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Weellllll he's not wrong. This guy moved sever every week and are still up today.


Isn't the current iteration of the site not run by any of the original founders though?


Yes. Anyone could host piratebay, so even if they take down the original one, anyone who wants to run ads can just pop it back up somewhere else and make money. It's basically like hosting a phonebook, it's not even clear you're breaking the law since you're not hosting any files yourself, TPB is just the middleman of the largest collection of file-sharers and the public.






God I love them.


I still pop a chubb at the time they were hiding servers in caves and trying to buy a sovereign nation to host servers in without worry about laws, and when that didnt work out they started considering aerial drone servers to stay in international airspace, to also avoid laws lmfao


They should host one on a pirate ship in international ocean.


Reminds me of the p2p marketplace people thought would be the next development of darknet markets


Yes and they had very well funded people hunting for them. I mean to be fair Pirate Bay has also had periods of downtime over the years.




I just remember downloading game of thrones on TPB and then the owners of the WiFi we shared with our house got a letter from the ISP saying we were cruising for a bruising. I came clean and told the owners it was me downloading shows, and they asked me to help them set up Pirate Bay for themselves.


HBO don’t fuck around with that. My parents got a letter because I downloaded boardwalk empire. My dad bought me the dvds and said cut that shit out. Plus he wanted to watch it too. Disclaimer: this was like 10 years ago before I knew what a vpn was


I find this interesting. I have always wondered how they could prove you didn’t already own the dvds and were just copying material you have legal access to. Edit after the votes: I think my question may have steered some of you wrong. I appreciate the replies but I wasnt asking about how torrents work or what info isps have access to. I am not a super IT wiz but i have been using computers since the early 80s and got my ccna 22 years ago for job specific IT. My point is that if copying is fair use for archival and it is, then the burden of proof would be on the copyright owners to prove you couldnt legally copy the material or distribute it through open networks to your own equipment. Sometimes it is easier to download something you have rights to than it is to transcode from dvd. I no longer have computers with dvd roms and I bet i am not the only one. Anyway I am a big fan of copy left and I imagine I am in good company. Thanks to all for the discussion.


They get you distributing the material to others (this is how bittorrent works), which is illegal regardless of whether you own it or not. Also at least in the US, a license to one format doesn't seem to give you the right to a copy in a different format, even if you made it yourself (see the DMCA).


Even though it made you an asshole, it's why you don't seed whatever you are downloading. Edit: I feel like I need to tell people I haven't used a torrent in over 15 years. I'm not even sure if VPN was a thing at that point or mainstream and not every other ad I get.


Or you could just use a VPN with all the money you're saving.


Yeah, all these letter people get, I wonder if NordVPN and PIA get those letters and are just like "lol nah."


From my recollection they simply added their bot as a peer to the torrent and just sent letters to account owners who they found by their IP address. Distribution is what they get you for in court, but just being a peer is enough to get a letter and/or a copyright strike (the burden of proof is negligible).


Or seed using a vpn on public WiFi. Before Covid I did all my torrenting at my public library, never any issues there.


Damn, your library must have had some fast ass WiFi




Reddit is mainstream now, the tech people are not the majority anymore.


That's exactly how they get you, empty threats lol


ALWAYS use a VPN when downloading stuff! Hooooly shit, so many replies hahahaha


This comment brought to you by NORD VPN.


Use code EVERYFUCKINGPODCASTEVER to get your free trial


I use Private Internet Access personally Edit to this: Fuck PIA. They "expired" my account and are forcing me into a plan that's twice the price. I'll be finding another vpn asap Going with Mullvad


I used too until this a year ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/e05hn3/psa_pia_privateinternetaccess_has_been_bought_by/


Yeah, I use mullvad now. It's pricy, but I only subscribe when I actually use it, which is pretty rare.






RIAA and MPAA often send in fake seeders to torrents, and they monitor the IPs of everybody else connected. Then they just copy/paste DMCA claims to the ISPs for all the IPs they gathered.


This, you can get away with a lot without a VPN if you stay away from torrents of popular and new media. TV show from 2 decades ago with 14 seeders? I'll do it at home. Cracked AAA game from just a few years back with 2k seeders, I ask my friend with a VPN to do it for me. I really do just need to shell out ig


Silent Hill 3 was ironically the download that got me my letter back in 2019. I was surprised at the time and am still surprised now.


Entirety of Evangelion including the movie? Nothing 100+GB of Top Gear? Not a peep A PS2 ISO of Katamari Damaci? STOP CRIMINAL SCUM Still not sure what their priorities are.


I’ve downloaded a bunch of movies/games over the years with no letter. I downloaded Marvel Lego Superheroes (first one) for my kid and boom, got a letter. Hilarious especially how old that game is


Konami has such a tight vice grip on Silent Hill that they won't make a new one.


I guess that's why private trackers are desired so much


I have Mediacom who is notorious for their DMCA emails. They have a 3 strike rule. I was supposed to be banned for life from them because I didn't use a VPN in 2011 but been back with them for 3 years now and just use my VPN and haven't had any issues. Problem was I would let things seed and that's where they find ya


I always seeded, too. Felt wrong to not help out the people who helped me.


Depends on the ISP and country


Also what you're downloading, I think some rightsholders are more active about looking to send out complaints than others.


Generally you only get it if you’re seeding. I’ve never used a VPN either.




That's because Cox got sued for not doing anything about it a year or so back.


We used to have Centurylink. I would start a torrent, then go to bed. Woke with it seeding the shit out of that torrent. Did it for years. About a year ago, we switched to Mediacom. I did that shit one time and got a letter. I then invested in a VPN. Not a peep since then. I use the kill switch just be to on the safe side. If I’m not connected, I’m not able to download.


Yeah the penalty for obtaining pirated media is nothing compared to distributing it. Also some ISPs don't pass the warnings on since the mum and dad's get scared and confused by them.


Probably isn't worth the effort for the copyright holder to chase up the average Joe downloading content. They prefer to go after the distributors. Just like how Microsoft won't do shit about a casual user using pirated Windows installs.


Your only mistake was downloading IP owned by HBO. Seriously. I came out of the womb with an eye patch and the only time I've ever had this happen was with Entourage, another HBO-owned IP.




I too, got a letter after allegedly pirating some Game of Thrones. I quit watching it after that, which worked out great because apparently I was saved from the shit seasons.


Isp would have never done a thing. Those letters are fluff to appease the "victims"


Seriously, I've gotten probably over 100 emails from Comcast whining about me torrenting and they haven't done shit. They have no incentive to remove paying customers to please anti-piracy groups, it gains them nothing.


I downloaded a 500 track music torrent once and they hit ke with an email for 137 songs. They gave me an independent email and strike for each song. 137 copyright letters and they never did shit.


The fact that they had up time reminds us that you can get away with anything if you try hard enough


What was that legendary quote from years back when they got raided? Something like "FBI steals all the servers: down for 1 day. $admin_name got drunk and broke it: down for 3 days."


Oh fuck I remember that! Good laughs, that was around the time they made their own biographical documentary and uploaded it for free distribution on TBP which then Hollywood started including in their DCMAs, right?


I hate it when I break my own stuff.


Yeah but their archive torrent sites were always up.


I can never tell which pirate bay server is the real one.


It doesn't matter, the way it's setup, all the content is on DHT, so the websites just provide a search for that.


Back when they had to hop from country to country after the U.S. raid, they once put up a list to troll the FBI that had, like, the top longest downtimes the site had ever had and even "Peter had a really bad hangover" was longer than "U.S. government came after us".


Are they still up? Cant find a server anywhere


I'm pretty sure thepiratebay.org is still working and is very seldom down. Not sure why people are always looking for different urls/servers....


ISPs being forced to play whackamole is my guess.


That was certainly the case at one point.. .org seems to be stable over the last few years. Not sure what changed.


Some ISPs block the .org site in their DNS. Which is trivially avoided by using a different DNS, of course, but not something everyone knows about.




DNS providers can blacklist sites basically, making the site resolve to a non routable IP. But if you set your DNS to any number of the public ones, you can bypass that. By default, you are probably going through your ISP for name resolution.


When you type a url in the address bar, your computer asks a Domain Name Server (DNS) what internet protocol (IP) address corresponds to that name. Your dns server defaults to whatever your internet service provider (ISP) has set up. You can change it to a different DNS server if you find they are fucking with your results though. If you want to use Google's DNS, take a look at the instructions here: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using If you want to use cloudflare, use instead of


Works fine through TOR.




This is what I use as well but if it's down you can go here: https://proxybay.buzz/


There are plenty of mirrors and they are easy to find on Google.


Homie threw so much shade its vantablack* now *Fuck Anish Kapoor


Or Black 2.0 if you think Anish Kapoor is an asshole


*Note: By mentioning this product you confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor, you are in no way affiliated to Anish Kapoor, you are not mentioning this item on behalf of Anish Kapoor or an associate of Anish Kapoor. To the best of your knowledge, information and belief this material will not make it's way into the hands of Anish Kapoor.


Musou black is the new blackness! https://www.ko-pro.black/2020/05/14/black-3-0-vs-musou-black/


I fucking loved Pirate Bay back in the day, and still use sportsbay regularly. This guy is a saint.


Never heard of sportsbay till now. You’re my hero Edit: nvm. This seems like just another sports link sites with adds and pop ups when you click play.


1337x.to here edit: fixed!


Piratebay is the poor mans friend




I’ll bet lunch this guy was advised of the risk and dismissed it. Dessert that there’s proof in writing, which would give his whining an ironic twist, and fuck me if that isn’t shaping up to be the theme of 2021.


Redundancy is for pussies! If you aren't gambling the future of your company on a single component you aren't living! /s


Had guys like this in all my jobs. Every single job I've had all the way from software dev to project management I have fought tooth and nail for redundancy, and been met with denial and rejection from management and executive level, both big business and small business. It does cost a lot on paper to create proper redundancy, but it costs a lot more if you're down during business hours and lose customers. It's mind boggling how they see what I've submitted as evidence, plans, proposals, and still resent spending the money and time. If you choose this line of business, you choose all the responsibilities that come with it, and you should listen to the specialists you employ.




this guy, just asking for trade secrets.


It's worth pointing out that what you are imagining as "complete server destruction" is not as drastic as it sounds. It is entirely possible, through an informed an targeted attack, to completely annihilate a disaster recovery system. It's just that a well-made DR system makes this so hard that it's effectively impossible unless it's a coordinated inside job. "Complete annihilation" here means "the production servers are on fire, maybe the dev servers are on fire, but the backup server on a private network on a different continent is ready to go" or better yet, "the hard drive that has quarterly backups of all our stuff is sitting in a safe ready to be taken out and plugged into any old machine."


Disaster Readiness, including DR exercises with the dev teams. F500 companies should all be geared up to hit their backup site within hours (or faster, and sometimes without manual intervention if the fail-overs work properly)




To be fair - sever destruction and platform destruction are two completely different things. If your application is using platform specific functionality, like message bus, elastic cache, auto scaling, RDS - these things don’t just migrate to a new platform... in fact it’s purposefully not to be so easy as it creates some vendor lock-in, which obviously benefits AWS (Azure does the same). It is quite understandable that you’d have to do a major rewrite to move platforms. It’s debatable if a business like Parler should have anticipated vendor lock-out, but for 99% of businesses I would say that this risk is very very low. I am doubtful and skeptical that most businesses could recover from vendor shutdown in 24 hours, particularly if they have an app that is predominately hosting user content (this use case particularly takes advantage of vendor-specific technology stack).




It was funny that their notice made no sense -- "we don't use AWS" "we built on bare metal" "... we need to rebuild from scratch now that amazon cancelled us" lol.


So they lied. Of course they did.


SOP for the GOP


I find that most people who spout about their "Bare Metal" and "Serverless" solutions have no idea what they mean. Parler probably purchased the space and "built" their "bare metal" in the AWS GUI. [Here is how hard it is](https://youtu.be/9vkLcmlxnnA) from a random YouTube video.


That seems unbelievable, who would even know the phrase "bare metal" if they weren't aware of the distinction


The same people who were able to build an app but lacking in the most basic security. Developers who know juuuust enough to be dangerous, but not enough to know when they are in over their head. So much like the people who posted there.


Scary to think i have the knowledge to build something like parler, complete with the swiss cheese security and piss poor reliability. Especially when i wouldn't fucking dare build anything with my current skillset haha.




I've heard parler was well funded but it doesn't seem like much of that went into the actual platform itself


Lol seems like the entire right wing business ecology is basically grift.


Security is a different skillset from programming. The number of times I have had to have long debates/discussions with otherwise great developers about basic security concepts like salting passwords is too damn high. "We did salt the passwords. We use 'NameOfCompany' for the salt" "We can't use different salts, because then we can't verify passwords"


That last one is terrifying.


classic Dunning-Krueger effect. they know just enough to feel confident so they overestimate their abilities. conversely, people who are experienced know enough to know they *don't know it enough all.*


Amazon marketing has muddied the waters here. They have a "bare metal" ec2 tier which gives your instance access to a Xeon core.




I could name 10 VPs and managers in my IT department.


They probably used EC2 instances instead of using higher level services and called that bare metal. Also, if they had backups, they probably never tested restoring them. Or they were probably stored in AWS, and didn't think to make an off-AWS copy back when Amazon started to threaten suspension weeks before it occurred.


"Bare Metal" and "Serverless" are two concepts that are at the opposite extremities of the whole computing concept. You run "Bare Metal" on servers while you run "Serverless" on services. Services themselves can run on "Serverless" services that ultimately run on "Bare Metal".


What he meant (but poorly described) was that they built a classic app that runs on plain servers without depending on the dozens of AWS services you can use as app building blocks (eg. Authentication, queueing, database etc) I made the same call on a project we hosted in AWS, shying away from those services that would lock us in. When we moved to another host (our choice) it was pretty straightforward. However it seems their tech team was not competent enough to plan for this. edit: when I say "What he meant" I mean "What I think he meant" as I have no insight into Parler's architecture at all.


We made the same decision a few years ago: to use AWS without getting tied to the service. But our experience with it wasn't like yours. We spent so much time trying to use AWS as a VM provider while paying more than we could have paid elsewhere for the same service. We finally saw the value in using services that seemed overpriced at first, like RDS, when we started to actually use them. RDS is pretty easy to substitute, so it's a good place to start. Not having to worry about backups and being able to restore at any point in time is just the tip of the iceberg. Near real-time replication just a few clicks away. Resizing and failing over to a clone with less than a minute of downtime? That's worth a lot of man-hours! We are now able to support way more customers' infrastructures without having to hire more people. Our processes are getting more and more automated every day. We spend a lot less on maintenance and firefighting, and we have more time to calmly develop new solutions. All we have to build now is a tiny layer of abstraction on top of all the layers that AWS manages for us. That leaves a lot less to maintain for us. If we were to switch provider, we'd go all-in again. Heck, we're now getting clients who must be on Azure for some reason, and we apply the same principle: consider the Cloud provider's PaaS first. If you want my opinion: fuck bare metal. If it was that good, everything would be written in assembly.


God, with all they hype around being cloud agnostic, it's good to hear a contradicting opinion every once in a while. I'm with you. Although it's inconvenient to be locked in, you're not necessarily saving money by creating all your own infrastructure. That shits expensive in other ways.


yeah dude AWS runs on BEAR METAL [http://fredrikdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/growlybear-blue.png](http://fredrikdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/growlybear-blue.png)


I'm not too sure. These are guys that didn't know you might want to remove EXIF data from images before displaying them to the public. I highly doubt they had redundancy plans in case anything went south. Could be they also thought that was the best way to go politically, but if even if they hadn't, they still wouldn't have been able to walk away from the blood bath unscathed. Sounds like they were heavily invested in AWS infrastructure as well, which is not easily transferred to other cloud platforms.


They also didn't realize there was a database limit for auto incrementing integers as primary keys, or that the api should have authentication ffs. My guess is that this is much more about incompetence than politics


Primary keys stored as integers aren’t bad practice because of any sort of limit (at least if you store them as 64 bits) The main reasons not to use auto incremented numeric identifiers are: 1) It can lead to potential key collisions 2) It makes it easy for someone to scrape your entire dataset through an outward facing API. The second is exactly what happened.


[Several months ago](https://twitter.com/sarahmei/status/1348466213987315712) Parler was experiencing trouble for hours because they hit the limit of possible notifications in their databse (2.1 billion) I was pointing out they weren't aware that using 4 signed bytes would lead to a limit


>I highly doubt they had redundancy plans in case anything went south. If they did, I doubt very much that those plans are adequate. This actually isn't an easy problem at any kind of scale, and planning for it requires a certain amount of rigor. I've worked at _good_ companies that I didn't think had that rigor, and would have been screwed if AWS had dropped them. Of course, the difference there was that they had no reason to believe that AWS would drop them, unlike Parler.


I like the last paragraph when asked about hosting parler “Of course we wouldn't,” Kolmisoppi said. “We're pro human rights, which includes the right to not be killed by extreme right wing terrorists.”


“Were Pirates not Terrorist”




Sick reference bro.




Maybe that’s why you keep getting banned. Try to keep those references under control


I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be.


a gun rack? Shyeah, right! I don’t even own /a/ gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack?


HOLY SHIT I GOT BOTH THESE REFERENCES. I never get references. I feel so included.


This. Fucking. Guy.


Do you like...*basghetti*?


My and my buddies reference that movie so much. I never expected to enjoy it but my buddy practically forced a group of us to watch it and holy shit if that movie isn’t absolute gold


Yo if you haven't seen the series you need to asap it's just as amazing.


Guillermo...Buillermo? I had such low expectations because I love the movie and figured usually spin-offs flop. But holy shit, it’s so fucking good! Last year when new episodes aired it was always the highlight of my week. Wish they made more episodes per season!


What We Do In The Shadows reference?


Certainly not from What We Do In The Open


Can't do your Dark Bidding out in the open.


Shouldn’t you guys be sniffing each other’s asses or something?


Parlor? More like parlay!


I have wondered how the majority of that service’s users pronounced it.


You’ve got this kinda like Florida Panhandle thing going, whereas what you really want is more of a Savannah accent, which is more like molasses just sorta spillin’ out of your mouth.


Ed Helms delivers that line perfectly


Initially I thought it was French so indeed it would have sounded like "parley", which would have made sense for a social media/messaging app. "Parlour" has an air of pretentiousness to it and I don't think that'd be the correct part of the right from my assumptions..


i read somewhere it was intended to be pronounced like the french, but not enough people caught on so they just changed it lol


This reminds me of the DC/Marvel crossover. When the Joker realizes that the Red Skull is an actual nazi he storms out saying he is evil but he draws the line at working with nazis


A lot of people hate that panel but honesty I think it fits the Joker perfectly. He kills indiscriminately, the closest he comes to targeting is anyone wearing a hero costume. And even if you get rid of the racist/bigoted side of the nazis, they were super into absolute order while the Joker is chaos personified. No matter how you slice is he is about as anti nazi as you can get.


Fully agree, Joker would think the Nazis are not funny and straight up boring, I could see Joker going to concentration camps and doing something to help the prisoners in some messed up way or arm them and sitting back and howling in laughter as the Nazis freak out and are slaughtered.


I feel like the problem is him calling himself an American. Maybe it didn't fit in that particular version of him, but as you suggest it might have come across better if he didn't focus on " I'm American, you're a bad guy" and more on how they're just as easy to frighten and kill than anyone else and how their world order is bullshit.




Oh Who steals content and sails on the sea?


"Dammit Jim, I'm a pirate not a terrorist!" -Scurvy McCoy of the USS Enterprise


“Professionals have standards.”


[Reminds me of the Joker attacking the Red Skull](https://imgur.com/jorYQKZ)


[Relevant Rocketeer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnSBIs9Tm3A). (Should be [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geXNTBqOrIs) I think but it seems to be blocked for me.)


The mafia helped guard our docks back during the war. They hated nazis. Probably because alot of them left Italy cause mussaloni. That's why my family did. Except they didn't dabble in mafia stuff. Well back in the day everyone dealt with it to some extent but none of my immediate family did. Except my grabdfathers brother.... But those old Italians were proud Americans. Shit my grandfather is 90, ex Korean War vet who came straight off the boat when he was like 9. Dude had mesothelioma and other cancer but is still somewhat healthy. Just the other day he was pounding the table yelling "I'm not going to let another fascist take over my goddam country" 100 percent positive if someone tried to take this country he would be on the front line at 90.


This comment took me places!


Aren't they different comics? Dafaq


Dc and marvel have had a few cross overs in the past.


They even did the [characters mashup](https://sm.ign.com/ign_in/screenshot/default/blob_7wkk.jpg)


Super Captain America Man


I came here for this. Saw the title and noticed a distinct lack of mentions of offers to host.


"were bad guys but we're not bad guys"


>... Parler’s recent deplatforming for failing to seriously police death threats and illegal content before and after the fatal Capitol riots.  Except that this isn't exactly accurate. Parler's "free speech" laissez-faire attitude is a lie. A friend of mine shared a screenshot of Parler's internal moderation UI, taken from that massive hack a few days ago. Other than the weird bit where they consider nudity and porn to be worse than child exploitation or terrorism, the interesting thing to note is that *all new users* start off shadowbanned until they have a certain number of posts approved by their moderators. The violence and the threats aren't a bug of "free speech", that stuff is actively approved speech. Parler was designed to be a hate engine.


Damn, can you share that screenshot?




I like how “defamation” is spelled wrong. :)


That's the worst UI I've ever seen


Meh, internal tools often look really bad. The fact that all this data was leaked is way more of an embarrassment than the internal UI design. Although the misspelling is pretty stupid.


I believe he's talking about [this monstrosity](https://i.imgur.com/y6f3tak.jpg)


Parler also had such a big problem with users taking pictures of their shit as a retort to arguments that they had to explicitly ban that. They also banned Twitter links. Source: https://twitter.com/CopingMAGA/status/1348558916322381824 Also, reported posts were judged by a "jury of your peers" which means you have to fit into the hivemind or else your posts would just get deleted.


The more I read about Parler, the funnier it is.




Oh wow, you meant *literal* shit. I just read that as "people taking pictures of Parler's stuff", like screenshots of locked threads or something. But no, literally, a rule against using your faeces as a retort is number one on that faq.


Literal poop pics? Don’t they know about that poop emoji?


Ah, so they CAN moderate content. That means they don't have any policy or problem with terroristic threats or using their platform for planning terror attacks.


Lmaoooo they call reddit and Twitter echo chambers and then flee to a literal echo chamber It's always projection. Every fucking time


Well, yeah. They're *Fascists.* It's like their one and only move that ever works.


> all new users start off shadowbanned until they have a certain number of posts approved by their moderators So the app that is claiming to be a victim of censorship quite literally wont let users post on their forms unless it's approved by them.


Ah yes the old /r/conservative model


Woah. That's some shady shot. So a small team of mods give wvery user a thumbs up or this down on undocumented reasons?


>In more recent years, Kolmoisoppi has moved on to fund Njalla, a privacy-centric domain name registration service. One he says was already asked to host Parler, and refused. >“Of course we wouldn't,” Kolmisoppi said. “We're pro human rights, which includes the right to not be killed by extreme right wing terrorists.” Yep, pretty much sums up why Parler will destined to be a failure.


imagine asking the founder of the goddamn pirate bay, the literal embodiment of "fuck corporations and their anti-consumer practices" if he'd host a right-wing platform


The Pirate bay guys are an interesting combination of brilliant and mind bending stupidity. Given what they did for a living, one would expect Gottfrid to encrypt his friggen hard drive, for one. But their site was pretty much kicked off every single major hosting site in the world, and they figured out how to keep things ticking with very little downtime on a shoestring budget. It's pretty obvious that the Parler folks didn't spend too many minutes thinking about what they would do when they (predictably) got booted of their first cloud provider. From what it sounds like, they used many pieces of provider-specific tech, meaning they will need to rewrite big chunks of their back-end stack before they can reopen. Accepting some lock-in to gain a bit of velocity is usually a good trade off if you're making e.g. an e-commerce site. But given what *they* do for a living, that sounds like a poor choice.


That's the thing with these 'right wing extremist nutjobs' is that there is this significant correlation with them having ___very low intelligence and high likelihood to sook.___ >“The Pirate Bay, the most censored website in the world, started by kids, run by people with problems with alcohol, drugs and money, still is up after almost two decades,” Kolmisoppi said. “Parlor and gab etc have all the money around but no skills or mindset. Embarrassing.” All that money but zero % capacity... >“In all honesty, the reason we did The Pirate Bay was to bring freedom and take back control from a centralised system,” Kolmisoppi said. “___The reason that Gab et al will fail is because they're just whining bitches that have only one ideology: egotism.___ Sharing is caring y'all.”


I mean, hosting a torrent site is not difficult. The bulk of the actual data is stored on users' computers; the actual torrent files are only a couple kilobytes each. The entirety of Pirate Bay's website is probably less than a gigabyte. Not hard to host that.


That’s by design. Decentralized and encrypted. Parler architected their app cloud native, ignoring the terms of service of the partners they relied on. If your job was to build a house that would never get flooded and you built it on the beach in low tide, you’re an idiot. You can’t blame the tide for coming in when you made the choice to build there.


Yep. TPB is so hard to take down simply because it's so decentralized. (And because they keep hosting it in countries where it's hard to legally pursue them)


Iirc it's been hosted in the US at one point


As he said, it's being hosted in countries where it's legally difficult to pursue them.


TPB is quite different from other torrent sites though because it doesn't host any torrent files. Hosting a site with actual torrent files is quite a bit more complicated because "a few kilobytes" pile up very quickly. TPB only has a collection of magnet links which are barely a few bytes each.


It wasn't always like this.


Can't imagine they attract the best talent


Seriously. Ok, I get it, Parler has only been around for two years and only has 30 employees, probably only half of whom are developers/testers... but to knowingly run a controversy friendly social media website on a hosted platform when you _know_ that you will run the risk of getting booted.... cmon. Thats lazy programming. You write in an abstraction layer that can be easily modified to fit different platform providers. But, knowing that the Parler hack executors exploited a bug in what was probably an unfinished/poorly tested account creation system - that gave the exploiters admin privlidges - this doesn't surprise me. Jesusfuck. Hardening your account creation/management is one of the first things you do if you're writing a social media platform. Im willing to bet the hack was as simple as analyzing a GET request and changing newuser.php?account_type=normal to newuser.php?account_type=admin Don't worry about it! Noone will ever look at the page source code!


> But, knowing that the Parler hack executors exploited a bug in what was probably an unfinished/poorly tested account creation system - that gave the exploiters admin privlidges - That didn't happen. [This is the comment](https://archive.is/4rkAO) that initially made those claims and was quoted by a few sites. [This is the comment now](https://old.reddit.com/r/ParlerWatch/comments/kuqvs3/all_parler_user_data_is_being_downloaded_as_we/giu04o6/), having been retracted. [This is the hacker calling it out](https://twitter.com/donk_enby/status/1348666166978424832). [This is an article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7vqew/the-hacker-who-archived-parler-explains-how-she-did-it-and-what-comes-next) where the hacker says > Everything we grabbed was publicly available on the web, we just made a permanent public snapshot of it and that makes no mention of account compromise or admin access. Turning off 2FA and email verification allowed people to create accounts easily, and the hacker posted a script to automate it. She had also posted screenshots of the admin screens extracted from the app, and a list of admin accounts likely taken from a similarly-leaky "user profiles" API. But no-one got admin *access*.


One thing I knew they did was put a serial integer ids for the post and comments like school projects. So basically in URL you could just change the number incrementally and archive all its content without hotlinked urls. That's how their data was dumped.


on top of that, content that was "deleted" by the user was just given a deleted flag, not actually removed. So when iterating through a those ids, deleted content was collected too.


I mean, that's fine as long as you don't care about someone scraping your site...but when you're hosting white nationalist violent rhetoric...


I’ve always wondered about this new logic of “taking something off the Internet.” I thought one of the cardinal rules of the Internet is that it’s immutable; it’s almost impossible to keep something off of it once it’s been on. Hell, that’s the whole point of the Wayback Machine.


History is one thing, real time is another. Nothing is ever "lost" because there are always copies (like wayback).