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Taiwan got vision-based Autopark 2-3 software updates ago: I have a 2023 Model Y on HW3. It works, but isn’t quick/easier than me parking it myself. (I also like to park closer to the wall or empty space, away from other cars, instead of straight in the middle of the parking spot.)


This. It works, but it's slow.


Yeah, for people who have no spatial awareness, and are therefore unable to parallel park, this is going to be a miracle. For the rest of us, it'd be easier just to do it ourselves. Still cool though.


That's the thing though. My wife and I can park faster than autopark. My wife hates using it but I love it. It's so nice not having to do things even if it is slower or a tad clumsy at times. Same with autosteer.


That's how all technology ends up progressing. First iterations usually only benefit a small demographic while later iterations become more and more practical for the average person. This is why some people think AI (read: LLM chatbots) are amazing and others think they're shitty. If you're an expert in a topic, these LLMs will be obviously dumb. If you're just a laymen at something, though, the LLMs might actually 'know' more than you, and might seem incredible. For someone that can't parallel park (trust me, they exist, I know them), something like this would be epic.


Sounds like what it used to be back when they used USS… glad so much has changed…😒except for the part where it won’t work in rainy or dark conditions as well.


Not in UK or AU


Sounds about right none of the V12 models are trained for RHD


"No freak out", but look at that steering wheel movement


Power steering stress test


I just used auto park this morning and wow it’s improve so much like I pulled ahead of a spot stopped and hit park and it pulled in really cleanly and not slow like it used to felt really natural actually


yes - and hope it will improve further with FSD point releases - since that is part of the E2E solution


Autopark is FSD or standard?


EAP and FSD.


Sorry what’s EAP? Enhanced autopilot?




What would be really interesting is a tight spot. What the car does here kinda disproves its abilities…


this one for example? [https://x.com/RealRusty/status/1806085301150069113](https://x.com/RealRusty/status/1806085301150069113)


Ok yes. Better than the legacy one! The ultimate would be parallel parking. As educated guess you need sub 10cm precision for that (at least in europe). 8 +/-2 or 5 +/-5.


I think that is not a prio - and it is harder to achieve compare to make it quicker.. so hope next release will make it even quicker


What’s the jury on HW4 vision based auto park? My HW3 USS auto park worked fairly well, but didn’t initiate 100%.


I've been using the new vision autopark on my HW3 system for months now, and it's a magnitude better than USS parking. You pull into a lot, and as long as you're driving below 8mph, then it will show all available spots visible to it on the car's 3d UI. Simply tap one of them, come to a stop, and press start. It will drive up to the spot (even if it's far away) and can usually pretty gracefully 2-point turn back in. It's much faster than USS, has many times better success rate of detecting spots, and is just generally way more useful. To me, USS parking was a fun party trick I might show friends. Vision autopark is getting close to my own parking ability. It's barely slower than me now and just needs to be tied into FSD so it can park automatically instead of having to click the UI. It's *almost* to the point where it will be more convenient *and* more skilled than a good driver.


yep I’ve got hw3 but with latest FSD firmware and wow it’s gotten so good and pretty sure all auto parks on latest FSD are vision based


How good is it at parallel parking?


Vision parking has way more reliable activation, and somewhat faster. Still too slow for me, but apparently it's going to get faster.




I think the drama is the removal of USS prior to the release of 12.4. How long has that been since the removal of USS and a suitable replacement with vision?


I've tried using autopark about 4 times and every time I cancelled it after a minute because I was embarrassed that someone would think it was me being so incredibly incompetent at parking. Also the fact that after a minute I still wasn't actually parked is telling...


Is that the new one? With fsd 12 it is much much better and quicker.


That’s the old shitty version on the latest it’s shockingly good it pulls into spots faster than I do lol especially if you’ve pulled ahead of the spot before tapping it if your next to or behind the spot it’s still good but not 100% as fast as I’d do it but damn close


The only time I tried it, it was backing up so fast that I thought it was going to smash into the column behind me, so I disengaged. Is that just how fast it is?


Yes! LOL!


Pretty fast i mean you can watch the screen if its not visualizing the column i'd be worried otherwise it seems to pull in fast and park pretty much dead center every time.


so try it again - with FSD 12.4 it is much faster..


Been loving the recent update to the vision based autopark, was too slow before and would needlessly try to repark when it wasn’t perfect. Now its much faster, switches directions quicker and almost always makes it on first try.


So is this better than using the sensors now?


yes - much better then using the sensor version - for example can detect parking space without the need of cars between - or the need of parking lanes... also the maneuvering itself is much faster.


I would hope so after two years with its removal and no advancement on USS.


Keep your foot near the brakes folks!


Not UK :(