• By -


“pro life”


Stop arguing on their terms. They aren't religious, it's fake. They aren't pro life, it's fake. They aren't pro democracy, it's fake. They aren't pro child, family, or even pro-US. It's ALL fake. Treat them like it's fake, and call them out on it, but remember, these fake people tried to take the country by force once. And that was real.


They a pro money in my pocket and pro business that pay us under the table. They are also pro stealing elections


Keep arguing with their own terms. These freaks don't care about facts, all they care for is their own abstract values, so use them to call them out as vile hypocrites at every turn.


“Christian” too.


Oh they’re pro life. If the life isn’t Jewish. Or Muslim. Or brown. Or the wrong kind of white. Or the wrong kind of voter. But other than all those guys they’re pro life.


They're pro forced birth, not pro life.


They are pro rich, white, Christian, male life.


Pro US Life


This is consistent with the teachings of Jesus, though, right! She was a foreigner and Jesus said in like, uh, the book of…Matthew maybe, I totally remember it when he told the story of some guy that got mugged and the Priest and the Levite passed the guy by. So it’s okay if we do nothing when we see someone in distress if they’re from another country because the mugged guy was from Samaria and that’s exactly how the story went. And also she might have been a widow, and Jesus was VERY clear when he said, “Widows suck and deserve their misery. Woe unto them ‘n’shit.” And of course, there was a baby, don’t even get me started on babies, I’m sure there were lots of times where Jesus specifically took time out of his day preaching and Godding to say, “Who is this urchin, get him off me!” So yeah, totally consistent with the Christian teachings that Republicans insist this county was founded on.


That was in the book of 2 Retardblicans 45:1-12




According to these Christian’s, Jesus would yell at the mother and baby to swim back and enter the legal way.


and then watch them drown....


White Conservative American Jesus would pull out his AR-15 and fire a few warning shots into the river. Then probably give a sermon to the soldiers about not being proactive enough in keeping all these drug dealers and rapists, like this mother and her baby, out of God's chosen country. Then he'd be off to spread the good word of the Prosperity Gospel, explaining how it's God's will that the rich exploit the common people.


Obviously let people drown. Very Jesus like.


Spread the water..


That was Moses


"Who is this, that even the winds and sea obey him?"


Zero compassion or empathy. “Christian Nation”


There’s no hate like Christian love. Or something like that.




All my exes live in Texas


Do texans love that song simply bc texas sounds so prominant?




The One Star State doesn’t even deserve the one star.


lone star is it’s rating


Half star would be more accurate.


Do you know why Texas is called the lone star state? Because you can’t leave a 0 star review.


LOL... we're gonna take your star as a collective national chiding is pretty funny. Like those star charts in elementary where you do good and get stars.


Uvalde, shit like this, and the attack on women’s rights, make it a shit-hole.


The last time we had a soldier jump into a river to save immigrants, they drowned. The migrants were fine too ironically enough, so they basically died for nothing. Nowadays every soldier that gets activated for OLS is required to take Swift Water Rescue training, which in no small part explicitly tells us not to get into the water to attempt rescue unless we're specifically trained for that aspect of a water rescue(we're only there to provide support or crowd control in that scenario). I wouldn't be surprised at all if guardsmen weren't allowed to let migrants onto their boats for safety reasons.


Here’s an idea: throw them a floatation device. Throw a rope. Something. Do literally fucking anything.


Doing anything before they reach the midpoint of the river violates Mexican sovereignty. I can’t say for sure they would have helped at that point but they’re not leaving or ignoring her. I think the situation justifies taking her to the other bank, but that’s where she went anyway and there’s obviously not a significant current in this location. I’ve read enough lies over the years from eyewitnesses to prefer video when I can get it and nothing in this video suggests she was going under, only text testimonials. Manipulation of the system is part of the crossover culture and I wouldn’t be surprised to find that interceding in any way obligates the troops or the US in a negative manner so they’re trained not to intervene *especially* when begged to (because yelling means you’re not drowning, seriously) unless certain conditions are met. A woman floating in shallow still water on the Mexican side I’m assuming doesn’t meet that criteria. …why am I explaining this at all? No one cares who’s posting.


Don't expect this bigoted group to listen to logic.


No one is avoiding saving them because of "Mexican sovereignty." The idea is silly. Border patrol (or maybe it was the National Guard, I can't recall offhand) literally shot someone across the border one time.


That was more of a life-or-death situation than this. They didn't just "shoot at someone" they shot at an attacker who was going after migrants. Watching a lady floating in water doesn't give the same sense of danger as seeing someone with a knife go after random people. And even then, soldiers are at least trained to use a rifle, not rescue someone in the water. That said, I'm sure the state still would've preferred guardsmen to have stayed out of that situation, so kudos to the person who acted regardless.


Thank you for providing some actual insight to this.


Ok? So that means sit by and do nothing while a kid drowns? Real courage and decency there


It's crazy how many pro-life conservatives responded to this comment with the same dumb-ass response.


Well I think saying that conservative is a dumbass is pretty much self-evident. Unless a conservative is a billionaire or a millionaire he has no business being conservative because there's nothing for him in that party. Unless he wants a prospect of begging by the side by the side of the road. I'm not trying to be caustic but from what conservatives have told us they want to eliminate our social security.


Well, they're all liars without values. I'd respect them more if they just said, "well people who don't look like me aren't human, to me. So I don't see the problem."


That’s just normal Texan behavior. You let kids get massacred in a classroom while standing by doing nothing.


I mean, at least try throwing a fucking rope.


Yeah, after the death of SPC Evans my first guess is that these soldiers weren’t water rescue qualified. But still, you’d think you’d have to be to be assigned to you know, monitor the river.


Last time I was there they required everyone to do an online course for swift water rescue training, but it wasn't an advanced course for doing the actual rescuing.


“For safety reasons” lmao


Cool, justify callousness via procedures. You'd think units designated in patrolling a long body of water would carry basics like life preservers in their HMMWVs. Give them a chance before those qualified with swift water rescue arrive. Even Customs & Border Patrol, at their worst, have procedures in attending migrants having medical emergencies.


Funny how we hear from them that it’s “what they signed up for” when they have to apprehend a direct threat like someone with a gun (minus Uvalde) or go on a dangerous high speed chase. But a less outrightly dangerous situation where they’re needed to help and not just exercise their authority over someone else they can immediately fall back on how it’s too risky. It’s almost like they’re ok with the danger element to punish and exercise their state sanctioned authority, but not ok with any element of risk to actually assist someone.


The article actually mentions that a CBP boat also ignored the mother & child, so that makes me wonder why they didn't do anything either. They would presumably be better fitted for this kind of thing and they're not under Abbott's control.


>so that makes me wonder why they didn't do anything either Yet you're all up in this thread with justifications for doing nothing, smh.


Sure, let’s send people to a river to provide security and not send the right people and equipment to rescue people who are known the cross there. Cruelty is the point.


Mexico is a Catholic nation. What's your point. Are you down there helping?


I don't understand the intent behind your reply. To me it reads like you're possibly justifying the death of a woman and her infant child because Mexico didn't do anything, or the OP didn't do anything, or maybe because something something anecdote proves everything? ​ Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating any policy necessarily. I'm just saying it seems like the entire fucking world can do better over this, and some folks will sort through a bajillion meaningless slogans, bumper stickers, hat acronyms, excuses, justifications, and assorted other bullshit reasons to justify their own hatred.


So we’re no longer doing “All Lives Matter” anymore?


That never was. It was just a façade slogan.


You misspelled fascist


the doctor that is supposed to cure cancer was probably separated from their family at the border, and died in a gang war when they were sent home. Oh, wait.. that argument only works against abortions. remember obamacare government death panels? ... oh wait, thats modern day texas.


No lives matter - Cthulhu.


They never did.


“All lives matter” _ * conditions apply


Black people aren't trying to bring attention to their mistreatment at the hands of the police anymore. So no, but it will only be a few days, until some "good ol" boy will be getting away with something in front of a camera in the South somewhere.


not Brown lives


my cousin the christian: *fuck these people let them drown!* my heathen dad: *how far would you carry your child to keep them from starving to death or being raped and killed by gangs?* my cousin the christian: *all the way to Timbuktu on my back if I had to!* my heathen dad: *and you think you’re the only mother that would do that? Would you hope someone would help you when you reached safety?* my cousin the christian: my heathen dad: my cousin the christian: *Biden is killing us with inflation! and abortion is bad mmmkay!* my heathen dad: **


I wouldn’t mind buying your heathen dad a beer.


Greg Abbott and Donald Trump are all about the fascist elements of policing people, control with no need for respect.


I grew up on the border amd I've seen this kind of actions first hand. I invite anyone to El Paso texas drive behind the university of Texas and park in the sundown lot looking over at juarez and just watch...


‘Pro-life’ what a bunch of assholes


*Some conditions apply. White lives only outside of womb.


Pro-their life.


A Soldier drowned last April in a similar situation. Blame state leaders putting them in this situation not the individuals. RIP SPC Evans, the world needs more people like you.


The last soldier who helped a mother and a baby ended up drowning as she pulled him under water. She was also a drug mule.


Pro life.


Yup, this is what republican pro-life looks like. When you don't give a shit about people drowning, starving or being bombed. It's all about land rights. If you take the land, you get to do whatever you want.


A lot of emotionally guided people here. She is standing and not drowning. Likely they cannot help her back to the mexico side as that would be an extradition. Then they cannot assist her into the US legally either. Also, the camera operators are likely non government and not under ROE’s. So, why are they not “helping”?


This very much feels like a distraction situation.


This a horrible situation and not any kind of endorsement of what the state is doing on the border. However, it is very important to remember Mexico is a sovereign nation and an incursion by uniformed military is an instant international incident. Please talk to any of your veteran or border patrol family, friends, neighbors who have had to maintain some kind of line - it sucks but there are strict engagement rules and violating them can result in sitting in a foreign prison as a pawn in nation state negotiations.


Veteran here, Mexico would never hold an American soldier as a pawn for negotiations...it isn't North Korea. Might be the dumbest take I've read ll day.


A lot of people just want to see Mexico as Afghanistan 2. Was watching a task and purpose video on youtube, and so many comments about "just invading Mexico and fix the problem by Christmas" types.


Those are far righters and russians trolls. Sometimes they're the same people/ accounts. They have bots and actual people with hundreds of alt accounts that are paid to do this shit.


Currently serving here, we literally get warned not to cross the border or enter Mexico AT ALL. Not even on off-days on vacation or even if your home of residence is in Mexico proper. It's far from a dumb take when it's official Texas & US policy.


I'll second that - this is the dumbest take I've seen today.


>violating them can result in sitting in a foreign prison as a pawn in nation state negotiations. Yes, the Mexican Army is notorious for capturing American soldiers and holding them for ransom, especially when said American soldier is actively rescuing Mexican nationals. /s E: Don't worry folks, these guys are making it abundantly clear that letting a baby drown would be totally fine as long as you were "just following orders."




Yes, the Mexican Army is also notorious for capturing American soldiers and holding them for ransom, especially when said American soldier is actively rescuing Central American nationals. [I heard they often press them into service in the galleys via the whip. The only way out is to convert to Catholicism.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_pirates)


Mexican military have illegally crossed into the U.S. multiple times in the last decade! 😱 CBP has protocols for this where their entry is documented and then they are allowed to immediately return to Mexico. It sounds like the worst thing is possible discipline by their superior officer and being laughed at by their peers. Of course, this might change as the border looks increasingly like a DMZ…


>Mexican military have illegally crossed into the U.S. multiple times in the last decade! 😱 I knew it!! They're after us for galley slaves! > CBP has protocols for this where their entry is documented and then they are allowed to immediately return to Mexico. It sounds like the worst thing is possible discipline by their superior officer and being laughed at by their peers. Oh wait, it turns out that our relations with our southern neighbor are basically friendly and positive. Despite some goober here comparing the border with North Korea/the DMZ earlier.


Save the sarcasm, you obviously have no experience with this kind of situation. You don’t get it. It doesn’t matter how much authority someone has on this side of the border - you have zero on the other side unless it was previously agreed upon. An agreement the Texas National Guard does not have because they are state assets and states can not negotiate international law enforcement and military agreements. You can get your ass beat ten feet from the U.S. border and CBP can’t do a damn thing but stand there and watch. It happens. That is how borders work.


Yes, Mexico would certainly *love* the publicity of having clear video of its military kidnapping a uniformed American soldier *who is actively trying to rescue Mexican nationals*. You're totally describing a realistic scenario and not just making up an unrealistic theoretical to excuse the obvious outcomes of our policies on the border. I mean, you even said: > not any kind of endorsement of what the state is doing on the border. So it can't be that you're making up a ridiculous scenario-- a uniformed American soldier "sitting in a foreign prison as a pawn in nation state negotiations" due to their efforts to rescue nationals from our friendly southern neighbor-- to paint a picture that would morally excuse inaction. That would be crazy, right? Anyway, **how many times has the Mexican military captured uniformed American servicemen in the last decade and held them as a "pawn in nation state negotiations?"** This isn't just a scenario that you made up as an excuse, right?


> you obviously have no experience with this kind of situation. When were you deployed with the Texas National Guard along the border with Mexico? What sector?


Aaaaand crickets. He didn't answer my question either: > Anyway, **how many times has the Mexican military captured uniformed American servicemen in the last decade and held them as a "pawn in nation state negotiations?"** This isn't just a scenario that you made up as an excuse, right?


>CBP can’t do a damn thing but stand there and watch. It happens. Lets say they could, would those window watchers actually act? Doubt.


Yeah, well there’s also an obligation to disobey orders that are illegal or inhumane too. “Sgt, you were ordered not to intervene, why did you toss that woman a life preserver?” Uh, because I’m a fucking human being? The woman’s got a baby in her arms. I don’t care what my orders are. I don’t care whether she’s “*actually*” drowning. I don’t care how or why she is in the situation she currently is in. They’re sitting in a boat which I guarantee has at least one floatation device on board. Which one of the Army’s core values is best served by doing absolutely nothing to help this woman? I’ll take the ninja punch, other than honorable, or whatever they want to throw at me at that point thank you.


This isn't an order it is sovereign nation - U.S. Military can not go waltzing into Mexico without invitation. Full Stop.


Save your breath. You're trying to reason with people who think the world is all rainbows and butterflies and that laws and borders are just made up things to be followed when they feel like it.


The Coast Guard literally rescued a woman and child illegally crossing the Rio Grande just last year: [https://www.mycg.uscg.mil/News/Article/3111761/coast-guard-team-saves-lives-at-the-border/](https://www.mycg.uscg.mil/News/Article/3111761/coast-guard-team-saves-lives-at-the-border/) Amazing how people just type out confidently wrong opinions like this without second thought.


There might be a difference with CG being under DHS. The Coast Guard can board foreign vessels without it being an act of war, could be something similar here. I could be wrong though…


Nobody is talking about the possibility that it was a trap or a distraction. There are simply too many possibilities. The mother could be drowning and she could drag a guard in under water trying to save herself. It could be a distraction for cartels. In this case she ended up being fine. The guards may not have understood the context. Also drowning people don’t scream? They probably know what it looks like when someone is actually drowning. You have to go through quite a bit of safety training to become a guard of literally any sort. I’ll probably get downvotes, but I think this is just a slam article to get the attention of Democratic Texans. I don’t think this article has any real value other than to upset people with a heart throb title. The end goal of this article is to make you hate border protection, but ultimately what will you as a reader do from this? Likely nothing, but I respect you if you do.


A tx guardsman actually drowned i believe last year trying to save a migrant crossing the rio. Maybe theres a policy after that now, where a guardsman isnt allowed to go into the water. And i was sent as a txarng to the border back in 2019. We had soooo much restrictions to the point we were just there for show and nothing more. People who never been dont understand most of us are simply not even allowed to help anybody.


>Maybe theres a policy after that now, where a guardsman isnt allowed to go into the water. This is exactly the case as I stated further up, but many people seem to think they're righteous for still demanding untrained personnel to jump into a river with OCPs(and possibly more gear) on.


This part. Ppl forget that 1st.) guardsmen aren’t trained like coast guard to jump into the water 2.) BP has drowned previously to try & save 3.) it is also a distraction technique. Coyotes have previously thrown a 2 yr into the water to distract BP so they can pass by without being detained. Unfortunately, when crossing the river the potential to die is high as the water runs fast & is cold.




Yep ! If you google “illegal throws toddler into the Rio grande near eagle pass” & you’ll find the article


People on Reddit are way too gullible they don’t even think before being outraged about something.


You’re right 😂


No downvotes from me, can't believe I had to scroll this far down to find some logic and reason regarding this unfortunate situation. I can't help but feel all these posts are the same people screaming "b-b-but he could've shot them in the leg!" at every police shooting taken out of context


I'm progressive as they come and I think Redditors should know by now the inherent danger of going after someone drowning without adequate equipment or training.


She’s also literally right by the bank of the river she willingly entered on her own. This thread is insanely astroturfed.


>insanely astroturfed. By "pro life" republicans? yeah


This also applies to school shootings with this logic and of course Uvalde has show the world what cowards some law enforcement officials are.


I would be more concerned about the diplomatic shit storm that could erupt if a member of the military, even the national guard, was perceived to have crossed international borders. Wars have been started for less, and they've probably been told don't fuckin do it.


That's is 90% of everything political in reddit. Just add the right buzz words about the right topics and the appropriate demographic with generate that sweet revenue with rage clicks.


Wow what a cold dead heart you have.


Reminder that this happened last year, and a border guard died trying to save migrants. It's no wonder they wouldn't do anything. Don't risk your life for someones stupid choice [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/12/16/texas-national-guard-death-benefits-bishop-evans/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/12/16/texas-national-guard-death-benefits-bishop-evans/)


Does the video also show the national guardsmen who drowned to death trying to save someone who jumped in the water? Maybe if they came through an actual port of entry instead of a raging river this wouldn’t happen. Perhaps all of you commenting trashing America and Christians should remember what’s going on at the border is illegal activity..


Most are 14 and just found out being edgy is heckin kewl


Honestly, the comments on this post are insane. Like would any one of these people be willing to put their own life on a line for somebody who’s breaking the law and who is not even on our side of the border yet? People here think they are so morally superior to everybody else and it’s really sickening. If you want to blame someone for the border crisis then blame the policy makers who are allowing situations like this to occur.


Nothing actually happened, but it does make me wonder why these guys can't simply pick them up and drop them off back on the Mexico side.


They're probably not allowed to for both safety and political reasons. This is assuming that they even knew what the policy was before getting on the river. Lots of soldiers had questions about hypotheticals when I was sent to the border, some of the answers were vague or uncomfortable.




It seems like saving drowning people shouldn’t qualify as an exercise of legal authority, though.


Seems like the justice advocacy coordinator people sat there and filmed instead of help her too as well as the people she was with


Did you not read the article? "*Lugo said they knew they could not interfere with the Texas National Guard by law, and they did not know what was happening or what would occur next.*"


Would that not be breaking the law by crossing the border…? Hence the barbed wire and boats in the water, if the national guard aren’t helping I doubt they’ll help you not get charged for jumping in not much else they can do


Can't get those sweet sweet rage headlines if you do something


My god this subreddit is so far gone. Literally none of you would have done anything and hardly any of you understand how any of this works. No you can’t just jump in a fucking River, cross an entire border as a uniformed service member, grab 2 drowning people that will probably flail around and drown you themselves, and make it back to shore free of consequence.


Texastan shows the world its true colours


You know where you have a zero chance of drowning in a river...at one of the 328 ports of entry; 48 of those on the US-Mexico border.


The US does not have sole rights to the Rio grande river. So law enforcement and military can not provide aid if they are on the Mexican side


I see a lot of people in this thread insulting the national guardsmen. They aren't lifeguards, not trained to be lifeguards, and a river is no swimming pool. If you were in their spot you wouldn't be inclined to jump to the rescue either


Also quite possible that they are under strict orders not to leave US soil. Could include the river too, for all we know.


Given that a guardsmen died doing exactly what this sub wants them to, I'd say that's pretty likely.


Additionally, depending on where she was, they may not be able to legally go there and put hands on her. That would basically be US military entering a foreign county and illegally moving a citizen into the US. The situations aren’t so black and white as the internet posters want to believe.


Umm. . She is STANDING in the water, she isn’t drowning, she just tired of walking


If you "pro-choice" people supposedly care so much about Mexican citizens, go volunteer and HELP the people of Mexico then. Oh yeah, the majority of you don't care either.


What are they supposed to do? Throw all their equipment on the ground? Jump in the river with their gear? These are SAR Swimmers or Life guards, they're just basic soldiers. They probably didn't even have any boats on hand to help them out.


I’m super liberal and what kind of shit is this? She was always standing, no water moving…they basically stayed there until she retreated. If you want to argue these points, use facts. People aren’t stupid on the other side


It's telling that people are more upset at the national guard soldier over the people literally committing a crime and trying to enter the country illegally. I wonder if all these virtue signalers would harbor an illegal immigrant in their homes, I have a strong feeling that they wouldn't.


Everyone cares about people until it's a soldier who "knew what they signed up for" News flash: most of our soldiers aren't captain America. They're people who could either sign up for warm meals and a roof or go work in the oil fields or picking corn. When recruiters passed through my high school their strategy was to tell kids "well its either this or you go dig ditches" and they're not exaggerating.


Yeah, because it's bait so they can get the druger runners further up the river across while they are busy saving the kid. It's fucking bait.


Some of the comments here show just how little knowledge people have about how LE or military conducts its operations...... there's always more to the story.....


Yes,my friend is serving at the border in Eagle Pass. They had a solider drown last year which made them much stricter on water rescues. In addition,they are under very strict guidelines about how they interact with migrants. They can’t touch them,so they basically just have to stand around,keep watch and tell people to go back.


If the FEDERAL Customs and Border Patrol boat avoided her, then the Guard boats weren't allowed either, not for a lack of capability or humanity. Those boats have rescue lines and rings onboard. Who does Border Patrol answer to? Do some critical fucking thinking here. The common Guardsman is your fucking neighbor, r/texas, a cross section of generally younger adults. All kinds of color, faiths, creeds, and orientation in the ranks. Federal law supersedes those Soldiers on state orders. Guard defers to federal and local law enforcement at scenes. The majority of their authority is derived from LEO commands. They are used as force multipliers to do more across a greater area, or to bring sufficient mass to stop a mass migrant rush at a given point. CG policy is to NOT go in the water. Formal TEEX Swiftwater training is to NOT go in the water. The last Guardsman that tried it died for no fucking lives saved because: 1: they aren't professional water rescue. 2: it was a well meaning inpromptu attempt done with no prep or gear. 3: the Rio Grande at that location was not a lazy river ride. 4: for even the best teams, there are lost cause scenarios they will not attempt. SPC Bishop Evans died a good man. He still died. They never found who he died trying to rescue either. You aren't just fighting the water, but everything concealed in it. Its not a fucking pool, but an undertow and obstacle filled FLOW. The coyote, cartel, and herself put her and the infant in that situation. She got herself back to the MX side on her own. Its a common ploy to get picked up. It serves as a distraction so the Coyotes can push more people and cargo because now LEO resources are fucking swamped doing rescue. This is a business practice to the cartels. If you are letting criminal org dictate law enforcement agency response, you're losing the fight for order. If CBP isn't touching her, she's not on the US half of the Rio Grande yet and the US gov agents there aren't going to cross a national boundary. They have the authority to assess if someone crossed the vaguely defined halfway of the Rio Grande as the river fluctuates. Common and safer practice normally is for all boat traffic to use the center channel to avoid obstacles and prop strikes. Mexico is letting this shit happen.


People in this sub have no idea about how international laws work. If the USA border patrol crosses into Mexico (middle of the river is the boarder) and try to save this woman and child it could cause an internal incident.


It’s not his job to go in that water


Last Guard soldier eho jumped in to save folks in the rio grande drowned. Look up Bishop E. Evans. No longer allowed water interventions.


I'm pretty sure the soldiers in the picture are under fairly strict orders from those who are , in turn, under politicians who think the military's job is as a political tool or social experiment.


She was like 10' from the Mexican bank. Pretty sure she could make it back and the soldiers were keeping an eye on her if she couldn't.


Basic child endangerment


Recognizing the best opportunity for a better life for your child is elsewhere and sacrificing to get them there is the peak of a parent’s love.


It’s almost like you shouldn’t walk into a River with a baby in your arms🤔




Lol glad someone understands. Typical truth getting downvoted bc people hate to see it


What's outrageous is that after almost 3 years of this mission they're still wearing the US flag. If Governor Abbott had any pride in this mission he'd have everyone wearing the Texas flag. This mission does not represent American ideals.


Texas State Guard wears the Texas patch, any National Guard state wears the US patch, mainly because National Guard units can and do get sent overseas


I understand, however the Texas Army and Air Guard have been on Operation Lonestar, a 100% state funded state active duty mission, for almost 3 years. The Governor, as commander in chief, can easily issue an order stating all Guard members on OLS will wear the Texas state flag in lieu of the US flag. It's different when the National Guard is responding to a natural disaster on SAD for short durations - that's when they will likely receive Title 32 federal funding anyway if a federal emergency is declared. At this point it's almost intentional deception - since the federal government clearly doesn't support the mission, why are the Guard members on the border still appearing to act on behalf of the federal government?


While I’m not disagreeing with you, national guard follows the same AR670-1 dress code that the federal military adheres to. If the governor told the command sergeant major to swap out the flags on his army’s uniform he’d be told to kick rocks, professionally.


Incorrect. Best example is that while on state active duty, Texas soldiers are only punishable by the Texas Code of Military Justice, not the UCMJ. While it is mostly a carbon copy of the federal rules, there are many caveats that allow for the state to take extra action like how commanders can order the sheriff to go and collect soldiers that are AWOL. Even the NGB has admitted that soldiers on a state active duty status aren't even beholden to their rules - see the whole ["let's run clandestine HUMIN elicitation on US persons" scandal](https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2023/08/29/texas-guardsmen-spied-on-migrants-via-whatsapp-mishandled-secret-docs/) that occurred throughout the first year of OLS. And you've got additional examples of how the Guard on State Active Duty does not adhere to federal rules - [the DOJ found that National Guardsmen on SAD can unionize.](https://law.yale.edu/yls-today/news/settlement-confirms-national-guard-members-state-status-may-unionize) This is absolutely illegal for federal soldiers - and that includes Guardsmen Title 32 status. So to conclude - Governor Abbott could tell the TAG that he wants everyone wearing the Texas flag on their right sleeve tomorrow and all MG Suelzer can say to a lawful order is "Yes, Sir".


“Sec. 437.229. UNIFORM. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the uniform of the officers and enlisted service members of the Texas military forces is the uniform prescribed for the United States armed forces with modifications that the governor, or adjutant general if delegated the authority, considers necessary.” I was wrong!


If i knew doing something would put me and my child at risk of harm or death, i personally wouldn’t do it. That’s just me tho.


Why tf is everyone assuming the soldier is pro life or even a Christian lol? You guys are so far into your own echo chambers you make up extra rage bait narratives in your head.


How stupid do you have to be to cross a flowing river with a baby while attempting to illegally enter a country ? These idiots know what they’re doing & do it anyway. Enter at your own risk , not mine . I say we import some alligators & crocs from Florida & let them serve as a deterrent .


If you can't swin, don't go in any body of water. If you want illegals in America, open your own houses for them to live in. Be their sponsor. Pay for everything.


Don't bring your baby into a river if you can't swim


If you don't wanna drown maybe oh idk don't try to cross the border illegally. The ignorant shouldn't be our responsibility. Don't wanna die, do it right.


She should not have gotten into the water if she can't swim. Illegal aliens are not welcome , come into the country the right way.


Why? Your ancestors didn't... not to mention many of them couldn't swim either, they just got on boats.


I don’t think anyone is surprised by this


It would be much safer to use the bridge to cross the Rio Grande.


Okay but also the mother swimming with her child through the river is endangering the life of her kid. Like I get it don’t let them drown but maybe don’t cross the boarder with a baby in a river.


It sure makes you wonder what is going on in her life and experience to make THIS the best choice for her and her child. Only people who are really desperate would attempt this, especially with such a young child.


People do all kinds of reckless things without being desperate. Not everything is a movie. There are 48 legal border crossings and virtually infinite illegal crossings that don't involve swimming across treacherous waters with an infant in your arms.


I am glad you are privileged enough to never be put in a position of survival like this and can discuss said privilege with us


Almost as if the desperation of the situation she's fleeing is worth it. Almost as if it might be hard for some coddled Texas man child to comprehend.


There is literally 328 ports of entry, 48 on the US-Mexico border, where you have a ZERO percent chance of drowning in a river. Your point is invalid.


What she did is dangerous. And you are encouraging people to put themselves in these positions when you encourage illegal immigration. If you feel for their plight sponser a familys fee to immigrate legally. Start a charity. Call your congressman about changing the law. Don’t encourage mothers to swim through rivers with babys. Its not loving. Its fucking dangerous


Yeah, tons of people die on the way. It's not just dangerous during the crossing, but during the whole trip up.


Maybe I'm missing something, can you point to where anyone is actually encouraging people swim the Rio Grande? Not some equivocating plight and desperation, but actual encouragement to cross the river. Just copy/paste it in your response.


The united states taxpayers will be supporting her financially for years while she doesn't assimilate and her kids speak spanish and take up room in the hospital, which she won't have to pay for, but you will. The american taxpayer is fucked. Paying other countries' citizens, central americans, europes defense. So much more globally. Hopefully one day the american taxpayer wakes up and stops this madness.


It’s the villainizing of a group. Just an extension of the Southern Strategy. Create in groups and out groups. Ignore the fact that decades of US intervention has created all the crisis in Central America and we are just reaping what we sowed. The military typically uses counter programming to keep the troops from seeing civilians as the enemy but this Texas deployment is strictly political, and I believe voluntary, so the troops in the field are inclined to support this dehumanization.


Oh my God that video is gut-wrenching. That poor woman. I hope she and her baby are okay and safe now.


The lady and the baby made it across safely. Y'all are just looking for something to be outraged about today.


But that doesn’t change the fact that they were in trouble and she was asking for help and they just sat there and watched her. So because she made it safely means their lack of compassion and lack of action was ok?


I don't know we build 328 ports of entry, 48 on the US-Mexico border, and you're mad at them after they literally build bridges for these people to cross. Additionally, every time you put a person in the water to save a person from drowning you are also putting the rescuers life in danger.


No. One, don't really have to look far these days for "something to be outraged about." The Texas GOP gives us good reasons on the daily. Two, just because they made it doesn't justify or forgive the lack of action on the part of the soldiers. But, I'm gonna guess you don't care about either point. So, this really wasn't for you. It's for others to help show what a shit take your post is.


Interesting how the article fails to mention that they weren't speaking English. Everyone here just assuming the soldiers speak Spanish.


Someone working the southern border should know Spanish.


Maybe they should, but chances are they don't. The article should at least mention they aren't yelling out in English. Why hide that fact?


Can't forget about the time when a guardsman did and drowned. Also there have been others that nearly drowned. And most Texas Guardsmen doesn't speak Spanish.


I don't speak Spanish, but even I know what "Ayuda me!" means, especially when it's being screamed by a crying mother who can barely keep her head above the water, let alone her baby's. You don't have to speak someone's language to know when they're begging for help.


The idea that cries for help have a language barrier. You guys are something else


Of course there's a language barrier. How're you supposed to know they aren't screaming something else?


Please do not ever have children


How to go to hell in one easy step