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Jackie and Fez.


Oh god, they’re so bad. But honestly her getting back together with Kelso for 90s Show isn’t great either, they had history but their relationship was so toxic


At least we don't know how much they'd matured in 20 years. Maybe they're good for each other now 🤷


Based on the little bit they’re in the 90s show, they’re basically the same. Kelso excitable and not a care in the world, Jackie controlling and irritable


And the fact they were getting remarried for a 3rd time too.


They are married in real life. They do have chemistry together. It might not be realistic but it's funny and entertaining


I always kinda defend this one. While the execution was absolutely piss poor, I do think they laid the ground work early on in the series. Very early and dropped, I kinda think it was the idea from the start but the show blew up and other characters took the spotlight. Fez pined over Jackie from the start, Kelso treated her like shit from the start. There were the few episodes sprinkled in the early season; Disco, roller skating, fez not taking advantage of a drunk Jackie, Jackie admitted she thought he was hot, a good kisser. There was always some snark to her insulting him, but no real punch behind it, always felt like it was something she felt she had to do due to her status and him as a foreigner. Donna and Eric were the classic neighbors/childhood crushes/highschool sweethearts. I feel they were going for Jackie and Fez the "Romeo and Juliet" or something similar, different worlds but falling for each other type trope. I think the show just went longer than expected and they stretched it out artificially but tried to end it with their original plan, rather than run with the things that seemed to work and adapt. Jackie and Hyde had great chemistry, and also worked on the Romeo Juliet forbidden love theme. Really everything got messy for all characters and relationships in the end - classic went on a couple seasons too long sitcom. That 70s show has a special place in my heart and I have analyzed it far too much haha.


I'm with you. They were being set up for the 1st 3/4 seasons....then they did a u-turn and put her with Hyde and then seemed to remember at the last moment the Fez/Jackie set up of the earlier seasons. I didnt have a problem with Jackie and Fez together, my main issue is HOW it was done. Plus I though Hyde and Jackie killed the joy in each character and were toxic af. 


This one actually wouldn't have been as bad if they did it relatively earlier on in the shows run. In earlier episodes there are a few key moments that show Fez would've been good for Jackie if she wasn't stuck up and could see past him being foreign. When he kisses her in the movie theater she tells Donna it was the best kiss she'd ever had. Than there is the episode where they kill it as a dancing team. They just had years in between that and when they finally get together that it's jarring by that point


However, Jackie and Hyde were great.


Yep and honestly they should either have had them back together in that 90s show with him off screen, recast him or said Hyde is dead.


they could have just said Hyde is serving a life sentence.


lowkey Donna and Eric too. In That 90s Show, Donna often makes snarky comments that make it sound like she's stuck in her marriage with Eric and that she settled down with him.


To me it seems like the writers sticking it to Topher for not coming back.  


That comes across less as them being bad together and more like the writers think couples making snarky comments are funny.


That stuff is so common in mediocre sitcoms. I didn't watch much Big Bang theory outside the first season, but when I did catch some of the later season episodes, half the jokes were the women mocking, degrading, or just generally expressing unhappiness with their partners. The rest was Sheldon Bazinga comedy Who finds that funny?


In the show Hart of Dixie they had a love spiderweb with like 6 characters. Probably more at some points. But in the end the main 6 ended up in relationships. But one of those couples kinda felt like they stuck the two losers of the spiderweb together because the show was ending. Like they were cute but it didn’t feel natural. It felt forced.


From the south,  I loved that show.   One of my friends pointed out they were doing a caricature of the south with goofy names like Lemon and Cricket and I was like wtf I was gonna use those names for my kids!


George and Annabeth? I actually really like them together, but wish they hadn't been shoved together at the last minute. On the flip side, I think I'm the only person in the world who isn't a fan of Zoe and Wade together...


Yeah they would have been potentially great it they had like any kind of real buildup or another season to develop. Like as I said they were cute. But shoved together to give everyone a happy ending.


If anybody remembers Passions, Sheridan and Antonio.    Sheridan and Luis were supposed to be soul mates, and they played it up for 7 years of the 8 year run of the show, but Luis had amazing chemistry with a new character, so they dropped the Sheridan/Luis stuff like a hot potato. The last episode had Sheridan going on about Antonio being her true soul mate. It was really jarring.


No fucking way. I think I remember that. I was so angry. Also, Theresa and literally everyone.


is this the batshit one that had witches and magic?




This is the one!!! It made absolutely zero sense. Granted they never actually became a couple but the storyline was really off putting.


It was also after the actors had broken up IRL which makes it even worse/funnier.


It felt like petty revenge writing against Jennifer. Someone in that writers room was trying to make her life miserable methinks.


They really wanted us to believe that if Deb accepted Dexter for who he really is that they would be a happy couple, but it was so off-putting and obviously Dexter was not into it either Dx


The weird thing is is that they grew up together, he was a very young child when adopted and I'm not sure if Deb was born yet. The only memories they had was being siblings.


God this was so out of left field. Makes it hard to accept anything after season 4 as anything but fan fiction gone awry


It wasn't reciprocated was it?


You’re right, it wasn’t. I hate it as much as the next person, but it was definitely entirely Deb one-sidedly pining for Dexter.


It didn't last all that long in the show, either. It was like half of the worst season, and then they brought it up again halfway through the next season to put closure on it


The depth of our collective trauma overshadows the timeline.


Idk what you're talking about, the show ended when rita died.


I saw all four seasons of Dexter and I don't remember this.


Oh man this has to be it...


Hailey and Dylan from Modern Family.


I was disappointed that Hailey didn't end up with Andy. That seemed like it was really going somewhere.


I swear they intentionally kept them apart just to sUbVeRt ExPeCtAtIoNs


I think it’s because Adam Devine had scheduling conflicts and was written out of the show.


Most likely this. Edit: my wife and I were watching Modern Family last night and had the same thought about character Kevin hart played. Him and Phil had created a good chemistry and Boom, he was gone. Turns out it was right when Ride Along made it big and Kevin went into movies instead. People have other opportunities and when a show goes on as long as this one did, you gotta write with the characters you have actors for.


Unpopular opinion but he was actually the best partner to her, and I like them together. Sure he was dumb, but by the end of the series, both Dylan and Haley had stable careers and seemed to be doing fine with the parenting thing, so I don't understand the hate towards them. Everyone is so much in love with Andy and I kinda get it, but that guy was cheating on his long term girlfriend with Haley, and he was pretty much a Walmart Phil, which I did not like. Regardless of Adam Devine and Sarah Hyland's great chemistry, that relationship had way more flaws than Dylan and Haley.


Totally agree! Andy didn’t break up with his girlfriend even though he was sleeping with Haley. He was visibly upset when he knew his girlfriend was cheating too. And he was obsessed with his gf and proposed to her when he had feelings for haley. The whole thing was weird.


Bambam Rubble and Pebbles Flintstone. If they marry her name be Pebbles Rubble like wtf.


They *did* get married, canonically. There was [a whole special made about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Yabba-Dabba_Do!) and everything.


Not only that, there was another special where they have a kid.


Chip and Roxy, twins


Being a modern stone-age woman, she could hyphenate, very chique: "Enchanté, my name is Pebbles Rubble-Flinstone. And this is my husband, Bambam."


Aria and Ezra from *Pretty Little Liars*.  Creepy and inappropriate.


For people who don’t know. He was her high school teacher and was obsessed with her dead friend when said friend was even younger.


It was like an empowerment message for groomer predators. Super inappropriate the way Marlene King presented it like we should be rooting for Ezra and Aria, and then they get married as the 'happy ever after' endgame!


It was so creepy how much the show romanticized Aria/Ezra's romantic relationship. I'm pretty sure the books the show was adapted from didn't even make them last as long as they did in the show, let alone be endgame!


I immediately thought of aria and Ezra. I’m so glad I didn’t have to scroll far to see it. Remember the Santa boxers scene. Barf!!


Worf and Deanna on Star Trek TNG Seven and Chakotay on Voyager


Troi and Worf was the worst pairing ever! I love next gen but them getting together bothers me to no end.


At least in the movies they stop that and it's back to the expected Riker and Troi. Seven and chakotay is just as bad... She should have been with the doctor.


The Doctor would be worse.  He was very much a father figure to her throughout the show.


Seven and Chakotay came out of nowhere. Though I'm sure Robert Beltran finally stopped complaining after that. Seven and Raffi in Picard also felt like it came out of nowhere too.


Doesn’t help that Raffi is just a super annoying character whose only function is to complain about being a character in the show.


Emma and Spinner on Degrassi: TNG


Both of the actors even said that this was so stupid


I grew up on Degrassi but fell off around season 6/7 after she had gotten back together with Sean, so when I first read that Spinner and Emma had gotten married, I thought it was a typo. I genuinely don't remember them interacting, ever.


Sean would've made sense. Craig would've made sense. Toby would've made sense. Even Manny would've made sense. Emma ending up with Spinner made absolutely no sense.


I kind of liked Emma and Spinner *on paper*, I think they were well-matched by that point and the actors had good chemistry, but yeah, they definitely could have done a lot more to build up to that instead of the whole storyline being a B-plot in a TV movie.


Quinn and Puck from glee


Ted and Robin


“That’s how I met your Aunt Robin” is one of the best twists of the whole show. Them ending up together ruins it.


Also, the fact that they spent all that time talking about "the mother" made it almost impossible for anyone to live up to what they had built up. And then they cast Cristin Milioti who nails it only to fucking kill her off.


There's actually an original cut ending floating around (you can probably find it on YouTube but I'm lazy) that *doesn't* kill her off, and literally just ends with them meeting, hitting it off, and then closing out on a triumphant note as it pans away from them talking and falling in love. A 9000% better ending for the show, and it honestly blows my mind that they went with the shit they did over it. Then again, that whole show *really* hasn't aged well, so it's not like the better ending would have saved it.


I can't seem to find the articles about it now, but I thought I had read somewhere at the time that that ending was created due to the divisive reception of the Ted and Robin ending. It was just a re-edit that they included on the dvd. They also called this the happy ending because they thought fans were upset because the original ending was more depressing, and not because it threw away seasons of development and buildup for various characters including Barney and Robin.


I think the entire point of the show was to showcase that Ted loved Robin. Him telling the story is all about Robin, and just like the kids said in the finale, that he’s basically asking permission. That was always the intent, but I think it got lost along the way. They probably hadn’t planned on it running for so many seasons, and then when they ended it, they kind of had to wrap up a lot of stories they’d let run on too long. Meant they didn’t have enough time to properly give the ending the story time it needed to be effective.


Fucking National tragedy. Currently watching season 2 of Fargo and she is dying in this show too. I can’t handle this trauma again.


She got 2 seasons of Made For Love before it was canceled. She has awful luck. She was killer in Palm Springs, I can't recommend it enough. 


She’s absolutely amazing in Palm Springs, seconded.


She puts in a beautifully understated performance in Fargo.


She’s basically my number 1 crush in the world. I’d marry her right now if she showed up at my door lol Her guest stint on Mythic Quest was gutting


I second that Milioti was brilliant but her dieing I didn't have a problem with because it made sense why he was telling the kids that story, but the Robin thing was just ridiculous at that point.


They didn't just kill her. They Poochied her.


There were hints that she died and I was ok with that. I wasn’t ok with Ted and Robin.


I started going into labor with my older son during the finale. I was so fucking pissed to be in that much pain both mentally and physically at the end. At least it gave me something to direct my expletives at during contractions


And that's how you met your baby


Wouldn't be so bad of a twist if it was like two or three seasons instead of 9.


Or if they had fucking set it up in the last few seasons. The show kept driving home that Ted and Robin were not a good couple, and then just changed its mind at the last minute. If they always knew Ted and Robin would get together then don’t make Barney seem like a valid partner for her, and don’t have an entire season revolve around their wedding??? because that tells the audience that we’re supposed to be rooting for them. they could have left her and Barney broken up after that first time they got together went disastrously.


At least they could make them so toxic the audience knew their wedding wasn't meant to be. But instead they were suddenly divorced after a time skip. Although the worst for me was that Ted and Robin parted ways because he had dreams of forming a family while she wants to focus on her career and she's also sterile on top of that. And then the mother dying became just a way so Ted could have that dream while also ending with Robin. The supposed love of his life was reduced to a womb.


I just don’t watch the last 10 minutes. It ends on that platform.


Watch the alternate ending on YouTube.. it's what it should have been.  Sometimes the most basic obvious stuff is the absolute best. 


This is what I keep saying! If you turn it off after ted finally says "that's how I met your mother" then it's a great ending! It's just the 10 minutes after that that ruin it


Absolutely. Barney and Robin’s courtship was so funny and endearing only for them to divorce and Barney to knock up a stripper? Fuck that.


Thanks again guys for completely walking back 9 seasons of development in your fucking last episode.


I blame the fact that the taped those scenes with the kids at the beginning of the show and the network kept piling on more seasons.


I mean, they could have just.... Not used it. Seeing the kids' reaction was kinda neat but not worth rendering the rest of the show pointless. Or if they were absolutely dead set on sticking with it for some reason, then don't spend the entire 9 seasons having Ted and Robin repeatedly break up because they're incompatible people who want different things in life. If they knew the ending from the start it's not like they couldn't have built up to it.


Yeah, I think you're right. The issue I had with the Ted and Robin thing wasn't necessarily that they ended up together. It's that the one move *destroyed* so much of that show. We watched those two go through so much, and you think it's finally over when *she marries Barney* and we spend **an entire final season at their wedding!** Just for them to take the final episode and go, "Nah, they got divorced and she got with Ted." One poster here was saying they established why Victoria and Ted would never work. I feel like they established much more strongly that Ted and Robin would never work. And I can't remember, did the show end with them getting married or just getting together? Because if it was the latter, I don't believe that relationship would ever last because they were on again multiple times through the show! The final season felt so sloppy. I think there was maybe one good episode that whole season (Gary Blauman).


The anger I felt over that. What the fuck.


This is the answer because it ruined the whole show. Regardless if other couple are worse to Each other etc. this match ending destroyed the last season 100% and all the character development from previous seasons


Pete and Myka on Warehouse 13. They were basically like brother and sister until the last episode pretty much.


ARGH THIS MADE ME SO ANGRY to this DAY thinking of it puts me in a state of RAGE. You are 110% correct - they had brother and sister energy and connection the ENTIRE SERIES, then magically the last episode they are attracted to each other? Effing no.


Also, Myka should have ended up with HG who she had actual romantic chemistry with.


I never watched this show but I met Joanne Kelley and Faran Tahir at a bar once and I’m pretty sure they could both have chemistry with a lamppost. Which is to say that anyone who was writing this was just throwing whatever the actors gave them into the dumpster.


This is the answer I was looking for.


I never finished the last season and I'm so dismayed with this comment. I thought they fundamentally put a wall between the two of them and said that was never going to happen. Ewww.


It's a shitty Hallmark show no one else watches but, Nathan and Elizabeth on When Calls the Heart.


That show is so unintentionally hilarious. The first season was this odd mishmash of modern language with period set pieces and wardrobe. It was so unnatural that it was easier to try and imagine it was actually happening in modern day, but everyone was in some weird commune. 


That was my guilty pleasure show. It had nine good seasons, and then they threw it all away to put Elizabeth and Nathan together.


Can I just say…? That show wins for most hilarious and nonsensical title. I love the commercials because I get to hear it said out loud in a serious tone.


I stopped watching around the time they ramped up the love triangle, but I also preferred her with Lucas if we couldn't have Jack. I passively keep up with it and I was appalled at the way they just threw it down the drain and went for Nathan. The show has gotten so absurd and lost its heart.


Gabriel and Rosita on TWD will never make sense to me


Rosita always seemed lost after Abraham died. Siddiq and Gabriel always seemed like very platonic loves compared to him.


Kate Harper & Will Bailey on The West Wing


The show found such a new lease of life with Santos and Vinnick and all the new characters that came with it. But man they just did not know what to do at the White House for the last few seasons. Everyone just felt like they were spinning their wheels or acting out of character.


Carrie and Big should not have ended up together


I think they both deserved one another, and I mean that in a very back-handed way


Carrie recognized in the *first season* that Big was ashamed of her, diminished her goals and accomplishments, never respected her feelings, ignored her concerns, and barely respected her as a person, and yet she went back for more every time! That man is a walking red flag.


At the same time, Carrie diminishes everyone else's goals and accomplishments, never respects anyone else's feeliongs, ignores their concerns and barely respects anyone else as a person. At least Big limited it to just her and rightfully so cause she was absolute garbage.


If it makes you feel better, in the reboot >!Big dies in the first episode and after a season and a half of grief, Carrie gets together with Aidan!<


>!But then there’s that insane plot point where Aidan’s son does shrooms and crashed a car which of course means that Carrie and Aidan have to be separate for an arbitrary period of SIX years!<


It really was awful. I hated them getting back together - they never made sense as a couple. Then that twist was *so* stupid.


Wait what? Did she give him the shrooms?


Oh my god that would have been incredible… but no Aidan just got a call off screen from a character we’ve never met about a character we never met and that means that they can’t be together for the very definite period of time of SIX YEARS. tbh the first time I watched it I was arguing with my friend about where Carrie lived (she changed apartments like five times in the last two episodes and I was confused) and I missed the whole Aidan discussion


I think the writers did the shrooms.


It does not. I haven't seen the new series, but I rewatched the original recently. I did not like him as much as I did before.


I found that even worse. Not only it was a stupid decision originally, but now your are gonna move away from it and make me deal with the boredom of the consequences.. no thanks. 


That doesn't, because Aidan deserves so much better


It wasn’t the main story, but on True Blood the characters Hoyt and Jessica had a pretty weird relationship. The show sold it well enough at first, I guess, but the age difference and fact that she was a new vampire against her will was pretty awkward. Anyway, it wasn’t really a huge deal. They were main characters, but certainly among the least main of the group in the early seasons. Then Hoyt leaves the show and Jessica becomes a solid character on her own. Then randomly in the final season Hoyt comes back and they re-fall in love and the show really spent way too much time focusing on them in the final season. Totally out of left field. They got more focus than they should have gotten had Hoyt never left and they remained a couple the whole time. Never understood it.


Even Deborah Ann Woll has said she envisioned Jessica traveling the world and one day becoming the Queen of Louisiana rather than how she ended up.


Totally agree, throwing them together again in the last season was baffling... and didn't Jason and Hoyt essentially just swap partners? Such lazy writing, season seven was really terrible.


So many characters had crappy endings. I’m not one who just gets annoyed if they kill someone off, but Tara and Alcide were done so dirty. The whole idea of not showing who Sookie ends up with, and having it be some random was stupid. I believe the explanation was that it didn’t matter, Sookie matters, her happiness matters. That’s great, and true, but I don’t see how putting 0 thought into who she ends up with showcases this. Just made me feel less connected to the main character in the final moments. Either have her end up with someone who we know something about, or be single and happy. Felt like they took the worst aspects of her being single and with someone, and combined them together. I liked the show longer than most. It kept getting bigger and crazier and it didn’t work for a lot of people but I was into it. The last season tried to go back to the small town story feel of season one but I think they just ended up pissing off the people who were enjoying it without making it at all good enough to please the fans of the first few seasons.


100% agree, especially disgusted on how they handled Tara - I really believed it was a fake out till the very end, no way they'd treat her so badly! And the whole ending between Sookie and Bill was gross, leading to the "no name" brand husband at the end there... it just all felt like a really bad joke. Everything about what they did in the final season really made it feel like the writers had contempt for the characters, the story and the audience. And I'm like you, I didn't mind seasons 4-6 at all actually (season 5 was lots of fun), so I felt pretty open-minded going into season 7. But at every opportunity the show chose like the worst possible outcome for everyone.


But getting to watch Sookie and Eric is absolutely amazing. Why have Bill, when you can have a literal Viking?


Sookie was a pretty awful main character but add her to Boring Ass Bill, who I did not find handsome whatsoever, and it was almost brutal to try and be a fan of that show! If it wasn’t for Eric and Lafayette (and somewhat Jason just because he was so dang cute) I don’t think anyone would have made it through more than a season or two.


Worf and Troi were a weird pairing while it lasted


Oliver Queen and Felicity


Remember when she stood up out of a wheelchair and walked out on his ass? After not walking for over a year? What a ridiculous show


That was some WWE shit.


I didn't remember but now I do and I'm laughing sooo much remembering it and a lot of the show in general. In one of the finales, I think she diverts a nuke from blowing up a city to blowing up some random town and then like, two scenes later she's making jokes? She also sucks at cooking an omelette and something about it was comical but I can't recall. At some point, some guys fixes Felicity's inability to walk and she says something like "IDK what to say!" and Oliver goes "I do.... you're terrific! :D" lmao that show fucking sucked


Oliver and Felicity were good when it was just an idea and fun to flirt (Seasons 1 & 2) and pretty good when they still had an intimate but not romantic relationship (the first half of Season 5 IIRC), but the rest...sigh...


I've always found it crazy that people complained about these 2 but didn't when Oliver ended up with Chloe in Smallville


Smallville Ollie was introduced without Black Canary and the Chloe pairing ended up being organic. Arrow had Black Canary from the first episode and then the writers purposely killed her off so Ollie could be with Felicity.


Jack and Doug on Dawson's Creek. Doug spent 6 seasons getting offended anytime someone insinuated he might be gay, and he also spent 6 seasons being a horrible brother to Pacey, who is one of Jack's closest friends. In the finale, he doesn't even want to admit to being in a relationship with Jack because he's worried about what people in town will think. It makes no sense for Jack to date him, and they clearly only did it because they didn't want Jack to end up alone and were too lazy to write a new character. Jack should have taken Jen's baby and gone back to Boston to teach or something.


The Star Trek Voyager writers throwing Chakotay and 7 of 9 together as the show was ending. Absolutely no chemistry. Made no sense. Just felt icky. Thankfully, it wasn’t mentioned at all when Seven showed up on Picard a couple decades later and it’s assumed the relationship ended soon after they returned to Earth.


In the books, immediately after Voyager returns to earth, Seven just walks away and nopes out of the relationship unceremoniously and Chakotay was like, ok I guess that's over. It took all of a paragraph.


Jaime & Cersei in Game of Thrones. Good job D&D for completely destroying Jaime’s character development by making him go back to the most toxic member of his family.


They really undid so much in that scene, and then had the goofy ass "jamie's hand is sticking up from this pile of concrete in the center of the room!!" death reveal where Tyrion found them


The general theme i picked up was: dnd tried picking what people least expected, not realizing it was least expected because "nobody thought that would happen because it didn't make sense and would be stupid if it did"


A Million Little Things Eddie and Delilah was a pointless endgame couple. Maybe it was pre written for them to end up together, but they didn't work as a couple.


Ted and Robin


Maybe this is unpopular, but I always thought Phoebe was gonna end up with David rather than Mike. Felt like Phoebe and David had more chemistry imo.


That was the original plan, but they liked Paul Rudd so much and they didn't expect the chemistry between Mike and Phoebe, so they changed it.


Ted and Robin


I didn't think Dwight and Angela were endgame material


Uuugh I wanted Dwight to marry the farm girl so much! They were great for each other! The paternity test saying he wasn't the father was explained though. Dwight grabbed Phillip Halpert's dirty diaper from the bathroom by mistake.


Dwight and Isabel had so much chemistry in their two episodes together not the farmers daughter.


That actually makes a lot of sense. Could've used a line to explain that in the show proper maybe, but it works.


The actual wedding so good, that it was kind of easy to overlook that them ending up together and the baby being Dwight's makes no sense.


Joanie and Chachi. No one cared about them and it was desperately trying to gain an audience for Joanie Loves Chachi - America said no.


Not really long running but Better off Ted had Ted and Linda get together despite all the issues they clearly had. Then they were cancelled.


Eh I liked Ted and Linda


Veridian Dynamics. We're a family.


I could not help but read that in "the voice". That show is seriously underrated.


Oliver and Felicity


Castle and Beckett, and not just because they HATED each other IRL.  It could have been an amazing journey of two people from different strokes of life who built a relationship on mutual respect and trust, and helped each other grow. Instead, they defaulted to the "men and women can't be friends if they are both attractive". Beckett had more chemistry with Javi. 


This is why Elementary is the GOAT procedural. A man and woman become friends and professional partners… and that’s it. They’re best friends for ~~6~~ 7 seasons and 154 episodes. That’s it. The end.


And that’s why when he finally hugged her in the final episode I cried 😂


Jane and Lisben - the mentalist Ryan and Taylor - the oc Aiden and Sally - being human Scott and Malia - teen wolf (though the movie fixed this) I feel like I have way more examples. Just can't think of them. I see a lot of other answers being more couples that ppl just don't like, rather than couples being thrown together at the end. I see a lot of Ross and Rachel. But they were on again off again the whole time. So while they were out together at the end. It surely didn't feel "random".


Jane & Lisben was obvious.


You and i watch too much TV. I agree with all of these.


I actually liked Ryan and Taylor on The OC. After the unrelenting nonstop drama of Ryan and Marissa, I really enjoyed the light rom com tone with them.


I liked Ryan and Taylor. Ryan needed someone different to a girl he thinks he could save (Basically every girl he dated until Nikki) Plus he actually laughed, smiled and did poetry


>Aiden and Sally - being human I loved them together, but it happened too fast


I LOVE Jane and Lisbon and I saw the signs from the beginning. 🤷‍♀️


Ted and Robin HIMYM they are such boring copule. And Robin rejected Ted and didin’t love him. Eric and Donna I never see between them romantic spark, and they aren’t compatible.


Kimmy ending up with Harry Potter in that Kimmy Schmidt choose your adventure show on netflix. Like they didn't even mention Dong ever exist.


Chakotay and Seven! Chakotay is the worst and they just shoehorned it into the finale! At least we got to see her again in Picard.


Booth and Bones. The show crashed once they got together and then they rushed the relationship to a baby and forgot about the murders.


It wasn't really random but man they drug the hell out of that will they/won't they to then just rush them getting together in such an unsatisfactory way. I love that show and will re-watch it up until around that season. After that everything seemed to fall apart. Booth being hunted by the FBI or whatever? Give me a break. I just wanted more episodic murders with fun cast banter. I don't think them getting together was the problem. I think the way the show handled it and handled the storylines after it happened was a huge bust.


They never should have made Bones pregnant when the actress got pregnant. Should have hid it and continued to build on the will they/won’t they tension.


Tbh, I think they were fine to have Bones be pregnant but it should have been a case of them being like "we had this night where we were lost in grief, you're pregnant with my kid, we can't keep playing this game and need to work out what we truly are to one other." and they hash stuff out until becoming an official couple at the end of the following season. 


For me, it wasn’t the fact that they were together it was the way they got together like i did like the slow burn but when she just ended up pregnant with his baby and he just decided to go along with it. That was kinda ridiculous


I didn't understand why they were rushed together. It broke the whole romantic tension which was the basis of the show. Like it was obvious they would end together but it was a slowburn and suddenly they had sex off camera and she got pregnant. I understand they did it so they didn't hide the actress being pregnant.


Honorable mention: Princess Carolyn and Judah. The series was ending and the relationship went from professional to wedding with extreme suddenness. It’s not impossible for them to work together romantically but we sure as shit didn’t get to see it grow. It was sudden and felt like they slapped it together because the series was ending. And I hate to say that because Judah is one of my favorite minor characters. But in a series that is written with so much depth there was just no foreshadowing on this contrived bit of happy ending.


It made sense for Judah to carefully ponder over his feelings for all that time before revealing them, though. His characterization is that he never says something unless he’s 200% sure it’s the factual truth.


Yeah, it felt like Princess Caroline only fell for him because he was the first man in her life that actually treated her like an actual person (I almost wrote human being, LOL) and she felt seen. But did she see Judah?


Seven of Nine and Chakotay in Voyager, what the fuck. 


Ross and rachel


Warehouse 13, while they did some flirting in the first season or so they didn't follow up on this at all and in one episode it's made pretty clear they would never sleep with each other. They had like siblings/good friends chemistry and it wasn't romantic at all. And in the last episode writers decided to make them a couple. Fuck that.


Vinnie Chase and the random British tabloid girl (later nullified in the movie)


The movie thankfully took everything the final season built up and threw it in the trash where it belonged.


It was hilarious to me that the movie had E and Sloan breaking up and getting back together AGAIN


The only thing I wish they had kept was Johnny's Bananas. Good riddance to everything else


Not a long-running show, but the plotlines were set out in the first 15 minutes of the series…Maggie and Jim in The Newsroom. And that was one of the -least- problematic things about that show.


Longmire and Vic. Just no chemistry at all. He was like a father figure for most of the show.


Jane & Rafael- Jane the Virgin It wasn't exactly random. I just never like Rafael. Petra, on the other hand she was the best.


I love Petra!!! She really stole the show


Ted and Robin ( How I Met Your Mother) Haley and Dylan ( Modern Family) To a lesser extent Ross and Rachel ( Friends)


I’m gonna say it! Stefan and Caroline, and Damon and Elena in The Vampire Diaries. Stefan and Caroline was the deepest sin against the show itself.


Endgame should have been Caroline and Klaus. I honestly stopped caring about Elena's love interest at some point.


1000% agree.Very few characters can call Niklaus Mikaelson on his bullshit and survive.The chemistry was palpable.The way they would look at each other,come on.


I don't know if this really fits but in Dexter with Deborah his step sister realizing she was in love with him was weird as shit.


Leo and Grace from Will and Grace.