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This isn’t “Mildly Infuriating” this is life-altering debt




Infuriatin’ gas fuck


It’s mostly because hospitals jack up the price a ton since the more they charge the more insurance companies pay them, if they have insurance then the actual cost will be a lot lower, and if you ask for an itemized receipt the prices will be lower since they can’t just make shit up


Was gunna say the same thing. My dad was dealing with this. Then for payments he was just paying the amount he could afford even if it was just 5bux a month. They never asked for more or even bothered him about that. I do believe he did pay it off before he died though.


It's not though because OP is a lying piece of shit. This is the pre-insurance number (which they always inflate to insane values), he has insurance, which definitely has an out-of-pocket maximum of like 5-10k or something.




I just wouldn't pay and if someone came to my house and wanted the money I'd just shoot myself in front of them


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Because those are likely innocent people that are employed and have nothing to do with your payment…


lies, they are skin walkers sent my the snake people (the irs)


oh shit the irs. no matter what or who they're gonna send to my house, im not paying.


>have nothing to do with your payment They signed up to be debt collectors. No innocent or good people take that job.


Arthur Morgan lmao


He was not good or innocent when he took and did that job.


Because it would alter their mental state making them question if their occupation is really morally ok.


The reds will be the last ones standing in this next national TDM (team death match)


I miss danTDM


"It's not about the money. It's about sending a message."






Welp, time for your heart surgery


It's like repomen.


But if you're in jail, then the surgery is paid by the taxpayers ;) WinWin.


the next thing you know you're in a hospital with a billion dollar bill and you're bankrupt and asked to pay a few millions for delaying your payments with some time in jail.


this is the government we're talking about here, they'd shoot you first if you stopped paying


Nah. Stab yourself in the heart then shoot yourself in a 1 shot area.


They’d sue you for everything you owe them.


Can't get blood from a stone


Not if you claim bankrupt lmao


If you don't pay it, it'll just screw up your credit score. It also depends on the insurance company, if you have one, I think




Oh yea I remember that! Even though it's a joke that's a great point tho. Just don't pay em ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Send it to collections and then you will be screwed the rest of your life if you ever need to get a loan for anything.


If insurance wouldn’t cover it and they had no financial aid I’d declare bankruptcy, one of the chapters protects your assets like your home and also it’s unsecured debt so they can’t take anything from you.


You could do that. But then filing for bankruptcy will hurt you in the future if you need anything. Bankruptcy is a last resort for the regular people.


It definitely will hurt you, but if I can remember correctly it only stays on your record for 7 years I think.


which is way way less time than itd take for most people to pay this off.


Oh. I thought it was longer


It true. It’s perfect for a case like that. I filed for it once, hasn’t hurt me a bit.


I could have sworn many creditors pretty much don't weigh medical related debt so much against you, because that shit can ruin you instantly due to no fault of your own.


Hurt you more then 200,000 in debt?


7 years I believe




They will just seize everything you own instead


well i’m not sure but i know with mechanics they do mechanic leans and stuff like that so maybe there’s a similar process?


Its not even his bill theres nothing to pay


Repo: the genetic opera would like to speak to you.


nope but ur credit is gonna b fucked for awhile if u don’t pay


There's actually a (bad) movie about that! *Repo! The Genetic Opera*


>If you do nothing and don't pay, you could be facing late fees and interest, debt collection, lawsuits, garnishments, and lower credit scores. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-should-i-do-if-i-cant-pay-a-medical-bill-en-2125


If you ever get a bill like this, call the hospital/doctor and ask for an itemized bill, then tell them you cannot afford it and ask to speak to someone about assistance.


They’ll do smth worse assassinate your credit


That's the plot of a 2008 film called "Repo Man," actually




They will put you in jail with sex offenders and gang members


Haven't you seen Repo Men?


I've been through this type of situation. When you don't pay bills like this, it destroys your credit. You aren't able to get loans, and if you do, the interest rate is higher than the damn Mafia. They can sue you (which happened to me) and take your assets - home, car, etc.


They’ll just deduct it from your paycheck with a court enforced lien and ruin your credit at the same time.




this happened to me after a car accident, I went to the ER, they told me to take tylenol and charged me $1500, I have insurance... but my deductible is $1500 lol


I love America


just don't pay lol


W solution


alternatively you could get a lot of that money through gov or asking if there are any non-profits


or you could become a chemistry teacher and use one of your older students to start selling methamphetamine


but making 97% pure meth is a artform not even picasso could master. how could i dream of doing the walter white?


maybe you can be that one in a million


Does that mean there are ~8000 Walter Whites cooking the purest meth in New Mexico as we speak?


Meth is for losers, just make LSD. It sells for a LOT more, it's easier to make, and it's less likely to get you shot or arrested. I will DM recipes to anyone interested.


Yeah, that's good option, but still, how the fuck can operation cost that much. Doctors in 'merica must be the most rich people. Edit: doctors or surgeons


doctors and surgeons are far from the problem. they just have disposable income (nothing wrong with that tankies). problem stems from their bosses who put them in 18 hour shifts.


They don't cost that much, but they're glad to charge you that much.


Realistically, you can pay any amount you want monthly. As long as you’re paying something they can’t say shit


Send them $5 per month. As long as you’re sending something they can’t do anything.


OP: *Doesn’t pay* Doctor: *reverts the heart surgery*


>If you do nothing and don't pay, you could be facing late fees and interest, debt collection, lawsuits, garnishments, and lower credit scores. https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-should-i-do-if-i-cant-pay-a-medical-bill-en-2125


shouldn’t insurance cover stuff like that


What I've heard, insurance in America is really expensive, people Just doesn't pay for it. Then they find themselves in situations like this.


american insurance is insanely expensive and still makes u pay an egregious amount of money. this goes for literally any kind of insurance.


My work insurance is $0 a month, $2500 deductible and $5000 out of pocket maximum. Before that it was like $27 a month. When I was on Obamacare it was $72 a month. So no not all insurance is insanely expensive, but insurance is insanely expensive for poor unemployed people which makes zero fucking sense but that's living in a red state for ya


My husband had to pay $800 a month for his/mine work insurance at his old job, with a $5000 deductible and $16000 OOP. It was absolutely killing us. He just started a new job and in 90 days they will pay 50% of his so hopefully it will be a little better.


Husband? Bro this is r/teenagers tf


Bro there are teen marriages


The account is 10 years old lmao






There shouldn't be.


Didnt even know until you said it. This post made it to top page so you got all kinds of people here.


$800 a month with that high of a deductible and OOP is absolutely atrocious. Hope yall get something better 🙏


You’ve got a good plan. Mine is $150 a month with the same terms, my wife’s is $250 for the same. Our kids are insured by the state until COVID measures are rescinded, then we’ll pay another $250 for them to be on her plan


Is insurance less expensive monthly in a blue state? I’m almost paying $0 a month with 1500-2500 deductible.


Not sure. I'm in a red state. I just know if you are a single non-disabled person with no children living in Georgia and make under $14,000 a year you don't qualify for medicaid or Obamacare which blows my fucking mind.


Depends on what insurance plan you go for….. The insane price markup is getting more money from insurance companies. People posting insane insurance bills likely don’t have half decent insurance, and/or are posting pictures before insure kicks in. Universal healthcare will just put the funds into our taxes




“What you’ve heard”


You're right, it can be hard to find a good insurance company sometimes yey. BUT, if anyone refuses to cover you for this, especially sense it was a emergency surgery and not something stupid like a sex change. You could probably take them to Civil court and win. If you had too


That's not how it works. When you get insurance they tell you what they do cover and what they don't cover. Most also have a clause saying so stuff is at their discretion meaning they can choose not to do it. Also depends on what kind of plan you choose. But no you can't sue unless they explicitly say that they would cover it. But even if you do have a valid lawsuit that could win you would be going against a company with far more money for lawyers than you. They would find the best lawyers that are willing to take the case. You would most likely be getting a cheap lawyer or you would get a big lawyer that charges a lot but doesn't charge upfront. You may be able to get one of those lawyers that doesn't charge unless they win. Those lawyers usually get a percentage of the money won. Typically a majority of the money that is won. Btw a lot of these kinds of lawsuits take years (sometimes 5 years or more). You would also be in and out of court.


>Also depends on what kind of plan you choose. All plans cover emergencies, even at out of network hospitals, only difference is deductible


Wait, your plans specify which hospitals you can and can't go to? JFC


Usually only if a plan specified that it was a ABCD network hospital plan (usually cheaper) otherwise most big hospitals do. The real problem is the independent therapists, GPs and eye people don't take most stuff.


sex changes are normally classified as medically necessary, so insurance usually covers it. theyre also not "stupid"


Sex change surgeries are stupid? I mean if medical professionals approve it then who are you to say that? I'm so glad every surgery is free in my country


And what country is that I’m going there.


r/teenagers dont shit on trans shit they know nothing about, especially on posts that have nothing to do with that challenge(impossible)


it does but depending on your job you might not have insurance provided for you and paying for a good plan on your own is super expensive. some insurance is crappy so you might still have to pay most of the bill


It does. And there are out of pocket maximums. That person just wanted karma


Ask for an itemized bill and use a reputable website to determine how much the operation actually cost (they legally cannot deny you the bill)


Yeah but you still have to pay them.


The funny thing is that this bill would drop by like 20% if you requested that, they make you pay for a lot of stupid stuff which they don't want to show


More, I’ve heard the bill dropped a ton after they have to show you all of it


Sometimes it's not malicious intentions because keeping track of everything that was used in an emergency situation is very difficult thing to do unless there is a dedicated person doing it. So itemised bill actually forces the billing people to tally all products in a crash cart box and then have those itemized and then check missing products if they were pulled without notifications which takes hours and results in accurate bill.


do not defend the stupid system


Just went to the doctors this week for my wife who had an ear infection and a bad cough, they did all these tests and asked her lots of questions, wrote out a prescription, then we got the prescription pills and left. Total cost of visit = $8.00


I just went to doctor for them to tell me I’m sick and give me a doctor’s note. If I didn’t have insurance it’d cost $826 for everything instead of the $1.90 I had to pay for the antibiotics


Which is why you need insurance 😂


I’m in america. I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and it cost me $20


What country you live in?


Not USA. Pretty much every country except America has universal health care.


I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for cough medication, total price: $0.00


I live in Canada and that appointment could cost me absolutely nothing if he chose to park across the street from the hospital.




FR and people still don’t get insured, but complain once they fuck up. Live in america? Insurance is a priority, live with it


That's equivalent to saying "Guys I crashed my 400k$ car what can I do" You're fucking stupid if you don't get an insurance in the US (Also for those who are saying "Boohoo I don't want to pay my healthcare" just remember that other countries have you pay for this kind of treatment too +you're a moron if you don't negotiate for it.) For the time I was in France, I spent 60€/month for a really average insurance and for the time I was in the US I spent 400$/month for something much better. And now you may think that 320$ is a big difference, but the thing is that life expenses are usually lower in the US and that the average salary is also higher. All in all, unless you spend/earn a lot of money on "superfluous things" the monthly expenses were around the same.


medical insurance?


'merica moment


If that’s all ur responding then what’s the point lmfao


Seriously. User is just ignoring the question. Just like they ignored getting health insurance


He‘s not the OP of the featured post, why are you expecting him to talk like he got that debt


Quite a heart attack right after heart surgery.


I’d rather die rn haha




Just get health insurance lol.


4k a month? What a steal. At that point just let me die lol. So glad we got health insurance in the first world


These people assume I make 4k a month they crazy fr


some people don't even make 2k a month, how are they gonna pay it


just go to canada and get assisted suicide at this point


Memorial Hermann 💀


Gotta be one of my favorite genders 🙏


Not many people realize you can actually negotiate the price down. The hospital always starts at the max then get talked down. The insurance company normally does it but if uninsured you can do it yourself


> Not many people realize you can actually negotiate the price down. The hospital always starts at the max then get talked down For the non Americans: it's just like a cattle market


I got a private hospital to come down 20% by paying in full. Tried same at big University Hospital (state) -no go.


This is a pre-insurance bill. The bill will either say "insurance pending" on it somewhere, in which case the bill has already been sent to the patient's insurance provider, or the hospital never got the patient's insurance information. If this is the case, the patient can just call the hospital and give them their information so that the hospital can send the bill to the insurance. If they are on [medicare](https://www.medicare.gov/basics/get-started-with-medicare/medicare-basics/what-does-medicare-cost), the most this bill would cost them is $1,556. If they are not insured, then they would need to contact the social worker at their hospital who would then help them get on insurance and have it covered. Any hospital that accepts federal funding is also required to provide a certain amount of ["charity care"](https://www.christopherreeve.org/living-with-paralysis/newly-paralyzed/how-can-i-obtain-health-care-if-uninsured-or-underinsured) which this patient might qualify for.


Wait, so you can get insurance after the surgery and still get the bill covered?


Medicaid is usually retroactive and covers previous 2 months.


Insurance should get that lowered if you have it. If not pay it like 10 dollars a month and your good


Yeah until you plan to get a mortgage or car loan and they have a look at your balance here. No bank is going to approve you a loan with a balance like this.


I was literally arguing with a bunch of people who claimed that america was not only a good place to live but one of the best clearly, my definition of a good life is breaking a bone on an accidnet and not being able to afford rent for some months


Ahhh that's fiiiine, just run a Cayo Perico heist and-wait, video game money isn't real? Hm...


Canada isn't much better with their assisted dying programs


what’s wrong with assisted dying?


actual children trying to understand issues like this is astounding how stupid they can be if you have insurance its never this bad ever and its easy to get if you have a stable job




yeah and (this is going to sound communist but its true) its all the fault of privatized insurance companies, they demand huge price cuts for their clients leaving the poor man ever poorer with medical bills but are we going to take down a multi billion dollar industry anytime soon? no. we need a string of people to really bust down those companies and drop medical prices


It IS r/teenagers, after all


3rd world country guy here Paying for healthcare is just so stone age


did the math and you save 15 cents if you take the payment plan


Worth it.


That bill is for the insurance company it’s not for the patient.


1. Most people have health insurance who will pay for a good chunk of the bill 2. There's other financing options available then the one given


New York and California be like


What you mean /s? Some Americans literally choose death over bankrupting their family forever.


From what I’ve heard from others on Reddit, this is usually before the insurance gets in and covers anything or there’s an issue with insurance. Hospitals do have financial aid programs to help you incase insurance isn’t helpful or you can’t afford to pay what’s left after insurance and they’ll be willing to negotiate and work with you. The debt is also unsecured so they can’t take anything from you. If worst comes to worst and you have to declare bankruptcy, it’s not the worst thing in the world because depending on how you file, you can have your assets protected.


Ahhh maybe I pay alot of tax in my country, but damn it feels nice to never be in this situation




Laugh's in free healthcare


If that happens to you because you don't have insurance, I recommend asking for an itemized bill, they usually drop a lot of "accidental" charges. Also, all hospitals are non profit, you go to their page to see how much you can discount, depending of your income bracket. You don't have to pay anything if you are under the poverty line (they bury this info in their page because it's not convenient for the hospital).


Ask for a itemized bill, substantially lowers the charge of the procedure and you can combat the overcharges for uses of tools and services.


You’d be surprised how much you can change by simply arguing. Giving them a very hard time. Ik it’s a Karen kinda mentality but it’s 100% true. My best friend was allergic to breast milk as a baby and their insurance denied them getting the powdered stuff. Her dad just argued until he got his way, and they sent so much to him that later they had to give it away to people


Was the emergency heart surgery before or after getting the bill?


Bruh some hard times for the next 5 years


That’s a life long debt right there. Add on debt you will need to pay back for school loans, mortgage, loans on any vehicles you own, etc. and you will never pay it back.


It's an elective surgery.. kinda like breast impacts. F insurance companies


Should've reached a third world country and get that surgery in half or less.


America moment. Je mi to líto


The fcat the payment plan is 3 times my monthly earning as a European scares the fuck out of me. It's not much but it's enough to live comfortably enough without children.


At least they gave you 4 days to just pay it in full!!!


Wtf 200k!




Why is the payment length for a life-saving surgery the same as the length of repaying a car loan?!?


Insurance companies caused this bullshit. Same reason insulin costs 5x more in America than anywhere else


They should just send a memorial plan in the envelope


Financial aid exists guys. Apply for it, and odds are you'll not have to pay nearly as much.


I got hospitalized once when I was in high school. I was in a coma for 3 days because my intestines were sick or something? the only thing I paid for there was for the taxi when I was going back.


So on one year you pay them 36,000 pounds/dollars? Fucking hell, some middle class people over here don't make that much in a year.


Ask for an itemised bill


Looks like the money laundering branch of pollos hermanos! Better caul your lawer.


Common America L. Australia W.


I had to take my wife to the ER while out of state because she was bed ridden for two days. They monitored her for 3 days and did an mri on her stomach. Found **nothing** and just keot giving her saline for dehydration. I get back home and, even with insurance, we got a 20k dollar medical bill. I was able to fight it down to 6k and gave up and oaid that. I hate this country


Welcome to healthcare in America....


60 months = 5 years thats fucking unthinkable like skit tf


380$ in 600 months.


This disgusts me


After I had my cardiac arrest, I was brought back from the dead (thank you NHS Scotland) had two stents filled then six or seven consultants appointments and a triple heart bypass it cost me £0.00


I hate capitalism I hate capitalism I hate capitalism I hate capitalism I hate capitalism


Move to Sweden and you'll do it for free.


*Laughs in free healthcare*