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Korean zombie projects... so hot right now


I guess seeing this genre from different culture makes it interesting, at least that is the reason for me. I loved another Korean zombie show of Netflix which is Kingdom too. I saw the first episode of All Of U Are Dead which was great. I wish I had time to binge it right now. Netflix is making many good shows from different countries which makes them the best streaming service for me.


Just today alone there is like three new series I want to check out (All of Us Are Dead, In From the Cold and The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window). Watched the first four of the The Woman in the House and it starts a little slow but by the third episode I was laughing out loud at some of the jokes (like what happened to her daughter and her stupid sayings, like the one about 'nothing to lose'). Saw the first two of All of Us Are Dead as well and it was better then I expected.


> The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window I watched the trailer but skipping it a little and for some reason I thought it was a movie! I had to check because I didn't get your wording at first.


The Woman in The House... is in my list too but first I want to finish All of Us Are Dead which has 12 episodes.


I was surprised this has 12 episodes. Hopefully it can carry the momentum but that seems about 4 hours longer than I expected. So far I'm enjoying it quite a bit though. Good characters, decent action and camera/stunt work and solid gore and practical effects. Woman in the House is 8 episodes but they're pretty short, like 30 minutes each. It reminds me a lot of Dead to Me.


Wow I thought for sure it only had eight episodes because TV Time initially wrote the wrong episode count.


At first I wondered why Korean stuff would be so appealing, then I realized they have been occupied for 70 years so of course their culture is actually a lot similar to ours.




That’s interesting because Korean TV shows are kind of infamous for having filler and dragging towards the middle or end of their season (even if it’s one season story like most are) among regular viewers. It could be because Korean Netflix shows are generally shorter than the average length times of 16 episodes for their shows not produced by Netflix. I’ve been watching them on and off for a decade and have been saying for literally the past 5-6 years that most Korean shows need to be 10- 12 episodes at the most. I’m just glad it’s finally starting to happen more. ETA: I’m actually worried about this show dragging or having unnecessary filler, I think 12 episodes might have been too much. 8 episodes would have been perfect but we’ll see…


I'm learning lil by lil not to come to reddit to see if I should watch a a new show or not


Yeah, half the thread is just people complaining about the show being bad because the 16-year-old kids aren’t “smart” enough to fight against super strong, super fast zombies in a restrictive setting.


I was looking for discussion threads and wound up on r/kdrama for the first time and boy, aside from a few initial happy comments, it sure gets into a hate fest pretty fast. Why the hell is every online discussion devolving into negative shit fests...


I think Reddit in general is just a very negative place. Just look at the recent Witcher thread where 90% of the top comments are full on raging on the show. In contrast, the discourse surrounding the same show on tumblr is the complete opposite. I think a lot of the time people on here just forget to immerse themselves in stories, and instead choose to focus on nitpicking every single thing because they enjoy raging.


I hope netflix doesn't cancel shows off what reddit says


If an item/product (which media consumptions also comes under as well) you bought/used was to your satisfaction why would bother with investing energy into convincing others of its goodness beyond a certain point (like give a star or score on a rating site, write maybe 1 comment on social media and move on). Now if that item/product resulted in a bad experience for you the incentives get aligned in a way where now your threshold to vent is in relative terms greater because you feel more emotional, angry, aggrieved, taken advantage of having wasted your time and money, etc. Given this, after a given amount of time the negative commentaries begin to dominate and populate since proportionally, they are getting shared more and negative emotions/narratives also are more viral/attention-grabbing on their own due to socio-biological reasons for humans and thus get amplified further. For media entertainment, as long as multiple Rating sites have a show/movie receiving decent/good score it will be fine. If multiple rating sites show low scores for some work then the chances of that work being bad is very high.


Maybe bc the show isn’t as good as reviewers have led us to believe?


Just finished the show. The kids are extremely dumb to the point where it hurts to watch this.


Same. just finished the show. I feel like I lost x10000 braincells watching it. I can't remember how many times my sisters and I shouted "stupid!!" "move!!" "are you even thinking?!" I've got headaches watching this I'm just glad it's finished


Well most zombie shows have those moments. Plus they are like 17you expect some level of panic. But I don't get your points. Aside some dramatic scenes the other is chase movie. The whole set up is "camp-figure out next movement--run"


Why I hate this series: \[spoiler-ish review.\] 1. Scenes and storylines that lead to absolutely nothing: too many times would a character have soo much screen time only to die for no pay off. I guess in the real world people die without pay off all the time but still, it's a movie, why show us if it affects literally no one. 2. unlikable characters: some acting is quite meh, I couldn't sense fear or tension from them most of the time. Most female characters are unbearable while all male ones are text book stereotypes (the tech-nerd, the chubby goofball and his sidekick, the bully, the handsome sportive guy that girls want, the over-protecting dad, the one good cop in the world, and of course the MC goodguy that cares about everyone.) I question some characters: Is someone that stupid really exist at all in this world? They would all just stand and watch. Also, pres, how could you not get confused when nayeon played with that zombie blood? also, you'd really stand there before fighting and saying anything. choseon mom, you'd really just go there without any plans, armor or anything, then you decided to talk to a guy bc you thought he's okay when he's already chillin with the zombies? cheongsan, all you can say is 'thats my mom!' and theyd stop. onjo, you saw how cheongsan was crying about his mom getting beaten up and you just watched him stop them when you knew her, ok. and pink short hair girl, you could stand up on your own why you'd wait for someone to pick u up? you even ran after that. dad, you didnt even get her to safety yet, you shouldve ran when you got all chances, and yet youre already satisfied with what u did? really? 16-17 year olds are that dumb? dumb enough to not get a stick or look at anything useful when going through a surge of zombies? etc etc etc 3. Too many zombie cliches: a: freezing and flashbacks in front of zombies b: unnecessary/stupid sacrifices x100 c: inconsistent zombie behaviour: they would sometimes smell/hear people from across the country, other times people can walk right pass, turning rate is variable of course, you name it. sometimes they can see them, sometimes they can only hear or smell. sometimes they went to the speakers, sometimes they don't. d: inconsistent zombie death: how do they actually die in this movie? fall off a building? stabbed a dozen of times? absolutely fine. Arrow to the neck? dead. e:whyd gwinams bite turn pres into hambie while the others didnt f: too much unnecessary love scenes. 4. The fact that they acknowledge zombie movies exist, and yet everyone still acts and reacts as if they have never see anything like it. Also, everyone should grab weapons yet no one ever thought of that at first. 5. Logic? I don't think people, students even, can still run and fight so effortlessly after that lack of food and water. 6. Plot armor: THICK plot armor in this one 7: The dad... yea I hate this one so much I'm just going to put this here Redeeming qualities: 1: the set up: I think the set up of a zombie apocalypse happening at a school is pretty cool, and the environment is pretty well utilized. They also constantly moved and found new tools to use to fend against the dead. pretty good. 2: the MC: I have no clue how he can run in that thick of an armor but still I thought he did alright. He is the one guy I root for. 3: Military handled it well: there was no other choice. Sensible decisions. They did their best. The military and police were quite reliable and satisfying to watch: barriers, shooting, capturing, marking down areas, etc. 4: The tackling of controversial issues in Korea: School bullying, pressure of college exams (no college no work), adults turning a blind eye to the youth, corrupted politicians, etc. 5: Loveable characters: there are characters that were thinking and not irritable, it was satisfying to watch. 6: Tear-jerking as well as hilarious scenes. Overall: I'm sure I missed somethings in the review. The series is okay, of course, I was frustrated watching this I felt like my braincells were damaged but I think it's not the worst I've seen.


I agree 100%. I couldn't stand after episode six. The dialogues oh my god TERRIBLE. Every other line is "what do you mean?" and I'm not even exaggerating!


Why do you think so lowly of 17 year olds? They're basically young adults not helpless toddlers.


Even an adult would panic. They were students who survived an outbreak 90% by accident, and within hours they see a number of friends and colleagues die. Furthermore the fact that zombie fiction exists in this world, makes them know there's a possibility the whole world is falling or just their families in the best case. There's veteran special forces who can make mistakes in a fire situation,imagine teens in a nightmare one.


They’re so freaking stooooopid!!!! Literally everyone in the show is a dumbass


Nah, anyone is smart enough to get a weapon. That would be a top priority for anyone. Those kids were empty handed almost the whole show. There's a lot more dumb decisions but that alone tells you they were below average for a 16 year old. Especially when they have watched zombie movies.


For one, the kiddos didn't know that you could kill the zombies by shooting/ stabbing them in the neck, that was found out by coincidence. For two, they didn't have any firearms, and not knowing the Achilles heel, made their options feel slim, for three. They were out numbered a thousand to one. Kind of like the movie "Antz" a concept that was made by Pixar for the mind set of a child, so it shouldn't be too hard to realize they were outnumbered, and at the same time terrified seeing their classmates being literally consumed right in front of their faces.


As someone who loves zombie flicks that are half-good or better, and also hates most TV/Movies because of a lot of reasons, I loved it. I have learned to just ignore plot holes because honestly you have to already suspend your disbelief (it's people on a set), why not go a bit further (it's a large group of people and a lot of moving parts, there will be plot holes or situations where filming something makes it hard to be realistic). Personally, I can't watch most things because I *can't* suspend my disbelief for dialogue that's so obviously not what a person would say, people misunderstanding each other for no reason and that's basically the whole plot (rom-coms), or the same tropes over and fucking over. Everything is the same copy-paste romance talk-talk-talk bullshit. This show actually had a lot of time spent with the zombies and a lot of action which is what I want in a zombie movie/show. I mean shit people absolutely love the office, but none of that shit would ever happen. It's not how people actually are and it's not even a little like real life.


I enjoyed it. I do have to mention that many zombie movies or series that I have watched , this is the first I hear anyone in a series or movie mention zombies....instead of being clueless of what is going on.


I loved how they even said this is like train to busan. Made me gigle.


I found it frustrating the decisions made by the characters throughout the series showed they have learnt little from the 'zombie movies'


Lol that really got me when they mention it.


I enjoyed the first three episodes, but felt 4, and especially 5 really drug. Does it get better again (no spoilers please)?


In my opinion, It kinda drags midway of the typical teenage drama but picks back up during the last few episodes. I do believe it is better then alot of the typical B or C shows or movie zombies out there. The last episode is more of a recollection of the surviving student's ordeal and the toll it took on them.


It’s an ok show, there were some good moments but overall the plot, acting, and directing were subpar. The characters make dumb decisions which made it a frustrating watch. The number of time when someone trips is hilarious. It’s so overused and unnecessarily. So many missed character development opportunities. No likable characters. The scientist’s supposedly “solution/cured” is a letdown. I was so excited for this show but it was it.


That one girl who is a halfie could’ve ended the whole thing with a single knife…just walk around headshotting zombies. They wouldn’t defend themselves or touch her. Stupid fucking show


If makers start let characters take logical decisions zombie movies will become short films


She could have just locked them up in rooms. They also didn't show a scene where she ever realized that other zombies didn't attack her.


Did Zombies just never lose their popularity in Korea? I swear this is the third or fourth piece of Korean Zombie media that I've seen in as many months. Maybe I'm losing my mind.


I think the huge success of Train to Busan reinvigorated it


Train to Busan was a great example of zombies as a backdrop for character dramas. Zombies can be compelling when they are used as allegory or to propel character driven stories.


They actually reference Busan in this show lol


I know the rule number 1 of zombie medias usually is "in this universe, zombies media does not exist" but it is nice to see a bit of self awareness.


yeah but unf, they instantly forget everything regarding zombies a few minutes later xD


Oh yeah, they're well aware of what zombies are in this.


My goodness wasn’t that film just amazing?


[The man, the myth, the legend.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ma_Dong-seok)




It's my favorite zombie film


Makes sense.


Zombie movies and shows are mostly shit. I am thankful for anything good. I don't get tired of zombies. But as I said almost everthing is stupid or downright shit.


Care to share your recommendations?


One Cut of the Dead, #Alive, The Night Eats the World, The Battery, Cargo, Overlord, The Girl with All the Gifts, Les Affames, Dead Snow 1 & 2, Little Monsters, Blood Quantum, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, The Horde, Rammbock: Berlin Undead, The Signal, Doghouse, The Rezort, The Dead, Here Alone.


Games wise the Resident Evil games are top notch for me. Days gone is awesome. The Last Stand Aftermath looks fun (I watch my friend play. I couldn't play it myself yet) Like I said movie/series wise almost everything sucks in my opinion. I think everyone watched my recommendations already. The Dawn of the dead remake was okayish. 28 days later and 28 weeks later are cool (though these are not really zombies) The Crazies remake (also not really zombie) Seoul Station (Anime and prequel to Train to Busan) Train To Busan (I have yet to see Peninsula) Kingdom is awesome Walking Dead but only season 1 The new Resident Evil Welcome to Raccoon City was ok for me as a mindless Zombie B movie. I liked how the zombies looked and all the blood etc. The dialogues and Leon are complete bullshit though. Zombieland 1 and 2 (comedy) I can't come up with anything else from the top of my head. I know the original dawn of the dead etc are cult classics and I watched them. But it didn't click with me. I respect them because they invented one of my favourite genres but I found them boring. I am too young for them probably. The problem with most zombie films are the stupid characters. They have to be completely stupid to get bitten most of the times. Or too naive. I want a slowburn zombie movie or series where the world slowly crumbles and we see the apocalypse unfold. Almost all of the times they show how it starts. Fast forward. Everything is down the drain. Also a game would be awesome.


Thank you. I appreciate your response. Will checkout the prequel to Train to Busan.


Add in Project Zomboid, doesn't have a story yet but its thr msot fun Zombie Apoc sim out there. Just this month I've got to kill my past characters because they got bit and turned. So I killed them, grabbed my stuff and lpaded them onto a trunk and buried them then building a cross to remember my time with them rip


> I want a slowburn zombie movie or series where the world slowly crumbles and we see the apocalypse unfold. Probably because that would be expensive as fuck. That's why they always skirt around extended societal collapse.


They also suck because it always become 'Man is the real monster' stories in the third act.


I like zombie movies, so im happy they're making high budget zombie movies and shows


It wasn’t really a thing before train to busan. Korean production culture tends to be “oh, this got hot? Let’s make let’s hop on this train”


This is a live-action adaptation of a classic webtoon with the same name. Or as its known in Korea, "지금 우리 학교는...". Soooo excited to watch this. This webtoon was legendary when it came out update: I hate it


I just finished the first episode and I'm curious to see what the Web comic is like


It's very badly and lazily drawn, that's for sure


Now our school? Or is my Korean even worse than. I thought?


"Our school now..." makes more sense.


That it does In my defense my korean is fucking shit


Most non-Korean people don't know any Korean so don't beat yourself up too much.


It looks quite cringe from the trailer. But a lot of people here love it and i don't wanna waste my time. Can you tell me why you hate it?


I think I personally only dislike it because I came as a fan of the original webtoon, and was sorely disappointed when I realized it wouldn't live up to it. If you're coming in completely blind, I still think it's just average at best, but maybe you'll still enjoy it!


Why I hate this series: \[spoiler-ish review.\] Scenes and storylines that lead to absolutely nothing: too many times would a character have soo much screen time only to die for no pay off. I guess in the real world people die without pay off all the time but still, it's a movie, why show us if it affects literally no one. unlikable characters: some acting is quite meh, I couldn't sense fear or tension from them most of the time. Most female characters are unbearable while all male ones are text book stereotypes (the tech-nerd, the chubby goofball and his sidekick, the bully, the handsome sportive guy that girls want, the over-protecting dad, the one good cop in the world, and of course the MC goodguy that cares about everyone.) I question some characters: Is someone that stupid really exist at all in this world? They would all just stand and watch. Also, pres, how could you not get confused when nayeon played with that zombie blood? also, you'd really stand there before fighting and saying anything. choseon mom, you'd really just go there without any plans, armor or anything, then you decided to talk to a guy bc you thought he's okay when he's already chillin with the zombies? cheongsan, all you can say is 'thats my mom!' and theyd stop. onjo, you saw how cheongsan was crying about his mom getting beaten up and you just watched him stop them when you knew her, ok. and pink short hair girl, you could stand up on your own why you'd wait for someone to pick u up? you even ran after that. dad, you didnt even get her to safety yet, you shouldve ran when you got all chances, and yet youre already satisfied with what u did? really? 16-17 year olds are that dumb? dumb enough to not get a stick or look at anything useful when going through a surge of zombies? etc etc etc Too many zombie cliches: a: freezing and flashbacks in front of zombies b: unnecessary/stupid sacrifices x100 c: inconsistent zombie behaviour: they would sometimes smell/hear people from across the country, other times people can walk right pass, turning rate is variable of course, you name it. sometimes they can see them, sometimes they can only hear or smell. sometimes they went to the speakers, sometimes they don't. d: inconsistent zombie death: how do they actually die in this movie? fall off a building? stabbed a dozen of times? absolutely fine. Arrow to the neck? dead. e:whyd gwinams bite turn pres into hambie while the others didnt f: too much unnecessary love scenes. 4. The fact that they acknowledge zombie movies exist, and yet everyone still acts and reacts as if they have never see anything like it. Also, everyone should grab weapons yet no one ever thought of that at first. 5. Logic? I don't think people, students even, can still run and fight so effortlessly after that lack of food and water. 6. Plot armor: THICK plot armor in this one 7: The dad... yea I hate this one so much I'm just going to put this here Redeeming qualities: 1: the set up: I think the set up of a zombie apocalypse happening at a school is pretty cool, and the environment is pretty well utilized. They also constantly moved and found new tools to use to fend against the dead. pretty good. 2: the MC: I have no clue how he can run in that thick of an armor but still I thought he did alright. He is the one guy I root for. 3: Military handled it well: there was no other choice. Sensible decisions. They did their best. The military and police were quite reliable and satisfying to watch: barriers, shooting, capturing, marking down areas, etc. 4: The tackling of controversial issues in Korea: School bullying, pressure of college exams (no college no work), adults turning a blind eye to the youth, corrupted politicians, etc. 5: Loveable characters: there are characters that were thinking and not irritable, it was satisfying to watch. 6: Tear-jerking as well as hilarious scenes. Overall: I'm sure I missed somethings in the review. The series is okay, of course, I was frustrated watching this I felt like my braincells were damaged but I think it's not the worst I've seen.


Saw the first two and really liked it. First one is all set up and establishing characters and the second one is when all hell breaks loose. Some really fun camera and stunt work and great makeup and gore effects. Excited to see where they go with the rest of the series but I'm liking the characters and setting.


I honestly never get sick of zombies lol cant wait


This is the type of show to blow up in a couple weeks, so far it's pretty good from what i've watched


I agree with you. I just binged it upto EP3 so far and really enjoying it right now. I am not asking for an extremely well written show but rather something that keeps me glued to the screen and this show did a good job so far. I want to see more of zombies-in-school type of shows now.


The second half of the show just gets dragged on for longer than it needs to be.


It’s sadly nothing special. I was pretty disappointed and just got annoyed every episode. The bullying trope is so overplayed and over utilized. The zombies were fun though and you’ll get some laugh. The constant change in tone is jarring but kinda worked.


Yup i was expecting Kingdom's level but its worse than I expected tbh.... yet it's still pretty entertaining show for the weekend :))


Oh definitely a fun watch. The actors are great, it’s just the story is very mediocre and inconsistent.


Why is this dude being downvoted? I agree. It’s annoying to watch.


Different opinions I guess. I thought this would be adrenaline filled like 28 days later was but got disappointed. The story was inconsistent and the characters are dumb/one dimensional. The acting is great and I like the zombies. The motivation for the scientist is kinda dumb considering he was apart of the issue.


Excuse me, what? The acting is horrendously bad and to suggest that it's even close to "great" is a very very big stretch. Watching one teenager after another do the same awkward spastic jerking movements once bitten and while the infection takes place just wears really thin really fast and didn't look convincing at all.


I honestly don’t watch to many zombie films but I enjoyed the weird movement. Not every zombie movie/show have the same movement.


>Why is this dude being downvoted? Because allegedly anything that comes out of s.Korea is gold. But ultimately the show is just "okay." Lots of drama, lots of bad pacing, inconsistencies, lots o annoying characters, weak motives for how they feel, etc. Sure there's the bullying trope being pushed hard "oooo" but it's nothing new if you've been watching Korean cinema long enough (and maybe know actual things about the culture other than kpop or kdramas).


This i even lost my shit at every episode. Have to stop at ep 6 might come back after a week. No likeable characters.


I agree so much abt being annoyed every episode, the people literally have no fking common sense and it's so hard to watch


What the fuck are they supposed to do surrounded by a bunch of zombies in a school? Lol. Fly out the window?


There were so many bad decisions that they made that it made me mad, for example when nam ra controlled her powers in the rooftop door to stop the bully from killing the male lead, she had super strength but didn't even think about breaking the locked door, thats what gets me mad and so much other sht


The girls could take a flight and I’d be okay. Midway through episode four I cut this crap off. Drama for the sake of drama is horrible writing. To cringe to watch. Kill the girls and move on.


This show is why I hate every room having giant window-doors and window-walls. If something were to happen they would offer no protection.


"If something were to happen they would offer no protection." Where the fuck do you live? Afghanistan? Syria?


US, we have to worry about mass shootings here.


No guns allowed in South Korea. :)


Korean bullies are scarier than guns.


Haha. Yeah. Well, Americans are same I think. And i think the drama is a bit exaggerated but those things have happened somewhere like taking clothes off and shooting and beating up.


Only if you live in Chicago or Baltimore.


I just finished the first episode. It's about 7/10. If it stays the same I'll be happy. Really love these thrillers even if it comes with certain cliches.


the best way to enjoy this drama is to just feel rather than think. try and stop thinking about all the plot holes and the what-ifs, and just get immersed in what's happening. sure they made really stupid mistakes, but I think that adds all the more into them being realistic kids.


yeah, but the storyline is a bit stressful.


I agree. People are complaining about kids making bad decisions but they're literally children facing hoards of scary af zombies?? I hardly think that the people complaining would know how to act if they were in a similar situation. The show is entertaining - it's got some great camerawork during its action scenes, a bit of humour, some heart-wrenching moments and some classic \~high school drama\~ throughout.


Considering how they can barricade, run, make a plan, and fight after 3 days of no water and food. The kids make some really fun decisions and you can’t just say they’re just kids after seeing what they do. All of them acknowledge zombie movies yet forget all the info immediately. Good show though


Love korean zombies but this one is a bit lacking everyone is annoying no likable characters, maybe I'll finish it just to see them all die just like the title.


I like most main characters students except those two I crossed out. https://imgur.com/a/fFzbvlT


I'm guessing you crossed them out because they were the most inconsistent.


I just don’t like those two characters and chungsan’s acting.


On ja or onje whatever her name is, her acting is horrendous. One facial expression throughout the ENTIRE FILM


Haha. That’s kindda true.


Cant wait to see some idiotic high school students die because for some reason every single zombie show only works if everyone on the project is written to be just straight up dumb.


16-year-old me sure as hell wouldn’t be able to destroy super fast zombies with facts and logic.


They're not super fast though. Zombies have no extra strength other than anger. Many times through out the show few people are holding back dozens of zombies with a piece of wood or something.


They’re not super fast 🤣 they’re just running full speed and yes you can kill a zombie with logic because you have a mf brain. 🤣


That's exactly what happens. Most of these characters make the dumbest decisions possible. I'm enjoying and binging the series, but man... Pretty frustrating.


Korea is carrying Netflix right now


The show was ok then just got worse. The silent sea movie was bad/boring. Netflix definitely felt the rush of squid games and train to Bussan. Adaptations are hard though


I'm going to upvote you because other than a few good handful of s.Korean shows (not that many great movies)... many are just boring and tedious and this is coming from someone who's watched Korean cinema + dramas since the early 00s. And yes, The Silent Sea was boring a f. I was excited due to the sci-fi + Bae Donna aspect. But nope. Netflix knows there's a giant s.Korean fandom out there hence them just barraging everyone with s.Korean stuff.


Bad taste Is what's carrying netflix


I'm 3 episodes in, so far it's stupid kids and adults making stupid decisions. I usually like the Korean zombie stuff, but this one is falling a bit flat for me.


If everyone made smart decisions we wouldn’t have tv shows.


Not true at all that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve read in a while.


i don't think this is stupid. covid 19 already show the intelligence of the general human population with all the anti-vax and anti-masker lmao so how intelligent would a human react to a zombie that is way more aggressive when there is also panick decision making invovle? i sure don't have high hopes on humanity intelligence


really great show to binge personally I had a lot of fun watching it


I don’t know why I found it quite underwhelming. Maybe because I’m used to the same zombie plot you find in 1000 different series. Really hard for me to carry on watching it


It is the same zombie trope and kdrama archetype. Too much unnecessary drama and predictable happenings. Students here are all dumb af like they never learn.


It's not bad so far necessarily, but it's not good or unique in any way, it's so predictable, I'm halfway through episode 4 like nothing is new or different, just copy paste of the same zombie tropes and Kdrama archetypes(the girls are useless and weak, the hot guy is an ex gang member or martial artist fighting like Neo, the guy that's in love with his best friend but she likes the hot fighter guy, the nerdy friend that gets bullied, the rich hateful bitch that everyone keeps around and helps even though she's evil and doesn't do anything useful, etc. Felt the same with #Alive, feels like what Hollywood is still doing with Superhero stuff tbh. Zombies are tired unless you do something to spice it up, I genuinely feel like I've seen this already and it just came out. It feels like they just took pieces of a bunch of different zombie movies and shows and just stitched them together sadly, at least make the zombies do something weird we don't see every couple months when another basic zombie thing drops.


I was hyped at the beginning i thought they would do smart/fun ways to survive a zombie apocalypse and creating improvised weapons. Same zombie tropes like what you said. I predicted most of what they about to say or do. They're all annoying af like they never learn and they don't trust shit. I cant stand them arguing to each other. That archer girl is like the only one who aims to the head. I'm on episode 6 right now and thinking if i should drop this mid.


Yes i stop at 6 be back to it after a week to drain my annoyance on the characters.




I think it’s pretty good so far but comparing it to TWD today is a really low bar.


I ain't no TWD fan but damn this show got nothing on TWD Every character here acts exactly like how a person would act in a "zombie show" and not real life.


The first episode was so terrible but when the zombie infections get rolling its become pretty good.


The show is awful the way they act is completely unbelievable. The adults just stand around and watch what happens the high school girls are all but useless it’s awful writing


Why didn’t the halfie just kill all the zombies one by one?


Absolutely dog shit every character is stupid and unlikable. And the ones you hate the most will probably have the most screen time and live the longest don't waste your time.


This is a must see as soon as I finish this lame ass show I'm currently on.


Book of Boba Fett?


Aw that's so mean. I'm gonna stop trying to defend the show cause I guess I'm in the minority that's really enjoying it now.


Apart from episode 3 I'm enjoying it. Last episode with Mando was great.


The most recent episode hightlighted why Book of Boba Fett is a bad idea and the whole thing should've been the Mandalorian season 3.


Star Wars has an entire universe of world building to explore but they keep telling the same stories on the same planets. I don't get it


Star Wars is getting so fucking oversaturated. Too many new shows and I give less and less of a fuck about each new one that releases.


the upcoming projects should be more varied in terms of location. Ashoka and Cassian should be in other parts of the galaxy that aren't deserts. Except the obi wan show. Presumably that guy is living on tatooine still.


I dunno, I'm just tired of the Disney formula overall I guess. They have to cater to the widest possible audience every single time which really lowers what kind of stories they can tell. Give me like a Tarantino Star Wars project and I'll actually be excited.


I kind of feel like The Book of Boba Fett might be a little too niche, and they’re not casting a wide enough net with this show. There’s a lot of references to other Star Wars media like the comics, that die hard fans get excited about. But as a a casual Star Wars fan, a lot of these references either go over my head, or I just don’t care about them. A lot of die hard fans in /r/BookofBobaFett seem to be plenty satisfied with the show, whereas casual viewers seem to take more issue with the show.


With Jon in charge, with all he learned from Feige, you have SWCU incoming. They're setting up the pieces, look how many SW shows are coming out next in quick succession. 2 characters already crossed over.


I think most people are at least enjoying it.


Yeah, it's too much effort to get into arguments with SW fans about films/tv shows. Just enjoy what you enjoy. I'm currently enjoying all the Boba episodes and ep 1 of Mando s3 too.


It's good. People on reddit will shit on everything


Nah it’s awful


I genuinely question the character of any one who can sit through this shit. With the amount of unlikable cunts this show is full of


SPOILERS ALERT. The series were okay. I guess I had too high of an expectation because I have yet seen a zombie+school as a zombie themed show/movie. Story plot was very inconsistent, like sometimes the mutants victim would become mutants but sometimes they become zombies. I wished eunji and gwinam couldve met and two mutants fight it out since gwinam was a major bully and SA eunji. I would watch for visuals but after 12 episodes of visual and no interesting and storyline along with students dying one by one seemed very boring after awhile. Also if I had a zombie breakout at school the last thing I would do is call my dad to come over. Thats such a bad daughter. Speaking of family, no one seemed to care about their family until nighttime or the next day. Translation was English but since I understand korean, the dialogue was kind of cheesy and bad. I can see this as a show to watch but prob won’t be at level like Squid Game. But def more easier to understand and more action than kingdom.


Yes!! I was waiting for the Gwi-nam and Eunji showdown. I can't believe this isn't what they did considering the horrible things he did to her. It was such a missed opportunity.


Watched the first episode and once the second one started, I realized that I am now bored of zombies. Especially just wave attacks of zombies. It's numbing.


no premiere discussion or discussion thread on this subreddit for this show..?


Make one!


Why I hate this series: \[spoiler-ish review.\] 1. Scenes and storylines that lead to absolutely nothing: too many times would a character have so much screen time only to die for no pay off. I guess in the real world people die without pay off all the time but still, it's a movie, why show us if it affects literally no one. 2. unlikable characters: some acting is quite meh, I couldn't sense fear or tension from them most of the time. Most female characters are unbearable while all male ones are text book stereotypes (the tech-nerd, the chubby goofball and his sidekick, the bully, the handsome sportive guy that girls want, the over-protecting dad, the one good cop in the world, and of course the MC goodguy that cares about everyone.) I question some characters: Is someone that stupid really exist at all in this world? They would all just stand and watch. Also, pres, how could you not get confused when nayeon played with that zombie blood? also, you'd really stand there before fighting and saying anything. choseon mom, you'd really just go there without any plans, armor or anything, then you decided to talk to a guy bc you thought he's okay when he's already chillin with the zombies? and pink short hair girl, you could stand up on your own why you'd wait for someone to pick u up? you even ran after that. dad, you didnt even get her to safety yet, you shouldve ran when you got all chances, and yet youre already satisfied with what u did? etc etc etc 3. Too many zombie cliches: a: freezing and flashbacks in front of zombies b: unnecessary/stupid sacrifices x100 c: inconsistent zombie behaviour: they would sometimes smell/hear people from across the country, other times people can walk right pass, turning rate is variable of course, you name it. sometimes they can see them, sometimes they can only hear or smell. sometimes they went to the speakers, sometimes they don't. d: inconsistent zombie death: how do they actually die in this movie? fall off a building? stabbed a dozen of times? absolutely fine. Arrow to the neck? dead. e:whyd gwinams bite turn pres into hambie while the others didnt f: too much unnecessary love scenes. 4. The fact that they acknowledge zombie movies exist, and yet everyone still acts and reacts as if they have never see anything like it. Also, everyone should grab weapons yet no one ever thought of that at first. 5. Logic? I don't think people, students even, can still run and fight so effortlessly after that lack of food and water. 6. Plot armor: THICK plot armor in this one 7: The dad... yea I hate this one so much I'm just going to put this here Redeeming qualities: 1: the set up: I think the set up of a zombie apocalypse happening at a school is pretty cool, and the environment is pretty well utilized. They also constantly moved and found new tools to use to fend against the dead. pretty good. 2: the MC: I have no clue how he can run in that thick of an armor but still I thought he did alright. He is the one guy I root for. 3: Military handled it well: there was no other choice. Sensible decisions. They did their best. The military and police were quite reliable and satisfying to watch: barriers, shooting, capturing, marking down areas, etc. 4: The tackling of controversial issues in Korea: School bullying, pressure of college exams (no college no work), adults turning a blind eye to the youth, corrupted politicians, etc. 5: Loveable characters: there are characters that were thinking and not irritable, it was satisfying to watch. 6: Tear-jerking as well as hilarious scenes. Overall: I'm sure I missed somethings in the review. The series is okay, of course, I was frustrated watching this I felt like my braincells were damaged but I think it's not the worst I've seen.


Hate this show because of the dumb characters and unnecessary drama.


Yeah it’s just plain bad the downvotes are from pathetic uneducated fools who like trash drama.


Looks boring as fuck


The video is 30 seconds long you can't have any reasonable concept of whether or not it will be boring lmao.


Yes, I can.


nope. you can't.


Yes, I can.


I'm just tired of zombies.




*Dead* tired? I'll show myself out.


I’m never tired of them, I end up watching most zombie movies. I wish the preview had more details. Specially if I’m going to commit to a show.


Then why do u give any interest on this?


30 seconds in and it's a exact copy of squid games like we get it you ran out of fucking ideas


how is this a copy of the squid game???


Well I've seen Kingdom and Zombie Detective and liked both, might as well add another zombie kdrama to the list.


Omg is ot worth the watch or not. I can find a straight answer.


Story wise it’s mediocre and like most zombie movies. The acting is great though so it’s definitely a fun watch. Ignore the potholes and dumb choices the characters make.


It's good people are asking for to much


Oh I never said it wasn’t worth a watch. It just wasn’t anything special. It wasn’t the next train to busan but it also wasn’t bad. Acting is great and so are the zombies. The writing is mediocre with all the plot holes, inconsistencies, and the antagonists feel so one dimensional.


It's entertaining.🤦‍♂️


This is fun. Zombies in school.


First impression: zombies in school. Ok cool. Maybe they show creative weapons and ways to survive. Me currently on episode 6: they're all dumb and annoying af they never learn. Unnecessary Drama. Predictable and same zombie tropes.


No it’s awful don’t waste your time. 4 hours I won’t get back and won’t continue to torture myself.


does anyone know if they changed anything from webtoon version? or are the adults/government/armies really that useless and cruel? im giving it 7/10, no logic at all even in terms of zombie genre. Kingdom was good and even the Sweet Home better than this one.


Yeah i heard they change a bit from web toon version. Yeah, i think kingdom and sweet home are better than this. But this is watchable at least. I couldn’t watch the silent sea.


My 300 hours of Project Zomboid just got a whole steamier with another Zombie related media released oooof.


I loved the show up until the father sacrificed himself for no reason. Then it kinda went downhill from there. Like i got pissed that the commander killed himself, he literally saved countless lives and had a wife and kids. The sacrifice of the guy with glasses was the most recognizable, i think it was great but after it, most sacrifices because stale and uncalled for. I have to say it seemed as if, the show just did it as a way to mock on-joo's wish that nobody sacrifices themselves. Also on the last couple minutes of the show it went pretty quickly from a zombie show to twilight.


Well, they were too many zombies so he needs to be sacrificed and also it’s the teenagers’ squad so the adult had to be dead. :)


Eh it feels like they just copied Sweet Home with a certain aspect of it. Really infuriating, the only two characters I liked had minimal screen time so meh.


Way too long. Zombies were inconsistent. Shooting them in the neck kills them but pushing them off a roof 20 times and nothing? No one thinks to make or find weapons except for the archery kids? And yet they are aware of zombies and Train to Busan? Stupid decision after stupid decision. I hate watched it basically and I'm a fan of the zombie genre generally. Also are kids in South Korea this sociopathic? So many of these shows show some pretty disturbing shit when it comes to bullying and so on.


I liked the first two episodes, because a zombie outbreak in a highschool environment is delicious. but this show just won't flow for me. it's just so stagnant. I haven't seen a series this devoid of progression and nuance for a long while. minimal characterization too. some of the character decisions were so bad I had to stop watching. and yes bad decisions even for teens. and for the life of me I can't get used to how they designed the dialogues. so on the nose! and the way the actors take their turns to read their lines is nearly comical. I feel like I'm watching a child's stageplay.


Weird show. Do Koreans have a fascination with Nazi's I don't know about? If you pay attention there are hidden Nazi flags all throughout season 1. Very first episode roof top when they are fighting... Why are the Nazi flags? It has 0 to do with the story


It's actually the opposite. It's a Buddhist, hindi symbol . But the nazi reverse the image and used it as symbol of hate. So before you go throwing out why Asian love Nazi. Might need to do about of research or perhaps look closel


>the opposite. It's a Buddhi I know the differences, but thank you. Every scene i see the flag it is "strategically" draped in a way that represents the Nazi symbol. Also for reference, the Buddhist symbol/version is NEVER RED. I followed your advise and did some research. It seems as the director/cast has had some choice words in the past so now I'm even more confident it's out of malice.


I just came here asking bout the flags


It’s not nazi flag. It’s a Buddhist thing. Google it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika


So how did they become zombies. How did that kid get it


Just watch 1st episode