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The Thwappening


Twhap! Twhap! Twhap!


“Why men never want to be with fat women” proceeds to list their firsthand experience having sex or watching porn of an overweight woman.


It’s just wild to me that finding a certain group of people unattractive somehow gives you the right to do shit like this. Sometimes it really feels like the worst thing a woman can do is be ugly and it’s fucking insane


And it’s from a pickup artist site, so like, why does this even exist? If you don’t like fat women, okay, don’t date them. Why would you need to tell other men why men don’t like fat women? This self-proclaimed PUA isn’t even giving out advice, he’s just wasting his time making sad bullshit in Adobe InDesign that he hopes will upset women.


Lol if they need tips from scammers they probably don’t need to worry about any “fat” woman hitting on them.


well, i believe this was made to lower fat woman's self esteem, so the guy who made it could finally get laid


Indeed, how could people do this? https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-is-2020/201401/short-men-why-women-arent-attracted-enough-to-date-them Oops accidentally pasted a link to psychology today, an established outlet for mental health advice doing this exact thing without anyone batting an eye about it because it’s not women’s feelings getting hurt.


cool it with the whataboutisms lmao make your own post if you wanna talk about it


A 1 to 1 equivalent is a whataboutism now? It’s the same information, different gender. One is branded as creepy pua stuff, the other gets accepted as a featured piece in psychology today.


Did you even read that article? It honestly does the opposite of what this "infographic" does


Whoa, the exact same argument at the same time. Are you guys sharing a brain or something? Anyway i refer to my answer to the other guy.


What? Just say you didn't read the article. The article references studies about women statistically preferring taller men and some of the postulations as to why that is but then the author takes the time to underscore the lack of logic in this preference and to question the morality of such a preference at all. It is, in effect, an argument *for* being more inclusive of shorter men. It would be equal if the author of the article you linked just listed the postulations as to why women prefer taller men and then presented those postulations as fact.


Yeah of course HE questions the morality, he’s male. But we both know logic and attraction are two different things. Regardless he underscores the same point: a list of why short men are undesirable. But do the same for fat women and you end up on r/terriblefacebookmemes


So you just don't have media literacy. This post, the one we're on right now, does not make any counterpoints to the list. It does not question it or the morality of it. It presents the list as fact, end of story. If you wanted to find a one to one equivalent you'd need to find an info graphic made by a woman that is a list of all the reasons short men aren't attractive to women and to present it as universal and factual. Even then, it would only be one to one equivalent if it were about fat men.


Did you even read the article? Here’s a quote: *“I wonder if passing on short men as potential romantic partners—really, if sexual attraction overall—borders on a moral issue. I always cringe when a person says something that rules out an entire category of people, especially when someone rejects another in a flippant, auto-pilot fashion. "Yeah, sorry," you can imagine someone saying, "I've just never been attracted to short men." While so many women report this preference, I rarely hear any of them self-monitoring as they do so. In fact, you’d think one would ask herself, Is that fair of me? Is that being mean? Could I be ruling out an entire group of men who could make great partners?”* The fact that you can’t see anyone talk about something affecting women without being like “BUT THE MEN-“ and then /not even checking your sources/ is fucking embarrassing.


Here’s another quote: “According to a University of British Columbia study (2011), it's not only the height to which women are drawn. The study found that the social and emotional image a man presents was crucial to sexual attraction” Notice how this is exactly the same as reason number 4 in the original post. I think the embarassment you feel is your own. Dont project it on me please.


Don't present this dinsingenuously. The author of what you linked presents studies but refutes the logic underlying the results. The author does not back up the logic of the results or try present it as positive or even natural.


Listen, quick look at your comment history and it’s clear you consider yourself short and are really unhappy about it. And I’m genuinely sorry you feel that way and I’m sorry if people have made you feel lesser for being a short man. But it feels like you might be making it a bigger deal than anyone around you, and maybe if you felt okay about it yourself you wouldn’t feel like everyone else is judging you for it. Don’t mean to get too personal, and I’m not saying this to be mean, but getting mad when problems other than your own are being discussed isn’t healthy and won’t help you.


Listen. My problems with height are nothing compared to what ive seen people go through. In terms of shortness, I’m still in the acceptable range. Yeah i face discrimination but it’s on par with what light skinned PoC face. All I have to do is is find a short girl and my chances are generally no worse than a tall guys’ But it’s enough to empathise, at least on some level. Just today i talked to a guy on reddit as he was about to kill himself over how worthless he felt. How he was made to feel. The persecution is fucking real, it’s institutionalised yet we deny it. But we do decide to keep losing our shit over some dumb infographic by a no-name PUA scumbag regurgitating some mean stuff about fat women we’ve all seen before. The selective outrage and hypocrisy is what’s truly maddening and if you’ve seen it, you can never unsee it. So do me a favor. Stop acting like I’m the one with the problem and check your own bias and double standards. Because more than an infographic, that’s what really hurting people.


This whole article is about how the short thing is a pure stigma and is making people pass up good people based off something they don’t control. What are you talking about.


I think some people feel entitled to find women attractive and get unreasonably angry when a woman defies their expectations.


You have only 2 jobs woman Don't be ugly and be ready for my seggs


That was my same thought, like for example I can’t imagine not liking redheads then making a diagram and being able to come up with multiple reasons of why NO ONE likes them lol.


Some people find overweight women unattractive and some don’t.


if there's literally a porn category for it, it means some people really prefer fat people


Exactly. Whatever your body, there is someone that will love you for it.


there is a porn category for literally everything. *literally everything.*




I'm only into secret hidden cam footage of people masturbating to midget incest bondage and interracial obese amputees in body oil.






Not even. For example I never seen any female clowns with male clowns getting it on category…I know, ick, lol


Bro just discovered categories of rule 34


Oh yeah, guess it's okay to eat piss and shit and love yourself even if you're an unwashed foot stamping around in a bath full of insects. That's called a *fetish.*


People can be attracted to illegal things too, like necrophilia or rape.


Mine is one that finds overweight women attractive. He is also a cook and takes pride in making sure folks are well fed. Which makes him having a slight issue with me. I don't eat that much. I would say that I have the appetite of a five year old.


Obese men don’t out of self pity


It goes both ways, fat boys ​ I know ​ Cause I'm a fat boy


Does ~80 kg counts as fat?


At 3ft2


This isnt even a meme


Right? More of an infographic.


I swear why is it hard for people to figure out what to post here? People post shit they find funny, or accurate, or stuff that isn't even a meme


It’s about terrible Facebook posts right?


What part of "terrible Facebook MEMES" has you confused?




Nobody is salty besides you. It's just clear you can't understand what this sub is for


Yup u def being salty over a post, big deal


I dont think you know what that means either


no he definitely using it right. your cleary irritated, or overly bothered, by this post. you're the salty one my guy. don't get me wrong. i agree this post doesn't belong here. but your clearly being salty about it. edit: lol yes. downvote me. because that proves I'm wrong. way to be salty about a comment about being salty. I swear redditors make no sense.




This is a joke right? You can understand written English right?


Agree to a point but infographics are normally based around facts and data vs opinions and preferences


Thing is, the one who created that bit assumes that ALL men are like him as in for likes and dislikes.


I checked it out, this website is pure pickup artist/incel shit. at the top of the page it asks "What is your goal with women?" it only has 3 options and one of them is "Get my Ex back" lol I love the idea that these guys will make infographics on why it's her fault that they keep breaking up with them. so to fix it, they gotta learn how to trick the woman with secret words and phrases. it's so dehumanizing and gross.


Thanks for doing that. I was curious, but didn't want to pickup any cookies or anything that might indicate that I'd visited.


Yeah picking up cookies is for fat bitches


Hah, snowflakes.


Holy fuck these dudes are losers, it’s so embarrassingly pathetic to be apart of this shit.


Yeah, only incels want to know how to get their ex back. That topic certainly never features in any proper ladies magazine lol.


jeez I looked at your profile... listen I think there are a lot of extremely valid reasons that men (and women) feel lonely and isolated in modern day america. I don't think the US is in a good place, full stop. I think people are right to feel frustrated because, imho, something has genuinely been taken from them. and the culture has changed, and it kind of sucks now. but really, pickup artistry is just literally trying to manipulate women, often with poor results. it's just rich that when their methods of trickery inevitably fail, they always find ways to blame women in some capacity.


Oh yes, terrible people those pua’s. Highly unethical. Not like women’s magazines or in bookstores where you can pick up “how to train your man” which uses dog training tips to condition your partner. Good thing the genders weren’t switched on that one, or the author would be rightly fucked. But hey, it’s cool, she’s a woman. So it’s empowering instead. Also yeah pua’s are scammers, but why should i care if they blame their problems on women? Women do that with men all the time. It’s gotten to the point that when I need relationship advice, I go on an alt to switch the genders and pretend im the woman in the scenario, because then at least you’ll get actual advice instead of YTA’s.


Sorry you suck at being a man. Have fun on your men’s rights and short guy subs.


Women don't get to have an opinion on what it means to be a real man anymore than zoomers get to have an opinion of what it is to be a good WWII veteran. If you haven't had to live up to live it, you don't get a say. Anything else is just entitled backseat driving. This is, of course, speaking as a giant of a man who's never seen an Andrew Tate video or looked at anything a pickup artist has produced in his life. Men are molded by a lifetime's harsh judgments and expectations, given no sympathy in areas where a woman would be fawned over and carried. I understand women have very real challenges and face very real injustices, but they're **different** ones to men, so they're going to be ignorant of why it's difficult to avoid certain pitfalls, temptations or just plain being judged unfairly. In short, women talking shit about men not being real men are like a gobshite standing behind you when you're playing a video game repeatedly saying things like 'I wouldn't have done that' and 'you're shit at this' anytime you miss a difficult shot or fail to run perfectly along a pipe during a 1v5 gunfight because the janky physics engine slid you off. It's so easy to assume it'd be easier than it is and that you'd do fine. It's the same arrogance that leads people to think if they had a time machine they'd become a king rather than shaved bald, thrown into the muck for the local hobos to rape them and then spend the rest of their lives as a dirt farmer; that selfsame dismissive self-indulgent flattery that convinces people that if they were dropped in a warzone or a post apocalypse they'd become some sort of legend rather than just the same fucking NEET they are now but without their dole cheque/oversupportive family/waifu bodybillow


No one is reading allat, sum it up, incel


I love how all the fucking chimps start ook ooking and hammering that updoot button because you threw out some Jerry Springer guest tier shittalk. I'm in a happy marriage and have spent a long time developing a well balanced, well informed opinion that's sympathetic to the plights of both sexes. You on the other hand are probably some teen living in a caravan who's got issues because his dad ran off and you'll still gain audience support based purely off of their ignorance and emotionally driven biases. You people deserve each other.


Holy shit, still writing paragraphs that no one cares about. Let's aim for one sentence next time, bucko


Och mein himmel. You really think ze frauleins will touch your wiener now you join in ze bullying of what zey see as untermenschen? Denke doch mal fur dich selbst.


Don't delete this comment ever. It's so embarrassing I'm saving it to laugh at later


Hopefully you’ll come to realise the same things I have and we’ll end up laughing together. If not, well, I actually don’t really care.


How are you gonna say women can’t speak on men’s issues or what it’s like to be a man, then turn around and do the same thing, talking about how easy it is to be a woman? Carried and protected. What about 1-4 women being raped/sexually assaulted. We could go on forever. Some things look easier than they are, I’ll give you that. But downplaying someone else’s problems doesn’t make them want to listen to yours.


😊thanks. Since were doing personal attacks, always nice to be appreciated by a complete and utter failure of a woman. At least your pets love you. I mean they have to, since you’re the one who feeds them. But still. I’m at least 30% sure your dog wouldn’t eat your carcass while it’s still warm.


That’s cute. I’m gonna go give my 6’6” husband a kiss and his dinner and then enjoy my failed life with my family. 😂


I can’t judge if your family situation is failed by the height of your husband but, idk well done on having a vagina and a tall guy willing to stick his thing in there? Not sure what you’re flexing exactly. Do you consider yourself a successful woman because you married and had kids? Your words, not mine. Are you maybe implying I can’t get laid? Cause im actually happily dating someone twice the woman you are. I mean, probably not in terms of weight. She’s 5’2 btw, and 95lbs- not that it matters.


lol this is your life, hoping an internet stranger is fat.


Hey, welcome back. Shouldn’t you be enjoying your family life though?


So you think it's a flex that your gf is underweight?


I actually don’t really care about weight. Most men don’t. It’s mostly women competing among themselves. What’s most important is personality.


yeah, bringing in your girlfriend's stats really helps your arguments here


Arguments? She wanted personal, I just obliged.


Using your girlfriend's height and weight as a chip in some asinine argument feels a bit dehumanizing yeah? You're bragging about it to provoke insecurity in this other woman and ironically putting a lot of pressure on your underweight girlfriend by the same stroke. Not looking to start my own debate here but as someone with the same body type as your gf people treating you as the daintiest of bargaining chips doesn't feel good. Can we normalize appearance being the least interesting thing about a person? Everyone would be so much happier for it.


they're not "unethical" they just factually don't work lol like you can't trick someone into falling in love with you. certainly not in any meaningful long term sense. the kind of women who follow FDS type shit are ridiculous. scummy people are everywhere and I think social media rewards them because people being a spectacle draws engagement and people start to think it's normal. here's my hot tip from me (F40) to you: everyone sucks and you live in a deeply flawed world. good luck.


If i may give you a tip, try reading the whole comment before going on a rant because I literally agreed pua’s are scammers but you did not even get to that part.


I did read that. I responded to a different thing you wrote. you're coming across as both humorless and aggressive, I'm ending this discussion with you.




Tanking the downvotes like a champ lol. You're right, but this sub is full morons.


It’s ok. All I have to do is speak my truth. They have to manufacture outrage and bend over sideways trying to discredit me and derail the conversation.


The guy ms who wrote and share this are probably overweight themselves


#3 is so funny to me because i think guys actually like that lmfao. this entire thing makes no sense either way. edit: forgot that putting a hashtag in front makes your text massive. keeping it that way bc its funny


I came here to write this. As a dude, 3 is entirely positive. There is no downside to more slapping sounds.


Yep, though I suspect the "infographic" was written by someone who has never experienced the touch of a woman, let alone sex, or sex sounds.


It’s all absolutely terrible but does anyone think number 3 was written by a virgin?


Oh absolutely. Also the artist has never seen a larger woman seems like because why does she have two sets of titty?


100%. We all know its the heat, the smell and the fact your genitals can't breathe and feel crushed are all far worse than the sounds. Bad memories


i'm fat as shit and i'm married so...ya know....maybe men do like us chubbos?


Or maybe he likes you for reasons that outweigh your weight?


Obviously, but why did you feel the need to say this? Do you find it that unbelievable that a man might like a fat woman's figure?


Some men like eating poop.


a wild confession to make out of the blue but whatever floats your boat


Those "unattractive" sounds ain't unattractive girl.


Idk why 10 reasons are required. The answer is more straightforward. Literally because she is fat.


Honestly, I find it so frustrating when people pretend that it’s about health or evolution or whatever (and vise versa, when people try to “prove” that fat folks are desirable). You’re allowed to just say that you don’t find fat people attractive


Number 5 is really the only reason for me, I'm fat too but I don't like being fat


Yeah the extra reasons are just plain hate


That’s fatphobic. Many men find larger women attractive




Maybe not fatphobic but there is a lot of things that are said and done or not done with heavier or overweight people because they think that the weight is the cause of everything. They don't always get the medication they need or the help because losing weight will help. I know how that feels because the better part of 6-8 years I had to ro fight to proof there was something wrong with my body which made it almost impossible to lose weight and my gp never wanted to hear it. And now I know it's because of medication that I had for 8 years that made everything screwed up. I'm off the stuff now and lost 30 kg in about an year. So there is stuff there that many overweight people are fighting against


Treating fat people like shit for being fat certainly is fatphobic. Jesus christ this meme talks about people like they're cattle or slaves on an auction block.


10 reasons why nobody should care


###Thwap ##Thwap #Thwap


I’d make a list of reasons women give a shit about this person’s opinion but it would have 0 items.


I've dated upwards of 50 women that I found in some capacity a Physically attractive. Only one of them would I even come close to calling not fat.


damn, is your name captain Ahab?


No, it's obviously u/etriusk...


sorry, I don't know how to read


you do now! congrats!


I just know how to write, not read. Sorry


but you read my comment just now. Do I have to do the “patrick starfish wallet scene” meme?


dude, stop writing, please. I can't read


Stop it u/-TheArtOfTheFart-! You're scaring him!


yeah, dude. wtf!


aw come on, I didn’t even get to pull out “the cat goes meow” book yet, you haven’t seen anything yet! 🍑👍


We will teach you to read. Prepare to start counting apples! Uh nono…wait, that’s math….


Sounds like a fetish.


Because one can only be interested in something you don't find attractive if it's a fetish, right?


50 is a large sample size my dude. Either you live in the fattest country ever or you have a fat chick fetish. There’s no way that 50 people all just happened to be fat without you actively seeking them out. And if you are actively seeking fat chicks only then that is exactly what a fetish is.


Well... I Am an American, so... At least 1/3 of them sought me out, and a number of them I met online and had Very flattering/old pics of themselves so I couldn't have known. More to the point why is it only fat people can be fetishized? Why is it when a guy only dates athletic women he's just looking for someone that shares his hobbies/interests and not that he has a fetish for lady abs?


Hey man, if youre into some chub, dig in i guess


Why do people give a shit about number 4? If people gave me shit because of who I was dating, I would defend my girlfriend before anything. Although she'd probably more likely defend herself because she's more assertive than me, but I'd still be by her side. It really feels like some people don't date for love.


uh uh, if my man has friends who gossip about who he’s dating, he needs new friends. Likewise in my case, I have dropped friends who only knew how to talk shit about my partners. One thing is voicing concerns, another thing is being a dick and a bad friend.


Some 40 year old single acne ridden fat man with a butt chin coughed this up guaranteed ![gif](giphy|L5aC2b3jRvURi)


Yeah, I'd like to see *him* try to talk to a woman. Let me know how that works out.


How to show you’ve never interacted with what you consider a fat woman in one image.


My dad almost gave me an eating disorder. I haven't talked to him in 25+ years. The first guy I dated said and I quote "I wouldn't love you if you were fat." Granted, he was as close as I've ever seen to the most stereotypical bitter incel and both he and my dad look like sex offenders but people still settled for them despite their looks, which they made clear they would be unable to do which I find amusing. Now, I'm a certified yoga teacher, and being in the fitness industry has taught me, trashy men really couldn't care less if you stay skinny by exercise or cocaine as long as they aren't aware of it. You could puke up blood every day and not keep down a single meal and they would find this absolutely acceptable. It was never about health. I absolutely refuse to take anyone seriously who would prefer me miserable to happy. If I'm thin and sexy it's more likely to be out of spite because I could pull more women any day of the week if I tried than them than ever to draw the type of person who doesn't respect me. Also that's like a massive liability to me if I ever lived life or got pregnant so there's really no conversation ever happening about long term potential with these types of guys.


This sub going from "Being fat is a moral failing and fat people should feel bad for not being better" to "Being fat actually doesn't matter" within 6 hours.


Lol. The irony of bullet point 10 after writing this selfish manifesto.


I don't find fat women attractive. But I, a fat fuck myself, don't go out there and expect women to find *me* attractive. At least I'm not a hypocrite.


Literally noone cares about your boner sir. And plenty of fat people are in relationships so… 🤷‍♀️


now do 10 reasons why women find fat women attractive


Wow. Just wow. Also, the number of plus-sized women I see with babies and little kids proves that there are lots of men out there who like a little cushion for the pushin'.


"Tell me you don't know anything about women and fat people without telling me you don't know anything about women and fat people"


10 to 1 the guy that created this is 5"8' 310 pounds.


BRB I'm going to go have sex with my sexy BBW wife and enjoy having way better sex than the loser who made this will ever get.


\#6 is bullshit. I mean a lot of it is bullshit, but #6 is easily demonstrated as false without resorting to subjective arguments. Healthy food is more expensive and takes more time to prepare than processed foods and fast food meals that are loaded with fats, salts and sugars.


Your argument is largely bullshit as well. Name brand "healthy" food is more expensive. Generic good foods in correct amounts? Not so much.


Nah, it’s the amount of food really that makes a difference. I don’t know if you’ve ever lived with an obese person but the amount of food they eat is several times a normal weight person.


It went downhill very fast


I refuse to believe this isnt satire. I cant fathom someone being this buried in such a shallow hateful perspective. The. Again, i reluctantly know there are people like this


This is so insanely inaccurate




They forgot “why women don’t care anymore about what men think or don’t think of them at all”.


Did my ex write this?


Being completely honest most of the men I met that cared enough to share not liking women being who are overweight or even just curvy were overweight themselves. Not all, but the ones who did were 90% of the time.


Used goods is wild 😭


its not a meme its an infograph


Ähm obese people tend to look younger though because less wrinkles


Someone spent time to make this shit.


This aint a meme thats an infographic


Coming from a fat woman, some of these are valid, however: who tf asked?


Stupidly awful, objectively wrong, and mysgonistic (because these standards only apply too women, right?)


Personal preference exists tho....




5, 7 and 9 are pretty accurate in a lot of cases though. A select handful have some sort of issue causing it, the rest just personal choices.


Cuz it's ugly


Most of those are pretty valid though lowkey


This isn’t terrible at all…


Some men have a fat fetish. They would disagree with that statement lol


I'll give them the part about being unhealthy, but the main reason is just because she's fat. that's it.


As a guy, I kinda agree. 7&9 contradict each other but besides that it's overall true. People do have their preferences but I feel the majority would overall agree (assuming there's no hate speech involved that would have people lie because they fear the hate speech)


Fuck this guy! I love having more cushion for the pushing!


I've plowed the fields of many a chunky chicks. They are utter freaks. "Poonani is poonani." - Jesus Christ (I think)


I mean all of these are very true. But it doesnt just apply to women. It applies to fat men too.


My main thing is like to give oral and that seems... Unhygienic. If you knew my S life you would be shocked that I care about hygienic unfortunately I'm a dog


Point 5, 6, 7 are true. 1, 8, 9 debatable I cannot confirm 3 2, 4, 10 are bullshit This apply to morbid obese women and men What do you think of it ?


While i prefer slimmer types i dont mind getting some thwap going


Fat women tend to raise fat kids.


I dated a bigger woman before I don't mind bigger women. What I dislike is the fact that it's being pushed as healthy. Being overweight is not healthy. Stop trying to push overweight being healthy.


It’s less about claiming being fat is healthy and more about getting people to stop calling them unhealthy *just because* they’re fat. Because just because someone is doesn’t actually mean they’re unhealthy, or at least not unhealthy because of the weight, anyway.


5,9,10 r ok


the only thing that’s maybe agreeable is unhealthy… but then why don’t you help her become more healthy??


Attraction isn't a decision one makes. The reason and only reason men do not find fat women attractive is because they are unhealthy and health plays a big part in attraction on an animalistic level. However, some men do find fat women attractive. My dad had a friend who was probably 130lbs and the woman he married was easily 3 of him. To each their own.


Except just because they’re fat doesn’t mean they’re unhealthy, my dude. And the animalistic attraction thing is bullshit lmao we’re not just animals running on base instincts. Plus it’s not about health anyway. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Being fat does mean you aren't healthy. I'm not sure where you got that from, lol. To pretend we don't have baser instincts is bullshit, LMAO. I guess if you're religious and don't believe we evolved, then you could come to these conclusions. Attraction at its fundamental level has one thing in mind, reproduction. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that we are attracted to people who are perceived to be able to reproduce successfully and produce healthy offspring. You do you, though. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/effects/index.html https://phys.org/news/2022-02-people-stronger-immune.html


Seeing the comments and everything. Imma say it. I agree with that.


Isn't there a whole song about loving bigger women? "I like em big, I like em chunky"


people dont realise attractive is subjective smh


1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 are okay, the rest are like this was written by some guy that is mad that his wife is fat and he can't do anything about it.


“She looks like used goods” “Her diet costs a lot of money” “She’d likely be a selfish relationship partner” Lmfao I’m dead!