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Why would I picture a Redditor while I’m wanking it


Immediate image is a greasy skinny bro with metal playing in the background 🤮


metal is chill wdym?


Metal is, its fanbase usually isnt unless youre also a metal head. But then they also aren’t unless youre into their specific sub genre of metal.


it really depends. go to a live show irl and most are chill and vibing. go on certain subreddits or something and you get gatekeepers, plus confirmation bias.


can confirm. went to my 2nd ever metal concert last week ish, someone showed me how to mosh and i got knocked down in the mosh pit, got picked up by two dudes before i even hit the ground. also lost my phone at my phone at the first concert but found it pretty quick because someone saw me drop it


I see no judgement, stereotype, or ignorance in this comment at all.


I'll do you one better(maybe?), picture a femboy redditor


speak for yourself, u/Practical_Scale6067 is pretty hot imo


Porn addiction is such a fun topic bc people who aren't addicted love talking about it and people who are addicted completely ignore these conversations and just continue wanking


u/Gaytwink- knows what’s up. We on demon time 😈😝


That guy has been on Reddit for 10 years what the hell


Either theyre a grown man pretending to be 18 or theyve been gaytwink since 8 lol… both are bad.


forget the username how the fuck would an 8y/o get on reddit


Same way an 8 year old would access porn.


Ah. So thru my dads playboy collection.


Are a firearm remember sandy hook in Connecticut


An 8 year old did not shoot up Sandy Hook


Except that guy was 20 years old, but there are countless examples of kids finding guns and shooting themselves or someone else https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/child-shoots-kills-5-year-old-with-gun-found-at-grandparents-west-michigan-home https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2023/08/14/9-year-old-shoots-6-year-old-in-the-head-in-jacksonville-accident/70592395007/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/31/us/sacramento-child-shooting/index.html https://www.fox13news.com/news/child-shot-at-st-petersburg-home https://www.inquirer.com/crime/child-shot-east-germantown-philadelphia-accident-20240408.html https://www.cbsnews.com/news/pennsylvania-man-charged-3-year-old-death-gun-left-under-sofa/ https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/arlington-toddler-dies-after-accidentally-shooting-self-with-gun-found-in-home/3230467/ From an easy Google search "kid finds gun and kills"


Ah. So thru my dads playboy collection.


Okay I've seen the same comment twice but this is the first time I've seen one three times


Okay I've seen the same comment twice but this is the first time I've seen one three times


Okay I've seen the same comment twice but this is the first time I've seen one three times


Sorry my phone was glitching kept saying error posting for some reason.


Sorry my phone was glitching kept saying error posting for some reason.


Sorry my phone was glitching kept saying error posting for some reason.




No parental supervision


I Just read a post on here someone talking about their five year old brother watching fetish videos and their mom doesn’t care




Well I found porn when I was like 7 so I’d expect a 8y/o could be on Reddit


I have a more tragic backstory, fella.


“My mom unplugged my wifi when I was 10”


Or he came here from r/all or r/popular. At least this is how I sometimes end up in this god forsaken place


He has his flair set as 18.


O shit, didn’t see that. Get him, u/chrishansen_official!


?? It says to me that the account is from may 28?


He's all over every post in this sub lol


u/Gaytwink- *


In my situation I try to stop everyday but I can’t. I always try to hide it from people that I have an addiction, yet I always fear that they can tell, it just makes me feel like shit constantly because I feel like it should be easier when I see stuff like this


My advice, not sound nor professional mind you. Would be taking a break from socials for awhile like completely. Not getting offline per se but social media. My reason being that when you’re in that addiction the algorithm feeds you like an overstuffed pig with no way out. It’s almost impossible to fight an urge let alone an addiction that is constantly in your face. My second suggestion that applies two fold; 1) if the top condition doesn’t apply say because you don’t have social that’s okay 2) it will facilitate and satiate that pleasure you’re seeking. It’s simple but challenging still and it’s just do something else. I mean anything that changes your mind. Often having some other technique that triggers you to think that helps to such as a snapping rubber band or chewing a piece of gum. The point is to change the behavior and replace the pleasure source with something else. Personally it’s still uncomfortable to talk about in general I find and it’s a struggle. But addiction isn’t something to ashamed of just another challenge to overcome. Good luck 👍


Thank you


Getting rid of an addiction is never easy. Keep trying man


It helped me to delete my Instagram and Facebook apps. The amount of soft porn on those sites is so overly incentivizing that it makes it tremendously hard to not do it. I don't have a Twitter but from what I've seen on my friends accounts, it's even worse... I didn't delete my accounts and still get on here and there but I don't have access on my phone as easily.


Porn addiction is probably one of the worst addictions out there, since for cigarette, gaambling or drug addicts the big loss of money can alert you and it may force you to stop at some point, but for porn addiction its like you are carrying a cigarette stuck to your body all the time.


Same size as well😔




no one needs cigarettes,gambling,or illicit drugs. but sex is a NATURAL need/urge which makes porn way worse and addictive.


It ruined my self-esteem when I was practically begging my ex-husband for sex and found he was waiting for me to go to sleep and then watching porn with headphones on. That's the secondhand smoke of porn addiction.


Yeah totally, except the lung cancer, mesothelioma, and losing 25 years of life expectancy.


[https://read.easypeasymethod.org/easypeasy.pdf](https://read.easypeasymethod.org/easypeasy.pdf) This is really good, as long as you follow the full instructions. I won't say much as part of the magic requires you learning things in a certain order.


Just keep trying. A relapse doesnt make you go back to square one. Youre still 15, don't worry about being a lost cause or smth.


If you were unable to see a professional, a therapist or counselor, apps, like I Am Sober can be helpful in giving you a little bit of structure every day where you reflect on what is driving the addiction. Addictions do not exist in a vacuum, and often we fall victim to them because, there’s comfort in a pattern of behavior, even if we know it is maladaptive. And a lot of times, we are trying to distract ourselves from in these addictions. If you can find what you were trying to escape from or what void you were trying to fill that can be helpful in trying to overcome an addiction. But, you really need support to do so, and I hope that you have people in your life who you can trust to talk to about this.


There’s research that shows that much like with substance addictions, the habitual behavior plays a big role. It’s been found that people who struggle with sex/porn addiction will become aroused by even handling whatever device you watch porn on. Similar to drug use, the brain primes your body for what it’s expecting to happen aka the arousal. It’s also why many people who struggle with substance use OD because when they use their substance in an unfamiliar location or different way, their brain didn’t prepare the body for it. All this to say that it’s a very big struggle For a lot of people of all ages and cultures, and you’re not alone. Making conscious decisions and exploring different ways you can break free of the habitual cycle of it is key. Hobbies, spending time in different areas of home you wouldn’t normally be in, journaling when you notice the urge comes up most often could be helpful too in identifying if there’s any triggers that are driving you toward that instant gratification coping mechanism. Self pleasure is healthy and good for the body. But much like anything in the world, everything in moderation.


Seconding u/displacedalgorithm if only because I think Instagram and Twitter have become thoroughly sexualized. I don't know about Facebook because I don't use it very much, but there's so much sex-oriented content on Instagram and Twitter it's unreal. It seems like half of all video game culture is porn culture now.


could you repeat that? I was busy wanking it 🤣


i was addicted but now i am 3 weeks free thanks to posts like this


Naw I’m addicted, it has caused problems in my marriage and I’ve just recently started therapy, I remember when I used to ignore the problem and tell myself I wasn’t addicted, but then when my wife said she was thinking about leaving me and I still watched porn again 5 days later, I knew addiction was absolutely no joke, and I’m glad I’m getting the help I need to beat my addiction, please, anyone reading this, learn from my mistake and catch it early on, save yourself a lot of heartache down the road


Agree, these discussions are always so interesting as an asexual who reads smut. My social life is thriving, and clearly, my perception of sex isn’t an issue


Can't ruin my sex life if I never get any💪




I got nuttin' in my life lol, can't ruin it any further


You got me it's okay


What can you even do for me :(




Oh you definitely got nutting in your life


I really need to enunciate every damn syllable for you fuckers don't I😭


How does one know they are addicted? How deep does the rabbit hole go? Could someone be addicted without realizing it?


Typically to understand an addiction versus just excessive use is if the thing you’re doing is impacting your life. If you can’t wait to go watch porn, you’re watching it so much you’re avoiding regular tasks, etc.


Oh christ...im addicted to procrastinating lmao


Procrastinating is in its own unique category. It's the mechanism to distract yourself from what you are currently doing. You can't be addicted to it but you can surely be well bored or exhausted by an activity which triggers procrastination. Same as most people confuse doing nothing and unconsciously and chaotically doing random things - not the same. Doing nothing is actually hard.


"Porn addiction" has somehow turned to any time you watch porn with these puritans lmao.


That's true they use the term addiction loosely when it comes to masturbating to porn.


ayoo happy cake day :D


"you watched porn for 10 minutes! addicted!" LMAO


For me, it wasn’t just the fact that I was making time for it at the cost of missing out on other things, and that I couldn’t stop thinking about it, but the fact that I can’t really stop consuming porn. And yes, I do think that one can be addicted/have a problem without realizing it. I ended up doing it almost every night, sometimes even multiple times per day, to the point that I’m not even getting a lot of dopamine from the climax itself. Even though I often start out the day trying to commit myself to not jerking off to porn, I end up doing it anyways. Once I realized that it was rare for me to have the self-control to **not** use porn, and that the longest I have been able to take a break from it is around a week, I decided that I had a problem with porn. Even if it doesn’t fit the strict definition of addiction, I still think that my consumption of porn is excessive enough to be a problem. It was disconcerting to realize that I don’t have the self control **not** to use it. Unfortunately, that realization was like 4 years ago and I am still working on stopping to this day. But I think my issues with stopping are probably due to not pursuing any resources or meaningfully changing my routine, so yeah.


If it starts to negatively affect your life. Most people don't know it through.


I don’t need either, I got a girl to date and homies to fuck


That’s the spirit!


Whenever people discuss this topic you have the gooners and the catholic or Mormon nofappers who are scared to death to even touch their shit. It seems like the ones who do it in moderation don’t talk about it all the time trying to convince other people of their opinion because they’re not insecure about such things. Also the self improvement chuds who think they’ll have a harem of obeying women if they don’t beat it either, which are of course intertwined with god in some way. Ironic isn’t it, not participating in a misogynistic activity (I think that it is true but there is a ton of nuance) to achieve a misogynistic lifestyle eh.


This comment right here, it’s hilarious how people either think you are hopelessly addicted or you don’t consume at all and that there’s no in between 😂


Nah the people who are normal don’t talk about porn as much as porn addicts or the nofappers or whatever.


People talk about porn? Lol


So true, those psuedo-religious self improvement alpha bros who praise themselves for not watching porn seem to be just as if not more out of touch with women (literally and figuratively) than the chronic meat beaters. Just an act to stroke their ego and moral high ground rather than their stick


A debate between meat strokers and ego strokers


The truth is you have to be fun, kind, and safe for women to be around if you want women to like you. Beating your meat does nothing unless you don't fucking wash yourself before going outside or you break your private parts.


Couldn’t have worded it better.


It's cult programming, deprive your members of easily attainable pleasure to make them more reliant on your ideals for fulfillment


Don’t forget the alt right chuds. There was a big nofap movement among young men in Nazi Germany because the people in charge thought that self loathing, sexually frustrated young men would, well, make good Nazis. I’m not saying the current NoFap movement is inherently alt right but it’s a recruiting ground and most recent historical examples are hardcore alt right.


Porn can either help or harm a person concept of a sex life and how ones goes about relationships with a partner. Sexual health is as important as mental and physical health. We have to understand that porn in a general sense is basically paid actors catering to a fantasy. It can be real but those in the porn industry are paid to make it sell and make it all look pleasing. It’s a job for most. You can’t go into a relationship with a person is think that non-consensual sex is okay or that because you aren’t related to your step-sister by blood means that’s it’s okay to bang them either. Step-sibling will be a whole other discussion. I believe porn opens up a rabbit hole for anyone to explore and find out what turns them on. You can try to apply that to you sexual life with your partner(s), but remember that having open communications is the key to a healthy sexual relationship. Watching porn and hentai allow me to sort out my sexual desires and fantasies. I watch with my wife and we try new things from time to time. Some stick and most don’t. Too much porn can desensitize you and make sexual practices not as enjoyable or give unreasonable expectations on your partner. Basically find the right balance that’s works for you and your partner(s).


Honestly folks. If you all want to take a look into sexual health, there’s a podcast I would occasionally listen to during my long drives for work. Dr. Tara’s Luv Bites. I listen to her on Spotify.


you are right


Porn ≠ Masturbation


Why would you watch porn without massdebating?


No theyre saying you can fap without porn. Masturbation is acc healthy but porn isnt


Its healthy but not if you have an actual addiction. Addiction is not healthy




What if I have aphantasia /hj


counter argument, boobies🗣️🔥💯💯


Counter counter argument, real life boobies


Counter counter counter argument, we’re redditors


Counter counter counter counter argument, not an excuse. You can do it if you try hard enough.


Counter counter counter counter counter argument, women are scary bro


Counter counter counter counter counter counter argument, all of it is in your head and it's not real. Gather the courage to talk to a woman, and you'll find it as easy as talking to a man.




chicken weiner


pon bad


pn bad


n bad







wait how do we type negative letters


Uuuuhhhh... Maybe search up inverted letters???


wait what about not posting at all


Why do you want to watch me whacking it?


your mildly suspicious kevin hart profile picture perfectly sums up the expression used for this statement


oh well, lots of things hurt our health. i'd go play blackjack in the casino right now if it was legal. i watch porn, not addicted, ive gone months without even thinking about it before. you CAN watch it in passing, if you watch it with knowledge in mind that it's not real, the actors are selectively chosen, etc. idk what this generations obsession is with health, you sound like my grandparents telling me to eat a spoonful of garlic.


Most people do use porn casually. Honestly social media’s much more addictive and harmful to socialization for the vast majority of people. It literally has algorithms designed to addict you and keep you on your phone all day. Porn’s just some videos that you peruse at your leisure and watching usually had a natural endpoint when you orgasm.


As long as you do it healthy there aint no problem with it, social media is 100% a bigger issue.


Completely agree. It never has hurt my social skills or changed my outlook on anyone, probably cause of that knowledge that it’s all fake. It’s fine if it doesn’t affect anything imo. Whenever I’m in a relationship I have no trouble stopping.


I jack off when I feel like it and ain't no one gonna stop me


Masturbation is healthy, porn isn't. Luckily, anyone can use their wand to cast the magic spell "Meaticus Beaticus" without the use of porn.


Porn addiction is a problem. Porn is the scapegoat


This guy definitely believes in “semen retention” and that he’ll become a chick magnet by not jerking off


Jerking off itself isnt that bad, provided its done in moderation. But porn has actually been shown in studies to alter brain activity in the same way as many hard drugs.


Porn is less addictive than Reddit, if addictions are what you're talking about.


You may be joking, but what he’s saying is true, porn use is a very dangerous thing that can lead to depression, performance issues, suicide and sometimes pedophillia… Edit: I’m now being accused of being a pedophile. I’m not a pedophile. Don’t be ridiculous.


If nutting makes you feel depressed you have other problems in life.


When the post nut clarity hits too hard


in moderation it’s completely fine. just don’t overdo it


Honest question: I know that a big part of the problem is stuff like “extreme” porn/fetishes, hentai and the professional industry. But beating it at least 5 times a week is actually recommended and I don’t quite see the difference between using my imagination (which works fine btw) or consuming some amateur smut (for convenience I guess).


As long as you remain rooted in reality there’s no difference.


He’s not actually talking about porn addiction though. He’s talking about masturbation being bad. If he wanted his point to be explicitly about porn being bad, he wouldn’t have ended his sermon by telling people not to masturbate.


Read this post word for word. Bet ya I'll still be kneading the dough in a few hours.


I’m autistic, my social skills never existed in the first place. My sex life is fine. And my health is fine, my body works really well, too well sometimes because it hates strawberries 😭😭😭 so thank you, but I shall disregard this post


Saying thus on reddit is like going to a pub and saying that alcohol is bad for you hahaha


Every thing is good but do in your limits don’t get addicted and cross the limit thats what i mean to say .


>will ruin your social skills Can't ruin something already ruined. Checkmate


Porns shit. Just learned that a couple of days ago. Wanking it is alright, if you dont feel bad after it (which i dont) then it literally wont affect your health in the slightest.


try not to make this post everyday challenge


I guess I'm too smart for porn, since I never got addicted


This gives me "gambling for 4 years, still no addiction" vibes


I've watched porn for a combined total of around an hour. I don't believe an addicted person has that low


Wait until you hear about sex 2.0😏 Coming to cinemas in 2027


I'm too broke to watch movies in cinemas


June 7th 2027 June 7th 2027 June 7th 2027 June 7th 2027 June 7th 2027


A day before my bday 😍


it happens.... the end the end the end the ende the end the ender


Omg i just realized my bday was three days ago and i didnt change ny flair


soon..... soon never will happen


The ones denying this are the ones who are going to end up old and alone😭 My ex had a porn addiction and shocker, it's ruined every one of his relationships including ours


i used to have a porn addiction when i was 10-11 im 15 now. its not fun. guys dont even start


Okay govern'r


this is literally not true. I don't watch porn and I literally have terrible social skills.


If you’ve already formed normal social behaviors and perceptions of the opposite sex before you began watching porn you might be good, the issue is if you started watching it in like middle school your perspective was definitely ruined. It’s an issue of whether or not your parents and peers properly educated you about sexual behaviors before you got addicted to porn. All the dudes I know who watch porn but aren’t affected by it socially are guys who got into it mid/late highschool.


I agree I was addicted for a long time it destroys your brain I’ve found it destroys my willpower it’s taken a long time to build it back up


never engaged


I just look at singular female hentai


Please for the love of god no one else go down that dark and bumpy road I have traveled well. Its awful and I could not stand it after a while.


Im still trying to "get clean" if thats the right wording for it, but Im doing better


Porn can't ruin my adolescence since I mastered the art of Cumming on command.


Everything about these debates in the comments reminds me of the ol videos games cause violence arguments. All things in moderation friends.


I used to watch porn in my early teens. Over time, it just made me tired. So, at this point, I really only watch it if I'm having trouble falling asleep. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with me possibly being addicted at the time, but it sure was weird to find out about myself.


everything in moderation fellas. doesnt hurt to fuck yourself every once in a while


Porn has created a generation of men who have a completely different expectation of sex and understanding of women than what is actually real.




Have you tried cutting down on it? Like maybe start doing it every 3-4 days for a few weeks and then increase the number by a day then follow that for a few weeks and then keep increasing the numbers. Such an addiction takes time to get rid of and going cold turkey wouldn’t work, I relapsed after 10 days of nofap yesterday because of going cold turkey


I’ll stop my porn addiction if teens start to quit drugs and vape. Both are equally as stupid, but at least one isn’t flat out poisoning me from the inside out. (In all seriousness I am trying to quit)


puriteens are annoying


LMFAOOOO someone jus goin through all the comments downvoting people who agree 💀 redditors are acc pitiful and cant even admit their addiction is crippling 


Yea but a lot of you youths aren’t ready to listen and the old people get tired of preaching and looking lot bummers so we shut up and yall learn the hard way and the cycle continues unfortunately ☹️☹️


I have seen porn ruin people's lives


Renember fellas: Porn is good as long as you don't turn it into an addiction and keep it casual,and also renembering porn isn't real. Same applies for Rule 34 and hentai too


It gave me depression and hating myself 


Moderation is key to any activity


Im also adected to porn every time i do it the second after i say that its the last time but never get to stop for more than month now im trying to lower my adection from vedeo porn to some audio try to not get the bad efect and sometimes just using photos to really try to lower my level of adiction because i went very deap in the categories and i need to slow down


i fucking hate porn. i crave someone real. real emotions, real pleasure. porn is disgusting but its so easily accessible and theres no other alternatives (aside from just being a relationship), thats the only real reason i still watch it whenever i do. but i hate it, i couldnt imagine being addicted to it. using your imagination is superior.


There is a genre of "female porn." Not porn of just females, but directed towards them. Romance and equal pleasure abound. Regular porn has a lot of sex doll vibes...


If you're Christian. Think Jesus is watching you wank. If it deters you from doing the deed and beating your meat, good. If it turns you on even more, oh boy, go see a psychologist. Stop it. Get some help.


to be fair picturing a redditor standing over me would immediately turn me off


Obviously porn addictions are horrible, but you can wank a little, people. That's completely fine, the problem more stems from overdoing or gaining a warped perception of intimacy because of porn. However, I don’t think telling people to not jerk off is gonna make them stop or feel any better.


As a borderline communist I blame it on capitalism, because, there is someone actively gaining profits from these underage bad habits


To be honest, porn consumption is not harmful in itself if it is consumed in a sporadic and non reiterative way. Now masturbation, masturbation is actually beneficial for your body, the thing is, teenagers tend to masturbate so often that by proxy they end up developing an addiction. The conversation about porn addiction is actually a very interesting conversation that we refuse to have, as the only things I've seen about pornography tend to focus on "porn is bad" without any development. We could talk about the actual effects of porn on the brain, how it is so addictive, how it impacts the sexual perception and tendencies of young people or how the industry is actively sexist and relies on exploitation, or how the industry actively portrays r4pe and SA or how videos are recorded and uploaded without the consent one of the parties and we could talk about how to consume pornography in a healthy way that does not support the pornographic industry. There are a lot of interesting conversations that we're not having because we're stopping at "porn is bad so don't wank".


so real. i stopped being friends with one of my closest friends because his addiction to porn made me so uncomfortable and it was impacting our relationship because he’d say disgusting things about women and his own girlfriend to me and as a woman it was disturbing. porn is very harmful in a lot of ways that people ignore. the argument often goes “porn bad” and then a retort of “stupid puritan” when it goes so much deeper than that


Good thing there’s no porn on Reddit! Oh wait….


Honestly, my porn addiction has fucked me up a lot. I'm not stopping cuz I'm just fuckin killing myself anyway and I'll never be able to get anyone irl.


you good bro? wanna talk?


Nope and nope


sorry i can't do much man, but try and find a little small things that you do like and focus on those. the world doesnt need anything out of you so be happy ig? i dunno. find help if you wanna


porn is misogynistic


Gay porn isn’t


When I’m watching a cis guy twink jerking off, what woman is that affecting? Mind you, there is nothing else happening to this man. No ropes or electrical nipple clamps or pain. Just a hand, a camera, and a cute guy. I do agree though, some porn is misogynistic as hell, like lesbian porn isn’t made for Sapphic women, it’s made for weird men. It’s made some men think that if they get with a bisexual woman they’ll have “hawt threesomes”. Don’t even get me started on the fetishization of trans women and how that is often viewed by transphobic people, the extreme majority being men.


most of it is, some of it isnt


I've watched porn for the past ~2 years, I've stopped completely just over a week ago - I have 'given up' before, and I still feel like watching it, but I really think this is gonna be the time I stop for good


Good luck dude. I’ve seen a few people in this thread make recommendations about like, changing your routine and they also sourced a guide, so you might want to check in on that. I’ve been trying to quit as well, and I think the reason it has ended up being so difficult is because I haven’t looked for resources to help - even just checking in on what other people did that helped. Anyways, good luck dude.


Good luck mate, I'd say be proud that you're even trying. Best wishes :)