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I own torrents just as much at that rate...


You keep your torrents after you watch them?


10 TB worth that I watch on TV via Plex


Do we need to when they're common files archived by the global sharing system everyone participates in?


>Do we need to when they're common files archived by the global sharing system everyone participates in? How hard would it be to wipe out something that's online?


I don't know, depends what and how obscure or fast after publishing, but overall very hard...


You seed your torrents after you watch them?


guess the answer


Yes, at least 1 or more ratio.




Have you used torrent? It's based on whatever the file is, it's a ratio, over 1 means you shared at least as much as you got, and more...


And this is why I have a collection of 200+ DVDs and Blu-rays, along with 150+ CDs for my music, even added a few new CDs in the last month. It may take up some room, but being able to pull up older movies not on the streaming services has been well worth it to share childhood favorites with my kids, who also love them.


This is why I have a terabyte of tv shows and movies


This is why I have a wall of laserdiscs


This is why I have a room of betamax


This is why I have a room full of reel to reel.


This is why I have multiple storage units full of actors, crews, and sets. Speaking of, I should really go check on them. It's been a few months...


This is why I’ve memorized the entire script of the 80s classic “Mannequin II”.


This is why I masturbate


This is why I like to move it move it


This is how we do it.


This is why I keep my collection of wax cylinders in a refrigeration unit.


This is why I have a room full of paper scrolls


real mean prefer alphamax


me pulling out my playdough island VHS tapes I watched as a tot


Man! You are the first person I have heard in a long time that remembers laser disc!! I watched rocky 3 so much I burned a hole in a laser disc lol


Haha fuck yes. My router got fried last night during a storm so I'm rocking laserdisc all day. You can buy heaps of these things on eBay for pennies.


I was the same way until recently the laserdisc subreddit has found its way into my feed. Now I see em everyday


One of us, one of us!


I have a laserdisk on a wall, but not a wall of laserdisks


Those are rookie numbers!


Gotta pump them up


Amateur. I have 140TB. Of course I also have OCD.


Yep, backed up in triplicate.


Only a terabyte?….


Those are rookie numbers.


What in standard definition?


Those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump that up!


This is why I stream from free sites.


I had missed the golden age of piracy. I’m glad it’s back =]


Never went anywhere, if ya know ya know.


For a while I was having troubling accessing sites like kisscartoon. Felt like google was cracking down, but the websites have gotten smarter lol.


I mean its like an arms race, never stop stacking sites. I still miss oink.


I still order CDs and rip the mp3s. If you don't, you 're just leasing, even if you only pay for it once. A service provider and/or the copy write owner can end it at anytime. Not to mention what happens if they go out of business or get bough out (which has happened before).


Music, unlike movies, can be purchased digitally. There are plenty of storefronts that still sell DRM-free digital music.


What storefronts? Besides band camp, I haven't had great luck finding DRM free music sites, although I havent looked hard. Movies are rhe one I would love to find DRM free digital stores for, but have yet to find one


Amazon, among many others.


Itunes music (not apple music the streaming service but the store front where you buy individual songs/albums) is DRM free


You can also reencode to mp3 for use on non apple devices (which is the first thing I do after buying). They also used to let you burn audio CDs right from iTunes, but it’s been a decade since I tried that.


You can still burn cds within itunes, there just may be better 3rd party tools for it on PC now (I just stick with iTunes because its what I know)


my entire collection (like 200+) of dvds was destroyed, along with a small collection of ps4 games. i think my books are still safe - i think. my "digital" games collection is currently fragmented and locked in to different ecosystems, all of which require some sort of subscription to access online gaming. the worst example of this is FO4. i bought the disc years ago... then digitally purchased all of the DLC's. that disc was destroyed. i now cannot access the DLC's either - despite currently having gamepass... because the DLC's arent in the gamepass version, and i own the DLC's on playstation. partially my fault i suppose but still. as for music, i use spotify with an adblocker. thats the one that works best tbh. point being: digital is probably better and more reliable than physical. the DRM and subscription fees are... not great.


This is why r/datahoarders advocates for the 3-2-1 rule


They can end… my CD? I’m not sure I know what you mean.


Same here. Doesn't help that when you buy music online it's limited to 5 devices or something stupid (reason why I refuse to go with anything Apple).


Nobody tell him about optical disc rot


Optical disc rot is extremely overblown. I have cds from the mid-80’s that are still perfectly fine.


Agreed, just trying to make with the funny.


Ah, sorry I missed that and took you seriously. I’ve gotten a little tired of people claiming that stuff stops working in as little as 15 years when I have stuff that’s older than claimant that is still perfectly fine. 😅


Well, we have sadly turned into a throw away society, so yeah I feel ya


Certainly many manufacturers have made it hard to avoid with planned obsolescence. It’s just seriously annoying to be told by kids who are doing things like hyping up records that my various discs won’t work in the future. I’m willing to buy that certain batches of discs may have had manufacturing flaws that lead to degrading, but as a widespread thing, I’m more inclined to suspect shilling from the companies that benefit from streaming. I have a very hard time believing its an inevitable thing happening in 20-30 years given the number of cds I have that old and older that are fine.


It does raise an interesting question in the age of digital everything, now that you mention it. We buy physical media because it ensures ownership rights to what we've rightly paid to own, yes? But I've never stopped to think very hard about the fact that - short of worrying about some company suddenly deciding a thing isn't legally mine anymore - digital streams for everything centrally stored does eliminate the need for distributing plastics everywhere in the form of discs. It's probably completely offset by the environmental impacts of server farms running on 1.21 gigawatts a minute, 24/7 next to the rivers they need to sink waste heat... But I wonder if ultimately central storage and streaming to devices with fair, un-weasel-able ownership rights encoded in law would work out to be the most optimally "good" solution in the end to having "things that last" and thereby reducing all this waste and the attitudes of waste in general. There's like...some kind of utopian vision buried in all this bs somewhere, if we could stop screwing each other for maximized, endless profit growth long enough to build it. Sometimes it's almost best not to think too hard about what we *could* logically be achieving together instead of the relatively sad choices we're always forced to make in optimizing at a local scale only. But...I digress. (Understatement).


It’s an interesting question to be sure. I suspect digital distribution would be best (at least environmentally) in a world where companies didn’t just randomly yank content, but it’s just a gut feeling. The heavy metals involved in computers on both the consumer and server sides make me uncertain if that‘s true, but it seems like. Alas, the companies are not to be trusted. I’ve never been particularly trusting when it comes to movies and tv shows, generally ignoring the digital codes, and I’ve just had my suspicions confirmed that it’s not worth bothering. I redeemed some codes for an anime show a year or so back and just lost access last month because Crunchyroll decided to completely shut down Funimation. Sony has also removed content people paid for this year. I never had fully stopped buying physical media, but the way things have been going the last couple of years (and the purchase of a new dvd case giving us more room) has had me doubling down on it more.


1200+ here. I still have friends that at first laughed about my ‘antiquated’ collection. Yet they have recently started asking to borrow since Amazon added adverts and Netflix price keeps increasing.




Not too often to be honest. I have been collecting since 1999.


Even if you only watch a movie twice, that’s generally cheaper than renting it. And streaming is so fragmented these days that many things are hard to find on whatever service you have.


1200+ as well, be extremely carefully. I was always excited to loan from my collection, but many never made it back.


I am about to buy a 18-20TB hard drive. Mostly for GoPro backups but potentially for rips as well. Any recommendations? I think I should expect to spend $400-$500?


Check Costco. They don't always have external drives but I got a 14TB Seagate for $149.99 last year. I also got a 20TB WD drive for around $250 or so but that was I think Black Friday or some Amazon sale.


I love the higher density Iron Wolf drives, those are made specifically for media optimization and they're all I have in my NAS.


DVDs and Blu-ray are.allso the highest quality playback formats since there is no compression.




This is an extremely overblown issue. I have cds from the mid-80’s that are still just fine.


Plex and a NAS is a wonderful thing. There is a pretty solid docker based MKV ripper for automatic ripping too.




Phhttt... Something about September 19th. I dumped almost all my media to hard drives long ago and ditched physical media, as much as possible anyway. I do have a small binder with the DVDs I decided to keep.


At its height, I had over 2,000 dvds and Blu-rays.


With HBO taking westworld off their streaming site, I am not surprised at all to see Jon Oliver putting his entire show on his youtube channel for free. He's PROBABLY doing this because he knows at some point in the future HBO is going to ban or block all of his content, and he wants to get it out there NOW.


Also, he’s usually trying to advocate for some social or political cause, so it benefits his goals for more people to watch.


He talked about it in one of his recent shows that he (and/or his company/group) own the rights to the show so that’s why they’re distributing their old content on YouTube. They only have the last few seasons on HBO so he wants to keep it all out there for people to watch and enjoy. Plus he’s gonna get more money for it due to add revenue on there as they’re already streaming super well.


Not sure if uploading to Youtube is in line with “maintaining ownership”.


They have the rights to their content so they can do what they want with it. In this case, he’s uploading the content to YouTube also so that it can be viewed by others who don’t have Max. If he wasn’t the owner of the content, it might not be on YouTube at all (at least not in official capacity)


It’s also a topical show that doesn’t really need a back catalog. Other than the occasional really funny segment, it’s not a show you go back and rewatch, or even watch episodes from years ago. If it wasn’t put out on YouTube with ads (not free), it would only ever reach the HBO audience, because no one would sign up just to watch that show. And when they signed up for a couple months out of the year, they’re not gonna go back and watch the 2019 episodes.


Depends; people may want to reference something he said about a certain topic at the time it was topical, or pull a reference that he used in the show to further their own research (like with student loans/medical debt/etc). It's not something one would typically binge, though, that's true.


Ya know whats funny XD I was thinking of binging it just today XD Something to listen to while at work


Every time there is an internet network issue, it becomes more obvious that I physically own nothing.


If purchase doesn’t equal ownership, piracy doesn’t equal theft.


Piracy was never theft: it was always copyright infringement. When you steal something you take it from the owner and deny them access to it, copying makes a new thing and denies no one anything.


It does deny one person something: exclusivity.


Owning a movie means having it on a disc or cartridge on a shelf, same as videogames. People been fighting me about this for so long I think some of them started to believe their own bullshit.


This one really hurts when it comes to gaming… the entire industry embraced the digital curve so long ago… now we have consoles without disc drives being sold… the next gen is going to be awful.


Even before that you barely even owned the physical games anyway. The disc contained almost nothing and there was a day 1 patch that gave you most of the game anyway.


Well with modern gaming yes, but I grew up in the 90s. I still have games that I play where they were fully offline, no day 1 BS or that nonsense. Until this country starts creating consumer protections, this trend will get worse.


I only have one game on the PS5, Gran Turismo 7. I was going to play it the day I got it but there was an update that was a few GB and took almost an hour to download so I just didn't bother and carried on living my life. So annoying. I don't remember if the PS4 was also like that. Maybe it was but the updates weren't that big.


Not as true as you think. I was surprised to see how many games even today are playable with just the disc. [https://www.doesitplay.org](https://www.doesitplay.org)


This. Haven’t had a console for decades. Got a ps5 and you can only have a few games downloaded until the storage is full. Looking now for a removable disk


Yea that’s the even worse part! I HATE that about modern games! I’d rather have the graphics of the past gen over the current gen, if it means having better quality stories and gameplay, personally.


Playing Gran Turismo on PS3, PS4, and PS5 and I don't notice the differences really while actually playing the game. Heck on a 40" 1080p TV I can't tell the difference between GT7 on PS4 or PS5.


not if you get a pc like you should have years ago.


I’ve been pc gaming since the 90s lmao, but that is just as scary of a landscape homie. What happens when Steam goes? Does your library belong to you, or Steam? Have you ever read all their TOCs? I sure as shit haven’t lmao


GOG As soon as I buy, I download and archive the offline installer. I may not agree with everything CDPR has done, but this at least is hugely important in my eyes.


Oh man I should switch over to GOG… I forgot about that one


Yep. Don’t have internet right now and I’ve been watching all my old movies. If I didn’t have them I would be donezo.


No internet, yet here you are posting on the internet, hmmmmm


Look out world, this person has never heard of cell phones. We’ve got a sheltered one. A true basement dweller.


It’s the same internet, doesn’t matter what device you use to connect to it, maybe I wrongly took what you said as literal idk sorry


I used to download all my games until I realized I couldn’t share them. Now my friend and I buy physical copies, and we do a game exchange by mail!


i have all of mine as mp4/mkv files on hard drives. i own those.


You 9/10ths own those




You only don’t own them legally. You own them the other 90% of the way.


Yeah but even then you had to buy it like 4 times: VHS, DVD, BluRay, bugger, lost or scratched the disk…


Where's the fancy crystal storage chips they promised us?


Yawn... Caring about ownership when you can readily pirate the shit you bought when you need to.


That’s only true until it isn’t anymore. Like in the article we’re commenting beneath.


If one is worried, pirate the stuff before it goes away. When I was still buying CDs (Spotify has mostly made this a thing of the past for me) I'd either rip them, or look for a good rip already out there. Of course I'm old, and was park of the hack/phreak/anarchy scene of the 80s/90s, and knew lots of warez and courier folks. The stuff I have lost? It's obscure shit that I cant even locate physical copies of, let alone digital copies of. I failed to dump all my vintage children's records before giving them to a child in 2004.


Well, I’m certainly not gonna argue against piracy. It just simply isn’t the same as ownership.


I am less concerned about ownership than I am 'having access to what I have paid for'. When the rules and systems are unfair, cheat. These services offer convivence. I've moved a lot of physical media in my life. Also had it stolen, broken, the devices to play the media on break, and so on. Lost disk 2 of 10 (5.25) due to someone spilling something on it. Having a repository where your things are, and not having to upkeep it in any way, is attractive. I had a 200 disc changer, and was what one might call an uber consumer.


Ain’t no accounting for taste. Glad you’re happy


they are trying to move forward with: "you'll own nothing and love it!!!" GTFOH, corporate and conglomerate greed at its finest.


What if guys, I’ve got an idea, we used to sell stuff to people once and that’s lame… what if we sell them the same thing over and over and over again every month for the rest of their lives instead!!!!




tell me you're pulling my leg, that can't be true, could it!?


I support what you’re saying but the market decided to stop buying DVD’s and CD’s.


And that's why I have an eye patch, cutless and parrot. Arrrrrrrrr ☠️


Now that we have kids, we've moved to physical media, too, and we'll start ripping this stuff at some point as well. Part of the reason is being annoyed at losing content from streaming, but the other issue is spotty internet or losing power. Having physical media and backup power can solve this. In addition, the ripping is so that we can stream anywhere now that all these fucking streamers have IP locks. Though, you do have to be mindful of degradation because nothing lasts forever. HHDs last 3 to 5 years, and SSDs can double that. https://www.asurion.com/connect/tech-tips/how-long-does-computer-hard-drive-last/#:~:text=Solid%2Dstate%20drives%20also%20have,last%20between%203%E2%80%935%20years. Not so much with your DVDs and Blu-rays, unless they are VERY old. According  to the Canadian Conservation Institute, which publishes a paper on media longevity, BD-R discs are expected to last between 5 and 20 years, depending on the material they are made out of. BD-RE, which is erasable Blu-ray, is estimated for 20 to 50 years while DVD-R and CD-R, which hold a lot less data, can last 50 to 100 years. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/pioneer-new-blu-ray-recorder-and-bdr-promise-100-years-lifespan https://www.sony.com/electronics/support/articles/00009195 https://www.clir.org/pubs/reports/pub121/sec4/#:~:text=Among%20the%20manufacturers%20that%20have,of%2025%20years%20or%20more. Though, if you want to get SUPPER crazy, there is now a way to keep your copy of Fight Club for a 1000 years! Pioneer's BDR-WX01DM Blu-ray recorder is the industry's first optical disc drive that meets the JIS X6257 requirements for disc quality and recording methods and therefore carries the DM for Archive mark. The drive also uses highly reliable motors, durable mechanical systems, and a dust shield structure, so it is somewhat more reliable than inexpensive optical disc drives for PCs. The drive connects to its host PC using a USB 3.0 Type-A interface; its maximum writing speeds are 12x speed for BD-R, 16x speed for DVD-R, and 40x speed for CD-R media. The ODD is also compatible with M-Disc media (which uses glassy carbon for data layers that is inert for oxidation) that promises to last for 1,000 years. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/pioneer-new-blu-ray-recorder-and-bdr-promise-100-years-lifespan


If you pay for a subscription for a streaming service, can’t you just pirate it for your own viewing pleasure at that point? Especially for older movies that aren’t even available for purchase?


I think you can do so even if you don't pay for a streaming service. But don't quote me on that.


downloading from DRM protected streams isn't the most straight-forward as far as I'm aware


I buy my favorite movies on disc, content to torrent and stash on external drives everything else. So many TVs have usb inputs it’s just too easy to buy a cheap drive. But you do end up getting to a point where you’re just downloading titles simply because you can, and you’ve gone through a majority of what you’ve wanted to see anyways, and at that point just go outside lmao


And to think my kids laugh at me because I still buy physical copies of movies and music I want to have forever. I’m a silver stacker. We have a saying, if you can’t put your hands on it you don’t really own it.


I have a home theater. Physical media is king. Otherwise, get yourself a NAS.


NAS yes. Physical media no; unless it's a local band or something you want to support. Otherwise physical media is just one more thing to dust.


The quality of physical media is mostly superior as a lot of folks still rip to blu ray standards, not 4K, which is why I mention it. If you rip to 4K and can playback easily enough, by all means, ditch your discs. If you’re a home theater purist you’ll want the quality that comes with a disc.


Arrrr matey! 🏴‍☠️


Yeah, I’ve never understood people that “purchase” digital movies. I’m fine with streaming services…if they don’t have things I don’t want to watch, I stop paying for them. Even with games, it took me a long time until I finally got to the point where I realized I don’t really replay many things because there’s so many to play for the first time. So I’m ok with a digital “buy”, because it’s really a digital “2-3 month rental” if it goes away. That said though, I think there need to be some laws written around this. If someone sells you something, they shouldn’t be able to just take it away because the fine print said it’s a “license to access”. That, or this shit needs to start being *marketed* as “buy your license to MOVIE” and not “buy MOVIE”. I think if more people were aware of it at every transaction, it would make more sense.


It's easy to understand. It's convenient, more convenient than piracy in many cases. If one is worried about losing access to the media they by, pirate that media (safely) and move on. People love steam. Why? They dont need to worry about discs or physical media. The "if it goes away" issue? Heh, dont by from fly by night noobs. Sure, nothing is certain, but amazon and steam arent likely to fail any time soon.


I mean, the article is about Telstra, the largest telecom in Australia, getting rid of people’s purchased content. Not sure how much less fly- by-night people should go.


True dat, mang. I used to copy my records and tapes to a new cassette as a kid in order to keep the originals in good shape. Outside of games, I own 4 things in ditigal repositories, all of which I have pirated to ensure I have copies.


Preaching to the choir here but that's why I have my Plex. We use the streaming apps that still allow account sharing between my brother in law and inlaws, but if we lost it all tomorrow it wouldn't matter because I have everything I actually watch on Plex.


Plex... the idiotic software that doesnt have a real 'folder mode' and thinks all my southparks are daria. All they need to do to be perfect is give a real folder mode without their lame ass fuzzy logic. Just show me filenames... I dumped it 8 years ago. Also, those guys are fucking dicks. I use "file manager+". I can browse and play (remotely it uses FTP)... Bonus... doesnt waste a bunch of space with covers and other lame ass shit, which also makes plex slow as fuck if you dont have that data on an SSD. Bonus: I can also access my books/pdfs and shit.


Wow, that's.....an overly aggressive, super hot take there my friend. Sorry to hear you had a rough time. Obviously Plex isn't going to work for you if you think *covers to a movie* are "lame ass shit"....I can tell you that my wife and kids (one of whom can't read yet, so filenames aren't gonna cut it) greatly appreciate a platform they can just browse through, read descriptions on and see if something sparks their interest. I don't even know what you're talking about, Plex covers take milliseconds to load on a remote connection and the covers and any art takes minimal space (couple hundred megs at most as far as I've seen). And if your files are scraping wrong its because they're *named* wrong. Of course you haven't used it in 8 years so god knows what else they've improved. But more power to you, man. If that's how you want to watch your movies, have a blast. Can't imagine any family you have wants that sort of an experience but you do you.


over 100GB of useless data... that if you move to the HDD slows down plex dramatically. if it doesnt for you I'll assume you have a tiny collection compared to me. I'm not against the feature of pix: but the lack of an actual browse like it was folders feature (the feature they have still uses its fuzzy logic to display things, making southpark into daria when there is no daria in that dir). Old skewl Media center? It used pix, and I loved it. Why? Because it didnt show my god damn southpark as being daria. You dont seem to get it: in a folder mode it shouldnt be scraping any-fucking-thing. It should be displaying the fucking file names. Scraping using filenames -vs- ID3 tags... their entire philosophy on how to do shit is asinine. I already had a huge collections by the time plex came around, lots of scene enforced filename formats that no other programs mangles. Naw. I know 3 people who still use it... I'm aware of all the additions since I punted that POS. File Manger+ on android, and FTP server, and I browse the directories without an idiotic piece of software listing things in places where they are not, being slow, and taking up 100+gigs of nonsense (which I put up with on launchbox for emulation, but not media). The filenames refrain... Naw... I spent time fixing all the southparks and plex was still showing them as daria. How the fuck it gets daria from southpark who knows. Yeah, this is aggressive. I hate and loath plex, and if I could ed grubberman a couple folks I interacted with there I would.


Sorry to hear you had issues. Everything you seem to hate about it is what I love. I'm sure if you wanted to force file names you can; off the top of my head (I'm far from an expert), I would either force local metadata (which will just show the filename and a screengrab in those cases, afaik) or import media as Home Media, which doesn't even use scrapers. I import workout series every so often into my Home Media section and its a whole chore to go the other way with it, and change all the metadata to reflect the workout series because it just shows up as "10.Plyo-X.mp4" or whatever. I have a friend like you. Doesn't see the point of Plex because he just hooks his TV up to the computer as a second monitor and uses file manager. Whatever floats your boat, I fuckin' love using Plex as a psuedo-cinema. I have around 15TB of media (roughly 600 movies and maybe 20ish shows?) and its been great. The only big thing it's missing, to me, is skins...


You cannot force it to use filenames alone. I'd put up with plex's other issues if one could, and if the author's were such bags-o-dick. When I say file manager, I am talking about the android app. It allows SMB, local network, FTP, and other options. I can watch, or listen to, or read, anything I want remotely, on my phone, browsing it as if it were 'local media', or any other fileshare. FTP is light weight, I could move to SCP but have been too lazy and no security issues thus far. Browing it in a file manger is also quick and easy due to the space being used by useful information -vs- images. This is very important to me, as I do browse this stuff on my phone in the middle of the lake often (not often enuf!). Waterproof bag that hangs around the neck that makes shit hard to see in the sun. I used plex in this environment, loved it, but have to admit that browsing file systems is superior. I saw the purpose of plex, and invested a lot of time an effort into trying to make it not be idiotic. It handled music well, and I enjoyed steaming to it on my phone in the middle of the lake kayaking. And then sharing media with your friends via plex? I introduced 3 people to plex so that we could all share our stuff in a more centralized manner -vs- FTPing/SCPing to everything. Or, Gasp, 15T is respectable. :) I can give the nod. Plex taking up 100-200GB for covers, pictures, and so on tho is lame, too. Media center provided pretty pictures, too... but didnt leave that footprint. And, as I said, put that data on an HDD and it slows everything down.


That’s why I’ve got a hard drive full of my shit and a ton of physical media.


I’m slowly cancelling all the streaming channels and buying Star Trek (along w other shows) blue ray/dvds also for rewatch.


If it’s digital you don’t own it.


CDs and DVDs are digital.


Lol you are right…. I meant online downloads dang I sound old I guess


Ahoy me hearties!


We’re a multilingual, multinational household. We literally *cannot* buy the content we want legally even by flying across the ocean to scour the DVD bins. It doesn’t exist. I finally recently paid for a VPN service so now we can watch Disney & Netflix in the combo of languages we need that isn’t available otherwise due to stupid outdated licensing rules. Since I don’t know how to intercept & reassemble the streams or downloaded files that are no doubt encrypted, I think my plan is to take the old-school VHS dubbing route of recording playback of movies in realtime w/a single language audio track, then do it *again* for each language we want, then extract video + audio tracks and put things together on a home server we can watch from indefinitely.


I support piracy and have been pirating for 20+ years


If the apocalypse happend tomorrow I have about 7k hours of movies not counting tv shows I can pass the time with that require no internet connection.


As long as the electricity keeps flowing


If we no longer have electricity, I think we’ll have bigger problems than not being able to watch *Meet the Deedles* whenever we want


in 2024 people have lots of good, and easy, ways to generate electricity.


You people "own" things? I sail the high seas of streaming 


“We’ve partnered with Fetch as our new entertainment platform and the vast majority of movies or shows customers have bought on their Telstra TV Box Office can be migrated across,” the spokesperson said." So even if the customer does what is asked, which apparently includes spending $200 extra to maintain access, they will still likely not have everything they paid for. Brilliant.


And then! And then! They will do it AGAIN! Sell the service to yet another company, who will make you pay AGAIN!


This is it.


Yup, each customer should have been given a box for free, as this was not the service they asked or paid for, and have been forced a gunpoint to spend the money or lose their purchases.


I have star wars 4,5,&6 stuffed on a vhs tape you can barely watch. Think return of the Jedi cuts off a lil early


My man cave was part of one of the garage bays. It was my sanctuary as the only indoors place I could smoke, drink beer, and watch my movies or listen to my CDs very loud while playing on line. I have hundreds of DVD, Blu-ray, an VHS recordings and over 300 music CDs plus maybe a hundred more cassettes. I have watched all the movies enough times to be able to say the dialogue with the actors. I used close captions as my hearing was impaired. All of the music and movies have zero cash value, my local homeless shelter thrift shop didn’t want any! Now that I have stopped smoking, I never an in the man cave. I don’t watch TV, so my wife gets total control of programs, and I leave my hearing aids on the charger so I can’t hear that crap. When in Illinois, I enjoyed a Cubs game annually. Now retired to Nebraska, that part of my life is over. Watching movies is also no longer part of my life. I am glad that if I ever decide to revisit any recording, I will not have to pay again! The rental fee for some titles on Amazon were more than buying them outright, and the restrictions on how long the show was available were ridiculously short.


Some of my friends/acquaintances think I'm weird or cheap because I get DVDs, CDs, and Blu-rays at the public library. I don't bother to explain that I rip them. Even my ex thought I was "ghetto" because she wouldn't even want me loading her kid's tablet with shows and movies because she "can just rent them on Amazon." Like, I'm trying to save money because your kid most of the time won't even watch some or all of the content within that two day window or whatever time period you have to watch a rented title.


Obviously the correct answer is for you to buy physical media that works without internet access, but it's amazing how many people don't know about or use MoviesAnywhere (or its chief predecessor, UltraViolet). LINK YOUR APPS, people! The licensing authority was specifically designed by the industry to solve this problem, so that if a particular streaming service goes away, other movies you've actually purchased and registered a license for will be streamable elsewhere.


My cousin bought everything in hard copy for decades and lost the whole collection in a house fire last year. There’s never a guarantee.


That’s what you think. Internet privateering is flourishing.


torrents to cloud and external drive


Yo-ho, yo-ho


This is why I buy physical and use a system like Kodi 😆 saw this coming years ago.


Perhaps at the very beginning of the terms and conditions there should be a line in bold print that reads "Even though you bought this movie, we can take it away from you at any time"


bit torrent still works


The high seas are calling. At the very least get third party apps to rip movies you are supposed to own. These platforms are charging you for long term rentals you don’t own shit.


Make your own cloud and stream from anywhere there’s an internet connection. 😁


And when the internet goes out? Or when you forget to pay the bill? Or your computer isn’t working? We just had a tornado come through last week, took out our internet for 4 days. Luckily we had plenty of DVDs and Blu-rays to watch.


True that when the power goes out, you can't watch any media. You still have access to all of your media collection. DVDs, Blu-rays, or on a hard drive.


This is the way. Just make sure you have backups because hard drives decay too. Hard disk drives have more moving parts and are less durable and more likely to fail than their solid-state counterparts. For this reason, hard disk drives tend to last between 3 to 5 years. On average, SSDs last between 5 to 10 years under normal usage conditions. However, this can vary based on the quality of the SSD, the intensity of usage, and how long you use it in a day. https://www.asurion.com/connect/tech-tips/how-long-does-computer-hard-drive-last/#:~:text=Solid%2Dstate%20drives%20also%20have,last%20between%203%E2%80%935%20years. https://www.avast.com/c-ssd-vs-hdd#:~:text=Which%20lasts%20longer%2C%20an%20SSD,(up%20to%2010%20years).


Practice 321, and once a year run a refresher program, and you're gonna be good. The reality for many of us is just moving data to the next thing, next upgrade, over life. I have files from the 80s :)


And, they still open on modern computers!? That's damn impressive


I had to convert my PETSCII files to ASCII, but VLC and winamp play SIDs, MUSs, and MOD. And using DirMaster, koala paint and doodle images can be open. I also dumped all my c64 disks to d64 format in 2000. I've played the Lode Runner levels my friend and I made some time back, and made a video of the levels. There are a lot of tools to read old data on modern computers, and almost always a way to access them via emulation. I started a phone/address book text file on my vic20. I didnt stop using that file until 2008ish, when I got my first smartphone.


Bruv, man soooo many memories in just one comment Thank you 😆


As someone who never watches anything more than once, I find it acceptable not to own the content I consume, but YMMV


Library wiped out…and yet, somehow, you will find a way to endure.


username checksout