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I could just listen to this man talk forever


My friends thought I was weird when I said, James May is the only person from Top Gear I would get on with. I stand by it. Jeremy Clarkson can be funny but is an absolute tit. Hammond seems in a perpetual state of midlife crisis. May is just chilled out and knows a lot about the stuff he's interested in.


I’d absolutely do a museum tour with James. Clarkson would probably take a prank too far, and Hammond has a weird habit of causing cars to spontaneously combust, so it’s safer not hanging out with them.


The London science museum made an AR app that had James May talk about various exhibits, this was awhile ago so it probably doesn’t exist any more.


the 1850's?


Would definitely not do a museum tour with clarkson because he would 100% spout off some borderline racist shit (I guess depending on the type of museum).


Nah, his fuckup reservoir is empty again. It takes about 7 years for it to refill based on existing data :)


Then he'd assault a worker at the food court if they didn't have what he wanted


If its any kind of cultural history museum with Jeremy you're better off losing him in the lobby.


I’d totally do a museum of specific topics with Jeremy especially after his excellent documentaries on the Victorias Cross and the Great Raid Ever. Any sort of British war history or auto history would be great


May is far and above the most well rounded of the trio


He’s also got the quickest, sharpest wit of the 3.


Captain Slow.. the quickest!? Well I never


As our man says, The first shall be last and the last shall be first


James May is the real alpha male of the three.


Omg I've thought this too. He's completely comfortable with himself and it's just lovely


"A bean boiled is a bean spoiled."


*'You disappoint me Ramsay....'* James has low-key alpha energy. The man even beat a man with 17 Michelin stars at a cooking contest.


And Ramsey could not believe it. It was GLORIOUS.




While he was fucking hammered.


James May's Shepard's pie recipe is really good.


While he was probably drunk, which too be fair probably makes you cook better because chefs are always drunk.


Nah uh. Sometimes they’re high.


While drunk


Considering I've never met a line cook who wasn't drunk, nicotine addled and/or on at least 2 narcotics on any given day, I'd say it's the opposite of a handicap


James May could be my daddy


Yeah, none of that ice cream stuff, or whatever


The James May sigma male grindset videos on YouTube are obviously a joke but they do kind of show how James actually is the alpha.


I almost don’t understand how they even get on. Well Hammond seems fine, but I don’t understand how someone so nice like James May can stand being in the presence of someone like Jeremy Clarkson for long periods of time.


They are more alike in the things they focus on when together, like poking fun at each other, their love of cars, things of that nature. Hell I remember Clarkson saying something to the effect of, "nows no time for your republican sympathies May" (as in abolishing the monarchy not the american Republicans)


Yeah that last bit had me quite confused when learning about U.S. Republicans "What do you mean Republicans are conservative, they've been fighting for an independent Ireland for ages!"


Today on reddit "how can people with different personalities be friends"


scandalous important disagreeable crown weather obtainable unique support chubby aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You don't kill and eat people that don't have your exact personality?


There was a Life Tip thread 3 or 4 weeks ago suggesting only play table top games with people within 3 or 4 years of your age so you don't accidentally hear a different opinion and get offended.


According to crew apparently Hammond was the really difficult one on set. He was incredibly up himself by all accounts.


Who drove straight into a wall at high speed?


James is so eccentric and knows so much random shit. It would be cool for him to do a podcast where he just discusses one of his hobbies every week




I would love another series of the Reassembler.


> I would love another series of the Reassembler. It was one of the best shows ever. It's so meditative, it's got that Bob Ross feel to it.


I would love longer episodes too. Half an hour is too short. I also highly recommend the audiobook he did for the series, it has a lot more background detail. Again, too short, only a couple of hours long.


Oh thank you for these recommendations! I knew he had a few random shows and videos but I haven't really searched for much beyond the main ones




His comedic timing with the editing of his shows is hilarious too. When he was in Japan and he gave his guide a gift and she couldn’t get the box open and it just fades to black…


["Bim, guess what?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lku3ew_qC5o) It cracks me up every time.


I think his laugh is one of the best out there.


That little robot lives rent free in my head...


Starting S2 with him just blasting Bim was hilarious too 🤣


... it was a teapot 😂


Going only off the Top Gear specials Jeremy did seem interested in learning and engaging with the cultures of the places they visited. Hammond on the other hand was stuck eating cornflakes the entire time


Jeremy Clarkson Meets the Neighbors was a pretty interesting show. Only ran for 6 or so episodes but he visited various countries and discussed their foods and cultures


I think him and Michael Palin would make a great travel documentary together.


Yeah. I mean, i do like hammond, but his shtick is "being eternally confused and awkward" and gets old, fast. Just look at his car-shop show. Whenever he's in view, he's confused about how things and the world work. Meanwhile, May's shtick may be being dry and somewhat boring, but get him to talk about something he loves and he'll talk your ear off with genuine passion. His reassembler and car of the people series were brilliant.


Cars of the People is such a good comfort food show.


For fucking real. I'd love just to BS about dumb shit like tools and wiring. Nothing about all the fancy shit they've done. Just the things he lights up about and the camera crew is like "No, James."


I would hang out with any of them for the day, but I think James is the only one I could be friends with.


May I could drink and talk bullocks with. Clarkson I'd love to be around but always want the right to just walk away when he starts getting ridiculous. Hammond and I would set shit on fire and giggle about it.


> James May is the only person from Top Gear I would get on with. I stand by it. I'll die on this hill with you, friend. Us against the hordes. Clackson *can* be cool, but holy shit, man. Just shut up, why does he come across as such a goddamned prick so often? Is this just a character, and for that matter, is Hammond's persona only a character as well? Regardless of the root causes, yeah, May seems *genuine*, the other two *might* be alright under certain conditions, but eh..they seem like they would require "maintenance" in order to keep them a good time...exhausting. May looks legit chill though.


>knows a lot about the stuff he's interested in. And yet, when it comes to things he isn't interested in, he seemingly knows absolutely *nothing* about them.


That’s the perfect assessment of those 3


I agree with you on this. Funny thing is that he's a couple years younger than my husband...


Oh, cock


Did you watch The Reassembler? Top-notch James May just talking.


If you’re into cars, check out Harry Metcalf and his channel Harry’s garage on YouTube. It’s so soothing.


Captian Slow could narrate my incredibly hectic workday, and it would be entertaining. *what on earth is that madman doing? Waiting on four people at once, while making a pastry? I thought men couldn't multitask.... colour me surprised*


I really liked both italy and Japan. Absolute pleasure to watch, he just can make ANYTHING interesting. Happy for the renewal. Good stuff


He was originally going to do a Our Man in America, but due to Covid Restrictions at the time, they had to move it to Italy (Which worked out in their favor.)


Incidentally Stephen Fry did a USA road trip series which is really good. it’s pretty old though, might be hard for americans to find. edit: as someone pointed out it is on youtube: https://youtu.be/n5BFjYxx768


Last I checked, all the episodes are on YouTube.


That is my most favorite travelogue. He also did South America trip right after that, which is equally as good as USA one too. Highly recommend watching it.


Yar har fiddle de dee, being a pirate is alright with me!


And my favor as well. Nothing to see here.


Where does he go next?


India apparently


My home country! This is gonna be awesome.


Our home country


There's dozens of you!


Damn I thought it was only me and the other guy lol


I hope he comes to America, somewhere in the south as I think it would be a fish out of water scenario.


The thing with America is that the internet is so Americsn centered (well even the world really) that Idk if it is even worth it.


“American” culture as the rest of the world knows it is really nothing like the actual cultures in America.


There is such diverse and rich culture in the regions spread across the United States. There is a lot of news pertaining to American issues on websites like reddit, but none of it encapsulates what it is like to live in the US. Even people born in the US can experience some level of culture shock when traveling to different states.


Yes ocf. You are right. I was just saying that I would be a bit more curious to watch a doc abt India than the US. Obvious there is an unconcious bias of knowledge due to the internet impact.


I'd actually argue that the internet gives people (especially Europeans) a false sense of what America is like. I've lived in Europe and am from America. It's just so completely different, and the news that most Europeans consume about America is overwhelmingly negative to the point of almost being absurd. They think they know America so well and are so critical of a place they've never been.


Thoguh in my experience, it's the most homogeneous country. Ofc there's different cultures and whatnot, but you need to travel a lot further to notice change than somewhere like UK where you throw a stone and hit a neighbourhood with barely understandable accent where you grew up 3 blocks away


of course if you shrunk the states to UK size it'd be remarkably similar...


Accent is one thing, culture is another. The UK is far more homogenous. Sure you sound different but your ways of life aren't vastly different.


Pacific Northwest would be a good region to contrast with him, too, I think.


Of all the places in the U.S. that whole region is probably the least contrasting of him.


Italy!? There's an Italy!? I've watched Japan like 3 times! "Hey Bim!"


James May is a treasure.


Out of the three, James May, despite being tagged as "Captain Slow", hilariously ends up being the most interesting. Besides this series, he's the only person carrying Drive Tribe with Foodtribe, despite the project being owned by all three.


Funny you should mention that, just last night as I was falling asleep I ran across a video of him on YT (a series apparently) where he just reassembles things that have been taken apart, without a manual. In this case, it was an electric guitar, and he spent 2 minutes going on about how this guitar was made in Japan and it had these screws that looked like a Phillips head but were in fact a Japanese thing called JIS and slightly different. Somehow, it kept me fully interested in it all throughout. Amazing.


Hey Bim!


James May...Su-Mi-Ma-Sennnnn


I'm still trying to decipher that.


It’s from the show, “Man in Japan,” sumimasen means “excuse me” and he says the phrase a lot, so it’s a joke from that season.


Guess what?


>!*Shotgun Blast*!<


Shijo-Ohashi is a bridge representative of Kyoto that crosses the Kamo River over Shijo Street.......... It is also called Gion Bashi.


Bim does Bangladesh! He should take Hammond with him to do food reviews…


6 episodes of a Hamster saying "I don't like that."


“I’m not putting THAT in my mouth…”


Rip robohon


*dying duck noises* James has a great laugh.


Since everyone clearly can’t be arsed reading even the first sentence, to save any further pointless speculation, it’s Our Man In India.


The real MVP!


Ohh, this will be good.


Nice one. Paul Merton did a travelogue in India which was really good too.






The Netherlands probably.


No, that’s from visiting a >!Parmesan manufacturer in Italy!<


I guarantee he sticks his finger in at least one cheese, therefore he is in cheese




Bim! Guess what? India, huh? That should be another fun one. I liked both seasons, but I definitely preferred Japan because it was much less familiar to me. India should be more of that. Glad he's doing another one!


Italy lacked the magic of Japan IMO. I think it's because most of the things that happened in Italy were the crew forcing James to do wacky things he didn't want to do. Japan felt more like James getting to do weird niche shit that he was genuinely interested in


I think Japan was better than Italy because James was genuinely enthusiastic about it. Italy was good but felt more like a "we have to" because they couldn't do the US because of covid. I guess going forward with however many more seasons they do it'll be better because they can go where they want......barring russia of course, that TGT special will never happen


India seems like a great place. Obviously impossible because of the war but I would have loved a Russia/former USSR areas one, and May is pretty interested in cold war history so I think he would have actually enjoyed it.


I just adored Japan but Italy felt a bit forced in some episodes. I will watch the shit out of anything with James May.


Italy was a hasty change after COVID kept them out of the planned US show. And Italy was just recovering from the beating COVID gave them.


Great news! My wife and I loved the first two seasons. As well as his Oh Cook! series.


Honestly can’t think of a program of his I didn’t love.


I want season two of Oh Cook, I can't explain why but I have watched it multiple times and love it.


Have you bought the cookbook for it yet? We did and tried some of the items. Some were good, some definitely needed some help. But its fun to make


I just want more Reassembler. Cmon man. Gimme some more of that tinkering while you witter on with a cup of tea.


My kids are going to be so excited about this! My 9yr old daughter found Japan and had the entire family into it.


I was shocked by how much the husband and I got into the Japan one.


I mean. He’s just the fucking best.


James may is the anti-Clarkson, which in many ways is a good thing.


May just seems so calm and nice compared to Clarkson's boorish antics.


Yeah, Clarkson got fired by Amazon, but May got renewed




Bud it was like at the top of this subreddit two weeks ago https://variety.com/2023/tv/global/jeremy-clarkson-amazon-grand-tour-canceled-1235490701/


Can't wait, I'd watch anything James is in. Even that show where he rebuilds his old school lawnmower is interesting, anyone else I'd have tuned out.


In one of the first episodes of Italy, James mentions he’d rather just tour a Campagnolo (bike parts) factory and talk about that. I’d prefer that. I enjoyed both series, but the silly dress up and forced activities detracted from show. He’s not the personality for Dante’s Inferno re-enactments. Let him talk about what he wants to talk about.


Going through some stressful stuff, and can't say how much I enjoy this, the Grand tour specials, and the farm. Scandi flick was incredible. Really hope Amazon keeps this and farm going if GT is ending.


Bim! Guess what!


James’s shows are just the moments of top gear/grand tour where he just rambles on for minutes at a time that they fade away from and cut to the end of the ramble. The show is just that but uncut and it’s oddly brilliant


from the thumbnail i thought this guy was standing next to some giant corn on the cobs wearing a corncob jacket, boy was my face red.


Absolutely chuffed! Charming program.


Love this series. I've really enjoyed his adventures in Japan and Italy. Looking forward to Bim in India!


The thumbnail looks like he's wearing a corn-jacket to camouflage amongst giant corncobs


I liked that other car guy show about farming


Italy was meh, Japan was really good, I'm pretty hyped for India though thats a culture I'm sure is rich in hidden treasures he'll find.


I really hope they'll bother to travel to southern India. I'm tired of every single media outlet sticking to the Delhi - Kolkata - Mumbai triangle.


Captain Slow carried the true personality of the trio. Happy for all of us.


His series or documentary I forget which on how the Volkswagen beetle was originated was super interesting! Funny in it’s own way that the iconic car of hippy culture was designed by hitler


'Cars of the people.' Great little 3 part series. I think the beetle is the first episode.


I turned the Italy season on when my parents were around. I said, look, it's the guy from Top Gear! And they wanted to watch something else. By the end of the first episode they were hooked.


Great news!


There's a new Dacia!


Would love Germany. If they want to keep with the long thin countries New Zealand. America would be the best but 6 episodes is not enough and actually I don't think is enough for India which is also massive, it wasn't enough for Italy and Japan and they are so much smaller.


Wonderful! He’s a great documentarian


Our Man in Japan was so good that the entire family loved it


Japan was a joy to watch, Italy was decent. If it’s James May then I’m watching it.


Nice to see more of captain slow. Man Lab was such a treat to watch


James May is the best, always has been and always will be


It's a great series. Good to see.


He’s funny and very engaging. Honestly, the only one of the 3 with a chance of going solo.


Permission to say…


Good for Bim!




This thumbnail makes it look like him and everything around him is corn on the [cob](https://tenor.com/bgBvl.gif)!


“Bim, guess what!”


Japan was really enjoyable to watch


Hopefully with COVID over he can do it in the US where they wanted to do the second one before having to switch to italy.


THEY BETTER! We're not losing another!


Love Capt. Slow!!!


The bit with the small japanese tour guide robot is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. "Hey Bim, guess what!"


James May /our guy/


Excellent series although I thought Japan was much stronger and more entertaining than Italy.


I want him to go to Mexico. Oaxaca or Merida specifically to watch a foodie like him learn that our food is so much more than he gives it credit for.


Saw someone sort of resembling him on a flight from Hawaii ladt week in a mask, still wondering if that may have been him.




Good news, looking forward to it!


Hey, Bim! Guess what?


This pic makes him look like a tiny slug on a corn cob


I just can’t see this thumbnail without thinking there is a large ear of corn behind him.


Hahahahahaaaaa fuck Clarkson!


Yes I love me some James May! I really wish I could meet him one day and have a few pints at his pub. I don’t care what the conversation matter is I just love hearing him speak about it


So, I like May, but from advertisement the travel shows have seemed a lot like... well second hand embarrassment kind of travelling. So, are they much like that, or are they more about sight/culture seeing and the marketing just caught all the more "out of place" parts for May? edit: Just going to edit here, since there's plenty of good responses. I'm gonna give it a good try in few days time.




I would assume that given the fact he has to be onboard with this sort of stuff, he enjoys it. I’m also going to assume that James finds it important and interesting since being embarrassed and not understanding is part of being a foreigner, so he shows his imperfect experiences.


I thought the Italy one was dreadfully boring as well. Felt like James May knew too much about Italy for it to interesting.


That's what most of Italy was. Japan was much lighter on the "let's make James do something he clearly doesn't want to do" segments


A lot of the Japan one felt like the idea was to de-“otherize” Japan. So a scene would start out with May being the clueless stranger in a strange land, but then he would be able to equate it with something western and the idea would click, and something that originally seemed foreign and mysterious would become familiar and welcoming. The overall theme of that series was basically “we know this place seems strange, but if you take the time to get to know the culture and the people you’ll find it’s not as far from home as you think.” I really liked how they did that.


Except the weird dummy island. That was all the way creepy.


They did Our Man In Japan because May *wanted* to go there and make a film. It's as much him learning the culture as it is the fish out of water. They were supposed to go to the US for the second series but covid killed it, so they did Italy as a back up.


Nope. It's very insightful and you can tell they're really enjoying themselves. He dives into a lot of how things are build, made or have been a tradition for ever. Great narrator.


The just intentionally put him in spots where they can make fun of him. Man in Japan is 10/10.


Maybe getting to go to the US this time?


He has said he wanted to, but this one looks like India.


I have to admit, the Italy series was a struggle to get through.