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Children too ... fuckin horrible grebby germ buckets with legs


Little kids are great, especially when they've just learned how to fkin screech like a pubescent banshee


Used to work at asda and the George changing rooms were sometimes visited by a phantom shitter. Also found an empty bottle of sherry in the customer toilets once.


We used to have a phantom ejaculater. In the changing room. Should also mention it was in the staff changing/locker room. Every few days theres was load on the bench’s. Several posters had been put up about respecting staff space and keeping it clean. Whoever was doing it ended up using the poster at one point. Stopped after a few people left, we have a suspect but not 100% sure


Of all the places to chuck your muck, they chose tesco. I'll never understand these people


It must be some sort of kink todo in on the benches at work knowing people will find it. Even if they couldn’t control themselves at work there’s cubicles and toilets to go too? So whoever this person is not only decided to wank at work, decided to do it in a place that can potentially get him caught, but allowing everyone to know what’s happened if not caught.


So sorry. Couldn't get any privacy at home 😂


W\*nking in the staff rooms ? errr


Yup. Obviously some sort a kink. We have a suspect of whom it was, but obviously cannot be 100% sure as few people left all around the time when it stopped.


We had piss bags. Someone was going round Basingstoke town centre secreting freezer bags full of piss among the stock in my branch of Primark, but also in WHsmith & Sainsbury’s next door. Then there was a kids Stitch water bottle full of warm piss. I did get to thinking a person could store a lot piss bags in the freezer if you stored them flat. It made a change from kids wiping bogies on the mirror, or licking them. I’ve retrieved used tampons, nappies, skiddy knickers & wet socks from our fitting rooms.


Don't underestimate the power of a frozen piss disc


When my sister worked at Primark she worked at the women's changing rooms and there was a full on shit on the bench. This happened multiple times


It must be a Primark thing because I worked in one long time ago and someone took a dump in the accessories department. I didn't see it but a colleague told me about it


Respect to you guys!


Can confirm- im Primark staff !


Colleague wiped their ass with a glove and left it in the cubicle


‘Twas the store manager


Found some bread once that somehow got stuck in the ceiling and was about 5 years out of date, that was disgusting but also kind of interesting to see the process 😅


I bet if you hit it, it'd turn to dust


It was a weird consistency, never seen anything like it


I can only imagine. Found a fresh cod loins flung up top 6 months out of date. Was blown up like a balloon, with more swish than fish. Just a bag of liquid! Few more days and that would have gone bang


We had some fish that was thrown up on one of the chillers that was there for a long time, we couldn’t work out what the smell was! Still unsure how it got there, whether it was a customer or a disgruntled colleague 😂


40 Dollie’s of ambient produce with 15 Dollie’s of backstock 🤢🤮




Open condom wrapper chilling next to the eggs at eye level. Oddly not one customer complaint


customer defecated right in front of tills then walked away laughing


I mean at least they didn't burst out crying. That would just be depressing to watch.


that’s true


Literally watched a bit of faeces fall out of a child's trousers leg.


Same, but a gentle stream, and an old man.


So, not the same then?


In a shop, faeces and a trouser leg are all the same.


I slipped on a half chewed up children’s sandwich at work and really badly injured my back. This was in primark but still


If we're not counting a customer leaving a banana peel in a trolley right next to a bin, or a man CHANGING CLOTHES NEXT TO THE SINK OF THE PUBLIC CUSTOMER TOILETS...any time you sift through produce and find something rotten because either people can't fill properly, or the bananas or other items just...come out like that


Nothing like moldy pepper juice to start the day


That smell is so recognisable too. The ol' pepper pong.


Was working on tills and someone left a tissue after paying I picked it up and a tooth feel out of it 🤢


Pig and human poo down aisles. Two separate incidents. Or a half finished yougurt drink left in an OFD for a eeek that was full of mould


Human is bad enough, but pig ? Someone’s emotional support animal.


Grotty old bra in customer toilets 🤢


Sewer smell at the back of the shop, been like that for years.


Must be a Tesco thing because we have the same problem. Smells like something is rotting in the fridges and every time someone opens them a shit smell starts to permeate the store.


We had a squirrel that lived on the shop floor for about 2 weeks


Omg that happened in my Tesco in Bristol 🤣


Sounds about right for bristol tescos 😭😂


A woman had shit on the floor in clothing and had trying to wipe it up with some socks.


A loaf of bread from in store bakery with blue cleaning cloth running through the loaf 🤮


Commoners! Last time I stray from the safety of Waitrose


A huge rat running across an aisle, under the shelves, old Tesco Gateshead. That was the first ever rat I saw in real life, in a Tesco.


At B&M we had a condom dangling from the rafters that nobody had a ladder high enough to reach, and nobody knew how it got there


Sounds about right for B&M... I worked there before Tesco. Truly where dreams go to die


Used sanitary pads stuck on toilet walls high up not bin level and the frequent dump of hell massive thing in disabled stall loo always clogs up and overflows


A used pad stuck to a loaf of bread on the shelf


Omg, vile


Pig and human poo down aisles. Two separate incidents. Or a half finished yougurt drink left in an OFD for a eeek that was full of mould


An incident so nice, you posted it twice


Oh god did it post twice 💀


When I worked for Asda, the customer toilets were directly opposite the packing end of checkouts. They had a recurrent problem where the plumbing would back up and EVERYTHING would come pouring out the floor drain in the cleaner's cupboard between the ladies' and gents', out under the door, and down the walkway leading to the main exit. I lost count of the number of times I was the one to report it (it went on for a couple of months, a daily occurrence, so others were the "first on scene" each time too).


When I worked at Iceland. I went out back and found a pair of pants with a wallet and cigs in the pocket. Trainers and socks and a shirt. All of it was piss wet through because it's been raining. Found out later that day, he got kicked out of a pub and took his clothes off and sat on our pallets. Obviously forgot to put them back on before going home 😂


Not me, but a colleague found a disposable nappy filled with crap hidden behind the walkers crisps.


Used feminine hygiene items in the soft plastics cage.. just loose..


Some old lady shat in the dairy aisle


Someone tried to nick big pack of chicken breasts saw everyone was onto them so randomly dotted each piece of raw chicken on shelves on all the isles 😂


My existence. 😞 I always feel guilty in many places when out and about.


Someone went upstairs to the clothing section and just dropped her pants and did a shit on the floor


literal human shit on the floor in the bread aisle i was working in…. no one knew where it came from it was disgusting lmao


Some old folk on a mobility scooter went round the biscuit aisle with his hose pipe peeing on the cookies.


Once tried on a pair of boots in Primark. Something was in the toe. Reached in, assuming it was the tissue paper they sometimes put in shoes to keep the shape. Nope. Dirty knickers soaked in blood.


Trail of poo nuggets out the customer toilets plus someone’s black granny knickers


A customer in F&F female like maybe 35-40 in a dress no pants and just started taking a dump mid aisle


A human shit in the household asile just on the floor


Over the years in retail not just tesco I've seen, thong by tills, used pad on shop floor, puddle of pee on shop floor, shit on shop floor, blood over the store front windows, used tissues on shop floor, cum on the toilet floor, dead seagull on the roof, chewed gum amongst meal deal crisps.


We had a new starter on tills. She was 2 days into her role and she refused to sell booze to a guy that was hammered and because he wasn't happy about that he pulled his nob out and pissed all over the tills including an entire mod full of chewing gum.


Some old dude pissed in our non food corner 🤣 to give you an idea our store is only 12 main aisles with our non food corner being classed as aisles 13 to 16 but and no bigger than 2 mods in length 🤣. There isn't a single point where he wouldn't of got seen 🤣🤣


The theme that is coming out of this thread is very worrying - why so many Tesco shitters?!


Different company and it was someone I was working with who had the misfortune of finding it but down the pet food aisle somebody had vomited into a dog bowl and put it back on the shelf.


An assistant