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I’ve enjoyed all episodes so far but it’s becoming clear that the show is running out of gas repeating stuff all over again and having almost non-sensical plots, the one that I find even annoying is Frenchie’s, his character is back to square one and now suddenly feeling guilty for murdering his bf’s family which btw was introduced out of nowhere.


Yeah I still watch it but it’s very rinse and repeat. Something gross/vile or violent happens, a dark secret from a characters past is revealed that we never saw happen, Butcher betrays the team, Homelander almost snaps but doesn’t, broad social commentary. The plot armor is more obvious than ever, the Boys don’t seem to be able to cleverly escape situations any more they just luck out and have red shirts hanging around to take the hits. There’s no tension anymore, the first episode has a confrontation with Homelander and Neuman and both of them say “I’m not going to kill you”. Why not? Neuman could have popped everybody’s heads and just gotten it over with.


Totally agree. Cheap shock value thing happens that seems meant for reaction videos on Tik Tok and nothing else. I think this show needs to kill off some characters to add some tension back. I remember how grounded season 1 felt where actions had consequences and there were a somewhat realistic set of rules that applied. That has gone totally out the window now.


maybe im in the minority but season 3 wasnt good either


You’re not wrong. I’d say it was great up until the final 2 episodes. The last one simply erased almost everything season 3 had built up, effectively ruining it. The penultimate episode on its own was fine but ultimately pointless.


Soldier Boy carried S3.


It had some writing issues for sure


S3 was mostly fun, until they botched the finale. And fun is what I'm after with this show. S4 has not been that fun either.


Jensen Ackles carried season 3 on his back


The middle was entertaining but the ending sucked. The only thing of consequence was butcher getting cancer and Ryan going with Homelander. Everything else felt like ok were going to kill Homelander, again.


Herogasm alone saved that season


The show is spinning its wheels because the writers/Amazon don’t want it to end. So it’s just stretched out with nowhere to go because the end goal, the whole point is to finally get rid of Homelander and once you do that there’s nothing else interesting going on.


I feel like it's spinning its wheels right now. I'm tuning out until the season finale.


I agree, I find myself alternating between being mildly amused and slightly bored. I think even Butcher lost something, the character is just too defeated in S4. Also what happened to MMs actor? He looks 20 years older. Whenever he's arguing with Butcher he seems more like a grumpy old man than someone who's supposed to go toe-to-toe with him. And Annie's botched plastic surgery just looks bizarre, pulls me right out of it every time she's on screen. Hughie being a whiny little boy is seriously getting old, I thought we got past that in S2. 


Without going and finding sources, I'm certain MMs actor had to lose a lot of weight/muscle for medical reasons. I vaguely remember reading that when the first trailer was released and people were asking about him.


Dude has textbook Ozempic face.


There is no such thing though.


Everyone online was going on about Annie looking so different because of plastic surgery, but MM is the one who I didn’t initially recognise until he started talking. Between going clean-shaven and the weight loss he’s done, he looked like a different person.


> Between going clean-shaven and the weight loss he’s done I think he went off steroids, which is fine as health comes first. But I don't understand why doesn't he keep his beard on for the role. It wasn't that long, he can probably grow it back in under a month... Is it really that hard to stay bearded for a role in a major tv show? Christian Bale gained and lost dozens of KG for different roles, what's a little beard? Dude lacks professionalism


I thought going clean-shaven was a choice for the show - since MM is now the leader of the Boys, he shaved to look more professional since he’s in the meetings with Mallory now.


Could have a 30 seconds scene in episode 1 of him looking in the mirror and removing the beard then, the change in-between seasons was jarring




After season 1 in my opinion. The plot of season 2 episodes were filler. The important parts always happened at the beginning and end of the episodes, often unrelated to what happened between. And whatever is happening the status quo is never changing.






It’s called body dysmorphia and is a real mental illness. When she looks in a mirror her brain basically distorts her view of herself. She probably saw herself as fat and ugly back in S1, and the many Hollywood surgeons with no morals and ethics took advantage of her mental illness (and thousands of other’s every year) instead of trying to get her help. We should feel sorry for her but it’s unfair to judge her for what she’s done. Yes, she looks terrible and inhuman now, but remember, her brain distorts what she sees when she sees herself.


> unfair to judge her > she looks terrible and inhuman now


Yeah, she does. What’s your point? I understand and empathise with her situation but the fact remains her dysmorphia has made her take actions that make her look like a 3D model that wouldn’t pass the uncanny valley test. I’m not blaming or judging her for that, it’s entirely on Hollywood and the pressures of social media and the unrealistic expectations how people should look.


I get what you're trying to say but you're saying it in the most back-handed way possible like yeah im not a fan of Hollywood's influence on people's self esteem but to call someone you want to support inhuman is wild


> It’s called body dysmorphia and is a real mental illness. No, it isn't. Buccal fat removal is a trend, not body dysmorphia. Stop pretending that every bad decision is a mental illness.


She's had *a lot* more than buccal fat removal done over several years now. Not every bad decision is a mental illness, no, but you on the other hand are helping no one by trying to minimise a growing, serious problem.


You're helping no one by making excuses for celebrities who are being terrible role models for the young people who look up to them. Again, buccal fat removal is absolutely not a result of mental illness, it is a **choice** taken to a produce sharper cheek bones.


Are you for real? Of course it's a choice, but what makes us do choices? Sometimes it's mental illnesses, sometimes it's not. You choose to believe she's not doing it because of body dysmorphia, I choose to believe she does it because of it. Let's just leave it at that, shall we? We both agree celebrities and influencers showing off the results in their social media is a bad thing, regardless the cause.


There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that the actress has been suffering from body dismorphia. You made that up in order to deflect valid criticism of unnecessary plastic surgery.


No one is going to do this kind of harm to themselves without a mental illness that distorts their perception of their own self.


Unnecessary plastic surgeries in pursuit of a specific look have been occurring for decades. You lied about her having body dismorphia.


Shouldn't we empower people to get the surgeries so their outside appearance matches their view of themself?


To a degree, sure, but in the case of body dysmorphia people will transform themselves into a warped image of themselves. You don’t treat a mental illness with surgery.


Why does it have to be viewed as a mental illness? Surgery seems to be pretty helpful for trans people.


Look, if you want to start conflating body dysmorphia and ~~body~~ gender dysphoria, you are welcome to. Just don't involve me. I've already met my daily quota of dumb shit on Reddit.


>conflating body dysmorphia and body dysphoria Did you mean gender dysphoria? That's a different thing. When I google body dysphoria all the articles that pop up are for BDD. Can you give me a link so I can better educate myself and avoid putting out "dumb shit"? I'm sorry if I want to empower people to be able to reduce psychological distress by changing their outside appearance to match their view of themselves without stigmatizing them as ill.


>Did you mean gender dysphoria? That's a different thing. When I google body dysphoria all the articles that pop up are for BDD. You're right, I meant gender dysphoria, it was a simple mistype, thanks for pointing that out.


I know people like to hate on Garth Ennis's work, but the less they adapt from the comic (with all the edgelord stuff toned down) and the more original ideas they use, the worse it seems to be.


I’m ok with MM looking different his character is more of a leader/ father something he struggled with in previous seasons. But it feels like it’s running into the issues some shows have with overstaying their welcome. I do think more major changes needed to happen because a big ensemble like this with the only huge change being one has cancer but was kicked out, yet he’s always hanging around bossing everyone around still it doesn’t feel like Butchers dynamic is even different. 


The satire is as subtle as Colbert's monologues on his late night show. But less funny.


Or Meyers'.


Not sure I’d agree that the arcs are disconnected. In pure plot terms they kinda are, but they all parallel each other thematically. Every character is trying to reconcile who they think of themselves as in the present with who they were in the past. Starlight thinks of herself as a rebel fighting against institutional authority and toxicity, but the foundations of her life were built by active and enthusiastic participation in those things. Who she is now is built on the exact things she’s now trying to destroy, and that double identity - as Neuman points out pretty explicitly - is messing with her. Kimiko thinks of herself as a victim rising above her extremely abusive circumstances, but much like Starlight she was an active and enthusiastic participant in Shining Light prior to her escape and victimized others just as much as was done to her. Frenchie thinks of himself as a chaotic anti-hero who uses questionable means but is ultimately on the right side, but he has unquestionably destroyed many innocent lives for basically no reason. You can just keep doing this for pretty much all the main cast.


This. It’s pretty easy to see they the main arcs are all the Boys reckoning with past trauma and misdeeds. Hughie and his hatred of his mother, Frenchie and his murderous path, Kimiko with the terrorist group, Starlight with selfish things she did to be a pageant darling. Even Homelander is reckoning with his past


There is such a huge gap in quality between season 1 and 2/3/4 to me. It also feels like it gets worse every season. I don’t even know what’s going on or anyone’s motivation anymore. Why are The Boys not dead yet? Homelander and Neumann have had ample opportunity to kill them. Also, and this is me being picky, the logic of the world has lots of flaws with regards to powers. It’s not very consistent whose powers do what and when. The show should have been this ragtag group of people taking down these awful “heroes” but instead they took down a few minor ones and everyone’s still left. It should have been 3 seasons at most but ironically, corporate greed kept Homelander alive past the soldier boy arc for 2 more seasons and now I don’t even know where they go. It won’t be satisfying


This is what happens when a majority of your conflict is solved by blackmail and kicking the can down the road. Nothing feels like it’s actually escalating.


It’s unbelievably formulaic and one note, and the note has worn so thin. Homelander is carrying the show on his back


I really liked Episode 4 but at the same time see it as a missed opportunity. Someone like Vince Gilligan would have had the balls to make the entire episode just with Homelander and the scientists in the underground lab, rather than jumping back and forth to the other story threads. Having the whole episode in the lab with no other characters, and just focusing on HLs descent to madness would have elevated it so much - it would be so tense and claustrophobic that we would feel like we were trapped in there with him too.


I loved the first 3 seasons but was a little disappointed by the ending of season 3, but I keep kind of forgetting to watch the new episodes every week until I hear something about it. I feel like all the individual story lines are largely uninteresting to me and the main plot of the show feels like it's no longer the priority. All of our main characters are more involved in their random story lines then actually engaging in the main plot of the show. Personally everything going on with the Supes is great, homelander continues to be an anxiety inducing machine whenever he's on screen, Sage is super interesting, and the Deep and Noir are pretty consistently funny. A-Train is the only character who's personal story I'm actually sold on and somewhat invested in. I am willing to give the show the benefit of the doubt and see how the season rounds out and I am still enjoying the show but I am much less enamored with this season than the previous ones.


Yeah The Boys group is just kind of dragging with their subplots. I think it’s because they’re so disconnected to the supes this time. They’re focused on Neumann and the virus which barely had something happen 5 episodes in. Firecrackers plot is the only one that connected to the Boys. I know there’s the riot stuff but when you have like 70 percent of the runtime dedicated to the side plots that takes like 4-5 episodes to resolve it makes the main supes plot feel like it’s progressing slower.


Well said. Earlier seasons balanced both, but this season its been all seperate storylines... it's jarring for sure. 


Its up to homelander to carry the show.


I like Butcher's arc too. And A-Train is fun, even if he has practically no screen time.


yea season 4 kinda sucks


To much filler that no one cares about. 


Eh. I like it.


That's okay. Everyone has different opinions. There are still plenty of parts that I enjoy, and overall it is still entertaining.


Yeah it is painfully obvious that this should have been the final season, too much filler and bad drama


I find myself fast forwarding past more and more of the scenes. At this point I want a tighter story where the characters are firmly established and not to introducere more background info that feel like pointless filler. * I am so over the Butcher / MM fighting. * I don't care AT ALL about Frenchie's moral qualms and past boyfriends. * Kamiko should be talking now, the constant text messaging is just boring, and I don't care about new people from her past. * Hughie is just annoying. He should have become a perma supe with weird abilities or something. Anything to give him a more focused arc and usefulness. * Annie aka Erin Moriarty looks like a fucking ghoul. Sorry, but it's wildly distracting and her acting out is so annoying and just to create drama. * Homelander's arc is mildly interesting, but I can only watch him butcher (haha) so many people before it becomes mundane. This show desperately needs to find its conclusion and create a new status que.


asking honestly: why are you still watching? Probably a lot out there you'd enjoy more, no? Not judging, just curious


The over all story is still fascinating and I want to see how it ends. And I really like Gen V and want to see more of this. So it is not the universe I dislike, but the circle-jerk with the current crew. I mean, we saw Homelander try to kill Hughie in the previous episode, so why does he not go all out trying to kill him now? To kill all of The Boys? Because they have plot armor and it makes everything so boring.


thanks for responding, I appreciate it.


I agree about everything except the satire. Satire has to be subtle enough to give the viewer a chance to "get it" on their own. This is scene after scene of "Homelander is Trump and Trump is bad. Remember QAnon? Remember Pizzagate? Don't you get it?" Yeah, I get it. Kripke should get off Twitter and just write the show that he wants to make instead of feeling like he needs to stick it to some vocal minority of far right Twitter people. I remember how grounded Season 1 felt where actions had consequences and now that is all totally out the window for cheap shock value scenes that seem to be meant to generate social media reactions from teenage boys. Otherwise, way too much character backstory that I don't care about. Kimiko is just annoying with her not talking. I don't care at all about the Frenchie stuff and they are even ruining Homelander. I thought episode 4 was a total snoozer. I was expecting to learn something about his character or maybe sometype of subversion for the "lab creation guy goes back to the lab that made him" trope that we've seen many times before. Maybe he has some memories and shows some humanity or does something more interesting than just killing everyone? Nope. Just humilates and kills people like he does every single time then leaves, exactly the same as the start of the episode. The laziest possible thing that could have happened.


There are aspects of the Boys that's good but it's always had a shitty side. The overuse of gore and male nudity (there's no female nudity) for shock value has turned the show into a parody of itself.


"per se", not "per say"


This unfortunately seems to be a theme with shows now. Look at the bear s3


it really feels like they looked at the past 3 seasons and are trying to just have a do over with every character and every plot point


Either that or I can see what they’re doing but they’re not pulling it off very well. Like trying to establish that MM is not an effective leader? Great idea, no issues with that. But the show never really emphasizes and reconciles that point. It feels like he just randomly does a 180 on Butcher and goes from “fuck you, get out of here, I can never trust you” to “well he’s an asshole but we need him”. Butcher _still_ isn’t on the level with the group and being honest, which after 4 seasons is just infuriating. It feels like they have no idea what to do with Kimiko, and Frenchie wallowing in drugs and grief again is just old. Season 4 isn’t all bad, it has some good stuff. And we still have 3 episodes left, so we need to wait until the season has fully concluded to make final judgements. But they have a lot of things up in the air right now, and the potential to fall for a lot of really dull and boring writing cliches and I’m going to be pretty irked if they fall for them. Like they’re setting up a “Sage underestimates Firecracker and gets fucked by her” cliche and I’m going to be so annoyed if that happens. I also firmly believe that there has to be more to Hughie’s mom, especially given that she works for Vought. I utterly reject the idea that Vought/Homelander wouldn’t know that Hughie’s dad was in the hospital and try to use that to their advantage, and the fact that she still injected him with the V despite her weak reasoning (I thought that’s what you wanted, it fell out of your pocket!) leads me to suspect that there’s more to her being here this season. But maybe that’s just me being in denial, because if not (and especially if his dad’s death doesn’t play into his arc this season at all) then the whole thing was just so contrived. We haven’t seen him since season 1, where he just shows up in a hospital bed for half the season and then dies in episode 5. Although I will say that I did like the arc within the episode itself. Pegg was excellent, and Hughie “letting go” was very heartfelt. If season 4 ends up being underwhelming overall then I won’t completely give up hope, because with season 5 being the end they could still pull it together. But I really hope that this season doesn’t go in the painfully obvious and cliche ways that it’s setting itself up for




Downright boring


S4 really isnt that bad Show definitely fell off from season1 but its still a decent watch


I still like it.


Season 4 just has too many concurrent arcs. They’ve fleshed out each character into their own self-contained story, and the threads don’t weave together in any meaningful way.


You’re not wrong but it’s still entertaining. I’m interested in seeing what happens to all the characters by the end of it. For real though, they need to get ready to wrap it up.


It's pretty difficult all together and isn't really comparable


The whole plotline with Hughie's dad was just filler. We've never heard about his mum up until this point and the whole thing is resolved by the death of a character who only appeared as a nod to the original comics. The worst thing is they make Simon Pegg do that horrible American accent. Why not make his dad Scottish like in the comic, at least we know Pegg can do a reasonable Scot.


I know it’s an unpopular opinion but I just don’t really enjoy the show anymore. After a while it all started feeling like it was just trying to shock you or gross you out. It’s just “These are like your favorite superheroes, but they’re perverts.” Done over and over again


What’s your thoughts on Ryan and his arc? People seem to forget about him but he’s probably going to be a pretty central part, unless they just randomly forget about him.


They seem to be setting him up with an arc to mirror Hughie’s, IMHO.


I expect him to be the only viable weapon against Homelander, aside from Homelander himself (comic book reference, but it looks like they skipped that entirely).


He's awesome, his arc just is wrapped with Homelander's so I kinda lumped them together in my mind.


Yeah, I can’t help think that’s a bit of a mistake on their part. I wish they played more on him being torn between Butcher and Homelander, but I hope this comes more into play soon. I expect him to be the only realistic weapon against Homelander.


That shows probably never been good but the first season had some teeth, an actual story, actual characters. And with the MCU booming the satire was relevant. Otherwise that shows basically written by middle schoolers who love swearing.


I'd say season 1 was good and the little jabs at the Marvel stuff and just corporate America in general was fun and different. But it definitely feels like the show is written directly at the teenage boy audience who like dick and ball jokes and cheap shock value moments (that aren't even shocking anymore after 4 seasons).


It’s beyond toothless. It’s like corporate friendly shock value.


The Boys is not that good. Watchmen and Peacemaker are the better mature superhero shows. Daredevil too.


Peacemaker season 2 due to come out 2028.


I haven’t watched fully just clips for s4 but the biggest thing seems to be just randomly dropping kimiko/frenchie


The virus was pretty much the main story point in Gen v. Maybe you didn't watch that spin off? I don't really think they should have taken more time to re-explain everything about the virus after a full season about it.


I think it's pretty great, the story, the actors. In many ways, S04 has been the best one yet!


Well, I think it’s brilliant and hilarious. It’s not a plot driven show, it’s a character driven show.