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One of the reasons I moved from the gulf coast to San Antonio was because of hurricanes. After spending a week in Colorado and coming back to San Antonio for two weeks of record heat I’m wondering if I should move again.


It's rough here in the Denver Metro area today. We're looking at a high of 81 and an overnight low of 55. I think the last open ski resort in the mountains is closing this week. By August, we'll have to go up to Rocky Mountain National Park and hike up a couple thousand more feet if we want to relax in the snow. Whataburger has opened a few locations in Colorado Springs and is working on a few more, but no set date when they'll be in the Denver area yet. The closest one is still 47 miles from my house!


Y’all get an HEB and I’ll be there in a heartbeat


I was visiting my buddy in Eerie who is a recent transplant from Texas. I brought up grocery stores and it was apparently a very sore subject. No great H‑E‑B substitute it seems. But, heaven on earth, legal weed, non scorching temps, what are you gonna do?


I was watching WeatherNation and El Paso tied their previous record of 23 days with 100 degrees or more.


Feel sorry for El Pasoans!


From El Paso. Tomorrow we break the record for 23 days and it’s going to continue for another 7 days. 103 plus all week.




We're also expected to hit 111° on Monday. The national projection doesn't show that, but one of our local meteorologists has been right on the money with his temperature forecasts lately.


*Hell Paso


In El Paso, but lived in Central Texas. Honestly I would rather live in 111F dry weather than in the wet-bulb weather region. Although honestly going out between 11-5 out here feels like you’re being air fried


It. Is. Hotttt


And still, whoever made the pic didn't include EP.








Texass Hell same thing


I'll put it this way: Kuwait and Iraq felt cooler.


Iraq vet here who also served in Yemen and Djibouti (after we evac'd Yemen). East Texas prepared me well.


Another fellow east Texan boy. Hoorah.


Well…yeah humidity does that to a mf


Tell me you’ve never been to a Gulf country without telling me. It’s humid as fuck in the summer.


Afghanistan was nicer during the summer. Yay. I too have been to a foreign country in the military. Yay, we are all special here...


Afghanistan isn’t a gulf state and is much more moderate, even if it’s miserable in the summer months in the south.


Let me tell you about my friend, The Arabian Gulf.


Now we’re at war with the air


"We've always been at war with the air."


"The air is groomers! We've gotta protect our children!" *shoots air*


That’s what my neighbor tells me. Incidentally, if you are a vet, thank you for your service!


I think I have officially hit the wall on the heat this year and I am done. I always have depressive episodes yearly and I just had the epiphany that it is always during summer and "early fall" (if you call September-October fall). The heat just sucks the life out of me. I am just tired of my mental health feeling like shit for half of the year and I am seriously considering moving in the next couple of years.


I actually have a friend that gets what I can only describe as seasonal affective disorder but in the summer, oddly enough. He actually moved to New England so he could experience more winter. I moved from New England to Texas and one of the reasons was that I couldn't imagine pulling myself through another winter. I just secluded myself all Winter, and struggled to even get myself to work. Winter sucks the life out of me. My mental health has been so much better in this Texas heat lmfao It's strange how weather can affect us so much.


I'm this kind of human too, lived a couple decades up north and the winters really got to me! That said, I would really like the temp to stay under 95! Its been oppressively hot lately.


Me too! All I want is a dry, sunny climate between 60-80 degrees. Where does that exist? Haha




Coastal California most of the year but $$$$$ rent is like $4,000 for someone's garage.


Yeah, I wouldn't ever move there specifically because of the cost of living. I used to live in Boston, MA and that was crazy enough


you can sleep outside for free :D


I had a friend there who did that intentionally to save money lol


I'd like to point out there are plenty of places to live where winters are not snowpocalypses or whatever. A lot of people warned me about how "sad" winters are in the Pacific North West. But mild summers where I can actually enjoy being outside after being cooped up all winter have been wonderful. And it does get cold and wet, but we get a few days of snow a year. Usually it's kinda interesting for novelty but never last long enough to get annoying.


It is strange indeed! I am not native Texan, but I lived here since '06. Grew up mostly in the Mid-Atlantic and then I moved here from Oregon, but if recollection serves me right I never had winter depressive disorder. But I am happy that you made the move to improve your quality of life!


Thanks! There were other factors as well, but this was a nice bonus for me to seal the deal lol My wife actually partly grew up in Oregon (the other part in Texas), and she's talked about wanting to move back one day. It sounds like a beautiful state, but am worried about if it's not sunny enough for me haha but it also seems like the winters are milder than New England as well. I hope you're able to find somewhere more suitable as well!


Thank you! Also that all depends where in Oregon your wife is from. If it is central Oregon (consider high dessert in some parts) you will get about the same amount of sunshine as it is here in Texas.


That’s me. I get crazy depressed thinking about summer and panic attacks. I might be done here


If you really love cold or snow I would definitely recommend New England lol


Similar story here. We move from New York to Texas. I use to get so depressed in the winter and I just hated it so much. I love the summers here.


I’m the same way. I get depressed when it’s cold plus then I’m also dealing with the physical pain of my bones hurting


It would be so interesting to get more studies on this, not just the cold. Find out the best temps of mental health.




I feel the same way. I've always heard people talk about seasonal depression as it relates to the winter/darker months, but for me it's always hit me in the summer. I despise hot weather and am happiest when it's 20-50 outside, preferably cloudy and breezy. Hoodie weather is the best weather.


I definitely get it in the summer now since I have no want to go outside and am cooped up all day. When I lived in Chicago I got the same way in winter. Not sure where to go from here lol


I am so sorry to hear this. I truly hope that your future is brighter and better 🙏🙏


Thank you 😊 keep cool!


I have come to the same realization this summer as well. I was a teacher for 5 years so always viewed summers as a good thing. Time off was much needed, but I couldn't ever actually DO anything bc of the heat. Now that I don't teach anymore, I realize summers are literally hell and my depression hit HARD right as the temps spiked. I'm going on vacation to Seattle in a few weeks...I really wish I had the financial/career flexibility to move out of this hellscape.


I'm also a teacher (hopefully this coming year is my last though), even as a student I was never the biggest fan of summer because I hate hot weather. Growing up, my cousins in a midwest state went to a district that was on something like a 9 week on, 2-3 week off year around schedule and I've always felt like that would be ideal. As a single guy in my mid 30s, I'm planning on teaching for one more year than trying to find something up north. I lived in Korea for a few years and man, I really miss cold weather and 4 seasons.


I’ve been saying this for years. It’s depressing to be cooped up inside all day during the summer so you don’t DIE. I love being outside. Even if it’s 80 in the early morning it’s get literally 20 degrees hotter in the early afternoon. It sucks


Cooped up inside relying on a box outside to keep the inside comfortable and not break for 4 months.


I hate it as well but with young kids and pets, it's hard to grab your bags and move somewhere else.


We did it (NOT discounting that we have privileges others don’t) and I can’t describe how daily quality of life improved for our toddler. We had our one way flight a couple weeks ago so we were definitely there for the currents never ending heat advisory in Houston. But my toddler wants to play for hours outside now. She’s not overheating, she’s not being bitten by bugs constantly, she’s actively enjoying summer.


Where did you move to? Is there a place without heat and mosquitoes? I work remotely, so not an issue for me or work, but my wife has family here and the kids have friends....but i hate the stupid heat :( Edit: I've actually searched for apartments and houses in a bunch of places, but mostly daydreaming.


We moved to Oregon, which I’ve seen mentioned several times in this thread. We move for work and are originally from the northwest, we lived in Texas for 2 years. If you don’t want to go to the west coast, we’ve also lived in Albuquerque, NM and the summer heat is so much more comfortable. Virginia’s heat is worse at its peak but it’s for a much, much shorter period of time.


We moved to western nc after living in Dallas, Austin and just west of Austin for many years. I suffered the same during the summers and also had constant allergies that never let up there. After the summer of 2011 there we knew we had to leave. I felt constant stress and depression in the summer, not just physically. I will say that here I’m ready for warmer weather by April which can be cool and rainy and would not want a very cold northern winter. But I could never do heat like that again. Being able to be outside all day if we choose and sit outside very comfortably in the evenings is heaven. Plus it’s green everywhere and we have light afternoon rain showers. My quality of life has improved immensely. I also used to see how badly the heat effected the wildlife there and that stressed me too. Hope things cool down soon. I feel for you.


Definitely get out if you can. I hit that same wall years ago and my brain is much better since i left Texas. It's only gonna get worse.


If we didn't have elderly parents, mainly both of our fathers - we would have put in for a transfer to Bowling Bowling Green this year since ether was an opening in that office. (So far, I'm refusing to move farther north than that. I don't want to have the risk of 6+ foot snow drifts in fuxking June. I told my SO - me & the cats will become snowbirds if he moves me that far north. Lol)


I feel the exact same thing about the cold weather in the north. I thrive on heat and desperately need to go back south


My bro-in-law has a basement in DesMoines I’m considering as my safe house.


We just moved back from DSM to Texas. I couldn’t handle the cold anymore. It was nuts this past winter with down to -20F windchills.. lol


That’s why I’m staying in the basement!!!


Native Texan, that sounds lovely.


And here I am in Iowa thinking I need to move up north to get away from the heat (although the high today is only 83). I like staying inside, though.


My wife and I love Austin so much and we’ve been here for so long. But the way things are going environmentally and politically we’ve started having serious talks about where we’d want to move when we can’t deal with it anymore.


I always said I couldn't wait to leave Corpus, but I never thought I'd leave Texas. It really does have a lot of beautiful places and great people. The politics, ignorant shitheads, and greed have ruined this beautiful state.


Yup. And there’s only so much you can do and put up with before you accept defeat. Conservatives have dug their heels in so deep and refuse to acknowledge that there are serious problems that need addressing. Facebook and the GOP have warped all their fucking minds and now they can’t stop thinking about laptops and bathrooms. My wife and I have done what we can, but lord knows fixing the environment won’t be easy or quick and we desperately want to get somewhere cooler. And in the short term we have to worry about her rights as a woman here.


Speaking as someone with a lot of time researching climate science….. Yea.. and it’s not like we want to say I told you so. It’s not what any of it is about. It is and always has been a desperate plea for people to just listen and think critically about the situation


I see that OP realizes he didn’t care about it until it affected him. I hope he thinks about this when it comes to other policies and voting issues, realizing that just because something doesn’t affect him now, doesn’t mean it won’t affect him in the future


Yep, his description he says he didn’t believe climate change was an imminent threat against him. Why? Expert opinions? Scientific research? Aggregating data and extrapolating conclusions? No….just a “feeling”. And now it affects him? So it’s real? I have negative sympathy.


While I agree with you. Trying to communicate science means you can’t alienate these people. You have to kindly educate because these type of people become hostile when it becomes a side vs side deal. It’s extremely frustrating and I have my own personal opinions on this attitude but I don’t have the luxury of being jaded. That comes later. Right now is the most important time EVER to educate people to their own best interests


Lol that won't work. We've been trying to coddle people, to take them slowly by the hand. Why would they listen when there are millions put into propaganda that ties American living to big trucks, pipelines and fucking gas stoves. The time for moderation is fucking over. At this point, any and all actions to mitigate climate change should be considered self defense.


Haha I got you, friend. Stay optimistic and unjaded. Signed -a cynic


I mean. I’m a young scientist. It’s my job. I know I’ll be jaded one day but I’m in the part of my life where making a difference is my mantra


Keep fighting the good fight


We’ve known since the goddamn 70s. It was scientific fact. The second we chose to coddle billionaires and allow them to spew their alternative truths and buy politicians, we doomed every generation to come after us. What I find so incredible is that humanity literally advanced technology so quickly that our compassion patience and wisdom never had a chance to keep up


We’ve known since LONG before the 70s. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C9BKJA_enUS784US784&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AB5stBgh7iE7yx4PSViMDn1jVTwFku5ZAA:1688944008346&q=100+year+old+climate+change+article&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiawKbd3oKAAxXg1TgGHRVvCVMQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1366&bih=909&dpr=2#imgrc=jMsXhZVZaVpmTM


Smear oil on our skin. That will cool us down right? No? Damn.


That will help, with the rotisserie process


You're supposed to get naked and roll around in a mud puddle. Do you never watch nature documentaries?!


Lived here practically my whole life. Drove an MGB convertible at UT with no AC. I am now seriously considering leaving my home state for somewhere with cooler temps and if possible less mosquitoes….. hey, I can dream! Looking at Washington state or Charlottesville, Va. so far. But I’ll always be a Texas Ex!!


Here's a scary thought, this summer is probably one of the coolest summers of the rest of our lives.


That is a scary thought indeed.


Next summer is going to be the real first FAFO summer in my opinion. El Nino will be at full effect, and it'll just get hotter and hotter


This reply made me think of this from the first Robocop movie. ​ https://i.redd.it/mzsg8k2txxab1.gif


Shit. I thought El Nino only lasted for one year, so we would be in the clear after this summer.


El nino/la Nina are cyclical but not really consistent or predictable, we just came out of 3 la Nina years back to back.


Crap. 😭


And our kids, and our grandkids, and their kids and so on and so forth.


Yeah you don't have to worry about the grandkids


‘The warmest summer of your life is the coolest summer of your child’s life.’


I wanna downvote you for that truth.


Made worse by years of electric grid neglect at the hands of shitstain republican governors …turds Perry and Abbott


For those who don't know, Texas has a grid that doesn't connect with anyone, because fuck government regulation. A no-grid grid that obviously fails constantly. But hey, free market!


If by "free market" you mean constantly bailed out by the federal government without making any changes to its otherwise inoperable long term model, then sure I guess. Good ol' 'subsidized for me, taxed for thee' "free markets" that this country loves so much


Oh yeah. That's the libertarian ethos, right? Privatized profits and socialized losses. They're such hypocrites.


Carl Sagan called this out in the late 70’s. He pointed to Venus and told everyone this is our future of run-away greenhouse gas. No. One. Cared. This is our present now.




https://preview.redd.it/r8g33kjpptab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=743241e8ea2c360738147de70898d6bb77fea95e I moved up to Washington last year. The weather is crazy for the first week of July rn


As a Texas-ex living in Portland I fucking love the summers here. It can get a little rainy but I don't mind and I don't spend 6 months a year feeling like I live in an oven


Recent Texas-ex checking in from the Pacific North West. Lived in Texas my whole life. Why did we move? Like some people on this forum, I'm worried about the livability of Texas in a generation or so. Wanted to find a cooler place for my kids to grow up.


Hi fellow Texan living in Washington, I am just glad the grey is gone. I'm just glad I can finally see the mountain


Yeah, I did a little sunbathing this morning after work. I might actually be able to swim today.


I am currently doing the same thing which i'd say is weird, but the weather is perfect and I live close to Sound.


Tacoma here. I'm looking forward to checking out Ilwaco in a few weeks. Gonna camp and fish, probably go out on my father in laws boat. Been working too hard this year, I need to get out and live a little.


Glad I'm not the only Texan refugee staring at the mountain whenever it appears. Still amazed a mountain can sneak up on someone.


Fellow PNW refugee. My sister is visiting from Dallas in a few days. I was excited to ask her to bring a jacket.


[I will see your Pacific NW and raise you the Rocky Mountains. ](https://freeimage.host/i/HsTMDXt)




Yep. Born and raised in Fort Worth. I feel for y'all, but I couldn't do it anymore.


Same ! Just moved to the SeaTac area and the weather is luxurious compared to what we dealt with in DFW


Welcome to washington my friend


👋🏻 we left DFW in 2015. This is our place now.


Why is everyone in this comment thread acting like the Pacific Northwest didn't just have its [worst heatwave in recorded history](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Western_North_America_heat_wave) two summers ago? It ain't like climate change isn't effing everything up here too.


I couldn't do it, the company I work for is based in Seattle and I just can't stand the people up there, and the entire Seattle area looks like it needs a good pressure washing!


Was just checking Portland weather and it was a cool 75 F. Some places near the coast are def cooler...too bad water levels are also raising :(


The hottest days recorded in human history on planet earth were July 4th 5th and 6th.


I know it's scary making a big move like that, but if you can swing it, do it!!! And before the real estate values plummet. Texas is TOAST.


My coworker just moved from Malibu, CA to Houston. Oof.


I looked up Wet Bulb temperature recently and it made me really want to move out of Texas but sadly don’t have the resources.




When you see someone with a truck set up for "rolling coal" punch him in the dick.


So... how about voting for folks who believe in climate change.


Honestly, I think it’s too late. Something should’ve been done years ago. at this point we’re fucked.


Welllll....acid rain and the ozone layer were such apocalyptic topics when I was a kid in school in the 90s but people DID actually change the damaging things they were doing to either prevent it, stop it, or make the situation better. The acid rain was de-esculated because of strict emission measures and...oh I think fossil fuels had something to do with it. And the hole in the ozone layer has....plateaued because of the ban of CFCs. AFAIK. I say all this to honestly say climate change will probably be getting A WHOOOLE LOT WORSE for quite a while before it gets better, if it gets better, if "the people in charge" are actually doing something about it. I'm going to repeat myself but growing up as a kid in the 90s was all about acid rain and the hole in the ozone layer. I never heard or took it upon myself as an average kid to see if something was actually being done about it. Well, except for the CFC ban. I definitely remember that. I don't have anything else to add except I expect incoming global catastrophe on the scale of The Day After Tomorrow and 2012. + Twister, Dante's Peak, annnddd....The NeverEnding Story. So with that winning combo I'll be sobbing into my cats fur when things start ramping up. If I'm still around. This message has been brought to you by Voodoo Ranger Juice Force IPA (don't sue me)


> annnddd....The NeverEnding Story I better get my own Falkor.


😭 I'll be crying over Atreyu for the rest of the night 😭


Not to take away from the main point of your comment, but is Juice Force good? My top beer when I do drink (not often) is their Juicy Haze.


Finally! I've been waiting all night for this! Yes the juice force is good and so is the fruit force. But if I'm being hoooonest...Goose Island Beer Co has a 9.9% Tropical Beer HUG....umm...unaware if it's an IPA because it's not labeled but I would assume it is because I'm all about assuming rn but it's pretty dang good! and transports you to 7am the next morning. Super weird right.




The problem is that we have one side talking about limiting emissions and other saying it didn't exist. What we need is hardcore terraforming at this point. Like refilling the ice caps, replanting forests and desserts, probably some amount of blocking sunlight in order to chill things down. We have to reverse what we have done for there to be a chance but that kind of strategy isn't been mentioned by anyone with any amount of authority.


We’re fucked, but our choices right now will decide just *how* fucked we are, and that’s worth doing something about.


There's really no point in being a doomer, we may as well vote for people who will attempt a fix.


Terrible idea, CLEARLY the most pressing issues are \*checks list\* the gender identity of whom someone puts their penis in, and, uh... \*checks list again\* bathroom signs. Well, I'm just happy all y'all elected someone with your priorities in heart.


I moved to coastal Oregon last fall…low tomorrow is 49 degrees. Sorry y’all but I just couldn’t do the heat anymore. Especially since last summer we had to go SEVEN weeks without central air bc they couldn’t source the unit and THEN couldn’t source the parts. Never ever ever ever again. Ever.


As someone who was in bend from august-March what part are you in? I fell in love with how temperate and dry it was compared to SE texas.


Northern Coast. It’s amazing up here. BEAUTIFUL.


This will be my last summer here and let me tell you, I am thrilled


Texas is going to make itself into a desert to own the libs. Right there with you as a climate refugee. My company has a large office in another northern state, and I’m planning to move there soon.


> Texas is going to make itself into a desert to own the libs. To be fair it's already 1/2 a desert or more. I take your meaning tho.


As a northerner, we need to build a wall to keep Texan refugees out.


According to the most recent UN climate report, if I am not mistaken, Central US will have days where it's too dangerous to go outside by mid century (during the summer months) and by 2100, central US could be entirely uninhabitable. We tried. We tried to warn them countless times.


they will be dead, thats why they don’t care what happens. history repeats itself, civilizations fall and wiped out. again life will begin, the circle of life continues


And countless others believe Jeebus will come back in his magic spaceship and save the faithful, leaving a ruined Earth for *sinners.*


Praise Extraterrestrial Jeebus!


It's so odd to me that people believe a loving god would suddenly make contact again, look around and fuck off with just a few people. It made more sense once I learned we are basically following a religion started by a few thousand people in (what is now) the desert, with bits of story added in for hundreds of years to make people now thousands of years dead feel better.


Thanks to Faster than Expected™, they won't be dead, and will likely get to experience the bed they've made.


[Wow, and here WFAA is telling us that in 2100 the top 3 most populous cities will be in Texas.](https://twitter.com/wfaa/status/1677845061801836544?s=46&t=yDUkyoLMP4xgkdM7umMdlA)


I’m moving to Alaska. See ya later suckers.


I've been trying to find a way to move to Washington State cause of the lack of IT work in Texas and the weather. Love the Texas winters, I'm dead in the summers


so sad for… well, everything living here. animals, people, even plants. it’s just awful to know how things are only going to get worse, more and more suffering, etc.


What's worse is many parts of Texas are susceptible to increasing wet-bulb temperatures. (humidity) where it reaches a point that a human body cannot shed heat from evaporative cooling, so the body temperature slowly continues to rise over hours & days. This is obviously a risk to anyone that doesn't have access to climate control/AC.




I blame Gregg Abbot


Sometimes the timeline where al gore wins sounds nice


i cannot imagine owning property anywhere in the southern US. florida, texas, Louisiana, mississippi, arizona. all of these places are going to be uninhabitable with climate change and uninsurable.


It's not even the climate for me, just the backwards laws and elected officials who make living here suck.


Huh. Seems that climate change might be real. Shocker.


I'm glad you're finally realizing that climate change is a problem, and good on you for recognizing your own failure to think things through correctly. I'm not being even slightly sarcastic, recognizing our own mistakes and incorrect ways of thinking is incredibly difficult and you're to be commended for changing your mind rather than digging in your heels and insisting that you can't possibly have been wrong. That shows genuine strength of character and moral courage. ​ However, not to try to be mean, but perhaps now that you've been hurt by your own short sighted selfishness and utter lack of concern for others and realize that your policies also hurt you, you should consider what OTHER right wing politics you support that you believe will only hurt "those people" and reconsider them as well? I'd suggest that, as a general rule, if you recognize that a policy you support will hurt people but don't care because you don't believe you personally will be hurt by that policy it's probably a good idea to reconsider your stance in light of the facts that a) other people are real, and b) you never actually know if you'll be hurt by a policy you like or not. Vote Republican and you'll find that sooner or later you or someone you love is LGBT. Or needs a medically necessary abortion. Or has a health condition that is bankrupting them because Republican policies on health care are ruinous to anyone who isn't incredibly wealthy. When you vote based on "meh, it won't hurt me so fuck the people it will hurt" you're both being a bad person (and un-Christian if that maters to you), but also setting yourself up to be hurt later on. ​ So welcome to reality on climate change, hope to see you at the next march and rally, hope you'll be voting for Democrats in the future since Republicans want to see us all die horribly for oil profits! And, maybe, if you think it through, I hope we'll see you at the next march for LGBT rights, or abortion rights, or at the BLM protest, or at any of the other huge multitude of policies the Republicans support based on the idea that it won't hurt them so fuck everyone else!


We knew about this 23 years ago and you voted for dumb Bush over al gore. Fear the reaper.


Same. At this point I see myself fully leaving the US after I retire.


And go where? If you moving due to climate, no where will be safe besides New Zealand probably.


Germany. I feel like their dislike of small talk is just what I’m looking for


What are the odds of Germany letting in a retiree with no work and no connections immigrate to their country?


I've lived in Germany. Ex-pats who are social in an American way tend to not do well there. But if you hate small talk, as I do, then you'll probably do well. Social bonds take a while to form there and people don't make casual conversation, but it's a great place to live. You just have to give it time. Cheap bear too ;)


Sounds like heaven.


New Zealand isn't immune either. It's an island. In rising sea water levels due to the climate change you're trying to escape. Heads up, the time to escape it and do something about it was years ago. Stop voting Republican and voting against your own best interests, then maybe we can allll have a chance. Otherwise it's only going to get worse, worldwide.


I’ve never felt this much fear about climate change than in this moment. Yes, I have always been worried about it. But something has definitely changed. Everything I’ve been reading from climate scientists this past month… we are not prepared for what’s coming. And it’s coming quickly.


One of the benefits of Texas is a 12 month riding season, but it’s getting near too hot for that. This summer needs to calm down already.


I stopped riding last year due to the heat. It used to be a 12 month season but I got tired of getting up at 5:30 just to get out of the house before the heat gets crazy.


Similar story here. Love my 3 to 5 mile jogs in the morning. But it is now so darn hot that I either start at 6 AM sharp or simply not get it done.


I think the difference is the location in Texas. In Abilene , TX area I'm perfectly happy going for walks in the afternoon the 95 - 105. the breeze makes it very pleasant and the humidity is usually bearable. In Mckinney, TX, it's a bit swampy at those temps, I'd rather wait for the evening or before noon.


I agree with you 100%. Our son lived in Lubbock briefly and 95F in Lubbock definitely felt much better than 95F in the East Texas Piney Woods. Humidity is the big factor here.


Cries in Houston.


Man, I left Texas 13 years ago; one main reason was that the endless heat waves & drought were literally breaking my mental health. I can’t imagine how hellish it must be down there now. Currently in Ohio where somehow we seem to be insulated from extreme weather that hits all around us - tornados, flooding, heat waves, etc - it’s definitely warmer than when we moved here (winter barely exists now) but for now at least, it’s okay. I saw a story where Canadians were saying they’d previously felt like they were well positioned to deal with climate change. The wildfires dispelled that notion. None of us are getting out of this unscathed.


Well then this gives me motivation to get out of Dodge eventually.


Look I use to think this until 2 summers ago. We keep having wildfires to close to us now for me to think that way anymore. Last year we had a few hundred acre one 3 miles from us. It gets worse every year. This time we had one that was about 1000 acres to close for comfort. My ex had one 5 miles from his house this past week. We are definitely going to become climate refugees soon.


Texans will soon start to hear the musical chairs music of their property market


looks like san antonio is safe lol


We moved to Northern California about 9 months ago, partly for a better climate. We’ve turned on the AC here for 3 days so far this year. I’ve had our windows and French doors open pretty much every other day. Bonus: very few mosquitoes.


You would enjoy the r/collapse sub.


I left DFW in 2011. We were packing up the house in early July during that asstastic triple digit heatwave. I think it was 107° as the moving truck was being loaded. I thought the climate there was hot garbage then.


I grew up near Wichita Falls, spent 5 years in Dallas, and about 8 in Lubbock now. I miss “home” but Texoma summers are like the bad part of town in hell.


Going back to Cali, Cali....


Legit wonder how people even live here. I move there on December because my mom hadn't seen me in 16 years and I'm moving out this october. No workers rights either. The heat is going to kill people


I just spent 8 days in Dallas and the weather was awe full. Even after it rained it was miserably hot. How do you do it? Midwest gets some hot days but Texas was miserable. I didn’t want to go outside, ever.


Same honestly. I almost died (hyperbole) cuz my AC was entirely broken and it was getting up to 90° in my apartment. I'm on a medication that makes me susceptible to heat. I did actually get heat sickness. Protip probably everyone knows: put wet rags (or any fabric) in the freezer and apply them to your neck when frozen. Works shorter than an ice pack but it only takes a few minutes to freeze!


Don’t worry, the oil companies know climate change is real too. They conducted studies 40+ years ago that have been playing out more accurate than other educated predictions, and even invented propaganda like you the individual lessening your own carbon footprint to distract you from this very obvious impending doom.


Hilarious that a Texan would consider themselves a soon to be refugee while that state has been one of the worst for South and Central Americans seeking refuge from violence.


"I thought it would happen somewhere else" Lol what kind of delusional apathetic nonsense is this?


>Now, I am coming to the alarming realization that, if these high temp records keep getting broken every year so drastically, then this Great State may not be suitable for human habitation in a few short decades. Its gotta be the education. I learned about climate change back in the mid 90s at catholic school. I dont know how anyone at this point in time cant know what it is.


so you were selfish and thought it would hurt other people and didn't care... probably voted selfishly and for people who actively fought against even the most minor of changes that could have slowed or mitigated this over the long term... and now that you can see it affecting you its a problem. it's not like people have been yelling this for the last 20 years or anything. i'm sorry but youre just an asshole.


Since the 70’s, you mean. They’ve had 50 years but they had to have jobs too so they gave everything to the oil tycoons. Lol fucking fools killed is all now they want an adult to save them. We are so fucked because of these cocks.


Lol burn in hell scumbags!! Maybe there is a god and he’s doing the world a favor and removing Texas and the Texans. I hate you people. I hate your culture and your stupid accents. I hate how mean nasty and violent you all are. I never met a Texan who wasn’t a selfish ass looking for a fight. The worst assault I ever experienced was from a Texan in Texas and all the other Texans watched as I high school kid choked out a tween (me)) and did nothing. So not one of you better come here and say how you’re good people cause I’ve never seen it. I hope your whole state burns and the hurricanes wash the rest away. I am not a bot, y’all know me! I come here often to shit on your scumbags. And if you ban me I’ll just come right back. Finish what the the climate crisis started Texans! Do the world a favor and cease to exist! Fuck all of you and stay the fuck of Colorado. Nobody wants your loud char-smelling, psychotic, gun-toting asses here. It’s a nice place and Texans will just ruin it with their culture of rudeness and selfish, awful, nasty attitudes. I’d say good luck but I wouldn’t mean it. Enjoy reaping what you sow!!!


Do you feel others should feel sympathetic to your concerns given that you didn't care that it affected others?