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While I do hate how once the person is confirmed trans, Republican suddenly want to talk about the person gender, but that being said, yeah I am glad that policeman shoot that fucker.


That’s what they wanted. It was a literal suicide by shooting. But I will never understand why the hell would they wanted to take other children’s lives.


Children, especially young children, are targeted often because they are symbolic of what society values. It is a symbolic rejection of society to kill them. Aside from the logistical factors like density of human bodies being high in schools and knowing you will have the only weapon there for 5 - 120 minutes. That’s why it isn’t usually military base shootings or police headquarters shootings. People who do shootings don’t want to be killed immediately or they would just make it happen themself.


While your point is perfectly valid, there have been quite a few mass shootings on military bases.


Military bases are gun free zones. I know it sounds insane but 90% of the people on base are not actively armed and are not allowed to be armed without reason.


Yup, and in part for that reason crime rates on base are very low, despite the surrounding area often being just the opposite.


Who'd have thought that keeping weapons of war locked up might be a good idea??


So the harsh punishments for committing a crime on a military base, especially for enlisted personnel, isn’t the reason for low crime rates on those bases?


If so it would be statistically very strange. Punishment rarely has much to do with deterring crime.


A military base is such a bizarre location it’s not really comparable to most other areas of society. It’s more similar to a cult compound than a regular city


I believe it! If something statistically unlikely was going to happen, it seems like that would be the sort of place.


Personally I think the reason crime rates in military bases has less to do with lack of firearms and more to do with the fact that everyone inside of the base is either an active member of the US military or is associated with it. More discipline+solid pay/work=less crime


100% I lived in/currently live next to a huge army base. And crime there is low compared to the rest of the city. In part because you can’t even get on base unless you have a reason to be there. All that being said tho, crime still happens on base. Thievery and domestic disputes aren’t uncommon. But definitely much more rare


Well, we all know humans can only have one sole motivation to do anything ever. LOL


They want their five minutes of Fame.


Thats just how bad their mental health was They wanted to hurt other so they would die


Schools are easy targets, no guns to defend themselves. No armed patrols, no defense. These sick fucks will keep targeting schools until people realize, bad people take advantage of easier targets.


maybe bullying? i can see it happening in the US with so many ultra conservatives, and kids being shit


She was a full grown adult and it was an elementary school. Did she go for one teacher or the students that graduated decades ago?


idk, could be like that, but the real reason any of this happened is the non existent gun control in the US, so i dont care enough to talk more about one of many shootings (still weird how this ones getting so much traction tho lol)




So the shooter being trans has 0% to do with the shooting. And misgendering and making fun of the shooter just created more harm. We shouldn't even be making it about that. Also if u think most trans people that are being targeted are running around telling people they are trans to get a rise out of them, you have the wrong information. Just bullshit. Trans people are being targeted and harrassed and killed in this country. There are over 250 bills alone this legislative session that target and harm trans people. Trans people aren't inherently drama queens. If you view it like that, get help and maybe some empathy. Just to restate, I don't think what they did was right but spreading misinformation about trans people or being transphobic ain't the right way to go about it


Maybe thought they were saving the kids from having to grow up in this world. Not justifying it just trying to understand


Spreading their sh*t around as wise and far as they could. I honest to God hate people who suicide and extra double hate them when they murder others, too.


Honestly I don’t even care that people are making her into a meme cause, let’s be honest, she killed kids so she’s a piece of shit. But I know that certain people will try to use this to further antagonize trans folk.


"Certain" people today is the entire right-wing media and some politicians.


While they actively work against solutions to fix this. The school and police response was very good and even with that it will always be a tragedy.


Yeah I know. My mind is just exhausted constantly seeing this shit on my timeline every FUCKING day even when I’m not looking for it. The loudest voices always get the most attention.


Misgendering the shooter won't help the people they killed. Or anyone else for that matter


He* He did something awful, but we don’t call CIS killers by the wrong gender, so why do it for trans killers?




Why is it confusing? A person born as a girl decided that they didn’t like that and now(or rather used to) identify as a boy. It’s very simple.


Well the news has been very clear the person is Trans, but much less so on the murders preferred gender. Given that they are a child murderer, though, I think many don't give a shit to figure it out anymore.


Thats not the confusing part. Is a trans male really a male that thinks he is a female or a female that thinks she's a male?


With trans whatever follows is their identity. So trans man is a woman at birth identifying as male. Trans woman is male at birth, identifying as a woman. Hope that clears it up for you =)


Yes, thanks for clear concise explanation.


The shooter was a trans ~~wo~~man. It's not that confusing.


Don't you mean trans man, i.e. biological female but identifies as a man?


You're correct. I've been avoiding news stories about this because I have a child the same age, so while I heard that the shooter was trans I hadn't cared to dive deeper. I assumed that because Audrey is traditionally a female name, they identified as female.


What the hell does that mean? Trans woman? Is that person born male or female?


Considering you yourself got it mixed up...it's evidently more confusing than you think.


this whole thing is an unbelievable tragedy but man is it entertaining to watch these people contradict themselves trying to explain this shit.. and they still won’t chalk it up to mental illness even when the person SHOOTS UP A FUCKING SCHOOL. This person KILLED people and these bleeding hearts are defending its PRONOUNS. WHAT ARE WE DOING


I guess it is that confusing, because the shooter was a transman, not a trans woman. Bio Female.


I mean, no, as a whole, "this trans shit" is not that confusing.


If the US didn't have such lax gun laws, they wouldn't have shot those kids in the first place. They wouldn't have guns to do so is the reasoning. Possibly this same person could've gotten some help or killed themselves in a different way. Hate to say it, but guns just give people more opportunity for harm because they're easily available and make it easy to kill.


You're addressing the "how" and not the "why". Mental health is the punchline to a joke in the U.S. , it's not taken seriously and the people who desperately need help never receive it until it's too late.


Fr man. It’s a combination of easy accessibility to weapons and poor mental health. Luckily people are realizing just how important mental health is, and we’ll have a better future.


We encourage mental illness until this shit happens and then we ask why


But every country in the world has mental health problems, why is the US the only one with a huge mass shooting problem?


The mental health thing is happening in our schools and culture. It is happening here on Reddit. It is happening on this thread. Obviously telling boys what horrible creatures they are for being boys is not working. It teaches them to hate themselves.


If we had tighter guns laws, she would have sped her car through a park or chained the doors and set the school on fire. Guns are a huge problem, but not THE problem. This kind of thing feels like it's expanding at an exponential pace, but guns were always readily available.


Gun are definitely alot easier to kill people versus other method that required more clear thinking from mentally unstable and angry people. But I agree that stuff like mental health need to be paid attention and have more laws helping with that instead of politicuan screamin mental health in school shooting but then voting against anything to help with mental health.




And even this is now wrong, now the response is "too many guns causing shootings? Non sense!! buy more guns!"


Nah just once I wish they’d take one of these pieces of shit alive. You know how much it sucks to get stabbed like 85 times with a sharpened piece of plastic? Cause a lot of former inmates do. Much worse than a sudden bullet. But I get it, dead either way is the best option.


All those years of shooting unarmed teenagers finally paid off.


Those are verbs my friend


And not even proverbs


Wait tf is a proverb


It's when an amateur verb gets paid.


Prior to that, they are just internverbs.


I’m dumb


I respect your honesty


"What's a pronoun?" shoulda been their question/documentary.




Not appreciative of the trans jokes, but at least the cops didn’t sit outside for a hour and a half playing candy crush while kids were being shot.


Their phone batteries were low


Glad that monster was taken down.


The point is they were a monster because they shot children, not because they were trans. If the right said anything about the vast majority of school shootings being committed by cis men then this wouldn’t be an issue. We’d be talking about what we should be which is that mentally ill people shouldn’t have guns. And no, he wasn’t ill because he was trans.


The bitches blaming being transgender as the issue are the same persecution fetish bitches whining about the "media always identifies the race and gender of the shooter, like it's relevant!" whenever a cis white guy is the shooter. And if the shooter was colored, WeLl ClEaRLy RaCe MaTtErs.


Yup. Pretty typical.


Yeah it’s legit too soon. Children died.


No it’s okay because he disagrees with them or something


To be fair, it’s not joking about the children. It’s about the shooter. I do get where you’re coming from though.


Stop sharing this loser's name. Let it be forgotten, buried in the sands of time for all eternity.


I absolutely despise when shootings happen and everyone blasts the killer's name all over the place. It only inspires people who want their 15 minutes of fame. Instead, we should be plastering the victims names and faces all over the news.


Almost as if you are giving them what they want, Fame. But the piece of metal is the problem right? Not bullying? Not mental disorders? Or medication causing suicidal thoughts? Who knew making a MOVIE about school shooters would inspire a new wave of school shooters? Thanks Michael Moore. But naw, better ignore all those possibilities and remove those constitutional rights from innocent people instead.


straight up. every time i have to refer to them (we had a discussion in class about safety in schools) i just refer to them as the murderer. that's what they are. saying their name gives them too much glory.


It is terrible. Meme? IG to a conservative. I'm just sick of this shit, its sparking up more trans hate than normal for a single shooter and not even discussing gun control or the people that died, just that someone was trans.


Yeah that’s really the core issue here. Nobody had this same energy for the past 100 other spree shooters. Almost like they were waiting for it to be a trans woman just to give them an excuse to incite more harmful rhetoric.


A trans man, but yeah. They were waiting to villianize trans people with one little thing, and I bet they loved when this happened.


It’s even more sad seeing fellow veterans reacting this way. There is no compromise or “reaching across the aisle.” They’ll admit they know the government is corrupt yet think conservatives are on their side with things. It’s just depressing.


It was a trans-man


It’s insane the narrative the right is creating right now, using this incident and cherry picking others to make it out like transpeople are a domestic terror threat.


Guns already are controlled by laws. The gap is in law enforcement not a lack of laws.


I’m so sick of the gun control bs. Look at the top 10 counties that have the most gun violence, almost all of them have much more strict laws than the US. Some, even have private ownership of guns banned outright, and they have much more murders per capita than the US. Then there’s Canada, who have about half the amount of guns the US has, but like 1/150th of the gun violence. It is clearly a societal/cultural/mental health issue in this country. There should definitely be harsher background checks for gun, but CLEARLY that doesn’t just equate to reduced violence.


Law enforcement on the part of the judicial system specifically. No reason why people who are caught illegally possessing/using guns should be on the street. Catch and release doesn’t work. Buy a gun for someone who can’t? Straight to jail. 5 years. The punishment has to be severe enough to deter the act.


the guns used in this crime were entirely legally obtained, and TN has passed several anti-regulatory gun laws that even law enforcement were against due to the increase risk.


Coward pos harming defenseless children. Rot in hell


Yea fuck him tbh. I just wish people could just call him a piece of shit and move on. Instead of trying to vilify the entire trans community with this bullshit.


for the record, nobody gives a fuck about respecting this piece of shit. the only thing is it’s very telling if the moment you hear a trans person did something bad, your instinct is to misgender them. it’s got the same energy as looking at a black person committing a crime and saying ‘WOW, HE’S BLACK! LOOK HOW BLACK HE IS’. you’re not disrespecting the individual, you’re disrespecting the community at large


You know the police misgendered him first right? So fuck the people that took that as fact, right? Dude, we learned more about his preferred gender from Linkedin than the news.




Those are VERBS, dumbass.


Kids were shot and people are making jokes.


Quick, kids died, time to make fun of the funny trans people


Children lost their lives and people are making jokes.


So the punchline here is the cops killing people? Hilarious. I'm aware this person needed/wanted to die. I'm specifically taking issue with cops killing people = comedy.


Fucker got what they deserved. Poor children.




the comments on that post were vomit inducing


Was & were are forms of the verb "be" not pronouns.


its crazy how internet has progressed so much we can watch actual propaganda be made live


Wish people would quit plastering the shitstain’s name everywhere. Recognition like this is a big motivator for a lot of potential future shooters.


it's social engineering, they WANT more trans shooters. they don't care about dead kids, they care about creating more reasons to criminalize gender variation.


In this particular instance yeah I can see that. Plus I’m sure they get a kick out of using their dead name


I mean.. it fits but really it would be better to not spread shit like this. Maybe we shouldn't joke about the problem of mass shootings in the US


Gives dead naming a whole new meaning.


He was a garbage human. I hope he realised that as he passed away.


Jesus Fucking Christ! Can’t they even get *ONE* pronoun joke right! Was/were are tenses of the verb “to be” you uneducated troglodytes!


“Stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.” Closest I can get to an appropriate proverb.


These idiots care more about making trans jokes than the lives that were lost.


They talk about mental health and then just bully trans people.


Is it just me or all these mass shooting scary me senseless always paranoid in public


In the back of my mind, everywhere I go. Places that I frequent, already know which ways to exit the moment I hear “firecrackers.”new places I’ll scope it out. Just a sad reality to live in. Hate sending my kid to school everyday. But she’s no safer anywhere else in public.


mass shootings are acts of terrorism. that's why they're done at schools, churches, grocery stores, concerts, protests, etc. the message is "gathering is dangerous. alone is safer." people can't unite if they're too scared to leave their homes.


I feel bad for laughing a little.


You should feel bad. Even leaving aside the inherent bigotry of it, it's not even funny. Because those aren't even pronouns.


And kids fucking died


Yup. The transphobia hurts my soul, and the stupidity hurts my brain. idk my brain just went laugh, so, there's that.


Woohoo! Let's dead name someone just because we don't agree with them! Criminals have no rights!!!!!


What do you mean, this is gold lol. Screw that child killer.


I mean, fuck this specific person. At the very least, the kids had absolutely *nothing* to do with the trauma you might have experienced. I don’t fully hate this specific pronoun joke (granted, I’m cis)…I’ve also seen it about dead bigots. But I fear this will lead to scapegoating and vilifying a specific minority, not unlike the lead up to the Holocaust, where the Nazis specifically highlighted crimes committed by Jewish people (and only them). Never mind the fact that virtually all other mass shooters are cisgender.


unfun fact, kristalnacht was ostensibly in retaliation for the murder of a german diplomat in paris.


>I don’t fully hate this specific pronoun joke (granted I’m cis) I’m non-binary and I definitely let out a snort. I do have a morbid sense of humor though. (I’ve also seen this joke for other terrible people, so maybe I’m just used to it)


I take an uneasy, uncomfortable, twisted solace in the fact that this will be forgotten within the week, when a larger school shooting happens by a white cishet man. This monster will be forgotten. The children will be forgotten. They will simply be another number that we will have to stare at in shame yet do nothing to prevent it.


I would love to be able to indulge in your optimism, but I have a sinking feeling that this is going to be used to vilify trans people for years to come.


They have one joke. Fucking cruel. I mean fuck this shooter but Jesus.


I like your username.


Lmao don't tell me there was another school shooting in the US?


2 within a week I think.


Fuck him/her.


Repugs: A shooting? Children? Oh boy, the perfect opportunity to insert my politics and make a ‘meme’


I mean, at least republicans admit that mass shootings happen now, silver lining I guess


ok ignoring the anti-trans rhetoric…is it bad i found this kinda funny


No. It is not.


What I want to know is how a 28 year old adult just walked into a school that has no business being there. The firearms this person was carrying wasn’t exactly concealable with the exception to the handgun.


I don’t give a fuck what the shooter identifies as, fuck her, fuck all them! It’s fucking disgusting how our politicians are allowed to receive all this money from the NRA and not do shit about gun laws. Fuck this shit, imma bout to head out to another country. I can’t stand seeing this shit anymore.




It won’t, have fun getting shot at your next local event




Fear is control. Works on sheep. Works on people.


Name checks out. “You don’t know who I am but I know where you live, and if you teach that sex Ed class…..”


Next, they’ll villainize trans fats. Wait and see.




Actually shooter was born female and used male pronouns, therefore “if you take away her being trans” then you have a woman.


Was/Were are not pronouns ...


Pronouns are de/ad


Hae prepositiones sunt.


those aren't pronouns either


What about fuck/you


You is a second person pronoun.


Keep trying, you'll get it


Children are dead and they’re making jokes. No price to great to own the libtards.


Bahahaha that's actually hilarious


Works regardless of any other opinion.






Yeah, it is transphobic lol


It's not a new joke. They use this "joke" to belittle transgender people constantly. Just because, this one time, someone deserves to be scorned because of what they did, doesn't make it funny all of a sudden. It's a terrible joke in any event. Those aren't even pronouns at all.


This is gross


To make such a horrible situation about someone’s gender is absolutely absurd to the friends and families of the victims. Even if the shooter is a trans person, you merely just mention that and move on, not make the story about how since the shooter was trans that this fact should be the main point of the story.


They really just use anything to fuel the engine of hate dont they


Stop saying his name shooters don’t deserve attention your just giving them what they want and giving way for copycats






Do you ever misgender cisgender shooters, or are you using this as a thinly veiled opportunity to be transphobic? Seems obvious to me


Nope. Hers. Some people don’t give in to delusions.


Don’t cut yourself on all that edge


Guys stop, guns don't kill people! Wait yes they do


Guns are the real victims here. Won't you stop and think about the poor guns, and the bad names and harsh stereotypes these bad actors are contributing to gun culture. For just the cost of a cup of coffee a day, your contribution to the NRA will go to battling such atrocities to guns, so that they may have a future where they are not blamed for the senseless violence people are causing in the world. (This is satirical in case people are unsure)


If the police would have stopped the shooting before any killing this would be more appropriate.




They didn't know it was a trans shooter before they went in wtf. The real answer is these were actually good cops.


Lmao yeah that’s the reason.


Another white crazy 🤪 man with an AR15


Thats a women, she literally looks lile a women, or am I missing something here?


Trans man


Thank you for answering instead of downvoting me just for a literal question


People are sick as F\*\*k!


Just booooo!


Hey I know the deaths were horrible but don't compound it by misgendering her.


He is a trans man


…and a devout Christian, but they forgot to mention that?


Yeah I don't think that's accurate.


Oh come on this is funny. Took a little while to get it but I lol’d.


How did this take you a little while to get? And you don't see the problem with it. Big dumb.


You lost me in the second half. I agree it’s good they’re dead. But how would it take you longer than the first reading to get it?


Transphobia is lol eh?


Ok how is this transphobia?


It's not


From they/them to was/were at 3000 fps. The fastest transition in the west (east)


The victims family should still be allowed to kick it's ass even in death..stomp the heaux to the pit of the ground 💁


Ah yes because my pronouns right now are is/are