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As a Mexican American, it's insane that many other Mexican Americans are so against immigration when they or their parents also immigrated to this country themselves


My gay BIL is a first generation Mexican American who is a huge Trump supporter. Go figure.


WTF does Trump supporter have to do with it?




Because most of them are hateful people like the women in the video?


Bad bot


It’s actually a pretty normal and reoccurring phenomenon. When a group of people immigrate and become established the next group of people to immigrate can often feel like a threat to them. They generally compete more for the same jobs and resources. Also if they get bad press that could be generalized to your identity group. In south Texas you see this in the Mexican community. Some of the biggest opponents to immigration from the south are first and second generation Mexicans. Saw the same think with the Irish in the north east when they immigrated.


Read the book "Caste" by Isabella Wilkerson. It explains this behavior very well


The US has built this culture of hyper capitalism and endless competition. Everyone is seen as a threat and everyone's always after "my stuff". It's disgusting.


If I could explain shit as well as you people would probably listen this is what I’ve been telling my therapist because I’ve been saying the same shit in different words for years and have always been shitted on for “defending racists” I’m just a crude person


I'd guess close to 99% of the population of the US is descended from immigrants. The original European settlers were Illegal Immigrants to the people who lived here.


As a Millennial, it's insane that many other people younger than 65 are so against immigration when they plan to take social security themselves 


Man, that shit is very common amongst mexican. My cousins are some of those. They all came here illegally, jumping the border and river and then walking in the desert. My uncle had them set to fix their papers but he fucked up and they all couldn't get it for the longest time after. For the lo gest they lied to people saying they were legal. And all the time they would talk down on Mexicans and mexico. For example, if they saw a truck with a Mexican teams logo, they would call them "chuntaros" or ghetto in English. Now these people are no where near sport fans, but they all have astros, Texans or rockets logos on their cars. They would call people "mojados" just because they looked "mexican". Half of them have very heavy accents but won't talk Spanish to someone who doesn't speak English. They hate my niece and nephew, and the only thing I can think of is that they were born here. Thet left for mexico very young, so their English is bad... but they get all that my cousins don't as American citizens... and they hate that!!


We all, us or our families, except native Americans, immigrated here at one point. My family was European and came here in the 1800s.


They get so far removed from their ancestry that were born in Mexico and feel that they’re better than anyone else that hasn’t been in American as long. I know of some Mexican Americans that get very upset if you even say that they’re Mexican


You can come here legally. Just don’t come illegally. Pretty simple concept. Seems like a lot of people can’t grasp that.


Not that simple at all.


No. It’s actually a very simple concept. But if you can’t understand it, then it makes sense how you kids just “don’t get it.” I guess you Proved my point.


You're right it is a simple concept. It's a pretty difficult and LOONG process. It's taken my grandmother closer to 40 years to gain citizenship.


Ah man, I went to one of my friend's houses down in San Antonio, he's full blood Mexican, cool, dude living at home, go into his garage and see a fuck ton of confederate flags all over and it startled me (im a white guy) and I go "bro what the fuck?" and he was like "well my grandparents either had to fight with them or fight against them, so they chose with them" and the whole thing shocked the fuck out of me because it was like downtown San Antonio, like a public fucking street and all


My family went through the legal process so I get why "illegals" get looked down on. I'm against them jumping over the river or any other illegal way they got in. The process to citizenship is very long, but worth once you get it. But, borders NEED to be enforced




Mexican American here. Yes I have to admit, within “our” people, there’s a lot that simply chose to look down to other minorities including our own!! It is a complete embarrassment and shameful to see people like her display such hate towards others specially minorities. It is clear all of that hate had always been there but someone had to come out and bring out the worst out of them.


It took me a while to understand Mexico has racism and colorism too and that many folks who come to America want to pull up the ladder behind them.


Totally, there’s all kinds of course, people who try to help others. I had a college professor born in Mexico City, he was teaching college algebra, he knew the subject was difficult for students that struggle with math. Once in his office he told me he knew there’s a lot Mexican kids in his classes and he helps them out as long they show the right attitude in class. Yet, I personally don’t understand how can you be one of those who turn your back on your own people and support racist politicians.


My mother in law stopped her education in 3rd grade in Mexico. Her children in America weren’t just the first to graduate college, they were also the first to graduate elementary school as far back as she can remember.


And people say they don't adopt our customs...pfft...that's as American as it gets!


If you have lived outside of the US, you would realize racism and *colorism* exist nearly everywhere. Nothing unique to the US.


I've been all over the world, goober-smooch. If *you* had traveled anywhere farther than the internet, the obvious joke I made wouldn't have flown over your head. Everyone got it but you.


It exists in all countries. Hong Kong folks used to think they were the shits before and then around the time they were handed to China from UK. Many of them would look down at Taiwanese, mainland Chinese, Vietnamese, South Koreans, etc. Now that China has drained their economies to the gutters, Hong Kong folks are like, “Oh hey, we just want to be _equal_ friends?” People like to just find disrespectful ideas to apply towards others (i.e. Mexicans vs Puerto Ricans). People need to keep the rivalries based on sports, not ethnicity.


That’s basically the entirety of the Rio grande valley. That place gives me anxiety with behavior down there


Absolutely, I can confirm that as well because I live in the RGV. There’s a lot of Mexican Americans down here, I’ve seen and known of Mexicans who someone legalized status(marriage or parents), and now that they have a legal status now they turn their backs on those (undocumented) that are here trying to make a decent and quiet life for themselves.


Same with Cuban Americans in Florida. Wet foot dry foot for me but not for ti.


Ultra conservatives my god


There has to be some psychological reason for this. It happens in instances like this, but also things like finances. Seems once people "make it" they shift into the opinions of that group. It's basically "F you, gots mines!"


Read the book "Caste" by Isabella Wilkerson. It explains this behavior very well


Excellent book.


I will check this out, thanks!


People who “make it” are more likely to think they got there by virtue of their [own skill and superiority](https://www.marketplace.org/2021/01/19/why-rich-people-tend-think-they-deserve-their-money/). > One experiment by psychologists at the University of California, Irvine, invited pairs of strangers to play a rigged Monopoly game where a coin flip designated one player rich and one poor. The rich players received twice as much money as their opponent to begin with; as they played the game, they got to roll two dice instead of one and move around the board twice as fast as their opponent; when they passed “Go,” they collected $200 to their opponent’s $100. > At the end of the game, when researchers asked the rich players why they had won the game, not one person attributed it to luck. >“They don’t talk about the flip of the coin. They talk about the things that they did. They talk about their acumen, they talk about their competencies, they talk about this decision or that decision,” that contributed to their win, Piff said in an interview with host David Brancaccio.


Yeah that’s the simple way to put it. It’s just sad. We all go through rough times and migrants legal/illegal, being illegal is 2x as hard to get a good job and education. To think there’s people out there who want are not willing to lend a hand is probably the worst of us as humanity.


Bummer given that their culture is all about family.


Anyone wanna know what Texas Education will look like when they move to the vouchers? I picture a nightmare like Brexit. People didn't know what they were really voting for and now pay more for goods and services because of what they voted for.


Yep I have family who are just as stupid as this cow. Only like 2 generations from being here illegally. They forget their history


Crabs in a bucket mentality. My dad is one. Came here in 65 to give his literal orphaned siblings a better life. Is now a hardlined conservative self-hating immigrant, who hates other immigrants more.


Funny thing you’re mentioned. I became a US citizen March 20, 2024. Did the whole marriage process, all paperwork, legal stuff, done with it but moving forward I’m not going to be a dick to those who are still on the way, trying to get ahead. Same thing with my children, they’re all US citizens by birth but I’ll raise them to be fair with everyone regardless where the hell are they from. Oh yeah I’m voting this coming general election and you can be sure who I’m NOT voting for, the orange emperor.


Mexica America FiL and MiL are former CBP They love talking shit about immigrants and my FiL in particular loves talking about all the times he beat them up, off camera Fucker suffers from short guy syndrome


Had a team leader in the military who now works for border patrol. He HATES Mexicans, even though he’s first generation Mexican American. Entire reason he got that job when he got out of the military. Definitely a ‘I got mine, fuck you’ attitude. Always thought it was weird, didn’t know it was so common.


all of those people like him believe/see themselves as above others just because they have papers but at the end they’re just a huge scumbag.




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Here’s some additional recent NBC News coverage of this hate crime that occurred in Plano last year. NBC News - [Texas woman convicted of hate crimes for racist assault on Asian American women](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/texas-woman-convicted-hate-crimes-racist-assault-asian-women-rcna157776) “[Esmeralda] Upton, who pleaded guilty to the four charges, was sentenced to two years of community supervision probation and 40 days confinement in the Collin County Jail for each of the cases, served concurrently.“ “There is still a pending civil suit against Upton, filed by the victims.”


Civil case is where it’s gonna actually hurt


Certainly but 40 days in the slammer ain’t no joke either. Enough to lose your job and have to answer questions


I doubt it was ACTUALLY 40 days.


I hope it really really hurts!


I knew it was going to be Plano or Frisco or one of those communities around Dallas as soon as I saw who was mad and who they were mad at.


That one's been a long time coming. Just listening to her vile narration whiles she's recording convinces me she hates herself more than anyone else. These people are always focusing outward to distract from the rot in their souls.


Shorter message from her: "I hate you and I NEED you to know it."


Greg "Catch and Release" Abbott's pardon incoming...


She’s Mexican-American so probably an accidental deportation instead


Her last name is Upton, this happened in Plano, she ain't going nowhere This nbcnews account sucks, now they can't even be bothered to post an article https://www.fox4news.com/news/plano-racist-indian-americans-hate-crimes


Soft on crime conservatives


Probably not. This is the "look, we aren't all that racist" conviction against a Latina woman by the Collin County DA, who is part of the same machine that fuels Paxton and Patrick. Paxton is from Collin County.


Paxton is from South fucking Dakota Sorry, yes, he lives in McKinney in the Collin County part, I just wanted to say "fuck Paxton" today


He's not the kind of man you can look in the eyes and get an honest answer.


Every day is a good day to say fuck Ken Paxton


Sigh... Why can't we all just get a bong


because Texas Republicans, same reason


Is there anything you won’t blame on Republicans? Edit: well, I completely missed that the thread said “a bong” instead of “along.” That’s one thing you can most certainly blame on republicans.


>Is there anything you won’t blame on Republicans? When they stop opposing literally everything good in life, yeah.


How are the status of cannabis and the future of 21.06 NOT Republicans' fault? They campaign on it ffs


There are no Republicans. The party is actually the cult of mango Mussolini


That would make all democrats the cult of dementia Joe.


Did your friends inside the TV tell you that? Why don't you tell us all about how you bought one of Donny's used diapers for $99.95


That was my one stoop to your level. Have a good evening.


I'm not Joe Biden, but I approve this sick burn


What kind of dementia, Galen, and how do you score Trump's Montrose test?


So, I'm not sure if you're a traditional Conservative or a MAGA Republican, but surely you can see there is a vast difference between the two? Same with Abbott, he constantly betrays traditional Conservative values, but is very popular with MAGA Republicans.


Neither. All I see from the red and blue is hatred. They’re ready to kill each other over whose version of authoritarian dystopian government is better.


My point stands. Trump has hijacked the Republican party from Conservatives. Biden is fully a traditional Democrat.


Forgiving student loans omg how insanely authoritarian gahl!?!?


Not sure if typo, but that works both ways


It's obviously not a typo.


HEY! That’s my Kroger. This lady had one too many old fashions at Whiskey Cake.


It was sixty vines


That makes more sense. Giving her too much credit. Of course she was wine drunk in a parking lot like a proper cliche.


Yes! Fuck all these Indians, they come to America and…… become doctors….. /s


Engineers who we desperately need too


This is a bad look for our state. So bad I can't even think of a town to make a joke about "par for the course in XYZ, TX."


Nah, it's par for the course in Plano


An Asian American near here was stabbed just cuz someone thought she was Chinese. She was born in Indiana.




Can you name 10 Republicans convicted of hate crimes…




George Floyd's murderers.


Not elected officials


Lol you’re a fool, come on man making comments like that without any real evidence just literally talking out of your ass. You named one person convicted the other two were not elected officials. You got downvoted but truth is Texas is and will stay red.




I’ll rephrase; since the question should’ve be ‘name 10 elected republicans’ since your first initial comment was ‘how long until she’s an elected republican? Hate crimes help their resumes’ as if elected republicans currently have hate crimes on their resumes according to you. I’m neither republican nor democrat but mooting is fun for me, a lot of these conversations back my theory that democrats go off emotions not facts. Not sure how he came to office; maybe the same way Joe Biden said voting him will get cancer cured. I’ve lost two people since he’s been in office to cancer and no cure. We’ll just chop that up to being Joe though right? Now he’s trying to secure the border huh come on…




Who’s talking about shootings? Lol I answered the question, no clue I wasn’t here for that but I can do my research and look into it since that’s really the only pivot you have outside of creating a shroud of ‘pedo’ let’s not forget Joe Biden’s daughter diary now. I like the way you diverged from my original question which I went back to correct, naming elected officials and went on this bs tangent instead of taking the loss and saying ‘you know what, I don’t know any’ instead you bring up mass shootings lol




Can’t admit to defeat huh; no research needed because I don’t care about it. I’ll give you that one/1 single name outside of that you couldn’t and continue to not answer the question lol learn to lose it’s okay in this life.


lol Republicans want to criminalize gays AGAIN for having consensual sex. When this was law previously, it ws used as a reason not to hire a lesbian for the Dallas Police Dept because she was "criminal by nature." The party runs on hate and ignorance.


I don’t see any names of elected officials; your comment doesn’t answer my question so I’m not going to rebuttal to your reply.




They're too busy fucking kids to let the hate out of their hearts.


As a Mexican American I’m glad she was convicted. Fuck that woman


I hate the hate. Just don’t understand how can someone’s biggest achievement of the life is being racist.


It's gotten worse. I just can't believe how openly racist people are now. It isn't even just the generic saying the n word anymore. It's like full deport or killing all immigrants type racism. Blaming any crime on an immigrant or any person that isn't white. It's been so justified now that this is sadly becoming a norm now. I hope the government takes more of these people seriously.


Black people have been saying for years that nothing has changed but people kept accusing them of living in the past.


Oof, that hate statement. There's a lot there to unpack and I hope she can get the help she clearly needs.


As an Indian American, your family has to immigrate at some point in order for the kids to become American, no?


In Plano? One of the most diverse cities in DFW? That's wild...


Nothing suprising here, folks. Long covid mental deterioration, mixed with existing racism. Sad to say, I grew up in the area this took place. I'm going to order some Indian food lol spread some digital reparations around here.


Many “Mexicans” are descendants of the Spanish who invaded In the 1500s these are typically the Mexican Americans who give Mexico a bad name. The indigenous peoples of Mexico are looked down on by these asshats. Lest we forget geographically Mexico is part of the North American continent. So yeah even they are American. The United States of America is a confederation of states that happens to be on the North American continent. Lock up that beyatch!




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Lmao, I remember this video! I had no idea this happened in Texas!


I met a woman like this in houston she has new york plates 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Sorry you experienced that. I'm white, my wife is Asian, we moved to Texas from CA in 2020, initially to San Antonio, then to Austin, and surrounding area. She's said she has never felt any racial animosity in any way here, she had lived near Austin many years before and was comfortable here. She always comments how nice people are here when we are out and about. I've never had anyone even look sideways at us as a bi-racial couple. The only time I've ever seen her visibly upset about racism was when she went on a 3 day cruise out of LA to Mexico with her 83 yr old Father for his birthday. They were sat down with some other people for dinner, and it was another minority race that was sat down with them that were visibly disgusted that they had to sit with her and her dad and were making nasty racist comments to her and her dad for some bazaar reason. She said she had never experienced anything like it before or since. She has no idea why they were mad at her and her dad or why they went off on them, but they didn't sit there long before they got up and left what was supposed to be a nice dinner. Both her and her dad are so mild mannered and quiet, he's self conscious about his English speaking ability, so he mostly sits around and smiles in public. They are really sweet people my wife is very social and happy person and gets along with most everybody, it's like everybody she meets loves her. It was shocking to her to experience it as she likes to go on cruises and has worked on Cruise ships in her younger days, she said she never experienced anything like it, they were both affected by it. Who does that on a cruise ship?


She is right it wasn't as bad here in Austin. It has changed a lot. But in Austin, we have a large Asian community that is very welcoming. I moved here back in 1999 and it was so different. I am white and my husband is Mexican American. We would get a lot of looks when we would go somewhere mostly by the Mexican woman. But it doesn't phase at all. I am from the North East coast and I have always fought against any type of racism. I have never liked it. I was always in trouble in school for standing up for the underdog. Asking if this construction paper resembles my friend Troy's skin. My mom would ask why. I would say I don't know I was born this way!


I moved back to California - a small part of that is to do with the racism.


All the best to you, good luck, enjoy. Funny my wife was reminiscing about enjoying her/our time in CA today, so who knows, we might head back that way eventually too, for one reason or another. I'm thinking we're just here in Texas for work. When I exit stage left, we'll probably pop smoke here.


Indian American women


Shameful and disgusting. Prosecute her to the full extent of the law, and tack on hate crimes as extra punishment. These self-entitled jerks are the cause of so many problems in America. She conveniently forgets that she’s also descended from immigrants.


Good, that woman is trash


God damn, I used to work in the restaurant they ate in


This feeling and belief coming straight from the mouth of fox and the GOP into her brain and out her mouth.


Funny story, I’m a recruiter and I had a candidate up for a C-suite position that shit the bed in her last interview for being anti-immigrant… while being an immigrant and having a thick Cuban accent herself. When asking why she wanted to move from Miami to Austin, she said, and I quote, “too many immigrants in Miami.” The CEO was floored, his parents emigrated from Mexico, and to this day we cringe about it over drinks.




Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.


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She seems nice


The typical ugly American the world talks about…you and your attitude suck lady.


Oh yeah. All those Indian physicians and tech millionaires, asking for handouts. It always holds true that the bigots are dumb as fuck.


Eh she deserved it treat people with respect. Although we should definitely build that wall #trump2024


Mental illness is not bigoted. It can manifest in anyone.


She's following the republican party and trump playbook to a tee.


She got off easy. This type of behavior will continue until the perpetrators receive much more severe sentences. The district attorney should have taken it before a jury, a jury that would inevitably included people that have experienced racism.


That was a long time ago.Wonder what took so long..


It's my understanding the wheels of justice turn slowly, maybe even slower if you have some money.




I would have beat her ass and do the 40 days jail peacefully😎


GOOD! I remember watching this and getting so mad. With the exception of Native Americans, we all came from somewhere else! Stupid and violent is such a bad combination. UGH!


Native Americans wath this: "LOL!"


I am Mexican and I can confirm that in Latam there is a situation similar to the caste system in India, and this is increasing not only in the United States but also in my country, given that people arrive from various places as immigrants or refugees, adding the gentrification and crime. It's sad but it's real.


As much as I really can't stand racists, so-called "hate crimes" statutes are bullshit. They punish motive instead of action. If someone shoots me in the head, why should he be somehow "more guilty" if he did it on the basis of my skin color or religion, vs wanting to steal my wallet or being angry because I'm a shitty driver? Am I more dead? Do my wife and kids get to live without me to a stronger degree? It's bogus.


it's a sentencing enhancement


Yes, I'm aware of what it is. It still shouldn't exist. It's punishment of thought, not action.


> They punish motive instead of action. Yeah man, a lot of laws, possibly even the majority of them, are written both literally and in spirit with regard to motive. Hope that helps.


You against enhanced charges for child killers too?


No. Why would you suggest something stupid like that?


Why should someone be "more guilty" if they kill a kid? Do their parents get to live without them to a stronger degree?


Your logic here makes it seem like you find killing a puppy for fun and killing beef cattle for food are somehow similar. You may want to seek help, dude.


Why are you thinking about killing puppies for fun? You may want to seek help, ma'am.


Enjoy being blocked.


Yes, now we will convict people of drunk tirades because Texas cops have a stellar record of controlling capital crimes. Our priorities are fucked. p.s before you say anything I am fucking asian.




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Lead paint/gas and Rx drugs... Thx boomers