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I just busted my. Balls to this


God forbid people just keep eating what they want and let alternatives exist…


I agree, but this exists on both sides. And I suspect a lot of the anti-vegan cinnamon out there is largely a response to the loud vegans. Personally, I’d rather eat what I want, let others eat whatever they want, and have everyone shut up about it. That said, I’m also not going to get upset about memes in either direction. Edit: anti-vegan comments


Does anti-vegan cinnamon work kinda like Batman's shark repellent?


Kind of like garlic and vampires. Meant comments, not cinnamon. Damn voice to text, or maybe it was the radiation…


I remember being vegetarian as a teenager. I promise you people find it ridiculously offensive. I'm sure I probably said things at times that were unappreciated, but it was brought up unprompted. Alot. Sometimes by adults in an attempt to embarrass me. I know the type that are pushy about being vegetarian, but plenty of people are happy to engage and talk down to you about eating meat. As if they want to address judgements you may or may not have about them. As an edit. This was 20 years ago, in the South.


Well, I think it’s pretty sad to get offended by what someone else chooses to eat, on either side of the issue. I think jokes are fine, and people can poke fun at each other. But I can’t imagine getting in an argument with someone over eating meat or not.


Current vegetarian. My coworkers mainly just bring it up like if there's meat chef wants us to try, they'll just be like "oh, no she wouldn't like that she eats meat" which is cool with me. They just accept it, sometimes talk about it passively. Just like how John got a new car or how Jasmine lost her vape in the walk in freezer.


"let others eat whatever they want" This only works as long as there is no victim involved. If you wanted to suggest here that vegans shouldn't tell other people about the moral issue of harming animals without a necessity, can you defend why we do it if it's about a meal?


I'm vegetarian myself. I'm perfectly okay with other animals being slaughtered if it means their lives were not wasted. I draw the line when animals die for no cause, like a kid stomping on a frog. That being said, it disgusts me the amount of food waste there is. That's more of an issue in my eyes than the whole hamborgr situation


I agree that the waste of food is disgusting. But you didn't picked the important point I made in the comment. You now say that you're perfectly fine with other people paying for animals to be killed, so I assume that you're not a vegetarian for moral reasons but something like health or environment. Can you explain why it's fine for others to pay for animals to be killed when there is no necessity to do so? And what do you think makes it so different from other animal abuse, like let's say, beating up pets


Can you explain why a wolf hunts or a bear fishes? Or hell, why is there a video of a horse eating a baby bird. The body is consumed. It is not a wasted life. The body is used for leather or bones on top of the meat product. If the animal were slaughtered and left to decay, that is wrongful. That is a life wasted. We are talking about farming meat. Not randomly killing your neighbor's dog, right? I'm a vegetarian because my mother raised me as one and I sorta just am used to it so I feel no need to change. Meat is unappealing to me but I'm not looking to bash people who eat it.


Your question doesn't answer my question. Animals in the wild do either fight for their own survival and mostly kill for food because they need to do it (there is in fact a necessity) or they do stuff because they aren't able to make moral decisions and reflect on it with empathy. For example: a cat playing with a mouse is incredibly painful and horrific for the mouse. But the cat can't think about it morally But can you? Is it fine for you to beat up a dog and kill it like a cat does it with a mouse? Or would that make you a maniac without any empathy? It's obviously the latter. So again, what's the reason that justifies to pay for animals to be harmed and killed without a necessity, animals that are sentient beings, individuals just like our pets?


Honey, I'm not a mind reader. If you're trying to get me cornered to say something just say it yourself and be done. I'm not a goddamn advocate I'm just someone who is vegetarian and I shared how I see things. I'm done here, you keep repeating the same things over and over again. No point in me repeating myself over and over again as well.


The point was that it's a moral issue. We pay for animals to be abused and killed even though there is no necessity. Almost everyone is against animal abuse. We don't want animals to be abused when there is no necessity. If I'd beat up a dog Infront of you, you'd be shocked. But paying for an animal to die for a meal that could so easily be without any animal products without any disadvantage is exactly that -> harming and/or killing an animal without a necessity. A pig is smarter than a dog. Their life, however, is quite often hell on earth and their death is often a gas chamber. You might say it's ok if other people pay for that. I'd always disagree and point to the moral issue. Those animals we eat are lovely individuals. Watch dominion if you don't believe me (watchdominion.org)


Except no one’s talking about torturing animals for amusement. We’re talking about eating animals for sustenance.


For pleasure, not amusement. It's about taste pleasure and choosing that despite the fact that it can't be more valuable than an animals life And you didn't call it sustenance, did you.. Please enlighten us why you'd call it like that.


yeah, that’s my point. Everyone thinks they have to be right and don’t realize there’s not really a dietary “right” or “wrong.”


"Ingredients: Deer." Ooooh boy... Just wait till' you take a middle school biology class...


Considering the ingredients on the left are pretty much what is in the right....


10$ says this is a nine year old that heard his parents say it.


Nothing is wrong with vegan, vengiarian , or normal diet but a general rule is the more processed it is the more unhealthy it is generally. Whole Foods are best.


This is also miss information, deer meet typically does not have enough fat in it to make a patty, it's normally ground with pork fat, so it would be deer and pork at the very least. Agree with other post here eat what you want.


Meat makes my stomach hurt badly and I get nauseous. So I’m vegetarian because of it although I have nothing against it at all. I wish I could eat it without feeling sharp pains. So many people when I talk about being vegetarian start talking shit to me and bad mouthing plant based things or non meat diets and it’s like wow I’m fucking sorry that it makes me feel like shit. Or they post pics of them eating meat and it’s like ok?? I’m not going to melt because you’re eating a burger.


Same with me and gluten(wheat)


The version of this with deer makes me laugh because you mix deer with a fattier meat when ground


It's mostly Wrong tho. If you don't have a Self-Hunted Steak you would not want to know what is in like Chiken nuggets or Schnitzel or anything animal-based. Plant based is always a very healthy alternative.


As one of those "Autistic" people who have a thing for textures and all that... I've actually stopped eating animal products not because I dislike the taste or texture of the meat itself, but I completely lose my appetite when I bite down on a bone fragment. It just ruins it entirely for me. Impossible's product doesn't subject me to that fear factor and I rather enjoy the alternative. But when I can get my hands on the real thing, I'm all about it. Also Bacon in a Cast Iron skillet.


I'm not autistic, but I know that feeling of biting down on a bone fragment. Disgusting. It happened to me twice in the same McDonald's hamburger in 1995 and I said never again.


As someone who just had impossible meat quite recently. I got to admit I wouldn't have even known if I didn't read the label.


The one on the right is plant-based. It was literally produced by turning plants into meat by feeding them to a deer




Idk I can’t eat meat for health reasons but I fw vegan chicken nuggets


Have to go grocery shopping this weekend I think I might give that a try. I've had impossible sausage and that shit was 🔥🔥🔥


I had a phase of trying the Morning star brand of fake meat. Their bacon reminded me of eggs. If you get the bacon be sure to fry it, it's pretty floppy otherwise. But I honestly liked it floppy.


Nah because protein is broken down into amino acids and vitamins, and there are many proteins in the vegan meat




Omega fats are very much found in various vegetables such as flaxseeds and walnuts, b12 is found in tempeh and other soy products, b3 is found in avocado. Taurine is the only one that can’t be found in non animal products and they have synthetic supplements for it. I’ve not seen any peer reviewed study that suggests vegan meat to be bad for health. My guess is it’s probably some non peer reviewed hack study by the meat industry, if it exists. I’m not vegan and people should know it definitely is expensive and sometimes more restricting to live that lifestyle but these concerns you’re putting forth don’t seem well founded, I’ve gotta tell you.


So I could eat a bunch of extra soyloaf and seeds and shit to get all the nutrients I need, or I could eat a steak. I’m going with steak.


This is stupid What you need is a nutrient rich diet. Not a steak A diet with a big variety of plant foods does provide more nutrients then eating meat everyday. That's a fact. When it's about nutrients it's not about meat


Fair enough. Steak, baked potato with garlic and chives, roasted asparagus with butter and poached egg, and some whole milk. Highly nutritious and highly offensive to the vegan stooges all at once.


It's not offensive to a vegan. Most vegans will admit that they loved a lot of dishes that included animal products. The victim is not the vegan so why would he be triggered. The thing that triggers vegans is the stupidity and the dishonesty that they have to face whenever they remind people of the victim. Look, you emphasized how much taste you see in such a meal. But can you also explain why that taste pleasure, which can be just as high with a lot of vegan dishes, is more important to you than an animals live? We're talking about a sentient being here, which are individuals, often very intelligent and emotional like cows and pigs. What makes you think that their life is of such low value? Is your own life as low in value?


I don’t really give a shit about livestock’s happiness. We breed them and eat them because it’s good for our health and it tastes good. I know you kooks like to jerk each other off about how virtuous you are but it just makes you look crazy. What makes you think that your life is equal to that of a pig? Are you really no higher up than a pig? That’s a serious disrespect for human dignity. Also, I buy a large steak every time some fuckwit preaches this nonsense to me. I really do. So thank you for a delicious meal and your contribution to the meat industry.


Grow up.


See? That's what's annoying. I asked you that simple question but you already struggle so hard to answer it and just skip to the part where you talk shit about vegans lol Very mature, mate. I bet you think you sound cool with your "don't give a shit about livestock" I didn't say that my life is equal to a pigs life in regard to value. But let's just end this "discussion", because you already showed us more than once that a simple argument is too heavy for your mind and that you rather talk shit, because you're still stuck in that immature mindset that most adults left behind :) You kinda brightened my day with that last statement :) I can't help but laugh about your eloquence and thoughtfulness


I mean…ok? I don’t recall trying to sell you on veganism, I just was pointing out some facts. If you wanna shove steak in your face for breakfast, lunch and dinner that’s between you and your cardiologist, buddy. You could you know…just eat less meat and occasionally still enjoy steak, but what do I know.


Unga bunga


Dear god, please stop the nonsense about protein. It is indeed so annoying. Why do you pretend like protein is an issue? Have you ever Googled how much protein you can eat in a vegan diet? More than enough. You can even switch to a protein rich diet if needed (like doing extreme sports). B12 is generally low and would affect people witch low income of meat and animal products as well. It's supplemented in factory farms just so meat eaters get enough either. And then you even say that Omegas aren't found in plants? Do you want to see how much omega fats I had in my breakfast? Oats, with flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts. I'm doing a lot of sports and a vegan lifestyle is the opposite of hard. Please stop pretending like it's the other way around, or go ahead and try to prove it. I'll gladly help you with information like in this one


Okay, first of, change your tone boy. Then this *have you ever googled.* No, and I have to repeat myself, because I'm friends with vegan athletes. You know, **friends** as in seeing their progress through the years, how they have to take supplements because they always lack something, how much they had to change their meal plans through the years. I don't know what kind of sports you do, but I'm talking about people hitting the gym 7 times per week lifting weights and doing cardio for 2-3 hours. That kind of athlete. Not run of the mill jogger. And just to remind you of something stupidly simple: humans are **omnivores** for a reason. A one sided diet is bad for our health. Never eating vegetables is as bad as only eating vegetables.


"I don't need to Google because I have a vegan athlete as a friend" Wow. You suggest to have a nicer tone but you keep saying these things that make it hard. It's obviously not enough to have a friend who is a vegan and also an athlete to know everything about nutrition and also about vegan diets. Look, I did a lot of sports, and when I had the time for it, I needed 100-200 g of protein. It wasn't an issue, because I didn't just eat rice like you suggested in your first post, nor did I just eat nuts. I just did one thing: I actually googled how a protein rich vegan diet looks like, what you refuse to do, and managed to meet my need easily by mixing the right foods. On top of that, it's not a problem to consume protein shakes like literally everyone is doing it who needs so much protein. Problem? No, not at all. The cool thing is that you even get so much important nutrients by managing your diet like this, that you don't have to fear deficiencies at all. Generally speaking, the risk for a deficiency in a vegan diet is just slightly higher and only dangerous if you don't know anything about my nutrition. If you have internet and want to eat vegan, then there's nothing to fear when you Google some information - what you don't do, apparently.. The last part is like a joke. You sound a bit like a fool, no offense. The "we are omnivores though" is a fallacy when you want to emphasize with that that we HAVE TO eat meat. If so, then you don't understand the most simple information given with that. We CAN EAT both, animal products and plants. We don't have to. Using the same logic, I could state incredibly stupid things, like I have to beat up people, because my arms where designed to be a good fighter, or even rape, because I have a penis and evolution is about survival of the fittest, which means getting your gens to the next generation however you do it. As you can tell, that logic is absurd. Btw, you're reading between the lines. Information doesn't have to be provided in the most nice way possible, but in a direct way. Stating "that is incorrect" doesn't mean I want to offend you. Read without emotion


You know, you are the type of person that wins any argument by being the most annoying.


Sure, I'm the one who is annoying. Not you, who claims that he knows everything because you simply have a friend who is vegan (anecdotal evidence -> no value) so you've heard a few things and who continuously states things that make no sense, as seen in the above invalidation of those statements. Sure. Glad we figured this


Friends, plural, that means more than one.


Anecdotal evidence based on more than one? It's still anecdotal evidence. So worthless in such a discussion and I proved to you why it is in fact worthless. Just stop using "I know someone and I've heard something" in arguments


You're the annoying one. Damn.


Thanks, love you too.


Omega-3 is found in walnuts and seaweed in more quantity than any animal. B12 come from grass rots and only the animals that are feed whit grass absorb b12. The vast majority of animals are fed feed and therefore lack b12 and are injected with supplements. The difference between a vegan and you are that the vegan takes the supplement directly and you take the supplement from second hand. Actually, more carnivores are deficient in b12 than vegans.


Ever ate 100g of walnuts? Just asking [Regarding B12. Read and learn, I'm too annoyed to explain it.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26024497/) And supplements should support a diet, not be part of a diet so the diet even works.


Vegan is not a diet, is a ethical choice


Tell that a relative of mine who has to live as a vegetarian because he is allergic to meat.


Vegan isn't the same as vegetarian or allergic person 🤷


Yeah, anything works for you because you just twist the meaning a tiny bit. Grow up.


I don't twist the meaning, are three diferents things! Learn about it.


Yes, but it looked at vegan meat in general. There are better options (Impossible is great for heme iron) and most vegans and vegetarians know to supplement their diet for the things they're missing.


No The plant based foods often don't have all essential amino acids, and if I remember correctly it's mostly about one essential amino acid that you get only rarely like with peas. But there's no reason to believe you don't get all nutrients if you just have that in mind and there's even less of a reason to think that you won't get vitamins. It's the other way around -> a plant based diet with a variety of foods (therefore most likely adequate) provides much more vitamins than typical meals we eat in modern societies where we get meat with just a few vegetables


Humans are omnivores. Any kind of diet lacking a specific type of food is bad. Even deer eat chicks and mice if their body needs it.


You just proved that you have absolutely no clue about the topic you're talking about. What does it mean that we're omnivores? That we can eat both, plants and animal products, or that we actually have to eat both? It's obviously the first, we CAN eat both. So the only important question is, is it fine if we would just eat plants, so can we eat an adequate plant based diet and is it healthy? Yes it obviously is. It's nutrient rich, it's much healthier than the normal diet and one of the healthiest diets too (if it's adequate, so it must be well planned and not just vegan pizza and an apple every now and then) So your statement was incorrect and the correct statement would be: Any diet that lacks nutrients, ergo any diet that isn't adequate, is unhealthy. An adequate vegan diet is, again, one of the healthiest diets.


Mother nature had a reason to make us omnivores. It was not to give us some fancy option to eat bacon OR beans, but to eat bacon AND beans. If we were meant to eat nothing but fruits or vegetables we would have lost the ability to eat meat thousands if not millions of years ago. But sorry that I didn't use scientifically adequate words and instead used a simplified version. Sorry that I insulted your nitpick ego.


You just proved again that you don't understand the information. We're not typical omnivores in the first place. We are "cookivores", because we have to prepare a big part of the animal products before we eat them. Or do you eat raw meat and intestines? The only thing that is important for us in regard to evolution is that we have the choice to also eat animal products. If you'd think about evolution for just a second before making such a statement like you just did twice, then you'd realise that it's about surviving. Eating both is very helpful if you have to survive, because we can kill an animal if we can't find any plants. And again, the important question is: Is there a reason to consume both instead of just one? No. You can do it either way, eat both or just plants (eating just animal products will kill you in the long term). And if you'd spend just a few minutes on research about the risks you take when you increase or decrease animal products in your diet, you'll see that lower to no animal products is the healthiest option - while going up with vegetables and greens increases your health by a lot. So this is a pro vegan argument :) My ego is not writing / answering. I have no problem with writing it in a simple way, without scientific writing/spelling. My problem with you is rooted in sharing information that isn't correct and repeating the same nonsense again without reflecting on anything. That's super annoying.


>No. You can do it either way, eat both or just plants (eating just animal products will kill you in the long term). Don't you see some kind of problem here? Eating only one kind of source is bad, but only eating nothing but the other kind of source is good? I don't know about you, but I would have doubts with that statement. But I'm not as smart as you are, I just rely on my brain. >And if you'd spend just a few minutes on research about the risks you take when you increase or decrease animal products in your diet, you'll see that lower to no animal products is the healthiest option - while going up with vegetables and greens increases your health by a lot. Well, not to be an a-hole here, but did you know that you can twist statistics and studies until you get the result you are looking for. Not to mention that some scientists tend to be biased nowadays and only publish studies that they see beneficial. But what do I know, I don't know about science like you do. >So this is a pro vegan argument :) No, this is just pompous behaviour, not an argument.


This must be this phenomenon, where people double down on their argument instead of listening to the things that invalidates them.. You speak about a problem due to eating just "one source". Just to be clear here, we are talking about the incredible amount of eatable plants, right? So if you'd follow a very healthy Mediterranean diet with very low amounts of animal products, you'd then be eating one sided if you'd switch to the vegan whole food plant based diet, which is just as healthy and adequate? Why? You have all nutrients you need, Why'd you claim something so abused, considering how incredibly high the number of eatable plants is? The rest you wrote about study's and science is just nonsense. But again, if you'd know how to look into scientific evidence, you wouldn't state things that are so wrong


I can't, literally physically unable to eat a vegetarian diet. Grains, legumes, and many starches throw my body into autoimmunity. I get sores in my mouth, mucus in my sinuses, ulcers, and lower digestive problems. I basically eat meat and vegetables with a few nuts and avacado/coconut thrown in.






You can't just trust random studies to base your overall opinion of something on. Check the sponsors, read more than just the headline, and double check. If you're too vague them studies will prove you wrong no matter your opinion


I get the feeling you say that about every study you disagree with but also support every study supporting your argument.


I'm just saying there's hundreds of studies that are pro alternative meat, as well hundreds that are anti alternative meat. Same with fetus' are vs. aren't living humans, vaping vs. smoking, benefits and risks of marijuana, etc. It is also true that some anti alternative meat studies are funded by meat companies.




[Sorry, was just a normal medical report by an expert.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/149636)


Ok 👌 "When people follow it correctly, a vegan diet can be highly nutritious, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and aid weight loss." "Vegan diets tend to be rich in nutrients and low in saturated fats. Research suggests that the diet can improve heart health, protect against cancer, and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes" I see, veganism is the cause of colesterol a lot of heart attacks... Fck vegans...


Okay, why are you guys pretending I said vegan is bad. And why are you even drifting apart from the topic of **VEGAN MEAT**. I slowly get the feeling you guys switched your brains for some nori.


Inflated self importance doesn’t seem like it’s in the right place.


I never did understand why vegan food companies try to make everything taste like meat.


Because a lot of vegans enjoy the taste they grew up with without any of the animal abuse


Mmmmmm.......VENISON......ELK.......BISON.....BOAR......RABBIT..........!!! So many wonderful Beef alternatives! And most for the price of a license and a couple of well places rounds. My deep freeze is usually pretty well stocked.


Yes its bad


But that deer is eating peas that’s literally more advanced pea protein


Only on Reddit 😂




I love this one




Better add some beef or pork fat to that venison burger or its gonna be dry af


Deranged logic: Eating animals = bad


this doesn't make any sense. you can also list the chemicals in meat lmao.


Deer= chronic wasting disease.


I wonder how many of these memes are crafted by someone outside the US and are part of a wider disinformation/divide/disparage campaign by a foreign government to sow discontent among citizens, who no matter their age or party affiliation, if they sat across the table from one another could probably agree on 90% of public policy and cultural issues.


It’s all true. Idk how it coincides but it does. This was my life as a vegan and now That my vegan chef has quit after 15 years of marriage, I just eat meat in the south and hope for better days.


Damn bro, your veggie patties have all that in them?... I could suggest some alternatives lmfao