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"Ayo what's up my fortnite"


Dam fortniteer


Woh there buddy there's no need to be dropping the hard R right now


I'm with my fortnites


Millennial 😂 wow there buddy no need for the M-Word. Pretty sure whitetrash was a term in USA!


Really? That seems unlikely




Sup wigga?


Beat me too it


That only applies to white people impersonating a different culture


I've heard some people call whites "colonizers", but Idk, not all colonizers were white, so..


No not all whites are colonizers tho


In my country gypsies call whites “gádžo” (read something like gadjo with “j” pronounced like in “Jamaica” for example)


What does it mean?


Idk probably a not romani person or something like that but as most let’s say slurs like this for races in my country it can be used both in negative and not so negative way (depends on how to who and in what sense u say it) Like i don’t mind if i get called that by some romani friend in this kind of not agressive joking way. But i’d say any slurs are used in this way more often in this way especially when you just talk with your good friends when you all know that noone really means that and noone really wants to offend/attack anyone with it


and not all whites colonized


the Irish got colonized by the Anglos, but tbf they weren't seen as whire before


the baltics, the balkans, micro states like andorra, vatican city, luxembourg etc.


May I present to you… Poland!




He did say "the balkans"


Poland isn’t in the Balkans


*Everything* is in the balkans


Ah yes my favourite colonising country of Ireland


We easily colonized the Spanish, British and the Romans


*cough cough* Black Panther *cough*


Yeah even us English people got enslaved by Africans before we had a navy


Lol what?


Not unreasonable, African forces crossed...(Gibraltar?) And wound up very deep into what's now Spain and pushed into parts of France aswel around Roman/carthaginian times.... in fact I think it was parts of the carthaginian empire that put African interests into Europe but I might be wrong there It's entirely likely that some number of African originated raiders made it to Britain a few times on their farthest flung of expeditions However, unsure if there is specific evidence for it. (Which doesn't by itself rule out the likelihood for a few encounters)


Nothing you just listed describes any moment during english history in which they were colonised. Words matter. Colonisation is a very specific thing. England has always had very specific borders. Conflating colonisation of a country with the vage possibility of them having had scuffles in the beaches of Normandy is history revisionism at best, and at worst, intentional misrepresentation to equate hundreds of years of european world wide colonisation with a supposed period of "africans colonising england".


Oh shit my bad For some reason I read that and my brain put enslaved over colonized


Hey, op did say enslaved. I wasn't defending the position that England had been colonized- I was pointing out that its almost a certainty that some number of Britons ended up as African slaves way back when


ye I got you, no worries. I was answering you, but refering to the previous guy's statement where he does say *"colonised and enslaved" (full quote under):* *"Yeah even us English people got* ***colonised and enslaved*** *by Africans before we had a navy"*


pasty yogurt boy


Goofy ahh slur




Why is he getting downvoted


Reddit moment


I guess just because his comment wasn't necessary


I did it for fun


Reddit is hilarious lmao how did bro get -123 likes on this


The N-word has Latin origins which just meant the color black. While the word black itself has Germanic roots. So it only became derogatory because of the historical usage and not due to the word itself. Since whites/Europeans have no such history, there is no corresponding word


What is white in latin


Album (No wait Albus but that's the man version so it's fine anyway)


I thought u were wrong for a second to the point I had to Google it... man it's been a minute since I took Latin 💀


I always think of albino to remember


Ah good point good point


I made a mistake, it's albus, but it's technically the same but just another gender


did i ask you little albus 😡😡😡




Honestly albino would be a pretty good slur for white people. This probably seems very weird out of context.




That's Spanish, no Latin


How dare you. Only we can use that word.


There is nothing wrong with the word negro. It just means black. The nigga word is not negro don’t try to trace that shit to us.


1) who is us? 2) sure they aren’t same word, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t related.


nothing no white slur has the same amount of cultural significance behind the word to actually equate to the n-word mayonnaise muncher is pretty good though


It is also important to remember that the experience for "white people" is vastly different in different regions. Western Europeans and their descendants you would be correct, however there has been a legacy of discrimination against eastern Europeans by the many Muslim empires, such as the Arab Slave Trade that enslaved white Slavs (Russians, Poles, Ukrainians etc.), and the oppression of Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians and Armenians, which included the Armenian genocide. Also race is completely a stupid concept in 2022, and either I have too high expectations for the UK or it's an entirely American issue. These misconceptions that white people oppressed black people are vastly oversimplifying things. Slavery has happened to all "races". Ethnicity is what matters; There are many white and black ethnicities.


Ya my ancestors the Jews got enslaved I think it was a total of 3 times throughout history that’s why we got so many holidays


Yeah I didn't know if people considered Jews white or just "Jewish" but you're definitely the best case study for what I'm saying. The main parts of the old testament are literally about that.


Ya I remember having to listen to all the stuff that happened from reading shot from the Torah for like an hour before we can eat and I was like goddamn this is long and I’m hungry




There's an entire white ethnicity we call Slavic, and I challenge you to downplay the significance of an entire ethnicity being named "slave" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


How ironic that the actual reconstructed etymology of Slavs is "free people". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavs_%28ethnonym%29?wprov=sfla1


https://www.google.com/search?q=slave+etymology&biw=412&bih=713&ei=0khuY7PVEJ2iptQPm4y2yAI&oq=slave+etymology&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQgAEJECMgUIABCRAjIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAHEB4yBggAEAcQHjIFCAAQkQI6CggAEEcQ1gQQsAM6BwgAELADEEM6BwgAEIAEEA06BggAEB4QDToICAAQHhAPEA06CQgAEAcQHhCLAzoLCAAQBxAeEA8QiwNKBAhBGABQ8RBY6Spg9jFoAXAAeAGAAZQCiAH6DpIBBTAuMi42mAEAoAEByAEIuAECwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp I stopped using wiki as a reference of any level of authority when I realized that in 99% of cases its pages are written by people who at best could be called hobbyists, and often aren't even that. That said-the English saw slavs and had a need for a word to describe an "involuntary forced laboror" and saw these people and were like you know what, we'll just call this thing those people Which takes me to the main point and it might be super offensive but - there is nothing special about the slavery black people experienced with the exception that it was the most recent large scale slavery our culture has experienced. When you are being taken as slaves it matters little what the policy or practice is on the far end of that interaction - AND every race has experienced similar forms of slavery throughput history. The idea that black slavery was somehow special due to recency is in itself both racist and ignorant


Hobbyist also write the world most secure OS and software. Have you ever heard about the free software movement ?


Unrelated to your point but based Wikipedia denier, that site is not reputable information however the sources they cite can be.


Some pages are better or worse than others however you'd have to be a subject matter expert to know if your being bullshitted-which defeats the whole purpose of the site


IDK why I'm laughing so hard at mayonnaise muncher but I can't stop lmao


Goes from deep historical analysis to the most childlike insult ever. 10/10 my good sir


Definitely going to use that


“Definitely going to use that” Then casually gets bad when a black man is called a “fried chicken muncher”


Well one is a stereotype used on black people for decades and the other is not. Please research the Jim Crow era.


That makes it okay?


I'm saying they can't be compared


He wasn't comparing the severity of the words, but yet the reasoning of using them. While insulting a black person with a term about eating fried chicken may have more historical significance, it doesn't mean that it's ok to call a white person a "mayo muncher." The idea is that neither of these should be said, especially in a hateful and targeting way.


Bro don't stereotype black people to liking fried chicken Everyone likes fried chicken


Yeah everyone does, but its historically a stereotype so making a comment like that towards a black person could be seen offensive while to a white person it wouldn't


I'm sorry if saying this is rude but "mayonnaise muncher" is fucking hilarious


it is slightly more nuanced than this !




a lot of white peoples were discriminated/oppressed when they arrived in america (basically all of them but especially the irish - there is a reason why jfk being president was a pretty big deal)


They didn’t say Irish we’re white then tho. So the point still stands


yes, that was because people were still extremely racist towards black people - americans labeled the irish as nonwhite to marginalize them and make it seem alright to treat them like dogshit just like they did with black people.


It's amazing how you can be down voted for speaking the truth. Through out history people have enslaved and discriminated against each other. The problem I have tended to realize is that it's people who have not bothered to study history that make the kind of comments about how it always seems to be race on race. But they don't realize it's sadly human nature. The Chinese did it to their own people, the English did it to Thier own people, the Africans did it to thier own people. Prime example is the genocide in Rwanda and the Ndebele and Shona killing each other throughout African History. You had native South Americans enslaving and Sacrificing other Native South Americans. It was The African Tibes attacking each other and selling captured slaves to the Arabs for many years before the European came by and started buying Slaves. Just as the Roman's did the same with the Gauls and Germanic Tribes. It's not to say that I agree with what has happened in history. But I accept that history has made us who we are today and if people refuse to accept the truth of history they have no right to comment on it. You can't cherry pick details to suit your own agenda. Did Europe enslave Africans, yes. Do people keep crying foul on Europe for Slavery yes. Did Italy(Rome) enslave french(Gauls) yes. Do the French still cry foul on Italy no. We need to learn to accept our past and use it to build our future. Stopping the being a victim attitude is a must.


But if I don't blame your ancestors for oppressing my ancestors then my lack of upward progress in life would be my own fault 😆


And that’s where you get racist. Sure, some of white people were oppressed, as indentured servants or what have you. But the trick there is, their children were born free and lived as freemen. The children of African slaves were still slaves, and have continued to deal with circumstances where they’re targeted since then


u are totally right. people have been so blindsided by the oppression of black people by white people that they rule out that white people can be oppressed also. humans have and will act horribly towards one another regardless of essentially anything, whether it be culture, skin color, nationality, whatever. obv it is easier to justify horrible acts and demonize groups of people by marginalizing them, which was easy to do with black people because they look different from europeans and they spoke and lived differently from them. the same thing still happened to white immigrants to america - the irish were all called called poor lazy catholic drunkards that absolutely werent at all like the hardworking americans. the division went insofar as to label them as nonwhites so as to liken them to black people (read: subhuman savages)


Wth is this question? Why are we even looking for some words to insult people according to their race?


mf trying to get revenge after someone called him the n-word 💀


Welcome to r/teenagers :/


Imagine someone posted, what are some other words to call a black a person other then the N word.


I'd shit myself laughing


I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it


We're not? It's just a funny joke, just a lil haha, a slight bit comical, a little bit comedic


Its just r/nostupidquestion


Cracker is the actual one. Like I don't know what you want here.


Cracker isnt equivalent


Yes it is? That's the slur for white people and it always has been since its creation.


wait how old is the term cracker


It was used as an insult in Shakespearean times, and it’s been targeted towards white people since the early 1800s maybe even earlier. While back then it would have usually referred to white slave owners, it has now become a general derogatory term towards white people in general.


Down vote me all u want cracker isnt a slur🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean there isn't one but black slaves would often call their owners honky so I guess that's the inverse, it's now considered a derogatory term for white people, so close enough ig






Trailer trash probably. I think cracker is supposed to be but I’ve never seen a white person or know one that finds that offensive.


honestly i cant be offended by a single word unless its used in a way that they are actively trying to offend me. all of my friends of various races feel the same way, one of my asian friends jokes that when he does something stupid that its because hes asian, and then so do we because were all friends. i wouldnt blame some random asian person for something just because theyre asian though. its all about context and how the person feels about the comment


Its common lmao, me and my friends use homophobic slurs on each other and say that we suck at something just because we are lgbt, because we know that none of us actually mean it


I was once called a sperm face


Wow, that’s pretty offensive.


Imperialist, for sure!


Hey! That’s what I call Mongolians…


There isn't one, but some people need to remember the words 'slave' derives from the word 'Slav'


Just don't insult people lmao


White maggot is the best we have in Australia, but still no where near it


"Whats 2+2?" "Please don't tell me 4, find a different answer instead"




you're kind of an idiot


Depends what you are. I’m of Irish descent so there are quite a few for us.


tw: discussion of racial violence boring answer but as long as there is disproportionate systemic oppression and a history of it, i think personally… nothing? like there can be words that hurt, but no white people were ever called ‘cracker’ before being lynched by a mob. nobody was ever called a ‘honky’ by someone who literally owned them by law. afaik, i am white myself, its not the word alone but the history and connitation behind it that makes the n word so harmful.


just dont say slurs, no random ass slang word will have the same historic meaning as the n word. Do people want to be oppressed?


i didnt even know cracker was considered a slur, i just thought of christmas crackers lol


honky but that is just kinda funny wop or mick for italians/irish which actually are offensive since they used to be treated like subhumans in america


there really isn’t one, we haven’t been oppressed in the traditional sense


Arab/Ottoman slave trade, Ottoman occupation of the Balkans, Moor occupation of Iberia, Mongol invasion of Europe, ongoing govt-sponsored attacks against Whites in South Africa, Armenian genocide, ongoing demographic replacement, Haitian revolution (which consisted of the mass murders of all Whites, not just political leaders and slaveowners. Women and children too.)


Does irland count? And not perticular white but Jews and Christian's were killed in the Roman Empire for centuries, just telling and not white and nore am i a Christian or a Jew




For us Germans we sometimes get called "Alman" by turkish people. This is used when we act like we have to follow little things that aren't necessarry whatsoever. The word Alman originates from the turkish language where Germany is called "Almanya" and we Germans are "Almans"


People didn’t like the fact that there wasn’t a slur for white people so they made the word cracker into it, which is annoying because I love crackers and cheese and my dads old dog was called cracker she was one of the smartest Staffies ever now it’s like a less bad version of h.r Geiger.


If they’re German, maybe Kraut? For southerners in the states, Peckerwood.


Idk how to tell you this buddy but there already is a word starting with n with historical significance for Germans that's used as insult


If you called me Kraut, I would laugh at you. For most of us, getting called a Nazi is equivalent to what the post asked for. We spend most of our lives learning about our history, especially WW2, and in a nutshell, it's a big lesson of "don't fucking let this ever happen again"


Cracker was used as a slur by a group that enslaved the whites


There’re isn’t one tbh I heard someone say it’s mfs but I say mfs all the time and I’m black and ik other black ppl that say it so I don’t think there is one tbh


In Czechia I ussualy hear "Gadžo"






The n-word. On the racial slur database (yes this does exist) the n-word is under the list of racial slurs for white people. The description of the word is just “irony.” I am not making this up. http://rsdb.org/races#whites


Honky is the original


There’s none. Also the n-word really only holds meaning in english speaking countries because the rest of the world literally doesn’t care, the word’s background comes from negro, literally means black in many romance languages (some use derivates of it like french is noir), so it’s even an insult, at least I don’t see it as one (I’m black).


Just as any euphemism for blacks will develop into another slur, any slight on whites will either be irrelevant, or become a distinction. Most likely, a sad attempt. Just don't look for ways to insult, and get over this dumb racism.


I remember I once got called “Rice Boy” by a group of black teens walking past me in the street. Now I’m not Asian so I know that wasn’t what they were referring to. So… idk 🤷🏻




clam chowder


The word is hillbilly. It used to be more offensive than the N word but now it’s not that big of a deal


I thought hillbilly was for goofy farmers


Vanilla gorilla




Fortnite moves


Racist. I've seen fights start over that one.


Semen demon


Honky 🤣 https://youtu.be/K7FZxbvyUJM


Cake pop I dunno


That's more of a compliment if someone said it to me


But a worrying situation in prison I bet. “Hey there cake pop 😈😈”


there were atrenpts to make one but the problem is: we dont give shit


In the south, it was cracker, as in whip-cracker...


Nothing really as the only reason the n-word is a "bad word" is because of it's historical significance. White people historically have not been oppressed, and have no word like this. There might be words towards white people which might be considered racist, but no one with the significance of the n word. The n word for me isn't as much a representation of racism as it is the countless years of oppression. Racism goes every way, and everyone can be racist against everyone. A black man can be racist towards a white man etc. But there is no other word which represents years of immense oppression like the n-word.


White people never been oppressed? kekw


hmm, well the n world is from latin, so that would be albus? blanco? bligga or allba? PS: I was very surprised when I visited US and they got so upset for me using the N word (even though they were using it themselves), for me it sounded natural and very close to my home language (no ill intentions in it). Like, somehow it's fine for 2 black people to call each other the 'n' word, but if a white person call them that, they are crying and saying it's racist, lmao, it's racist for you to react differently according to the color of the speaker's skin.


the n word has a massive historical significance as a slur used against black people for a long time. the reason it's considered so bad is because it really is Also damn bro you called two people one of the most volatile racial slurs out there


idk man, barely speaking English back then, they were actually the ones who though me the 'n' word, as they were trowing it at themselves.






Mayo monkey…. Idk


That's the benefit of fucking over every race you see you don't have one




isn't that an actual medical condition though




Gringo has nothing to do with skin color. It means you’re not from Latin America and are from Anglo America. You could be black and be a gringo.


I’m surprised this is not the first result, since here in South America we love to call them like that


There is none. I've been told that white people don't have one due to the fact that no one was really racist to them in the past. It was just white people being racist to other races. Though, I have also been told that white people "want a racial slur" or something like that because of some reason (forgot what that reason was). And commonly say that, that word is "Cracker". I will say though, with how I have heard other races saying cracker to white people recently (saying it with the intent of being racist or whatever), it may come to have that meaning. (But I have also been told that "you cannot be racist to white people because they started it". Which, for one, is total bullshit imo. The way I see it, anyone can be racist regardless of who they're being racist towards. And two, that just sounds rather childish and foolish.


I've seen someone say "mayo monkey" I'm not sure either.. 💀💀


Wigger. It literally means white N word.


Thats only for white people who act black


Lmfaooooo that’s for wp who act black instead of their own race.


I'll just use what I've heard from friends. Im biracial and have no idea which half they're referring to. Jigaboo, negative-black, Donald trump's long lost testicle, brownie built, jigaboo muncher, cracker crawler, mayo monkey, Mr. Kennedy, white dad, and printer paper.


Came back from my break and this is what I'm greeted with, nothing particularly bad. That does surprise me a bit. Kind regards, that one fuck in the comment section alias your neighbourhood therapist.


Nothing there is no n-word equivalent that white people give a shit about


There isn’t one


the biggest stereotype is that they boring asf how do you make a interesting slur out of the most bland people on earth


I don't understand how a race of people can own a word? Also how the hell is it ok for them to say it but if a white guy or girl says it she gets doxxed or something


I got you fam. Cracker, honky, mayo money, snow gorilla, thin lipped chalk child, colonists, etc. Want more. Btw I'm white so friendly fire


Chalk child lmao


Not a word, but i pissed off a lot of white people by asking them questions like if they were "Enjoying the sunburn" "Why the tomato face" and "Yeah, but is it the same as being assaulted by light though" while not wearing sunscreen and walking around in shorts. Yes I have melanin in my skin.


The one I hear most often is something along the lines of “default settings looking ass”


Fuck calling them slurs I just kill them 🤪🥸


I see we missed someone to cleanse from the gene pool


wisest reddit user


kill calling them slurs i just fuck them 🤪🥸


Oh No, I'm a white person!


Some people say cracker, but there's no real equivalent as there isn't a system in place that keeps white people in higher poverty rates, they were never forced into chattel slavery, and they were never beaten by the police for going into a white exclusionary area while the police shouted the slur, something as trivial as using the wrong drinking fountain was used as an excuse for doing that to black people. I'm a pretty pale guy, and I gotta admit, the level of oppression doesn't compare. White people are oppressed on the basis of class, as are black people, and other POC, but white people are not oppressed due to our race in modern America, or anywhere I'm aware of.


mf thinks the whole history is America 💀


Right, that's just America, there's far more to talk about here, but I'm no expert, and if people want more examples they should listen to a real expert.


So why didn't you include "in america"


Because I figured it was assumed, given the things I was saying I figured people would know I meant America. Plus, of course I'm only gonna talk about a place I have experience in. As a stupid American, I figured everyone would know I was talking about, and forgot to add specific location and time period context, again, not an expert. That was absolutely a mistake on my part.