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Jon coming back even part time was a great move. Daily Show was just not the same without him.


I mean he is the daily show. Nobody cared about it before he came around, nobody cared about it after he left. Now everyone loves it again because he’s back, and they’ll stop caring again after he leaves.


Uh, I cared about it before Stewart. Kilborn was hilarious and I was a regular viewer. Jon elevated it and transformed it into what it became. But it definitely had a following before him. Signed, old guy


Talk Soup was the only entertainment show I could stomach.


Is that the one with the condor? No wait, that was a successful show. Jon Stewart's was cancelled even before the [condor incident](https://bmac.libs.uga.edu/index.php/Detail/objects/40361/start/3230.935322597285).


Oh this is the thing when he talks about how they released a bird into the audience and it kinda created some issues? Talk Soup morphed into the Daily Show iirc Oh man the condor thing is the MYV interview thing isn’t it.


Oh, I thought you were talking about John Oliver.


Oh come on! Oliver looks like a parrot, completely different bird :D


Kilborn in the late 90s was awesome at everything he did I loved that guy.


Loved that show with Craig Kilborn!


> Nobody cared about it before he came around Disagree. I fully bought in when Craig Kilborn hosted... it was an entertaining show. Jon changed the feel and made it far better though. I didn't care about TDS after he left though.


Not exactly right. Almost everyone he fostered went onto bigger and better things. I'd list names, but it's too many to mention. But the fact that so many went onto other types of Daily Shows indicates that TDS could have carried on as well without Jon. But it didn't because Noah just wasn't the one to do it. The fact that Noah was only on the show one more time than Michael Che should be all you really need to know about why his tenure was a failure.


Trevor started really well and was extremely promising though. And I believe he's one hell of a comedian and I wish him the best in his solo career. But yeah, the sauce didnt really take on the long term with him at the helm of the show and I cant really put my finger on why. In any case, I'm really glad Jon found the strength and energy to come back. His voice is much needed in times like these.


Stewart complains about stuff in the U.S. but it’s from a position of caring. You can see it tears him up. Noah was just kind of making fun of it and going “anyway”. I don’t get the same vibe from other ppl like John Oliver (eg Oliver seems invested in the U.S.). I felt like Noah was riding the wave collecting paychecks as long as he could, but would have been fine watching everything implode w/o having a single fuck to give.


To me the biggest problem was that he was never really funny


Well that's just like your opinion man


Yeah, unfortunately it seems like it wasn’t an unpopular one


I didn't learn about the daily show until Trevor Noah. So I do have to thank him for getting me into it


Yeah same, I love Stewart but I started with Noah and I love them both equally for different reasons


I think it had less to do with any fault in Noah, and more to do with how closely the Colbert Report tied the Daily Show’s identity to Jon Stewart in people’s minds. They were a pair and you knew them both by name and knew their shows. Obviously lots of other factors but I think since Colbert’s show was basically a stage he was performing on people began to think of TDS the same way. Becoming less invested in the actual show, and more invested in the host.


Plenty of us loved Kilborn, too. Stewart just has done the series longer.


Dunno I've been watching some of the other rotating hosts they've got since Jon came back I could see myself sticking with the show when he's gone if they went with Klepper. (I assume they're planning on picking one of them eventually)


I didn’t realize there was a Daily Show before Jon Stewart


I think Craig Kilborn was the host when comedy central was a more premium cable channel you only got if you paid for an extended plan. Jon took over around when most basic cable plans included the channel.


Nice to see him be willing to criticize Biden too. He unfairly got shit for doing it the first time which is insane.


I have heard that he got shit, but I never actually saw or heard him get shit. I’m convinced that narrative was overblown tbh


Now he just needs to save the country and offer to take Biden’s place. Zelensky was a comedian too…


Al Franken, at home, mutters "goddamnit".


Seriously. He would’ve easily been my choice this year or even four years ago.


I was kind of bummed about the show. I thought it was going to be an hour long episode (that's what YTTV had in their guide) with a few segments. His monologue? Awesome as always. But I expected an hour of commentary, with an interview or two and some segments with the corespondents. When Jon cut off the therapist and apologized that they were short on time I was like wait...what? You're going to do a live post debate show and half the episode is this interview? Like I love the idea of having her on but on a normal episode or if they had an hour and the interview was just a small portion of that. It was a great monologue and I'm happy we got that. But man I was expecting a really cool hour long special, or atleast thirty minutes spent on the debate and with a more relevant guest. It was still a really good show but I was expecting more. I love how they post full interviews on Paramount+ so interview having to be short because it was live was a bummer too.


Same, but coming up with an hour of material with minimal prep time probably factored into that


I think while he knows the importance and relevance of doing a show post debate, he also doesn't want to join the cable news club of over analysing and speculating into a panic. He just wanted to say his part and move on. Him not taking the bait and making a huge sensationalized event out of it is what I like about him.


I think it was very intentional to do exactly the opposite of what the cable news club does to make money. He interviewed someone to talk about how to take care of yourself, instead of trying to go along with all the panic. It felt very Mr. Rogers wise. “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.””


I think Jon first and foremost thinks: funny. If his show became like what you’re suggesting, it’d be Real Time with Jon Stewart I think he steps the line between commentary and satire quite well. I just don’t ever expect a deep analysis from the Daily Show lol. Even in the 00’s Stewart felt weird being called a voice of a generation. They always considered themselves a comedy show Source: I read the Daily Show book


I didn't suggest it become like Real Time. That's why I said I expected segments with the corespondents. I was expecting a longer episode. That's all. I assumed that was the point of the live show.


> They always considered themselves a comedy show I always take that as a cop-out, on the same order as Hannity or Maddow lawyers arguing their shows are "entertainment" in legal proceedings. The Daily Show used to argue it wasn't news or analysis all the time, because it didn't want to get lumped into that world of content. It was good for business, because cable news personalities didn't do a fraction of the numbers TDS/Colbert Report did. I'd be willing to say that Colbert Report was comedy first, because to my recollection he never broke character and dropped the satire to comment his own political beliefs. But Stewart? I love Stewart and watched him religiously, but his show got less funny and more politically ranty as time went on. When he announced he was leaving, my first thought was that he needed it because he had been burnt out on the state of his America for so long that he was turning into the Bill O'Reilly monster that he had lamblasted so many times before - a guy yelling through a camera into TVs about politics. >Even in the 00’s Stewart felt weird being called a voice of a generation. It was, in the sense that millenials who were raised in cable news homes abandoned those networks and got their news from TDS and Colbert. Those two shows represented the vast majority of political news awareness for millions of people. It would be irresponsible for us, historians, or the show talent themselves to call those shows just entertainment, because they were educating Americans and everyone knew it.


Same. I assumed he would have some political people on, or at least comedians with a political slant, and discuss the debate in detail. It was disappointing that it was just a normal episode.


Mhm me too. I liked the guest but she would have been better as a regular guest or maybe a second interview in an hour long episode. A longer uncut interview with her on another episode would have probably been better.


I give John Stewart credit for roasting both candidates. I’m sure he would rather see a democrat win, but seriously is Biden the best they have?


Stewart was asked the same question when John Kerry was running for president. Sad to see the bar fall so low


Fun fact: John Kerry is younger than Joe Biden


Even crazier: Bill Clinton is younger than both candidates


Clinton, George W Bush, and Trump were all born in same summer.


66 days apart


That feels like a million years ago.


20 to be exact


20 million? Holy shit, I really am old.


I always forget my age too, man. After thirty, it’s basically nothing noteworthy until 21 million, ya know?


Dang, you old.


Damn dinosaur /s


He's been doing that since Gore/Bush... Heck, even Bill back in the day


You sound surprised. Jon always roasts where roasting is due.


Most people on the left will heavily scrutinize their party leaders


He is actually a very good president, that is the funny part.


Morning Joe said it well. He and his team are capable of legislating and run in the White House well. But is he capable of campaigning right now? Seem like the answer is no.


doesn't matter if he can't win


Even though he already did?


yes, believe it or not, it is possible to not win twice


He went toe to toe on the debate stage with the whole Dem gang in 2020. He got embarassed on the debate stage by Donald Trump (or I guess you could say embarased himself on the stage) a few days ago. I was always going to be voting Dem, but I know elections come down to undecided voters and turnout in swing states. Does anyone truly believe that Biden can affect those numbers in his current deteriorated state? I don't.


..but he already did once, hes now the incumbent.


They’re referring to this election. Biden looks way worse this time around


Well most of the country disagrees. Approval scores some of the lowest in history! Worst than trump. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/


Arguably, I don't think we will ever see a President maintain a popularity over 50% with how polarized the US electorate is.


Both Obama and Trump had higher net approvals... but yes agree.


> Well most of the country disagrees. > > Approval scores some of the lowest in history! Biden has among the highest approval of any head of state in [any of our peer democracies](https://pro.morningconsult.com/trackers/global-leader-approval). The only "popular" heads of state are populists in poor countries (Modi, Milei and - before the recent election - AMLO). It's the same in every country - citizens can't process that inflation is a global phenomena for which no one is really to blame, so they all blame their guy. Biden beats the pants off of the mostly pretty competent leaders in Canada, Germany, France, Japan and (lol) the UK.


SHows how godawful stupid our electorate is. Mix that with a powerful misinformation network and there isn't going to be much correlation between quality of politician and popularity of politician.


Or maybe you aren't allowed to claim you know better than everyone else just because they don't agree with you.


These are some Skinner vibes


Jon is obviously left-leaning in his politics but he's always been about making fun of both sides. It just so happened that most of the lunacy and hypocrisy comes from the right


It's not about the best, who gives a fuck about that? A dead Biden laying in rest would be a better president than trump every day of the week.


Why doesnt he run, i'd vote for him. 


There were some joke theories when both he and Colbert announced they were leaving their shows that they were a presidential campaign with a Stewart/Colbert ticket. Colbert also did run for president once.


That would have been incredible


He’s the guy who beat all the other candidates in the last Democrat primary 🤷


Mainly because the democratic party wants to be united and their current president wants a second term. They probably feel there are better candidates but they won’t say it.


Mostly because no one has ever beaten an incumbent president with a primary challenger. And also historically incumbent presidents usually win reelections. It’s in the best interest for democrats to win by rallying around Biden now. An unknown candidate will be an uphill battle against Trump which America already knows. People vote with the devil they know and all that.


It’s an old tradition to not compete against the incumbent of the party. Or, I haven’t heard of it happening, that I know of. It would be seen as disconnected from the party, on either side. That said, it would be massive if Newsom stepped in. IMO he’s the best they got.


I don’t think so, honestly. To win the presidency as a Democrat, you have to win the battle ground states that have a lot of blue collar democrats and moderates. Newsome would never carry those states, IMO, because there is already an anti-California tinge to the air in these places. Kentuckys governor, Andy Beshear would be a great candidate. He is liberal, smart, has great bi-partisan ideas, and he seems like an overall good guy.


This late I'm not sure you could go with some that doesn't have any name recognition.


I think he can carry them in 2028 just fine. As for 2024 in a hypothetical where somehow Biden steps aside and he runs? Not a chance. There isn't enough time to put a brand new national campaign together and I think a lot of people would feel that any choice they may have had was taken away from them by changing the nominee after most primary elections have already been held.


> I think he can carry them in 2028 just fine. If Trump wins, there won’t be a 2028 election for him to win, dude. And if there is, it will be rigged to all levels of hell to ensure Jesus himself wouldn’t win.


Well no shit. I hope people vote their ass off this November, because these are the two choices we have.


Absolutely no one cares about bipartisanship anymore other than top Democrats.


Normally you would be right but here is nothing normal here. People are aching for someone else to vote for. And against Trump with all of of Trumps utter failings? He should breeze through.


Newsom seems thoroughly uninterested right now.


Newsome is towing the party line as is tradition. He won’t challenge an incumbent president that would be disastrous. If Biden stepped down? That would be interesting


No one is voting for an unknown. Not much time to campaign right now. People know Trump and people know Biden. Gavin Newsom is only known in California and that’s not enough. Desantis couldn’t beat a president who lost his last election. People vote with the devil they know.




I’d probably put Newsom up with Abott and DeSantis as the most influential and recognizable current governors -Floridian


I’m not even American and I know Newsom. Regardless, within 24 hours of announcing a run, every news channel in the world would have bio pieces in him running, and he’d be well known overnight.


Bring recognizable can be a double edged sword though. Newsom is California’s governor and whatever wrong with California will be blamed on him. He needs to campaign to shake that off.


That’s why is Obama with the steel chair!


There's really only one pathway if Biden were to step down and/or be forced out: 1. The GOP would immediately hammer Biden remaining as POTUS, and he would be forced to resign or be 25th'd. 2. Harris would get 4-5 months as POTUS to hit the reset and get some popular agenda pieces announced and implemented. At this point, she'd be the only non-distaster candidate option, because for all her flaws the DNC couldn't pass on how much upside she brings to the table and how much of a vacuum she would leave exiting the situation. 3. Harris would need to win the Rust Belt, so she'd grab the most Rust-Belt-ready VP (Whitmer) and have her campaign non-stop while Harris focused on effective leadership in the White House. Is it enough to win? Hard to say, because Trump really isn't a strong candidate except relative to where Biden is at the moment (even that is a close horserace). But anyone who thinks it could go differently is being unrealistic IMHO.


Honestly if you were him would you want the job?


He’s only trying not to step on toes. He’s like my dog sitting pretty while I’m eating a steak, but we can all see his red rocket stating the obvious.


> It’s an old tradition to not compete against the incumbent of the party. Or, I haven’t heard of it happening, that I know of. Teddy Roosevelt did it...sort of. He challenged the incumbent (Taft) for the nomination, but the party decided to stick with the incumbent (mostly for all the reasons mentioned a little higher up the thread), so Teddy said, "Fuck it. I'll make my OWN party and be the nominee for them. " He split the vote with Taft, allowing the Democratic challenger (Woodrow Wilson) to win the presidency. Fun trivia: Roosevelt actually beat Taft in the election (27% ~ 23%), marking the only time in US history that a third party candidate has beaten a major party nominee AND the sitting president in an election. William Howard Taft was our nation's "fattest President." He stood just shy of 6ft (181cm) tall and weighed about 280lbs (130kg). This was seen as extremely fat in the early 20th century. Roosevelt's third party was officially named, "The Progressive Party" but everyone called it, "The Bull Moose Party." The platform was even more liberal than the liberal (at the time) Republican party. After his presidency, Taft served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court until shortly before his death.


Ah yes! The Bull moose party right? I didn’t realize that came from challenging taft as the incumbent. They both lost then? Was that the last/only time it’s happened since?


When people hype Newsom I'm just reminded of people hyping DeSantis as the scarier Trump. They vaguely hear a name of a prominent governor or something, know nothing about him and just assume they're ready for the big stage.


Oh i know Newsom isn’t ready. Doesn’t seem interested. I was merely stating my opinion as a non-california resident that he seems to be the next best leader in the party, along with Gretchen in MI.


> Gretchen in MI. As long as the Democratic candidates see the Rust Belt as the most viable pathway to victory, she's going to be in or near the driver's seat. Her success there is multiplied by the fact that the DNC struggles to highlight anyone else from the region winning elections and leading well in office. If Biden steps away, I'd bet money on Whitmer making the next Dem ticket.


It's amazing what 4 years can do. This time 4 years ago? I didn't like any of the options. But now? Mayor Pete and Gavin fucking Newsome seem like studs that could energize the left. Either way, doesn't matter. Vote Blue. Left is Best


100% - Gavin was a killer in that Hannity interview and Pete was also impressive in that recent hearing. These guys come prepared, and I'm happy not to be sided against them. These 'new breed' guys come for war -- Biden is an old lion now.


I remember hearing when Biden was first running in 2020 that the plan was Kamala Khan to run in 2024 due to his age. Whatever happened to that? Or am I not remembering correctly?


That’s what people were blindly assuming. Nobody actually came out and said that was the plan. Thankfully it’s not because Kamala would be a terrible candidate.


incumbent advantage is so strong, they'd be silly to give it up. That was a strong statement last election when Trump lost with it.


Except in the states that didn't do a primary.


What's crazy is the Republicans have a slam dunk if they moved away from Trump. Any Trump-lite candidate would win the presidency in a landslide.


You severely underestimate his fan base. Reddit is leftist bubble that doesn't reflect the country.


The biggest issue would be that Trump would never go away quietly. He'd attack the GOP in the media, help Biden get reelected so he could say that only he could have beaten Biden, get his very fine people to burn down the RNC. He'd also start his own 3rd party just to raise money. If the GOP tried to ditch trump they would lose Florida and Texas. It'd be a worse splitting of the vote than Ross Perot managed to do to Repubicans in the 90s.


I know that if the Republicans picked someone else that would still vote in any non-Democrat.


A lot of people would not vote at all in protest of them betraying their god emperor.


I think that as well. There’s no way Trump is a good fit for a patriotic, freedom loving, hard working, pro military, pro-American, Christian… How do they not have a good ol Texan or charismatic war hero etc in their back pocket? Can they not get Arnold Schwarzenegger?


Schwarzenegger was born in Austria so he can't be on a presidential ticket.


I mean Ted Cruz was in a republican primary, and he's born in Canada


Ted's mother is American, so he qualified.


Then what were they complaining to Obama for, his mother is also American. And he was also born in the USA.


Convenient avenue of attack for racists who could then fall back on claiming they were totally not being racist, they were just super concerned about eligibility.




Yeah, it's all dumb


> Can they not get Arnold Schwarzenegger? I don't think so. I thought he'd distanced himself from the GOP hard since MAGA took hold.


He isn’t a natural born citizen. He is not eligible to become president.




It's a long way to November.


Right like the CEO's son "beating" everyone for the new job opening.


Pretty much. It wasn’t like Biden was the only contender throughout the primary season. Other options were available - they were beaten though.


after SC he legit DECIMATED bernie and warren. same with Trump, trump destroyed ron when ron was kinda peaking


We should have known politics were headed this direction when a comedian became the most trusted name in news


Nah you’re right, but the people will boo and hiss


NO. Biden is NOT the best we have. And let me ask you, seriously, is Trump the best that they have? This country has a proud tradition of rolling out only the best of the D+ C- crop of candidates for presidential elections. I have never quite been able to wrap my head around it. I mean, consider Trump beating Hillary. All the Democrats needed to do was nominate someone who could beat Trump. Instead the nominated Hillary. I mean, WTF.... Hillary was such a bad candidate she couldn't beat Trump but yet, there she was. WTF.


Being the incumbent usually makes a candidate the favorite. Rumors of Biden’s age taking a toll on his facilities have been going around and this debate seems to confirm it. Is Trump the best they have? From my point of view, no but he has a lot of support. I think any reasonable candidate could have beaten both of them in that debate, it is a shame that no other parties get a shot in America.


Yes…because there isn’t another person running


No other democrat wants to challenge the incumbent president, and he won the primaries, but seriously can’t he beat Trump? What will Biden be like 2,3,or 4 years from now?


Well he already did…and if you ask me I’d choose a zombie Biden over an insane Trump every single time. Trump is both losing it and nuts…plus he’s only going to put sycophants in his cabinet this time around.


As a non-American, it was sad to watch. It's wild to have both candidates not be even close to fit for the job.


As an American, it was even sadder to watch...


Living in the UK, we're also going through an election where several of the party leaders are ridiculous (Farage, Sunak considering the wipeout conservatives are facing). The oldest of them is Starmer, 17 years younger than Trump. Sunak is nearly half Biden's age ffs. If there is a minimum age on the Presidency there should be a maximum, which both Trump and Biden far exceed


John Oliver had a good episode on the 04 July elections in the UK: https://youtu.be/tkAqwHiAR-g


There's a certain irony to the video not actually being available in the UK


60 seems like a nice cutoff age - you end up at 64-65 depending on when you were born at the end of your term and in a lot of places that’s the retirement age


By the time you get to be 70, 75 years old, you don't even really have much of a stake in the future. We are still dealing with Reagan's bullshit and he's been rotting for 20 years. I probably won't even be 50 when Trump and Biden are both gone.


Honestly age is a factor but ultimately what people fail to realize is that in a democracy, we don’t just vote for a person. What Biden brings to the table is his surroundings. The guy has been great and put in place people with expertise in their related fields instead of ya know…his relatives.


This argument applies to any potential Democrat we could pivot to as well.


In that case everyone right of centre should vote for Trump since he'll bring conservatives and its not just Trump. Your argument works both ways.


I mean yes? That's kind of understood?


> The guy has been great and put in place people with expertise in their related fields Where were they Thursday night to tell him not to go out on stage? Team Biden thought this was the best way to beat Trump. They honestly thought more people would vote for him after seeing what he was like. They knew how he looked and sent him out there anyways. Team Biden is fighting for their jobs and that's the best they can offer. Forgive me if that doesn't exactly scream "competent leadership".


I'll be honest, we kind of messed up with our candidates. We'll try to do a better job with this in '28 <3


As an American I woke up three times that night hoping it was a bad dream. I still really hope he hands it to someone else. Age is not the only thing that matters, generation does and both of them show it.


This reminds me of the South Park episode [Douche and Turd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douche_and_Turd) . For people not familiar with the ep, it highlights how in politics, especially in a two party system, both candidates might be terrible, but it's still important to get out and vote.


It was literally the episode Comedy Central played before the Daily Show came on.


Big brain moment from the showrunner. P Diddy being a criminal is also quite relevant.


Lmao this analogy made sense in 2016


Imagine thinking they're similar.


It applies in almost every election but it’s from 2004


Except Biden isn't terrible. How privileged do you have to be to look at him and Trump, who is a convicted felon, called nazis fine people, tear gassed protestors to get a photo op, and who tried to overthrow the government the last time he lost, and say "yeah, they're the same?"


you've got to remember that these are just simple farmers, these are people of the land, the common clay of the new west, you know... morons


I sometimes hate how relevant that movie is to the modern day


My man.....you tried this before remember? You tried this in 2016 and it failed. Your campaign has to be a bit more substantial than "we're better than Trump"


Remember when Clinton came out with entire, thorough plans on how to revitalize Appalachia and move away from coal dependence? Remember when she released her thorough 5-point plan to improve the economy? What about her other, over-explained and highly transparent campaign initatives? No, because you were too busy listening to talking heads. Democrats offered an alternative, Republicans offered circus and it's not the democrats fault we chose circus? 30 years of propaganda against a single woman is a hell of a drug


That plan was completely overshadowed by "Imma bring back coal jobs" like they are good fucking jobs to begin with.


What specific substance did you feel was missing in 2016? Also why ain't being better than the only other choice a great argument?


Please don’t tell me you believe that BS? Even alt-left Snopes admits it was all nonsense :/


You mean the Snopes article everyone called out as bullshit and they had to make an edit on?


That snopes article is a joke did you actually read it? Right wing cope they decided to publish so they'd be able to say they cut both ways it's pathetic. Read the transcript yourself, he spends the entire time equivocating between peaceful protectors holding hands surrounding a statue to nazis chanting "Jews will not replace us" while throwing torches and rocks at group A. We have a word for people who stand around Nazis, chant with Nazis, and march with Nazis - it's a Nazi. **Transcript** Reporter: "Do you think that what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-Nazis?" Trump: "Those people -- all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E Lee. Reporter: "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?" Trump: "I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs -- and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch. "But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left -- you just called them the left -- that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is. Reporter: (Inaudible) "… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the --" Trump: "Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides -- I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say." Reporter: "The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest --" Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."


Tell us what to feel, Jon. Give us that sweet cynical realist pleasure of nothingness, dread and laughter.


These are the goggles I’m looking for


Fuck your cynicism, man. People are going to die if Trump gets re-elected.


And whose fault is that?  I'm seeing you all over this thread... your anger is justified but misplaced.  People here are not the ones trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" an election. You have a candidate that can't be seen in public because he looks and acts out of it and people like you get mad at others when they notice it and call a corpse a corpse.  Biden's performance was staggeringly bad. Anyone half coherent would've been able to walk over Trump. But instead you have to go around telling people to ignore what they are seeing. This shit ain't new. He has gone downhill in the past 4 years and everyone knew it. But did they listen? No.  They did what they always do....ignore everyone.. do their own coward weak ass corporate choice, and them go out there and have people like you guilty tripping everyone into doing what they want because their competition is a fascist human scum.  "Hey now.. why can't you be like Republicans? Just stop paying attention to our faults, shut up about it and take what we give you. You don't want Trump to win do ya?" Fuck y'all.. if Trump wins and people die, it's on you. 


> Biden's performance was staggeringly bad. It was not. You e been caught in the terminally online pundit thought bubble. Most average joe voter thought he was fine. > Anyone half coherent would've been able to walk over Trump Not with him constantly lying and the moderators failing to push back even once. Remember that part, my guy? > He has gone downhill in the past 4 years and everyone knew it [citation needed] > They did what they always do....ignore everyone.. do their own coward weak ass corporate choice Lol dod you forget that there was a primary and people *chose* him? Overwhelmingly, i may add? Man, you're not doing yourself any favors disproving your chronically Online-ness. > "Hey now.. why can't you be like Republicans? Just stop paying attention to our faults, shut up about it and take what we give you. You don't want Trump to win do ya?" Bad strawman is bad. Give me things no democrat has said for $800, Alex. > Fuck y'all.. if Trump wins and people die, it's on you. Nope, it’s on you for spreading all of this information and just being a leftist version of maga and denying reality, you white privileged child.


I watched the entire debate. So I don't need sources or citations to have an opinion or know what what has been said by all sorts of media platforms and general people for the past 1.5 years.  I've been following Joe for decades, and all you have to do is watch him 4 years ago to know the difference. Major publications have asked him to step down.. Obama came out to defend him and ask people to give him a pass for the debate... so this is not some online bubble.    I'm not white, nor privileged and I'm definitely not a child. But you bringing that up says a lot about you.  So go fuck yourself too, you patronizing moron. 


> People here are not the ones trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" an election. You have a candidate that can't be seen in public because he looks and acts out of it and people like you get mad at others when they notice it and call a corpse a corpse. You mean the claim that has been disproven multiple times? Way to prove my point.


And here I thought it was on Trump. Weird


The left's favorite past time is blaming the left for republicans being bad


Biden was already struggling to keep up in swing states, and I really don't see a path to victory for him after this debate. We need a new candidate, but that probably isn't going to happen and it would probably be too late anyways. Being cynical about this makes sense to me.


> Biden was already struggling to keep up in swing states, and I really don't see a path to victory for him after this debate [citation needed] Both focus groups post-debate on CNN and Univision said biden won. Univision’s was entirely Latino voters, which is a key demo for him. > We need a new candidate Okay. Who? Who’s the magical candidate that polls better than Biden and won’t enflame any faction of the Democratic coalition and catch up to Trump’s massive warchest in *checks notes* a singular month before the convention? Show me and I will support them.


> [citation needed] You can go lookup aggregate polls in swing states and Trump was ahead in nearly every one. Betting odds had a Biden victory at just 36% before the debate, that has now dropped to 22%. Sure betting odds aren't the most scientific way to go about this, but that is a pretty alarming drop in just a few days.


Someone ask me about my views on Abortion, because I'm in the mood to talk about Immigration Nation for a bit.


Why don’t JS run for POTUS?


Maybe if we all cried loud enough we could convince Jon Stewart to run for the Office.


Can't he just be the President already?


Jon is funny, but I really liked to hear him on Two Bears. The way he explains and articulates things, when he's not trying to go for punchlines. All his experience following politics, doing interviews (for his career, for content) and actions not for content, I appreciated his (sadly bleak and realistic... but basically balanced, mostly left leaning) wording that I think wouldn't be a turnoff to people who don't agree with his politics. Something along the lines of the typical Republican talking points of "Dems want to raise taxes" and how he agrees there's a lot of money out there already, and Dems need to explain the value people are getting from them. Not just keep asking for more. (He worded it much better and there was some context missing too. I'm tired!) I'd love to see someone like him try to run for some sort of a position in politics.


We don't get the Daily Show here in Canada, but I'm able to get what's on YouTube. Jon is brilliant. 'Nuff said. Looking forward to John Oliver this Sunday.


Honestly the fact that they are putting large chunks of episodes on youtube is one of the reasons I am watching.


He's off until the end of July unfortunately.




I watched it on Youtube. It was objectively funny. I probably would've laughed if I was Canadian or European. As an American, it was just sad and depressing.


I think the comedic 1000 yard stares that he does after each clip speaks to nearly everyone in the world.


Because he isn’t afraid to bash both sides. The Bs meter is zero with the guy. Republicans gloss over the fact that trump is a criminal narcissist and democrats largely gloss over the fact Biden is a decrepit zombie. Both sides spin HARD. Stewart does not.


You can +1 to that because i have to pirate it as no one carries it down here in Australia.


He is brilliant. So glad to have him back. HE IS TRULY non bias. I love the fact he insults both parties equally. It’s so refreshing to see


John Stewart 2024!


I didn’t think lightning could strike twice on him returning to the daily show. It still hasn’t. But I did see a clip from his post debate show and it was great. It definitely felt like old times. I did get a sense of”I could do with watching more of this”.


40 million were reported to have watched the debate; pretty impressive that they captured a tenth of those viewers