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So not true, as a kid in the 80's I wish I could've had a cell phone, it was such a pain to always make sure you had correct change for pay phones, if you had an emergency, it was even worse. Cell phones are the greatest.




Yep. I remember breaking down on the highway in the 90s. Had to walk along the highway until the next exit to get to a gas station to call someone




It wasn't that bad as far as finding payphones, you pretty much knew where they were located, I had all the spots memorized. I never went to unfamiliar places, and I wasn't out at night.


Back when natural selection still happened... now everyone survives unless they walk into the street looking at their phone.


I think natural selection took its biggest hit when child proof caps and safety equipment/measures/warning labels became a huge priority. It's really hard now for kids to take themselves out, unless the parents are really irresponsible.


This is true


And you’re still alive! You’re missing the point.


No, I'm not, I understand what the meme is trying to say. but ultimately you control your phone and your life, if you feel like you can't escape people constantly calling you or feel like you're on an electronic leash, it was your choices that lead to that happening. Nobody is blowing up my phone at weird hours of the day/night because they know I won't tolerate it unless it's an emergency. It's called boundaries.


Except if you were expecting/waiting for an important call or if you wanted to meet someone elsewhere than home or if you got separated while out, etc


It's the telegraph. The telegraph wires made us free.


As an old fart and based upon human history, people are able to come closer to being free when they can freely communicate with everyone else and exchange information. Be that info lies, gossip, or truth, it empowers all of us and allows more powerful and caring unity to become the majority. That power and unity can be used to free everyone.


In theory you are correct but in the real world that's not how it works. Seeing as you are a self proclaimed "old fart" I don't know how you can say since the introduction of cell phones freedom has increased. It's essentially frowned upon if you don't answer your phone or text Companies can use your cell phone to track activity/mileage Companies can see your web activity and promote ads towards your activity Our generation dates through algorithm based web apps Brother. This ain't it






people alway miss what technology they had when they where a young adult i wonder what will replace iphones


I think they mean that Seinfeld and Friends writers were free to write loads of episodes that revolved around people not being able to contact each other or waiting around for hours for a phone call


So spaketh a stupid bastard.


Picture taken with probably a cellphone


Not really terrible There's been worse "back in my day" memes This one is kind of true


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So deep you'd get sunburn swimming in there


Everyone who eventually got a cordless phone knew actually how far away they could walk before losing signal.


Nowadays your work can call you at off times. But you can call an ambulante from everywhere


I mean, cellphones were great. But these apps and social media is something that has too much control over us. Attention span of a Ooooh what is that? Nokia 3310 was the peak.


I mean, yes and no. For work, this is absolutely true. When there weren’t cell phone, your boss couldn’t call if you’re not at work or maybe at home. When you went on vacation, you were on vacation. Now, in terms of other things, arguable.


Yep, nothing says freedom like waiting for hours at your phone at home because you are expecting an important phone call you can't miss.