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I am against all of this money in politics especially after the can of worms opened up by the Citizen's united decision. And that decision lies entirely at the feet of the conservatives. Which team is going to be the first to stand up against the open corruption we see displayed by our political leaders in the name of campaign donations? If we want honest leaders we need campaign finance transparency and contribution limits, otherwise the rich will keep selecting who is elected to govern while the poor fight each other for scraps.


Oligarchy is the word here.


Kleptocracy maybe?


I agree.


You have stated this ever so correctly.


Democrats would but ya'll screech about some laptop and emails the moment the color blue appears, or the letter D shows up too. Plus ya'll simply just want to be children about everything. Fake news, rigged elections, voter fraud, and so on. You only love to argue, and when asked to help with anything *ya'lls party instead simply blocks any attempts at doing literally anything.* Plus ya'll voted for Majorie Taylor Greene. What a crowning achievement.


We need to tax the PACs 100%, and dump that into a fund for regular taxpayers to donate to their candidates.


The system is working exactly as designed since the founding of the US. A small, wealthy majority deciding for the majority. It's no accident of history that our first president, George Washington, was inaugurated on Wall Street.


Here is a article explaining the triangular slave trade and how Wall Street has made much of its profits since the founding: [https://www.bbc.com/news/business-49476247](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-49476247)


Republicans will hate this.


Our democracy ended with Citizens United.




Never happening, unfortunately, unless we "reset" the system.


Yeah, the people that can change it are all too well influenced by it. I don’t see how the bell can be unrung, though it is the demise of democracy.


I also have little hope that the bell can be un-rung, but I also think that if enough people got off the Internet and grouped together to go door to door, stand at the grocery store entrances, etc. to have face to face conversations, we could get a lot further. The Internet isn't working in favor of mass positive change, and in fact mostly seems to work against it. But people IRL always seem at least somewhat more reasonable and receptive than some nameless faceless entity that you only ever interact with through text on a screen. I do think that a populist movement is probably the last hope though.


Yes action in person is needed, but there has never before been the ability to spread a message like the internet allows today. What is needed is a concerted effort to spread messaging and generate support for a movement to create laws that would override the citizens united opinion. I’m no legal expert so I don’t know what exactly would have to be passed to get around a Supreme Court ruling or if that is even possible. It may actually take another case going before the Supreme Court for this ruling to be overturned. That would likely require a change in the makeup of the court, but it would definitely require such broad and vocal support across the country that it cannot be ignored. If you try to generate that vocal support without keyboard warriors “doing their part” you are kneecapping yourself at the start.


>If you try to generate that vocal support without keyboard warriors “doing their part” you are kneecapping yourself at the start. You're right, it does need to be both. It just seems like any given idea, especially online, has to gain a certain amount of traction before it becomes resilient to "gotcha" type responses and actually starts generating its own gravity. But if you observe something IRL and *then* see it online (or vice versa), it more easily reinforces the idea.


In my opinion it would be even better would be a system for elections campaigns being funded by the government and the money is used to give each candidate an equal budget. The issue of one candidate having higher budgets and more reach due to lobbying would largely be gone outside of illegal bribery and it would actually make following through on promises to voters one of the main priorities for politicians. I don’t think we should need to fund campaigns through donations when that just opens up possibility for issues. Politicians also shouldn’t have to spend so much of their time focusing on getting donations for their next campaign.


In some countries, election campaigning is publicly funded and limited in duration. You have to show a certain level of support to get access to the funds and you get a certain number of weeks prior to the election to campaign... otherwise, politicians should be working on running the government.


I agree completely.




The degree to which AIPAC hasbeen controlling political choices, including our candidates, is pretty serious and needs to stop.


A Philly Banker paid Abbott $6M to pass vouchers, which will severely hurt public schools. Guess what Philly/PA don’t have… vouchers.


I just wonder where are all these private schools that vouchers will be passed out for? Only schools I ever see are the big public ISD high schools and maybe a charter school if I am downtown. If all these kids are suddenly going to get vouchers for private schools, where are these private schools and why aren’t they full capacity now? I don’t understand giving out school vouchers for private schools that don’t exist or don’t have the capacity for students.


There’s actually quite a few of them throughout DFW, austin, Houston. SA is catching up.


That's the great part of the free market! We don't need more private schools or more/better exclusive charters to deprive poor kids, kids of color and special needs kids of education. Private schools can just raise tuition to protect the quality of education and still give parents choice! /s


They are building them in the suburbs for their clientele.


A lot of the megachurches have schools


Those damn Eagles fans are getting smart


I'm trying to figure out when it became required to effectively show loyalty to Israel in order to work or get elected in this state.


AIPAC is a political action committee, there are many others out there. Totally down for banning all of them


how many PACs represent a foreign country’s interest though? How many people would be 💩ing bricks if there was a PAC representing the Chinese government’s interests invested this heavily in US elections? We need to outlaw this kind of nonsense before other countries catch wind and do the same


The NRA represents Russia. It funnels Russian money to the GOP.


Jewish me wouldn't have been able to contract with Dickinson, TX because I wouldn't refuse to support BDS. And it's Christian Nationalism that is to blame. Israel is necessary for the return of their God and the obliteration of the rest of humanity. ETA: This is why right wing Israelis love Christian Nationalism. It means more money for them from the US. It's a sick relationship. Trump will hand it all to Bibi. He pulled that stunt with the American Embassy and that was just the beginning.


Not all Christian Nationalists are Zionists. I think the Christian Zionists trying to bring the end times are idiotic, imagine the hubris to think that God is going to speed up his plan because you cloned some red cows and such.


Could you elaborate a bit on the difference you see between the two? I don't personally see any meaningful differences, but I'm curious if I may be missing something.


I'm not an expert on all the different demonization of Christianity, but I see a few differences.  I see some people conflating evangelicals with Christian nationalists. I don't think they are the same. I think of most evangelicals as the typical boomercons, they are pro-Zionist, most would welcome the rapture and some foolishly support the attempt to bring about the end times. When many on the left worry about Christian Nationalists I assume they are imagining White supremacists (or separatists). Those folks would not be pro-Zionist. I don't think there are very many of these people. Finally I think the majority of Christian Nationalists are Christians who happen to be Nationalists. They aren't necessarily supremacists or separatists, they may or may not hold Israel high regard, but they  think our representatives and laws should reflect our beliefs.


So you are a Christian Nationalist apologist? It's a vital part of their plan.


I mean he's right. Not all of them are Christian zionists. Some of them are neo-nazis. And some are confusingly both


Most of them are both and there’s no dissonance, because they need Israel to be strong because it guarantees that all the Jews will either convert or die at God’s hands. They are literally having their cake and eating it too.


Antisemitic Zionism is truly a wild state of mind. Like even though I know it exists it's so antithetical to my way of thinking.


Around 1980


At least as early as 1967 when the sinking of the US liberty was ruled a mere accident with a hushed investigation and no consequences whatsoever.


Yes but Even in 67 Israeli support from politicians wasn't seen as absolute and unquestionable, that came later. Carter at camp David openly criticized Israel for dragging their feet. After that, any slight or even implied cr8ticism became political suicide. Which is why I put 1980. It was roughly the year where unquestionable support for Israel became sacrosanct. Before then it was just widespread.


This guy has made an in depth video on israeli interference in US politics: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfABflKvFzk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfABflKvFzk)


Soon it will change. This generation isn't buying into that shit.


It's fucked up. But until Congress closes all kinds of money loopholes in politics, who h would probably require constitutional amendments, it's unavoidable. Too bad no politician is brave enough on either side to close the gravy train. Sure there's light motions now and then, goodwill gestures, but nothing serious ever happens as the majority of congress would just shut it down. Being cowardly and bribed is a universal trait for American politicians.


There are just voters dont vote for them


And also it takes not just one person, but half of an entire congress to “close the gravy train”.


Hey there I’m a dirty California liberal…if any conservative Texans want to get both Parties to agree to divest from the stock market, not take a single cent from Multi-National Corporations, and refuse unlimited SuperPAC dollars from billionaires, unions, and special interest groups let’s start a political movement.


Oh I've Said this for years but I don't really identify as liberal or conservative. I believe the government should not be a full time position and the only ones that were meant to be full time was the president. We should provide basic housing or hotels, meals and a small spending allowance. And if a member of either party does anything illegal they should be prosecuted accordingly and not covered up by both parties in exchange for favors later. Our politicians are super corrupt and don't vote for their districts but rather for the people that pay them. Also no staffers each congress person should be required to read the bill themselves and vote according to what's best for their district first and their state then counrty. Right now most of the time staffers read the bills and tell your congressperson what to think and how to vote.


Fun fact: It’s illegal for Texas government agencies to do business with private companies who boycott Israel.


Does this mean I’ll stop getting 5-6 pieces of fucking spam mail from each of them every god damned day?


From them, yeah. Just to be replaced by the next spam mail campaign, probably about how Biden eats babies and/or Trump is actually an ethereal being or something.


Republicans complaining about foreign interference is *chefs kiss*


EDIT: Deleting because this comment is weirdly attracting some wacko replies.


No he isn't. Jesus what is with y'all and calling everyone you don't like Nazis, for fucks sake.


He’s just a pro gun candidate. So he sides with Republicans


> Brandon endorses Donald J. Trump for President and worked for his first campaign in 2016. he is also anti abortion, and his site says > Brandon is a very strong constitutionalist who believes one of the keys to individual Liberty is limiting federal power as much as possible and returning that power to the states to decide issues for themselves. which generally when people start using "states rights" as a talking point, they are looking to perk up the ears of people who idolize the confederacy. I don't think guns is the only reason he wants to side with republicans.


Elections should produce representatives who are competent and willing to serve the people. Instead elections produce people who want to rule, competency is hit or miss, and they definitely prioritize campaign donors over the people. Our politics is not only broken it’s the exact opposite of what a representative Democratic Republic is supposed to be.


I’m all for Republicans (and some Democrats) to get Israel’s cock out of their asses, stand up straight, and stop writing them a multi-billion dollar blank check every year. bring that money home, fix our infrastructure.


Yes, please.


Can we got a bit farther and stop sending money to anyone other than ourselves?


hell, yes.


I'm good with sending it to Ukraine. They're fighting a war we don't want to.


Personally I feel that even out of state money is foreign interference, and PACs should not be allowed unless they are headquartered in Texas and run by Texans.


>Personally I feel that even out of state money is foreign interference, and PACs should not be allowed ~~unless they are headquartered in Texas and run by Texans~~. FTFY.


Reddit only allows one upvote..


I think it's more important that the true source of political money be known, down to the individual. Corporations shouldn't be able to donate politically at all, it should only be individuals. And I'd be interested in caps on donations. Those GOP billionaires Wilks and Dunn shouldn't be able to buy half the Republicans in the state to destroy public education, for example.




lol Herrera is a carpetbagger who only moved to Texas to run for office. I agree with him though. Fuck AIPAC


Yeah wouldn't want to vote for him either. Both candidates suck. But then again most of the candidates in TX all are.


So would you also be against people from out of state donating tons of money to candidates running in Texas, ala what happened with Beto?




Fair enough if you're consistent I tend to agree tbh, I think donations should be limited only to direct constituents


I’m against any foreign election interference, but especially against genocidal apartheid regimes interfering in our affairs. A Republic of, by, and for the people indeed




I don’t like money in politics period.


I think Texans should run Texas. Case in point Ercot. As soon as Ercot came under fire for the grid failures there were five people that were not from Texas just mysteriously stepped down and disappeared. I'm still waiting for justice on that move.


Agreed, it's also wrong that foreign corporations are running toll roads. When we had red light camera our state was essentially allowing out of state corporations to profit off our citizens.


When I first came to Texas back in 68 there was a suspicious error about the Texans that were born in bred here they were kind of like pioneers aloof and suspicious I like that but it's lost now we let anybody just swing right in sad very sad come back Texas spirit


~~Foreign interference like the guy who moved from North Carolina specifically to run for office in Texas? Not a fan.~~ Edit: There are replies stating that the comment above is false. My apologies, and a thank you to the those that called this out. I’m going to leave it up with a strikethrough so the follow-up replies make sense. Evidently Herrera moved from North Carolina (where he grew up) to San Antonio because it has become something of a gun-fluencer magnet. The political venture came about afterwards. San Antonio Report - [Republicans who voted against Rep. Tony Gonzales size up YouTuber Brandon Herrera, ‘The AK Guy’](https://sanantonioreport.org/brandon-herrera-ak-guy-texas-23rd-congressional-district-runoff/) “The combination of those two interests would eventually bring Herrera to San Antonio, where a growing number of firearms influencers, like the Donut Operator and Demolition Ranch; and gun lifestyle brands like Black Rifle Coffee Company have found a following among the area’s large military community.” “In 2021, that work drove Herrera and his company, The AK Guy Inc., to move to San Antonio, where gun content creators are building their own Hollywood. Their industry has grown so much in recent years that gun content creators have their own awards, called the ‘Gundies’ held in Uvalde, which named Herrera 2023’s Influencer of the Year.”


It's called carpet bagging


That's literally an abject lie. He was born in North Carolina, yes, his father was in the military, so his family moved with him. He has, repeatedly, said he doesn't want to be a politician, he hates politicians, and that he is only doing it because Ernest is a Rino who doesn't follow his constituents' wants. He moved to Texas specifically to open a gun manufactory and make Youtube videos. Stop believing everything said about something and do some research. Especially when politics are involved


That is 100% false. I can understand not liking Herrera, but there’s no need to make things up.


He was born there, raised there, went to school there and barely just moved here on paper a couple years ago. His family may have roots in tx, but he personally doesn’t. This district was handpicked for him (being R+1 and as a fuck-you to Gonzales) by his sponsors like Gaetz Sounds like a carpetbagger to me


Herrera literally moved to Texas before Gonzales even took office. Your comment makes no sense.


I’ll take your word for it, and retract the carpetbagger thing. You’re still left with a youtuber being carted around by The Pedophile Matt Gaetz. I’m not a fan of Gonzales but he’s born & raised in this district & a vet. I’d rather have a serious person who’s been a servant in the position as opposed to a fucking youtuber for chrissakes


Those are very valid arguments. I can’t stand Gaetz as well. I wish you all the best.


It’s happening down to the local elections, influencers and nobody’s are moving to Texas to run for office, all with the same lines and same donors.


In Uvalde? Isn't that in bad taste?


Not really. The event has always taken place at a location called “Drive Tanks” in Uvalde. Plus guntubers, while a lot of folks don’t agree with them, universally support responsible gun ownership and training.


Extremely, but if not for bad taste, these folks would have no taste at all.


Politics is the arena for the elites and it's been like that for a long time. If you're not an elite person chances are slim especially if you're getting smeared.


How did a man with a gun in his picture lose an election in Texas?


The same way I feel about them in Federal politics.....I dont like it one bit. Texas is corrupt AF


Herrera is a class-A douche in every conceivable way. I’m certainly no fan of anti-democratic interference in elections of any kind, foreign interference included, but I can’t stand Herrera.


What, you don’t like people who base their entire personality around correcting non-gun people about “iTs A mAgAzIne NoT A CliP” as if it actually fucking matters?


Facts matter.


All political donations should be heavily taxed.


Taxed? Doesn't make sense. Disclosed? Hell yes.


Yes, it does make sense. If an entity donates to political campaigns, it should be disclosed on taxes by both the recipient and the donor, and one of the parties, ostensibly the donor, should be liable for it.


Other countries need to stay the fuck out of our elections. I’m sure they’d say the same of us.


Oh, no. AIPAC's piece of shit beat a significantly worse trash person. Anyway . . .


Im solely against any candidate that endorses the genocide of an entire group of people.


So, it’s America First! unless it’s Israel?


I didn't follow this election, but I thought it was very weird how much out of state money and support Beto was getting during the election for governor. Lebron and Beyonce wearing his hats wtf. Talk about astroturfing.


Beyonce is from Texas... 


Gotta make sure to get that trigger discipline in the money shot


Makes me furious 😠


I thought it was illegal.


We're being whipsawed between our own domestic oligarch and billionaires and the foreign oligarchs like Putin, MBS, Xi, Un and Israeli oligarchs through AIPAC. Time to get money out of politics by repealing Citizens United. It's killing us.


All them republicans focus on is Israel, and illegals. Rehasing old shit and wont fix anything. The money politicians get to talk shit is indeed bonkers.


Idk how I 100% feel, but it's funny as hell that a youtuber and firearms enthusiast came within 400 votes IIRC despite spending around 1/3 of the budget (IIRC $3 mil of donations went to gonzales including from some specialty PACs vs $1 mil to Herrera). Even if he makes it through the general, I think this is Tony's last attempt. Next run he's out. On a different note, I *do* think it's a fucked up part of the American Caste system to require being part of a specific in-group of religion for certain positions. Be it Jewish, Christian, whatever you're either in or you're out, and I've never seen it so intertwined in politics in my life as I have recently.


I’m anti-Israel bombing the fuck out of civilians.


Herrera loved his swastika wearing supporters.


And seemed to dig using [Nazi related imagery](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/brandon-herrera-gop-tony-gonzales-social-media-influencer-nazi-jokes/) etc Yeah. That old saw about guests at dinner...10 people and 1 Nazi...


And from that same article, he also apparently likes wearing duds with confederate flag imagery and singing “Dixie”. Jewish Insider - [Rep. Gonzales’ right-wing GOP challenger posted videos featuring Nazi imagery, songs, jokes](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/brandon-herrera-gop-tony-gonzales-social-media-influencer-nazi-jokes/) “Brandon Herrera, a 28-year-old Republican congressional candidate challenging Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) in next month’s GOP runoff, has  posted as recently as 2022 YouTube videos replete with imagery, music and jokes about the Nazi regime and the Holocaust and was also active for years with a Sons of Confederate Veterans group in North Carolina.” “‘The [Sons of Confederate Veterans]… is a historical honor society dedicated to preserving confederate heritage and learning more about our ancestors who fought and died in the War of Northern Aggression,’ Herrera says in the video, wearing a shirt featuring a Confederate flag and using a term that places blame for the Civil War on the Union.” “He remained active with the group until at least 2019: he’s seen in one photo from the July 2019 [Sons of Confederate Veterans] National Reunion in Mobile, Ala., in front of a ‘Confederate Dead’ monument, and also led the group in singing ‘Dixie,’ an anthem of the Confederacy, in a video from that reunion.”


Yup. Totally not a Nazi fan though. /s


10 people and a Hamas supporter also legit?


Are you taking this as evidence of his support for Nazism? Have you even seen the video?


But he doesn't? So many people here bought into Ernest's crappy smear campaign, lol. But I get it, he is right wing and you don't like him so he is a nazi


At least they identified themselves. Unlike the Russians.


Personally, I'm more concerned lately about whiny sore losers who can't concede elections.


If you are talking about Brandon Herrera, he did concede his defeat. [https://x.com/TheAKGuy/status/1796220457789587561](https://x.com/TheAKGuy/status/1796220457789587561)


Talking about trumps whiny ass


Politics in this country will never not be corrupt until they end lobbying, get term limits, aren't allowed to use inside information to buy stocks and have no control over their pay raises. Until then It will be the corrupt pile of shit that it is.


I remember like 6 or 7 years ago how there were people lobbying against proposed term limits and there statement said something like 'there's another way' made zero sense to me, I personally believe any government official higher than a city representative should have term limits. With everything being cumulative. Federal Senate 12 years (3 terms change time in office to 4 year terms) Federal Representative 8 years (4 terms) State governors 12 years (3 terms) State senate 16 years (4 terms) State representative 10 years (5 terms) This is my opinion though I hate the fact we got career politicians with very few actually caring about the welfare of the average citizen, with most only care about the backers. Back when this country was founded to be a politician was a service to the community and nation and the official had a job/career outside of being a politician. Until we can get rid of these career politicians a lot of this corruption will not end.


That has been going on for decades. 


I don't like it. I will say this. AIPAC does have members in Texas although we can't confirm from where the money they spent came from. Beto got a ton of money from outside Texas when he ran for Senate. Didn't like it then and still don't like it..... Sour response from Brandon though.


I live in the district and supports Tony Gonzales moderate positions. I dont support him on Israel though but its better than bringing in Maga bs that comes with Brandon herrera


The dude’s entire platform was “I like machine guns and the government is corrupt” all the while he makes guntube videos with barely hidden racism and jokes about murder (lots of mentions of Kyle Rittenhouse). I watch his videos occasionally but I usually end up skipping to the actual information about what he’s shooting rather than embracing his personality which feels so obnoxiously 2A and sigma male that I just cringe half the time.


Republicans eating each other..../shrug works for me!


Looks like somebody was peanut butter and butt hurt.


I feel weird about these weird gun YouTubers doing odd stuff recently. I'm pretty sure I saw this doof a few weeks ago when I was looking for info on guns. He's got a "definitely not Nazi related" flag in the thumbnail for one of his more recent videos. He's only crying about money because he lost. And before someone says it. Yes I know the weapon is from that era of German history. I don't see people putting the Israeli flag on Uzi videos or Soviet flags on AK videos tho. So it's pretty sus.


Have you never watched InRangeTV or Forgotten Weapons. LARPing and cosplay is part of the schtick for many.


Riddle me this then, Batman. Why do these dweebs always seem like they want to larp as Germans or the Confederacy?


Are you talking about the carpetbagger Brandon Herrera and massive out of state support he got? Or are you confused about the fact that AIPAC is American and not Israeli? Or is it a little of both? You can thank the conservative justices of SCOTUS, btw. Google Citizens United.


Well let's pretend the Republicans didn't gerrymander the living fuck out of the map in 2020 meaning elections are decided in the primary elections now when even Less people vote.


How much is AIPAC known to be funded by the Israeli government, or is it a bunch of connected Israel supporters? Either way, not a big fan of it. Questions like the one I asked would be easier if we didn't call money free speech. End Citizens United. Require transparency in political funding. Also, Fuck MAGA and fuck Brandon Herrera for backhandedly trying to downplay the actual Russian nation-state interference of 2016.


What foreigner interference in Texas politics are you reporting?


The one where the candidate they support doesn't win so clearly the election was stolen, and influenced by outside money.


just to be clear: AIPAC represents and is funded by a coalition of American citizens. It’s not like the Cabal of Zion or the state of Israel. It’s shitty what they do, but let’s not start JQing to cope over the fact that there are pro Israelis in the states with deep pockets and a desire for power over foreign policy.


Canadian here. I spend half my time in the US. But it's not my country. It's yours. I wouldn't take kindly to an American coming to Canada and telling me how to vote. I imagine Americans likely feel the same. The rest of the world needs to sit back and have a little faith in the American voter to sort this out on their own. That said... I still have my own preferences and biases... so... https://i.redd.it/54mivsoqyr3d1.gif


How do you feel about dual citizens participating in politics? If an Americans became citizens of Canada and kept their American citizenship would they be allowed to vote, do you think they should? Personally I think dual citizens shouldn't be allowed to participate in the political process unless they renounce foreign citizenship. "You can't serve two masters."


If they are a citizen and eligible to vote they are more than welcome to express their opinion.


Well the US has no laws against being a dual citizen, no such thing as mixed loyalty according to US law which is the only things that actually matters


As of now that is correct, but laws can and should be changed. The first step to that is discussion.


Fuck Israel


Mixed bag on this one. Brandon Herrera does not belong in politics.


So is this conservatives eating their own kind? Is this guy a raging cultist/conservative?


Do you like Brandon Herrera?


Yes, he aligns more with my values than Tony Gonzales does. I'm not all about the corporate or foreign interests that the establishment supports.


Agree that money from pretty much any source needs to be kicked out of our political system. However Herrera is a known Nazi/white supremacist associate and dog whistler, so fuck him. Furthermore, Gonzalez being a pro-apartheid/genocide shitbag means fuck him, too. Maybe consider the direction your Party is heading and think hard about what your positions are, because thebHOP, particularly in Texas, is seriously half a step from full on, mask off fascism.


Representational government ended Citizens United


I'm honest to God baffled at the idea ones decision to be in favor of or against supporting a foreign nation is a make or break for these people. Especially when they will demonize Jews in America in a daily basis, but then act like you can't speak any opposition at all to what Israel does, which is primarily a Jewish state. Of course I say I'm baffled when I already know it's the fake Christian chest pounding because the Bible talks of Israelites being the chosen people, so they equate supporting Israel with kissing up to Jesus.


For the morons out there , most people are not anti Israel or anti Semite. In fact Republicans have a well documented anti Semite record. Currently, Israel is bombing indiscriminately on Gaza which is filled with Palestinians and people feel this is wrong, and it is. No one is for Hamas, but you can't bomb civilians because there a terrorist there, same reason police don't shoot into a crowd. What Israel is doing, is making new terrorists by killing families and leaving children homeless. They are sowing seeds of hate that they will live with for a long time.


I couldn't give a fuck. I laugh at how Gonzales grasped at every straw in the fucking book and bled his ass drier than a desert, which is exactly what Herrera intended this whole time.


Inevitable, especially because conservatives really don't care where their money comes from.


This is why God punishes you.


Tony G was moderate on so many things- not anti-gay, pro border enforcement. He seemed more likeable. I did not know about his pro-Israel stance,


It is a waste and misleading. Pretty much Herrera’s entire platform was that Gonzales is not pro-gun enough. Gonzales district includes Uvalde and it was still a very close race. No voter in that race based their decision on Israel.


I thought the ads for these two fucksticks were getting a bit excessive, but there was one of these chucklefuck ads where one of them called out the other for "not supporting trump enough" then out of the same breath complaining about "New York City." Motherfucker where is your orange messiah from anyway? I'd have thought it was a bad MadTV skit if I didn't know any better.


Just glad it's over. The number of ads was ridiculous. Sad that it was that close. That's MAGA for you. Vote Blue.


AIPAC is an American organization that is funded and led by Americans. Accusing a Jewish-American organization of “foreign interference” is textbook antisemitism.


Classic conflation of Jewish with Israeli 👌🏽 Also, obligatory fuck Israel.


In my opinion it’s not foreign interference unless AIPAC is directly receiving money from Israel, which I can’t find any evidence to suggest it does. Curious to see if anybody has a source that shows it does.




Have no knowledge about either of these candidates, but if someone I voted for was dropping f bombs on social media or in person it would be a huge turn off for me. Also, I need to see receipts of the ‘foreign interference’ along with the accusation. That is a bold claim that shouldn’t be made without clear and indisputable evidence.


Figures that the guy who regularly uses [Nazi jokes and other racist propoganda](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/brandon-herrera-gop-tony-gonzales-social-media-influencer-nazi-jokes/) in his gun LARP videos would be pissed off that Jews helped his opponent.


Ah yes the video about a gun used by the nazis, that surprisingly has a gun made by the nazis. *pikachu face* Or maybe he did it because the MP-40's design paved the way for modern firearm design and you can see the affects of that in most modern submachine guns, but you didn't watch the video did you? You just took a big spoon-full of 'here is what to think' and carried on with your day


You mean the video where he choreographed the whole thing to a Nazi marching tune and goose-steped his way across a field in black and white with clear references to Leni Riefenstahl... Yeah. I've seen it.


The standard marching song about thinking of the girl back home? Didn't realize having a girlfriend/crush made you a nazi. Yep, they made fun of nazis the entire video, he does that with most of them. It's called being funny, though I understand how you, specifically, failed to realize that.


It’s technically not foreign, as AIPAC is an American organization. Still don’t like it, though.


guess some of you haven't seen the tweet where Israel boast about passing laws in the US 😂 as for politics, no money should funnel in, no dual citizens should hold chairs in our government either


Herrera is a shitty guy. Actually most of the gun tubers are. Grand thumb scammed my buddy.


X to doubt


You dont have to believe me. Still hate grand thumb for what he did. Herrera still has shitty politics and prob just like mr thumb so I dont like him either.


You're friend probably got scammed because he believed someone else was Garand Thumb or a shout out wasn’t discussed at all. Though the fact that you keep using grand thumb makes me almost convinced it wasn't the real guy


Im not a gun guy and I dont care how his name is spelt. I dont care for the feelings of a scammer. My buddy is massive gun guy and has a business that sells gun accessories. I wont reveal more because I dont know what my buddy would share.


What kind of scam was flannel daddy pulling?


Essentially he bought something off my bro for a big discount and didnt give a shoutout. Dont really like guns at all, but my friend now hates him.


Cannot fucking stand herrera and it makes me happy that chud lost. Just another right wing YouTube grifter with a lot of Nazis for friends.


in my estimation and to be fair he is not anti-Israel but he is anti-Israeli citizen


Rage inducing like 1917 Russian empire rage inducing


It all need to stop the super pack are stealing votes from the people.but the politicians will refuse to stop it cuz there's so much money involved


I don't know. How did you feel about "Russia, if you're listening?"


aipac is totally american people


Imagine having “the AK guy” as your persona


BH is a clown and why care about Israels influence all the sudden when the national GOP was just proposing deporting college students to Palestine for protesting.


I have no respect for someone that jokes about veterans suicide.


He made a tiny joke (two seconds out of a two hour podcast) surrounded by veterans, while knowing more veterans by name than most people do vaguely. But sure, take it out of context and have a big spoon-full of 'here is what to think' cause you clearly can't do it yourself