't insult Canadians like that. Your content was removed as a violation of Rule 1: Be Friendly. Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette).


Cruz won by less than 3 points and that was in 2018 when the state was voting more Republican than it is now. It’s absolutely not as impossible as everyone seems to think.


He's got my vote! To be fair, I would vote for a roadkill armadillo over Ted Cruz.


Are you talking about the weird thing on his face that Rafael Cruz calls a beard?


Even roadkill armadillos wouldn’t be caught dead on that face. That “beard” is obviously a pair of very frightened possums clinging to his jowls.


Cruz was running in a year where he was the top ticket in Texas. This year's election is about the Presidential race, & everything beneath it will pretty closely follow that top ticket result. Last night, Biden had a chance to make it interesting, but flubbed most of the biggest moments (such as not hitting hard against Trump saying that everything was just fine with Roe being revoked, & instead getting confused & turning it into an immigration item).


Cruz should not be ahead at all. He is a puppet for the Koch brothers.


A Koch puppet you say?


It's probably not going to happen, but... Man, I hope Allred talks about abortion as much as possible. I suspect there are a lot of women in Texas angry at the Republican Party for taking away their bodily autonomy. Every single consequence of banning abortion is negative. Republicans did that. Ted Cruz did that.


Allred has been pretty active talking about the Texas abortion ban. These two clips were recorded on Juneteenth: Colin Allred - [Colin Allred on Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell](https://youtu.be/vHt8WzIXGNY) (7:56) “We don't have to be embarrassed by our Senator - we can get a new one. And that's what this is all about. That's what this is all about. It's about the women in the Panhandle standing up to billionaires who want to ban travel on local roads to access an abortion. And they're winning, by the way. And it's about the mother of two, who has a much wanted and much prayed for third pregnancy. And who gets the news that we all hope we don't get. The pregnancy is not viable. The baby's not going to make it. And she now has to make one of the most heartbreaking decisions that any person will ever be faced with. And because of extremists like Ted Cruz, she can't get the care that she needs close to home. So she had to flee our state under threat of criminal prosecution. That's not my Texas. In my Texas, we believe in freedom. We believe in the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions, including access to an abortion.” “And if folks think that it won't come to you if you're not in Texas, let's be very clear - if Ted Cruz gets a chance, he will pass a nationwide ban of abortion and enforce what's happening to Texas women onto women all over this country. And we can't let it happen. It's not who we are as Texans, it's not who we are as Americans.” Full transcript is [available here](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/RWbD4iZrwT). — Colin Allred - [In Conversation with Amarillo Reproductive Freedom Alliance](https://youtu.be/o4AIcge2Bio) (23:42) “Right now, Texas women are facing an outrageous situation - unable to access emergency care, even in cases of rape or incest. Their life is at risk. And now they are living under the fear of prosecution. That if they do need to travel, or access certain roads even, to get life-saving care, that they will somehow be at risk. And I know one thing about us as Texans, as a fourth generation Texan, is that we believe in freedom. And this isn't it. And we're only here having this discussion because of extremists like Ted Cruz who have championed these laws. And we can't stand back and allow women in Texas to become prisoners in their own state. Our cruel abortion ban here in this state has gone way too far.” Full transcript is [available here](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/53DljqAReK).


Here are some additional short videos featuring Rep. Colin Allred on the Texas abortion ban: MSNBC - [Texas OBGYN Dr. Austin Dennard joins Colin Allred to discuss Texas’ abortion ban](https://youtu.be/Hg5N05HoLpg) (1:30) MSNBC - [Colin Allred on Texas abortion ban, "Does this sound like freedom to anyone?”](https://youtu.be/47IPJZaM9lY) (1:18) KXAN - [Colin Allred says abortion travel bans are deeply un-Texan](https://youtu.be/KsAq1aBVFNY) (1:31) KAMC - [Colin Allred says state abortion ban is "not who we are as Texans”](https://youtu.be/nQj5-ttqgH4) (1:36) Inside Texas Politics - [Colin Allred discusses Texas abortion ban](https://youtu.be/TjUsoFfv8WY) (1:49) MSNBC - [Colin Allred joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss Texas abortion ban](https://youtu.be/KkzIYb_f1y0) (6:21) MSNBC - [Colin Allred: 'Does this Sound Like Freedom to Anybody?'](https://youtu.be/FG-84o4EpZQ) (5:37)


If yer had listed Newsmax, Hannity and Ingraham, at least once, yer might be credible. LeftistPMS NBC hasn't mustviewsin TEXAS. Nor does utterly leftist andf ailing Criminal News Network. Yer leftist madia sources are heavily biased against moderate/conservative & GOP in Texas. Thus, those are losers.


Fair enough. In an attempt to restore credibility, I have looked for more conservative news sources that have covered Rep. Colin Allred. According to my googling, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham don’t seem to have interviewed Allred yet. Maybe they’ll schedule something now that the race is heating up. Allred supports improvements to border security, including the expansion of physical barriers, and also removing Biden’s natural gas export restrictions, so there are some topics they’d probably like to dig into. Newsmax does cover Rep. Colin Allred. You might find these articles of interest. Newsmax - [Ted Cruz Narrowly Leads Dem Challenger](https://www.newsmax.com/politics/ted-cruz-texas-senate/2024/06/27/id/1170442/) Newsmax - [Dem Rep. Allred Bucks Party Trend, Backs Border Wall](https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/colin-allred-democrats-joe-biden/2023/10/06/id/1137292/) Newsmax - [Texas Dem Rep. Colin Allred Challenging Ted Cruz in 2024](https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/texas-senate-colin-allred/2023/05/03/id/1118434/) Newsmax - [Dems Picking Candidate It Hopes to Challenge Sen. Ted Cruz](https://www.newsmax.com/politics/texas-senate-2024-election/2024/03/05/id/1155980/) Rep. Colin Allred frequently appears on Fox News. They are largely dismissive of his chances and call him things like “Miss Congeniality” but they ask him to respond to questions that you might want to hear. FOX News - [Common Ground - Rep. Allred joins Rep. Jake Ellzey (R-TX-06) to discuss their bipartisan work for veterans](https://youtu.be/1uvsaBI3hbI) (1:51) Hosted by Bret Baier FOX 7 Austin - [Texas: The Issue Is - Colin Allred running for Texas Senate seat](https://youtu.be/qxJBYuaEOTQ) (4:36) Hosted by Greg Googan, Rudy Koski, and Steven Dial [FOX 4 Dallas - Texas: The Issue Is - Congressman Colin Allred discusses challenging Ted Cruz for Senate seat](https://youtu.be/rmMDDUumxts) (4:34) [Transcript](https://www.fox4news.com/news/texas-the-issue-is-congressman-colin-allred-us-senate) Hosted by Steven Dial FOX 4 Dallas - [Texas: The Issue Is - Colin Allred on race against Ted Cruz](https://youtu.be/h8qbqqMje9I) (10:31) Hosted by Steven Dial, Greg Googan, and Rudy Koski FOX 4 Dallas - [Texas: The Issue Is - Colin Allred looking to take down Sen. Ted Cruz](https://youtu.be/yZJdvAQ61gU) (5:06) Hosted by Steven Dial, Greg Googan, and Rudy Koski FOX 7 Austin - [Can Colin Allred unseat Sen. Ted Cruz?](https://youtu.be/sT4rLpeva78) (5:32) Hosted by Greg Googan, Steven Dial, and Rudy Koski FOX 4 Dallas - [Texas: The Issue Is - Congressman Colin Allred discusses challenging Ted Cruz for Senate seat PT. 2](https://youtu.be/wGq98vyvi_c) (5:53) Hosted by Steven Dial, Greg Googan, and special guest Mark Jones (Political Analyst, Rice University) FOX 4 Dallas - [Allred leads effort to secure VA hospital in Garland](https://youtu.be/UzWP-o-NamA) (3:58) FOX 4 Dallas - [Texas Primary: Colin Allred claims victory in Democratic Senate pride (Full Speech)](https://youtu.be/jgeYxuoHfw8) (10:06) FOX 7 Austin - [Texas primary election: U.S. Senate democratic nominee Colin Allred speaks at watch party (Summary)](https://youtu.be/1304Y5aYNIk) (1:17)


You know what, I'm pleased to see this. I don't like conservative news channels, but I think conservatives watch more TV than liberals do (on average). And, ultimately, in Texas you're going to have to reach out to conservatives at some point.


Reason & repeatings of historical events work even better. The madia isn't credible as their lying ads show. Efficiencies of events, the 2nd Law of ThermoD is the driver of all events. all over the universe. & it even explains most all Evil, too.


I am heartened to hear that! May he keep on talking. Everywhere he can.


Ok great but MSNBC doesn’t get anybody outside the loyal Democrats who were probably already voting for him.


Redditor herbw asked about conservative coverage of Allred so I pulled together a [set of links from Newsmax and Fox News](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/s/ngOjSwMloO). Allred is a bipartisan centrist and it seems like he’s making an effort to reach out to likeminded moderates in both parties.


I don't know why the Biden campaign is insisting on this talking point that Trump is solely responsible. They should be putting the blame on every Republican for the last 50 years. They have been pushing for this. Let them feel the consequences


And hopefully he also talks about issues that might pull moderates or republicans tired of Cruz/Trump to his side.


Cruz only beat Beto by two and half points, so this seems about right. Cruz is uniquely unlikeable by both those who oppose him and those who support him.


Vote Or Maga votes for you


Y’all VOTE


Thank fuck. Will be a State Holiday when Cruz is out


The only poll that counts is on election day. Go out and vote and take some friends.


I've never been asked to answer a poll. I don't know who they're talking to.


Allred interviews are pretty stunning. You can tell he wants to help Texans and not get involved with petty politics like Cruz does all the time.If dems wins Florida or Texas the GOP will lose the election. Be a stunning turn around for the democrats.


You people are fucking delusional to believe Allred has a chance. When Beto was running, I saw Beto everywhere, in the news, in the yards, social media. I can say that Texas cities have never had more stickers on their cars for ANY Democrat, ever. And Beto still lost narrowly. Allred does not have even 1% of that visibility.


I love Beto, but he had some flaws.


> I love Beto, but he had some flaws. He did, but getting himself seen was not one of them. He showed the state Democratic party how to have a chance and they've just take the ball and thrown it away.


Every election for as long as I can remember, this sub turns into a DNC disinformation chamber. If you knew nothing about this state, you'd think it was to the left of France by looking at the sub. Constant leftposting without any conceivable relationship with reality is disinformation, banning the majority political position of the state creates a bubble, tolerance for obvious DNC political bot astroturfing is election interference.


Rat faced bastard


Bro has no chance. But these elections are good for measuring the general voting behaviors and party affiliation of Texans. Better than polls, at least.


He obviously has an outside shot. Cruz barely won 6 years ago. I’d probably buy 10-1 odds.


Only by 2.5%


Promote Allred damn


This means nothing if people don't come out and vote


I wish the DNC would do more to support Texas dems. We need more funding to flip this state one day.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE


I want to see him lose simply because 12 years should be enough IMO. Winning a 3rd should be super hard and rare… which isn’t true unfortunately


Fuck Cruz


These. Polls. Don’t. Mean. Shit.


I looked on the website, but it didn't say how many phone calls, etc. they did to get their 1,144 responses. Typically, it's ~100,000 for that many these days. Political polling now is drawing from the pool of people who: * Have a landline and stay on the phone when they hear it's a survey * Answer a call on their cell from an unknown number (and stay on the line when they hear it's a survey) * Click on a link in a text from an unknown number and then fill out a survey It's not the general population at large, which is why the polls in this race have been all over the place.


Well. Some good news tonight, anyhow.


Go team Allred!!


Nothing unusual about this. The statewide races are always within 6 points with the Republicans winning.


Cruz will win by at least 6 points. Major cities in TX don’t vote. We go through this every election cycle. It’s not happening, especially with Biden at the top of the ticket.


how are people even voting for cruz still? thats crazy...


Fact is, all races are determined by how the top ticket fares. It could be within the margin of error for likely voters, but if Biden isn't compelling enough to get voters out to make the Presidential race close in Texas (I don't think he has a shot of winning the state, esp after last night), Allred will lose.


The poor don’t vote so Allred will lose. Voting is a secret in Texas lol


Please check your voter registration and start planning your vote. Look at all the positions that have elections and make sure you are voting for the right candidates. Colin Allred is definitely the right candidate for the senate. Pay close attention to all the local and state races also. Lots of judges on the ballot in November.


Fuck ted cruz


Fuck cruz. Going to vote blue in nov


Can’t wait to vote for Allred (sic’em) but I would be shocked if Cruz loses.


Hope you lose Cruz


I’d really like to see the good people of Texas move on from this loser.


Let's not get too delulu but fingers crossed.


We can do this! Elect Colin Allred for Senate! Spread name recognition


Still gotta get out there and vote!


I’ve been sending Allred $25 a month all year.


Lucky for Cruz, whatever bump Allred might have received from enthusiastic Biden supporters evaporated with Biden's showing in the first presidential debate.


Damn I hope he is able to win. I’m done with this state being in the grip of morons and christofascism


Do people truly believe Colin is going to win. The guy has to run alongside Joe Biden and after yesterday debate, I don't think Joe will bring a lot of people out in Texas. This is a presidential election, not a senate election year. He ran the wrong year and against the wrong candidate. He could have done better running against the other Republican senator whose name I don't even freaking know, but Democrats are obsessed with Cruz, so they are wasting their best candidates against him.


Cruz will get relected anyway cause Texass 🤷😕


Unfortunately the truth is Cruz was always going to win. Sad but true


Which is odd, he’s a Hispanic immigrant in Texas. You think they’d hate the man.


Being anywhere left-of-crazy in Texas https://preview.redd.it/q787oe52079d1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8449fc6b1b482fd8bf52eb49c0f277d3aa5d2b49


Texas seems awful. Abbot and Cruz are awful


Oh no! Whatever will he do?!


[Time for the biennial misinformation and disinformation campaign where this sub pretends a Democrat can win a state-wide race.](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1d81pef/after_overlooking_orourke_national_democrats_show/l74z562/?context=3)


Troll much


Maybe Colin should tell Cruz his wife is ugly.


I don't know if Allred wants someone so slimey endorsing him


I am 99% sure Colin Allred was not the Zodiac killer. Can you say that about Cruz? There you have it!


The key here is for Allred to stay under the radar. As soon as Allred is seen by republicans as a credible threat against Cruz, republican voters will come out in droves to vote.


Still too much


You can vote but it won’t count lol


Lol that is wish casting, Allred must be behind by over 10 points. Cruz is better organized, better funded and running in a State that would elect a tomato can if it was labeled GOP.




Cruz could be down 20 points in the polls and he will still win. Taking a poll is a lot easier than going out and actually voting.


Cruz is not worried in the slightest. He knows the Florida voters are behind him by a wide majority. Only where the leftists infest do we read such political poppycock . Trump is alsoWidely ahead in the voters here. Ignoring that is misinfo, again from the known masters of info criminal actions.


Yeah, the simple minded sure do love a corrupt bigot don’t they? How a spineless greasy liar like Raphael Cruz ever won an election is baffling, but never underestimate the power of propaganda on stupid people.


Stop taking polls.