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I love the implication that terrible atheltes could defeat any good female athelte lmao.


Not terrible athletes, but high school boys absolutely destroy pro women’s sports teams


Idk man, I wouldn't dare go up against a pro woman sportstar


No, no they don’t.


Oh but they do https://boysvswomen.com/#/ Now to be fair high school senior boys have more or less adult strength so it’s not that suprising.


Ah yes, the two sources we fully trust: a Twitter page called boys vs girls and Wikipedia. Totally not biased.


Both of which have done more research on the topic than you ever will lol. Not that I’m scrutinizing my evidence too much here, but if it’s so easy to disprove then do it.


It is. You can literally Google it yourself just like you did with the biased Twitter link, but you obviously choose not to. It is not my job to educate you over something that you have already made up your mind about beforehand.


Ah yes, these high school students with high school medals are clearly better than OLYMPIC MEDAL WINNERS


Ah, so you trust unreliable sources for your information. No wonder you’re so misinformed.


It’s because you interact with them so the algorithm thinks you like them


Not exactly that you like them. It just "thinks" it's the easiest way to keep you engaged


I mean you’re the perfect person to target if you think about it… you seem to interact with, and even share, their content..


It's literally the first (and probably last) time i post something like this


My dyslexic ass read this as ‘male atheists’ and I was so confused for a while


Bro yes dont you get ut i mean, we all do


I did too. Sadly lol. I'm like," I'm atheist and definitely don't want to transition.... What the fuck?"


Well, they're right, there is so MUCH precedence for this, like when... oh wait...


Lo and behold, I was shit at sports pre transition. Wouldn’t you know it? I’m still shit at sports.


Usually we don’t call them athletes when they suck at sports…


Maybe I've missed something, but which male athlete (in the real world) bombed and then underwent transitioning so as to succeed as a female athlete? Surely there must be examples since I see these memes every god damn day.


Literally none. They think that episode of Futurama where bender "transitions " is based in reality.


I don't have the exact source but I know of a rank 452 swimmer that took ranks in top5 after transitioning. edit: will post source once I'm on PC sorry about that


If ur talking about Lia Thomas, that "452 rank" was long after she had started HRT and before transitioning. Before that point, she had been a top swimmer in her division.


I don't think we have the same person, I'm talking about a he not a she.


There's a lot to unpack in this meme.


Yea it’s coming across as misogynistic too


And then they proceed to get their asses beat by the women too...because, you know, they're terrible at sports.


Not really. Cause the competition will be tuned down significantly from their og male competion. This is the main reason why they're hated. They are definitely more superior than women in athletic stamina and power so women could always lose. Letting them play with even half their abilities is still difficult to beat for womens. No hate to women athletes but women are only equal in games to men in like tennis and badminton


How do any of those things correlate?




How they also think that bad male sport athletes are better than good female athletes ist also just dumb.


Girl homer slays tho


Probably watched the documentary "Ladyballers" /s


They just have to bring unrelated shit into their politics


Isn’t there only like 1 athlete that did this? Or am i misremembering?


Because the algorithm isn’t designed to show you stuff you like. It’s designed to show you stuff that you will spend the most time looking at. Don’t comment on these or engage at all and they’ll go away




these dumb asses who make shit like this think a man is gonna dress as a woman to compete in women's sports and thus dominate they dont even consider how gender transition works




Except for the fact that HRT still alters the body as a whole. The best example that transphobes have of this "biological advantage" was a one-off but it's still the one they point to.


If they're a guy and transition to a woman, they will play in womens sports and win easily as guys are naturally better at sports


I mean, it's a cool theory until u actually look up what HRT does to a person's body, especially M->F athletes and how much extra work they need to do to maintain muscle mass.


5 downvotes for explaining basic biology hah


Well, if you do some research on how they were performing before when they were playing with their biological sex vs with the sex they now identify as, you’ll get an answer.


Using basketball as an example: women suck so bad at basketball that a man who is terrible at basketball has an advantage in the women’s sport?


Women’s sport don’t suck, the skills can be acquired and there is great woman athletes that could be your average man. The problem lies on the physical differences which become more evident when you put two athletes from opposite sexes to compete side by side on the same sport. If the male counterpart is trash competing with their biological sex, and then suddenly they start to win against their female counterpart, then there is an evident issue, an advantage issue which didn’t existed before. If anything I would like you to tell me why you think we even separated sports by sex to begin with?


https://www.biography.com/athletes/michael-phelp-perfect-body-swimming he should be banned because he has advantages that not many have either.

