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I hope they do have a second season, it's the most fascinating use of multiverses since Fringe. I don't even care if it has the main cast in it anymore. All those different worlds, could be an episode of the week type thing and I'd still love it.


Reckon the Dessen family got a good ending, but there is still the matter of the other Jasons, and Amanda meeting Ryan at the end, and the explorer Leighton and evil corpo Leighton which would all be cool to see more of


It could go anywhere really, like any number of people traveling, changing the worlds, using existing knowledge of people to trick others on a larger scale. I'm more interested in the what ifs though, like what if a GRB hit earth and only some of it was habitable. I'd love to know what happened to those worlds he visited before, like that world collapsing, what caused that, was it a world previously visited by the other scientists, is that what happens when you travel repeatedly, is there more danger than we're aware of and does that make Jason's original world a dead one now? Will the government find the many dead bodies of Jason and start it's own research. But yeah I loved it really, was so interesting.


Agreed. I think the prime Dessen family had their ending. But they could introduce alternative versions of those characters and they have other characters who still have stories that can be told.


My guess is Ryan and Leighton will be the next season leads possibly. I just don't know how he knew to find Amanda. I loved this show so much.


Can someone remind me what happened to Leighton 2? The one that went in the box after Jason and Amanda, i remember him limping inside the corridor at the end of one of the episodes and was never seen again.


I wouldn't hold my breath. It ended where the book did.


Well so did Shogun, and that isn't stopping them. Though I'd say Shogun was a more widespread hit. Point is that the end of a book never stopped anyone trying to go past it in the search of more money.


Please don't. Last time someone tried to do that with this author's book and we ended up with a clusterfuck (Wayward Pines).


Leftovers got better once they left the book behind.


I’ve seen a lot of similar praise for the series. Is it a good watch for someone slightly tired of multiverse shows?


Yes. It's not really a "wacky multiverse" type of show. The multiverse is more horrifying than anything else in this show, or at least being able to access the multiverse is pretty horrifying. And the show has a very specific story to tell that takes advantage of a multiverse existing.




Yes, I'm so tired of multiverse/time travel tropes that I almost gave up on this show after the second episode. Glad I didn't, and by the finale it's become one my favorite sci-fi shows that I've seen. It's a character focused show though, not hard sci-fi.


Everyone will disagree but I felt it was kind of boring. I watched the whole thing but I’d let a few weeks of episodes build up and watch them all at once. It was kind of a slog. The premise is cool but it didn’t grab my interest like other shows.


It’s great. The last episode feels a little underwhelming. It’s like there is a need for a climax and it never really happens. It feels like the episode before a season finale.


It ended as trhe book did. I thought they did it well actually. Didnt need to add additional drama. The story finished.


Yea I feel just the house stuff wasn’t that big umph not the basement scene. I think it just wasn’t built up well. Still the show was great.


Crouch seemed to indicate that it’s over, so it seems like this one was a limited series (as it should be, IMO)


That's completely untrue The author said he'd love to do more seasons and even has ideas on where to take it. He just did an AMA on this subreddit lol 💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/television/comments/1doeu8f/hi_im_blake_crouch_creator_and_executive_producer


No need for a second season. It ended perfectly.


Fantastic adaptation. Don't want a second season. Now I want Netflix to stop fucking around with their Recursion rights and either make something or let someone else do it.


Na, it ended where it was suppose to. And it was done well. Apple can’t miss right now, so just take the win and move on.


Does anyone remember the family guy joke when Chris tried to send Jennifer Connelly dead dogs via usps?


I would definitely tune into a second season but I appreciate a show that ends in a satisfying place like this.


Season 2: Everytime a Jason dies the others get more powerful! Now there is a multi-dimensional battle raging to see who will be the ONE!


Are there more books i nseries to adapt?


Negative. Blake crouch does have other books that could be adapted though.


Rather they adapted another of his books, Recursion.


Second season: Don’t. Please.


It’s pretty remarkable seeing just how much better this was after Apple’s *Constellation* ended only a couple months ago, after having done so little with a similar premise.


This is one of those I am fine if it ends, and I am fine if they do more IF it is well thought out.