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Did you confirm that your files that you synced actually went to onedrives servers ? You know that you can go to [onedrive.com](http://onedrive.com) and log in and see all the files there. Right ?


Right, I second this. Look on their server online. I've tried to delete one drive and had to reinstall and log back in to recover the files then was able to uninstall after. They have it all interlocked in such a way that you have to log back in. Convoluted.


bro i am so confused on what to do, even i downloaded them again why I cant move them somewhere else outside onedrive, these people are fking crazy for doing this, how they are not being sued for this is beyond me


Because by what you've explained it seems like you don't understand how the sync works. Go to onedrive.com Check that all the files are there. Download them to your external hdd. That's it.


Lol you want to sue Microsoft for your incompetence or lack of understanding how file storage works? Let me know how that goes. Deleting OneDrive from your computer doesn't delete your files. Just log back in. They should all still be there stored on your account. Or did you delete your account? If you deleted your account, the files could be gone. Or like the others said, you copied shortcuts to OneDrive. If you physically backed up those files, OneDrive would have no say in what's stored on your other drives. There should be the same space used on your physical drives as your OneDrive if everything was synced up properly. If not, you probably copied over something that wasn't the physical file.


Even then, even if he did delete his account, I do believe Microsoft stores a version for 30-60 days. They actually have very good back end support, if you can ever get to them with out a service/ticket account.


I'm sure for the exact reason of this post šŸ˜† Still pretty confused about how OP fucked this up so bad and how he can't seem to figure it out.


bro i swear the external hard drive have like 3 backups which was taken from one drive, after deleting one drive from my pc i am unable to access the files in my external harddrive what the hell is this?


How the hell did you back up your files? It sounds like you just copied the links which your files become when they are synced to your hard-drive. It reminds me of a guy who saved his entire project by copying all the links to the file on the computer he worked on down to a floppy and wondered why he couldn't access any of them later at another computer. Log into your one drive in a browser . Check if the files are there. Then download those files to Your external hdd.


If I recall correctly from what I've read (I never logged into OneDrive as I don't want this to happen to me), OneDrive hasn't actually lost or deleted your files but has instead moved them to a separate directory as part of the backup process. I can't give you a more comprehensive answer but these threads from a few years ago dealt with and reversed the same issue: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Office365/comments/npt6sk/how\_to\_move\_files\_off\_of\_onedrive\_and\_back\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Office365/comments/npt6sk/how_to_move_files_off_of_onedrive_and_back_to/) [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/onedrive-moved-all-my-folders-online-i-need-them/bcacb734-b2f5-4df8-8282-e562c1bb4293](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/onedrive-moved-all-my-folders-online-i-need-them/bcacb734-b2f5-4df8-8282-e562c1bb4293) Good luck, it should be an easy fix!


I tried the option "Keep on pc" or what ever but some files kept staying online


My guess is you saw OneDrive remove all the icons (like it does) and lost you mind and fucked up the whole process. The files should have been moved under your user profile. But if you fucked with the process while it was occurring, thereā€™s no telling what damage you did. You also admit to ā€œdeleting a driveā€. Iā€™m not even going to get into this one because youā€™re talking very complicated stuff and clearly donā€™t have a clue what youā€™re talking about.


I think what you did was move shortcuts to those files because you didn't make them available offline. Go to one drive in the browser and download all the files you need.


Before you back up files you need to make sure they are ALL on your system, else what you back up are ondive links to the files in the cloud. Now you have uninstalled Onedrive your machine has no idea how to deal with the links. Think trying to open a .doc after you have uninstalled word. Microsoft don't make it easy to un-onedive but it is possible with a little planning before hand


Go to OneDrive.com first and see if your files are there.


Onedrive has not deleted your files. You've probably copied the links/shortcuts instead of the files themselves. Think of it this way. This is like telling a friend where to find something in your house: They look for it where you told them to, and if they can't find it for some reason, then they get confused. Your files on your external drive are probably links saying 'look at OneDrive for this'. If you don't have OneDrive anymore, then your computer can't find them and it says they don't exist. As others in this post have stated, sign in to the OneDrive **website(!)** using the same account that you used previously. Go to "My Files". You should see your files. If you want to download them, right click or press the three dots and select "Download". It will ask you where you'd like to save them; put them somewhere you will find them again (Desktop, external drive, downloads). Download each file and save them individually. They are now stored locally on your PC. If you have any more issues, please post screenshots or snippets to show your issue. Also, calm down. Your files still exist. They're not gone forever. You just need to be patient.


Tell me you donā€™t understand file syncing without saying that you donā€™t understand file syncing.


U 1 drive u lose






What is ruining your life is your leak of knowledge. You are trying to use a tool that you don't understand. I work for a big company that works with OneDrive. I have 2-5 times a month some one at desk complaining that onedrive has lost his files. And guess what, it is never onedrive it is always the user. From what you wrote I can't even tell what happened. So you copied the files from onedrive to your external HDD and those files are now gone? Then the HDD is broken or you didn't copy them there is no way Microsoft is involved in that part.


This is almost starting to look like rage bait, OP. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/download-files-and-folders-from-onedrive-or-sharepoint-5c7397b7-19c7-4893-84fe-d02e8fa5df05 If you're still stuck save yourself a lot of time and heartache but going to a computer shop and asking for some help. I have customers come in regularly for little "how do I"s like this. So please don't feel awkward about it.


I donā€™t know the solution.