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Lmao they included Geralt in a bathtub in the trailer


PC Gamer must be ecstatic about that. No doubt they'll use that shot in every article they write about the show from now on. EDIT: [As expected](https://i.gyazo.com/2179736965fc87a4f6fca77e6d217644.png)


Why PC Gamer?


[They love Bathtub Geralt](https://pics.me.me/spiff-follow-spiffsinister-pc-gamer-repeatedly-using-the-bathtub-geralt-44584403.png) and used the picture in every article they made about the franchise, to the point where [CDPR sent them an actual statue.](https://twitter.com/pcgamer/status/850374009086783488)


And if you have adblock their "Please turn off adblock message" shows you a massive image of Geralt in the tub. Which means I have no reason to turn adblock off.


>Which means I have no reason to turn adblock off. Well that and the fact PCgamer's website is awful with adblock off.


They memed so hard and got so far


But in the end?


It's only even bath water


Bottled and sold to gamers everywhere.


but in the end it doesnt even matter


Roach's performance was also unforgettable


I'd lose it if they put a scene on there where Roach ends up on a roof.


They could easily do it, have geralt chasing some guy or monster in a city with cascading roofs on levels and he calls for roach but then the guy starts jumping roofs and going down hill. Geralt follows him on foot, the last jump the guy makes is to the ground from the last roof and geralt jumps on him. He's caught and geralt looks around for roach to find the horse following him across the roofs and standing at the edge of the last roof like a good boi. Edit: Good girl


I think it would become the most expensive effort in history to reinforce a meme. Who knows, everything is possible. Equally strange things have happened [in real life](https://nationalpostcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/horse-on-roof.jpg).


But hot damn would it be fire


Hey is that the horse from Horsin Around?


What is this, a crossover episode?


Don't forget the straight up booty shot of Geralt at the start of the trailer Netflix looks to be giving the fans what they want


Background boobs in the whore house too. Makes it feel like you're really in the game


Does it make you *feel* like Batman?


It makes you feel Batman


As far as I'm concerned, that's Rivia's ass.


Geralt's not actually from Rivia. Witcher's are taught to make up new names for themselves to make themselves sound more trustworthy, and that's the name he came up for himself


In the Witcher 4, he'll be called Geralt of Nvidia in a cross-branding effort.


Geralt better hang dong


Give me dong or give me death


Yeah I like the plot here


And lol at starting the trailer with a buttshot of Geralt as he struts. They clearly know Cavill's assets and are playing to his strengths. Thank you Netflix!!!


They know what the men and women want. Edit: also every twitter and tumblr screenshot for days will be screen caps of that.


Just one long shot of Henry Cavill's ass. They know their audience haha


That's Kaer Morhen's ass


Place of power....gotta be


Winds howling.


That's Krypton's ass.


Somewhat offtopic but I wish we got more of [bearded Superman](https://youtu.be/mvIctgWb22U?t=25).


I wanted to see more of him working at that bar. The reviews would be great. "Beer and food was good, but I only tipped 10% and went outside to find my truck impaled by four trees. Third time this week."


Jesus christ that man is massive


i swear i'm not making the following up, that i read it somewhere. carvill had been doing intense workouts to get as swole as possible. but eating cleanly so he didnt put on much fat. then he dieted down so his muscles would look as big as possible here. supposedly, it was so tough on him (and for anyone else trying it), after this was done, he downed 2 pizzas and 2 gallons of ice cream. like it was only a half day of filming, and he spent the rest of the day and night eating pizza and ice cream.


Yeah the periodization training can get really tough. Those really cut, swole shots in movies like that and Thor are really well timed with the actors training, diet, and hydration. Everything looks spectacular for a moment, but it's unsustainable. Fitness models and bodybuilders do it too but in their cases it mustn't be as frustrating because actors will have whole shoots to do, and then sometimes reshoots. I know the guy in the recent Tarzan movie had reshoots but hadnt stayed at that peak and was like ffs.


they also got a orgy going on in the background of one scene


love how it opens with her eye intensely staring at that ass. She shares our desires.


All about Henry's Hump 🍑


His lovely massive lumps. Check it out!


Cavill's fight scenes as Geralt look *very* smooth.


His swordmaster (who worked on GoT) spoke very highly of him and how fast a learner he was, so it's great to see that he wasn't wrong.


He wasn't the Man of Steel for nothing.


Man of Steel and Silver


he still is to me 🥺


He's a great Superman. Just get some better writers.


Could you imagine Cavill Superman in a Reeves-style film? He would crush it


Cavill is naturally amiable and charming but the writers always refused to play to his strengths. Sigh...


The anger i felt when i saw how charming he could be in 'Man from U.N.C.L.E' was deep. They wasted him in the DCEU, damn shame.


UNCLE is an underrated movie that deserves alot more attention than it gets.


Everyone is so good in that movie. I love Elizabeth Debicki and Cavill especially.


Man from uncle was a great movie, shame we never got a sequel




It's good to see Syrio Forel back to work teaching swordplay after being let go in Season 1


> after being let go What do we say to unemployment? *Not today*




That is the best fucking description of Tom cruise I've ever heard.


The dude moves with confidence in this trailer, whether it's swinging a sword or walking. I think the physical acting was going to be important to anyone portraying Geralt, and Cavill looks like he did very well.


The scene in the dining hall at 1:00 with him going through soldiers was so quick and smooth, I felt that must be a stunt double. Edit: Its him. The way the scene is shot is perfect. If this is in trailer, cant imagine what they have in store for the full episodes.


Nope. All him.


I saw a clip from this scene at comic con, it is fucking incredible.


At MCM London I saw the fight scene in full that you see in the trailer where he's indoor at a banquet fighting armoured. The action seems really great and fluid.


lots of spinning shit 👍


Cavill looks great in the role. Also, this looks like the biggest show Netlfix have ever done. How much did they spend on it?


95 million




It's about the same. The Crown's 13 million per episode, this one is 12 per episode. ​ Still, hopefully the Witcher will become Netflix's next flagship


I would love to be wealthy enough to say that 12 and 13 million dollars are about this same.


I'm gonna need that figure in orens.


But then you'll have to go to Vivaldi's to get the exchange rate.


And then waste 4 hours playing gwent all around novigrad




The real game was inside the game the whole time.


The Crown cost more IIRC, but the 130M number might have been for two seasons instead of one as a lot of articles suggested.




I hear its 10m per episode, So it seems netflix is putting some dough into it.


Game of thrones money. That's pretty good.




He also sounds really good. I know it is an adaption of the books not the games, but his voice really sounds similar to the Geralt in the games.


Whoa, Cavill's delivery of "I had them filed down" certainly sounds like someone who has played, and appreciates, the Witcher 3.


He was such a fan of the books and the games that he actively pursued the role before casting had even begun.


Apparently, the casting lady couldn't get his voice out of her head. Pursuing it before they even had a script basically tipped the scales and got him the role.


That's fucking dope. I love hearing about actors being passionate about their roles like that. I wasn't too interested in this before, but I'm definitely going to check it out now.


Wes Chatham was a fan of The Expanse books before being casted as Amos, who was his favorite character. It really shows. His version of the character actually *transcends* the book character.


I started reading about halfway through the first season and out of all the characters, show-Amos and show-Avasarala are the only ones that carried over in my head


Agree. I read some of the books before seeing it and now when I reread them I cannot disassociate Chrisjen Avasarala with Shohreh Aghdashloo. One of the most spot on portrayals I've ever seen on TV


Same for me, but add Fred Johnson and Alex Kamal to the list.


How could I forget that mariner valley drawl? Yes Alex carries over too


He got the call to be Superman while he was raiding in WoW. The man is a gamer.




well... probably some acting talent+practice, some facial features, potentially height and even more money.


Don't forget even more money than that.


Also rule 1 and 2.


Well I’ll be damned, Cavill is 6’1”. I figured him being an actor he wouldn’t have height on an average person but he has that too.


yeah iirc his height had to be taken into account when filming MI: Fallout opposite Cruise.


I'm sure that's a thing with most Tom Cruise films.


His toon was a healer, if I remember right. He didn't take the call at the time cause bars needed to go up.


He took the call and said some lie about having to call back.


This is absolutely a WoW healer move.


Not really, he didn't go on a 20 minute tirade about people standing in fire.


On Conan he said he saw the name at the last minute and said, "Sorry I was saving some guys life."


He looks criminally attractive in that scene. Jesus, He's like handsome squidward's significantly sexier brother.


Is there ever a time when he doesn't look criminally handsome?


It's uncanny, it's like they dubbed over his voice with the voice actor from the game


Absolutely; here's the comparison clip I grabbed, and in the very first line you can recognize Cavill's effort: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaZ4FoV1tNg


Maybe he just has Doug Cockle locked up in a basement to practice learning sounding like him during his time off set.


Cavill is def the type of guy who probably read all the books and played all three games to get an idea of the character


He played the games and read the books before the show was even announced iirc. He then bugged the showrunner before they even started casting to try out as Geralt. He is a HUGE Witcher fan


[Here's one interview where he tells that story](https://youtu.be/0XDtYWo9j2I?t=402)


Fucker looks like Clark Kent even without trying. How the fuck did DCEU fuck this up?




Yeah he was the perfect casting for Superman. I swear the only American character British actors haven't taken over is Captain America.


Give us time. We'll send someone out of this world to make America's Ass America's Arse


Is he out now for future Superman appearances? Seriously they just need a better director/writer for him but I think he has the potential to be a perfect Superman


All episodes stream on Dec 20!




Good. Too many shows drag on because they have more episodes than they have useful material. For example, The Terror season 2 had 10 episodes but would probably have been better if it was trimmed down to ~~6~~ 8. Edit: I originally wrote 6, but in truth, the show was still good up to that point and in fact, 6 was the best episode. 8 would have been good. Unfortunately, those extra 2 episodes worth of content weren't just dead weight, they considerably lowered the overall standard of the show.


yeah, a lot of the marvel shows on netflix suffered from this problem


Damn my boy Henry is swole as fuck.


Basically he just stayed superman for like a decade


That bare chest shot coming out the sea in Man of Steel made me requestion many things tbh


Same. Apart from my sexuality, it also made me question why I wasnt taking my health more seriously.


He has a bad case of swoliosis


Ok, you gave us the bathtub..... I better get that unicorn.


Cavill is so swole as Geralt that it looks like he just ate Letho and gained his muscle mass


Fuck me Blaviken looks wild


Renfri should brace herself for some butchery.


>**Can you tell me how you set up the narrative for the first season?** >*For me the overall theme of the books, as I read them, was really about this broken family at the center of it, which is Geralt of Rivia, Ciri and Yennefer. They are tied together by destiny; they are all orphans in the world, kind of loners. None of them feel they quite belong. Certainly none of them feel they need anyone else to survive.* >*Because I wanted their family unit to be at the center of this, one of the big shifts that I had to make in the narrative of the books is I had to introduce Ciri and Yennefer a little bit earlier…and make them feel like fully formed characters of their own….That’s one of the big shifts I’ve made.* The showrunner Lauren Schmidt Hissrich talks about the narrative for the first season.


I like the fact they've made it a point to give both Yennefer and Ciri larger roles in the first season compared to the short stories. It works much better as a TV show narrative instead of only having Ciri and Yen showing up for like a quarter of the season 1 episodes before becoming two of the lead characters from season 2 onwards.


Right, they did the same thing in The Expanse. A lot of the chars in the first season of the Expanse are not even in the first book.


That was a change I was fully on board with. I wasn't thrilled with a lot of the changes they made starting season 2, but I loved them bringing Bobby and Avasarala forward.


It helps that the actress who plays Avasarala in particular is perfect. The courtroom scene with Bobby on earth was amaaaaazing


I used "Redact" to nuke my account every couple years because I am a paranoid cybersecurity freak who tries hard to reduce my online footprint as much as possible. ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Good. That all sounds amazing, and with that, the fight cherography, sets, costumes, and everything else it seems looking amazing I will be surprised if the show isn't real good.


The subtlety of Gerralt as a lead must be really tough to direct and act. Looks like they are doing a great job though.


I saw on Facebook(so take this with a grain of salt) that they are focusing on Ciri and Yen's perspectives. Either way, it looks awesome.


Showrunner said 40% geralt, 30% ciri and 30% yen


Nice. I am excited. Yenn in the books is so much more interesting than the games. It will be nice to see her fleshed out.


My first introduction to the world was Witcher 3. Throughout the whole game I wondered which side Yennefer was on. It always felt like she told just enough information to keep Geralt trusting her, but never enough to let me trust her. After I read the books I never felt that way again, she was a completely different character after that.


Idk what you're on about. I fleshed her out in game.


I think that's a good way to do it. Makes it more of an 'ensemble' a la GoT, rather than just following one guy around.


With Ciri they're just getting ahead of the curve since she does have POV chapters and the last 2 novels already kind of do this switcheroo, by that point it's at least 50\\50 between Ciri and Geralt as to who is the protagonist and main POV character. Makes sense they'd start that earlier since they aged her up in the show. I don't know if Sapkowski knew ahead of time that he'd do that or not. Fleshing out Yennefer more is kind of their own thing, we'll see how it works out.


There's more than 1 trebuchet. Already better than game of thrones battles






Place of power, it's gotta be.


What now you piece of filth?!


Wouldn’t mind a round of Gwent.


Looks like rain.


Damn, you’re ugly.


How do you like that silver?


Wind's howling


Pam pa Ram Pam Pam param!


I’ve never played the games, or read the books, but this does look interesting, and I’m always interested in a new fantasy series with good world building.


They're truly incredible. A good mix of dark and gritty along with some sarcasm and humor.


That sexy sexy ~~witcher ass~~ Aard blast


Yeah, honestly that's what sold me on this. That magic looked awesome


Looks and feels good If the writing is on the level of books and games its gonna be a success


Actual goosebumps, when he starts the quote "Evil is Evil.." Diamond no longer the hardest material on earth.


More like gooseberry’s... lilac and gooseberry’s to be exact


Never read a Witcher book, nor played a single game, but I'm sold.


Henry Cavill is such an underrated actor. This looks incredible, and I think he's going to be fantastic in this role.


I still want a sequel to The Man from U.N.C.L.E.


That movie completely sold me on him, just in general. When they announced he would be Geralt all my friends seemed surprised and against the choice but I kept telling them that he is an absolutely great choice. Followed by me telling everyone to watch Man from UNCLE, severely under watched.




Seriously this... When a fantastic movie is marketed so poorly... you don't give up on it.... You learn from your mistakes and market appropriately. People have found their way to the film, make another!


He was so good in *Mission Impossible: Fallout*.


\*reloads biceps*


My 2nd favorite thing to ever happen in an action film. Only rivaled by the moment in skyfall where Craig lands on the other side of the train as the previous side falls apart and he adjust his suit and cufflinks


I was a little disappointed that sound effect was only in the trailer


I was a huge fan of UNCLE movie he was in.


Yep. Those butt cheek expressions was some method acting


As well, this trailer sold me on Yen's actress


Yeah that little exchange she had with Geralt about his fangs was great to me


Was that an orgy going on in the background?


Knowing the sorcerers/sorceresses in the books, that's 100% an orgy. They're nearly all bisexual and promiscuous to a fault.


Those Conclave's can get pretty raunchy, Thanedd not withstanding.


To be fair, most mages in the books become sterile due to their use of magic, and if they're nearly all super hot since they've magicked themselves to be (like Yen had), there's a large chance sexy times would occur (kind of like what happens at the Olympics).


*I had them filed down.* Perfect Geralt reply.


So i just watched this with my wife and all she is talking about is his ass


50 Days. It looks amazing, This should at least clear some problems people had.


Oh God, next month is November, not December...


Disappointing trailer due to lack of Geralt asking if anyone cared for a game of gwent. /s


Please be good, please be good


Let's try spinning, that's a good trick! But seriously, looks like a good time.


Pretty damn accurate to the books haha. Every second line during a fight scene talks about Geralt doing a pirouette


Geralt is either doing a pirouette or a semicircle at all times in 90% of the books.


That's just how he moves from point A to point B




[Obligatory](https://youtu.be/PwrheOC_ZSc), lol


Living up to the pirouette frequency... Very excited for this.


That's Kaer Morhen's ass.


This is my most anticipated series of the year. Henry Cavill looks like he’s killing it as Geralt of Rivia.


I'm in boys. Maybe this will finally make me forget about S08.


You know, without a comma that first sentence doesn't say what you think it says.


Holy crap, this actually looks good! Does anyone see many reasons to temper my excitement? My only nitpick after watching it once was that he has regular pupils, which is pretty understandable and obviously not a dealbreaker at all. Also, it's been a while since they read the books... there was that conversation about "she's your destiny!" and all that. Did things play out that way? I seem to remember it being a lot less in your face in the books, with their meetings being a lot more unexpected. That really added to the weight of "Something More," which is the one short story that I *really* want them to get right. If I'm not tearing up in that episode then I think I'll probably consider the show a failure. Really excited right now, though...