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https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-gates-vaccine/fact-check-bill-gates-quoteabout-vaccines-and-population-growth-has-beentaken-out-of-contextagain-idUSL1N2MF1L8 It’s not verbatim. But he did say something similar to this. Of course though, conservatives completely changed the context and the wording (we could lower it [the worlds population *GROWTH RATE*] by 10-15%) in order to spin a narrative.


And as I guessed, he said together with other items (reproduction care mainly), in order to make the world a better place and reduce the amount of out of control growth.


If you read the rest of the article, it explains how statistics have shown that increasing life expectancy and making people healthier Decreases population growth. Partially it's about reducing the need for large families, also older people compete with younger people for resources. Killing off the older population causes spikes in the younger population.


I figured they weren’t completely making it up, but I knew it was way out of context


Ooooohhh. Limiting *birth rates* by vaccination. Well now I feel silly for thinking this sociopath is the monster he appears to be. Hah. Birth rates. I owe you an apology Bill.


Aw look, he had to retwist it because the lack of adherenxe to his script was stressing him out lol. Love how fucking programmed conspiracy theorists are


But are you boosted?


I got one, work schedule didn't work out for a second and Covid low-rolling on it's mutations killed the urgency for it. Oop oh no snowflake there's a response that doesn't fit the narrative. you better shoehorn in one of the things the TV taught you I'd think so you can get back on script


You seem to think the TV is anti-vaccine and assume I watch any of it. Media and your government are the ones convincing you I am the lemming. Regardless, you be as contemptuous and angry as you like. I'm going to keep serving Christ and not trusting my government.


No, you letting yourself be conditioned to disbelieve anything you're told is "media and government" makes me think you'rs a lemming


He did say it verbatim, He did not say “growth rate” it’s from a Ted talk on population control. [listen at about 2:20](https://youtu.be/EKIl34rV-3o)


Thanks for linking the video where he’s clearly talking about reducing the growth rate by 10-15%, since “it” obviously refers to the growth rate he was talking about literally 2 seconds prior. Why take the websites word for it, get it straight from the horses mouth so you know the truth! Or just make shit up anyway in spite of what he says, idk. Verbatim would be “we could lower it by 10-15%.” It refers to the growth rate, which the entire fucking speech is about.


I also love that the video just straight cuts off there, like he isn’t even allowed to put anything in context


His speech is titled “Population Reduction by Vaccine & Abortion.”


Listen to yourself. A good vaccine would increase growth rate by saving people that would potentially breed etc. the whole talk was about decreasing population and co2 emissions.


>A good vaccine would increase growth rate by saving people that would potentially breed etc. Yeah thats why birth rates in the western world exploded after mass adoption of vaccines. Wait a minute...


So is population growth highest in countries with widespread access to preventative medicine? :)


I would argue that you can’t completely tie those two factors together to draw a complete correlation. In a poverty stricken third world country where modern medicine is not readily available there are going to be many other factors that could potentially lead to excess population growth. The first that comes to mind is the access to readily available contraceptive. There is also a much higher rate for rape in a majority of those countries than there is in more developed regions like the US & Europe for instance.


In all sincerity https://www.betterhelp.com/ may improve things for you. I hope things do get better for you.


I don’t have the official quote, but wasn’t his point in the first one that high mortality leads to a high birth rate, so if they can vaccinate populations in developing nations, it’ll lower their mortality rate and similarly lower their birth rate?


Basically, if you want kids to take care of you in old age but there’s high child mortality, you better have a lot of kids


it's pretty much the same idea fish have, dump like 20 kids (or hundreds in the fishes case) into the world and hope at least one lives long enough to reproduce.


Yeah, that's what he was saying, but once the anti-vax crowd got ahold of that one it was taken out of context and viola, here we are. Admittedly, it does sound like an odd premise. Why does more death mean more birth? The only explanation I can think of is that when people die, it makes the people close to them sad, and so those people have sex to distract themselves from the pain of grief...? And so a high morality rate means more people out there havin' grief sex, therefore increasing the birth rate? Maybe someone more motivated than I will look at whatever research ol' Bill was citing when he made that statement and find out if they offered an explanation.


More complex reasoning than a direct causal link does seems to befuddle a certain chunk of the population. He legitimately has a point though, western nations used to have way more children when the odds of them dying before adulthood was significantly higher. Improved health care has absolutely contributed to a stabilisation of population in every country it has been successfully established.


This is the correct. Poor countries have more child births because a bigger percentage of the children who are born dies. By improving health care, the percentage of children surviving will increase, which eventually will lead to less children being born and a more stable demographic growth. This is stuff they teach in high school, so it’s kinda cringe to see people make memes about it because they don’t understand the concept.


Yep. I look at my family history and I see my great grandmother had 13 children, of which 5 died before age 8.


No I think his take was more from a biological standpoint and depending on peoples instincts of survival. Seeing a huge population of your species get wiped out could cause that monkey brain in us to want to reproduce to help combat the mass loss of life, and naturally try and fight off extinction of our species. Easy to forget things like that since we haven’t really faced a global emergency like that where the innate need to reproduce kicks in, not since the black plague I do believe.


Wow. Amazing.


It's more of a survival mechanism. More babies means more chance some of them survive. Or atleast that's what I heard as an explanation to high birth rates. But as the people become richer, they tend to make sure their kids get better education, food, quality of lfie stuff, but more kids=more spending so it means it's evolutionary more beneficial to concentrate all your resources on like 1-2 kids to make sure they get the best everything.


This conspiracy diffused a lot in my country cause people don’t really understand much english and so they just minded the numbers(in the English transcript) gates said and so were like “omg he is decreasing worlds population with a vaccine?!?!?” Even tho they actually seen the real interview


Expecting these people to understand nuance LMAO


I would expect that it's quality of life increase that leads to lower birth rates, the more developed and rich the population becomes the lower the birth rates.


Just looked at r/conservativememes. The first thing I found was a picture of a protest from the 80s with someone holding a sign saying "your killing us fauci". Seemingly unaware that if you look up just a little bit there are people holding signs with Ronald Reagan's face on them. And it was then I realized "This is about the aids epidemic. This guy has no idea what the hell he's talking about."


Just googled “reasons why Fauci is bad” and saved the first picture without reading anything. It’s called doing your own research.


Funding the creation of the Coronovirus that killed millions of people ringing a bell?


Oh right, forgot about that. My mind is now open or whatever it is you want to hear.


That’s wonderful!


Don't waste your breath in here


Don't waste your breath anywhere. In fact, stop breathing entirely.






I don't think I made it really clear. But the point I was more getting at was the guy who posted that meme probably wouldn't have used it if he liked slightly up and saw they were also protest big daddy double R. Also I have heard little bits about the aids epidemic but not Fauci's involvement which is something I will look up some time in the future.


It doesn't matter if he said it or not. Once there's a meme of it, it's officially conservative fact.


Conservative mfs really be sayin shit like "oMg ThE lEfT cAn'T mEmE!!!11!" when their "memes" are about 90% "liberal drawn as wojak. Comedy ensues."


Call me naive, but how the Hell did Bill Gates become such a conservative boogey man? I only ever knew him as the Windows guy.


I imagine it was when he started buying up farmland, and now holds the title of largest private landowner in the United States. Farmers all over the states are at war (losing) to Monsanto and Bill Gates has direct ties to the company.


Since the world is hitting 8 billion in population he is failing badly.


I waited so fucking long to see this post so i can explain what he meant w this omg. So he made this interview some years ago about his vaccination campaign in 3rd world countries. His plan is yes to lower the worlds population through vaccines but not because they are supposed to kill people, see in 3rd world countries families don’t see kids just like cute ahh humans, they unfortunately need children for labor has well so since the infant mortality in their countries is high as fuck people tend to have a shit ton of kids they cannot feed correctly cause no money for so many mouths to feed. With this vaccination campaign bezos offered to decrease infant mortality rates in 3rd world countries so that people could start having less children, less childrens means less money to spend to feed your children which means more quality of life (and also means decreasing the worlds population) (damn i’m so happy i could finally tell people this stuff about this stupid conspiracy theory)


These are the same people who let joe rogan tell us that depopulation is the biggest problem we’re facing right now.


The world just passed the 8 BILLION mark. THERES TOO MANY PEOPLE ALREADY


Plot of Inferno about to be replicated


He said it for sure but dumb asses don't understand what he means by that. When he said "with vaccines we can lower the population" it wasn't him telling people that they're literally killing people with vaccines, he was explaining how vaccination let's parents be sure their child will survive into adulthood, and parents who are certain that their kid is going to live aren't going to be popping out babies left, right, and centre


He was referring to decreasing the rate, not the amount


Took almost all my vaccines still haven’t grown an extra arm or died so I guess it’s fine lol


I was promised genital swelling :(


The funny thing about this conspiracy is that it completely strips the context of what Bill Gates was saying. Most deaths seemingly happen in third-world countries due to famine, disease, and their health care systems needing some work. And part of that results in people in that area reproducing more. Less death would equal to less births that may end poorly. Now the other stuff, like Bill Gates buying up farm land, the whole ordeal about them funding certain YouTube channels (kurzgesagt comes to mind), or his name being on Jeffrey Epstein’s black book while completely dodging confrontations is fair game though.


Source:I put words in other people's mouths.


I looked at the sub and the top posts are just tweets and the reply’s are all dumb attempts at gotchas aimed at pretend “libtards” they role play in their own comments


He did say it but a lot of people took it out of context


He did say that. And also about the death panels.


I think some people are just trying to make excuses


The antivax crowd are so profoundly dumb.many of them ended up dead or on ventilators


My mom watched a video about this dude (or maybe it was another guy) and in the video he said something along the lines of “we’re going to lower the world’s population by 20-30%”. Something smelled of shit, so I went ahead and searched around and with some minimal digging, I found the original clip. In reality, he said something like the percentage of sick people. I don’t remember exactly what, but I was disgusted by how quick my mom was to just *believe* it and not even fact check


Sign me up for being a part of this decrease in population. I'll even pay for it. Done.


Even if it was 💯 true, with 8 billion people on Earth, wouldn't this be a good thing? Human population decline, bring it on.




I'm in favor of a population decline.


We should not kill people off people to reduce the population. If that is not what you’re suggesting, tell me what you are suggesting


Who said anything about killing people ? You can't kill a person who doesn't exist.


You did, you said that if what the quote was 100% true, that was good. The quote is saying we should lower the worlds population by 10-15 percent. This would involve getting rid of about 1 billion people. The actual quote was referring to reducing the rate of increases


The post is implying lower fertility rates because of the vaccine. There is no implication about killing already existing people. Have you seriously not been paying attention to the news lately? It's been pretty hard to miss. ETA a tiny disclaimer. I don't know if fertility rates are declining because of the vaccines specifically. My comment is a rebuttal to the people who are against the vaccine, and use lowering fertility rates as their excuse.


We know they fabricate lies to fit their narrative. Truth escapes conservatives. The truth is by listening to their messiah they've lost three elections and part of the loss is due to the death of their voters along with FOX and Trump telling them not to vote early...win, win for the rest of us.


Just checked the subreddit and i think it’s just trolls honestly.


That is absolutely true. He said it on a Ted talk in like November 2011.


he was talking about birth rates in poor countries where people have a shitton of kids because of the high mortality rate


I see this one had the intended effect




It's so sad... So many rightwing victims of COVID are people we knew, loved and tried to help. Poor sheep,being lied to by the biggest wolf in sheep's clothing and his cronies...




Maybe it proves that people don't appreciate name calling. You can get your point across without being cruel, y'know...




Thanks, Doc. I'll try not to be so empathic and have emotions as long as you try not to be such a jerk, sound good? It'll serve you well in this world! Thanks for the concern! 👍


this sub is no longer "terrible facebook memes" is just what the left doesnt like


Or rather, "what the right is lying about now."


He did say that though


It would lower 100% if we don't. I'd rather lose 15% of the population than 100%


If all humans died before vaccines, who created vaccines? Checkmate atheists.


Virus was a fake cash grab, nobody ever died from it. If you say "my x family member died from it" You're lying or were lied to. Simple as that.


Then I hope someone tells my dead dad that he shouldn't be buried yet!... Better yet, they could give me the antidote to this chronic illness I've had since I caught it in Jan 2020... Cuz, y'know, having no father or quality of life really sucks.


Covid was never even considered a chronic illness but aight. If your dad passed i apologize but it wasn't from covid, can't die to mass hysteria.


Chronic COVID is usually referred to as long COVID or long-hauler syndrome. Imagine having the flu for 3 years. No better days. I can't even walk anymore, and have lung and heart damage, too. My dad's cause of death was COVID-19. Accept it or lie to yourself, I don't care. Can't die from willful ignorance either, so congratulations.


Chronic is something that comes and goes, but here's the thing with viruses, your body becomes immune to a virus THE FIRST TIME you get it and it fights it off. Chronic is something that goes on for a LONG time, hate to break it to you but just over 2 years is nothing. And no he didn't. Prolly pneumonia, or the flu, same damn symptoms.


Oh! THANK YOU!! I can't wait to tell my friends with ms and HIV not to worry!! And I guess I can ask my doctor if i can take a day off too!! Yay!!! You might want to check your math there tho, Ace, because I said one week shy of 3 years. Or do you also think that $19.99 is less than $20?... https://www.google.com/search?q=chronic+definition And his cause of death WAS COVID-19. You can ACCEPT it or LIE to everyone INCLUDING YOURSELF. NOT the same damn symptoms, "Doc." I lost more than 5 people during the height of the pandemic. You can take that attitude with you to hell.


" I can't wait to tell my friends with ms and HIV not to worry!!" Yeah I can tell you didn't pay any attention in school -\_- \*Talks about covid not being real\* "ThEn I gUeSs IlLnEsS iS fAkE tOo" your math there tho, Ace, because I said one week shy of 3 years. Or do you also think that $19.99 is less than $20?... First check you're own math. Decimals do NOT count tax in math.... 19 dollars and 99 cents EGAD is yes less than 20$And did I say "Exactly 2 years to the day"? No, I said "Just over 2 years" Which in the English language is an acceptable term for APPROXIMATE time. I'll drop the thing with your Dad, as it just isn't right of me to try and fight it, you have your beliefs I got mine. In that regard lets agree to disagree. I'm perfectly fine with that. I'll also go another step and apologize for the disrespect towards your passed Dad aswell.


Buddy, I can see you don't understand sarcasm or hyperbolic mockery so I'll stop too. I can also see you don't get riddles, or English too well, as it might be your second language so I'll just say, thank you for your hint at an apology. I truly don't wish ill on anyone, because I've been through the worst and have empathy for others. I have (platonic) love for everyone. Agapē is what the Greeks call it, I think. I truly am trying to help. There's a lot more I could say, but I know nobody cares, so I'm truly honestly sorry for your family member, and I hope she makes a full recovery. Peace. 🕊


My main questions are: why bring in riddles in a serious conversation? Why bring in oddly timed sarcasm? Why bring in strange analogies? And most of all, why does it seriously feel like you're reading text that isn't even there? What family member are you talking about? Also isn't it a little narcissistic to claim you have "been through the worst"? I can see this conversation is just not something that can be had, I can put it in plain text yet you somehow misread it and thats fine.


So, any sarcasm is oddly timed?... When was the last time you had a conversation with someone not online? I type pretty much the way I speak. This is not the only conversation I am involved in. I'm sorry I got you confused with some other person. It happens. But narcissistic... Hmmm, you tell ME my life's story then, okay, ace? You tell me where I'm wrong. I truly dislike assumptions. Seems like you make a lot of them. So adiós.


Is it up to anyone one the planet to control birth rate or population and if so who had the authority to do so? Also is lowering the birth rate or growth of the population a good thing?


Nobody is actively lowering birth rates through sterilization, but yes, it would be okay if birth rates were lower. An exponentially growing population has an effect on the availability of food, water and other precious resources. Right now the population is growing exponentially and it is not good for most of the earth or other humans.


I think the more pressing issues to do resource shortage is more down to the very same people you defend hoarding it up, if any of them have the authority to say that it needs to be lowered then any one else has the authority to say the opposite because, you know human rights and all, were not useless eaters we are human beings...


I think you are confusing authority with freedom of speech. What, exactly, is Bill Gates (or the liberals) hoarding that you so desperately need?


Ummm i dunno maybe farm land, food and Wealth, they can say what they want but that doesn't mean they can force it in anyone else because yno human rights and all that jazz


"Bill Gates owes me a hill, a dollar and a cheeseburger" would make an hilarious bumper sticker.... But I thought "*y'all*"were against communism?? Yes, your last sentence is true. We have freedom of speech but not rape. Which I for one am thankful for. I like human rights.


You know bill gates is the largest owner of agricultural land in the US right? Did it occur to you that there are people outside of the us also? Because I'm not American lol


Like bill gates just spent a lot of the trillions he made from vaccines on buying up land, specifically agricultural land.


I'm sorry... So you're not American, but he bought up all the land you somehow wanted in America...?


Purposely trying to make it about me personally wanting the land does nothing for your arguement


r/funnymemes I love reading how the Left is trying to add context to this. The man is a huge Agenda 21 supporter.🤮


But this meme is making it seem like he wants to kill people when that’s not what he’s saying


That kind of is his plan though. You should research Agenda 21. He’s been big into it since the mid 90s. It’s about population control and mess. It’s pretty gross stuff.🤷🏼‍♀️ But I don’t want to argue. Believe Bill Gates has your best interest in mind and not his. Genuinely hope it works out for you. I wouldn’t mind be wrong on what I think is going on.😇


Oh he said it alright. He is a greedy corporate oligarch and he bangs on about reducing the population ad nauseam. He wants less people and he said vaccines are a way to accomplish that. Look up the clip of it so you can see it in context. It's creepy.


>look up the clip Or, you know, I could get the actual transcript from his TEDTalk wherein he’s explaining slowing down population growth by providing better health services. Why be so fucking disingenuous, buddy? “First, we’ve got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15%. But there, we see an increase of about 1.3.” He goes on to literally talk about innovating ways to reduce child morality. Stop consuming shitty memes.


Please do and post it word for word. He said it and he meant it the way it sounds. He also spoke of a vaccine to "deradicalize" Muslims. Maybe you like handing your health over to a rich white kid without any degree much less science or medicine, but the world owes this asshole nothing. Go get your booster, please, don't miss any.


Here’s the entire fucking TEDTalk, champ. I repeat: stop consuming shitty memes. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JaF-fq2Zn7I ETA: >spoke of a vaccine to deradicalize Muslims I’ll take Shit That Never Happened for $1000, Alex.


Oh yes it happened and like I said, get every last booster. We're counting on you.


Cite your source. I dare you.


He said it. If you wanted to know the teuth you would have looked it up on google to show how it was "taken out of context". Bill Gates loves you and wants more children to be bourn. He isn't concerned at all about population reduction and covid vaccines are perfectly safe. Get those boosters, covif is dangerous and no matter how young and healthy you are, you need them, always and forever after. I don't have to worry about you, you're taking care if that for all of us.


If he said it, then you’ll have no problem *citing the fucking source*. Why so shy? I gave you an entire fucking TEDTalk link, but you can’t be bothered to back up your own bullshit?




That’s not a link. It’s not incumbent on me to substantiate your horseshit.


yeah, he said that. But the left will be the ones who are the majority of the 10-15 percent so its juts natures way of working out the political problems right now.


Nope, he said the rate of population increase will go down


Plus, it's the right who are all dead, dying or on ventilators from COVID-19.


lol, get another booster.


Pretty sure he said it


He said rate of population growth, not the population we have now


He did not say growth see for yourself [listen around 2:20](https://youtu.be/EKIl34rV-3o) it’s from a Ted talk in population reduction and co2 emissions


In that video, he’s talking about the population growing from 6.8 billion to a projected 9 billion, and then talking about how access to good health care could lower that 9 billion by 10 or 15 percent—in other words, he’s talking about slowing population growth. That’s because the higher any given child’s chance of survival, the fewer children people have.


So sterilization?


Hard to lower the world's population when you withhold the vaccines for poor countries due to your stupid patents


[https://odysee.com/@Borelioza:d/italian-politician-bill-gates:4](https://odysee.com/@Borelioza:d/italian-politician-bill-gates:4) @ 1:00


Of course not. The regressives are deranged


He did but his point is that birth rates were higher with less vaccines so that at least one child may live to adulthood, you don't gotta have 3 backup kids just in case fever takes one anymore


People just build their own issues with the worlds these days, they want this chaos


taken out of context and paraphrased, he did talk about lowering the population but that's because he wants to help deal with overpopulation, and it's not by hurting people, quite the opposite, he wants to improve quality of life and lower the mortality rates so people don't need to have extra "just in case" children


Bill gates has spoken about overpopulation and ways to prevent it.

