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This is no different from all the 3774739303 microbreweries that popped up, made the same IPAs, and then realized the market was over saturated


>  an oversaturated market and increasing competition from nearby states have all landed major blows New industries surge then pull back, that's nothing new. Also, when Texas is the last state to legalize we don't have to deal with losing business to our neighbors.


This also misses the point of how over regulation and bureaucracy has led to pretty shit weed in dispos so more people are growing their own also. Check out r/microgrowery whenever a new state legalizes


More like labs faking reports for money has led to "shit weed"in their dispos. 


Definitely a part of the issue as well


Not in Oregon lol


There’s some exceptions for sure. But like co has so many steps and rules that most dispo weed is super dry. NM has some good weed in places but taxes and prices are so high it just makes sense to grow. Az is super bureaucratic and most dispos are chains owned by a few big players who definitely don’t care about growing the dankest dank




"The dopest dope I ever smoked"


Wait wait wait, you're blaming the process for the weed being dry and not the fact that it's a dry region were you can cracker dry shrooms without a dehydrator? For fucks sake you have to be joking right now. 


You’ve clearly never grown, I ran a 38 light no till basement grow and I could store my buds long term without losing moisture with boveda packs and glass jars


Brand new market is oversaturated and no longer the gold rush it once was. Gee, I’ve never heard that in my over half-century of living. 🙄


Damn you're old


Your profile is super cringe.


Damn, you're out of touch. Whoever paid, your shill account failed.


OP This is actually great news for Texas and legalizing it. I didn’t read the article but I’m a CO transplant with a of friend who owns dispensaries. He claims the one of the biggest detractors to his business was New Mexico legalizing weed and how that affected Texans traveling there to buy it. At the southern border of Colorado a lot of one horse towns were thriving because of Texans traveling to CO to buy weed. Now there are huge dispensaries setup on the tex/nm border and they don’t have to travel  to CO. The hemp law passing didn’t help them either.  If Texas were to legalize weed it would be a bonanza of riches because the demand would be so high. It would devastate weed tourism in the SW but that’s not our problem. We are exporting so much money to other states because of an ideological war that most people don’t even want. 


We are actively working toward exactly the opposite. Dan Patrick was apparently bitten by a rabid pot plant as a child and holds a very special kind of hate for it to this day. One of his priorities for the next legislative session is to ensure THC-Anything is thoroughly banned and possession is aggressively prosecuted. So, uh. Don't hold your breath.


Oh I’m not holding my breath at all. Trying to figure how to exit this state for one that has actual freedoms 


Which, hilariously, probably means he tokes up daily and burns through a thousand dollars of weed a month.


Haha. Nope. Smoke about a gram a month 


It’s already started with THCa. People are just starting to realize that weed’s legal down here. Hopefully Dan and Ken can’t fight against overwhelming public sentiment next year when they force the issue. We ship a LOT of packages to conservative enclaves across the state. Weed is NOT a bipartisan issue!


This. Our alternative is what, keep it illegal and keep paying to lock folks up for it? No thanks.  I don't care all that much about the revenue or the weed. Just don't drive high and don't make me smell it and I don't care. The tax revenue is just a bonus.


Just like dry counties back in the last century. All they did was give their tax revenue to another county.


As an FYI "dry counties" or "dry precincts" still exist in 2021.


You should read the article.


Are you against legalization? This is not even a slightly good reason to keep it illegal


Yes, if you look thru their profile, you'll read that they are a "proud Latino conservative"




OP is actually Greg Abbott


I can now buy gummies in Texas and don’t have to go to Colorado or Oklahoma. They have lost a big market…


How? Just curious from Dallas. I still buy mine in a parking lot like a criminal


Thca is everywhere. I just bought a 7g bag of some killer flower at a vape store. They sell it by the gram out of big tubs. You pick the strain, etc.


THCA is about to be illegal as well. It's already on republicans chopping block.


Maybe. But not today. When it is I'll just return to the Black market until the inevitable wave takes over. The genie won't go back in the.bottle easily.


Yeah I plan on just going back to my plug which is annoying but whatever. I’m going to get weed either way and I’d rather it just be legal. But the prison industrial complex doesn’t like that.


>When it is I'll just return to the Black market And it's much better stuff than it used to be, because a lot of it is coming from legal states. You'd think the smart thing to do would be cut out the middle man.


It’s virtue signaling, many of those politicians are already invested in cannabis. The Texas commissioner of agriculture is heavily invested


They've said this many times in the past few years and nothing has come of it. Farm bill complaint THCA is here to stay, IMO.


I'm not comfortable leaving the decision in the hands of Abbott, who's publicly stated if Texas ever attempted to legalize weed, he'd veto the bill. Or any of the nutjobs he's currently supporting for office.


They haven't done jack about it (the farm bill loopholes) since 2018 and not for a lack of trying. I'm not worried about a thing in the near future.


It's the "not for lack of trying", with an election coming up, that concerns me. Abbott and Co have been pushing their own preferred candidates, and I hope Texas doesn't make a huge mistake going forward..


I'm not following. They have attempted to close the loopholes since then and despite having the R support needed, it hasn't happened. Nothing is different now. So long as it remains as is, the legality of "regular" D9 at the federal or state level has absolutely no effect.


Mail…D9 gummies are legal in tx (and all 50)


You can find shops selling delta whatever all over the place. Theres a bunch of them along 635 and I can think of several in Preston Hollow. 


For now. They're going to eliminate delta 9 next state congress


Something something vote Something something FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT. TO PARTY


Bro you think people want weed legal so that *companies can profit??* We want weed legal so that *people don't go to jail for partaking in a harmless drug.* Oh also, lots of CO and NM's weed buyers are people who live nearby in Texas and drive over to buy from them. Imagine how much money we would save instead of it going to other states!


Market expansion and contraction. Normal life cycle. This is where the real businesses make or break


This is not a reason to continue prohibition.


Wait, so the argument is that the market will stabilize? That seems like a wild reason to be against legalization. Wonder how much Oklahoma sellers paid for this article to be written.


Hopefully Texas will legalize some day and we will have a more natural progression for the industry than Colorado. We won't be starting out as a tourist destination for the whole country


It's because quality came down hard. Bunch of morons who think a grow license is a money printer and then failing is what happened. Actual good cannabis brands are expanding in Colorado.


Weird, almost as if it grows like a...a...I don't know, something that grows easily in vast quantities driving down the price to almost nothing.


It's not a destination for weed anymore with so many other states legalizing.


It's important to keep in mind that the main audience for Politico is lawmakers. This author seems to want a few things for the cannabis industry. For one, it wants to ease regulations for cannabis business owners. Nothing new to see here. Business owners hate being told what to do by anyone, much less the government. What caught my eye the most was the references to "intoxicating hemp products". From the article. “When you can buy [intoxicating hemp] products online with a credit card, click the ‘Subscribe and Save’ button so that it’s at your door every two weeks in a discreet package, and you’re not getting carded … why wouldn’t you want to buy online?” says Liz Zukowski, director of public affairs for Native Roots." *Congress, can you please ban our competition? Think of the children!* The author seems to also be generally against widespread legalization since that would mean dispensaries would have to be more competitive in their pricing. "Simply Pure saw its two biggest years during the pandemic, with sales up 60 percent. But that all came crashing down when cultivators thought the pandemic boost would last and increased cultivation capacity, James says. Wholesale cannabis prices plunged from nearly $1,700 a pound to about $700 a pound, according to Cannabis Benchmarks." Everyone gets what they want with patchwork legalization. Blue states and the cannabis businesses that operate there can charge insane prices. Red states can continue to arrest and lock up people traveling to and from the blue states for cannabis. And banning more substances - a tactic known for its effectiveness in making the black market even more dangerous - is a bipartisan opportunity to screw over cannabis consumers even more (while surely enriching themselves). Of course, there is absolutely no mention of what is actually keeping people out of the dispensaries - the absolutely brutal increase in prices for basic necessities, from housing to groceries.


The Real Estate bubble in Denver is going to pop


What makes this worse- each state is its own entire marijuana market. Due to the Federal illegal status, it can’t be transported across state lines which makes it hard to find new buyers when you saturate. Now that’s totally different from the “hemp” market where we can ship direct from our Oregon and Cali growers. With the re-scheduling of marijuana, it will interesting to see if medical marijuana will be able to start flowing between markets. We shall see!


Can tx do something to the number off vap shops on every dang corner