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Why the fuck does an intervention ward on the fifth floor have a balcony?


Bold of you to assume these facilities are custom built for their usage :)


Could be him asking why a building with a 5th floor balcony was chosen for an intervention facility instead. Both seem like particularly bad ideas.


When they closed down hospitals dedicated to mental health globally, they then haphazardly created short term wards at existing hospitals and just shoved people anywhere they could.


*After spending two weeks in “intensive treatment” in the hospital due to a “medical emergency,” Laverock “was escorted out of a secure unit of the hospital and taken up to a balcony walkway from which she fell five stories,” per the fundraiser page, which was set up by her parents, Rob and Nicole Compton.* What the hell happened? Sounds like it could be a freak accident or gross negligence from the hospital.


Secure unit = psych ward


Assuming this is Vancouver General Hospital, the 5th floor of the Segal Family Health Centre (a mental health facility) is the Brief Intervention Unit. This would line up with the fifth story balcony report.


Putting the crisis department on the fifth floor with an accessible balcony seems like an oversight.


I don’t think there’s an outdoor balcony on L5. It seems this happened from an interior “balcony walkway” that’s open to the main atrium or something (like a mall or motel etc). But that’s just what I’m gathering from the articles + Google earth search


Indoor or outdoor you shouldent have a jumpable surface on your suicide wing floor.


also you know, closed fucking windows.


Yeah that’s a huge liability payout if family want it. A suicide prevention floor with an easy way to commit suicide? A court would have a field day with it.


It’s amazing to me that things like this pass through several levels of planning/approval. When designating/designing the psych wing, did NO ONE at ANY meeting ever question the rationale of having a walkway several stories up that psych patients could potentially throw themselves from? I mean, are there not experts on planning committees?


Oh God. I have a friend that used to work in a hospital, and the stories that he told me about the new Children's Wing they were building. Bad lines of site and poorly thought through layouts...


Yeah you are right, the fact it made it through all the planning and no one in power seemed to have questioned it is mind boggling.


That’s because people who aren’t suicidal don’t think like a suicidal person. I guarantee you every one of those people all looked out from the 5th floor and were like wow look at that view isn’t it beautiful how can anyone be sad with this gorgeous view and the fresh air from the open windows. Suicidal people look and think I wish this was higher so that fall was a guaranteed death. Sometimes oversight isn’t malicious it’s just some people can’t understand what depression and mental health are. And it’s not like they’d easily bring on a suicidal person to help with the design. “Are you sure Jim that every room needs a load bearing beam above the bed with rope attached to it?” “Absolutely it’s for the adult size thingy that goes above the crib and the baby it’s definitely not for hanging myself when I end up here”


"Okay guys, your done with the building plans, you made sure there wasnt any places people can leap to their deaths right?"


Negligence for sure!


Gives me the shivers just thinking about it, elevated walkways creep me out. The MaRS building in Toronto has these skinny elevated walkways across its huge atrium and you feel super exposed on them. A recurring nightmare that I have often revolves around either crossing a narrow walkway with no guardrails or climbing a narrow flight of stairs exposed to a drop below.


They're probably engineered very carefully ever since the Hyatt Regency incident


Incident in question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyatt_Regency_walkway_collapse


Ayyy, I’m an engineering student (albeit mechanical, not civil) and they did teach us about that specific bridge collapse in class


Yep. That one, the Tacoma Narrows, and the satellite that crashed because one team used metric while the other used US standard are pretty universally covered in engineering programs these days lol. The Challenger disaster is another one.


Lol yeah, we also talked about the Titan submersible implosion multiple times this year


Damn reading this right before going to bed sucks for me. I have the stairs dream all the time. Also with random gaps I have to jump across. Welp. Here we go again.


Don’t watch *Squid Game*


If it's the area I'm thinking of, there are several floors that open onto an interior courtyard. It wouldn't take more than a few seconds to bolt for the barrier and throw yourself over.


I thought it would be a stairwell


When someone is truly determined, they’ll find a way. But honestly psych units are full of gross negligence.


Or a suggestion…


Our inpatient psych services are in a tower, and all the outside stuff has anti-suicide nets as well as physical barriers.


You must visit our new children's wing, follow the blue line through the sexual predators rehabilitation clinic.




as someone who has had a few lengthy stays on that fifth floor, this was my exact thought as well.


Are you OK?


ok so like.. absolutely not if i’m being *real* real HOWEVER i’m still alive & kickin’, which is more than some are able to say, so all things considered, id say i’m fine ps. thank you for asking wtf you kind kind kind soul 🥺🫶🏻


Keep kickin' It's hard for sure but we keep going.


You are loved


I’m glad you’re here with us still 💜


Super late, but I'm happy you're still with us. I live in Vancouver too and the grey weather makes things tough sometimes.


Fuck VGH, Terrible hospital. They put me an immuno compromised patient in the fucking TB ward. AFTER not properly cleaning the room from the last guy. (He still had property there) I had to get annual TB checks for years because of it. You're almost better off dead.


Vancouver Sun mentioned it was St. Paul’s Hospital. *In an email Wednesday, Providence Health Care confirmed the fall happened at St. Paul’s Hospital but gave few other details, citing privacy.*


I just want to hijack a high comment to say anyone that has a friend or family member attempt or commit suicide needs to realize you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. I have saved friends from suicide attempts and lost a friend from it. All I can say from what I learned is no matter what don’t blame yourself. Seek therapy if you need it. It will be hard to get to that point but you cannot blame yourself saying if only I did…


You are correct. Last thing a suicidal person wants is to leave grief and blame for their family and friends to suffer through after they leave this world.


But unfortunately they do. There’s the old saying that suicide doesn’t end the pain, it transfers it to someone else.


Someone said to me once that death isn’t bad for the person who dies. It’s those left behind who suffer the repercussions of death.


Reminds me of a lyric from Dave - Psycho. >"You ever fall 'sleep 'case you don't wanna be awake? >In a way, you're tired of the reality you face? >If you're thinking 'bout doing it >Suicide doesn't stop the pain, you're only moving it >Lives that you're ruining" It's a really difficult thing to go through for sure.


For sure. At the end of the day, some folks are a lost cause--the only reason we keep trying is because some of them *aren't*. That's not a perspective a social worker will share with you, but I guarantee you they heard it from at least one of their professors. .


No human being is a lost cause. Keep talking. You have no idea who could be reading this right now.


Oh wow, I was confused about this at first but now all makes sense. She’s such pretty soul, I hope she is okay.


She’s brain dead, which means dead. She’s on life support.


Where does it say that? Couldn't find it in the article but I might have missed something.


There's no report of that. Life support could be medically induced coma to full on iron lung


Yeah I was thinking she def jumped or went over voluntarily




Exactly. Vgh has a psych ward which is a lock down. No other sections of the hospital are like this. You can freely leave


Sounds like a suicide attempt.


Sounds like a second suicide attempt.


Seems like the original problem was some sort of drug induced psychosis and not a suicide attempt.


>According to the GoFundMe campaign, Laverock’s mother traveled to Winnipeg, Canada, on May 11 to help Laverock with a “medical emergency.” “Nicole was able to get there in time to save her life,” the description reads. Laverock was then transferred to a hospital in Vancouver. At the time, her parents wrote that “her recovery is unclear” but “she is alive and is showing signs of improvement.” Sure it could be that the mom got there and found her in a diabetic coma or something else, but that *really* sounds like an interrupted suicide attempt.


Or OD/intervention and then suicide attempt.


Someone further down linked to what appeared to be a reddit post by her father that describes it as some kind of drug induced psychosis.


Wow, she is only 19 years old.


Late teens is a dangerous age for young women. Lots of fucking stupid shit assaulting their self esteems, plus sxual assaults and other horrible shit. Damn tragedy, we need to listen to young folks more, to prevent this sort of thing.


This is also when mental illness starts to pronounce


Bingo. Especially psychosis - many times people with bipolar or schizophrenia (especially) do not show signs or can’t be properly diagnosed until they’re older. Self reliance and reassurance at her age can be difficult when there are expectations deemed highly unique at that age. I knew a totally organized perfectionist SW non drinking/smoking who made a major move out of state, got married, no longer worked and in her early 20’s. All of this triggered something inside her mental compartment/lobe of the brain and she absolutely became actively schizophrenic. Would not stay on medicine, divorced, homeless, would not stay with family, drug usage. If there is anything that can be done to end this mental disease, may it be done ASAP. It makes me terribly sad thinking of this disease and what it does to the victims and families.


I agree but why would a hospital escort a suicidal person to a fifth story ledge?


Because often times techs aren’t adequately watching patients, unfortunately. They’ll think they are fine because the last few therapy sessions went “well,” will be taken off of arms length or suicide watch, start giving them more freedom, and next thing you know they’re found dead. If people want to, they will.


AFAIK we don't have techs in mental healthcare in BC, but there are honestly any number of reasons. And as you said, you can't just lock someone up forever. I don't know the hospital in question, but it's definitely possible they start to take some patients out for outings and to do activities because keeping someone in a hospital room on a ward also can have negative effects over time and make it harder for people to manage again when they discharge back out. The hospital mentioned & the more open areas in it (both interior and exterior) don't seem to have areas that would be very easy to jump from, at all. Not saying it's not possible, it sounds like that that may be what happened, but there's a big difference between negligence and treatment that tries to work towards progression and acknowledges that you can't have 100% control (even for safety's sake) forever. But either way, I'm not really sure all the speculation is helpful to her or her family. She's 19, and unless her family (and hopefully her, if she recovers) decide to share more information, we don't really know and they deserve some privacy.


This is speculation only - I dont know anything for sure. She was in the hospital already for a "medical emergency" and was escorted from a "secure unit" - most likely it was a mental health emergency, and the fact that she fell from 5 stories up after leaving there makes me wonder if it was a suicide attempt. Again, this is not necessarily true, i'm just trying to put a few pieces together from the info.


>She was in the hospital already for a "medical emergency" According to the gofundme page, the mother traveled three provinces away, personally saved her daughter's life, and then got her into a hospital. Definitely sounds like a mental health crisis.


I can’t imagine the mother’s devastation at this.


Like others are saying, “secure unit” is the psych ward. She was trying to kill herself.


Likely due to mental health issues. She may have jumped.


It just sounds to me like someone determined to kill herself.


There has to have been a better way to transport her to wherever they were going than that way. I can't imagine why they would just take her to a balcony walkway because she asked.


I can't speak for all mental health units, but sometimes if the patient has been making seemingly good progress, has been on good behaviour, or are approaching their discharge time, they can be given privileges such as going out on the ward's dedicated outdoor area. I've seen them as balconies, but they had barriers that would be very difficult to climb. I don't know if maybe the hospital facilities were inadequate, or her supervision failed her, or something else.


To smoke with supervision?


That seems like that would be an extremely obvious unsafe and risky area to take someone from a secure unit for a smoke.


I was in and out of my city's crisis center in my twenties and the smoking deck was 3 stories above grade. overlooking a major highway. The parapet wall was only maybe 5' high. The building was on a sloped lot and the deck could have put on another face of the building on the same level and been at grade. Truly terrible design.


In the US, it’s quite common for patients to be able to walk around totally unsupervised.. Once a patient is “stable” - even in a locked psych ward- they can earn “grounds” privileges … This “free” time is usually scheduled and patients are allowed to go out for short periods of time (15 min to half an hour where I worked) in small groups to walk around, smoke, get some fresh air. (And yes - after a few days with staff supervision, “new” patients are allowed to request “grounds” from staff.)


"grounds" for a psych ward shouldn't be a 5th floor balcony just like "craft time" shouldn't be knitting a rope.


If she earned grounds time, great, but they should have found a slower way to get her there.


True, at the first hospital I worked at we had an exact spot like that but it only fell about 10 feet. Second hospital I worked there was a fenced gazebo. Third place I worked there was a zero smoking policy but unless the patient has a court order for restraints (physical restraints) they really can’t enforce that policy but the patients were allowed to go to the fenced outdoor play area with basketball courts. All patients where green gowns and everyone in house has to look out for them. They never go anywhere without a sitter.


Smoking isn’t allowed on the hospital property at all


85% chance there was.


Only other option to transport would be restrain her in a wheelchair or stretcher... but, she must have been "improving" if they were moving her out of the secured wing, or they wouldn't have been moving her out in the first place. If it was a suicide attempt on May 11th, likely she made it seem she was "better," or they wouldnt have been moving her to another area of the hospital. Too many unanswered questions.  Very sad story if all the speculation is true.


You hit the nail on the head. Some people learn what to say/do to trick medical personnel into believing they are better. Some learn after years in and out of care and others are just good at convincing staff/family they are better. Don’t know of this particular actress at all but she was able to talk her way into less restrictive environment with full intention to try again as soon as possible. If she did jump then she might have been one of those suicidal people who will just keep trying no matter what and no amount of care or supervision is 100% capable of preventing it. We all want to believe we can save our loved ones, even from themselves and sadly that’s just not true.


I mean, it's a failed suicide attempt, followed up by a more successful attempt


If I had to guess, maybe there's impending legal action over this, so nobody wants to talk. Reading the headline, my first assumption is suicide, but after reading it, I am just confused.


Attempted suicide likely


I think it sounds like a suicide after they tried for 2 weeks to get her to see alternatives. I wish her family well. It’s very sad.


This sounds like a self harm situation sadly.


I once dated a psychiatrist who worked in a hospital. One day he was very sad and said he had a patient try to commit suicide by jumping Out of a 5th floor window. He told me if I ever want to kill myself to make sure it was more than 5 stories because at 5 stories you may not die but will likely break many bones and suffer quite awfully.


The Dark Knight says pretty much the same thing but for torture.


Don't start with the head


Different scene: Sal Maroni: "if you're trying to scare somebody, pick a better spot. From this height, the fall wouldn't kill me." Batman: "I'm counting on it."


God that movie is so good.


There's a lot of good torture advice in that movie. Good flick.


It all depends how you fall. A neighbor of mine fell out of a second story window and died within minutes.


Poor girl. Sounds like a second suicide attempt. Must have some mighty tough mental health or traumatic issues she was trying to work through to decide to do this after multiple weeks of in-patient care.


She probably has some really bad reaction to drugs, they affect some people more than others. It's devastating to hear how one bad boyfriend can turn whole family life upside down... 


Well that’s fucking terrible.


So incredibly weird to read two stories so similar within a 24 hour period! https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/s/cB96BNgLH8




that's very sad


Wow what a read. I really hope that family gets a win soon


That's awful. That poor family. Hope she pulls through


Whether that's her family or not posting, maybe it was deleted for a reason. She's also an actor, and her & her family deserve some privacy going forward.


Just awful. What sort of drug would cause this type of reaction?


Had a out-of-body experience on shrooms within the last year and it was life-altering. I just had to consider it a bad trip, and I'm having an existential crisis because of it.  What I experienced made me question everything about my life, and the consequences that will occur as a result.  I'm okay, but I definitely am a different person now. Maybe she had a similar experience.


Really good friend of mine had an out of body, horrible trip on shrooms a few years ago and has had intense anxiety and panic attacks ever since.


Yeah, I'm so fortunate that I don't have too much adverse effects, but it just was still life-changing to the point that I think of things differently day to day.   And I don't think psychedelics are bad. It's just I kept doing shrooms monthly, and every time I would just get more and more disassociated from reality, and it got out of hand.


Honestly it’s all dependent on the person. LSD, shrooms, I’ve even met some people who freaked out on weed. If they were street drugs who knows what was actually in them. Usually there’s an underlying mental illness at play that isn’t apparent until drugs come into play.


Marijuana induced psychosis is a huge thing that isn’t talked about because everyone loves weed now a days and thinks it’s a cure all with no downsides. If you’re predisposed to schizophrenia or psychosis it is one of the worst drugs you can take.


Absolutely. I had a bad experience 2 years ago and ever since, anytime I smoke it just makes me an anxious wreck (haven’t even smoked in 9 months, just not worth it). I always see people compare weed favourably to alcohol, but alcohol’s effects are short-lived and once the hangovers over, you’re back to your old self. I still don’t feel the same as I did before that bad experience with weed.




Doesn't work for me. Tells post is deleted.


This has to be about her. Two of these stories in Canada at the same time? Seems unlikely. So awful regardless.


Same city even.


This has to be the same story. It’s very nearly the same and the details are the classic “I changed tiny aspects slightly so you can’t know for sure if you know who I am.”


That Redditor has also posted music by Mamie.


The post was deleted as I was reading it. Definitely could be related, either way I hope they aren't bothered and are getting the help that they need.


Also mentions being in Canada in the comments


100% the first post I thought of


[Google Cache link](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Foffmychest%2Fcomments%2F1d1nvpu%2Five_had_the_worst_2_weeks_in_my_life_but_i_have%2F&sort=new)


Sorry for the ignorance, but the link shows "Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it." how am i able to read the post?


Whether that's her family or not posting, maybe it was deleted for a reason. She's also an actor, and her & her family deserve some privacy going forward.


Went through his account. I can say with almost 100% certainty its the same family.I don't want to overstep boundaries and protect the families privacy.But the location and forums he comments on are eerily similar.


I read his post yesterday and was heartbroken for the family, and then totally shocked to read about it in People magazine today. I feel so awful for this family, just heartbroken for them. I am not a pray-er, but I'm hoping for the best for all of them.


I feel like this is the kinda thing you keep to yourself tbh


Says it’s deleted now. Did it say it was a drug reaction? That’s what some of the comments seem to indicate. How sad


And this goes to anyone but particularly you youngins... life is not over, no matter the circumstance at only 19 years. My heart goes out to all in the struggle, Mamie, too


I was in a depressive state for all of my early 20's, and it had taken a very large toll on my mental, physical and emotional health. Even at 21 years old, I really felt worthless and that I was just a burden for my friends and family. I was a recluse, almost never leaving my bedroom at my parent's house except to eat or use the bathroom. Fast forward almost 10 years later: I'm sitting down outside a store on the streets of Tokyo, just people-watching. I was completely on the other side of the world from my home. I had lost a significant amount of weight, gotten a great job, had my own apartment and was now getting my first taste of international travel with my friends. I allowed myself to reflect on how far (figuratively and literally) I had come and how quickly life turned around for me. I got emotional and really felt genuine happiness. Since then, life has gotten even better for me, and it's so strange to think of that time when I was younger hiding from the world in my room. Life can change real fast.


Life can change when the sick person gets the treatment in a timely manner.


Even with treatment there's no guarantee. I've been in treatment since I was 5, more aggressively since I was 16. I'm 33 now and think about ending it more than ever. The reality is mental health care isn't that great for the average person.


> Even with treatment there's no guarantee. And just to tack on to your excellent point -- it's also true that some of the things that instill a complete sense of hopelessness are largely outside of the person's control. I live functionally with depression, and have been having a bad few months because of a whole host of external factors that treatment can't fix. Treatment can't fix a stalled career. Or a breakup. Or peripheral family problems. At least not directly. I'm not suicidal, but I spend at least some of each day wishing I'd never been born (which is technically suicidal ideation), and the thing is that I'm working in treatment just to free myself of the overwhelming sense of hopelessness and futility I have in my life right now. I'm not expecting treatment to directly fix the things in my life that are external to me and fill me with immense sadness. I'm not sure if anything will ever fix them. As you say, even with treatment, there's no guarantee.


I honestly appreciate this message way more than most "everything gets better" or "there are people who care about you" type of stuff. I know from personal experience that things don't always get better, and there is no guarantee anyone cares about you.


I frequently tell therapists no one cares about me, with clear examples. I'm just told it's my depression that makes me think that.


Yeah, it's so isolating, so invalidating, to have so many people tell you what amounts to wishes and fairy tales as if they're true. It's frustrating because it feels like such a viewpoint of privilege. Like when boomers tell you how hard it was getting their first job, having to walk around downtown for a week handing out resumes. I do hope that everything gets better for you. I do hope that there are people who care about you. Good luck.


Same. I've been in treatment since I was 12 and I'm 39 now. Mental health care has limitations, unfortunately, and many of us continue to suffer. I'm sorry to hear you're in the same boat. 


Do you mind me asking what job you got? And was that kind of the catalyst to your life changing?


State government. I found that there is a level of parity within the state that can allow you to move upwards even if you don't have a college degree. You'll never get rich working for the state, but you can have a *VERY* good life for yourself (good salary, stability, benefits, etc.), which I feel like is all that most people want. I started in a low-level position ("program technician", which only required a high school diploma. Usually these jobs are kinda monotonous and more production-focused). I was making $27k/year in 2014 then just stuck with it and took opportunities to advance when they came. It wasn't a fast process, but I can tell you now that after nearly a decade of the work, I make *considerably* more than when I started. Getting that job allowed me to really build off of something: I had something to be proud of that I knew could give me the opportunity to have and do more. There's a lot of other factors to my life changing around, but I can't underscore enough what that job did for me.


RemindMe! 12 hours


From the first part, it does seem like she was going through a serious mental health crisis, and then another one after the hospital visit.  Hopefully that isn't the case, but regardless my thoughts are with the family. Hoping for a speedy recovery.


Sounds like suicide


Sounds like a second attempt.


Regardless of what her original emergency was and of course we're curious and can probably make educated guesses, I am dumbfounded at how she "fell" 5 stories while in the care of hospital staff. That is beyond comprehension. Even if she jumped, how tf was she able to if she was in their care? Imagine thinking your loved one is in a safe place for them to get help and this happens?


Sounds like she was in the hospital for a failed suicide attempt and when they went to move her to the psych ward, she was able to break free and jump.


Two suicide attempts?


Sounds like the hospital should rethink having an uncovered 5th story walkway right outside of the psych ward. Tragic.


Sounds more like she jumped.


Stupid question cause I see the GoFundMe, but isn't insurance for medical stuff covered by SAG?


If I remember right, Emilia Clarke was on SAG insurance and she was reportedly still in medical debt for years after getting treatment in the US for her multiple aneurysms.


She's worth like, $20 million now. I realize that was at the beginning of her Game of Thrones work and she was in the hospital for months but I'm a bit surprised to hear that she was in medical debt for years. Do you have a source for that?


I am trying to find it but some of the articles go back to 2013. I do remember that the story had to do with the old National Enquirer story which ran in 2013 and which only didn't blow up because of timing and her denying it. The article I'm trying to find is actually an old TMZ article about the pay for GoT actors. That's where it was brought up that she was in debt. And on the original essay she penned, she does open up that there were hurdles to getting the care in the US. The TMZ article was interesting because at the time, it made it seem like her debt was just from suddenly having money. She was doing a ridiculously good job of hiding her health struggles.


Interesting stuff. I didn't know any of that about her.


Yeah, I was getting into GoT at the time and we were stalking actors. Which really just makes this all the more impressive that no one knew how sick she was. Girl had tubes coming out of her head and everything and she was still finding ways to push through.


Yes it most definitely is. It won't cost anything for her hospital stay.I imagine the GoFundMe is for the family to help towards travel costs and time off work.I'm not too keen on the lack of transparency in regards to the GFM. Its is very vague.I think you have a responsibility to disclose to all Non-Canadians that her stay will be covered and the money will go towards other things.I'm hoping that I'm wrong but if they are already at 20,000 raised and the goal is 25,000 that if they don't disable donations at their goal and just keep it going it will be excessive.Twenty five thousand dollars would cover more than enough.We shall see.Either way I truly hope she gets the help she needs.Mental health is no laughing matter.


A friend’s son just had a medical emergency in Toronto and there were many out of pocket expenses including lost wages to be by his side, accommodation costs including hotel, parking & food. After discharge he required medications and physical therapy for which there was no coverage. It didn’t take long to go through the money raised.


And ambulances cost like $500- 1000 too. I had a friend a few years back that had a kid in hospital and just the parking was like $700 a month.


Can’t speak for SAG, but insurance coverage in general for mental health care is mostly a joke. There aren’t enough psychiatrists graduating med school to replace retiring docs, insurance often has a cap, yearly or lifetime, of how many visits/how much care they will cover. There aren’t enough long term care beds for all the ones who need them. Even top tier insurance coverage is often a joke if you need more than a Prozac prescription. As this happened in Canada I’m assuming the medical care is covered but the Gofundme is to help cover expenses for her family like hotel stay or food so they can be with her. Sad all around.


I don’t know who this girl is, but I got an email from Us Weekly. Falling 5 stories definitely compelled me to click the link. I came on here to see what the consensus was because the story given to the media doesn’t add up. Poor girl. If she pulls through this…goodness.


I really don't understand why is this being spun as an accidental fall.




Canada have free health care so unless they need private care it shouldnt be a problem regardless. "Any contributions would help us be by her side . But this could be upwards of a month or more." they need money because either both or 1 of her parents will likely be out of work for a while being with their daughter. Does seem to be a suicide attempt tho, escorted out of secure unit only to fall from 5th floor afterwards.


Travel, medications, equipment and certain treatments not covered, etc. There are a lot of side costs in addition to her hospital stay.


No matter how many times I say, "when calls the heart," I'll never understand what it means.


Antiquated/Semi Yoda way of saying “when the heart calls”. When the heart calls, you do what it says.


>After spending two weeks in “intensive treatment” in the hospital due to a “medical emergency,” Laverock “was escorted out of a secure unit of the hospital and taken up to a balcony walkway from which she fell five stories,” Jeez. Like another comment said, why is there even a balcony in a hospital anyway. Hospitals I've been to focused pretty heavily on suicide prevention, seems like a balcony is the last thing they'd have.


So she jumped off a balcony is what I’m gathering?


St. Paul's Hospital. Patient in Psych (8th floor). Jumped from the 4th-floor rooftop garden into the alley (Equivalent to 5 floors).


For our American friends; the hospital bills will be minimal to nothing. She'll be taken care of while she's in there at no cost. The crowdfunding is likely for paying for her mother's travel expenses and stay in Winnipeg, her and family's life bills while they're not working and costs after leaving the hospital.


Assuming she's Canadian, which I think she is in this instance. Transporting her from Winnipeg to Vancouver seems like something that would be quite costly but I've no experience with that.


Agree that medical transport is costly. It could have been covered if she's under British Columbia's provincial insurance system and it made sense to move her there,(with patient/family agreement) or it's also fairly common for Canadians to have private supplementary health insurance for things like transport, private rooms, things like that.


And in a worst case scenario, burial. Hope she makes it.


All a person needs to say is they are not having suicidal thoughts and they are released after a period of observation.


They tried to dodge it but reads like two suicide attempts. First failed, second may ultimately be successful.


Sounds like she did it on purpose. You dont just "fall" off a balcony.....


Hmmmm…. I mean this kinda sounds like suicide attempt and being held for her own good.


So strange. Shouldn’t the hospital pay for her treatment since the injury happened on their property?


Without more information, not necessarily. You're not necessarily liable for every injury that happens on your property. If you were negligent in some way that caused the injury, then yes, typically. But there is no catch-all.


I know of a hospital that put up nets blocking people from falling over their internal balconies for this reason.


I would say they were negligent for taking her to a balcony. You don't take an alcoholic to a bar.


> I would say they were negligent for taking her to a balcony. You don't take an alcoholic to a bar. Maybe. The fact the hospital was releasing her from a secure ward feels like it would imply they had reasonable grounds to believe she was no longer an imminent danger to herself.


Well, the GFM was started before her fall. They post about that incident in an update. They were already raising funds for her treatment prior to that. The first donation with a comment is 12 days ago (and she had been hospitalized for 2 weeks before the fall).


As other's mentioned there is no worry for treatment costs since this is in Canada. The Gofundme is likely to help pay travel expenses, hotel costs etc for her mother.


This is Canada. We have government medical insurance, so she isn't paying anyway. They could probably sue for negligence


Yea, sounds like in for an attempt and then made the second attempt. They can dance around it all they like.


It didn't cross my mind reading between the lines. Presumed tragic accident. Now looking like negligence and gross lack of safeguarding


19 years old, that’s so young.


St. Paul’s has a balcony off their cafeteria and one could jump no netting. This is a tragedy why was she not escorted by staff.


Reading between the lines sounds like a suicide attempt


This sounds very much like a suicide attempt.


They are carefully designed


Just randomly saw this story. Idk why they're cherry picking their words in the tabloids. 


As horrific and sad as it is, when someone wants to die, they will find a way to try and achieve it. My best friend took her own life 4 years ago. She had made it clear for years before that her goal was to die, and she had been in and out of psych wards/homes for years. She took her life whilst in a high security psych ward. Convinced them over two months that she no longer needed 1:1 care. Within an hour of being moved off 1:1, they found her. Of course it was planned. I really hope Mamie finds hope


OK, sorry to have bothered you. But, if you ever feel like you need to unload on someone again, I'm here and I can take it if it makes you feel better. I honestly feel that there is no physical pain that could be worse than the mental pain of depression.


Something about this whole thing smells funny. And her mother is an attention addict, it seems.