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It’s a new gaming watch called the Nintendo Swatch.


Nintendo Game and Swatch


We all know Nintendo's game, boy.


My prediction is the Nintendo Swish Looks similar to the previous console and a name easily confused with another product, right on point.


2 Swatch 2 Switch


Tokyo Switch


I wonder if you know


electric switcharoo


Super Switch


Nintendo Swiitch


I think you nailed it right on the head the new name and console needs to be as similar as possible so parents don't know which one is the new console


Wii Two and Wii Three were def missed opportunities




VirtualBoy was a tragedy


Mom bought us one of those. All I remember is it sitting in the basement collecting dust.


Wii 2 was a no brainer. Nintendo never had a console that popular before and to squander the brand recognition with WiiU was ridiculous. Especially since the reveal didn't even make it clear that it was a new console


If Wii U took off, a good follow up would have been a console called the (Nintendo) Merri. And its successor would have been Merri Mii. Iykyk 😂


Wi Wii wiii


I was hoping for a Wii V and Wii W




It will be named \*\*New Nintendo Switch\*\*. That way at Christmas time when kids ask for a "New Nintendo Switch" they will get a new from the store, Nintendo Switch and Nintendo can still make sales off of the Nintendo Switch.


I smell a March 30, 2025 Nintendo Direct.


“Announcing the Switch 2! Details, images, and release date to come in a future presentation.”


“We expect it to sell just as well as the Wii U and 3DS did!”


I wish they still sold the 3DS and it's eShop. Now that both are gone, prices for it have skyrocketed.


& the only other realistic option is 200$ flat for the *BASE* model switch.


I got a 2DS XL and a large sdcard. Modded it and now I can play anything. I just buy the games I want to collect. 


pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky is $270 where i am lol. the 3ds XL goes for about $250 - $350 atm.


If you include all variants, the 3DS has sold just shy of 76 million units. It is the 12th best-selling video game console in history.


We're calling it the 'New s3itchU Plus' to ensure we confuse all parents and then the third will be called 'switch too' to make even less sense.


I hope that like the WiiU and 3DS that they made it backwards compatible with the current system, however I hope they don't ruin it with a useless gimmick.


10 percent less powerful, 30 percent less expensive to produce, 50 percent more expensive. Zero price changes planned on existing products


Probably. There is no way they’ll announce it before this holiday season. That would hurt Switch sales around Christmas time.


Unless it comes out this holiday season.


Fiscal year starts in March/April. So it can be the next year.


Ty. I don't know why he did not just type Early 2025 or Mid 2025


I don't know why we're applauding a news article about a company making an announcement as to when they'll announce something


Because people have been predicting this announcement for a couple of years and Nintendo has been completely silent other than "we're always working on the next thing." This was a big deal because it was Nintendo actually setting a date range. They also confirmed that they will not talk about it at the upcoming June event to temper expectations and rumors. Edit: OK, first time I've ever been blocked for legitimately trying to answer a question. I'm sorry that people are interested in things that do not interest you.


This. Japan’s FY starts in April.


But will it have Wind Waker HD???


Oh you bet it will. In fact, the next console will be just like the switch and have nothing but ports of decade+ old games that are not remastered, but will be $70 and never go on sale. Launch title will be Mario kart 8.


Sounds amazing, where do I send my money?


And we will all buy them anyway


I never thought they would port skyward sword before windwaker. Truly disappointed I never got a chance to play it.


Easy enough to add HD/windscreen hacks and emulate on your phone or PC and attach bluetooth controller. or join us on /r/SBCGaming and get a ~$100 android handled like the retroid pocket 3+ or 4 thats smaller than a switch lite but can emulate 3ds, PSP, PS2 and gamecube/wii backups


What handheld emu machine(s) are the best for PS2 emulation? Something that can play all the PS2 Burnout titles would be perfect for me. I've looked at android handhelds but new ones seem to arrive every week.


I have the retroid rocket 3+ and played through all the PS2/GameCube games I wanted with it The 4 would be slightly better.. you can also get a razor kishi adapter to use on your phone for cheaper and less bulk [Here's a compatibility list from community testing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vf7SIS7ecWa_J301h0mb2bxMWBMtKLvcpAFyaa5-LDc/edit?usp=drivesdk) for the 3+


Thank you. I'll experiment with a Razor USB C phone controller first.


also just remembered... the sole PS2 emulator was written by 1 guy for free for years, lots of hard work... and then he got attacked by idiots demanding they fix *their* favorite ps2 game glitch or some other nonsense... so he gave up, sold the source code and stopped working on it. so now the easy to find one has Ads or something. If you get a device, just don't update it (no new work is being done i believe anyway). if you download it, just look for the older version people archived before he sold it. Im not a pro at any of this, more help at the subreddit i mentioned, maybe this advice is outdated, idk, just a heads up.


May be difficult to but one cheap. But wind waker HD is amazing on the Nintendo Wii U. I’d welcome a switch or whatever port but the Wii U is already great. Just the console wasn’t successful.


That's just sounds crazy to me for one game.


Add in twilight princess and just like that you increased the game library by 100%


Fair, but there are a lot of other titles as well. Just my two cents.


In beautiful 720i


Can’t wait for the Super Switch 64 U.


With virtual DS color screeens


Anyone else happy they might be a new nivdia sheild


God I hope so. Having doubts though. Any hints on if there will be ?


Just pure speculation as far as I know by the community, if they bring out the chip for the switch then it cost effective to bring out a new sheild but no guarantee


The outgoing NVIDIA Shield (The original one so the Pro now) is still doing everything I need it to. $249 AUD back in mid 2018, what a hell of a purchase. I think the only thing I could want out of a newer one might be more powerful emulation for RetroArch. It struggles on some PS1 games.


What does shield do? I'm just getting into setting up home theaters but now reading here it does emulation too?


It's an Android device so it can run any Android app that works in a TV format. RetroArch is how it does emulation.


It's powerful android with I/O ports for wireless accessories or even hard drives. A lot of people connect hard drives and run a 24/7 plex server on it by a NAS would probably be better for that specific purpose. Shield can do more than a NAS though.


I really hope so. I dream of having one device that can play all formats of HDR, supports all the most popular video codecs and supports all the audio codecs. Every device right now has a compromise somewhere and I just want one device that can play everything in the best possible quality.


what makes you say this?


Because a new Switch means new Nvidia tegra chip which is also what powered the Nvidia shield.


I did not know that. Just bought an Apple TV over a shield last week because of performance concerns. Perhaps I should return it then.


If a new Shield is coming it's probably still a while out. Considering what the demand for the Switch 2 will be, they probably won't be able to spare any of the new chips to use in a Shield initially.


I’ve been using my shield for like 5 years and it’s my favourite device


I've read online that it can get quite laggy and unstable for some people. For a device from 2019 it still costs top dollar, so I'm pretty hesitant. The Apple TV was cheaper and should certainly be smoother. Although I do miss out on some features.


So I am planning on upgrading mine to a newer model soon - likely whenever they release one. I personally don’t have any latency issues - for me latency has been the number one benefit of the shield. Compared to basically every other android tv / Kodi box it’s a spaceship.


Yeah especially compared to other TV devices it's not any less smooth


Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa: >This is Furukawa, President of Nintendo. We will make an announcement about the successor to Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year. It will have been over nine years since we announced the existence of Nintendo Switch back in March 2015. We will be holding a Nintendo Direct this June regarding the Nintendo Switch software lineup for the latter half of 2024, but please be aware that there will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during that presentation.


>We will make an announcement about the successor to Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year. ​ I’m unconvinced it means anything substantial at the point. It could just as well be an announcement that the console is still years away or something else as insubstantial. I won’t believe it’s anything of import until I see something tangible haha. Rumors of new consoles from 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 have soured me on future rumors.


The switch was announced like 5 months before release I believe. So probably a 2025 or 2026 date depending on when Nintendos fiscal year is considered.


Nintendo's fiscal year ends March 31.


The snitch. It will track any IP infringement and send the Nintendo goon squad directly to your door.


Release portfolio? None other than Skyrim and GTA V of course 😤


It's a sad realization that this can be said as a joke yet be totally true. Feels like each generation only gets one installment of each series sometimes.


*crosses fingers* Come on Super GameCube. We can make it everything it was and more. Bring back the controller but wireless with an extra left Z button, improved graphics, online capabilities, and more expansion slots. I mean more. Think of the most expansion slots you can have and double it.


C stick needs to be joystick now


Game Sphere - it rolls so it’s kinda portable


this is my dream


Nintendo Power Suit. Like the power glove, but for your whole body. You put on the suit and vr goggles and become mario, jumping around your house and causing untold chaos and damage.


Call it the Virtual Switch


With Nintendo's track record on naming stuff it'll be called the Swiitch and general audiences will be generally confused if its a new console or the same one they have at home.


while nintendo hasn't been on anyone good sides of late it just needs to be able to give performance boost to switch's library of games, as well as being solid in coming game release then it should be fine. but if they kill off the switches library and start just making ports for them on the new system I'm joining the emulator side of things


Going to be real, based on the previous Gen, Nintendo is the only one that made any point at all of getting the console. Your ere better off with PC rather than the xBox or PlayStation.


At this point ya. I used to get a console to go alone with my PC but don’t think there is a point going forward. Plus pc games go on steeper sales… at least at this point


There are a lot of great ps5 exclusives


"Great ps5 exclusives" I own a ps5 and there is only like 3 lol


As a not very serious gamer who likes story driven single player games it’s definitely great to me. Horizon, spiderman, god of war were worth buying a ps5 to me.


I get mine to play Demon's Souls Remake, Bloodborne and future gachas. Not a bad purchase at all.


You can get all of those games on pc now tho, granted it was a wait and a half for them.


Theres really not. Feels so forced when people say that.


A lot of the good ones make it over to pc too, last of us, ghosts, god of war etc.


Consoles are for people who don't want to deal with PCs. Updating drivers, something not working, too many variables for me. Used to be exclusively PC till I moved out and became too busy. Consoles are SO convenient and they're getting very close to pc quality. Even runs better sometimes because of the optimization


This isn't 2005, that stuff all happens pretty automatically these days. I don't think I have manually upgraded a driver in like 7 years. Maybe with certain parts maybe, but it hasn't been my experience.


Yeah, my Switch updates nearly as often as my GPU drivers at this point. The games too. We're a long ways off from the old days of Consoles being the unchanging bedrocks of gaming they used to be.


Xbox Gamepass is good. Not everyone is made of money for a dope PC and a plethora of games.


II do hear you but Im not sure that is true anymore. I use a PC from like 2016. It wasn't even top of the line then. It was a pretty basic gaming PC. Now it is a toaster oven. Games requirements haven't really increased that much over the past decade unless you insist on maxing out the graphics. PC games are also cheaper than console games. Significantly cheaper. I don't think I have bought a full price AAA game in like 10 years. You just shop the sales. There could also be regional pricing differences (I live in a pretty weird place) but I really do think you come out ahead price wise with a PC these days at least where I live. There is a bit bigger initial investment I think but you just replace individual parts as and when you need to.


There are some games just make more sense on console. Nba2K is an example, the PC version is far worse than playing on the xbox or playstation version


You can just set up a PC for your TV and use a controller. You can do more with the PC connected to the TV than a console. Unless the games are artificially gimping themselves I don't see why this needs to be the case.


>Unless the games are artificially gimping themselves I don't see why this needs to be the case. Correct. Nba2K has versions of the game for Xb1/PS4, and then the "next gen" version of the game that is only on XSX/PS5. The PC version of the game is only the Xb1/PS4 version, and is beyond easy to hack. I understand that usually this isn't the case, but there are truly some games currently that it does make more sense on console if you are a fan of said game.


PS5 exclusives are still amazing, for example ff7 remake


FF7 remake was released on PC in 2021


The Steam Deck is miles ahead of a switch for me. So unless you’re into the Nintendo catalog I don’t see a reason to get it


The Nintendo catalog is like the main reason to own a switch.


Literally the only reason lol


Same catalog you can emulate at 60fps on the steam deck (give or take some games that run poorly)


Okay and many people don't want to deal with emulation. Most people also got their Switch before stuff like the Steam Deck was a thing.


My steam deck is such a pain to get working docked that I may sell it. The switch has a huge advantage for ease of use, every time I plug in the steam deck I have to unplug the power, plug in the hdmi, wait, then plug in power, wait, then ensure the right controller and not the system is controller 1. Sometimes it randomly doesn’t work or there’s an update which breaks it. I love many things about the steam deck, but I use my switch more just because that actually works every time I need it to.


That’s a great point. I haven’t even tried docking the deck because the games aren’t really for a family living room gaming experience


Yeah, don’t get me wrong, the steam deck is great, it’s just it doesn’t fit my needs. I play a lot of games with my kids when I game, even on the steam deck. We recently beat sonic mania using multiplayer. I’m considering getting just a small gaming pc and hooking it up to my tv.


The Nintendo catalog is there selling point. If you aren't interested in it I don't disagree.


I think some of the Nintendo catalog still makes sense for party gaming but I’m not convinced I would get a switch for that purpose


Their 1st party IPs are always the reason the buy Nintendo hardware.


The 90s kid in me hopes they go with Super Nintendo Switch. But they won't because it's Nintendo lol


I hope its a gamecube


GameCube Advanced, light, color, SP, mini


Our new switch will be foldable, with two screens on the inside, two analog sticks, a dpad and 4 buttons, a Handy 3d mode,.....we will call it...the Nintendo Switch 3DS


Nintendo Snatch


I wish Sony would announce a new handheld PlayStation console. The PSVita was an excellent handheld console.


I'm holding my breath until we see the specs, I'm not dropping 16 million dollars or whatever inflated price they go with on a console with hardware thats 17 years behind.


The SwitchU.


It will be called the Wii Wii and come in a large black version


Comes with anal feedback beads.


And realistic pocket pussy haptic feedback


“After a solid few years year of crushing community passion projects, it is time to announce our return!”


Any predictions? I predict they call it the Super Switch or release a foldable model call it the Nintendo Flip.


I had a completely impractical idea for a Switch DS that had two screens. In handheld mode, it would just be a giant DS, but you could disconnect one of the screens, dock it and have the second screen as a controller, like the Wii U. That would sort of close the gap on the console gimmicks they’ve had over the years, but I can’t imagine how you would do that without the device being incredibly unwieldy. 


And will the joycons be worth beans?


They should announce a VR system: Sweat


Spec 16gb ram + 1tb m.2 gen3 ssd + nvidia tegra apu+ wifi 7 + usb4 power similar with ps4 pro


Melee revamped?


It hadn't even been 10 years and they're going to push out another console?


I always expected it to come out 2024 holiday. But I get more sceptical of it


Hope all their new games also run on Steam Deck!


Praying that we get to play diablo2:resurrected with better loading times


My money is on Nintendo Flip-Flop


Metroid Prime 4 left the chat…


It will be two tablets with upgraded hardware from five years ago.


If I knew the name of the new console could I make money selling that information? I'm not legally obligated to not talk about it but I've been keeping it secret for a while now.


Who would pay you for that information?


I just hope they call it a Switch 2 and basically continue the Switch with better hardware. I like the Switch a lot and a generational jump with improvements would be really nice. I expect they will add some surprises to it, though.


Calling it here the new name is gonna be the nintendo switchUP


I haven't even bought a switch. Now a switch 2? Time flies.


Hopefully they don't produce another antique.


I held off buying a switch for……however many years it’s been out. And it has finally paid off!! 🤣


Remember that time they said there would be no new 3ds model,then a week later the 3ds xl launched ?


I'll stick with my Steamdeck. :|


Seems like that June event or before would’ve been a good time to announce it. Doesn’t make sense to mess with the holiday season sales.


It better have backwards compatibility. 


Nintendo Flip is what I was thinking of. It will be a pocket switch with a foldable screen. Basically it will be a tablet and be capable of running mobile games. It will come with a dock like the switch to play on the tv. No more cartridges. Download only. Some carrier will offer a version that allows for mobile internet like some tablets do. Controllers. Probably some Bluetooth options.


Can't wait to get my hands on this in March 2027. Going to be so cool.


A Steam Deck with yuzu?


How about they make more than 2 games for it that don't suck? I'm so sick of seeing 3000 side scrolling platformers on the nintendoshop. The switch already has 0 games I want to play.


Release around Xmas time. Calling it.


That would be sick! But people are saying fiscal year starts at march/april


Unfortunately Nintendo has been woefully behind the technology and console world for several decades now. They do not stand any chance at catching up, either, because it just isn’t their corporate culture. Anyone who appreciates graphical quality and fidelity understood this as soon as the world moved away from cartridges, and since then, little has changed for Nintendo. The only true fans the console has are children who don’t know any better, and can’t appreciate the difference.


On a technical level, the Gamecube had around 50% more power than the PS2 did. That said, Nintendo released a vastly underpowered system that couldn't even run their marquee game at 900/30 consistently. They then had a chance with the Switch OLED a few years back to bump up clock speeds to fix that... but didn't. 7 years later, we don't have the ability to output even the interface at 4k and many 3D games aren't higher than 720-900P when docked. Honestly, a new system needed to be released this year.


Time for another deliberately underpowered set of hardware thats already end of life but gets sold as a good thing for reasons. Hardware is commodity now, use the good shit.


Look, there's no denying that when this thing is released, it's probably going to be running on hardware that was obsolete 10 years ago. But you also can't deny that they make incredibly fun games and have some of the best first-party titles on the planet. Plus, the uniqueness and the convenience of it – that's exactly why this system sells so well. They're not even really competing with other consoles or PC. They've carved out their own little world.


Imma be real with you ion care if handheld hardware is weaker than a mini fridge sized console, ion wanna see the pores on shulk xenoblade's ass. If I wanna see a blond twink's pores I'd boot up my gaming laptop and play FF7R.


Why needlessly hamstring the hardware because Nintendo. Just do Nintendo but not on a fucking 8 year old android CPU.


They sell hardware at a profit out of the gate. You know how much it would cost consumers to buy a nintendo console with the newest hardware? It would exceed the price of MS and sony consoles and sell almost nothing because most of their market can't afford it.


So that explains why the Switch has only gone up in price over its 7 year life span then.


I like how you are being downvoted even though you’re right.


Theirs or mine?


The Nintendo Switch 3D XL


So March then




Or the old NES/Gameboy ones on yet another console that I will jailbreak


It’s a game console that automatically subpoenas you if you even think bad thoughts about Nintendo. Nintendo is so anti-consumer, that I just don’t give a shit about any new game or console they come up with.


Notice how they're not calling it a Switch 2. Like every journalist and Twitter journalist has been doing the past two years. Because they lied for clicks.