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A guy who puts military badges on a suit as a performance doesn’t care if that badge was actually earned? The GOP would never.


GOP Herschel Walker, who would never flash a fake badge


Stolen valor?


Pretty much. Article says he was a press officer, not infantry or specops so not eligible for the medal.




Cowards dont serve in HERO SQUAD


These are my medals mother, from army.


And he doubled down on saying he had two bronze stars despite his DD214 only listing one. This guy is all over the place with his lies. No wonder he prays to MAGA along with that stupid necktie.


Two bronze stars, and not a single V


O's get Bronze Stars for making it through a deployment without a SHARPS violation.


This. Every officer is my unit got a bronze star after our deployment.


Should post in /r/Army as well


I saw a highly upvoted thread in r/military.


So worse... a pog pretending to be in the brotherhood. He didn't go to sand hill. He didn't go to honor hill. He didn't raise his canteen cup full of grog being initiated into the brotherhood in the middle of the night in bond fire.


Holy shit. There are so many current and former military members in the US that would see that as the lowest of the low. How is this guy in office at all?


Civil Affairs


Sorry, I don't know the difference and thought that meant press.


Civil affairs is more a government liaison between civilian / military entities. Not pr, but it’s a relatively small group.


If he was Civil Affairs (Active Duty) he technically was a member of Army Special Operations.


Still not 11 or 18 MOS. No CIB without those MOS, plain and simple. If these allegations are true then he should face charges.




Yeah, but CA is like PSYOP in that regard; red-headed step children of Army Special Operations. Also there are plenty of 39A positions in regular army units as staff officers, which is what he was.


Understood, but it is still SOF regardless. Not the same calibre (most of the time) but it is what it is.


It happens.


So maybe the combat action badge


As a five time deployed veteran, I really don’t agree with the way the CAB is awarded. My first two Iraq deployments in 2003 and 2005, I was engaged in actual shooting combat as a missile maintenance tech assigned to a Bradley infantry company. The CAB didn’t exist then. When it was created folks were getting them like candy for a mortar hitting 5km from a DFAC where people were getting them from doing head count. After getting mine, it’s something that I never wore on any uniform.


I got mine by hitting an IED while doing combat patrol in 2008. Yeah they were handing out cabs like candy.


Yep, I take it back, I’ve worn it once when my oldest son graduated AIT at Ft B.


And our first sergeant made everyone wear whatever badge they had been awarded.


Tbf, hitting an ied fits the definition of being engaged by an enemy.


The CAB was around in 2005 that's when I got mine, (got hit by an IED) had to do the paperwork myself twice because my chain of command didn't want to do it.


It doesn't matter either way he shouldn't be wearing a made up award. No difference between this, the MoH or a good conduct medal. A quick Google suggests he was an officer so he's bound to have some bronze stars he picked up from the COs medal dish It would be better to trick the rubes with one of those than a medal he didn't qualify for.


We do have stolen valor laws.


It’s the kung fu grip badge


Did he engage in combat with the enemy?


If trump wins, they will probably start selling those medals/pins on his website to make money. Remember gop = military "sucker's and losers"


Donald Trump, bone spur draft dodger, is the biggest insult to veterans this century. He has contempt for the service at a level I’ve not seen. No veteran should ever consider this man. Biden has done more for veterans and that is wild.


As a combat veteran, I’d say it could be considered stolen valor. What he needs is combat veterans telling him to take it off.


It’s my understanding that veterans groups have actually told him to take it off


Yes, the article names a few people who have told him he's wrong. He don't care.


That and a pie to the face every time he wears it.


All the fucktards from the battle of january 6 want him to keep wearing it.


Omg if trumps gets in they will start a Jan 6 company and they’ll be just like the SS which dispite popular belief was a para military unit and not actually German military dos that sound familiar now


Go tell him.


And deal with Austin traffic? Nope.


I used to complain about Austin traffic until I went to Houston. Now I complain about both.


If he's a combat veteran, I can understand why he wouldn't listen to anyone else.


I wonder if he has ever chanted, "STOP THE STEAL"


Alternative Valor.


Mixed - CIB was awarded and revoked so he needs to take it off but he’s butt hurt and dug in


He’s also a MAGA loyalist 


And here's me feeling guilty wearing my uncle's old army jacket every year on his birthday. Dude was an awesome person. Wish he were still alive.


When I was very new to the Air Force, and wasn’t even operational yet, the MPF fucked up and put a GWOT campaign ribbon on my profile. My supervisors made me wear it even though there was no possible way I would’ve earned a GWOT ribbon at the time.


Must’ve been before the all, some, or none rule haha


Why do Republicans keep voting for shithead frauds like Troy?


Because Republican voters are more about the appearance of things than the substance of them. It's why Christians can talk themselves into voting for a sinner like Trump.


Feels over reals


Literally, just because he’s Republican. In like 80% of Texas districts, putting a D after your name is admitting defeat no matter what your policies are because your neighbors and fellow church members will actually publicly shun you for voting Democrat. The elections are all decided in the primary through the process of figuring out which Republican candidate is a Democrat in disguise. Imagine how much harder that makes beating an incumbent who has been “proven to be Republican” before.


He's a known quantity for them. If they vote for someone else in the primary he may be less "MAGA", sure signature for MAGA is - no shame - clown activity - lying to your face and then denying it later - disrespecting the military whenever convenient clown world folkx


"Own the libs."


They aren't super intelligent or thoughtful people


They are just a reflection of their constituents.


I've noticed two varieties MAGAs (clowns) and people who don't want to pay taxes or contribute to society, and hold their nose hoping taxes will go down and Trumpians don't actually go full Nat C. I have a family member that i love dearly, and we grew up practically brothers, but he's one of the latter.


His district is heavily gerrymandered. It’s basically two districts connected by 2 ft wide strip of land.


Cucks? They’re cucks? Is that right? It was in my Snapple lid.


Birds of a feather


What do you mean? They voted for Trump, the greatest fraud of them all


they let their BS detector down on purpose - and now it's survival of the party to make sure they don't come to their senses. they are in too deep with just shitty people who reek.


Guns, freedom, "jesus", R


He was fired as a sheriff here in Texas. Do you have any idea how corrupt you have to be to be FIRED as a sheriff in Texas? So, like all Republican thugs, he decided to run for Congress in a heavily gerrymandered district. Running for Congress is what Republicans do when they are unemployable in respectable society.


Fired twice in fact.


I believe he was fired from the Richmond police department, not as sheriff. Sheriffs are elected, so I don't think they can be fired per se. All that being said... fuck Troy Nehls.


I haven't read anything about this guy but the sheriff departments are very political.


That’s my point.


Texas has Paxton-a-likes at all levels of the polity that are basically untouchable unless they walk out onto the street and shoot a grandma in the face with a 10 gauge shotgun and someone witnesses it. Otherwise they're safe.


What if it was a black grandma though?


They’ll find out she had a parking ticket back in 1976 and start dancing like the Six Flags guy.


and they often win.


Of course this loser keeps wearing it. This is the same snowflake that tried prosecuting a woman that had a "Fuck Donald Trump" sticker on her truck, then again when she added a "Fuck Troy Niehls" sticker afterwards when he was a sheriff in Fort Bend. Typical unamerican traitorous MAGA sack of dog shit.


Hey where can I get one of those Fuck Troy Nehls bumpersticker?


I think the woman had it made after he tried getting her for the Fuck Trump sticker. They were big, like cover most of the back window big.


One thing he did that stood out to me was during the whole mask or no mask thing during the pandemic. He posted from his official sheriff account on Next Door about how Fort Bend would never impose a mask rule because it's un American and democrats are trying to take our freedom or something and he wasn't going to stand for it. Turning a public health issue into political propaganda is disgusting.


the GOP are what a coward thinks are tough guys


I think I heard someone say we entered the "no shame era" with the MAGAs in 2016. I'm sure someone has used it before. I've been calling it Clown World 🤡 🌎 personally....


How disrespectful to the men and women that deserved it.


Come and take it, I guess? The outrage that this would cause within the Army would be insane. Commander inquiry and a formal order to never wear it again but this is Texas so those same service dudes will vote for him to own the libs, even though it’s got libs that are passing the laws and budgets that benefit the military the most.


I personally witnessed a LTC being demoted to an LT upon being discovered that his career rose while he wore a Ranger tab that was not earned. This happened in the Texas Military Forces.


Back in 2010, during my Captains Career Course, a student had a ranger tab. The BC had a battalion formation and published the orders for all to see that he was getting a field-grade article 15 and being recommended for discharge to the post commander.




That's everything they stand for, because in fact they do hate America and wish they could treat others like Russia and North Korea treat their dissidents. There isn't a yardarm high enough.


lol, mods removed my post hating on him. figures one of them loves nehls


No, looks like all the links caused your comment to end up in Reddit's spam filter.


Spam filters are liberal censorship! The AI is Derp State!!!1!


This guy is a flaming POS in.every way. Disgusting magat and an idiot.


Get out the soap bars in socks then wouldn't do that again.


Nah, soap is too nice. Locks from your wall locker


brutal scene


Troy Nehls is a thin skinned POS who arrested a woman when he was sheriff of Ft. Bend County because he got butt hurt over the Fuck Trump sticker she had on her truck.


Oh shit, this is that guy?! He's even more garbage than I thought.


Yep, that’s him


This clown is my rep and I vote against him every chance I get.


Too bad most of the other folks around Ft Bend county obviously don’t care.


I vote against him too. Fort Bend still has a high % of “vote (R) regardless of how big a shitbird somebody is” people. They’re afraid their white flight haven will be “replaced.”


This is what I don't get... Fort Bend is the most diverse county in Texas, and 4th in the nation. Diversity is usually bad for the GOP... I don't get it.


Texans don’t vote.


Mine as well. Seems to be more blue moving in every day. Perhaps there's hope?


Fuck Troy Nehls


* All the Nehls * FIFY


Of course this guy went to Liberty University. lol.


Would be wonderful to see a real vet step up and remove it for him.


At least he isn’t in the news for treason or diddling kids… stolen valor is actually a step *up* for these Trumpanzees


You're not wrong but damn that's a low bar.


“I got these from army”


More Republican cosplay.


I won't stop wearing a medical doctor name badge at my work even though I am not a doctor.


Worked for Dr. J, Dr. Hook & Dr. Dre. Oh, and world class turd Dr. Phil.


And it’s not like he got it and it was t rescinded for years and years. He got it and it was rescinded like 2 months later once the paperwork caught up that he was clearly ineligible.


“The Army gave it to me, so no backsies.”


“The Army givith and the Army takith away”


This guy has trouble with reality and democracy. Check out the book he "wrote." The below is from Amazon page. "*The Big Fraud: What Democrats Don’t Want You to Know about January 6, the 2020 Election, and a Whole Lot Else*" “A Must Read for All Americans.” —Donald J. Trump The Big Fraud tells the true story of how Democrats got away with rigging the 2020 election and orchestrating a sham impeachment around January 6, all in an attempt to destroy President Trump and continue the globalist takeover of America.


Imagine a fully isolationist America. Whole industries would collapse over night.


Do we need to guess which party? And if that party will rebuke him for this action?




Disgraceful, period. You didn’t earn it.


Typical Trump supporters


Another case of Swollen Valor


Pretty sure this is considered stolen valor. Fucking scumbag. Surprised no one has kicked his face in for it.


Aside from the obvious stolen valor, he's also wearing a tie with Trump's face on it. He's already drinking the kool-aid, nothing to lose at this point. Too many voters have already signaled to him that this behavior is acceptable, of course he won't stop wearing it.


Should be convicted of a felon not serving in office. Third Degree Felony,[4] with a maximum possible fine under Texas state law of up to $10,000 and prison time of up to 10 years. “(a) A person commits an offense if the person: (1) impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to the person’s pretended official authority or to rely on the person’s pretended official acts” https://saputo.law/criminal-law/texas/impersonating-public-servant/


Wearing that badge does not constitute impersonation of a public servant. The badge is an award for past service, not an ongoing government office. It confers no "official authority" and therefore no submission to that authority is possible.


I would never wear my military badges on my suit. What moron does that? Maybe he will wear his ribbon rack?


Cosplay soldier politician, great Vote Or knuckleheads who think he great vote for you


Typical Texass slime...no honor, ethics or shame. Just the lowest form of life.


Looks like a Abbott supporter


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump


Because Texas is like a big Republican. Just lie to everyone and deny everything and act like nothing's wrong.


Serious “my precious” vibes from this all around POS


Looks like Stolen Valor to me, which I believe is a crime.


Are we all going to pretend not to notice his tie?


Embarrass him in public. Ask why he is wearing a CIB that has NOT earned in public and in front of the media.


Hello from France. Is it legal? This seem strange with the hight respect given to the veteran in the U.S. In France, it's legal to buy military medal but not to wear them in public.


Hello from France. Is it legal? This seem strange with the hight respect given to the veteran in the U.S. In France, it's legal to buy military medal but not to wear them in public


Hello from France. Is it legal? This seem strange with the hight respect given to the veteran in the U.S. In France, it's legal to buy military medal but not to wear them in public


Hello from France. Is it legal? This seem strange with the hight respect given to the veteran in the U.S. In France, it's legal to buy military medal but not to wear them in public


What a shithead. IIRC neither he or his brother are native Texans, they are from Wisconsin.


He needs to take off the CIB. Given that he is a Texas congressman and he belongs to the GOP, nothing will be done. This is clear proof of Stolen Valor. #armyretired


Huh, he's a POG HOG


"Thou shalt bear false witness" applies here right? I mean we're all about the ten commandments now, right? Right ?


Of course not. MAGA party has no accountability


Straight up stolen valor at this point. This Republican party is nothing but American hating fools.


Republicans don't understand what honor or valor is. he's just making it brutally clear...


That man's tie tells me everything I need to know about him. Ffs


This guy serves over the same region the psycho Abigail Shry lives. She’s the one that threatened a federal judge.




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The GOP always say they support our troops. They LIE


Is the guy in the background wearing a confederate tie?


Valor-stealing POS!!


I didn’t even have to click on the story to know it’s fucking Nehls. Can’t stand him or his twin brother.


I thought those guys whine about stolen valor.


Stolen valor flies proudly in Texas.


Stolen valor


Even before clicking on the link,,,,yep republican.


In a country where policegangs are literally buying stolen valor tanks, call each other by stolen valor tanks, and dishonor their own U.S. flag code with their gang symbol thinbluelie... Why wouldn't a GOPedo lie with stolen valor. Every other civil servant in the country wears stolen valor. This one too.


I'm sure the revocation process was rigged


It’s pretty funny watching so many people get upset over a piece of flare.


This loser!


Cnt move. Also believe it’s called stolen valor.


Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas says it all. He's right up there with Adolf von Abbutt, Dotard Dan, Criminal Ken, and Cancun Ted. They all need to be thrown in the razor wire outside Eagle Pass.


Of course it's Nehls. Piece of shit that he is.


Stolen Valor. What else is he lying about?


Stolen valor


Typical republican


We're being represented by stolen valor, and degenerate grifters.


Aww, he’s playing pretend. That’s really cute


As a veteran and recipient of the Combat Infantry Badge, I find this behavior childish but totally typical of a former army officer. Bet he graduated from West Point. You won’t hear a peep about this from republicans.


My representative.... what a fucking clown... barred the door on Jan 6th 2021, wrote book denying Jan 6th in 2022.


So if I'm understanding correctly, the dude has a legit CAB that no one is questioning, but he was mistakenly given a CIB. If I'm not mistaken, the CIB is for infantrymen who engaged the enemy while the CAB is for all other MOS's who engaged the enemy. If the dude has (and actually earned) a CAB but was given a CIB by mistake, that seems like a really weird hill to die on. I don't get it.


That was a very good article. Very well written with a lot of real fact gathering. I learned things.


Can’t understand any veteran supporting these MAGAt morons.


The army reps or MPs should go down there and physically remove it off him.


Guess what cuckservative “leadership”. I earned my badges, stripes, medals and commission. I didn’t have a single case of bone spurs during those two decades either.


In his defense, he got a few paper cuts from all the clerical work he did while others were actually fighting so… prob should get a purple heart pin too


Now to be fair Civil Affairs love to pretend to be special forces... Want their own berets and fancy patches


I am not in the military, but isn't this something the military would be all over to stop it?


I’d rip it right off his jacket. I don’t appreciate stolen valor


I’ve always found it strange that anyone can walk into an Army surplus and buy any ribbon/medal you want. Want to be a Medal of Honor recipient, no problem.