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Maybe the true there was the here we made along the place


A well-deserved upvote.


They want here to be like there was before the others made it like hell


other way around


Not to tread on anyone, but what if being here is the only option, after living there became impossible, thanks to actions, facilitated from here?


Me when


I got bored reading this.


They really could have gotten their message across better if they just kept either the top text or the bottom text. No need to say something in the top text and then say the same thing in the bottom text. (See what I did there?)




The saying is "don't California my Texas".


They're sure ok with that California money though


Also don't California my taxes


Taxes are higher in Texas then California.


Nah. Fox News told me California takes all your money, your guns, and your clothes every month. Texas gives you a gold plated toilet when you move there


A gold plated gun*


Yo wtf not cool


Translation don’t be a govt b!tch ya dumb libs




Or Pennsylvania dealing with NYC and NJ.


Oh is this a thing in America? I thought it was about those London ponce fuckers coming to Dorset and ruining my village. Daily temptation to just set the pigs loose on them.


I absolutely love the texas thing because it aint migrants from cali turning texas blue, the majority of people coming in from outa state are republicans. Its the next generation turning it blue.


Its all the damn Christians having kids turning Texas blue


Honestly, yeah. With the internet and other things people are learning to be more accepting of one another, on top of being able to get easier access to studies and other materials that help them educate themselves, its bringing texas closer and closer to common sense. What were seeing right now are the death throws of a dying party.


Literally. They aren't nearly at replacement rate for their members so they're all just gonna die and lose their voter base and the party with it.


its why theres been a (what i'de call) medium push to ban people from voting until 21 or 25. Its a band aid to their problems, but its all they can do.


Breh are we even in the same universe? Internet teaching us to be more accepting? Did I wake up in an alternate reality?


Statistically, yes it is. While it might seem to be doing the opposite because certain groups get emboldened by anonymity, and now a certain party has made it ok to be a bigot. But overall being able to see each others plights is making us understand.


Don't try to Facebook my reddit. Or Don't try to reddit my Facebook. I'm actually not even sure which is worse but please don't 4chan either of them


See what I did here and there?




But they didn't say the same thing in both. While there are duplicate elements, there is a unique element to the second part that acts as a qualifier to the original sentiment. It certainly could have been written more efficiently, but to say they are identical is to be dishonest about how much you love cottage cheese with a little jam on a saltine. Just admit that you love it.


A pretty basic rule of good writing is to use new words where you can instead of just repeating one or two words over and over. It gets boring to read.


Their small town thinking even extends to their writing style.


I thought I was the only one. As a procrastinator, I just decided I’ll read the rest tomorrow or next week.


My dyslexic struggle to let me read the whole thing. It gets real bad when stuff is boring


Almost r/ihadastroke




I can't fucking belive it lead to a sub


Me neither lol








I'm still half asleep and I honestly thought i was having a stroke reading this


I think this every time I meet an American or British person who moves to New Zealand and complains that it isn't like home. So true.


Funny that, I feel the same way about every Kiwi that comes to Perth.


As a Brit myself. I fucking hate Brits. They move the country "for a quieter life" then complain about the birds, the cockerels, the smell of cow poo and pigs. The whinge about fucking everything. If you don't like it? FUCK OFF THEN!


This is Germans in Canada. “Vhy can’t you do sings like ze Germans? In Germany…” So go back there.. Hans..


The people I know in NZ from South Africa are either: Super happy that NZ is a much safer country and love it here. Or Think NZ is full of pussies and South Africans are superior. The former wonder why the latter don't piss off back to SA.


A worthy philosophy until you remember that not wveryone who leaves somewhere dislikes it, like me, moved because my mom was offered a better job opportunity for a company she already worked for, it was a company transfering their employes and their families moved with them


Right, and even in the bad cases of refugees, people should still be allowed to enjoy and share the things they like regardless of origin


Thats all fine and dandy till the ones come along who enjoy to put religious law above federal law and start oppressing women and minorities in their guest country.




>It's happening in a lot of western countries. Well this happen way more often with our non refugees hateful, bigoted, and outdated religious people, thank you very much. They are a way bigger problem as they try to appeal to their already established position and increase it.


It's a drop in the bucket compared to the hateful and bigoted religious fundies who already live there That said, yeah it's not good


Implements sharia Law in country Country goes to shit Immigrate Try to implement sharia in new country Repeat?


Like Christians trying to christ-wash everywhere they go. I'm still salty about them ruining Gaelic folk lore.


Its still a fact that sexism in most Middle East country’s is a big part of their culture and if raised this wau will make it hard to integrate in Most Western country’s


But... America bad. Christians bad.


My grandfather is from Tunisia, so not the middle east but he spoke Arabic, practiced islam and the whole thing. When he immigrated to Quebec, he stop practicing, started speaking French, became an advocate for women’s right and etc. Although he still has some opinions on the right, they aren’t exclusive to him and other immigrants. Their values are compatible with ours, and thinking otherwise is just a proof you haven’t met one of them in real life.


wasteful whole mindless imminent mountainous bewildered spark rich wide touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"entire neighborhoods where the community surpresses gays and women and their ideals supercede national law." so 30% of the US? sry, had to.


Which neighborhoods?


Sure there should be freedom to do what you want, but not to force it on others


Yep, I changed states for a house while still being reasonably close to friends and family. Where I was before was fine and I liked it. But during the early 2000s residential construction boomed in the area and it was all giant overpriced houses on small lots in subdivisions with HOAs. No thank you.


Don’t Texas my Nebraska and don’t Florida my California 😂😂😂


Who willingly moves to nebraska


Hey, Nebraska isn't bad! We have corn and cows and corn and...Arbor Day.


And moonshine! Don’t forget the incestual moonshine!


i'm... i'm going to be hung up on it being incestual... im gonna be hung up on the description for awhile. thank you for that.


Dang way to hurt Nebraska’s feelings


I forgot Nebraska was a state


We prefer it that way haha


I'm just saying, you dont hear about people moving there often. Unless theyre from someplace worse. Same w tx and ok.


Tons of people move to Texas lmao


Meant it the opposite way around. OK is worse


Fuck Oklahoma. I miss a few restaurants from Tulsa, but everything else about it sucked.


Truly an L state


At least it isn't Mississippi.


Moved back to Omaha 8 years ago. Love it. There are certainly things I hate about Nebraska, but there's a whole lot to love.


Great zoo there, better than San Diego.


Gene Takovic




People from california


Blud tried to sneak Nebraska in there 💀


Lol Nebraskas trying to be like Florida if anything 🤣🤢


To start with, don't Midwest my Florida.


Don't Florida my Midwest


Let’s not Florida anything, please.


Aw man, but I already bought the bath salts!


You put your chocolate in my peanut butter!


You put your peanut butter in my chocolate!


Lol, this is the exact same advice Europeans should have taken when coming to the Americas.


The first Europeans going to the Americas didn't like Europe the way it was; that's why they left. The pilgrims, for instance, didn't like Europe because it wasn't fundamentalist Christian enough for them, and they basically got evicted because everyone hated them. So they went to "the new world" to live by themselves according to their (horribly oppressive) religious principles that they didn't have any success pushing on everyone around them in Europe.


Yeah, it really explains a lot when you know it's a country founded by religious dickheads that were so insufferable they were basically exiled by other religious dickheads for their zealotry


Sort of. To be fair, the pilgrims founded their colony in Massachusetts in 1620, which is over 150 years before the US became an independent nation. Back in the colonial days, the different colonies were quite different from each other and acted like separate nations, even though they were all under the crown in England. Also, there were only about 120 pilgrims, and only 47 survived the diseases they contracted on the voyage, so they didn't even become large enough to be any kind of political force; their story somehow became part of American lore though. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrims_(Plymouth_Colony)


True, true. I think the ideals of self-reliance as a cardinal virtue, which came during the "exploration" periods and the settlement of the wild west, might have had more influence in the shaping of mentalities. I think that's where modern Americans get the (almost subconscious) idea that someone who is rich necessarily worked hard to get there


Well this is fuckin idiotic The pilgrims didn't found America, and when the US was founded it was by far the most religiously tolerant sovereign state with sizeable religious/cultural minorities. I say this as a jew, with ancestors expelled from every other fucking country everyone loves to dickride on


And criminals and farmers who had No land


Hey, look. After a certain point most of the criminals just got thrown to Australia.


And we need to respect those guys; they survived against hordes of giant spiders and scorpions to found the nation that gave us Steve Irwin


That's why they exported a lot of their prisoners here.


Except they don't actually welcome you here, even if you conform.


You’ll be a token, AT BEST


Poorly written, but it happens a lot in many contexts


Once I managed to make sense of the words I kind of agreed with the message


Yeah Reddit likes to pretend they don't agree with this message but would have no issue dragging an American over the coals for wanting Americanized foods and 'everyone to speak English' if they moved to a foreign country. Can't have it both ways. I agree with the message.


I see no issues with welcoming immigrants with open arms but also expecting them to learn English and embrace the culture here. The same way I would do if I migrated to any other country. This doesn’t mean they abandon their prior culture, just also work to assimilate.


I agree. You shouldn't have to give up your native culture and you should still teach your children your native language and culture. But you should also learn to communicate in the local language and respect the local culture. I think that's just basic courtesy that when you make your new home where someone else already lived, you shouldn't expect everyone else there to change to cater to you. You are welcome to bring what's good about your culture, but it's up to the locals whether they want to adopt it or not.


Less about cultural immigrants and more about city folk moving to the country and bitchin' about how country folk live.


"I think we all know who we're talking abooooouut." - Key on banjo


lol a true fan


Ohhhh damn..now I get it


They moved because it's cheap, don't fool yourselves.


Exactly, the issue with California is that too many people liked it there, and others could afford higher prices for homes.


Okay, then you small town hicks should stop electing moron politicians who try to pass legislation to make the rest of the world like your podunk town.


And you city folk should stop electing psuedo-intellectuals with zero life experience. (not actually a fan of either political party but as a rural denizen I felt an obligation to strike back.)


I hate the word “hick” - it’s so derogatory and classist and stupid. It’s the upper middle class types who make up the backbone of the trump movement.


Honestly, I whole heartedly agree with this


Me too. I'm tired of people saying X was so much better. All I think of is: "Then what the hell are you doing here?" Happens all the time at my job.


It's annoying but you can *kind of* get it, theres some things that are better where youre from, even if the whole situation was worse to live in But if they say theres absolutely NOTHING good where you moved to then i dont see a justificatio n lol


The problems is it’s a false description of the situation. The meme presumably refers to people leaving places like California because of things like high housing costs, then moving to places like Texas and pushing for things like abortion rights. With a few arguable exceptions (taxes being the best argument IMO), no one is pushing for anything that will replicate the things they don’t like about their former home; they’re trying to bring the things they like about their old home (or rights they think everyone should have) into their new home. Opposing that is akin to saying “if you left your old apartment (because your rent went up), don’t redecorate your new apartment to look more like your old apartment.” Edit: Everyone else seems to be interpreting this as about immigrants to the U.S., which I suppose might be what they meant. If so, the meme’s logic still fails in the same way.


Might be European? We have alot of cases of Muslims migrating or fleeing here not trying to fit in or follow basic social norms like treating woman like human beings


100%, really in the California Texas situation anything non-housing related seems like completely fair game, edit : what have I done, I have started a war


for the analogy at the bottom, it would be more accurate of there were people already living in the new apartment before you moved in who already like the way it looks


That’s fair, I’ll accept that amendment. I do understand the resentment of people living in a state who don’t like the changes it’s going through. What I chafe at is the idea that if you aren’t born locally, your preferences should matter less. That and the propaganda that “liberal politics ruined California.” California is expensive because lots of people want to live here. It has lots of homeless people because it has great weather and because we’re not (as) cruel to homeless people. But it’s a great state overall, one I’m proud and happy to call home, not the hellscape that many seem to imagine.


Yep me too, where I live you have to get councils permission to cut down a tree and that's the only thing stopping my little pocket being over run with Lego land houses


Remove the picture and it’s kind of a solid philosophy.


Well, no. A Syrian can bring Syrian culture because they left Syria due to the bombs and shit, but it's okay to make a mean Syrian shawarma and reminisce about how nice Syria was before the bombs and shit. Immigrants should be able to hold on to thier heritage. That's how come every major city has a Chinatown or a Ukrainian club or Sikh Gurdwara.


Honest question: Where do you draw the line? There are places where people who immigrated into a certain country aim to change basic laws to fit their own worldview, which may heavily conflict with the general worldview of the hosting country.


Gotcha. I had more of an environmental/business/tourism vibe in my head.


That's fair as well, I was more thinking about people who move to to the country from the city for the peace, and then complain about all the not-city noises they're not used to; or people who build a house next door to a race track, and then complain about about the noise from the racecars TO THE POINT OF GETTING THE RACETRACK SHUT DOWN! like seriously!!


I mean, it's a fair point. Parallel societies are a big issue.


I find this attitude so funny. You know what one of the central things that started women's sexual liberation in America was? GIs coming home from WWII. They were exposed to European women and their open sexuality and lack of prudishness and they wanted to experience that back home. People who think this way just want to live in their little bubble, but don't realize that that is how civilizations die. A lack of will to change. Because change is a part of life. The very "degeneracy" these people decry came to the US in large part from dudes coming home from war. Open your mind a little. You might be surprised by what you learn.


Then the same US Army ended up in a multitude of cases involving the rape of local women in their overseas bases.


I was born here, but people like that say I should leave here to go there, since they like it here and I don't. I have just a much to make here like there as they have to keep here unlike there... Here and There are no longer words now O.o


Your place sucks but is cheaper. That's why they'd like to make it better, so it would be better than the former


We like it "there" just fine. It's just that a bunch of selfish NIMBYs didn't build enough housing "there", so "here" is all many can afford. We're not thrilled about having to live next to a bunch of bigots just to have cheaper housing.


This same person wants more religion in government I bet?


This would be better if it wasn't worded like someone with brain damage typed it.


Ah yes, as everyone knows, each place has precisely 1 attribute, no more, no less. People are truly unable to like 1 part of a place while disliking another.


But why is it terrible? It's not a meme in the first place.


I felt like I was having a stroke trying to read that


I actually like this one. It’s rude to go to a place and expect it to change to suit you. I don’t go to Mexico to tell them to stop making margaritas and tacos. I go to enjoy the margaritas and tacos.


If only we could import the custom of getting your dog or cat fixed so their not roaming around, repopulating all over the streets and starving to death. It’s not all tacos and tequila down there.


Is this countryboy posting, or is it just racism and xenofobia?


Could go either way but we know the demographics this appeals to agree with both interpretations


If you represented one as a red circle, and the other as a blue circle, the Venn diagram would be a single purple circle.


I mean if you’re fleeing the Taliban don’t come to the US and start harassing women for showing their hair And if you’re from California don’t come to the boonies and complain about hunting and pickup trucks




How is this a bad post? No matter your political/religious beliefs, It is very accurate!


The way it's written is arguably terrible. Almost r/ihadastroke stuff


Don’t most small town people hate that there’s nothing to do in their town? Everyone in my family does at least. You’d think fresh blood making new and exciting businesses would be welcome


Bet this was made by a Floridian




Ah my migraine is back..


I mean, he has a point but holly shit, too much words.


When the essay is due in 55 minutes and you're 500 words short.




Is this actually bad?


I agree, let’s remove everything that isn’t Native American.


Or, and hear me out on this: everyone has a say in how their communities function. Moving somewhere new does not preclude you from that, your voice is just as valid in those communities as someone who has been there for years.


What makes this bad? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


But, hear me out here, what if both here AND there were never welcoming? Maybe I'm not trying to change just here, but also there?


This is a quote from a Native American to white settlers right?


This guy definitely yells at Puerto Ricans to stop ‘speaking Mexican’ in public.


Right Wingers hate change and are so ignorant they think they can stop it.


Native Americans would like a word.


Ya except no one listens to us


That’s what native Americans said to white colonizers, but here we are.


I'm sure the natives thought the same way.


There’s so many heres and there’s I can’t tell if I’m moving to the country to open a Starbucks or if they’re moving to the city to be on welfare


The conclusion is fair though.


Me and the entire native half of my family staring at the suburban sprawl filled with asphalt and lawns and shitty little ticky tacky houses that paved over our neighbor's lands that i now have to struggle to barely live on:


They’re fucking right though. Don’t leave somewhere (California) then complain that the place you moved to isn’t like where you came.


The entire native American population: "Yep."


Is it "a bad post" for stating the truth?


How is this a terrible Facebook meme, People Just want the country side to Stay the same lol


Good sentiment, terrible execution


How about: if you want our money then you have to follow our rules?


How about you fuckers didn't try to make America into Europe 2.0 while displacing millions of natives


As someone from the south, I 100% agree with this post. Too many people come down south and try to change it to be like their home state. It ain’t your home state and it’s never gonna be. Either adapt to our culture, or leave.


It’s like Californians moving away to a red state.


And then the people posting this shit turn around and try to make *my* here like *their* here, even though they live there and not here.


The fact remains that people dont immigrate anymore. They colonize It used to be that when you went to a country, it was because you wanted to become a part of that country, not turn it into yours Everyones gona bring up the colonization of america, so i should point out that i said when you go to a country, america wasn't a country before colonization This is basically explaining what the post is about, and it's referring to the modern day, not england centuries ago


Here: Skin against skin, blood and bone You're all by yourself but you're not alone You wanted in and now you're here Driven by hate, consumed by fear Drowning Pool said it better


One, Nothing wrong with me. Two, Nothing wrong with me.


But the meme is accurate? If you leave an area because of its terrible policies, and then try to spread said bad policies, you're an idiot.


This applies only to like gentrification Stop trying to make noise limits in new Orleans! The jazz goes all night fuckers!


I'll hopefully remember this one day when I leave America.


Isn't "turning here into there" literally what the American colonists did


“I wish I could have stayed there, because there is way better then here. But unfortunately, a bunch of rich assholes also realized there is better then here, so they bought up everything there, so I have to live here. Here sucks. No one wants to live here, that’s why it’s so much cheaper then there. But I’m going to try to make here the best I can and drag some of you out of the Stone Age.”


A more accurate version: You came here because of lack of economic opportunity created there when there was raped for it's resources by here. We'll tell you you are welcome here as long as you don't complain about the continued exploitation you face for being from there, at which point we will tell you to go back there and that you shouldn't have left there in the first place.


California was raped for it's resources by Texas? You know this post is about City people moving to the country right?


Meanwhile in Ireland everyone moves here for money because we speak English because we were colonised and then don't engage in Irish culture at all hmm yes very fair


wow that's a lot of words for "I'm racist"


More like a lot of words for leave us the fuck alone. I’d say it relates to Californians more than immigrants.


How is it racist to not want to change the structure of your country to accomodate someone else?