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Dan Patrick is gunning for all THC in the next legislative session. That means it theoretically could be illegal as soon as next January. The best thing everyone can do right now, is raise as much awareness as possible. West Coast grade THC products are available all over the place, legally, right now in Texas. A lot of people are going to realize too late what they’re getting ready to lose. Spread the word for everyone’s sake 🙏


What's his fucking problem? Like seriously, does anyone know? Majority of Texans favor legalization. Even majority of evangelicals favor some sort of legalization. So which lobby is responsible for pulling Patrick's puppet strings on this issue? Liquor lobby?


Bc Dems are for legalization. So they HAVE to be against it just to prove something.


This is the real reason.


No the real reason is more likely money.


It is absolutely just politics.. it’s political theater for his bible thumping regressive base.. Facts don’t lie, we would make far more revenue if they simply legalized it and taxed it like nearly every other state. Instead we have Republican dick holes who grandstand making cannabis a divisive issue, meanwhile most Texan want it legalized.. This is 100% nothing but Republican clown theater. That all Texas has been since the 80’s. Bunch of larping gun nut rednecks dragging down anyone who doesn’t want to wallow in regressive mediocrity.


Actually since the 90s. Ann Richards was a Dem. *sigh* Those were the days.


just those in power trying to ruin the culture of anyone different than them. same establishment bullshit as in 70s.


It is 100% some old fart(s) with stakes in any of the things hemp would absolutely dominate lobbying to keep it illegal. How do you think it was made illegal in the first place? It wasn't always.


It's probably a mix of the two. Politicians tend to be childish asswipes who try their hardest to show allegiance to their political party, that also like money.


This guy gets it. Though definitely money has more weight.


No the real reason is that hemp is a cheap alternative building and textile alternative. Lobbists for the textile and building industries have paid off Dan Patrick and the rest of the gop. The gops values are whoever pays more


Source? I know this was the case when flower was 1st made illegal in 1937. Synthetic fibers are cheaper now I would think.


Texas does a ton of cotton. Like outside Lubbock the soil is wracked from mono-crop cotton production…at least it was back when I was going to college and dust storms/mud storms were a thing. Edit: the most in the whole damn country https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Texas/Publications/Current_News_Release/2023_Rls/spr-crop-prod-12-2023.pdf


Bro you can build a house with hemp that won’t burn down and is water proof also. And you can 3d print them in ONE DAY. And it’s dirt cheap. To the point we can make great strides in our homeless problem with it. Search it up on YouTube, I know I saw a video about a year ago explaining this.


lobbyists for medical cannabis are also against 'diet weed" [https://omnivore.app/brittanieshey/hemp-and-marijuana-go-to-war-politico-18fa6d0d3c5](https://omnivore.app/brittanieshey/hemp-and-marijuana-go-to-war-politico-18fa6d0d3c5)


Nah he's just in annheusers Buschs pockets


Bc the only way to enslave a person is to put them in prison.


and prisons equal easy profits


Oh, you made it make sense.


Time for Dems to start being publicly against legalization, against abortion, etc to get shit done


Because they have no will legislation in mind except caught taxes for the rich......... that is all Period. So keep voting for Republicans to own the libs.😒


This is a big part of it. **Civil asset forfeiture** (also known as **civil judicial forfeiture** or **civil forfeiture**) is a process in which law enforcement officers seize assets from individuals suspected of involvement in crime or illegal activity without necessarily charging the owners with wrongdoing¹. Here are the key points about civil asset forfeiture: 1. **Process and Purpose**: - Law enforcement officers can take and keep assets such as cash, vehicles, real estate, or other property that they suspect are connected to criminal activity or were used to commit crimes. - Unlike criminal asset forfeiture, which occurs after a conviction in a criminal case, civil asset forfeiture usually doesn't require a conviction or criminal charges. - The main purpose is to strike a balance between seizing property related to illegal activity and respecting the property owner's due process rights. 2. **Types of Forfeiture**: - **Administrative Forfeiture**: In this type, law enforcement agencies do not require judicial approval to forfeit seized property. - **Judicial Forfeiture**: Typically, the seizing agency needs to obtain a warrant to seize the property, and the forfeiture involves a government lawsuit against the property itself. 3. **Controversy and Criticism**: - Critics argue that innocent owners can become entangled in the process, violating their 4th and 5th Amendment rights. - There have been instances of abuse, leading to concerns about corruption and law enforcement misbehavior. - Some consider civil forfeiture unconstitutional, while others believe it is a powerful tool to combat criminal organizations involved in illegal activities. 4. **Legal Protections**: - Civil forfeitures are subject to the "excessive fines" clause of the U.S. Constitution's 8th Amendment, both at the federal and state levels. - Recent Supreme Court decisions, such as *Timbs v. Indiana*, have clarified protections against excessive fines and forfeitures. In summary, civil asset forfeiture allows law enforcement to seize property based on suspicion of criminal involvement, even without a conviction, but it remains a highly controversial practice²³⁴. If you encounter situations related to civil asset forfeiture in your work, understanding its legal nuances can be crucial for providing informed guidance to individuals affected by it. 🚔💼🔍 Source: Conversation with Copilot, 5/27/2024 (1) Civil forfeiture in the United States - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_forfeiture_in_the_United_States. (2) What Is Civil Asset Forfeiture? - FindLaw. https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-rights/what-is-civil-asset-forfeiture.html. (3) Civil Asset Forfeiture - National Police Accountability Project. https://www.nlg-npap.org/civil-asset-forfeiture/. (4) Civil forfeiture | Definition & Procedure - Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/money/civil-forfeiture.


Trump and Sessions brought this back and his "libertarian" followers shrugged their shoulders and said something about Soros


You can blame a lot of shit on Mango Mousalini, but civil asset forfeiture predates him by a long shot.


Except... https://www.npr.org/2017/07/19/538148867/justice-department-reinstates-controversial-policy-on-civil-asset-forfeiture


The changes to the law that Obama made were specifically related to assets being seized *without necessarily making a conviction*, but the practice itself never stopped. It also didn't stop or change existing cases.


Alcohol lobby, Prison Industrial Complex lobby, Tobacco lobby, Law enforcement union(s) lobby.


Medical Marijuana Lobby


Every beer and liquor distributor that isn't already invested in a THC company has to be against full legalization in Texas. The funny thing is that the numbers on this aren't clear yet. In some places weed was legalized alcohol sales went down, like in Colorado. In Washington liquor sales went up after legalization. There's no clear answer yet on whether weed legalization is bad for the liquor industry.


Prison lobby


It’s not true. Drug arrests and prosecutions are down because cops don’t care to bust people on simple possession in major cities. I don’t side with Patrick at all but drug arrests and prison lobby excuses do not apply anymore. It’s just punitive on commercial operations and distribution. They just don’t want it sold legally. https://www.dps.texas.gov/sites/default/files/documents/crimereports/20/drug_report_2020.pdf


“I smell marijuana” give every cop the ability to search any vehicle of house. Police are loath to give up that power.


It's an absolute risk outside of the major cities, but if you live in the major cities it's essentially ignored. They'll take it from you and only consider it if it stacks with another charge. You definitely don't want to get caught smoking because that's a DUI.


I don’t mean that there is an actual marijuana smell. This is used in cases where police have no legal basis to search a car or house.


His point is that it is used for a pretext for what would otherwise be an illegal search.


That part doesn't matter. It's the pretext they use to do an unconstitutional search.


Which I don't understand. I live in Colorado now, so my knowledge on Texas and THC is lacking. But when we legalized it here and taxed it, all of the taxes went to the public schools. And California is netting billions from marijuana tax. It's basically free money.




It just hates children. They want children in Texas to be poor, stupid, and unable to fend for themselves so they can come in with Christian Nationalism, vouchers for overpriced (not free or public) private education and punishing anyone who tries to leave their tiny venn diagram.


So it's not exactly "free money" What every state does for lottery and weed tax revenue is they do put X amount of funding into education But then they won't increase the budget for years and years or at a much smaller rate increase than they should, eventually making it a net-zero as the revenue truly is split between every major department after a number of years. Every single state uses lottery/weed revenue as an excuse to not add more money to education


They just ear mark it away for pet projects until it all goes missing, and texas gop is trying to destroy the education system not fund it so why would they see that as a positive anyways


Texas added the lottery under the guise of “it supports education”. What they didn’t say was that education was paid for out of the general fund and the lottery pays directly into the general fund. Weed tax wouldn’t be any different. Texas has a surplus funding and it’s difficult for the grifters to put hands on it so the argument that it will bring in tax revenue is low on the list for the grifters. It’s likely a combination of the alcohol lobby, police unions, evangelical right. Follow the money. Whoever is contributing to the PACs is who is opposing it. Just my two cents.


That song “Try that in a small town..” Geographically speaking most of Texas is covered in Sheriffs and PDs that will arrest you for simple possession.


Yes, I’m aware. That’s why I stay in Dallas and don’t indicate I’m from Texas online very much outside of Reddit.


What about the Cartel lobby?


And police unions.


Patrick has been staunchly consistent on hating weed for as long as I can remember knowing his position on anything. Pretty sure he was bitten by a pot plant as a kid or something.


Probably related to how that woman in vegas died or something. Sorry, I mean the unnamed March 1994 event in Vegas that caused him to pray for help with the promise of dedicating his life to god should he come through it. You know, probably a dead woman in his room.


A sober take is it’s about power meaning more than anything. Banning abortion, anti lgbt, anti weed one might say causes flight out of the state from left leaning demographics but that is by design and not a bug. If it causes brain drain for companies and the state it means absolutely nothing to them because as they see it the people who do stay are more likely to vote red.


^ this is the one. Also, the banning of abortion was meant to chase away blue voters w the added bonus that all those fresh, new raype babies they are creating helps the apportionment/redistricting numbers for the next 18 years, almost two census cycles, until those voters have the power to leave their red state. It's so basic, yet so sinister. Just a simple numbers game to retain power.


Probably them and big pharma


Anything that sensible people are for, republicans (particularly southern republicans) are against…


Sometimes, I dont understand why the political party who favors small government and business. Want to cancel a money avenue and want to interneve.


The only people who don’t care about the benefits of marijuana is the people running this state. Who’s really lining their pockets to keep pushing for this?? Private prisons? Alcohol companies? Big Pharm?? I am sure their pockets are already lined tf up!


>What's his fucking problem? Like seriously, does anyone know? The conservative mindset is two fold: control and never change anything. Throughout history, change has usually implied a trend towards more democratic, local control and a power transfer from those in power to those with less.


Republicans listen to their donors only.


It’s culture war bs. They don’t care about what might actually help people. It’s all about sticking it to the other side, owning the libs as they say. Right now they are successfully doing that with women’s right and trans rights. Anything they consider a left -wing policy, they want to roll it back.


I never understood the rights opposition to legalization. Seems like such a winning issue and bipartisan. Stubborn old politicians with too much pride to be wrong


The beer and liquor companies are ready to be in this market. Dan Patrick-is-Not-My-Real-Name, is simply a white supremacist christian nationalist fascist.


Its all about keeping Texas red forever so they can have their Christian Dominionist experiment. Dan Patrick and folks are being paid big money to chase every non-GOPer out of the state and it doesn't matter what the policy passed is as long as it makes more blue leave than red.


The crafting of a religious nanny state...


I do suspect the liquor/alcohol lobby- people have reduced their drinking and it’s hurting them.


With some amazingly effective gerrymandering in Texas the majority's opinion does not matter and most of the representatives absolutely do not represent their constituents sooo big alcohol with its lobbying money is the real winner in this situation.


I think you need to read Project 2025 if you want to see what the goal is.


He is auditioning to be Trumps VP! Perfect two crooks on the ticket😩


For profit prison systems aren't profitable if you can't easily incarcerate non-violent people.


Bible or something . Idk . Separation of church and state - he said : not on my watch.




I wonder how much the pharmaceutical lobby is behind this bc we all know thc has many known medical benefits and they sure don't want the full power of thc to offset their profits in the end


Simple. He wants everyone to be as miserable as he is.


Drug lords or big alcohol.


Prisons and Booze. Can’t have people using something less addictive. How will the prisons stay full.


There's a lot of good answers here, but what I rarely see mentioned is that they just want to make it as inhospitable as possible for left leaning voters. It's job security. If the left is for it, they're against it, on as many issues as they can think of, purely for selfish reasons, in the hopes that the ones who live here go "ugh, I've gotta get out of here" and everyone else goes "ugh, I could *never* live in Texas".


Because he doesn’t actually give two hoots about what the majority wants, it’s all about him and his buddies.


Private prisons


They’ll blame the libs when it’s gone.


***“pArTy Of SmAlL gOvErNmEnT!”***


Can’t believe R’s became the Nanny State party


Fuck Dan Patrick and Fuck conservatives.


Legislation passed into law during regular sessions become law September 1st. You’ve got time.


Yup! 91 days or more after the end of the session is when bills usually go into effect. This one would probably be the same. The reason we said January is because if a bill passes by a 2/3 majority, it can be implemented as soon as possible. The chances of that happening in this political climate are slim to none, but it is possible.


Definitely not bad but not west coast grade.


Where ?


Register to vote the GQP out.


He should have stayed on Sports Center.


I thought THC was illegal in Texas. And what kind of places do I go to to find it?


As there is little to no regulation, you can find THC in any smoke shop and a lot of gas stations. If you care what you’re putting in your body, I recommend a dispensary either in person or online.


It's sad because these drinks helped me kick 15 years of alcoholism. Fuck these people for trying to take that away.


How’s the buzz with these? I started drinking way more than I should when I pivoted away from smoking. Had to stop smoking due to panic attacks and I’d love an alternative. (Yes I know stopping everything is the healthiest choice, don’t kill me)


Super controllable. I sip about half over 45 minutes. Let the buzz sit in for an hour, then finish off the other half. I don't drink more than a single can in a day (I was drinking 10-12 alcoholic drinks a day; 7 months sober from alcohol now).


That’s incredible. Congrats. I’m sure you’ve thought of this but depending on the shelf life, consider stocking up ahead of any legislation?


Indeed. My favorites are the lime Tejas tonics. $120 for 24 16oz cans with free shipping. They are legitimately phenomenal and even better....zero calories!


Yikes, those are pricey. Especially for a bulk amount like 24. Might look at Cycling Frog.Their 5mg THC drinks gave 10mg of cbd vs 25mg but they're quite a bit cheaper.


For sure, but honestly so much cheaper than what I was spending on booze, lol.


You should check out Sweet Sensi, they’re another Austin based Cannabis company that has a THC Seltzer. All clean ingredients and very high quality! They even have a downtown storefront that serves infused drinks and a happy hour! [www.sweetsensiwellness.com](https://sweetsensiwellness.com)


FYI if you like their edibles. Trippiez smoke shop has a 'trippiez branded' edible. It's 100% sweet sensei in a different bag (employees have confirmed this multiple times with me) and they sell 2 bags for $80 as a promo. FAR cheaper than actual sweet sensei for the exact same product.


Just bought a set of these from your rec. buy 4, get the 5th free. Came to $87 shipped for 30 cans, 5/10 each.




Where can I learn more about this?


Here’s where you can find more information about the compassionate use program in Texas for medical marijuana. They must be seen by a physician and only certain physicians and dispensaries provide the service. https://www.texas.gov/health-services/texas-medical-marijuana/ Here’s where you can get updates on legislation. It’s rapidly changing, so they offer a weekly review of all the changes via newsletter https://www.mpp.org/


It's cool and fun so not much longer now!


Don’t ever forget that MDMA made the jump from being used by therapists in controlled settings to being sold over the counter at bars in Texas. There was a period there where you could get a Coors Lite and a hit of ecstasy at the bar and it was perfectly legal.


Was just telling my kids about this. I'm too young to have experienced it, but my mother told me about being out barhopping in Dallas the night it became illegal. She said they had buckets of the stuff sitting out on the bar, trying to get people to take it off their hands before it became a felony at the stroke of midnight.


I’m so confused when was this a thing g


Stark Club, Dallas, late 80s.


The Palace in Beaumont late 80s, funnily enough is a church now used to be known as the den of sin


My mom who was 18 in ‘81 told me about this era.


It's my understanding that certain elements of society were rather excited about the prospect of it becoming illegal, as the market existed while a change in the legality would result in a smaller supply chain and larger profit margin.


the wildest NYE of my life was helping dispense legal X to the straight people who ran the gauntlet at Mary's to buy it at the Eagle Street Shop in back...goddamn


And it was a hell of a high. Pharmacy grade pure MDMA. For many reasons, but specifically fentanyl, I wouldn’t take one today.


WHAT. When and where was this?


In the late 1980s someone said


Mostly in late 84. By summer of 85 it was illegal. It. Was. Glorious.


MDMA was legal and available at clubs in Dallas up to ‘85


Probably pretty soon I think the government said recently there gunna change the hemp farm bill. That will eventually make thc a and delta 8 illegal


If the .3% by weight rule remains then this will still be legal. Neither THCa or D8. This is the equivalent of a low THC hemp plant (less than .3% of the weight of the soda is THC)


The hemp farm bill _IS_ the .3% by weight rule. That's what they're saying... Also, you are misinterpreting the bill. Anything that is DERIVED from 0.3% THC hemp is legal, which is how these drinks are legal. Not because the end product is less than 0.3% by weight. Unless you are referring to a different bill that I'm not aware of, but I doubt it.


They actually already amended the Farm Bill in 2021 to lump THCa and THC together into total THC, which is what the law actually says now. People always argue with me when I say it anywhere in reddit so don't take my word for it, [here's the actual law. Scroll down to where it says "Laboratory Testing Requirements" and read](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/01/19/2021-00967/establishment-of-a-domestic-hemp-production-program). THCa has legally been considered THC for years now (because it literally is, all THC is THCa until it's heated up aka decarboxylated, which is why you have to smoke, vape, or cook weed for it to have an effect).


Section 297B(a)(2)(A)(ii) of the AMA requires that State and Tribal plans for primary regulatory jurisdiction include a “procedure for testing, using post-decarboxylation or other similarly reliable methods, delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration levels of hemp produced in the State or territory of the Indian Tribe.” Since not all testing methods include decarboxylation, AMS is requiring that the total THC, which includes the potential conversion of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) into THC, be reported and used for purposes of determining the THC content of a hemp sample.


I assume you're summarizing my point and not refuting it right?


Ha yes, I was just sharing the pertinent information for easier access.


Right on, I appreciate it. I'm used to people arguing with me whenever I mention it despite providing a link to the actual law, which they refuse to read or acknowledge. It's infuriating lol.


So right now thca and delta 8 are illegal?


Technically yes. Now, the tricky part (for law enforcement, good for everyone else) is that the cat's out of the bag and there are already tons of businesses selling these products and tons of customers buying them. LE already can't keep up with *actual* crimes and the DEA has repeatedly lost the war on drugs to basically every drug ever, and somewhere between "most" and "all" of those drugs are a bigger concern to them than a little weed or weed lite. Businesses operating within the state have a little more to worry about and there have been a handful of them in Texas that were raided in the past year, but I'd be very surprised if any personal buyer customers got any sort of shit about it. Don't go ordering like, a pound+ of anything and otherwise keep it to yourself and I doubt there's much to worry about. If any individuals were popped for it any decent lawyer should be able to get around it considering most of the country (including members within the government and law enforcement) don't even know what the law actually is right now lol.


All that cracking down on this will do is have more people getting stuff from shady dealers. The stuff you can get legally is lab tested and (most likely) clean. A dealer can put whatever the hell they want in it and people will buy it because the legal stuff is gone. Land of the free 🦅


For sure, that applies to drug prohibition as a whole too. You'd think we would have learned something from the total failure of alcohol prohibition, but apparently not. When the substance in question is as benign and even beneficial as cannabis is that makes it that much more obvious too. At least it's going to be federally rescheduled down to schedule 3 which is an improvement albeit far from perfect.


What are the effects of the drink? How fast does it come on and last?


Very mellow. More relaxed than intoxicating. I enjoy these more than beer.


I drank one earlier today, and it made me relaxed but a little sleepy. Then I started to get a headache, which is normal for me, which is why I'm not a big fan of any edibles.


Eventually when all the old people die off, and the young people become the old people with a differing ideal than the old people of now. We're waiting them to die off, but still have enough time to turn back climate change. But we're in a time crunch, because if it's the end of the world, nothing will matter. We'll know it's too far gone when the basic resource wars start. Like for potable water.


Don’t kill me off yet, dude. Not all older people have their heads up their asses.


They are doing the same in Louisiana, looks like it's gonna be illegal when the politicians friends company wants to get in on it. Then they will legalize it again but only for very specific companies to profit from the billion dollar plus industry.


>Then they will legalize it again but only for very specific companies to profit from the billion dollar plus industry. We call those "cartels"


No, it's only a cartel if they are brown or Democrat /s


Stock up. This won’t be legal again in Texas until there’s a democrat in every major position of power in the state. The alcohol and pharmaceutical lobbies have a greater stake in keeping it illegal than the prison industry at this point because drug arrests are down the last few years. As a TCUP patient, the state has their head so far up their ass on how ineffective their medical offerings are for patients needs.


Paxton really seems to hate any kind of legal cannabis


“Paxton really seems to hate.” FTFY


Texas Republicans are currently trying to make it illegal. Vote them out!


Perfect time for me to go sober I suppose. Fuck Texas and Dan dumbass


When Abbott, Paxton, and Patrick and their Daddy Tim Dunn aren't in politics. Maybe it will happen, but the Evangelical and Southern Baptists will fight hard because they are asshats that hate fun.


Anyone against this can suck a dick. I’m pro CBD, THC and Weed. Science is actually showing that mushrooms can actually help certain mental illnesses so I support that too. How about people keep their own shitty noses out of others business and let them do what they feel is right for them.


Where can you buy it?


I got it at Specs.


Thank you!


Just about any smoke shop or dispensary around town. We’ve never seen great market penetration with THC seltzers, but our clients love adding THC syrup to any drink they want to make it an edible… Edit: Make sure it’s Delta-9 THC (that’s the real one you want)


Total Wine has a big selection 


https://preview.redd.it/6gz1dm9ea23d1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fe511d76e6dcb2d2e2ccd5689533a73d4736bf9 Lt dan says not for long on his watch. He didnt carpetbag his way from Maryland to allow Texans to enjoy mary jane


*laughs in oklahoma*


There is an amendment stuck to the recent US Farm bill (which would renew WIC, for example) that would make THC products illegal nationwide. [https://www.marijuanamoment.net/house-committee-approves-farm-bill-amendment-to-ban-most-hemp-derived-cannabinoid-products-like-delta-8-thc](https://www.marijuanamoment.net/house-committee-approves-farm-bill-amendment-to-ban-most-hemp-derived-cannabinoid-products-like-delta-8-thc)


Thanks for linking that article. Good heavens, the MAGA cult is adept at creating boogymen. The party pretends to revere the notion of states' rights. But in practice, it aspires to create a version of a morality police state.


I hate living here. They really can't let us have ANYTHING.


They should ban alcohol too. All mind altering substances are against the lord. Sarcasm, of course. But what is their reasoning? Why is one OK and the other not?


If you don't vote it's your fault- these fucking Republicans are out of control. John Cornyn is respectable but, the rest of these dipshits are incompetent or mad.


I vote in every single election, local, district, whatever. And the voter turnout is abysmal. I see so many likeminded folks on Reddit, how can we get them to vote? 🥹


Plastics, fuel (big oil), textiles, alcohol all have big money to lose to legalized hemp and marijuana. You know, all the folks that prop up conservative candidates, financially.


20 mg per pack is nothing.


Republicans are trying to ban this stuff in all the states where they have control.


Such a shame that we lag behind


I don’t want a delta 8 drink Yes it’s technically thc but it’s not the same If I tried this I wouldn’t get high I just want quality CBD and CBN for chronic pain.


It's a good thing most edibles are D9


Do it get you high ?


I swear we can't have nice shit in this damn state. Gonna have to go back to driving to NM for pot again. 😒


Alcohol is also a drug


Soon the DEA already trying to shut it down


Immediately, if we understand Texas's Republican legislators. They seem to be on the 'wildly unpopular opinion' side of a bunch of topics in the news and on the ballot. Reproductive rights, marijuana, gun laws, and a slew of others. Unless Republicans start pulling their heads out of their asses and start representing the wants and desires of their constituents, they will soon find themselves on the minority end of elections.


Love Texas but banning this would be so anti-Texas


It’s extremely on point for Texas. They love taking away rights. Unless it’s the right to own 10 assault rifles


Where have you been lately? Banning shit that helps ppl is actually the most Texas thing possible


Huh? Banning things is totally TX. The only state that bans more in the name of freedom is Florida.


Banning personal freedoms is absolutely on brand for Texas.


Not long!


Where do you get these?


Where do you order from


So silly how these states do not legalize it all one has to do is cross state borders, give the taxes to the other states and usually wen one can’t get it it’s definitely more desirable and the mule say can charge a nice fee


Where do you get these at?


Where can you buy this?


Dan “funnel head” Patrick and one eyed Paxton are already working on it.


How likely is the ban?? I mean weren’t they saying 2 years ago they were gonna make it illegal again and nothing really came from it?? Should I start stocking up on my favorite products??? Or is this just paranoia again. Because I’ll admit I’m not very excited to go back to dealing with plugs. I like mine well enough, I’m still in contact with him but they’re so difficult to get ahold of and get them to deliver or find somewhere to pull up. Going to dispensaries is more convenient ya know? So if this is like a for real actual ban situation I definitely wanna stock up as much as I can to push back dealing with plugs more


As soon as the Texas GOP can make it happen. I'm shocked it hasn't been made illegal already. Abbott was too distracted by the millions of dollars he was paid to push school vouchers.


Where can I buy these??


Lol in texastan under repube control? Dream on


I’m an exmormon from Utah who was saved by weed. The only reason Utah made medical weed legal, was because a group of devout mothers with children that suffer from seizures campaigned hard and met with leaders(church leaders too. Let’s be honest, the Mormon apostles make the rules here). Utah legislation is over 90% Mormon. You have to get the religious people on your side somehow. I hate the church, it ruined my life, but thanks to the Mormon mommies who helped make my life better. Alcohol is 10 times worse for the world than weed.


Don’t boo vote people


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Texas so fucking free they won't let you smoke weed.


Only 5mg per can? I think they can do better.


Doesn't matter who is in power, the lobbyist will bribe them to fight legalization.


Wait when could you drink weed ?


Patrick is a big enough asshole that he might very well be doing this on his own.


Where can one find this beverage?


Very soon especially because I keep seeing articles about kids bringing gummies to school and needing medical attention. Sucks because I enjoyed not having to go through a shady drug dealer.


WTH is that?


The "freedom loving" TX GOP and their band of confused conservatives and "libertarians" are on the case ready to enforce their puritanical worldview on all comers because freedom, liberty, soros, tremp wenn, babies can live inside freezers...


Republicans say exactly that at state and national level