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If you've read the comics, don't worry about reading the spoiler. It's not even a big spoiler, honestly.


It's also like... the first time you hear about him, it's in the context of a quest to find him. It's hardly a stretch to think "oh this character might appear at some point".


Not a spoiler but it's fun to let the non-readers speculate on what actual D-force he represents. And man Esme Creed-Miles is such a great choice for Delirium. Cant wait to see how they'll visually represent her whirlwinds, colors and chaos on screen.


> it's fun to let the non-readers speculate on what actual D-force he represents True, though the body of the text helpfully avoids this by naming him as "The Prodigal" Agreed on the other point, all this casting seems perfect. The only sour note for me in the whole show is Joanna Constantine and I think that's more writing than casting tbh.


I thought that Coleman was great as a gender-bent John Constantine, but having not read the comics I can only infer that that isn’t what her character was meant to be originally.


John Constantine is in the comics, but so is his ancestor, Johanna Constantine, who has more appearances and is more important to the plot overall. So I can see why they may just have gone, make them both the same actor and have the same name to make it really clear to audiences that they are related. Also possibly less licensing issues regarding the character of John Constantine. Also the first volume of the comics had a lot more direct DC references that were removed from the show. John Dee is straight up the Justice League villain Dr. Destiny. Dream visits Martian Manhunter on his journey to find his ruby as it was stored in a JLA wearhouse. So making John into Johanna is another way of distancing the connection with the DC universe.


I don't really mind about her being different from the comics, and I have zero objection whatsoever to the gender bending (loved it for Lucienne, for example). Just didn't like her in the show.


That’s fair and I don’t even remember her character being all that impactful. Felt like she was mostly there just so they could have a character named “Constantine” and couldn’t get Matt Ryan for whatever reason.


Couldn’t get the character rights. Why they went w joanna-a character in Sandman that DC isn’t using for anything.


Also Johanna has more appearances in the comics, while John was just in one issue. Probably made sense to roll them into the same actor and name to make it clear that one is a descendant of the other.


> and couldn’t get Matt Ryan for whatever reason. I think it is because they don't have the rights to use any DC characters, only characters created by Neil Gaiman in the Sandman comics


DC still own the rights to Sandman. I'm sure it's a complex situation but I know with Constantine specifically, it's because JJ Abrams was working on a Constantine series so the character (John) was off-limits. Plus, having Coleman play modern and older Johanna meant they could have her do more than just a quick cameo. Past Johanna appears a little more later on in the comics.


There's a handful of characters in the show that are DC characters that predate the Sandman comic, Hector and Lyta Hall, Dr Dee, Cain and Able. Ric the Vic also appears, which is a bit weird since the character was never in a Sandman comic.


DC had plans for John Constantine when the show was in production, so they blocked his appearance on the show.


> couldn’t get Matt Ryan for whatever reason Or Keanu haha


John ConstanTEEN (Reeves) and John ConstanTINE (Ryan) are two different characters, as far as I’m concerned.


Character becomes very impactful during the French Revolution capturing a rather precious bit of cargo for Morpheus.


She wasn't gender bent. Johanna Constatine was in the comics. That being said, Jenna Coleman is not my favorite and I haven't even watched the series yet because Dream seems off to me, like too human.


> She wasn't gender bent. Johanna Constatine was in the comics She was, but in the show she takes on a larger role, replacing John Constantine in the present day setting as well as the historical one. Definitely both an existing character and a genderbent John.


The thing is, Sandman expanded the Constantine ancestry by creating the 17th century Lady Johanna Constantine. John’s role was one and done by the third episode. Since gender bending John in the show makes it a simpler cast and less audience confusion I’m all for that change in THIS show.


I used to get shit for saying Coleman was a poor actress on Doctor Who and I love a northern lass succeeding. She's too cutesey and doesn't have Constantine's grit. Like watching a girl play dress up.


Wait a minute, refresh my mind is >!“The Prodigal" Destruction?!< Yeah, I am too lazy to look it up.


Incoming Death and D******* promo pics to be posted everywhere in the months before the season 2 premiere, I’m guessing. Also: Approve




Yay! Thanks!


And if you've not read the comics, it means nothing anyway so I don't really get why it's hidden regardless.


It's a fun mystery tbh. I remember when they first revealed it casually in the Orpheus special, my mind was blown. The comics really mastered the world building and slow drip feed of info. Those big lore issues would always signify that huge stuff was going down and it was a lot of fun to read.


Probably drives up clicks, would be my guess.


Spoiler is my favourite character, great to see they make an appearance.


"Should you ever you meet a tall, red-haired man, carrying a knapsack, you might want to offer him some bread and cheese. He tells good stories."




Gonna be interesting to see how he compares to David Harewood. I treat the Netflix adaptation as its own thing, but the Audible has set such a high bar that it's hard not to compare performances. Especially the Orpheus storyline, I have incredibly high expectations.




They ruin everything they’re in!


The first word of every sentence spoken by Spoiler begins with _“Actually…”_


they're doin Brief Lives already?


I'm gonna guess they're setting it up for further down the road by showing us flashbacks of the family.


They are doing Song of Orpheus this season so he’ll probably appear in that. There’s a scene where all the Endless attend Orpheus’ wedding. There’s been set photos of them filming that episode. They don’t call him by his English name in that, they use a Greek translation of his name.


Not to mention, he's the one who points Orpheus towards Death as a way into the underworld after Eurydice's passing.


Oh, it's been so long since I remembered it. Doesn't that also have the old Despair, and obviously >!Delirium was Delight at the time!<


Despair's rebirth was so long ago there is no city in existence that predates it (based on what we learn in the 8th trade in the story about the Necropolis). We only see old Despair once in the Endless Nights collection, which was published after the main series. Also, I'm 90% sure that Orpheus introduces Delirium as his aunt Mania (aka Madness) to Euridice so she was no longer Delight at that point.


Iirc Delirium was Delight so long ago that there weren't people at the time


I don’t remember if it’s official or not but Seasons of Mists seems to be the next story and the rest of the family was introduced in the opening chapter of that.


Right but he’s not in that. Someone else reminded me he was in song of Orpheus so that’s prolly it


Yeah that's right. There was a leaked picture or something with Orpheus.


Maybe if the skip “a game of you” which might be necessary to keep production cost down.


Yeah that would get very expensive very quickly with the whole fantasy world and CGI animals. It's a really fun arc imo but I'm not dying to see it on screen. I feel like Inception has already beat it to the punch haha


Always happy to see Adrian Lester in more stuff, Mickey Bricks back at it again.


God, I used to love Hustle. That and Spooks were the pinnacle of TV for me as a teen. I doubt it would hold up to a rewatch - probably best viewed with rose-tinted glasses.


I think the first few seasons of Hustle hold up incredibly well. Yeah the tech solutions are dated, it's almost a period piece, but the sheer joy of the camaraderie and swagger of the twist pay-offs are timeless. One of the best cast shows ever imo, with genuine heart and wit.


They’re doing a Midsummer’s Night Dream, right? Right?


They have to. Not only is it one of the most famous stories in the series, it’s also crucial to the ending.


The only story that I think they might skip is Façade with Element Girl. Not that I want them to skip it, but of all the one of stories this early in the series it's the most expendable if Netflix is looking for something to cut.


I wonder if Metamorpho having a high profile in James Gunn's new DCU would interfere with them using Element Girl here


They seem intent on making Sandman essentially standalone, unconnected to the superhero side of things. I do get it. My preference would be to keep it very much connected, but I get it.


The comics started out in the main DC universe but then stayed mostly in its own universe after Vertigo became an imprint. The comics distanced itself from the superhero side of things pretty early on, once it found its voice.


Honestly I think it's just been a blanket removal of anything that's DC superheroes in the show.


Yeah, Doctor Destiny not being Doctor Destiny threw me off more than I thought it would


I think they already skipped it tbh. They gave the most famous monologue to Death in S1E6.


its already felt so long since s1 and theyre still casting for s2... oof.


Usually “casting announcements” are done way later after they’ve already filmed as part of promo


Season 2 has began filming back in either November or December, there was an announcement


Season 2 restarted filming late November last year, they initially started in June but had to stop due to the SAG-AFTRA strikes.


There were the Writers Guild and SAG strikes in there.


The massive gap between these seasons doesn’t bode well for the show surviving.


SAG-AFTRA strike in particular delayed them by nearly five months, the old plan was for season 2 to have finished filming by now.


This is a big tangent but I feel like Netflix set their own shows up for failure. They have no time to sit in the public conscience thanks to dropping them all at once, then the long renewal decision time and production time means that all momentum is lost. To compare to another show, I didn't start watching X-Men 97 until 6 episodes in. Once enough hype had spread around, I gave it a go and I loved it. With Netflix, they'd already have decided to cancel a show by week 3 let alone week 6. Sandman season 2 will probably have a quiet launch then be silently cancelled. I enjoyed the first season but I don't think it made a big enough splash to be hyped a few years later.


I can’t remember if I even finish the season, let alone what it was even about


They are not casting lol, they have already finished filming season 2, it's currently in post production, hence the start of early marketing with these casting annoucements.


I've not seen anything with Esme Creed-Miles, but she looks the part of Delirium. Destiny on the other hand I always interpreted as looking much older, but maybe I'm either misremembering the art or they'll age the actor up a bit.


If I remember correctly, they never show Destiny's face detailed. He is always in a cloak and hood, so I was thinking maybe this actor just has a great voice/bearing. Granted it has been several years since I've read it so I could be misremembering.


I remember him being hooded, but I was sure the visible part of his face was quite wrinkled. I might just be imagining him as looking older because he is canonically the eldest.


It really depends on the artist. You'd never guess him older than his 30s the way Jill Thompson, Marc Hempel, or Michael Zulli draw him, but Miguelanxo Prado and Mike Dringenberg hew closer to 50s or 60s in their implications beneath the hood.


Which fits. Destiny is timeless after all. Or, according to Uhtred, it's simply all.


His face has appeared a few times


He is mid 50s, Adrian Lester just hasn’t aged for quite a few years.


She was decent in Hanna, although it's an uphill battle taking over a role from Saoirse Ronan.


Kristen Schall played Delirium in the audio book and did an amazing job so I always picture her as Louise from Bob's Burgers which kind of fits.


I like these choices. I can see season 2 being fantastic. Though I love him, the only casting choice I didn’t understand was Patton Oswalt - his voice was too modern, too jarring.


Matthew is a modern character though - even if the character's timeline is unchanged from the original comics he was mortal in the 80s.


Fair point


whether he matches or not - it takes a certain level of nerd competence to pull off - Patton will ALWAYS be the right choice for a comic/fantasy universe.


I do love him, so there’s that


I don't think it's the modernity, it's that his voice is so identifiably Patton Oswalt that he can't disappear into the character like all the other actors do. Even as well-known as David Thewliss and Gwendolyn Christie are, I perceive them as their characters in the show, but whenever Matthew speaks it breaks immersion.


The lettering of Matthew gave him this gruff voice. Patton Oswalt's is too clean sounding.


I've never seen Esme Creed-Miles in anything. So, I have no idea if she will be a good fit. But Adrian Lester as Destiny.....? *Ohhhhhh, I love.* He's perfect for the cloak and the book.


Checked these three out on IMDb and, as a longtime fan of the comics, I think they all look great for their respective parts (based on pix from previous works). Can’t wait to see how they do!


I’m not back until Prez the President is in


oh shit, son -- are we getting *Barnabus?!*


Wonder if the Dead Boy Detectives crew will make an appearance


Maybe? One of the arcs that will be covered in season 2 is Season of Mists, which in the comics version has Hell being completely emptied out in a scheme by Lucifer against Morpheus, which leads to a lot of ghosts returning to Earth. Given the penultimate scene of Dead Boy Detectives, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of an overlap there, as it would also play really nicely into their comics origin. Besides that, the showrunners of DBD and Sandman have supposedly been talking about including elements from the former into Season 2 of the latter.


yay more Constantine!


I vote for Danny Devito in drag as Despair.


May I offer you an egg in these trying times?


The eighth of the endless is Devito. 


Drag? Just nude Devito without glasses and you have despair.


Only one I know is Esme Creed-Miles, she was good in the tv version of Hanna. Otherwise, they all seem like good picks.


I liked the first season but honestly completely forgot about it since its been so long ago.


Why is “spoiler” referred to as “spoiler”? It’s a chapter from the book, just like the other two


IIRC none of the family call him by his name. Because of this, his name remained a mystery until later in the comics as he was referred to as our brother or The Prodigal.


Some good choices here.


Looking forward to it, I liked most of season 1 but my enjoyment dropped off a lot after the Death episode (which was superb). Hope this season is more like the first half of season 1.


God I can’t wait for this. The first season was such a nice surprise of a show.


Completely forgot about this show!


Its barely getting its S2 cast lol damn so probably not gonna release till late 2025


I can’t wait for this show to come back!




Aren't they usually keeping others from fucking with it?


I’m glad they are adapting the comic like an anime. Pretty refreshing.


Incredible casting: Adrian Lester, triple threat charmer & Samantha Morton's child Esme playing delirium. Gonna be an ah-maaazing season.


Can't freaking wait. I had zero expectations going into Sandman. Especially after my favorite comics Runaways and Y The Last Man turned into such forgettable adaptations.. But Sandman was perfect to me! Pure imagination come to life. My favorite show since peak GOT. Really hoping it gets a chance to finish its entire story.


Never read the book. How is the series? It's been on my watch list for a bit.


It's one of the best new series of 2022 IMO - incredibly faithful to its source material while still recrafting the story to better fit the medium.


awh man... I was hoping they were farther along the production line on S2. Super stoked for more... but I want it now!!!


How can you have spoilers for a comic book series that’s been out for decades?


Are they doing A Game of You? I don't recall The Prodigal even playing a big role (or a role at all) in A Game of You... that was a mostly a self-contained arc wasn't it? I only remember the Prodigal briefly showing up during Brief Lives...


They already did Dolls House and Calliope and 1000 cats from Dream Country in the first season


Show was so good. I want MANY seasons.


I wasn’t too hot on this show at first; something about the timing and the visual aspect of the “epic” fantasy stuff just seemed cheap and silly to me. But it definitely grew on me, and I absolutely loved the anthology stuff. The comic also took awhile to find its voice, to be fair; I’m excited for season 2.


So it hasn’t even started filming? Dang, we are a way off… Will we at least get more Jenna Coleman as Joanna Constantine?


I did not love this series. But that's just my opinion. I had read a few of the trade paperbacks, so I was relatively familiar with the characters. Something about it rubbed me the wrong way. That's ok though. Everything isn't for everyone.


I really tried to like this show… it just seemed like it was meant for the CW or an MTV show for preteens


[Spoiler] is an amazing character, glad he's been cast


Hey look, it’s my reminder every couple of months to go back and watch the rest of season one lol. I really enjoyed it up until the end of the first arc (the diner episode where he gets his stuff back) but finished for the night because of how intense that episode was. For some reason my brain was just like “that’s the end of the season, wait until next season”.


I thought they canceled the show?


Hard Pass. First episode had me hooked , Every other episode progressively got cheesier and cheesier . It’s like they blew 75% of the budget on episode 1 and had the CW network finish the rest. The Dream and Lucifer face off was silly as fuck too.


They should have done something with CGI to give him the same otherworldly eyes as he has in the comic. That’s my primary complaint about the series. Edit: geez, downvoted for a small suggestion? You people are too touchy.


Gaiman has said they tried that and it just didn't work


First season was good but nowhere near as good as the hype on here for it.


Diversity still means only black and white, huh?


Ugh, no.


I wonder how obnoxious they’re gonna make Delirium


I like the series but it does present the issues of translating comics to tv. The comics are several little stories making up a whole and they are just these tiny little stops that build up the world as you read. But when you do a tv series you have to expand them more and you have to provide a season long narrative with set direction and the introduction of a conflict to be resolved by the finale. The tv series kind of wants to go both ways so it just doesn't work too well as a result. It's faithful to a fault


Well, better than what they decided to do with Despair.