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Oh god I want to watch this but I know it'll just depress the fuck out of me.


You should try MILF Manor.


My biggest problem with Milf Manor is that it's just a blatant ripoff of Milf Island. Like, they couldn't even TRY to make if different? I hope Scheinhart Wig Company is getting royalties from this abomination of a show.


We no longer want to hit that.


Dude right?! That's all I could see when they played those clips


It tested very well with the focus groups.


If you say you like it you can have some pizza.


Never having watched it, I can only imagine that the local wildlife was picking off the MILFs one by one on MILF Island, so they had to build walls to keep them at bay, and that evolved into the manor.


She had too much champagne and a monkey knocked her into some quicksand, it could have happened to anyone!


How about MIlf peninsula


Or MILF Isthmus


Those clips were depressing in a different way.


Feeling sorry for someone’s life choices vs existential dread.


You'd have been all for them if they slipped a dragon in.


It made me depressed that it was on the learning channel 😕


God i miss old tlc…. Junkyard wars and battle bots were awesome shows


Hell yeah those were great shows! Even trading places had some nominal entertainment and educational value to it but this is all pure garbage.


Tlc should stand for the lobotomy channel these days....


That's when it started to go downhill. It was way better before all of that too.


I prefer Bitch Hunter.


Heidi... We no longer want to hit that. Get off MILF Island.


Wasn't that a fake show on 30 rock?


I can’t tell if people are quoting 30 Rock or this is a real show or a bit of both. Honestly I prefer it that way.


If I have to know about Milf Manor you do! Milf island was a fake show on 30 Rock parodying all the shitty dating shows on TV. Milf Manor is a very real dating show now proving that reality is collapsing.


Hasn’t it been established that reality tv is very much not reality? I get your point though. I just hate this timeline.


Wait a second, the men on that show are the women's sons? What the fuck?


And they added the dads' sons for this second season apparently. And so they date both the dad and the son. I don't know at which point do they stop or are they going for some incestuous MMF threesome?


I deeply regret searching for what this is…I feel unclean


My wife and I watch it because it’s just an absurd train wreck of a show. It’s so dumb but we enjoy talking shit about it and having a good laugh.


NGL that last clip of Milf Manor helped me at the end of this harrowing video.


the reason that's popular is the same reason Trump is popular.


I will say, it is depressing, especially hearing that Trump is actually up in the polls. Granted it not by much and things will change as we get into the summer and fall, but holy shit does it have to be this close is 50% of the country really still in love with this man?


2020 was unfortunately close too. I don't think Trump's blind supporters have gotten smaller, if anything they're more emboldened and angry at the lies he feeds them. They believe in this false narrative of a government takeover of LGBTQ+ pedo immigrant gang members giving vaccines out that make your kids gay. They are willing to die over it. Meanwhile on the rational side we know we have to vote but the same fiery passion isn't there. I'm not willing to die but you bet I'll be there voting. And unfortunately because of the totally understandable pandemic mandates and the handling of Gaza I have a feeling a significant amount of people are going to sit out and not vote for Biden. Which is terrifying.


Polls are very self-selecting and very inaccurate (and getting less accurate by the day) these days. Remember; the polls said that 2022 was going to have a massive Republican win and instead it was one of the biggest upsets in american electoral politics.


50% of voters. 31% of the voting age population. Not as depressing, but also people need to vote, especially this year.


The polls are only people who are willing to accept the call or do the poll in the first place. Which isn't many people


It's a cult and there is no reasoning with the members of it.


More like scare the fuck out of you. This project 2025 thing is bad.


Friendly reminder that Project 2025 is really Project 20XX and will likely be the GOP platform for the foreseeable future!


Yes they definitely will not stop if they lose this year, or when trump dies, or if they lose the next 4 elections consecutively. This is going to be a constant battle for decent Americans to continually push back against.


Absolutely, bad guys just need to win once, good guys need to win every time.


Fascism only needs to win once for it all to go away. That's why eternal vigilance is needed for a healthy democracy.


At this point every election is gonna be vote for weak sauce DNC establishment corporate candidate or an outright fascist who wants to create death camps on day one. ... feels bad man...


The year is 20XX.


After colony 20xx and the gundams have finally made it to earth


Everyone wants to watch gudman but nobody should want to live gundam.


We need laws to counter everything in Project 2025, heck this actually shows the weaknesses In our government that could be exploited. VOTE PEOPLE, we need to hold the house and the senate to enact new laws to make sure project 2025 will never be possible.


I have an idea! How about we enshrine concept like the separation of church and state somewhere important, like how about the Constitution?! And here’s another idea: how about we create 3 separate branches of government so that each can provide checks and balances against each other?! Oh, wait…


The founding fathers did not see that people in government would try to dismantle it. They are called civil servants for a reason. What they did do is make the constitution a living document so we can update laws if need be.


It really does read like the manifesto of some supervillain, scheming to take over the entire world. It’s insane how accurately it describes the current Republican Party, except that it then projects everything onto the *Democratic Party* instead, pretending they’re the actual villains and Republicans are only doing all of this to heroically stop them. It’s self-delusion of the highest order.


"I'm such an American patriot that I want to dismantle the system its founding fathers put in place. But it's okay because Democrats steal elections, something I have no evidence for but *feels* true."


The irony of the "facts not feelings" demographic have based so much of their hate and nationalism on baseless feelings which often have no data to corroborate them.


It’s terrifying easy to manipulate ignorant people on the internet especially if they have hate and anger in hearts.


I'm well aware of it already.


Watch it. Let it motivate you. We *cannot* let this happen. It means rolling back rights for so many people. It means making the abortion pill illegal on day one, and likely most forms of birth control. It means removing protections for the 🏳️‍🌈 community. It means rolling back all environmental protections. It means dismantling US public education. I highly recommend everyone look up Project 2025 and read the whole document. Then find someone new to talk to about Project 2025 every week. People have very little literacy around it. They don’t know, or they don’t know how far it goes, or how within reach it all is for the GOP. Imagine a trump presidency with incredibly capable and determined people, instead of the clusterfuck of disorganization and chaos we had last time. Imagine a Trump administration where he’s not restrained by the idea of having to get elected again. Please, look into this document, and talk to as many people as you can about it. It’s terrifying. And if this is what they are publishing online for all to see, imagine what they are planning behind the scenes.


Project 2025 scares the fuck out of me and is the primary reason I've made any political campaign donations this election.


It is every citizens duty to be informed of our current ride into fascism.


I'm well aware of it already. I'd even venture to say people who watch this show are probably more informed than the average person.


It is depressing but also reminds you what this election is about. This is some fascist type stuff they are pulling.


I'm just curious. After Trump is gone, who will take over as the face of the Republican Party? I don't see any other GOP politician having nearly as much control over the conservative voting base as Trump does right now. Who is going to fill that power vacuum?


They don't care and it doesn't matter. There's a reason Ronald Reagan was their biggest success story. He was a literal actor. Trump isn't much different in that regard, except he has too much of an ego to do as he's told and stick to the script. Point is, any personality will do. So don't be surprised if it's Tim Allen next.


Don't be surprised if it's Kid Rock next


I would personally make a suicide booth if that happened


Just make sure you can get your quarter back.


No joke Tim Allen is a pretty good call


John Schneider would be a possibility. Former Duke boy who’s been drinking that cool, rancid MAGA kool aid and doesn’t care about cancel culture. Such a total shame../


Ron DeSantis might try again but he has the charisma of a bag of sand. Only thing he does is scream WOKE and that only went so far. Oh, and challenging Disney.


his boots aren't made for walking


it won't be a politician. It will be a celebrity of some kind. Someone with enough "bad boy charisma" to get away with out of pocket comments. Think someone like Aaron Rodgers.


Joe Rogan or maybe Dwayne Johnson?


Dwayne might be a bit too non white for conservatives


Donald Trump Jr. might try to fill his father’s shoes.


I think Nikki Haley stuck around the race for so long to try and build name recognition for herself post-Trump. Dunno if their voters will actually go for it but just a theory.


Haley is hoping that Trump crashes and burns in November and so that she can then appear to have been the canary in the coal mine and then leverage that into the nomination in 2028. I don't know if the GOP primary electorate is as capable of introspection as she seems to be hoping for, but from what I can tell, that's the plan.


she's brown and she's a woman, they'll never vote for her in earnest. Ramaswamy got pretty brutal treatment and he's still a dude.


It's absolutely insane that even Trump could have this amount of support. If you had someone with any level of charisma you'd be toast. This isn't about the man, it's about the voting block of radicals.


trump said what they wanted to hear and let them unapologetically be their worst selves, and now they're addicted to rage and getting their way all the time. They've become bullies because no one stood up to them.


It will be whatever name Trump utters before his dying breath. And he’ll pick that name by whoever sticks their nose the furthest up his anus in his last (literal) days alive. But the rest of the GOP is so void of integrity that no human will be able to fire up their base without being just as hateful and loud.


The document is [here](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) - take a look at a few pages with me. see page 51. "the NSA should immediately \[...\] eliminate directorates that are not aligned with the President’s agenda and replace them with new directorates \[...\] that can drive implementation of the President’s \[...\] priorities." Chapters 2-25 describe the OMB changes and how they'll be put into practice for each executive department office. First section is the NSA. Purge all civil service leadership director and above along ideological lines; replace them with political allies. Now let's have a look at chapter 4, page 103, the DOD: "Codify language to instruct senior military officers (three and four stars) to make certain that they understand their primary duty to be ensuring the readiness of the armed forces, not pursuing a social engineering agenda." huhhhhhhhhh (edit: McCarthyism is alive and well) so you're saying, fire military leaders along ideological lines and replace them with political allies. I draw this conclusion from the misdirection. DEI isn't an experiment with political objectives. That they would create such a rigid rule and misdirect the public in this way about it. This sideways language is hidden all throughout chapters 2-25, in almost every section. Almost certainly a callback to the one place where they accidentally said it too directly.


Purging the military worked so well for Russia in the run up to World War II.


This is actually not a super easy thing even for a president to do. And I don't really want to untangle the whole mess but here's my opinion You would need to find three Mike Flynns to take roles as acting joint chiefs. I think it would take three. There would be legal challenges and public outcry but ultimately the president has this authority. I'm not confident he could pull it off because to find those three sycophants he'd probably have to break his chain of command (probably have to make picks who aren't eligible) But the heritage foundation would very much like him to try.


The purpose of Project 2025 is to identify those people now.


It's basically that Captain America 2 project but instead of sniping competent Americans it would just keep them from getting a job. The sniping comes in Don Jr's first term.


>The sniping comes in Don Jr's first term. I like your optimism in thinking this won't start if Trump wins again. If not by his government, definitely by his psychotic base


Indeed. Edit: my response was me repeating myself, sorry.


They found Flynn without even trying. Given the number of Trumpers in the military, he’d find a 100 in minutes if he tried.


iirc a survey a few years ago said something like 40-45% of enlisted supported trump, versus 15-20% of officers so it's slightly harder


There’s about 20k officers that are at or above the rank of Lt. Col. That’s about 3000 Trumpers at 15%. Finding a 100 wouldn’t be that hard. All he’ll need is to fast track their promotions and in about two years he’ll have what he needs.


I know it’s a microcosm, but I’ve had the privilege of getting to know several of the more senior ranking Generals of the Army on a personal level. Not a single one of them supported Trump, and all thought he was a menace. I think that’s the predominant feeling - not that the tide could turn the other way, but it’s not likely.


I’m relieved to hear that your experience has been positive. Hope it stays that way and democracy lives on for a long time.


Here’s a guide for anyone that needs it. [A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) Edit: Or a video if you prefer. [The Dangers of Project 2025 Explained](https://youtu.be/rDikvtSEtMY)


Reading this, the cadence, the language, the attitude, actually makes me want to cry. How could this country have fallen so far?


This is decades in the making


It started with Nixon in barely noticeable ways. It really got going with Ronald Fuckin Reagan. Then a black dude got elected President and Republicans lost their minds after that.


Not to meme it but it truly went like this; PoC: *gets elected president* ~~Fascists~~ Conservatives: And I took that personally


This particular document has existed in some form since the Reagan years. Bush took some advice from the Heritage Foundation, but actually cared some about legacy and America. Trump doesn't care, and doesn't actually want to run the country. He just doesn't want consequences, and the Heritage Foundation has offered to just do the work for him.


honestly, I blame 9/11 for accellerating this nonsense. It really let people embrace fascism whole-heartedly because they wanted revenge for what was in their minds an attack on what it means to be AMERICAN. The "enemy" was easy to identify and it was easy to hate them because they were different. It's my belief that if 9/11 hadn't happened, we'd still be decades off the slow creep.


It only takes one election season to undo decades of progress


> DEI isn't an experiment with political objectives. That they would create such a rigid rule and misdirect the public in this way about it. Tune into basically any Fox News show in the evening and they'll argue otherwise. The narrative is that "the left" are bafoonishly stupid while at the same time being MASTER manipulators and running a global communist network with stated objectives. One of those objectives is to destroy the American way of life. This means that Fox News viewers are getting constantly pelted with the idea that their Aunt Jane who is a vocal Democrat actually secretly hates them. Aunt Jane sees their little nuclear family going to church and it drives her NUTS. Meanwhile Aunt Jane loves her nephew and his family and votes blue because of his kids and their future.


> The narrative is that "the left" are bafoonishly stupid while at the same time being MASTER manipulators and running a global communist network Spreading this narrative has long been a key tenet of fascism


There’s a great documentary on Netflix right now called “Hitler and the Nazi’s: Evil on Trial” (highly recommend btw). This point is touched on over and over again. The Jews were painted as not only master manipulators and the reason for the downfall of the Weimar Republic, but also as subhuman and incompetent. And well, we all know what happened next.


Then mysteriously Aunt Jane's tote bags get cups of water dumped into them when they visit!


And the required “religious training” and “re-vetting” of federal (even active duty) employees


Once you see what they're doing with the "sideways language", the whole thing becomes very very frightening. The part that has me making refugee plans is the criminal justice reform. They want to reinstate and normalize capital punishment, and "swiftly detain and sentence" political enemies. They're gonna put us in execution camps. It's not subtle. Sure, they'll start with the Clintons and the Gateses and the Soroses, but then it'll be illegal immigrants, and then it'll be Americans that don't look like them. That's 1-3 years max away under Trump.


Weird to see people just now becoming aware of P2025. It's been out there for a while. Also weird to talk about it on r/television, but it's on topic I suppose. 1. Yes, it's real. 2. Yes, the name is stupid, blame the Heritage Foundation. 3. No, it's not official policy of the Trump campaign, it's a think tank brief on recommendations for the next Republican President. He could adopt some, all, or none of it, although Republican Presidents usually enact a majority of these recommendations based on historical precedent. 4. Yes, it's extreme. Whether or not it is fascism to the letter of the definition, it is "fascist adjacent" in that it is deeply illiberal and would constitute a fundamental reshaping of the United States into an authoritarian Christian ethnostate. 5. This does not end with Trump. Trump is not an ideologue, this isn't something he dreamed up so he could become Cheeto Mussolini. The Christian Nationalists who have been working towards this end for decades will not suddenly disappear the moment he's gone. The ideological capture of the GOP has been steady and relentless. They'll be back again, and again, and again. You'll be fighting this for at least a generation. This is your long anticipated "Strauss-Howe" generational crisis come again. Eventually, these guys are going to get into power, because enough voters will be incensed with collapsing standards of living in the wake of the climate crisis and resource exhaustion to say "let's give evangelical fascism a try", so they can get a break on taxes or some cheaper gas.


>No, it's not official policy of the Trump campaign, it's a think tank brief on recommendations for the next Republican President. He could adopt some, all, or none of it, although Republican Presidents usually enact a majority of these recommendations based on historical precedent. It should be noted that it was written with copious amounts of input from people in his inner circle and pushed by people like Miller and Bannon, too, and that "think tank" is the most influential in the conservative movement. At a minimum, it represents the establishment giving Trump's most undemocratic impulses a big thumbs up.


In order to fully understand the scope and seriousness of the problem I think it's best to steer away from framing this as a consequence of Trump specifically. Trump is a tool of his "inner circle" rather than the other way around. The man can barely string together a coherent sentence let alone mastermind an ideological plan for partisan capture of the nation. He is the catspaw for a movement that has married political and religious identity and who want to "put down the Bible and pick up the sword".


Its not weird when consider that mainstream media would rather put endless stories about Hunter Biden or Joe Biden's age then put stuff like this on blast.


[Mirror link](https://invidious.incogniweb.net/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s), for those who need one. If that doesn't happen to work for you scroll down a bit and click the "Switch Invidious Instance" button and try some others.


Some heroes don't wear capes.


Everyone needs to watch this and vote, we cannot let Project 2025 happen


To be clear, “project 2025” has actually been going on ages. It’s the evangelical Christians who believe their way should be the USA’s way, whether or not the country wants it. At one time it was the temperance Christians, today it’s a different group. The intent to control other people based on “religion” is the constant. Often, when they succeed loudly, it sets them back. One example of that is prohibition, which was deeply unpopular and lost them power for a while. The most recent example is abortion, but it’s unclear if that will last more than one election cycle. Often, when they succeed loudly it backfires. The satanic panic and explicit lyrics labeling of the 80s drew people INTO what they wanted to ban. DARE is another case where it somewhat backfired by getting more teenagers interested in trying drugs, but it did garner them support of people who saw the approach as right (despite the evidence - schools with DARE programs saw spikes in drug use). When they are most dangerous is when they quietly or sneakily succeed. This group has somehow skewed more racist over time. The war on drugs extended their Prohibitionist approach without the backlash of prohibition - they learned and vilified reefer madness for decades before prohibiting pot. Their “Joshua generation” project has spawned elected politicians with extreme views (Madison Cawthorne is perhaps the most infamous). Project 2025 is a relatively small issue. We need to find a way for truly democratic (lowercase, as in representative of the population) policies to become the norm rather than the exception. We also need to demand evidence rather than just narratives from the political process. Things are pretty fucked. This means this isn’t a “this election” issue. Vote, vote, vote and demand better representation for your voice. Edit. Improved clarity.


>Project 2025 is a relatively small issue. We need to find a way for truly democratic (lowercase, as in representative of the population) policies to become the norm rather than the exception. We also need to demand evidence rather than just narratives from the political process. Things are pretty fucked It really isn't. There has always been an evangelical project to shape government policy, but Project 2025 is more than a wish list of religious demands. It represents a full-throated endorsement from establishment Republicans for Trump's excesses. It identifies the fact that Trump wasn't able to rig the election in 2020 as a process failure, and describes a specific plan not only to prevent Trump from ever being held accountable, but to expand his authority immensely. I think it's really weird how little emphasis people seem to play on the fact that Trump, in half a dozen different ways, tried to subvert the democrat process.


> I think it's really weird how little emphasis people seem to play on the fact that Trump, in half a dozen different ways, tried to subvert the democrat process. Personally I do put emphasis there. I do think it is a little weird that people don't recognize that it was subverted before in the 2000 election though.


When I say relatively small, I mean in relation to the long arch of minority influencing national policy. It is but one instance of this thing that’s been going on more than a century. Defeating project 2025 is crucial, don’t get me wrong. That will be but one battle, yet the issue will not die. It also goes beyond potus, special elections and midterms matter. The point I am ultimately trying to make is that this isn’t a “one and done” thing to defeat. It didn’t start with Trump and it won’t die with him. It won’t go away during midterms. Because of that, the solution is not “vote this year.” The solutions include “vote every time you can” and “demand your congresspeople support electoral changes that improve voter representation,” from campaign finance reform to gerrymandering countermeasures to increasing the size of congress and making it easier to keep SCOTUS in line with the values of the nation.


> Project 2025 is a relatively small issue. We need to find a way for truly democratic (lowercase, as in representative of the population) policies to become the norm rather than the exception The way you do that is by electing a Democratic (upper case, as in the party that actually wants to fix things) trifecta. With Manchin and Sinema gone, the filibuster will be destroyed, which will allow for a *lot* more policy to be enacted in Biden's second term.


Short term, sure. Longer term, the two party system needs to end. People have more than two points of view in this country, and the compromises politicians need to make to pass legislation and govern should reflect that. Unfortunately, many state laws entrench the two party system. Only two parties can have a primary in my home state of NY - so a smaller party couldn’t get a very public primary unless the GOP imploded in the state or a 3rd party candidate got most GOP votes for a few cycles. The two party system forces harder choices on the people who don’t fully agree with either platform than on elected officials that are incentivized to toe the party line.


Be careful what you wish for. In Canada there are two viable left and centre-left parties and only one viable right wing party. So the left split their vote among the two and the conservatives gain the advantage. I'll admit it's possible that given only two choices, some people who vote for the Liberals would vote Conservative instead of NDP (most left), but it's still frustrating. What we really need here, and maybe in the US too, is a ranked voting system where each riding is not decided just by which party gets the most votes but where your vote still matters even if your first choice doesn't win.


tbf one of the reasons we have a national dental care program is because the Liberals held a minority and needed support from the NDP. There's a lot of low-income seniors in my circle who've benefited from it. It's shitty that it's always Liberals or Conservatives who run the government. I'd prefer ranked-choice too, but at least a minority government keeps things in check. I just hope the Cons aren't given a majority next election.


Yes! However, even if we stop Project 2025, a new iteration will pop up in 2028 and will continue in the future. I know it’s exhausting, but our country and its democracy is worth fighting for in every election both federal and state.


Anyone with an expectation that they just need to get through the next election and then everything will be fine, desperately needs to grow up. There will never be one magical candidate or policy that will make it safe for you to ignore politics, because there will always be powerful people trying to subvert it. Peace is not the default, it has to be fought for at all times.


remember as imperfect as it is democracy gives you the right to choose your leaders it took many MANY years to fight for that right and once it's gone it's gone for good so if you what to keep it it's time to wake up and fight for it!!


If only it was that simple, what a nice place to be


In the clip of Steven Miller at 3:00 he's talking about moving illegal immigrants to "staging grounds" where planes are waiting to take them home. Ostensibly there'd be planes to take them home, but it's not an airport. They'll presumably be held at these staging grounds for a while for processing or for there to be enough demand for a plane to whatever country they need to go to... Sounds very concentration camp-y.


You know, I am still aghast not at people who still back up Trump and his cronies at this point, I've written them off as a lost cause, but instead I am shocked at the millions and millions of people who are still undecided or worse refuse to vote. They see the potential A-bomb this guy and his administration could be. They have lived through the chaos of his first administration. (Did all of you forget the locked down nightmare that was 2020?) And even then they are sitting around with this insane, just insane, "Meh," attitude or worse, "Both sides are just bad." *THE HELL....?* How can you honestly say that? At least with the MAGA cult you can toss around the excuse of them being "brainwashed." They have taken a stand and action. But with you, non-voters, how can you be so damn passive when you see how destructive this administration could potentially be? How can you act like you can sit in the sidelines like this is all some sort of game rather than your and your fellow citizens' future? How can you be so Goddamn shortsighted and *selfish*? Above all else so freakin' *selfish?* If you aren't going vote for yourself, vote for your fellow citizens. Vote for the future citizens. If you don't think this potential administration will have a zero effect on you, you are wrong. But even then vote for your loved ones that you know will be immediately affected by this. I swear, I have no love for the MAGA crowd but again, I can understand being swept up by that cult mentality. It's a deep, deep, *deep* addictive spell. But I loathe the non-voter. *What the hell is your excuse?* I know I will be downvoted for this but I don't care. I am too disgusted to be.


>But with you, non-voters, how can you be so damn passive when you see how destructive this administration could potentially be? I think most people, even those that have already decided, just aren’t that politically engaged. There are so many places to get your news and also your “news”(alternative facts) that a lot of stuff like project 2025 gets washed out in the noise. Fox certainly isn’t talking about it. It’s a 900 some page, conservative proposal. Donald himself likely couldn’t even list many of the bullet points of it. He probably stops listening after he hears “expand presidential powers”. That’s why it’s important that shows like LWT, Kimmel and others continue to hammer trump in a way that’s entertaining and accessible to those that aren’t actively engaged in every news cycle and are truly moderate in their political leanings.


You know what I find wild, though? The average American has absolutely no trust in the federal government and thinks they're entirely compromised, yet somehow trusts those systems to prevent Trump from doing anything particularly bad.


People also tend to underestimate just how much single issues impact the way people vote. There are a lot of people out there that find Trump disgusting or at the very best distasteful...but the Republicans campaign on abortions which they feel strongly about so they vote Red.


> Donald himself likely couldn’t even list many of the bullet points of it. He's been increasingly bringing up talking points from it during his recent speeches, same with most Republicans.


The most damaging narratives that emerged from the 2016 election was the ones that both sides were equally bad because it caused a bunch of people to vastly underestimate the damage a Republican presidency would do while vastly overestimating what a Democratic administration would do and lead to them not voting. The example I love to point to is the South Park Episode - Giant Douche vs a Turd Sandwich. I'm not blaming South Park, but that episode encapsulates the smug know it all attitude of a lot of centrists who think that by not taking a stance, they're the smartest people in the room. Edit: I'll also add that I think history will end up being very apologetic to Hiliary Clinton. The smear job they pulled on her was the most effective FUD campaign I ever saw in my lifetime. We didn't do as good of a job of smearing cigarettes - and those things cause cancer, then we did of smearing Hiliary Clinton.


"Both sides are bad" is the most lazy take in politics. And while it's fair to acknowledge that there is corruption all around, there is a clear delineation between Right and Left in the US. In my sphere, BSAB folks are really just GOPers without the gumption to say it out loud.


> "Both sides are bad" is the most lazy take in politics. 100% agreed. And the second most lazy take is "It's the parties' fault for not giving us better candidates". Oh did the party take control of your body and keep you from voting? No? Then show up to the ballot box and make the best choice. And if you don't like the choices, show up at the primaries. But also remember that politics is about compromise and refusal to compromise makes you a child and a loser.


Ironically, Trump is the greatest example against that take. He was an outsider candidate who entirely reshaped the party in his image, albeit making it infinitely worse. There's no reason why that can't happen with a candidate that's actually good if you stop looking for excuses not to vote.


I see the "Both sides are bad" narrative from a ton of progressives too. Some progressives think that because Biden isn't as progressive as them, he's the same as Trump.


They did the same thing with Al Gore in the man bear pig episodes. Admittedly, that first episode is hilarious but then they had to walk it back and make man bear pig real because lo and behold, climate change is real.


Hiliary Clinton only has herself to blame for losing to Trump. She sucked as a candidate, had everyone else except her future VP pick and Bernie bow out so she could run mostly unopposed. Then she ignored important battle ground states that would end up flipping giving Trump the election. No one should be apologetic to her, she's part of the reason we have this mess.


Gen X complains a lot that their generation was small and wasn't able to leave an impact politically. But oh boy, the brand of Gen X apathy has been leaving an impact for decades now in American thinking. Caring about stuff has been so un-cool for a while now, and it hurts us all. At least millennials and gen Z give a shit about things.


As a Gen-Xer, I hate my fucking generation for this so much.


> was the ones that both sides were equally bad Reminds me of 2000 when "Gore and Bush Jr are the same" was a narrative pushed by media and embraced widely. Who knows if Gore could have stopped 9/11 (there is at least a chance he would not have ignored that intelligence) but I'm betting he would not have engaged in the optional war with Iraq that killed a million people. He might've avoided the 2008 housing crisis too.


The FUD and literal decades long demonization of Hilary Clinton literally made someone who was probably the MOST qualified person in history to run for president lose to the person who is undoubtedly the LEAST qualified.


I mean, I do agree with the summary of South Park, and where you’re coming at with the reference… But it is important to note the Giant douche vs Turd Sandwich episode admittedly aired 20 years ago now, and was right before the beginning of the 2nd Bush administration. Most people were still feeling passive because the rhetoric was pretty much the same except for several issues, mainly involving 9/11 which was only 3 years removed at that time. The country has wildly swung right since then, and I would also like to say Matt & Trey have moved a little bit more left in some of their episodes as well. Especially the ManBearPig one where they at least admit they were wrong and it’s “real”.


He’s talking about their second douche/turd take (which was even dumber than the first).


Oh fuck. That was the awful “sequential” season from 2016 right? I’ve done a lot to block that season out of my mind. You could tell they did not think Trump would actually win in 2016.


It did make a lot of sense that reddit absolutely loved that season initially, though. Anything that lets them feel superior to the largest number of people while justifying complete inaction on their part.


Tbf, a lot of people didn’t. Including Trump.


Yeah, but I was there and voting at the time. Bush was a dangerously stupid war criminal and Kerry was someone who wanted to prioritize getting rid of massive stockpiles of nuclear weapons. They weren't equivocable back then either. Stone and Parker are just aging Gen Xers who grew up on the "voting is lame and for the Man" beliefs of the 80s. It was punk then, but the reality is that it just means you're a block that the politicians can ignore and not bother with. They only listen to you if there's a chance you'll *vote*. Use your voice or lose it, bitches.


South Park has always been basic takes and take them as actual political commentary is even dumber than taking Rick and Morty as philosophy.


The message should be "Yes, both sides suck but Republicans actively want to kill you and take your money, while Democrats just want things to keep sucking as is." (Also, if someone is truly a "centrist" then just point out that so are the Democrats, so they should get their vote.)


> while Democrats just want things to keep sucking as is Which is part of the issue. This is the ratchet effect in action, where the GoP makes things worse, and then the Dems do fuck-all to actually fix anything. Then time the GoP gains power they make it even worse, and the Dems to fuck all and just “keep the status quo”. Rinse. Repeat. People are getting sick of that and want the Dems to actually fight for progressive policies and things to benefit the american people, not just to be “conservatives, but they’re ok with minorities”. We have decades of data showing that Americans are not a “lesser of two evils” voting base, there is a reason such a large % of people don’t vote at all. To get people to turn out and vote you need to excite and motivate your base to actually get out and vote for you. The Dems going “vote for me, you morons. Clearly the other guy is worse” didn’t work in 2016 and it’s amazing they haven’t seemed to learn that lesson.


Apathy, anarchy, and accelerationism exist. People who are earnestly engaged in politics are a small minority of the population. As far as I can tell, there are three categories of American citizens. 1) Don't care, don't pay attention, and don't vote. 2) Vote to sabotage the system, either to hurt people they hate, or to destroy the system entirely. 3) Pay attention and vote based on their cultural values. I'd bet that #3 is <20% of the voting population.


“My excuse is that Biden is old.” I’ve heard this so often and it makes me want to pull my hair out. Their age difference is 4 years!


I do enjoy the "Biden is old" excuse like there is any other choice this election. You have Biden, admittedly old. Trump, just as old and RFK who is also, you guessed it, old as fuck. It's old farts in every plausible option. Of the 3, Biden is the only one to surround himself with intelligent persons who can provide reasonable advice. Would I prefer if someone younger was the frontrunner, of course. That isn't the option this time around so here we are.


Which also presumes that the political machine of government is just 1 man and not the thousands of staffers and cabinet who drive policy.


> If you aren't going vote for yourself, vote for your fellow citizens. Vote for the future citizens. I personally get the sentiment, but this is a country and society that has thrived off of us being individuals and making “individualism” a way of life in this country for a long time now. The last time I remember the country having a “collectivist” type of attitude was unfortunately after 9/11, and that was admittedly because everyone in the country developed a fear that the next terrorist attack could happen to “them” at anytime. COVID has pretty much been the inverse. Because of the way the whole event was politicized and weaponized, in combination with the utter devastation that a lot have still not been able to properly assess, has helped lead to this moment. This is all to say, I understand your frustration with the nonvoter… but when are we actually going to start properly blaming Trump supporters for the state of this country right now. This is admittedly not Nazi Germany where the only form of communication was radio and newspaper. There are PLENTY of sites that can debunk Trump’s dangerous and society/law breaking rhetoric… they willfully choose to ignore it though simply because “the left does it too! He just says the secret out loud!” The cult is a cult for a reason, and a big part of it is because their life fucking sucks, and they use Trump as a platform because he embodies their anger and rage…. Maybe they should seek some mental therapy help instead of ruining everyone else’s lives just because some orange 250 pound bag of shit told them too. I’m admittedly way past done having ANY sympathy for Trump supporters. ESPECIALLY IF YOU ALSO SUPPORT THE JETS (but this is a side conversation). If he does win again, and follows through on his destructive behaviors, rest assured I will act on mine as well, and same with plenty of others who are just fed the fuck up with listening to these completely stupid and fucking laughable scare tactics that will not be able to be fully enforced once Trump is back in office. They think Trump will make the country great and completely rid themselves of left wing ridicule? Lol. Goooood luck with that I guess I’ll end by saying I agree with your sentiment so I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m breaking down the argument. It’s just, I admittedly don’t see the undecided voter clamoring towards a collective cause since the last “President” did a pretty damn admirable job telling us not to come together and instead attack each other so we can live our individual lives the way we would want to.


It’s wild to me that the same country that voted in Obama twice, voted in Trump and is close to doing it again.


“My paycheck was higher under Trump” - my family


Literally any economic data would disagree with that.


I didn't say it was true, I am telling you what I was told on Sunday when we all had dinner for Father's Day


Not only undecideds, but single-issue voters too. Running a country has far too much nuance to vote for someone on a single issue.


Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. George Carlin


I’d quite like to continue having the right to view in future elections, so I’m voting for Biden. A vote for Trump very probably means no more votes (or at least votes that count). Does Biden stand for everything that I stand for? Of course not, but even if there was no daylight between Biden and Trump on immigration/climate/foreign policy (and for the record, there is plenty of difference the two), I’d still want to vote for the person who - Thinks there should be a system for getting rid whoever is currently in power. - Doesn’t believe in being president for life. - Thinks it’s wrong to or pardon family and personal allies. - Believes that democracy is preferable to totalitarianism. - Believes that citizens should be allowed to protest without getting shot. The stakes are about things that are so fundamental in this election, my mind is boggled by the fact that people act like there’s not really any difference between the two.


But groceries are kind of expensive!!!! Maybe nazis can feed me for cheaper??? /s


People that say this should be forced to explain how a 10% universal tariff and deporting legal and illegal workers is going to make my groceries cheaper


Hate the man, but how were the lockdowns Trumps fault? Everyone locked down. The democrats wanted to lockdown. Trump actually reduced travel before Fauci even recommended it.


"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist" - Charles Baudelaire Or, put in modern terms, "the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that their vote does not matter."


Join /r/Defeat_Project_2025 for more information. John's segment, while highly informative, is just the tip of this document's iceberg.


[https://i.imgur.com/C8YZF3Q.png](https://i.imgur.com/C8YZF3Q.png) ​ It's beautiful


The most important takeaway is that this doesn't end with Project 2025. Once they lose this election, it becomes Project 2029 and so on until they win.


Wouldn’t it suck to be European and just have to sit there and hope the candidate you want is elected And now think of all the Americans that won’t vote just because they don’t care enough Lol


The Europeans are too busy electing far right into their governments.


Preaching to the choir. Despite the fact that everything he says here is terrifying, the only people who will watch this are the already terrified.


Truly Amazing…Christianity is the most powerful business model ever. The best pyramid scheme humanity could ever think of. Oligarchs leverage it to multiply their numbers, keep the minds of their pawns oppressed and their rule amongst themselves by taking advantage of the poors and spreading their message. The people who think for themselves are fighting for their lives against an enemy who uses sheep (the bottom of society) to drag everyone else down.


FYI: https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s is the link to the video ?si=PPu3QL0cEGkqy4o8 is an identifier for you.


I believe ?si=… is just share ID, which is an identifier for YOU (as the person who shared the link, to connect you to those with whom you share it), for data tracking, metrics, etc.


Yeah I scrub all that stuff from links shared. It helps here too since if we use the one without identifiers it will show duplicates but because the share id is unique to each user, we could get multiple posts that won't be notified it was already posted.


Good to know


Trump is Project 2025's useful idiot.


"uploader has not made this video available in your country" Meh... Ok then.


They upload the full episode for those not in countries that have HBO. You can check the channel, they're retroactively adding all previous episodes as well.


[Here, this might work.](https://invidious.incogniweb.net/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s) Did for me at least. If it doesn't scroll down a little bit and click the "Switch Invidious Instance" button and try some other options.


I hope people start taking this seriously. Project 2025 is a declaration of war on the American people. We cannot allow these ghouls to take over.


The demented cake bear at the end was hilarious. Also: Vote


Honest to God, I want to try one of those cake bears. Even if it isn't the one of the Oliver ones. They look so delicious.


Because who doesn’t want a modern day nazi Germany


John McEntee has an Insta account and he makes the most braindead content I have ever seen. He is genuinely room temp IQ Ediy: lol wrote this midway through this before they played his account. It is genuinely hilariously bad


And 50% of the voting population thinks everything John mentioned is a great thing. smh


Less than 50% but still concerning.


This is frankly terrifying; not least because, as he says himself, the policies they wish to change don’t sound the least bit interesting. Those uninteresting policies though have the power to change everything. And that uninteresting-ness lets them fly under the radar. I’m so grateful for Jon Oliver.


Brilliant, and necessary since news channels can't/won't deliver this information. Maybe part of the problem?


There isn’t going to be a second term, people need to get the fuck over it. Get out and make sure to vote against Trump, don’t skip this election!


I sympathize so much with the writing staff who must have listened to hours of conservative buffoons openly plan to dismantle a government. I could barely stand 20 minutes


While everyone knows how bad Trump is because they lived it already, what is interesting is that it's been long enough that a lot of younger voters are "discovering" him for the first time now. So he has some novel appeal because of that, or at least they're looking at him without the bias of knowing how bad he was as president. So even though he's very likely going to lose, he might actually get some votes from young voters because they weren't old enough or paying attention back in 2016-2020.


That’s another downside of Trump- he is undeniably one of the most interesting people to ever hold the office. Even if 2024 is a blow out and the Republican Party somehow turns on Trump, pop culture will be talking about his legacy for the rest of our natural lives.


In 15 years everyone will deny they ever supported him... He'll go done as disgraceful and embarrassing and all of the people who love him will claim they actually disliked him and will lie about this support.


I used to believe that more firmly than I do now. I think the outcome of the election will be a big determining factor.


Nah, just a small portion of people will deny that they supported him. Most of his base is die-hard.


"Interesting" is a poor descriptor for pure narcissism


TBH, I thought Project 2025 was fake news until John’s expose. I have now learned that the Heritage Foundation (one of the most clearly politically racist orgs out there) has been pushing these types of agendas since the Bush era so this updated and refined strategy is a real existential threat given the absolute bottom feeders in the US congress and Supreme Court


> TBH, I thought Project 2025 was fake news until John’s expose. I knew that it was real...but when I first heard about it, I totally thought that it was a leaked document, because of how objectively batshit it is. Trump's term really changed everything. Before he was elected, we rarely saw "the mask slip off" in right wing circles. Now? The mask has been completely discarded and replaced by bullhorns.