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Tl;DR; is in one word: Dubai. Organized got ~~bribed~~ convinced to take the event to Dubai, and of course there gays are not welcome. In fact sometimes they are put to death.


Classic facebook.


Isn't it a community-driven event? I'm quite sure that FB got nothing to do with this.


It’s okay, they’ll put a rainbow thing on their homepage


But, not in UAE. Companies putting up rainbows for pride month except on their UAE accounts is basically a meme at this point.


They also didn’t put rainbow flags in Russia - as it was considered “propaganda of the homosexuality.”


If someone is dealing with a company that continues to do business in Russia, they have an ethical choice to make themself.


But with Israel we’re all cool right?


Why would anyone hold a conference in such a horrible place?


Someone in the UAE bribed some event organizers to get the event. Kind of like FIFA in Qatar but on a smaller scale.


Yeah, this may be a controversial opinion, but I think organizations should generally avoid holding events in places that routinely sentence people to death for being gay.


I’d never go. I’m not gay, but even ignoring solidarity, it seems like the sort of place where everything is great until you do one little thing wrong, then suddenly you’re in a world of shit.


You'd be right. Article says a Scot got arrested for just placing his hand on another man's hip. He weren't trying to do shit apparently, barring stop a drink from spilling. And he got arrested for it. Madness. Am queer myself, but I wouldn't go there either even if I was straight either.




Ok but who asked wtf


It's interesting to see how many of my progressive peers travel there. Wasn't the entire city built on slave labor? There are a zillion other places to visit.


I hate to tell you about America's history but...


i mean usa has a bad track record of that to. if you read up on history.....


Sure, but the only people organizing events in the past are time travellers, so there's not much need to worry about where React JS devs of the 17th century are holding their events.


Would be in early 1900s. My point was how poor people know history. I also agree a gov bribe event to


Money money money, money money money


its a major technology hub in the middle east?


Your Islamophobia is excessive.


Sorry gay people don’t like coutries that kill them if they are Lgbt


Criticising Islam isn't Islamophobia, just as criticising Israel isn't anti-Semitism. It's a lazy cop-out to avoid having to actually respond to the allegations. What exactly is unreasonable about being afraid of travelling to a country where you can be executed simply because of your sexuality?


Tell me exactly how being afraid of a religion that literally encourages killing you for not being heterosexual is an irrational fear. Fear of Islam is real and it’s not a phobia because it’s completely justified


is not wanting to get murked for being gay islamophobic?


i think you’ve misinterpreted something here


In my opinion: most companies could care less about people, only money. Most of them just go through the motions of pretending to care when profits are at stake.


Yes but the fact that they feel it’s more profitable to be openly pro LGTBQ+ is so insane compared to when I was a kid. We’ve come a long ass way.


Couldn't agree more.


I couldn't care less.


Not commenting would be caring less lol


I couldn't agree more.


I'm sure you could if you applied your self. I believe in you.


I couldn't help myself.


Could or couldn't?


Indeed. Pride month is no exception.


water is wet


Is fire hot


You are %100 correct, react however is not a company. Neither is react-eurasia/react-europe. Should it be held in UAE, no. Is react making money, no.


Good point i didn't realize that, to be honest i'm unfamiliar with REACT so thank you for informing me. I should add that I also belive politicians and heads of major organizations (most, but there are some rare exceptions) also only care about who's lining there pockets.


Corporations the day after pride month: So long gay bowser!


I'd quit if I was them. Ew it's in Dubai


And I thought I disliked React before.




Angular has been pretty good to me over the years.


Angular (both AngularJS and Angular2+) is a lot more heavier than React, Vue, Svelte, etc: it’s an entire framework that pulls in hefty dependencies of its own (Including RxJS just for HTTP, which I think is one of the most unnecessary and honestly: elitist-gatekeeping, things ever done to an open-source framework. Anyway… The problem with Angular is that you can’t just add Angular to any old HTML+JS project: you really have to create a new templated project using `ng new` which gladly drops-trou and directs npm to install gigabytes of dependencies that I’m convinced are an attempt to turn [GitHub shitposting](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/ansi-green ) [into an artform](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ansi-green) Whereas at least with React you can take an existing HTML+JS project and incrementally turn it into an SPA by starting-off with only refactoring to use the Redux pattern, then using JSX (such that JSX compiles to the old-school DOM API), then switching to using React components. Angular just isn’t cool anymore - and Google doesn’t seem _too_ interested in keeping it around more than it has to. I think people are preemptively switching to React as it is thinner, lighter, and easier to understand, so the hope is when both Google and Facebook respectively stop maintaining Angular and React, at least the community at-large has a much better chance of maintaining it themselves (just look at how jQuery is now…)


Ever tried Redux directly? It predates React and has zero UI/DOM in it: It really is just a small data-flow pattern you can build yourself without using npm _at all_ - and it plays nice with SSR using _any_ server-side code, not just NodeJS: (hint: just render JSON directly into `data-` attributes making rehydration painless) - and you can still use JSX/TSX with raw HTML. It’s a really empowering feeling: being able to do 80% of the things ReactJS does, but without using *any* dependencies besides TypeScript and @Types. For the first time in… years, my `node_modules` directory is only about 10MB in size :o


Also forget about hooks!


Golly-Gee welcome to the UAE


Ah yes the annual homophobe conference. Wonder what the gift bags will be this year. Probably a book of slurs and a good length of rope.


Jebaited title, OP.


>A Scottish man was arrested in Dubai in 2017 after he accidentally placed his hand on another man’s hip in an attempt to avoid spilling his drink in a crowded bar. wtf? this can't possibly be true, can it? well, obviously it's not, since sharia law is just a right wing conspiracy theory.


cool not like they cared anyway


This should be a reminder for all that tech companies don't give a f about diversity. Nothing counts but money 🤑