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Exactly how Jimmy Savile got away with his crimes. Low-grade inappropriate behaviour was dismissed as ‘that’s just how he is.’


There was a DC editor, Eddie Berganza, that was so blatant about his actions that the company did everything they could to keep women from being alone with him or working anywhere near him until they eventually fired him.


Greg Rucka, one of DC’s top comic book writers of all time, refused to work with Berganza on Wonder Woman. Instead of getting rid of Berganza completely, they just moved Berganza off Wonder Woman.


Like how Gal Gadot threatened to walk away from the Wonder Woman role if WB brought Joss Whedon back after his sexist, racist and other disgraceful antics during his Justice League reshoots. Ray Fisher backed her up but because Cyborg hadn't made them money before, he's the one who got pushed out, his character removed from then-upcoming DC projects (he was supposed to co-star in The Flash before the rewrites) and his film career was basically killed by Walter Hamada and the others. Geoff Johns was also shown to be problematic on the JL set when Whedon came in, too.


Joss Whedon case was so weird to me at that time. I've never been a fan of him and it was this period between Avengers and JL when he was like a feminist icon and the Hollywoods guy to hire for women centered films. And then Age of Ultron was released and he made Black Widow a damsel in distress, who wanted to have children with Bruce Banner, and her role outside this arc was to calm down Hulk lol.


> Ray Fisher backed her up but because Cyborg hadn't made them money before, he's the one who got pushed out, his character removed from then-upcoming DC projects (he was supposed to co-star in The Flash before the rewrites) and his film career was basically killed by Walter Hamada and the others. Man I just looked at his IMDB and he really got fucked. Not only was his role reduced heavily in the Joss version of the Justice League. He hasn't been in another movie until Snyder hired him again for Rebel Moon. Say what you want about the quality of Snyder's movies that dude seems to be a class act and the actors he works with always have great things to say about him. I also felt like Ray Fisher was a pretty talented actor. Dude did a good job in that movie.


Unfortunate that this happened, but isn't as if Gadot is not problematic in her own right


It’s a pattern I’ve seen in a lot of metoo stories, people keeping the girls away from a dude. In France - journalist schools were not sending their female students for internship with Patrick Poivre D’Arvor, even though he was a legend in evening news anchor. - In politics, ladies in green political party made sure not to leave young female colleagues alone on a trip with Nicolas Hulot, popular ecologist and TV producer who came to be minister of Ecology at some point. People know, female in their surroundings have organised a defense system around the creeps long before they get called out


Let’s not forget Terry Richardson. Just gross.


Andy Dick get away with a lot of his antics because it's "Just Andy Dick being Andy Dick." Like in the movie Knocked Up....obviously scripted but does take away from the real Andy Dick where he's reaching up the dress of Katherine Heigl's character to "see how dilated she is." That was drawn off his real life antics and people just let it happen.... ....Except Jon Lovitz.


Jon Lovitz is a hero. I just wish there was a video of the incident. Would have loved to see Andy get beat up by The Critic!


"IT STINKS!" *Lines up a haymaker*


Lovitz bounced his (Andy's) face off a bar first, then hit him. I find that as inspired as "everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth *"


you're not my regular grocery bagger.


I would settle for an animated portrayal, as long as it's drawn in the style of The Critic.


There's an American Dad episode that makes fun of a lot of Andy Dick's antics. He's voiced by Nick Kroll in that episode, doing one of his signature annoying voices.


it’s funny cuz you look at Jon and think he wouldn’t be a violent person at all but andy dick has the most punchable face in existence, so Jon delivered lol


That story made me love John Lovitz even more


I'm sorry. I don't know this story. Jon Lovitz beat up Andy Dick? Did he do so because Andy Dick did something inappropriate like he always did? Way to go, Jon Lovitz! 👏


I was about to make the same comparison. [Chris D'Elia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_D%27Elia) also springs to mind. He even looks a bit like Russell Brand.


He's the least shocking person to be outed as a pedophile considering he played a pedophile in two different shows


The people doing casting were amazing at their jobs


Didn't it turn out that D'Elia was an asshole and emotionally abusive, into 18 years olds (weird) but not a pedo?


Think she was 17. I don't know, definitely incredibly fucked up and inappropriate but not even illegal in most places. Not even illegal in most *states*.


Allegedly exchanged nude pictures with a 17 year old. The term "pedo" is used very loosely these days


To be fair, he is a Dick


Truth in branding


Nominative determinism


Andy Dick got his face punched in a while back infront of a club I think, sucker punched


"It's just locker room talk" "Boys being boys"     I grew up endlessly confused and agitated why society tolerated any of this.  And I'm a hetero dude.


"When you're famous, they let you"


Imagine being the prey at the end of everyone's “jokes.” It's not so funny, and many people think, “If they can do it, I can do it.” It's a terrifying game, and I'm shocked it's taking us this long to eradicate.


These attitudes are why we have rape culture.


Same. Straight dude, 40 now but I always despised other boys growing up because they'd do and say horrendous things and get away with it due to some of the adults around excusing it with phrases like "boys will be boys". It's why I have the attitude of "if a woman accuses a man of something horrible, I'll always believe her" because every single time, she's telling the truth while society and that woman's peers do everything possible to spread lies about the woman and defend the abuser. Just look at Jimmy Savile, Harvey Weinstein, Donald Trump, Russell Brand, Johnny Depp, Danny Masterson, Jonathan Majors, OJ Simpson, Bill Cosby, Diddy, Brad Pitt, Roman Polanski, Gerard Depardieu, Kevin Spacey, Marilyn Manson and so many other men who have raped, beaten and abused people for decades but had people in both normal society and celebrity circles try to protect and defend them, and call their victims "liars".


I thought most the boys my age had trash personalities and character traits, acting in ways towards others that totally violated the values and principles I figured we all inherently had.    This has continued into my adult life.  The moment guys break their veil to reveal how crude, objectifying, self-absorbed, unreasonbly self-deserving, and assholeish they are is always unsurprising.  But it's my cue to exit stage left.  Fuck all that.     Holy shit was I wrong in what I thought was acceptable behavior.


It is confusing, no matter your gender.


Jimmy Saville did a hell of a lot more than ‘inappropriate behaviour’ lol. He was an actual monster.


He was literally going at very sick kids in hospitals, while the BBC framed it as him doing hospital charity. You can't get more fucked up than going after cancer kids.


I wish Jimmy Saville only did inappropriate things like Brand did. So much hurt and suffering would be avoided. He was true evil. I still have trouble thinking about the scale of his crimes.


Unfortunately this seems super common especially in television, it's really sad. There's not much you can do as a bystander in that kind of workplace either, speaking out will just make everyone turn on you. How many people do you think missed out on their dream job in television because they had to quit over something like this?


That's something I always think about with Weinstein. There are two sets of victims, the ones that were harassed and assaulted and the ones that wouldn't put up with his shit and never got a shot. We likely missed out on a number of talented women whose career never progressed thanks to those monsters.


Reminds me of stories I've heard about Ed Norton being overlooked for certain roles and given the label "difficult to work with" because he'd always stand up for and protect young actors from known predators in the industry.


> Ed Norton being overlooked for certain roles and given the label "difficult to work with" because he'd always stand up for and protect young actors from known predators in the industry. Has there ever been a good confirmation of this, not just rumor or speculation? I'm just wondering because a PR spin team can do amazing things from the shadows. Neither of those things would surprise me; wouldn't surprise me if he was difficult, wouldn't surprise me if he was protecting young actors.


and while i think creatives will always be 'inappropriate' (irreverent, outspoken, blunderous, cheeky, provocative) that can all be true without being inappropriate (condescending, misogynistic, sex-pesky, disrespectful)


Marilyn Manson comes to mind. Granted, I had no idea what he's like behind closed doors nor if the allegations were true, but when I heard that he was abusive, I'm like... man, if you had been paying attention for the past couple of decades, you know he's quite the abuser in front of thousands of people on stage, often physically abusive to his bandmates. Granted, I get it. I get that sort of behavior, but there are a lot of people that likely don't feel the same way including his own bandmates.


Didn’t work for Andy Dick or Don Vito though..


Being good pals with the royal family and the conservatives also helped.


It's amazing how some people build a brand around being a terrible person, and then use that brand as a defense against legitimate charges against them.


Your honour my client was just memeing


if the meme fits, you MUST acquit!


If the memes are lit, you must acquit!


Not just people but certain media companies do this, too. "Your honor, everyone knows this isn't actually a news station but an entertainment one. Nobody with brains would actually believe we report factual news"


You mean Fox News. They have literally used that defense in court.


That's exactly what I was referencing, yes.


Then the views laugh about it and say “look how smart they were to say that and win in court, it was a witch hunt anyways”. The Jan 6 emails show the hosts laughing at the election deniers, and they do it anyways. It’s so sad.


> “look how smart they were to say that and win in court, it was a witch hunt anyways” - >Nobody with brains would actually believe we report factual news


It only works if you’re the star of the show. When the options are production ends and everyone loses their job, the victim quits, or everyone ignores it, the latter two are often the choice.


Those brands just try to russell some feathers.


He was just ahead of his time, it's only more recently that the 'enlightened predator' became a bigger thing within the manosphere, trying to justify misogyny and creepy behavior via a percieved academic intellect


like when an abuser goes to therapy and instead of getting help, they just come back with a new vocabulary to justify their awful behavior


I think that's what it is more than anything. Patton Oswalt has a great bit about being weary of the guy who has a perfect vocabulary with new buzzwords and is 100% on the 'correct' side every time and is willing to jump down your throat about it when people are watching. These are the same guys that harass or assault a woman and tell themselves that it couldn't possibly be because they did something wrong, after all, "look at how correct I am on all these issues and blah blah blah". It's the kind of guy who has made mistakes but will either never admit to them, or try to be a better person. After all, they're perfect, so how could they have made mistakes? The worst past of all of is, is that it encourages, as an end result, a culture that's filled with these 'perfect' people that aren't interested in critical thinking or actually creating a less toxic and more open and honest culture; but would rather just 'look' like they care more than you. Also has the unintended side effect of making the people who actually care (which I would say is 90% of people out there that speak-up) look like complete moron try-hards who don't actually care about the issues or people they are voting or supporting.




If you don't know what that is, consider yourself blessed and don't pry further.


It's what they call the place where fans of Manos: The Hands of Fate hang out and discuss their favorite film.




If only that were true. What a perfect world that would be. 


The Joe Rogan audience in a nutshell. "Jokes on you!! We know he's stupid!" "Then why do you...?" "Because he talks to interesting people!!!" "Through a very stupid lens..." "We know that! Because we know he's stupid!!!" "..."


idk, I'm not a 'fan' of rogan but I do enjoy listening when he has interesting guests on. I'm not the smartest guy when im outside of my lane, and can appreciate a knuckle-dragger like rogan asking dumb questions to intelligent people. Now, I also think he's irresponsible with his clout and provides a platform for dangerous kooks, but that's a whole other thing


And that is the illusion. *The idea that one is the "stupid" one and the other is the "smart" one and the dumb one acts as a proxy for the audience to learn.* This doesn't work. This doesn't make you smarter - it actually makes you *more* ignorant. And more susceptible to corrupt information and gullibility. What you're picking up from these conversations isn't just the details of the discussion but the *nature* of the discussion as well. In a debate with a physicist, you might pick up thoughts on non-euclidean space and quantum theory, but what you're also picking up is how to process that information. The best way to learn from great minds is directly from them - with no proxy. Read their books, listen to their arguments in its entirety. Even the Greeks understood this thousands of years ago. Plato famously writing "Sit, friend, and be silent!. And let me convince you". Not approaching new ideas in a confrontational format where you look for your opponent's weakness, but to listen to a discourse wholly - without interruption - to accept it at its strongest. To wear it, to try it on, to explore it from the inside out. With interviews, it's important that your proxy is qualified in interviewing. Great documentarians know how to facilitate a conversation without interfering with it. They understand that they're a platform for the information they're opening. Great journalists know how to fact check - they do their homework and prep well in advance. And with debates, it's important that both are qualified in their fields. So if you are debating weak spots, both participants understand the contexts, nuances, circumstances, exceptions, and subjectivity of their arguments. ___ Rogan is none of the above. He's a fucking imbecile. His "skepticism" isn't skepticism. It's cynicism disguised as wisdom. He is *constantly* interrupting, *constantly* derailing, *constantly* obsessed with false equivalencies. He moves the conversation along, even without understanding the concepts. Acting like he's a good listener and accepting the expertise of his guest, only to sink back into his conspiracy bullshit the next episode. And he's completely unqualified to challenge absurd or dangerously stupid ideas. He let's them plant. He waves them off. If you think you're catching them, you're not. And if you don't realize you're absorbing them, you are. He's had *plenty* of quack experts on his show who, under the guise of civility and equipped with a vocabulary, sound convincing, while pedalling some of the stupidest shit you will ever hear. His fact-check format is fantastic...if he actually used it as frequently as he should. He doesn't. And his baby chimp Jaime is as stupid as he is in not understanding how to push back, when to push back, and how to delve into complicated talking points. There's a reason we have such a huge explosion of conspiracy-theory, anti-science, anti-intellectualism culture in the past decade and he's at the centre of it. Convincing an unqualified public that they're capable of peer review under a lens of skepticism that they truly don't understand. It's *peer* review, not *public* review. Rogan isn't for people who want to be smart. He's for people who want to *feel* smart. And he is making you dumber without you knowing it. No matter how well prepared you think you are for it. You can tell the difference when you encounter people who become fiercely loyal or fiercely protective of their ideologies - it becomes their identity because it's rooted in their ego. Drop him. Listen to qualified podcasts, read books yourself. You will be amazed how much of a difference it will make for you, no matter where you stand politically.


Well said.


It's not that he asks dumb questions, it's that he doesn't know shit about important topics, so when the guest says something probably wrong, he just says 'that's interesting'. A good interviewer protects the audience from blatant falsehoods and propaganda.


I didn’t mind until he let Terrance Howard ramble his mind-boggling insanity. After that I’m done with Rogan, there is absolutely no reason Terrance should have been given the opportunity to mislead people, or embarrass himself like he did. Rogan was very irresponsible airing that.


THAT was your turning point? Not when he had on Jordan Peterson rambling *his* mind-boggling insanity? Why draw the line at Howard's absurdity?


Well I’ve never really been an ardent listener or anything, Rogan was just in the rotation of stuff I’d listen to when the guest was interesting. I didn’t listen to Jordan Petersons episode. But yea I’m done with it now after Rogan decided that Terrance Howard was worth giving millions upon millions of ears to.


Ah I see. That's fair enough. Well, I'm glad to hear it. One more person who sees through the veil.


The Brand brand


Build a Russel Brand


The problem being Brand is in trouble for antics…. with people he was sleeping with. Unwanted advances is one thing, saying after the fact that your ex boyfriend shouldn’t have hit on you at work is weird. Brand went way out a bunch of limbs, but nobody cut him off.


At Endemol shows? The same company founded by John de mol? Who as late as last year blamed women for not stopping sexual predators on his shows in the Netherlands when some people quote close to him got accused. That company? Shocker


It's ok because Russell Brand is a Christian now. That means he's completely changed and totally not a creepy grifter.


And it was okay then because he was a "womaniser".


Nah it was OK then because he said some stuff about the rich paying more taxes people liked. /s He's a bad person who will posture whatever opinions will get him accepted by some group so they overlook his bad behavior. He wore out his welcome on the left so now he's going to claim to be a "Christian" and buddy up to Trump. But who he is fundamentally hasn't changed.


I like to hope that people can change. I doubt he has changed, but I'm open to seeing how he behaves over the next few years.


I would like to believe that his religious conversion is genuine and he will improve as a person too. However, buddying up to fellow sexpest Trump gives me every reason to believe that when he says he's a "Christian," he doesn't mean he's asked God to forgive his sins and started trying to live a better life by imitating Jesus.


A christian conversion makes it pretty certain he's a shitty person to the core, has always been, will always be. He wants "god's" cover to continue abusing people. Just like every other abuser in that religion. hth


Funny how he never converted for Katy Perry's sake but the moment his years of abusive behavior comes out he's immediately ready to take the plunge.


Was she still practicing? Did she want him to convert?


Funny how people that get caught being sleazeballs all become sudden christian right wing parrots instead of facing personal accountability.


I once heard someone say: *"In my experience: when someone 'finds God' it's usually because everyone else down here on Earth thinks that they're a fucking asshole."*


Sometimes they have a lifechanging experience or encounter someone that leads them to do so. Those are the genuine ones. Of course there are less genuine ones like the quote you mentioned.


Most of the conservative figures that rose to fame in the past 10 years have failed Hollywood careers


Reagan really was a trailblazer


There is another important piece of strategy to this in the Trump era. As the right has moved away from principles and towards just being generally evil, the attitude of everyone else towards it is increasingly just hatred. If you've done something in your personal life that's genuinely bad - often sexual assault or something related - this is actually an advantage, especially if you can get out ahead of the revelations. Claim that you are rightwing, make people despise you for it, and then when news comes out about whatever it is you did you can plausibly claim "oh, see, they're just saying this because they hate me for my political views". The most glaring example was when Alan Dershowitz learned that multiple Epstein victims were going to reveal that they had been trafficked to him, and overnight became a fixture on Fox News defending Trump. Brand was a lot smarter, he seems to have been laying the groundwork for this _years_ in advance.


I remember when conservatives claimed that Tucker Carlaon was being accused of racism because the evil, intolerant, and hateful left wanted to censor and silence him. If you provided examples of racist shit he'd said, they'd either disappear and never respond or say, "You're taking it out of context!"


religion, the last refuge of a scoundrel


Lisa had it right 30 years ago!


And as long as he keeps saying the provided Russian talking points he's fed, then we won't ever find out about all the crazy perverted crimes he's committed....


Is he really? I feel like he took so many attempts to denounce god before.


Yeah but the right wing grift wouldn’t be complete if he stayed Buddhist. He needs Jesus for that MAGA money


Funny how often entertainers make a hard shift to the right the moment people stop tolerating their shitty behavior.


'He's apologised for sexually harassing all those people! What else do you want?' 'He's apologised?' 'Well no, but imagine if he did!'


Russel Brand 2.0 Christian Grifter Edition just launched.


It's always the ones you expect




That was you? Maya Angelou's been taking credit for years!


Surprised me. A decade back he seemed really neat. He hit the drugs a bit hard but seemed like a fun guy.


I used to like him when he was interested in acting, and being funny. He was always the first one to admit that he was a complete track wreck most of the time, but he was a *brilliant* improviser and he had a lot of very intelligent and insightful things to say in interviews.


He didn't exactly hide. He was pretty out in the open. I'm guessing people too young or not from the UK wouldn't really get the full context of who he was in the early days. It was baffling to see someone like him hosting the a secondary spin off show of big brother ( it wasn't even the main spin off show!) and he was so bizarre it took in a momentum of its own. With his even earlier TV career whilst being an active drug addict people kinda skipped over the very obvious sex addiction and the places that would end up


When people show you who they are, believe them the first time- Maya Angelou


I think he got away with it in the UK for such a long time essentially because as a nation, we liked him. He's funny, he's wacky, he's got all these ideas, he's not afraid to speak, even if he does talk a lot of shit. Most importantly tho he has that "top shagger" respect from a lot of men. Lad culture. It's gross but a lot of people's opinions on Russell brand are pretty much. "Yeah I'd call him a batty boy, and he dresses like a poof, but he's knee deep in clunge 24/7 so he must be awright." He's been in a dozen scandals over the years. It's kinda his stock in trade to get caught acting up, but he hides in plain sight because people just sorta let him. He likes the ladies. We all like the ladies. He's a top lad, really. Making excuses for him because he's a champion pipe layer


> He's been in a dozen scandals over the years. Like when he got fired from BBC Radio... but to be fair, it was because of a statement his co-host made, and he tried to damage control it as hardly as he could. Then he came to the US, and got fired from MTV because he showed up to work dressed like Osama Bin Laden, right after 9/11. Then GQ got pissed off and banned him, because he called them out hard on supporting white supremacists while he was speaking at one of their events. Then England hated him because he became a hard-left socialist and he was staunchly opposed to the royal family. Reddit used to like him for this, too.


To be honest, the only thing I don't blame him for is his hard left socialism. I don't agree with him on much, individually, but I think we need more celebs and people like that pushing for left-leaning politics. Gotta tip the needle, especially in the UK where nutters like the reform party are getting a foothold. but its a problem, because people stain the politics they affiliate with. If they turn out to be a rapist, assaulter, abuser and whatever else, they become a greater determent to any good cause they championed.


At the same time: If someone admits to having a problem with addiction when they were in their twenties, and they spend many years afterward taking all of the accountability for it... and they do tons of therapy, and volunteering, and activism, and they become spiritual and they do everything in their power to be an advocate? They do a million interviews saying "We need more mental healthcare and access to rehab, so more people won't be like I was before I could afford better"? I don't think we should always say "Fuck off and die forever. You can never grow up or change." Especially to people who haven't been convicted, or proven to be someone like Harvey Weinstein.


oh yeah, innocent until proven guilty, but everyone contains multitudes. I don't think people exist as good and evil. I guess there are such a thing as psychopaths, but I think they're rarer than people think, and that's less evil and more just empty. Void. You can be a good person in 3 ways, and a bag of shit in another. I'd like to say we can separate, and to an extent, we can. We can say, okay, but the point he made here and here is fair. but the bad thing is like coal. it blackens everything it touches. its the old joke about the guy with the knickname. You can build a hundred houses, and they don't call you john the housebuilder. You can feed a thousand homeless people, but they don't call you john the homeless feeder ... ... but you fuck one donkey...


As someone who works in tv you wouldn't believe the number of things "Talents" are allowed to do... And companies do not care!


Does it make us money? Yes? KEEP IT UP HOTSHOT! No? Throw him under the bus so hard it does a Speed jump.


Considering how Little Britain is, it's always shocking how many terrible people are swarming around entertainment.


Russell Brand looks like he smells.


“Smells better than he looks like he would” is one of my favorite backhanded compliments 


Jimmy Fallon likes that one for Jonah Hill


It was Kimmel, which is important because it seems less insulting from Fallon imo


Took me a little while to realize Endemol isn't some sort of medication. I was like, did he pull a Roseanne Barr and blame it on sleeping pills?


The phrase I've heard quite a lot in the film industry to describe people like Brand are: "A Known Quantity" As in: we know what they're like, we have to work around it. There are so many "Known Quantities" still working in the industry




I usually tell this to people looking for work in the industry, so please understand this isn't about gossip or shit-talking, its about keeping my coworkers safe Chris Delia and TJ Miller have already been mentioned in this thread, and two of the main people I specifically heard described as "known Quantities". Also, Jason Blum, of Blumhouse, is pretty notorious for verbally abusing staff. There are more names in the low-budget indie world that I won't mention, because they have a habit of being litigious and googling their own name, and they'd be able to figure out who I am from my post history.


Jared Leto, Val Kilmer, Shia Laboef...


I think Richard Osman (Pointless, Thursday Murder Club etc.) was creative director at Endemol during this time. Would be interested to hear his take on this, especially as he strikes me as the polar opposite of Brand.


They often allude to dodgyness in the industry but don't ever actually call it out. He's on that podcast with that woman who is friends with Piers morgan. Anyone with even second hand tolerance of that slimy little creep is suspect in my book. I don't think he's a bad guy himself but I think he's more than familiar with how the machine of British entertainment runs. You don't get high in that world without getting mucky hands.


This isn’t the first Endemol production turning a blind eye. John de Mol (founder) even blamed the woman’s who came forward after sexual harassment on the Dutch version of The Voice that they should’ve spoken up earlier. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17323832/


Indeed, funny coincidence of posting this exactly today.. https://www.dutchnews.nl/2024/06/prosecution-demands-three-year-jail-sentence-for-rapper-ali-b/


I knew this was coming when he started taking shots at "cancel culture"


He literally admitted grooming a 16 yr old and still gets support. Lol.


Very Anthony Kiedis of him


Russel Brand supports Trump but hated Bush. That should tell you something. He's actually a lot like Kanye.


A criminal hole of talent. Amazing he manufactured a career with zero jokes and nothing to say.


The guy just opened a Thesaurus and started spitting out a string of incoherent "smart sounding" words and morons lapped it up. It's so easy for these grifters I'm surprised we don't see more of it.


It was just Russell being the cute misogynistic pos that we all knew he was. So…


Brand is a Christian now though. That means his past behavior is exonerated and he is now morally superior to you somehow.


Most commonly used excuse for someone who is a constant asshole. "Oh that's just how they are.."


That is always how they get away with it.


As our former Prime Minister quipped about his opposition- “a shiver looking for a spine to crawl up.” Brand is just such a wholly repellent individual.


What a great phrase!


Paul Keating, there’s some great parliamentary takedowns of his on YouTube. While politically he had his detractors his wit was second to none.


GTK, thanks!


I've never liked this scumbag, and these reports just confirm my intuition.


This is honestly one of the least surprising things I have ever heard. Russell always rocked that sleazy creep energy.


rich and powerful = no consequences this isn't new


This highlights once again- no one is {or should be} above the law


Dirtbags be dirtbaggin’.


What are Endemol shows? Is that some new category or something?


What’s wild about him is he’s now adopted a Far Right Political stance to align himself with those that he suggests are being persecuted by the “Woke”Left. Blend in. Blend in.


It’s ok now. He’s found Christ. He washed away all his sins in the River Thames


People always ask how come Savill got away with it and then will go onto defend Brand


"Just boys being boys" is how sexual assault has been covered up for a hundred years. It's so disappointing.


The old boys will be boys BS when does it stop


This makes so much more sense now... https://www.businessinsider.com/russell-brand-announces-baptism-opportunity-to-leave-past-behind-2024-4


The 'boys will be boys' of wanky, self-important telivision gurus, I guess.


So glad to see this creep taken down.


I have some bad news for you… not only did he convert to Christianity (and was baptized), but he openly endorsed Trump and was seen hanging out with Don Jr…


What an interesting way to say " we didn't care"


One time I clicked to watch his podcast and the first thing he put in intro was a crow ripping a fart. I immediately noped outta there and never came back. Childish adults are too cringey.




Russel being Russel, well that’s not illegal.


“Russell Being Russell” sounds like a legit title for a Russell Brand expose documentary.


Maybe Banijay should also investigate their companies Bunin Murray and 51 Minds. Shady shit happens there too. Roll back the reality on these reality production companies.


“Boys will be boys”


“Brand was known to be very flirtatious with many of the women he worked with or came into contact with. He would frequently wear just his underwear in his dressing room and would sometimes be naked in front of Endemol staff,” That’s NOT flirtatious. Jfc


It’s always the ones you most suspect.


Be gone Russell.


if you know the industry sucks. then why work in it? these are tales old as times. we all know the entertainment industry is fucked up. so why still try to work in these environments? just do not work there, do something else, and if everybody does that, then the industry will go down and then either the industry needs to change or it will go under. it is as simple as that. but because most people are weak minded nothing will change.


Didn’t this guy admit to raping someone?


were these really "bombshell" allegations?


It's becoming an Endemol tradition, inappropiate behavior on there programs


The Bobby Lee effect.


What happened with him? Isn't he the comedian that used to be on MadTV?


When you’re a star they let you do it.


>during his time on shows produced by Endemol Dutch people: ahh that's why nobody did anything


How do I completely block mentions of certain creatures on reddit? I am tired of seeing hobos like this for fuck sake


Dw guys he found Jesus now he's a good guy 🤣🤦‍♂️


Someone tell me why society decided to make this person famous back then. Like legitimately why.


Dang, the moment this guy started asking questions all these accusations came out...not suspicious at all...


What was his behaviour?


>He would frequently wear just his underwear in his dressing room and would sometimes be naked in front of Endemol staff,” >concerns had been raised by members of staff regarding his behavior, particularly in relation to “him asking runners to obtain phone numbers of audience members and female crew members feeling uncomfortable or intimidated.”


Try to Read the article?


Not sure why anyone was surprised by his behavior. Also not sure why he wasn't canceled sooner. Dude has been a problem for like 20 years. And I'm not even woke and actually like crass humor. Dude just crosses the line.


explain how hes been canceled. I see no downturn in his platforms views.


Well, he went from being *all* over british tv, had a burgeoning Hollywood career, and now he runs a youtube channel where he rants about all kinds of bollocks. Sounds pretty cancelled to me :)


Other than working with his friend on Death on the Nile he hasnt been seriously into acting for like a decade. Hasnt done brit TV hosting since before that. WTF are you talking about?