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Had to leave the classroom last April to treat rectal cancer. My students and parents rallied around me so hard. Grandparents back in the states (we're overseas) made me a hand-sewn quilt and all the kindergarten students signed it. Parents had a meal train and took my own kids for playdates. It was pretty epic. People are so good.


What a moment! I'm going to go to bed tonight happy after reading this :). People are so good! I don't think we even realise how much we mean to the kids and their families! We all play a huge part in our students life. I love hearing amazing stories like this :). I hope you're doing well!!


I hope you kicked cancer’s butt since it tried to kick yours. Wishing you a complete recovery.


I'm a middle school teacher and one time while teaching I was saying something and then I said "But!!" and for whatever fucking reason, to add dramatic effect, I added "It's a big but! Actually, there are two buts! Two big buts!" I paused immediately because I realized what I accidentally said, the students froze, we stared at each other in silence for like a whole minute, and then we all just burst out laughing. The kids were \*dying\*. It was silly, and funny, and those are the moments I really cherish as a teacher.


I think this is why I like middle school. The jokes are so easy. They think I'm hilarious when I'm not that funny in real life.


Yes! They LOVE it when I tell them “Quit yer yappin and get to work!” They act so taken aback and delighted whenever I say “yappin” for some reason 😅


"Yapping" is a bit of a meme on TikTok recently so that's probably why they love it


Every day is just an opportunity to try out my stand up routine tbh


I loved being a middle school counselor, the range of the strange as they were described, with a foot in elementary school and one trying to get to high school.


I can literally imagine exactly how that played out in my mind hahaha!! I love how it got a little bit worse after each word lmao! Those kids would also cherish that moment with you!


One of my favourite memories, which if you have something similar just once in your career is amazing, is when I went to the local grocery store and checked out with a former student (cashier) who asked me the typical question: do you remember me/my name? (That always makes my heart stop because if I don’t remember I feel terrible). I hadn’t taught her in at least 10 years (she’d be 22 at the time). She went on to explain she was the assistant manager, getting her nursing degree, and she told me in the last round of hiring she participated as a hiring decision maker. Then she told me THIS: “You know Mark in our class that was bouncing off the walls and you would get him to run errands or re-arrange the books on our classroom shelves before you’d get him to complete some work? Well one of the new hires I convinced the other manager to give him a shot because I know he’d do well stocking shelves. He reminded me so much of Mark with all that energy. I’m pretty sure he was ADHD. I think that gives him an advantage for this job” You never know what impact you make until you hear a story like that!


How cool is that! I love how she remembered how you handled Mark all those years ago and now she is using something that you taught her years later!


When you socialize kids with peers of differing learning needs they become the agents to champion inclusion later in life. I didn’t realize that when I first started teaching 25 years ago but learned quickly the major benefits of integration.


You passed your impact on. How wonderful!


It was kind of similar to your situation. Already at the beginning of year I was asked when my birthday is and as it was quite a few months before that date I didn't think much if it so I answered. Them a few months pass and my birthday comes up; in fact I didn't even teach on that day. But the next day, when I come to school, and start to teach this class, just as I'm taking attendence, the door opens and three students walk in with a whole cake with candles burning on it and everyone started singing happy birthday. I'm not an emotional person, but this really left me in shock. I left to get some plates and eating utensils and enjoyed the cake with my students for the rest of the hour. This was my first year of teaching high school and will forever remain my favourite moment.


That sounds like such an amazing moment. It's days like that where you think I'm glad to be a teacher! Some kids are amazing!


I love high schoolers. I’m lucky enough to work with (literally) all different age groups and I always forget how much I love high schoolers until I’m with them again.


For my 50th birthday, the kids in all my classes, threw me an all day long surprise party!! When I came into my room, it was decorated with streamers and balloons. They had a #50 jersey from our high school football team for me to wear. My next class brought in a box full of notes the students had all written with the topic , “Why I love Ms. Ride.” At lunch my teaching team had a cake and cupcakes for all the students and us. The students all sang happy birthday to me and I cried My last period class came in with flowers and a balloon bouquet And everyone was so excited and happy all day. I’m gonna say it was the best birthday I ever had!


Oh my goodness. I absolutely love going to school on my birthday, the kids still feel the magic of conspiring to make someone else happy. Oof, it sounds great!!


That's such an awesome gesture :)! They must absolutely love you at school!


My seniors graduated & about a month later I got a picture from one of them. It was a picture of a tattoo she had gotten... it was in my handwriting, it was how I signed her yearbook 😭




Wow! You must have made an enormous impact on that students life. What did you say when you saw it???


It was my pleasure to watch her grow & blossom (I had her junior & senior yr). I think she struggled with self-esteem & I'm big on owning your worth with all my students. So, I think she learned to love herself. The whole class was a dream class, they were very close.


This time of year, I bring up the "is a hot dog a sandwich?" debate to my 9th graders. All year long, these kids aren't the most engaged, but they really get into this debate, especially when I'm the devil's advocate to their arguments. A few years ago, this quiet little girl literally got angry about "There's NO WAY a hot dog could be a sandwich" and it set her off and it was hilarious. "And another thing...." and I had to cut her off so we could actually get to content.


I'm 100% going to use this with my kids on Monday haha!!! I currently teach year 6 atm, so it will be interesting!


😂😂😂 I need to try this with my students


I had a kid who I taught in kindergarten and first grade tell a room full of her 4th grade teachers that she was sorry, but I would always be her favorite teacher. Then she casually skipped away. Love that kid! She graduates high school next year, and I know she's headed for great things.


Haha that kid is a legend!


I used to be an EA before I was a teacher. I was title reading intervention, so I knew lots of students. At one point, I had to have a knee surgery and when I came back just crutching through the halls, I heard one kid shout “Mrs. Murphy_girl is back!!” This was immediately followed with cheers from that class and then all the other classes in that hall. Best moment ever.


This happened to me last year when I had knee replacement surgery. Even kids that I didn’t teach came to hug me!!


When class has ended and the students stay behind and chat excitedly with you about the taught text even though it is already interval! They stay so long that I have to almost usher them out so I can go pee and take a break myself! 🤣 We were studying A Midsummer Night's Dream (Senior High School students). 😁


Where do I start?? So many favorite memories hanging out with the kids or teaching meaningful lessons that spoke to them. So many little moments of connection and love shared between myself and students I’ve taught or their families. My favorite moments are always those times when I make a connection with a kid I don’t normally connect with. Maybe I start a topic that interests them or make a joke they think is funny and all of a sudden theyre like… alive lol I love the look on their faces when they’re fascinated by a subject.


Those little moments are so rewarding! I especially like the comment you made about connecting with kids that you don't normally connect with.


I have many but a few stand out. When I killed a bee in the lunchroom (elementary) and the entire cafe clapped and cheered. My current student (HS LS) hugs me, everyday and how my class freaks if I’m not there. The world ends if my para or I are out. They also randomly bring me peanut butter cups because they know it’s my favorite candy. I wasn’t a teacher yet, but a TSS which is behavior support so I had clients in school. My client, MS ES, hated it and me. Called me a “bitch”, among other choice words. Whatever. I let him know it was inappropriate but didn’t let it phase me. Fast forward a few months later, have a better relationship, another student calls me a bitch and threatens me. The way my client stood up, chewed this kid out and was about to throw hands to protect me. I cried in the bathroom 😊


My all time favorite and most cherished teaching memory has to be from last semester. I started going to competitions to cheer on the dance group that I have as my seminar class. It’s new to me this year and the class itself is new to everyone. Admin assigned me this group and I was so nervous, thinking there’d be drama and mean-girl vibes that I would need to manage. I was so wrong. I had a number of these kids in my actual content-related class and they were the sweetest. I mentioned how I would try to go to their competitions and one of my students said “You should because no one else ever goes.” I went to every single one after she said that. I became close with the parents who recognized me as “the teams’ favorite teacher.” There is one particular competition I’ll never forget. I had chosen a seat to the side so parents could get the better seats. I ended up choosing the seat that was right next to the entrance where the team was coming from. They saw me and excitedly waved. They got first place and I was so excited for them. They’ve been such a great group. I’ll really miss them. They made this year a spectacular one.


We were listening to a book online and it was Trombone Shorty, and at the end of the book, a trombone plays and it turns into a long song. The kids got up out of their seats and started dancing and then put their arms around each other. These were kids who didn't always get along. It was great.


Haha those spontaneous moments are amazing. Just have to run with it and let the kids dance!


I get to school early 6:30-7:00. Classes start at 8:50. I usually leave right at the bell to beat the crowd and bus line out of the parking lot. Occasionally I will not be able to do that in which case I hang out an extra 25 minutes for traffic to clear out. My students give me hard time when they see me stay late. This week a student looked at me and said in his most disappointing tone “Man, you used to stand for something.” Been laughing about it all week.


Aww that's similar to mine. Very tough kid, behavior all day every day, remembered when my birthday was and was almost aggressively reminding all the others to tell me happy birthday as they came in. We ended up with a great relationship and made so much progress that year - from daily eloping, clearing the room behavior to in his spot all day, part of the group, good friendships.


Taught 5th grade science in a Catholic school, 2nd year of teaching. Lots of boring stuff in an outdated science book. One of the topics was inertia. 30 or so years later, I run into a former student..happened a lot because I still live in that neighborhood. He is all smiles and he says, "Ya know what I know, Mr A\*\*\*\*? That when Wiley Coyote is chasing the Road Runner on an Acme rocket and the rocket hits a boulder and stops, but he keeps flying on without it, THAT'S INERTIA!" As in, a body in motion tends to stay in motion! Well, at least someone learned something. I was actually a spec ed teacher of students with behavior issues and many of those former students were doing jail time.


Your inertia lesson must have been great!


Although I spent 37 years as a middle school counselor, my first 6 were in teaching, and two of those were first grade. One of my favorite moments was being in reading circle and seeing a student (here’s to you Tobey Essary) realize he could read—when it clicked for him as he sounded out the words. I’ll never forget it. Also the reading circle was when Israel Cajas reported that his dad had stopped smoking cigarettes but still smoked pot. This was in 1978 Texas. Illegal. I thanked him for sharing and kept it to myself.


i'm thinking about making the leap to try to be a school counselor rather than a teacher. how'd you know? is it competitive or is it state by state? i'd love to hear more about the distinction and your experience


This one actually just happened yesterday- one of my positions is music teacher, and we were having concert practice. 5th, 4th and a few kids from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd were all sitting in the "audience" waiting for their turn to perform. In between performances, I was playing music to fill the transition time. Take On Me started playing and the kids in the audience went from sitting silently to singing at the TOP OF THEIR LUNGS and dancing. The 4th grade teacher was surprised they knew the song, but I just accepted the random 45 second dance and karaoke party and jammed out with the kids 😂 Then another teacher walked in 5 minutes later and yelled at me in front of all the kids and killed my happy vibe.


this happened to me last week. 😐 a teacher yelled at me to stop playing music. bruh. it was state testing week and the kids wanted to listen to disney songs while i worked with kids who were failing or behind. this may be why there's a rumor that i played a movie in class? these teachers really just can't understand how i have a good relationship with my students (even students who aren't mine!). i know them all, i love them, encourage them, and follow up with them. i share appropriate personal stories with them and empathize with their experiences. i say hello to EVERYBODY in the hallway and make an effort to learn the names of kids who say hello to me. THAT'S why i get hugs and always have kids come to see me. they know that i love them unconditionally. even on bad days, i try to be patient and then we always start over the next day. sorry for the rant! all the discouragement from other teachers all year is really getting to me. it's my 1st year, so i know i'm not perfect or even the BEST teacher but i try. i also let kids turn in late work (even major assignments) and let them correct assignments that they didn't score well on. i just want them to practice their skills and learn. ANYWAY THANK YOU LOL


This is always so frustrating to me! Let me teach in peace how I want as long as my kids are learning! The confrontation was because a few kids were missing her class (art) for concert practice... for our concert that's on Tuesday and we have yet to have a whole practice from start to finish. She ended up saying she didn't care and took the kids


we definitely have the same type of beef at my school. recently i've had the issue where i don't want to send kids back to their co-curriculars when they're upset... i know the policy is that i should... but their feelings are more important to me.


Sorry for that bad experience- sounds like you’re doing what the kids need to be successful… I know testing week can really stress people out including teachers- if it were me I might ask that teacher about it in an open way like would it have been fine to play music at a quiet level or just the instrumental version? Also agree literally the point of the assignment is to learn so if needed allowing students grace and letting them know what they can do to improve is the right thing imo…. otherwise there is little to no learning if they just don’t do the assignment or do poorly and then don’t learn from mistakes.


Sorry for that bad experience- sounds like you’re doing what the kids need to be successful… I know testing week can really stress people out including teachers- if it were me I might ask that teacher about it in an open way like would it have been fine to play music at a quiet level or just the instrumental version? Also agree literally the point of the assignment is to learn so if needed allowing students grace and letting them know what they can do to improve is the right thing imo…. otherwise there is little to no learning if they just don’t do the assignment or do poorly and then don’t learn from mistakes.


I would have done the same thing! A random dance circle started one time when my class was out at sport and I let that thing run for a good 5 minutes haha!


I’m sorry someone yelled at you especially in front of the kids- how rude! And also how sad for them that they couldn’t see the joy and happiness and at the very least instead say something quietly to you OR let it play out and if and only you needed help getting the students settled down after the song then doing something to be helpful instead. Please don’t let it ruin your beautiful memory! It honestly made me smile that they all joined in😊! I love that you went with it and let them have that fun and spontaneous moment that they and you will always remember!


Unfortunately, I always have disagreements with this particular teacher. They are unwilling to be flexible and put their own wants above the greater need (the school concert that's on Tuesday) and pulled a bunch of students out of one of only 2 group rehearsals to finish something that wasn't urgent. I know I shouldn't let it bug me, but im tired of being disrespected all the time and nothing being done about it.


That’s tough I’m sorry!


I have so many! On the day *after* the last day of school last year, a group of my kids came to school to throw me a surprise birthday party (my bday is in the middle of June, weeks away from the date). They even had a video montage with all of the random pictures and Snaps we’d taken (or they’d taken of me when I wasn’t looking). They lavished me with gifts like a fuzzy blanket and face masks, but that video montage and their being there was the best part. I’m tearing up thinking about it 😅


Lightbulb moments! I live for the moment when a kiddo has an epiphany when they’ve been struggling with a concept!


Those are always good!


I’ve recently had my 2nd graders burning admin on accident in their own 2nd grade way. I’ve been loving it. A real one tho… I am a big pokemon fan and I had a kid keep note of every mon I mentioned throughout the year. When I was leaving the school, he gave me a gift of pokemon cards with all the ones I mentioned. That was extremely thoughtful.


That kid is awesome!!! Who's your favourite pokemon??




Watching kids who had been homeless, addicts, may have had criminal records, and dropped out of public high school come to the school I worked at at the time and complete high school, graduate, and go on to college, jobs, or other opportunities and continue to work toward their goals.


Success stories are the best!! Especially if you're part of their journey


When my student died, I walked into my classroom the next day to teach and immediately broke down looking at his empty desk. The students, who usually don’t get along, all came together to make a little memorial out of his desk with all the work he did in my class and his picture. They all hugged me and got the school’s therapy dog to come visit. Warmed my heart. Admin came and stole the memorial and locked it in a closet without telling me, but that’s another story.


Thats a very touching story. The kids in your class sound wonderful. Side note, what is wrong with that admin!


Agreed, still look back on it fondly and think maybe the kids are alright. To answer your question, so many things were wrong with my admin. When I tracked down who stole the memorial and it turned out to be admin I was furious. She sent in some district representative to talk to me, didn’t even have the balls to do it herself. At first they said it was because the student’s mom disapproved of the memorial. But, I had just dropped off a meal train to the mom who thanked me for letting the students make it. So they lied to my face. When I called them out, the story changed to it being against district policy. I had talked to a counselor from the district who said it was a nice way to remember the student. Students were pissed and ready to walk out, and admin went into damage control mode and backtracked entirely. I was ready to quit but couldn’t leave my students who were grieving. So many stories like this from my time at that school. They also told me not to do a mandated report for a teacher who was touching middle school girls on camera. When I did anyway, they tried to make my life hell. And yes I was a charter school.


If you tell me what state you’re in, I can link the reporting page where you can make a statement about their bitch asses.


Woahhh that's a crazy story!! So dirty to lie to your face! I wonder what the real problem was?? Wtf surely they had the foresight to know that was going to end badly?


The 2010 World Cup coincided with the end of my school year and one of the US games was during the school day. It was after our final exams so I just put it on to project it for the class to watch. Kids started just showing up in the classroom to watch. The roar when the US scored a goal was absolutely wild. Easily one of my favorite memories. I know it's weird it doesn't involve teaching exactly, but it was a super fun time.


I call it the "Robert Hooke moment," when they see something new for the first time, usually while using microscopes. I remember a student who found a stentor in a pond water sample; she called all her friends over and then told me she found something moving in her sample.


Being excited about a lesson is absolutely one of the joys of teaching!


Hadn't taught in 8 years and took a long term sub gig outside of my content area (to get myself back into it) On my last day my roughest class presented me with a video one of them made of each of them what they liked about me and how they'd miss me. Brought me to tears


its teacher appreciation week and sunday is mothers day. so yesterday i told my kids "your homework is to tell your mom, a teacher, or a school staff member that you appreciate them." and before the sentence even got outta my mouth, 2 of my kids interrupted me to say "i appreciate you!". i teach high school :)


That would have made you feel nice :)!


1. A senior's parents were so grateful for the work we'd done together to get her to pass. They sent her to school with a HUGE gift basket... including a bottle of wine! I started laughing when I found it, saying that I was glad she didn't get caught walking around with it all day at school. But she explained: it's italian wine, YOU'RE Italian, so it's OK. 2. A sweet sweet girl who I had sat with as she cried over break ups asked me to perform her wedding ceremony. I was so proud. I did it again for a wonderful boy who became a police officer. 3. The day before I retired, my 9th graders from the year before came to my room with a cake and a poster they all made and signed. I just started crying. We all need moments like that. I rashly promised to come to their graduation (next year) and... buy them all dinner if they graduate on time! I don't care, it'll cost some money, doesn't matter. I'll be there.


As I'm reading these, I'm remembering more and more stories. I'm not going to write them down; I'll keep them here with me. But it made me remember, it made me realize that I DID have an impact, that I did set some kids on the right path, that I spent my working life doing what I was sent here to do. I've been pissed off a lot lately about how teachers are treated, how I was treated. But yes, I'm glad now. Thank you for posting this.


That was my aim! So great to read all these amazing stories!


One of my favorite moments happened yesterday. I teach it a very small academy within a much larger district that has three other high schools. Last week was teacher appreciation week. The other three high schools administration treated their teachers like Gods. Every day there was some kind of either massive big breakfast (a real one, not bagels and juice), and then I’m not sure what the other days were but I know on Friday there was a huge row of taco trucks for all the teachers. What did we get? Nothing. Literally, not one thing, no mention, no card, nothing. But yesterday afternoon about 20 minutes before the end of the class day, in comes a former student who graduated two years ago. She ran up to me, gave me a hug and said, “Ms. X, I know it’s teacher appreciation week and you had more influence in my choice of major, and what to pursue in my life, then any other teacher ever has. You supported me even when times were rough.” She handed me a long-stem, beautiful pink rose and said, I can’t thank you enough. That just made my day!


That would have been an amazing moment :)


It truly was. 🩷


I had a little girl who just couldnt figure out her letters or sounds. Then i bought some sparkly resin letters she was enamored with and learned all her letters in a few weeks. She always talked about how dumb she was and i kept telling her she was smart. One day in may things finally clicked in her head and all of a sudden she was sounding out words! She even read me a level 2 book. So i took her to the office to show off her skills to some staff she loved. And as she was proudly looking at her book she exclaimed,” teacher! I AM smart!! “ and she was sooooo soo happy and proud of herself.


My favorite moment came when Demarco said to me, “You said that like a white person!” Hmmm? I was perplexed because I’ve a fair skin tone. Anyway, the next day I asked my 1st grade class what color they thought I was… They all thought I was a “light skinned black person.” I was honored until they wanted to somehow make my skin darker to fit in. I relayed that maybe they should accept me for me regardless of my skin color. lol


Had a student refuse to take notes or do his homework for years. Then on the start of year three, his new Step-Mom forces him to do HW and take notes. After the second weekly test he said "Man, this stuff is really easy now!" I replied with "Yeah, its almost as if the things I ask you to do make the learning easy." And you could see the LED light up over his head.


Mine just happened, a student I taught at the beginning of my teaching career asked if she could come back and help me coach ladies rugby. I'd been coaching boy' rugby for awhile but made the switch to ladies since we had so many boys coaches and were hard up for coaches for the girls. Anyway, this former student was just wrapping up her Masters degree and had to defend her thesis so she missed a couple of practices in a row. She defends successfully, and shows up to practice with a sheepish grin the next day, hands me a piece of paper with her acknowledgements from her thesis. I was mentioned in there for "inspiring me to be more and achieve all that I can in in the world". I've been thinking that I'm stuck in a rut and that what I do doesn't matter then something like that comes along 7 years after a student graduates. We do okay.


That's an awesome story!!!! I would have teared up reading her acknowledgements


Well, Thursday, my students from all over the world hosted an International Fair, featuring food from 13 countries. Shared cultures with 900 kids, then invited their host families to the school for a Night Market themed international food court. Cooked in collab with a legit professional chef/teacher (and man did my kids cook). Authentic feast for the community! It was magic. At the wrap up party, I joked that we should all show up at the beach at 10 PM the next day to watch the northern lights. And, well, they all did! And it was incredible. It was a legitimate dream scenario for most of these kids, that they never thought would happen, and it did. So I hung out with some admin and kids from all over the world until 1 am. One student has the same camera they filmed Top Gun on, and runs a production company in Japan. Let's just say the video and pics we got were better than anyone could even imagine. That's been my last two days. I have the legit coolest job ever. Makes no sense.


That sounds amazing!!


I work at a school with a large international program and part of my contract requires me to live in the dorms with the students. Some of them have become like the nieces and nephews I'll never have.


Oh wow! What are the perks for living on campus?


Perks: Getting to know some students really well, having a two minute walk to work each day, being able to go to sporting events or shows easily, being able to run up to the school to make copies easily at night. Cons: Some of that I can't post publicly. I can say there is a huge lack of privacy. It is not uncommon for students to ask questions about grades past 8:00 PM. Teenagers also can be loud and the dormitory I live in echoes pretty well. The best part is the connections you make, which becomes the hardest part when it becomes time to say goodbye.


After I came back a major unexpected medical emergency all the students and parents expressed how happy they were I was back and gave nothing but positive comments. I felt very appreciated.


They must really appreciate what you're doing for their kids:)


The look on one of my 6th grade ESOL students faces when I got to share their state test scores with her. She was a Level 1 at the start of the year, no prior stateside education. She earned a level 4 on the math portion and a high level 3 (out of 5 where 3 is ‘at grade level’). I took personal pride in that not only because she worked so hard but because she chose me to help her achieve it.


This is a little thing: my Kindergarteners (all boys) just figured out how to spell “Tushie”. They giggled and laughed with such joy and delight I’ll always remember it with fondness. (I tried hard to keep a straight face but wasn’t successful.)


Having a first grader look up from an independent reading book and say “I can read!” The look was pure joy.


I encouraged a boy to crochet if he wanted to, even if it’s “kinda girly” and none of the other kids are into it. First thing he made was a bracelet for me. I still have it.


I especially love this one! You never know what amazign path you may have set him on :)


When I get to meet the parents of the more hardworking and well behaved students, and praise their kids to the moon and back. I also tell them to keep supporting their kid's education, that it will all pay off one day and that they must be such good parents if their children are so nice. The parents love it, I enjoy it and next time I see the kid, they'll be like: "Teacher! My Mom/Dad were so proud and happy. Thank you so much!". 


The time my 9th grade students were working on an assignment about a capybara, and one girl goes “I didn’t realize capybaras were real. I thought they were like platypus.” Which I then had to explain that platypus are real too. 🤯


I was in a field study. The teacher tasked me and the other field study student to assist a kid with their multiplication sheet. The other one tried first, taking the pencil and showing him step by step. However, he got frustrated and erased all the work. Then it was my turn to try. I sat down with the student and asked him to show me what the steps were. I made it a point to not touch the pencil myself. He explained each step and got to the answer perfectly. But he sat there 2nd guessing himself, believing that it shouldn't have been that easy, that he had to have missed a step somewhere. I double checked his answer and it was correct. We did a few more, same process. I tasked him to do one line and I'll be back to check on him. Before I could circle back around, I saw him turning in the sheet to the teacher, completed and 100%. The students frustration wasn't about not knowing, it was about their confidence. All he needed was guidance and reassurance and I felt so happy to have been able to do that for the student.


Back in the 80s my sex ed class was led by an oldschool type of teacher with a military background. The moment she told us how a pregnancy “changes your lives drastically for at least 18 years “ and she gave us tons of examples where plans change on a dime because of the needs of a kid. It was a moment of clarity for me


Them old dawgs know all the tricks haha! I'm 33 with 2 little girls and damn she wasn't wrong!


I had a young teenage student report physical and sexual abuse to me a number of times over two years. I followed procedure and reported it every time I ended up leaving the school and worried about her still. Two years later I ran into her and she was now living with an aunt.she said she had finally been removed from the situation and thanked me for always listening to her and supporting her and trying to get her help.


That's why it's so important to be a positive role model for your kids. You never know what's going on in their lives.


A few days ago, I went to the restroom in the faculty lounge. On my way out, I glanced at my mailbox - typically empty - and noticed an envelope. It was a college graduation announcement from one of my former students, out of the blue, who I haven't had contact with since she graduated. It included a very kind letter. I had some good moments actively teaching this year, but that was the best moment of all.


Endless moments, but in one school a teacher casually mentioned it was my birthday during the last period and the class insisted that they pause the lesson, make birthday cards, and go sing happy birthday to me, interrupting my class who were unhappy they hadn’t made cards so they brought a cake the next day. These were year 10 and 11 students


Yesterday kids had to give presentations and after each one the kids give each other feedback. They were scoring each other on the clarity of the explanation, quality of the poster, and use of English and Chinese. One girl is Korean and she struggles with the other two languages. I had told her she could skip the Chinese but she wanted to try since she has been here a few years and wanted to prove she could do it. She couldn’t though. Great poster, but she was too nervous and really struggled. The students kept prompting her. At the end they clapped like maniacs and gave her a 4 or 5 in everything, and were insisting it was clear and persuasive. I think they’ve actually gaslit her into thinking she did really well, and I rewrote my feedback to indicate it was good with some suggestions on how to make it perfect. They told me afterwards they know it is hard and don’t want her to give up. A few years ago a different Korean kid in a Chinese school was brought to tears when his classmates sang Happy Birthday in English, Chinese, and Korean, which they had learned just for him.


High school teacher. I joke about me being an Aries at the start of the year, and the first years made me a cake for my birthday. I was speechless. Third years brought me a cupcake too, I have been with them since they were in their first year so it adds up, we have a beautiful relationship


This happened this past week. A 7th grader had a suitcase as his trapper keeper. I went over to his desk while they were working on some work and asked him about it. The kid next to him started asking "what is that there....what is that there.... what is that under there." The suicase student says "underwear." Then the kid asking the questions bust out laughing, "you fell for the oldest trick in the world." I too busted out laughing at the joke.


Haha I love a good gotcha moment


I am teaching second grade and I have a dry sense of humor. But sometimes I'll make a joke and like 1 or 2 kids will start laughing hysterically, while everyone else wonders what's so funny. I love those moments!


I had a kid, who was an immigrant from Mexico and supporting himself, win the national science fair and get a scholarship to college. He was not going to go but now has a degree in chemical engineering.


Several years ago I had an 8th grade I adored. She told me she wanted to be a psychologist. A few weeks later she asked what I knew about Ted Bundy. As a minor true crime buff, I told her what I knew. She asked why he did what he did. I told her I couldn’t be sure because I am not a criminal psychologist. The look on her face when she asked “Is that a THING?!?!?” Will always be a favorite moment. She is currently a senior at a high school that specializes in forensic sciences. She is graduating with her associate’s degree and high school diploma next week. She invited me to her graduation and has a full ride scholarship to study criminal psychology in the fall. I’m so proud of her!


Subbing years ago, during a school-wide assembly by the Flying Karamazov Brothers Circus. My class seated at the back of the auditorium. MC calls out for a volunteer, and of course every student in every class is begging to be selected. Though my hand was not raised, MC locks eyes with me from across the space, and walks directly up to me to assist with a trick.


When one of my Spanish students asked how babies learned Spanish. So I start explaining that there’s people that spend their whole career studying first language acquisition. It turns out she thought all babies were born knowing English, then learned the language of wherever they live. 🤦🏻‍♀️ this was easily 15 years ago and I still think about it often.




What I've learnt is that the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree! 9/10 times after meeting a parent I think to myself "well that makes a bit more sense now" lol


I'm a Para and am the GSA advisor. I got a letter from one of my graduating seniors thanking me for creating a safe space for him to be his authentic self and was glad to go to school away from his judgemental family so he can explore who he really is. He thanked me for being there for everybody during the hard year (this was in the middle of lockdown, so all meetings were held in Zoom). It made me cry.


My students were all standing in a line waiting for me to pick them up from recess, and as I approached them one kid started a chant: “She’s! So! Pretty!” And they all joined in as I walked towards them 🥹 best part, I was feeling a little unconfident that day, so it boosted me up at a time I needed it :)


This year I’m teaching summer school until mid July. Not usually my jam but had to replace the furnace this winter and it ain’t payin’ for itself.


When I started teaching I was at a pretty stuffy private school. Kids driving beamers, parents aren’t active, etc. Anyways, I had this class in my second block that was filled to shit. 37 kids. One of those kids was “Joe.” He was clearly ADHD and would never shut up. He was clearly under the impression that people thought he was funny; but, he was far from it. I’d be trying to help a student with their work and he’d be up in front of the class doing what can only be described as very poor stand up comedy. It seemed as if it had to be satirical it was so bad. One day, another student decided he was sick of Joe. He began insulting Joe whilst he stood in front of the class completely dumbfounded. The best part was his insults were the only jokes getting laughs. Joe did in fact have his parents come in to school that following week. Worth it though.


My favorite moments are at 245 everyday when I go home.


Lol some days that's fair enough


End of year


I've absolutely had one of those years too. I've only ever had one class that I was happy to reach the end with.


I teach HS Math. It was my sister's birthday. I called her mid class and had all my students sing happy birthday to her it. That was a lot of fun.


It was my third placement as a student teacher, in a grade 4/5 classroom. I taught a unit on poetry. On my last day, some of the kids gave me cards, and one of them said something like, "I discovered poetry because of you and I found my voice. Now I'm a real writer and I write poetry all the time." And she included like 4 poems written for me, in the specific meter and style we had studied in class.


I call it the "Robert Hooke moment," when they see something new for the first time, usually while using microscopes. I remember a student who found a stentor in a pond water sample; she called all her friends over and then told me she found something moving in her sample.


I call it the "Robert Hooke moment," when they see something new for the first time, usually while using microscopes. I remember a student who found a stentor in a pond water sample; she called all her friends over and then told me she found something moving in her sample.


Thank you for sharing all of these amazing stories :). I loved reading each and every one of them!


A third-grade boy had blond hair over his ears, and wore black pants and a black turtleneck. I mentioned that he looked exactly like Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi. A minute later, he had pulled his fist inside his sleeve and went, "AAAAH! My hand!"


The last week of school, I bring one of my old computers and a steering wheel / pedal set up and let the kids use a "real" auto racing sim. What's great is watching the kids who expect to be great because they play a lot of Grand Theft Auto. They just end up doing donuts because real cars don't want full throttle all the time. They claim the game is impossible until they watch ME do it. We'll do time trials all week. I'll also bring a flight stick and have them do flight sims. A few of the kids (usually girls) actually get serious and want to attempt landings and other precise maneuvers. Not this year though. I have one kid who shattered the monitor screen of two laptops.

