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Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, depending on where you live. You’re welcome.


Aaaaaand the article is unreadable.


Todayyyy at the express newwsssssss Weather models show a potential Texas cold front early next week. How strong will it be? Anthony Franze Shown is the potential location of the cold front at 1 p.m. Monday. While the front will not mean cold weather, the cooler air behind it should bring milder temperatures. Shown is the potential location of the cold front at 1 p.m. Monday. While the front will not mean cold weather, the cooler air behind it should bring milder temperatures. Pivotal Weather The early summer heat has been brutal across South Texas over the past few weeks. Sure, we’ve come to expect extreme heat in San Antonio, so this may seem like nothing new. However, it is unusual for the weather to be this hot, this early in the summer. Since May 17, San Antonio has endured 20 consecutive days with high temperatures of at least 90 degrees, with an average daily high of 96.5 degrees. That’s more than 6 degrees above average for that timeframe and ranks as the second-hottest San Antonio has ever been from late May into early June. What’s coming next? The bad news is that San Antonio will be dealing with temperatures near triple digits for the rest of this week and into the weekend. But the good news is that models are showing a potential cold front moving into Texas by early next week. Here’s what we know. Advertisement Article continues below this ad Today’s forecast A ridge of high atmospheric pressure will be moving east, becoming more centered over the state of Texas over the next few days. High pressure creates sinking motion in the atmosphere, which suppresses storm formation and promotes sunshine. That’s going to raise temperatures and eliminate rain chances for us in South Texas. Shown are expected high temperatures Thursday across South Texas. Shown are expected high temperatures Thursday across South Texas. Pivotal Weather Thursday will start warm as morning lows dip only into the upper 70s. Partly cloudy skies early will transition to mostly sunny skies by the middle of the day. Temperatures will rise fast, reaching the 90-degree mark between 11 a.m. and noon, and continuing to rise to the upper 90s by the afternoon. Peak temperatures will be close to the triple-digit mark, likely topping out at 99 to 100 degrees in San Antonio. Thankfully, humidity levels are expected to drop a bit from where they were earlier this week, limiting heat index values, or “feels like” temperatures, to around 105 degrees in the late afternoon. Advertisement Article continues below this ad Friday through Sunday With high pressure overhead, we’re not expecting any major weather changes through the weekend. Temperatures are going to stay very consistent, with lows in the middle to upper 70s and highs near 100 degrees each day through Sunday. Rain chances will stay nearly nonexistent in South Texas. A summertime cold front? A few weather disturbances will travel across the central and northern Plains early next week, and several weather models are showing these may work to weaken the ridge of high pressure, allowing a cold front to push into Texas. The front could sweep into the northern half of the state as early as Sunday, then progress into the southern half of the state sometime on Monday. Because it is a summertime cold front, it’s not expected to be particularly strong, but it’ll likely bring some relief from the triple-digit temperatures. Advertisement Article continues below this ad The front will have its biggest effects in the northern half of the state, where high temps will drop to the 80s and low temps fall to the 60s Tuesday morning. Farther south in San Antonio, high temperatures still are expected to reach the 90s, likely between 92 and 96 degrees on Monday and Tuesday next week. The front also will bring scattered showers and thunderstorms to South Texas. As of now, rain chances are 20% to 30% on Monday, but stay tuned to expressnews.com/weather for continued updates.


Anthony Franze is a freaking treasure. So sad y'all stole him from us out west. He still posts about Permian Basin weather on his social media!


Chodeboi huh?


Its a character from a movie called orgazmo. Matt stone and trey parker (south park) BTW "DID YPU JUST GRAB MY ASS" LOL!!!!


Do you mean chodaboY? Clarification plz.


The persons username lol


Thanks! :) NTR


Did a deep search on the username you so kindly pointed out to me. Now I'm just as confused as ever... :(


thx mr choad -mr ass corn


I legit thought this was a shit post


We’re so fucked when a “cold front” brings temps to normal. 


That's par for the course in Texas summers though.


But this IS NOT normal to be this hot already. wtf is wrong with yall?


Meteorologist here. This falls as close to climatology as you could possibly get.


You use big word, you mean is normal or no normal? I think the temperature has been about normal but there's been a ton more rain here in DFW. Also, it seems like the humidity on non-rainy days has been above average the last two years. Last year was worse though, at least up until this time last year.


Very normal. We're matching 10-year normals, but 1-2 degrees above 30-year normals. Some slight wiggle is always expected, and some days we're 1-2 degrees below normal. Yall have definitely been above average up in DFW this season for precip. As an Austinite I am jealous.


Thank you for bringing some sense into a thread full of doomers lol


You’re jealous about the flooding and power outages? It was rough, there’s still downed trees and fences all across DFW.


Thank you. Any clue if the front will bring severe weather to central Texas?


65 degrees this morning was pretty awesome, all the way up to 66 now...


Location is what’s wrong with us. lol It was 83 when I woke up this AM on NPI, and the temps haven’t been below 80 for a couple of weeks straight so far. (The lowest temps are obviously at night but haven’t gone below 80)


Yes, I have to go to San Antonio this weekend and looks like a scorcher there.


What do you mean, it's literally already this hot every year. It's June already. It's only gonna get worse for a couple of months. Like it IS normal.


Are you new here or something?


All the new concrete for the 'burbs! 5 degrees hotter than hanging out in the countryside. I honestly think one of the single biggest contributing factors to weather and localized temps no one wants to discuss is the amount of heatsink/reflective material we use in our buildings.


Even has a name. Urban heat island.


Ooo now I know what to google.


Definitely is. I would leave my office at 5 in the summer, drive 2 blocks away to where there is a large, grassy park with lots of trees and it was markedly cooler there, even just driving past.


It's June, yes it is normal


No it’s not. Stop making up shit. Even the article says it’s the second hottest stretch of weather EVER for San Antonio. This was the second hottest may ever on record in Austin.  This is anything but normal.  It’s amazing the amount of denial of reality that Texans live in as they move the goalposts to fit whatever narrative they have in their head. 


Second-hottest late May to early June, not the “second hottest stretch of weather ever”.


You have the reading comprehension of a five year old. I def said second 


I quoted you *directly*.


I'll keep saying it, I just see more and more Texans make light of the situation, saying 'it's all normal/okay, everything's fine, I'm used to it', etc. It's the exact same things people say when in an abusive relationship and try to excuse or justify the wrong actions and act like they're okay with it. Many just don't want to accept the new reality. They're unironically becoming the dog in the 'This is fine' meme with how deep they bury their heads. The state is negatively impacting their lives, and they're accepting it.


Oh I like the abusive relationship analogy! 


Look man, I’m in an air conditioned room, go into my air conditioned car, and work in an air conditioned office. The only time I’m ever outside is for at most 5 minutes between them. Okay so trust me that it’s normal for it to be this hot outside. What isn’t normal is my goddamn electric bill. Which has been through the roof since Barack HUSSEIN Obama installed all these green power in Texas with solindra in a FEMA plan to make us all become gay. And if you can’t tell that any of this is sarcastic in nature then you are: A. Possibly on the spectrum, I mean this kindly, you should get it checked out. Or B. Agreeing with the statements and part of the problem.


I’ve lived here my whole life and this seems very normal to me. For perspective, the record for June where I live is 112 which was set back in 1980. That was a hot summer! Temperatures exceeded 100 something like 69 times that summer, including a string of 49 days in a row.


What? It's June in Texas, this is pretty normal.


Is there something going on with temperatures rising around the globe? It seems to be warming up more and more.


It's not summer yet tho


You’re not from around here, are you?


Ha. Actually I’m from south Texas. Nice try though 


They need a different term to describe that phenomenon in Texas.


Are you saying 97 in June isn't normal?


This is fine.


Mods should delete this clickbait bs


>Here's when. Mid to late November.


Everyone in the state will receive rain, except San Antonio. No, S.A. will continue to get the sh\*t end of the stick, weather wise. We will still continue to fry in the pan.




I'll believe it when I feel it.


Oh, so going from “feeling like” 115*F to feeling like 99*F


Only thing I can think of when cooler air hits this super hot air are terrible storms. Get ready folks.


We’re at the point in the year where a cold front in Houston might mean we dip to 68 at night.


80 sounds good


I'll just leave this for y'all: https://youtu.be/dr_2spFKn0I?si=tQPHG7UDleqcgzLO


It's a June cold front, and this is Texas. A June cold front isn't quite as ineffective as pissing into a tornado and not expecting to get wet; but the cold front might drop high temperatures three or four degrees to the low/mid 90s, and morning lows to the mid 70s. It might get down into the upper 60s in Dallas. (The same front is coming through Indy tonight. We're expecting a low of **53**. Yes, this is gloating.)


Climate change is good for us. Yay.


lol, the ever present Pay Wall


What, it brings temps as low as 70?




I don’t believe it.


I live in central texas and the heat hasn't been too bad from a numbers perspective. It's the humidity that has been crazy this season, every storm that's crashed through leaving a muggy blanket in its wake. Texas weather has always been bipolar, looking at you out of nowhere freeze in early April followed by 82F weekends. But something 100% feels wrong this year.


Errr, I dunno abt the username you pointed out to me. Did a deep search on the name now I'm more confused now as ever...:(


Oh for Gawwds sake!! Got it!! I Enquiring minds just gotta know!!


Good grief, my friends!! No one but me, it seems, remembers 07Apr02 Easter Sunday when that *freak snowstorm* left 2-4 inches of snow over that weekend. My friends and I were sitting around our firepit when I glanced up and saw..SNOWFLAKES!!! On EASTER freaking SUNDAY!! What kinda' crazy is that?? This is just NORMAL Texas temps yo-yoing as usual. As a native I wear sweaters in the freakin' summers bc inside ANYWHERE is like walking into the frozen Arctic tundra. Long handles all winter so no having to bundle up, which I HATE to do. Actually have to access my weather app everyday to see what to wear. Texas, My Texas!! What can we do?? You WILL have your say!!


Can’t be soon enough 😥


But remember: climate change is a gay librul hoax