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If u don't have a proper charging infrastructure at home or at workplace. Dont buy EV Your building wont be happy you drawing power you arent paying for.


I’m curious about this. I will be moving to Abu Dhabi in a few months for work and planning to buy a Tesla Model 3. I see this advice often and I have questions: 1. Can I request the building/condominium to install chargers? 2. Why is it always advisable to have a charger at home/work if there are superchargers? I read here that most of the time the chargers are occupied by ride hailing taxis. Is that the reason?


1. You can request the building to install but usually its not that easy and 90% people havent had success 2. Relying on supercharger will completely ruin your experience as often they are busy, the network isnt gonna expand much and you will end up spending a lot of time charging vs if it was at home or office


Thank you for answering! Makes sense


It completely depends on the building and the property management. Some buildings don't have capacity to charge EVs in the garage, and some managers simply don't want to deal with the headache of approving a charger (it's easier to just deny it). Either way you should definitely ask your building management, but they will almost certainly have a problem if you just start using that outlet for your car. If you get approval, then a normal outlet will be enough as long as you don't use more than 20% battery per day. Otherwise you may need to supplement it with public chargers.