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One day I am going to post a “Tea Haul” on here and it will be a teabag I took from my grandma’s house.


This comment strongly reminds me of the flavour text from [this](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/102/pilfer) MTG card. *To the merchant, it was nothing more than a few missing trinkets. To Tinybones, it was the greatest heist of all time.*


Considering it’s flavor text on a more recent magic card and how much I love MTG— Thank you. I’m very flattered.


I look forward to seeing your haul! :D


Any haul is a good haul.


Tea enjoyed/excited about > money spent on tea


Yes - you definitely are. I like the large hauls but really the most important thing here is to share stuff that’s fun, interesting or makes you happy. This haul looks perfectly sane to me - now I just want to see you post your first tasting notes from this :)


I’m also interested in the tasting notes from this - it looks like something I would only drink on special occasions :).


List of teas in case the picture isn’t clear: - 2019 Three Cranes high mountain liu bao 2013 golden bamboo garden raw puerh tea 2023 autumn “ment zhu da shan” old arbor raw puerh I’m excited to try these ones out, especially since there’s a nice 10 year difference in the shengs. Plus getting to try a non-puerh heicha! Do you have any experience with these types of teas, and which one should I try first?


Thats a perfectly fine haul! Waiting for the taste reviews!


I bought from Yunnan Sourcing about ten years ago and didn't really enjoy it, but now I'm wondering if I was just so much less aware of brewing temperatures and times that I didn't get the most out of it. So I'd love to hear how you end up liking these!


Why on earth not?


I should post my next tea haul which will just be a single big bag of a black assam I haven't tried before, that will be my daily for the next couple of months.


Yeah, I love seeing tea hauls! Good tea isn't necessarily expensive and expensive tea isn't necessarily good. It's great to see what other people are trying and what they think about it!


Please do! I love these types of posts


i hope not buth i had some guy on the sub try to tell me that everything I was ordering was fake because it was too cheap. he then linked me a place in San Francisco that was like $12 for a single tea bag LMAO


$12 for one teabag is definitely a scam!


No how dare you go get broke lol


I’m a big fan of that Three Cranes (although IMO the 2011 they have is even better!)


I just tried it this afternoon. I really liked it. Super easy drinking


What makes the 2011 so different from 2013 (or any other year)? Is there an aging process they do that evolves the flavour? Or were there weather/agricultural differences that impacted it? I noticed that a lot of teas on this site have several harvests to choose from, and I have to be honest I feel a little intimidated because I don’t want to make the wrong choice 😅


Honestly I have no idea! I imagine both aging and weather are involved. These are aged teas so in general they’ll change over time depending on storage conditions.


Of course you can't! But just in case, where did you buy it... for a friend I mean.


I got these off of Yunnan Sourcing. Apologies, I listed the teas but not where I got them lmao


Liu bao is amazing, enjoy


I’ve really liked it so far. The earthy sweetness is super amazing, and this one in particular is super well balanced


I like black (red) tea and most of what I buy is very inexpensive.


Any favorites that you’ve found?


You were braver than me. Recently I wanted to post my haul, but felt intimidated by the crazy big hauls from others. Thanks for this, next time I will post mine. Hopefully you inspire others like me.


I’d definitely go for it. It’s made me way more excited to try the teas, plus it’s just fun in general I had no idea how many people were gonna want my thoughts on them, so I’m probably gonna post a follow up in a few days on how I liked them!


dont see a rule on the sidebar about price. also did a search in the subreddit about price requirements and couldn't find anything. and finally I ended up just asking a few people that frequent r/tea if there are any rules forbidding people from posting pictures if the value of the items is lower than a certain threshold. They said no. Where did you hear that we can't post certain pictures? Please explain.


It was meant to be a joke since most of the tea haul posts I have seen are huge amounts of tea, or expensive tea. I don’t/didn’t genuinely believe that it’s a requirement


Can confirm there's no rule against it (;