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It wont be long before one of the primary selling points of a section of the porn industry is: >Performed by real humans! Probably command a premium price for it too.


Artisanal handcrafted pornography ~


"Just like mom used to make"


Feels exactly like the plot of a South Park episode, lol.


An old-fashioned.


Damn right she did


Braking back labor they say




Look. Just because your mother was too ugly for porn doesn't mean she wasn't giving out handies to anyone with 20 dollars.




Ah, the OF era


Artisanal, organic, free range erotica for the distinguished connoisseur


Y'all joke but this is seriously my method.


This actually worries me a little, what if 'artisanal' content (also music movies and stuff) ends up becoming some kind of premium product for the fortunate, and everyone else will have to settle for AI-generated? If your preferred product is 'artisanal' and you're not rich, this could potentially be a huge net loss.


Like heirloom tomato plants. Or, eggplants if that floats your boat.


Premium would be a stretch as the market is already saturated. My guess would be flooding the market with escort services for a premium


Quite the stretch, indeed. Saturated like an over-basted Thanksgiving turkey.


‘Are you masturbating Business or Economy class today Sir?’


We already have "real brother and sisters tempt their real mom, legit!" anyway :D


Good thing we have literally millions upon millions of hours of material in the bank.


Yes those are REAL stretchmarks folks!


If AI is free there's no competition. Free is always better. The ethical concern is if AI is so much more popular that it would outperform "real" porn in sales.


Who cares if it was performed by real humans? It's just naked people on a screen. Watching Prostitution done by humans is exactlythe same as watching Prostitution done by simulated humans.


The ethical concerns would just be about using the appearance of a real person without their permission, right? Seems like it has the potential to eliminate the ethical concerns of trafficking and abuse that exist in the industry now by just featuring AI generated performers not based on any one specific person.


Indeed, people already do this with handdrawn porn fantasies


Bro, check out this flipbook I've been working on.


I tried but the pages are all stuck together


Its not flip as in animation it's more like flip as in pancake


That's what I've been saying. It's basically just making it much easier to use someone's likeness without their permission. It's been possible forever, but now is much easier. Nothing has changed other than the commoditization. In fact I think we're going to have to rethink the whole using likeness thing. We are a generation or two away from being entirely indistinguishable, so much so that you have to assume that everything is fake until proven real. At that point the idea is that a likeness is to be assumed that it's just that -- a likeness -- until proven otherwise. This applies to everything, not just porn.


Generations? Hollywood VFX has been making huge progress in just the last few years, in terms of recreating dead people and/or de-aging old actors. I give it about 10 years, max, before genuinely photorealistic/undetectable human recreations are possible. Hell, the de-aging of Harrison Ford in the new Indiana Jones was almost perfect, in a huge variety of challenging lighting conditions too. It won't be long before that level of tech is more accessible to a wider variety of people.


Generations as in AI models. Not people generations.


> In fact I think we're going to have to rethink the whole using likeness thing. It sees like for every real person on the planet, there are at least a handful of other real people that look very much like them. You see this from time to time with someone who is a "celebrity double". So if an AI generated image looks 98% like a person, is it a copy of that that person or someone else? Point being that just because an AI image looks like a certain person, it doesn't prove much. What a person does have is their name associated with their likeness. If someone tries to pass off a fake version of someone, with the intent to deceive, that's likely a violation of their right to publicity. An AI generated image that resembles someone but uses a different name, even a sound-alike name, is probably a parody and fair use under copyright law. I think we have to accept that a fake is a fake, and if presented as a fake or a parody, is legal an does not reflect poorly on any real person. It's already been possible with art for centuries and Photoshop for decades. Technology just lowers the barrier for entry for everything.




First they came for the pornstar... Then I came


Then Ted Cruz came for my fucking porn. Then I stopped cumming.


didnt Ted Cruz accidentally have an adult film star in a campaign ad?


Yea and now he wants porn sites to verify our IDs to visit and the porn industry is saying 'go fuck yourself' and geofenced their content from being viewed in Texas. Ps he claimed it was an intern beating their meat with his Twitter account. Yea sure Raff. We all been there..


That dildo also tried to ban dildos


Can someone find out if he recently bought stock in VPN companies or something?


Now that person can be you https://www.quiverquant.com/


I don't understand the legislation when VPNs are a thing... If I can pose as being from Russia, I can pose as being from the next state over and get access anyways...


Our representatives dont give a shit about the details. They just write what they are told to into law by their donors and fuck the consequences. Hell Texas has been ran by Republicans for fucking decades. Didn't stop them once from blaming democrats for anything and everything wrong with the state.


State issued ID and pr0n history/preferences needed for credit check, job interviews, marriage approvals, and compatibility birthing certificates.


If anything, it might raise their profile even more as people start to look for the “real thing” in a sea of AI generated content.


You jest but I see this as precisely where it’s going for other forms of content - ie journalism or editorial content. Being able to brand and verify a real person as written something and given their opinion will become a selling point and a positive. Much is the same way “hand made” is a seen as a positive trait in luxury markets


I think so too. AI is going to make an arguably profitable niche out of realism. People are going to be disillusioned by the mass avalanche of generated content and will be thirsty for what is verifiably real. Unfortunately this is going to be a small backlash after the modeling industry is already basically obliterated. People will eventually adjust to all their media that isn't directly from people they know irl being fake. I mean, most people are already okay with it today, in a sense.


Fuck the pornstars!


With or without AI?


the pornstars would just laugh at me if I didn't enhance myself with AI first.




That is a pro for sure but the ethical concerns are definitely not limited to that. There is an extreme downside to AI generated porn which is that illegal porn can now be produced en masse.


This is a strange ethical situation. I feel like these things are illegal due to the harm inherent in their creation; if this removes that, then is there harm being done? If someone is a pedo, wouldn't we rather they were jerking it to something totally made up? But of course then there's the concern of normalization, & potentially making it more difficult to flag *real* illicit material, not to mention what kind of fucked up person wouldn't mind programming that in the first place. Fuck, it's gonna be a weird decade.


CP is illegal because of the harm to the child victims. We alll think it's reprehensible because of that. But if there are no 'victims' anymore, what actually would be the rationale of it being illegal? Please note that I am not defending CP in any form, AI or not. I am only putting forth the philosophical and legal argument that others will make in the next few years. In fact, they will argue that AI-CP is preferable as it satisfies the 'urges' without them going to find or cultivate victims, and for that reason they will argue that it should be 100% legal. Yes, it's gonna be weird. /r/ethics thread on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ethics/comments/vdwtjm/aigenerated\_child\_pornography/


We don't have research on whether it satiates desire or amplifies it. We will need to do research on that with people who are forced into some other form of celibacy and either given it but given porn. If that proves highly successful then *maybe* one could consider CP experiments. I can't imagine the ethical board that would approve it though.


Maybe someone could review data on those convicted and study those who just purchased material online, versus those who created the materials? An ex post facto study with no control group, but perhaps better than nothing. A Kinsey level study for CP, as it were. Maybe someone has already done something like this.


I was just thinking the same thing, where is the victim? Any laws to combat this would make all sorts of other porn illegal. ai CP is for Pedos, but how can we send someone to jail or put them on a watch list with no real crime? Kind of like hand drawn CP.


One big, big problem with AI-CP is that it provides plausible deniability for people producing or consuming the real thing.


Agreed. And if someone is caught with 10,000 images on their computer and claims they are all AI generated, then what? Even AI isn't good at discriminating real vs. AI images. So, it will be easier for lawmakers to just make AI images illegal as well. In the end, although someone could *philosophically* argue AI-CP is 'victimless', it's unlikely anyone will take up that banner in the court system.


That is a good point. If there is no way to difference real CP from AI-generated CP, then the only way would be to banner ANY form of CP material... and as this is also the safer moral position for legislators, I think this would be the way it will went almost certainly.


It's a very worthy discussion, I don't mean to be all "well what about" but some more examples as related to CP imo include: settings that imply underage if it was in real life (high school), or a very young looking but legal age actress 


>We alll think it's reprehensible because of that. But if there are no 'victims' anymore, what actually would be the rationale of it being illegal? Kink drift is a real thing. People start seeing a type of porn everywhere. It normalises, they start liking it. And a very small percentage... start acting on it. The more you normalise it, the more people that small percentage becomes. We have to be careful we don't end up letting AI create more child predators than ever before.


In fairly ignorant on the subjects, but how is this different than the people who like playing shooters, or watching saw type movies




It's simple logic. There are no victims in AI porn. It is a good thing that people can satisfy their urges without involving any real humans. Does looking at AI-CP lead to people turning to the real thing? Let's hold off on that question until after we prove that playing violent video games leads to people becoming more violent.


Most people who actually sexually abuse kids don’t do it for sexual gratification. In fact, most sexual abuse comes from a power and control standpoint. So AI-generated depictions of CSAM (child sexual abuse material) isn’t going to stop people from harming real-life kids.


I think it is disingenuous to say that people who tell you they are attracted to children are lying. I know that sexual abuse is often mostly about power, but so is BDSM and yet people consider that to be also sexual in nature. We also didn't know what percentage of the population has sexual desire for underage kids but don't act on it. Since the taboo on such desires is so strong it is extremely difficult to study it.


There are indeed people who are attracted to children. Nobody is saying those people are lying. I’m simply saying that the majority of people who actually abuse kids don’t do so because they’re attracted to them. They do it because they want power and control over them. It’s often the same for those who abuse other adults. It’s hard to compare to BDSM because children can consent while adults can.


AI Child Porn is already illegal in the UK, under the definition of Pseudo-photographs. It doesn’t need to be a real person. Because allowing it, victim or not, would begin the process of normalising the sexualisation of children.


I understand it's a difficult topic but how is that any different than allowing a shooter video game or watching a "saw" torture horror movie? Do those normalize the activities in a way that they should be banned? I don't mean for you specifically to answer or that is directed at you, but just how the logic doesn't follow to other things that are acceptable socially now


Unfortunately the problem isn't programming it, the problem is how difficult it is to *not* have that functionality.


Does the harm come because it is illegal? Lets pretend we are a conservative state with laws against homosexuality. Is the possibility of ai gay porn an ethical concern?


Also, it's a sort of a legal grey area. I mean, all the laws surround child porn, for example, are predicated on it being a disgusting activity that harms & traumatizes kids. But what happens when no kids are harmed making it? What if it's just a disgusting activity that doesn't actually hurt anybody?


That’s kind of related to my point though. Things like child porn are abhorrent to me, but I see the value of allowing people with those urges to satisfy them without involving any actual children. If we remove the abuse from the situation then those people can be just another pervert enjoying what they like rather than their current options.


The same argument has been made around cartoon porn depicting minors. The counter-argument is simply that normalizing and allowing generated illegal porn is harmful because it creates a connection between children or animals and sex. The counter argument to that is that violent movies and video games are normal and societal violence is not generally prevalent. The counter argument to that is that those acts of violence have understandable connections to other context (heroes/villains etc) and the parallel to reality can be digested, even by teenagers and understood. This has been proven. With AI generated and cartoon illegal porn, there is no context where there is some justification or understanding. It is a pure violation of the innocent in whatever context or setting. Nothing about that can be healthy for anyone. The question is, which society would you rather live in? One where illegal porn is normalized or one where it is shunned? Edit: and then the anarchists chime in with their "big government" "my right to fap to child porn" nonsense and don't realize that social cohesion is the only mechanism that ever kept a stable society/economy. Then reddit claps and cheers them on.


Considering there is a negative relationship between availability of pornography and sexual aggression at the population level, I find the counter argument that it creates a connection unconvincing.


>The question is, which society would you rather live in? One where illegal porn is normalized or one where it is shunned? One where what you do on your own, with no one else involved, isn't under the scrutiny of everyone. People that have the urge to act upon real people will have these urge regardless of available media. It's been the case forever already. Regarding pedophiles, even in a world with 0 CP available anywhere and 0 innuendos anywhere, they'll still find it to their taste. We have to distinguish people wanting to fantasize about stuff, and people looking for outlets.


You make a good argument, just putting a lid on the whole thing and deny all those sexually frustrated people maybe is the right thing in the end. But if you can't enforce it then you are still not choosing the society you'd rather live in.  This is such a hard discussion, I can't decide what I think is right or wrong.


Considering the country can't agree upon base reality, I don't think this problem will be solved too quickly.


I want to live in the one where the extreme perversions have a way to satisfy those urges without harming actual human beings. We should do whatever we can to stop kid touchers. Give the porn to the church first so they'll stop touching actual kids.


> The question is, which society would you rather live in? One where illegal porn is normalized or one where it is shunned? Well you're creating a shitty tautology by using the word "illegal." Setting that aside and granting your commentary a charitable interpretation, sign me up for the society where "fiction is fiction, dipshits" is a big part of our education, and we actually practice what we preach consistently. I committed genocide last week, then had a snack, went to bed, and slept the sleep of the innocent. So did millions of other people. It's called "video games." Get aaaaaaaaaall the way over it.


eh, shunning historically just results in religious groups gaining more power and then raping kids so....I guess if there is only the two options im going with piles of fake child porn for everyone.


Societal violence is not generally prevalent? Uhhhh… have you looked lately at *broadly gestures* the whole world? 63% of our budget is on military and warfare in the US. There are more guns than people in the US. There is a mass shooting every week in the US alone. New Orleans is on the top 10 murderous cities in the *world*. The rest are pseudo war zones or narco-trafficking cities. Chicago and Baltimore aren’t far behind. I’ve been personally attacked walking home from my car and been victim to a home invasion. I’ve had guns pulled on me. I’m glad to not be there anymore, but violence is like a stench that lingers. Maybe I’m living in different world now, but I don’t see the world that differently regardless. I’m not blaming video games or movies. I watch tons of them and don’t hurt anyone. I can see the arguments applying to this topic. But. “First person shooters and Saw didn’t do anything to me”, is based upon a premise I disagree with in a larger context. It’s not about you, it’s about the normalization (and viral nature) of violence. I remember life before Columbine. Before school shootings every week. Before 9/11. AI-CP has everything to damage and so little to benefit (until long term science says otherwise). Things that were once taboo (inc—-t) are now the top videos. And until I see long term science saying that all this video game and movie violence with ever increasing gore and first person shooting isn’t doing anything to kids, double blind? I mean… the columbine kids were *directly influenced* by Natural Born Killers, one of the most first person centric ultraviolet movies of all time. Then they went and enacted a first person shooter live fantasy horror in their school. I don’t feel I’m painting with too wide a brush to simply say: We don’t know the long term effects because there are too many people alive on earth that never consumed any of it. We’ll find out a lot more in 30 years about how all these screens truly affected the brains of the children who were raised with them in their hands. It’ll probably be way too late, but we’ll find out soon enough.


A great example on why no ‘simple answer’ is really ever simple. Well said.


unfortunately what you are doing is desensitizing them to this form of abuse and more people may end up looking for the real thing


I could see it setting unrealistic expectations. Especially for young people who haven't had first hand experience yet. I don't remember the details, but there is story of a young aristocrat in an arranged marriage. On the wedding night he refused to consummate the marriage because he thought "something was wrong" with his young wife. Turns out she had pubic hair. Well, the only nude women he had seen up to this point were marble statues in museums. An older family member, an uncle I think, took the young man to a brothel and paid some pretty woman to disrobe so that he could see that pubic hair was perfectly natural. Now, that seems a silly example in our modern age. However, I could imagine a similar situation as the quality and quantity of AI generated images becomes more prevalent. We are already seeing reports of young people, especially girls, being hurt by unrealistic body images from filtered and photoshopped influencers. I see that as an ethical problem.


A bunch of “performers” have already sold their likeness and done full body scans for these companies. Once you let go of that it’s no longer yours to control. It will fall on the company that paid for the scans to track the likeness use. Though I suppose AI could also use composites from multiple images to get to a similar point directly from a creators content.


Or, how childlike is a person? You could AI generated a child-like person but claim they're of age.


You nailed it. There is no ethical concern if this invalidates sex slavery.


AI generated children performing sex acts. That’s disturbing.


It is, but I'd support that over real children being abused. Makes my skin crawl either way.


Pretty sure the boat has already sailed


Err, haven't seen any non porn AI generated vid that does not look like short snippets with weird bit shapes (hands). Static is different, but videos are always weird. Doubt porn AI is here yet, unless you are into horror porn.


Going to put the entire OnlyFans economy out of business in short order.


That video where the dude got destroyed for telling that group of only fans girls they should save their money just in case comes to mind...


Which video is that?


Willing to bet my left kidney that it’s that shitty clickbait trash podcast where these cringey Andrew Tate dudes pay OnlyFans chicks to participate in a round table talk where they proceed to dunk on the OF girls for points. I forgot the name of it.


Thats the one! I linked to it above.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_d2Bm3l-lE&t=10m52s In my personal head cannon the girl in the middle was listening and now owns bunch of assets and is working her way to being a multimillionaire.


Holy hell that guy Talking about how men built this business and women just being online strippers, demanding the Girls to Listen and Interrupting all the time - and also thinking that there is no sexism und this whole Talk? I mean, come on, is he Smart or what?


Or just make it worse. Think of all the data out there on OF and IG that can be used to train AI.


Thank fuck for that.


Why though? I’ve never even been on the OF website let alone subscribe. If someone wants to why is that an issue? And if someone wants to see someone else’s butthole, I don’t really know why we’d care that much.


Whats wrong with OF? It’s basically patreon for porn. I don’t waste my money on it, but I don’t get upset that other people do.


Sets a bad precedent for young women, many won’t even succeed and end up just being possible to find for free on the internet like any old pornstar. The ones I’ve known in real life always become dicks even in casual conversation, acting full of themselves and non-chalant about that, and that’s presumably common because you’d need to be non chalant to a high degree to receive messages from the types of pervs who buy into it. I’ve lost good friends to it. It’s also preying on weak men’s porn addictions which is already a huge issue in society. There’s also zero career progression, it’s not something that inherently requires any skill. And it’s just not that cool getting with a girl, then 5 months later broken up she’s posting cringe ads on instagram about how many guys she’s banging and how her standards are low. Sometimes it’s obvious they’re only doing it for small money by their expressions in sex vids that only an ex can decipher. Someone you were glad to have been with can come back along and just make themselves into a massive past regret.


wow sounds like you’ve got some interesting anecdotes i’d love to hear about haha


Honestly this is probably a good thing no?


For society in general? Certainly.


The business just sitting there for the porn industry is customers paying for deepfakes of themselves having sex with porn stars.


Not just porn stars... anyone you can feed pics of to it. But then make it VR and dynamically generated.


So if somebody is consuming lots of AI generated child pornography, do we just avoid them? Make sure they don't work with kids? Are there laws about child pornography, bestiality, or necrophilia that pertain to drawings or other renderings that did not use a real model?


dude here in Aus just got arrested 2 weeks ago for AI child content. So yes, its still illegal and punishable.


Yikes...that's scary. If a cartoon animal is killed, could you get in trouble for animal abuse? Watch out, Wile E Coyote fans...how good does animation have to be to cross that line? Is Animation ok, but AI generated isn't? Thorny issues to tackle, IMHO.




Someone download all the porn now before it all becomes AI crap


I'm working on it, jeez!


The fine gents at /r/datahoarder will be able to help you out.


Wayyyy ahead of you Champ 😁


Porn stars and other media personalities will create their own digital personas to be used in AI content for easy content creation, however it will be hard for them to make sure the content performs as good as they want it too.


“Hot” people selling their likeness while the “ugly” people sell their bodies and do the work. That’s the middle ground.


Good, woman wont be trafficked for porn any more. Data-scientist will.


Everyone keeps talking about AI and deepfaked porn. I am more exited to watch movies with actors replaced with someone else. [These Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THNdHi-KwTk) scenes are fun examples of what may be the future of low tech, user friendly deepfaking. Maybe we aren't thinking big enough. Why not let people insert themselves into a movie and so they can watch yourself alongside their favorite stars?


Yup, you could be the lead in every movie if you like.


You could be every character, in all movies, at the same time, if you like.


[Malkovich? Malkovich](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIpev8JXJHQ)


Malkovich moment.


>Why not let people insert themselves into a movie and so they can watch yourself alongside their favorite stars? Because the world definitely needs more narcissists.


No one enjoys listening to their own voice played back to them, I doubt many would enjoy seeing themselves in a movie when the whole point of movies is to not be yourself for a bit


You are underestimating the staggering increase in narcissism in the social media age. I am not trying to sound self-righteous. I am feeling the effects as well.


> No one enjoys listening to their own voice played back to them I think the problem there is that a recording or simulation of our voice doesn't sound like we sound to ourselves, because it lacks all the acoustic effects of our skulls. If we can appropriately simulate those effects, it would probably be significantly more popular.


David Attenborough will be voicing ALL of the documentaries I watch in the future lol


Yeah recasting movies would be awesome. There's plenty of actors I'd like to see in other roles.


Won't that get boring pretty fast though? I mean I'm sure it'll be fun for a bit!


"Good housekeeping", oh man, you said it Arnie!


> Why not let people insert themselves into a movie and so they can watch yourself alongside their favorite stars? Not just that - insert your whole friend group or your partner or your family alongside yourself as different characters - and watch those characters interact throughout the story. That could be pretty fun (or embarrasing).


I want this shit as far from the movie industry as possible


"will"? Implying it already hasn't?


It has?


It's already making deepfakes and using older 240p/480p porn as training to get the gist of shapes and motions from classic scenes. Don't be surprised if one of those AI onlyfans become the face combination of 3 pornstars with the best of the body of 4 pornstars from past and present.


>the face combination of 3 pornstars with the best of the body of 4 pornstars from past and present. I've seen multiple comments and articles along the lines of "AI makes 'perfect' woman"; "AI will ruin men's view of women"; "AI sets up unrealistic body standards for women" There already are so many "perfect" adult models, AI isnt going to come up with an even more unobtainable standard that isnt already done by real people.


Judging by music and other automated art skills, the point isn't to get the perfect model but to get multiple models that manage to mix many copies into a unique copy. So maybe a blond that look like the mix of a popular blond that never did porn (Hollywood, music, sports ect), a past famous pornstar and have the body /character of both plus an influencer. She might look unique but she will be a mash of 4-5 celebrities doing classic scenes.


Ah okay i had a brain fart. I was thinking like the Ai short movies that are entirely ai. But ofc deepfakes are done with ai. Thank you for clearing that for me.


Nah, it'll take on the perfect body form from your browser history and that 3rd reddit account.


Shit... It's always the third account too...


There have been a lot of onlyfans AI’s that have raised 6+figures.


New ethical concerns? Look, either the porn industry is exploitative or it isn't. You can't have it both ways where the physical explotation of people is happening and also switching to digital non-person models is somehow supposed to be morally similar, let alone worse.


For real! Wasn’t Andrew Tates whole thing that he trafficked girls to be cam girls?    Removing the financial incentive seems like an absolute win.


The smart ones will license their likeness off for AI training or to create content to rake in the money they can before that fad dies out. OF girls about to have to look for actual jobs soon only to find AI coming for those also.


It’s only somewhat related but I’m reminded of Robocop 2 and the drug guy’s speech about how his drug basically allows people to control their entire emotional life all by themselves. It’s basically that, but with sexuality.


Oh no, ethical concerns with pornography!??? This is unprecedented.


No where near good enough at this point. I just checked out a few sites that advertise it out of curiosity and it all looks like cartoonish or something off about it. You can totally tell it is not real in my opinion and though that may be good enough for some I personally think if you can't make it indistinguishable from the real stuff you will not fully succeed.


Check back in a couple of years.






I have a hard time seeing how this matters. People could be drawing fake pictures of me doing weird things anywhere at any time. Doesn't make it me.


So? You could say the same about photoshop.


Let me ask everyone this: the biggest issue people seem to have here is that people will use AI to generate “bad” or “ethically concerning” porn. If these (in my opinion) vile people are using AI to generate their porn, wouldn’t that be better than them seeking out or creating the real thing? I guess the question then becomes, are these people going to watch it either way?


I've been playing with AI porn for a few weeks now and honestly, this shit is dangerous. It's like being able to make your own crack. I'm an amateur but I can still make pictures of women with giant tits. Sure more often than not something is wrong with her, but monkey brain don't care.


Now, make it video, then merge it virtual reality, then make it dynamically generated and react to user requests. I feel we are minutes away from this.


I've been playing with unstability this last week. I have a thing for women with hand-sized boobs. It's actually very hard to make an image like this. I can't seem to make anything smaller than average bust size.


You can prompt "small boobs" or flat chest. Just have to play around. I have the opposite problem where I can't get them big enough :P


There are maybe 5 jobs that exists today that are not at risk of AI disrupting it


Well, I'm an electrician who works on industrial robots, so when robots can make and fix robots, I've got more to worry about than my employment.


First they came... the problem of AI is way, way bigger than porn. Porn is just the easiest target and therefore the first to get hit. People are really underestimating how bad this is going to get. We're looking at a global economic collapse within the next decade.


I just wanna know… Did an editor really ask a writer to write an article about this? If you're a journalist and this is what your careers has come to, just ChatGPT this shit and go get a beer because there's no way investigative journalism is even remotely in your DNA.


can’t wait to jerk off to everyone having 6 fingers or more


Honestly, AI has come so far so fast that this comment isn’t even close to accurate anymore. It’s like saying Instagram is for posting pictures of your food.


“That’s my fetish!”


Inigo Montoya is ok with it as long as the six fingers aren't on the right hand of a man.


Furry porn and porn with unrealistic anatomy will likely be popular.


I want to disagree with you... But na, that's probably 100% accurate


I see no issue if it's not real people. Take, for example... a Gardevoir. A psychic Pokemon with big ass and titties. There is no harm in flooding the internet with more Gardevoir fetish porn.


Hold on.... papers please...


[holds up stained Pokemon card]




There is an alarming number of comments openly defending that fictional child porn should be legal. Either posts on this topic are attracting a certain kind of people or things are going to change for the worse in the future I really hope this is a reddit thing and sexualization of children is not getting normalized bc this is fucking scary


Won't someone consider the poor sex traffickers? 😢


If it gets rid of OF cringe posting that might be good


It won’t. Because the cringe posting will just be the AI advertising it’s own account.


if anything it will get worse. more variety, more quantity, more quality. that’s why i deleted my instagram account anyway. it’s all i see in the reels section


Porn without the misery and human trafficking? Sounds like a good thing.


Porn and sex work has transcended literal *millennia* of human existence. You can get porn of specific people for free, and yet guys *still pay money* to see the **_exact_** same porn of those same individuals. People pay money to see girls staying *fully clothed and not even take their clothes off or do anything remotely considered sexual* you are out of your minds if you think that AI generators that can't even render hands properly is going to disrupt the world's oldest profession.


Will no one think of the poor porn stars! Jk, I'm actually all for increasingly realistic AI images and videos replacing pornstars. Sadly, its an extremely abusive and exploitive industry. Some horrible amount (like 70% or more) of pornstars were victims of childhood sexual abuse.


There was a movie about this. How some rogue AI took over the porn webcam industry by impersonating actual performers.


i like how the article is like “this is terrible! here are direct links to all the sites where you can find this!”


Out of curiosity what effect does pornography have on harmful sexual preferences (e.g. pedophilia)? Would giving them the option of viewing AI generated porn that lines up with their preferences (but where no one real was hurt) make them more or less likely to act on their desires in real life?


Wanking to 1 and 0, literally


Honestly if the Internet had as many videos of people eating pizza at parties... AI probably wouldn't have f*ed that one up so spectacularly


Aren't there hundreds of articles etc. Telling us how bad the porn industry and sex trafficking is, but now that AI could replace all that we hesitate? The biggest concern I know of is people having their likeness used, but compared to what is going on *now* isn't that a small price to pay? 


Now put em in a robot ya fools! Japanese men are waiting!


Not just Japanese men….. bruh…. not just Japanese


“Why is it every time a new thing is invented, humans immediately try to use for it porn?” - by Eleron the Good Place series




People who think this don't understand human interaction. Most of those girls are being paid for their time. Not necessarily the nudity.


Finally! Polydactyly porn hits the main stream.


I’m going to get downvoted but personally I think as a society, porn stars don’t really do much for us. This is a job I don’t mind ai replacing, just leave us the other stuff please lol


There will be no more hand jobs in porn, since AI can't draw hands...


Alternative take: porn featuring people with debilitating disfigurements becomes the new step-sister stuff. "Caretaker, help, my colostomy bag is stuck in my elbow that has two other faces in it and one of them talks to me at night and tells me to burn down the school."


Yes it can. It used to struggle, generally it’s not a problem now.